Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
1 yr ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
4 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Leda Storm

Location: Granite Falls, North Carolina, Outside of Crystal River School For Troubled Youth, Parking Lot

"You are so on!" Leda called out at Kristin, before hitting the very same button on her own ride. Given her status as a rainbow speedster, she couldn't help but want with every portion of her being to beat the others there - or at least Zeke. She didn't know if she could live it down if the son of Apollo beat her to their destination. If Mary beat her, she'd be able to just brush it off and say that she had given Mary a head start and just tease the daughter of Demeter some. That is how Leda communicated to Mary that they were friends - she teased her relentlessly. And of the others she was traveling with, sure she had quested with Kristin and Zeke before but she didn't particularly enjoy the company of either of them. "Okay, I think the snail might be last after all!" Leda called out, not going to admit that she felt some relief there.

Glancing down at the parking lot, Leda felt a bit strange being at a mortal school. The rapid distance they had covered didn't bother her all too much. She was used to moving quickly. However, seeing the parking lot and the school buildings and all... it was like looking at a life that they could have had, if it wasn't for the fact that their parents were gods and goddesses. She didn't regret it - she wasn't dissatisfied with who she was and the life she led. It just gave her something to think about for a moment, as she began to direct her chariot to touch down at the parking lot. Who knew, maybe one of these kids would turn out to be a half-sibling of hers.

The Playground - Washington D.C.: October 24th, 2020 - 3:45 P.M.

Up in the square, no one had noticed Flynn go and retrieve the two agents. However, Washington D.C. police had shown up and were roping off the area, interviewing civilians and asking them what had happened. None of the eye witness testimonies made any sense. One of them insisted that they had seen Katniss Everdeen fight the Purifiers - another claimed that it had been Black Widow - and yet another swore up and down that Prophesy of the X-Men had broken up the fight. Handling the police in the area was a job that would fall to Barton - but unfortunately, he still hasn't returned back to base yet.

Agent Abercrombie's phone will get a message from him, however: ...Care explaining why you all just killed a bunch of Purifiers? Even though Barton wasn't there, S.H.I.E.L.D. had eyes and informants everywhere. It wasn't that shocking that he knew about this about fifteen minutes after the fact. In fact, it would have been disappointing if he hadn't. (And in case anyone does decide to feed Goose at any point, his food is kept in a cat proof shelf in the kitchen). Both Niah and Flynn will have reached the end of the hallway, about to enter biotechnology when Wu and Dixon were outed as HYDRA by Abercrombie.

"That way's the hangar, right?" Dixon asked cheekily. The door was plainly labeled and the fiery HYDRA agent melted off the handle and kicked it down, while Wu focused on Tinley and keeping her busy. He didn't have any powers, but Agent Wu's specialty was martial arts and his goal was to take her batons from her and use them for himself. "And they say blondes aren't smart," Wu quipped slightly. He attempted to kick Tinley in the head, only to miss by a mile and spin, nearly losing his balance at the very last second.

Bonnie Chase

Location: The Playground - Bio-Engineering and Research -> Hallway
Skills: Biochemistry, Pistols
"...I'll come and get Goose," Bonnie said on the radio, hearing Tinley's cries of frustration from down the hallway. She could understand that having a cat underfoot wasn't ideal, especially in stressful situations. She knew that if Novikova hadn't been unconscious, the metal bending agent would have been fawning all over the cat, and then shooting death glares at Flynn for his dislike of the furry creatures. She grabbed her icer, hearing the commotion as well and Bonnie went out into the hallway. She was just in time to see Dixon run in towards the hangar and her eyes widened. She didn't need her PhD in Biochemistry to tell her that that was a horrible idea.

"Guys, there's fuel in there!" Bonnie exclaimed, going down the hallway at a run. Sure, she had left to go grab Goose but now they had a lot of things to freak out over. One of the Operations agents - Maria Smith - was out cold. Novikova, gifted with some pretty destructive powers, was also out cold. Scooping up Goose into her arms, she had her icer at the ready with her free hand. She knew that it was better to shoot with both hands on the gun, but Goose was getting in the way and she didn't want to know what Fury would do if his cat got hurt. "Please don't jump out of my arms or scratch me or anything, Goose..." she mumbled.

She wasn't able to get a clear shot on Wu, given that he was fighting with Abercrombie, and she knew that it was a horrible idea if she got directly involved in the fighting. Niah knew some medicine and Tempest was able to heal, but her job was essentially to be the doctor for the team. It was never a great idea to send the doctor into a fight - as who would help if the doctor was down for the count?

