Avatar of Morose


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Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
1 yr ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
4 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

@mnkee Much better!

Darke Name: Natsirt
Residence: Palace - Fourth Bedroom, Third Corridor Off the Long Walk
@mnkee Okay, here are my comments....

  • His name - so he wouldn't actually have a middle name, being from the Land of Long Nights. His name would just be Tristan Alvissen. The name Tristan would be very unusual for the Royal Family, since that name is Celtic - and honestly fits in better with the Castle - but you can keep it as Tristan as long as why he has such an odd name is explained in his history.
  • Since he's 15, I'm going to veto Ax Fighting. General Fighting and Sword Fighting is enough.
  • Falconry - the ability to hunt wild animals in their natural state and habitat by means of a trained bird of prey.
  • The gift for Princess Luna needs to be specified in his possessions
  • Get rid of the axe - that's already a lot of heavy stuff on him
  • In residence, the other gift for Luna needs to be specified
  • Get rid of the battle axes
  • In his history, all of the references to knights and squires...The Land of Long Nights wouldn't have that sort of system. They would have members of the palace guard and then warriors. Since remember....vikings. (Think the Marvel Thor films if that helps)
  • In his history, you mention addressing the fort - he can have had to address his father, King Alvis, or the Council of Elders - basically his dad's top warriors and advisors

Ellie Theriot

Location: Xavier's Home

Ellie noticed Miranda giving her a glare, causing her to smirk in amusement. She was pretty certain that Miranda had been checking Erik out ever since they'd gotten there, but even if she wasn't, it was too good a source to tease her about. Of those she had met in this program, Myth had to be her favorite so far. And Charles - mostly because he made the most adorable faces when she threw rocks at his windows. He got all frustrated and flustered, not knowing how to handle the situation.

"Sounds a bit Star Wars to me, but why not, let's hologram it up," Ellie said with a shrug. Her stomach rumbled and she glanced around, trying to see if there was any food in their general vicinity. It occurred to her that she hadn't exactly eaten yet that day. And it didn't involve reading, meaning she wouldn't have to explain to anyone that she didn't actually know how to read English. She could pick out a few common words, but that was it. All of the reading she had done growing up had been in French.

Cecily Ashworth

Location: Sidewalk Across the Border
Skills: N/A

Cecily relaxed slightly, until Roy added on the: as long as you think you are. She honestly didn't know what to think. Maybe the line was secure. Maybe someone had grabbed her phone in the middle of the night and tapped it. She didn't even have an idea of how phone tapping worked - but she was all alone across the border barely, having what she realized was a long put off mental breakdown over all of this craziness. "I....I said I'd go to...to...." she bit her lip, trying to think of a codename for Chicago. "to Ferris Bueller's h-h-h-house...."

She took another deep breath, her chin wobbling. The harder she tried not to cry and lose it, the more impossible it seemed to become. Natasha had just died in front of her. And she couldn't even begin to comprehend what she had meant by two and lied. "I-I-I'm really scared, Logan..." she then whispered. "I-I-I-I f-feel like someone's going to put a bullet in my brain next....th-that I'll be the next body to d-d-drop..." She took another breath, before she couldn't take it anymore and she just started to cry. No one had ever told her that getting into forensics could be this dangerous. "....I-I don't w-w-want to die..."

Scott Rydzynski

Location: His Apartment - Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: The Fuzz

Scott raised an eyebrow, looking at Olivia. "What makes ya think I'm guilty?" he asked, crossing his arms as he looked at her. It seemed a bit random to him for this stranger to automatically suspect that he was lying to the police. He then sighed, getting another glass of water and draining it. He didn't expect that the cops would come back, but if they did, he'd tell them the same story again. He stared at Olivia, listening to her explanations - that she'd seen this happen before and that she was a medical examiner.

"Seattle," he answered gruffly. He figured he might as well tell her that much, but he wasn't exactly thrilled at having a ghostly visitor. This was going to start interfering with his work if members of local law enforcement were going to start showing up hovering over his shoulder. "You got a name Blondie?" he then asked her.