At any rate, they'd need to have someone go and stop Dixon, before the Playground exploded...
Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
Was it annoying that she was instantly outed as the shooter? Yes. However, the lord had earlier thanked whoever had killed Director Kindle, so perhaps he would approve that she had attempted to shoot Dr. Swamp. It was the main reason that she wasn't more than slightly irritated to have her actions be reported. She still stood by them - she had gone into the room with genuine intentions, attempting to help Dr. Swamp save a man's life, and then he turned it into attempted murder - well, successful murder. Perhaps he had somehow been working with Titian. It would make some sense. Titian had been aiding the poor woman who ended up dead via the chair - perhaps the two of them together were the blackmailer. It would make sense - Swamp would be the brains and Titian the muscle.

She caught the slight wink from Titian and she gave him no visual response. If she were to keep a list of those who had betrayed her and would be considered enemies, she would have added his name - his pseudonym at any rate. The man still wearing his mask was speaking with Dr. Swamp, something that Walnut made sure to take note of. Amaranthine didn't give her much, though Walnut knew her true identity so it was what she expected. Such figures had to keep things under the wraps. The servant told them to wait as the others continued the climb, with Walnut glancing around with a bit of impatience. She wanted to slip back into the crowd, to no longer be marked in their eyes as a mad shooter - of course, that could work to her advantage. Whoever was there to blackmail them, perhaps they would be scared. Since not only were they trapped here, but the blackmailer was trapped here with Walnut.

Jack Newnan

Location: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: Russian (fluent)

Jack had thought that he had changed - that he really had. He blamed his inaction previously for costing Sutton her life, for his mother's death. Sutton had left without asking him so that way he could make it out. He hadn't been fast enough to save his mother when the outbreak began. After losing Tatiana, he thought that he wasn't that person anymore - that fear didn't paralyze him, that he could force himself to move forward without any hesitation. But the more things change, the more they stay the same. He had been so confused and worried that all he had been able to do was sit on the couch, trying to keep his son calm as Tatiana and Ash had it out.

Sure, it hadn't been a heartless decision. There was a lot that Tatiana hadn't told him over the year that they were apart - a lot of tragedies that happened to her, sometimes to the point where Jack didn't know if physical contact from him would comfort her or not. He hadn't told her that. He hadn't talked about it. He had been so happy to have his wife and son back that he had bottled up all of that fear and anxiety, trying to convince himself that he really was a different person now. He had changed in some aspects - become more vengeful and dark - but deep down, he still felt like the kid who was too slow - the kid who wasn't fast enough to save his mother from an abusive boyfriend, to save his girlfriend, to save his wife and child.

Seeing Tatiana kneel in front of him... It all came rushing back to Jack's mind. It was happening again. Could she count on him? Could she depend on him? What was wrong with him? He had a million excuses and reasons for why he had stayed with Jamie on the couch, but the guilt and anxiety and fear was gnawing away at him. He wished for what was not the first time in his life that he could turn back the clock, tell his past self what to do, to not be paralyzed into inaction... but that wasn't possible. The dead rising again was the only abnormality in their world.

"I'm sorry," Jack said quietly. He blinked a bit, trying to get the water out of his eyes and he smiled a bit at Jamie's giggling. Maybe he needed some therapy as well. He didn't know how to be a good father - he was trying his very best. He thought that keeping Jamie happy and calm during the fighting match, preventing him from having memories of his mother punching and screaming his uncle was the best choice of action... but maybe it hadn't been. He hadn't had the chance to take a parenting class or anything during the zombie apocalypse. He wished Miss Sally had been there - sure, he probably would've been smacked upside the head by her, but she would have had advice to help. He shut out the voices of those around him, getting off the couch, holding Jamie with one arm and wrapping Tatiana into a hug with his other arm.

"Я не собираюсь оправдываться. Я обещаю вам, что я сделаю лучше - я буду лучшим мужем и лучшим отцом. Я люблю тебя, Татьяна, и это никогда ничего не изменит. Мне так жаль..." he told her, speaking from the heart. He was going to be better. He was going to try his very best. Tatiana and Jamie, Ash, Amelia, and Riley - they were his family. He wouldn't fail them again - he made a promise to himself.

Beatrice Decker

Location: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Alexander was most decidedly not fine in her opinion. Some exclaimed in annoyance as she tackled and pinned Hunter to the ground, but she didn't care. A part of her noted that all of the men present were just sort of doing emotional declarations, while it was the women who were taking physical action - take that, gender roles! She eyed someone moving towards her, but it didn't change her course of action. The attitudes of those watching them didn't help to shake Beatrice out fo the juvi mindset. The guards in juvi had pretty much felt similarly whenever a fight broke out - sometimes they'd intervene, but more often than not they didn't care.