The Castle - Two Weeks Ago...

Queen Meliscente Segovia Alys Maerwynn was presented to the subjects of the Castle for once last time. The Throne Room was open for all, as the Queen's coffin was placed where the ornate chairs once sat. Flowers adorned the coffin, charmed by Magyk to keep the vibrant colors of spring despite the dreary and cold December day. At the front were supposed to be the chief mourners - her three children, Valda, Luna, and Myrus. Meliscente's brothers and sisters, as well as their own children, were in attendance as well.

Yet at the back of the room, a young witch dressed in black cried silently, the tears pouring down her face. She knew that it had to be done - that Meliscente was a scourge upon this land and that things would be better off without her. She had a task to complete, one which she knew would outlive herself and that she could only entrust to one other - Fleur, the Port Witch Mother. Creating a Magykal bubble of silence around herself, so that way she could speak freely, Nera stood in the line, waiting to view the fallen Queen and say her goodbyes.

"You were like a mother to me, Meliscente," Nera whispered, placing a black rose upon the coffin. The fallen Queen had been aged beyond her years. "I was lost and confused...so terribly alone...And I thought that you were my mother - how much I wished it would be so, you'd never know. I yearned for the day that you would claim me as yours..." Nera took a shuddering breath. She didn't care that she was holding up the line. No one else had anything they needed to say to the dead but her.

"But you used me, my would be Mother," Nera insisted. "Just as you use everyone around you...Once you had no need of your replacement daughter, you cast me aside! As if I were just a plaything!" she snapped, her fingernails digging into the inside of her palm. "...But I will admit, there were times when things were good. Moments when I could imagine we both could be something beyond our nature. Do you recall when you taught me to braid my hair? Or when you told me not to be ashamed of my fiery locks, but that they were a symbol of the fire that burned within me?"

She was silent for a moment, placing her hand on the coffin as she took back the black rose. "...I suppose you expect me to regret my actions, to wish that I did not send you to the grave."

"But my Queen, the only thing I regret is that your death was painless. And that I could not send your children with you - a mistake that I will rectify, rest assured...Princess Valda, Princess Luna...Even Myrus...They have what is rightfully mine. And I shall see to it that they are destroyed, along with everything you held dear and loved. If you believe that Fendrel met a gruesome end...You have seen nothing yet."

Present Day - The Castle: December 22nd, 12,507 - 10:15 AM

@FantasyChic: Constance nodded, embracing Fleur for a moment. She knew how much Nera had meant to her, how much she had meant to the Coven as a whole. While Malekith's death was no great loss, Nera's was deeply felt. She had been the one to convince the twins to join the Coven, as well as many of the other children. "Bernice'll gather them all up," Constance said, going off to have a quick word with her counterpart before she got to work. A few moments later, Jezebel will approach Fleur again, holding her head in pain from a massive headache before telling her of her latest vision - a good one this time.

@KazAlkemi: Despite the sullen and morose atmosphere of the Young Army caravan, there is a small silver lining. The medic had news beyond their diminished numbers - in fact, it was perhaps the first bit of good news that Amarantha had heard that day. "Ma'am...It's 118, she went into labor," the medic explained, ushering for Amarantha to follow him. In the medical tent, amongst all of the despair and death, a girl of about eighteen years cradled a newborn infant on a bed. As Amarantha approached, the new mother looked up at her, smiling slightly.

"Do you want to meet Dawn?" Girl 118 asked quietly, looking at Amarantha. There was no father. The baby's eyes were a brilliant yet aged blue, with a face that seemed to have already lived through one lifetime and was ready to experience the next.

@LadyRunic: Badger nodded, looking at Rhys for a moment before taking a deep breath. Although Rhys wouldn't know it yet - no one would - Badger managed to actually patch Rhys up without giving him an infection. He then held his hand out, staring at the book with his keen blue and green eyes. "Fetch book!" he repeated firmly. The book flew off the ground to Badger's hand, hitting him with such force that Badger was knocked the ground by his own handiwork, with the book falling flat and covering his face. "...Did I do it right, sir?" Badger squeaked. It would seem Rhys had found himself a prodigy.

Arya Rincewind

Location: Wizard Tower - 1st Floor

Arya bit her lip slightly, positively crimson as Cuyler leaned in. She could feel his breath on her skin and it had a slightly dizzying effect. It took all of her mental effort to focus on Cuyler's revelation of the scratches on the window on the second floor. While it could be nothing, it was possible that it may very well be connected - someone had to have broken into Wizard Tower to mess with the Questing Pot, that much she was certain of.

She then knelt to the floor, her ears feeling like they were bleeding as Valda's voice appeared screaming out of nowhere. Holding her ears, they were ringing as Valda's voice cleared and Arya took a ragged breath. "...This is why I do not care for witches..." she murmured, as one of Atkin's former cat friends ran by and let out a hiss. Yet by the time she rose to her feet, about to share the news with the others, her heart stopped - as Atkin reached into the Questing Pot! "ATKIN!" she screamed, her emerald eyes alive with fury as she dove towards him and smacked the stone out of his hand - it was blank, thankfully - and it clattered back into the pot.

She stared at him, her hands shaking a bit - fear or anger? "Do you have a death wish?!" she scolded, looking at him seriously. "Understand that even if a Draw had not been called and there is no Gathering present, I cannot protect you if you are Picked for the Queste!" she pleaded with him. "What would I tell your family - that I had allowed their son to perish on a barbaric mission?" she added on, before she took a deep and calming breath.

"...At any rate," she said, taking another breath for a moment, "Queen Valda has just contacted me with grave news. The late Queen was indeed murdered - by a witch called Esren Carlan, alias Nera Hawthorn. The Deputy Hunter killed her the previous day...And I must imagine that however she killed Meliscente, it was the same means by which she restored the Questing Pot. It would make sense, after all, for an intruder to Wizard Tower to be one with a Magyk of their own."

She took another calming breath, knowing that Nera Hawthorn's reign of terror on the Castle may have been brief, yet its legacy would be long lasting.

Myrus Silvers

Location: the Palace - Infirmary

Emperor Taj frowned, troubled by this revelation. Although others took comfort in the fact that Nera, the one behind all of this mess, was dead...it brought to mind certain implications. Someone else must have taken the stone. But who? And he feared that more likely than not, they would not be pure of heart or intent. "I must go inform my sister that the stone has changed ownership," Emperor Taj explained, bowing his head to Valda before he left the room.

Myrus gingerly took a sip of Skaoi's concoction and sensing that it was safe, began to drink more deeply. Her herbs were just what he needed and the color returned to his face, as Myrus gave off a healthy cough. His nerves were soothed and he took a deep breath, looking at his sisters and the healers in the room. "Y-yeah, Mr. Buttface left already..." Myrus stammered. Hearing that Nera was dead did soothe and settle his nerves some. But at the same time, there was just something wrong with him.

He couldn't help but worry that if he wasn't careful, it would one day kill him.

Becky looked grimly down at the floor for a moment. She had had her suspicions that Queen Meliscente had been murdered...yet this confirmed them, then. Her life had been ended at the hand of another. "Our poor queen that was...and the poor queen that is," Becky murmured cryptically. She then looked at Myrus and Luna in particular. "Now, the both of you, rest. We still do not know exactly what that vile woman did to your minds."

Antonije Magnisky

Location: Ramblings Room 1036

Antonije couldn't help but feel slightly sick from all of the space and time travel that had been conducted in the last few moments. He looked at Bruce for a moment, seeing the Asgardian-mutant weakened and exhausted in the chair. Constance never would have expended her energy like that for him. It brought tears to his eyes as he stared at Bruce for a moment. A moment later, Bruce would feel Antonije's arms around him as the boy hugged him and cried.

"Хвала, Бруцеи," he mumbled. He then pulled away from Bruce as his sisters appeared in a flash, dragging Myth along with them. Marya or Medea - Myth wouldn't be able to tell which at this moment - had gotten her a jar of sugar and a sandwich to eat. It seemed to be the twins' idea of a healthy diet.