One of the people here seemed to be enjoying her actions - and Beatrice wasn't sure how to feel about that exactly. Instead of contemplating the moral implications or the philosophical ones, she instead turned her eyes back down to the man she had pinned to the ground. Well, he wasn't much of a man in her opinion. The nickname of the Hulk did cause Beatrice to chuckle slightly. "I've been called worse," she said, her way of saying that she approved of the nickname. It was better than Double Decker by a long shot - but she also did like Killer Bea. The stern voice coming from the boy she had pinned caused her to roll her eyes. That hadn't been one of the options she had given him. Speaking with that voice, swearing at her to get off? That wasn't going to give him the outcome he wanted.

She glanced back at Thalia, not wanting to admit that it had bothered her when Thalia called her an angry cunt. She also didn't want to admit that her stomach felt a bit like marshmallow fluff around the woman at times. Her gaze returned to the man she had pinned beneath her. As much as she was angry at him for the things he had done, causing Alex's panic attack, she realized he was too weak to even fight back. This humiliation to his pride might do more than breaking his arm.

"Don't fuck up again," she told him, getting up off of him and rising again her to her full height.

The Castle: May 11th, 12,508 - 5:30 PM

The funeral for the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, Arya Rincewind, was held three days after she perished. It was a private function, with only family members and close friends being allowed to attend. There was a banquet in her memory held at Wizard Tower, in which the wizards told stories about her and then discussed the pressing and problematic question: who to replace her? There were only two viable candidates present - Jarvis Yule and Blaise Rowland. But since Yule did not want the pressures of being ExtraOrdinary Wizard, wanting to spend time with his husband and family, Rowland resumed the office with a heavy heart. Arya had been more than just an apprentice to him.

As for Fleur and her Coven, Princess Meadow stayed for three more nights before her brother recalled her to the Lagoon. She left behind roughly 100 troops with Fleur, giving them instructions to follow the commands of the Witch Messiah as needed. If more troops were to be needed, Fleur was to contact them with advanced notice and they would muster them. Bernice and Constance spent much of the week training their girls, preparing them for the battle of their lives. There was no sign of the Sickenesse returning, thankfully. And not a single peep from Chthon, as if the elder god had become dormant after Fleur stole his powers for herself.

Ahote Proudstar had been brought into the fold at the Palace, as well as Mona Windrider. Ahote was working with Myrus in terms of controlling his abilities and powers, while Mona is helping Amarantha investigate the mysterious stones that went into the Palace. The trail had gone cold for the most part, with the exception of a lock of black hair that was found on the final stone.

Myrus Silvers

Location: the Palace - Dining Hall
Skills: N/A

The chef had prepared for them a traditional meal from the Lagoon. The sauce was a deep and creamy red, partnered with various herbs from the Palace Gardens, roasted rabbit chunks, and fine hair like noodles. To drink, there was plenty of ale and fresh water, along with some mint tea. Myrus found the taste of ale to be a bit foul so he was sipping his tea, using the worst china since the chef didn't want the fine china to explode if his powers flared up at the meal. He twirled his fork slightly, getting some noodles before taking a bite.

His sister was not a traditional Queen by any means - meaning that Ahote, Amarantha, and Mona were welcome at the dining table with Valda, Luna, and Myrus if they so chose. He speared a bit of meat on his fork, hesitating for a moment before eating it. When he was little, he had gone on a meat strike after he realized that cute little bunnies were being killed and served to him. His love of the taste of meat and the need to consume it in order to be strong (as iron supplements do not really exist here) had motivated him to take up eating it again.

He looked at his sisters, feeling a bit worried. Fleur hadn't made her move yet, but with each passing day he became more and more anxious that it was going to happen. They needed to get ready for her and quickly. "So, um, Valda... I-I have some ideas on how to Fleur proof the palace... If you're ready to help me with that," he asked her softly. Most of them involved his sister's Magyk, but he also wanted to talk to Amarantha. He knew that she had some sort of person making mechanical weapons for her - so maybe the way to trick a witch wasn't with Magyk but instead with machines.

Asgard: May 11th, 12,508 - 6:30 PM

For the past week, Myth and Bruce's infant son has been cared for by his extended family. His aunt Halley, a medical expert in her own right, collaborated with his grandfather Lance and great-grandfather Bruce in coming up with a treatment. It helped that the child was a quarter Asgardian, as even though he was premature, the treatment was allowing him to grow and stay strong and healthy. He was still incredibly tiny but Halley estimated that it would be another week until the infant would be able to survive without their treatment.

Since it was a difficult and busy time for Myth and Bruce, some friends of Bruce's father agreed to take in Antonije, Sylvi, Marya, and Medea for a little while. It helped that one of them was gifted with speed, meaning that the people of Asgard heard the occasional BOOM as one of the twins goaded the man into a race. So far, neither of the twins had managed to beat him just yet, jokingly referring to him as the God of Speed.