"Ти си кући, тата! И довели сте Антхони! Да ли ће вам мит увек бити твоја девојка?" Marya exclaimed, as both she and Medea quite literally jumped on top of Bruce. Antonije moved back so that way he was pressed up against the wall, looking at Myth a bit nervously. As excited as he was to see his sisters, he felt terrified. He had no doubt that Fleur meant her words and that one day, she'd come for them. He clenched his fists slightly, looking down. He didn't want to lose his family.

Andromeda Aldrich

Location: Ville au Camp - Main House - Room 102: Library/Study ---> Room 109: Andy's Bedroom
Skills: N/A

Andromeda noticed that the Emendators were all huddled off in one corner with Belladonna and Alicia, and given that she didn't understand a word they were saying, she figured it had to be for a reason. It reminded her of when she was little before her parents had gotten divorced - how they'd fight in coded words around her, to keep her from getting upset. The curiosity was burning within her but she knew better than to question practical immortals as to why they were keeping information from her. She didn't have a right to know what was going on anymore than she had a right to be brought back from the dead. The only thing she had near a right to was to get an awful sunburn on a regular basis, thanks to her albino complexion.

She then glanced over at Faith, once again getting a bad vibe off of her. She reminded her of the cast of Heathers and Mean Girls combined - the antagonists, at least. And while time would tell as to whether or not that judgment would be warranted, she couldn't help but bite the inside of her cheek, waiting to see how the Emendators reacted to this. It was probably for the best that Gilbert was the one to respond - Andromeda doubted that Nancy would have given nearly as kind a response. The Cards could be a bit of a wild card at times - pun intended.

"80's?" Andromeda said, her head snapping over to Gilbert has he mentioned her. She then gave him a nod and a smile. She actually loved the coat he had given her. "I'll be there as soon as I can," she said, before she nodded at the Emendators and gave a bit of a wave to her fellow Paradoxes, heading for her room. Once inside, she shut the door behind her and took a deep breath. "You got this, Andy, just hold the curiosity in if you can...You'll find out what's going on when you need to know," she muttered to herself.

Brushing her white locks out of her face, she opened up her wardrobe and pulled out attire appropriate for the 80's. She couldn't deny, she was thankful to get out of the pink dress and heels, and into some denim, boots, cute top, and coat. She even put her hair into a half ponytail, excited and curious and worried all at once. She hoped that Eve was okay, wherever she was. Maybe she just needed a vacation of her own. She wouldn't blame her. She basically was raising a handful of kids with superpowers all at once, while casually attempting to repair the timelines of the world.

It'd be enough to make anyone need a holiday.

Nancy Parker

Location: Ville au Camp - Main House - Room 102: Library/Study
Skills: Koine Greek, Sumerian

"Let's not talk about Firefly Season 2 never happening - I'm still disappointed I can't see it in the Cards," Nancy commented to Alicia in English. She rather did enjoy that show - sometimes, she'd figure out how to change the channel on their television just right, in order to watch someone else watching a show she wanted. There was an old woman in Minnesota in the 21st century who had amazing television manners and was one of Nancy's favorites to "eavesdrop" some television off of. She then raised an eyebrow as Alicia seemed to glance at her after rattling off a Spanish phrase. The Latina made her regret slightly not picking up that language yet in her existence.

"Αν δεν κάνω τέτοιες υποσχέσεις, τότε δεν χρειάζεται να ανησυχώ για τη διάσπασή τους, Gilbert," she pointed out but she nodded. "Και βέβαια, ήταν λίγο από τότε που πήρα να τεντώσω τα πόδια μου χωρίς ένα μικρό παιδί ούτως ή άλλως," she added, glancing over at James. The Paradoxes were a bit of a handful at times. She hopped up from where she was sitting, popping another caramel chew in her mouth. She was attempting to focus on the sweet taste of the candy and not sending all of the Paradoxes on an all expense free vacation to a volcano.

"And although I'm not the first to make this impression...If you don't learn to hold your tongue, Alex can tell you exactly what will happen to you," Nancy said, looking at the Paradoxes with cold eyes. "And that can be easily arranged to happen in more drastic proportions." She then looked at Gil for a moment, speaking in Sumerian to him quickly. She paused for a moment, before she left the room, Cairo bound.
Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Seat Titian Q --> Shadowell Manor: Front of Manor Outside
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4
Walnut couldn't help but continue to feel a bit irritated with Cobalt, due to his physical proximity to them, but the warmth of her companion did help to offset that. More than anything, however, her attention was caught by the impressing and imposing mansion that came into view. The man at the front entrance caused her to take no special notice, yet the tiny white thing - reminding her of a moth - caught her notice for a crucial moment. His words then confirmed that he was just a member of the help - so she assumed, at least. Vanity prevented her from considering him or any of the other servants as their mysterious blackmailer whom she had no doubt would be in attendance this eve.

"I believe I dismiss the class," Walnut said coyly, as Titian set her down gently and she took his offered arm. She followed him towards the stairs, taking in the scenery with a bit of wonder. Scenes such as these always did appeal to her. She had a certain flair for the dramatic at times. She then heard someone complaining and couldn't help but roll her eyes. Hadn't the last whiner been dealt with already? Why create the need for another?

The Bus - Somewhere Over the Atlantic Ocean: August 30th, 2020 - 12:45 P.M.

Dominika Novikova

Location: the Lounge (Level Two)
Skills: Dimensional Energy Perception (Passive)

Back in the C.O.'s office, Jim smirked a bit when Tinley explained there was something she had to go do. "I'm not sure who I should feel bad for in this situation," he quipped to Cass, before he headed off to go back to the cockpit. He had set the plane for autopilot during the chat with Fury, but Jim always preferred to have a hand on the controls. His comm piece in his ear would ensure that he could hear all of Tinley's decisions and he trusted Cass to intervene with any helpful tips for the budding new Field Commander. One day, Tinley wouldn't need them anyways - and that day would break his heart, mostly because it'd mean a new assignment and he hated new assignments.

Novikova smirked at Maria, still leaning against her. "I'd always let you touch me," she said with a sultry voice. It was fairly low enough in volume that only Maria would be able to hear her, as Novikova then shifted, sitting up and adjusting her natural silver locks. Her best friend, Sparky, had returned and Agent Raynor entered the room a second later. They weren't even attempting to stagger arrival times, she observed.

Raynor's lips were twitching slightly as Abercrombie entered the room and started to really lay into them. Sometimes, in the most inappropriate of situations, the mind locks onto the exactly wrong thing....The lips started to twitch...The breath catches....The chin wobbles...And no matter what he did, no matter how hard he bit the inside of his lip, he couldn't stop what was happening. As Abercrombie went on about arms trading and about kicking their asses to Asgard, his eyes were watering and by the time she left the room, he couldn't take it anymore.

"...Are those man tears?" Novikova asked, making a bit of a face of disgust at Raynor. If you did the crime, you do the time - and it was a pretty light punishment in her opinion. She then turned her attention away from him, giving Sparky a sympathetic smile, before she went up and headed over to the hacker, curious. If this was dealing in illegal tech, she figured hacking would be a good way to go - and that it'd be a Sci-Tech heavy mission.

"She's going to kick me to Asgard?" Raynor whispered, before it finally was all too much and he burst out laughing, his eyes watering. "Oh my gosh...What would Odin say if he could hear this now...Or could you even imagine the look on the oaf's face if Abercrombie managed to kick us all the way there? I'm almost hoping it happens now, actually, just for the bewilderment...He might drop a crumpet in his beard..."

As Tinley goes to the showers, she'll notice that someone on the plane isn't thinking in English. In fact, if she were to place the language, it sounds Scandinavian. But even that isn't quite right - it's slightly too archaic for that. However, she'll be able to identify the speaker...And then for Tempest's hacking, she won't find much beyond the basic mission report, but there are a lot of mentions online about a new era of diplomacy between Serbia and the United States.
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