Both Cuyler and Arnora began training - with Klara mentoring the former and Runa the latter. It was about the time for the evening meal on Asgard. Cuyler and Arnora had been given temporary lodging at the Palace, since Klara insisted and claimed she had too many rooms for just her anyways. Myth and Bruce had been given a room as well, near the Healing Chamber where their baby boy rested and recovered.

"I'm afraid the evening meal with have to wait," Runa told her trainee with a knowing smile. "The All-Mother and I decided that Myth and Bruce's wedding has been far too long delayed - and we have arranged for a private ceremony to be conducted here momentarily." Myth's dress had been fitted and restored to its former beauty. The family members were all in the Great Hall of the Palace already, with Klara having used her powers over love and romance to decorate the space.

She had to smile slightly, hoping her son and future daughter in law would enjoy this surprise.

Washington D.C.: September 8th, 2020 - 11:00 AM

Homeless Shelter - Mutant Friendly:

Havok rolled his eyes at Spark Plug. "The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma," he told her with a wink, quoting the legendary Patrick Star from Spongebob. He was mostly talk when it came to things like this, only ever really showing genuine feelings for the daughter of Magneto, Lorna Dane. Sometimes he got a bit jealous of the guy she liked to hang around with the light powers - Eclipse - but the two of them were more or less solid. They were constantly on and off again, but never really pursued anyone else but each other. Maybe if they were at the same Underground cell, things would be different.

He shrugged a bit. "I think so - but it doesn't really matter what I think," he told her. "Everyone is going to have different ideas on how to lead - hell, look at my brother. Cyclops is literally the worst but when he led the X-Men, they still managed to save the day. So does that mean he's a bad leader? I don't know... I think just follow your heart and your gut, Spark Plug. That's all anyone can really expect of you."

They then arrived at the same homeless shelter Anastasia had been at a little under half an hour ago now. There were some trucks parked out front and the door to the main entrance had been propped open.

The Surface - Sidewalk Outside the National Zoo:

Using powers out in the open in an area hostile to mutants, such as Washington D.C., is never the best idea. Max, Leighton, and Jack had been lucky that no one had spotted them just yet - but as Max turned himself into a regular Sherlock Holmes, a pair of dads taking their families to the zoo spotted him using his powers. Now, most people would think this wouldn't be a problem - it was just a wardrobe change, right? But to these people, they just saw a mutant near the zoo, the zoo where their children were about to spend the day and that was unacceptable.

Their wives called the police, ushering their children to "safety" inside of the zoo and telling the officer on the line that Max had threatened them. The men started running in the direction of Jack and Leighton, attempting to catch Max and figure out where exactly he went.

The Sewers - Location Unknown...:

"You're going the wrong way," a voice whispered in his mind. He'd never heard this voice before, but Max (henceforth called STITCH :P ) would be able to figure out that it was most likely Grimlock, the non-verbal girl he had met before. And then, as if a file transfer was being completed, he would suddenly have a little mental map of how to get back to the Morlock tunnels in his head. It wouldn't be permanent and would fade away after about thirty minutes, but that is more than enough time to find his way back to the others.


Location: Jail
Skills: Perception
"Speak for yourself, Saph, I am a spring chicken," Veil said jokingly, despite the fact that Sapphire was a year her younger. She giggled a bit at her friend's comment and the way Sapphire was reacting, even though it hurt to breathe after the thorough beating the police had given her. She knew that it easily could have been worse if they were running one of the Underground cells further south - she dreaded to imagine her odds of being alive if they had been in Alabama and not D.C. Of course, she hadn't taken this job because she wanted it to be easy - she was here to help mutants in need in a way that the X-Men never could.

She smirked a little bit, not needing telepathy or anything to take a guess at the thoughts running through Sapphire's mind. She had never seen the Ice Queen blush this much before in her life - though it was also a bit weird to see her as a brunette. It was as if Sapphire had decided to become the personification of caramel in Veil's mind. "Go on," Veil prompted her. "Would you rather sleep with Iron Man or Freddie Flynn?" She was a bit curious to see if Sapphire would actually fess up there. No matter which way she answered, though, Veil was going to have a giggling fit. Either she chose to marry Freddie Flynn in this little game or she would chose to have relations with him.

There were some footsteps outside of their cell, but they quickly passed. Sapphire's daring knight of a potential boyfriend wasn't there to rescue them yet. Veil mostly just hoped that Spark Plug was okay - that she and the others had made it back to base. Hopefully none of them would do anything stupid in a rescue attempt, since that would just draw more attention to the Underground - an organization that operated best when it wasn't out in the open.


Location: the Morlock Tunnels
Skills: People Reading
Erg gave James a nod, quickly considering what he had said - they would need two people to assist him. Blink would be holding the portal open, meaning that she wouldn't be able to really help with the physical movement of items. And as much as he hated Jack, Jack's ability to morph his features was useful for supply runs if anything went wrong. "You, Blink, Stretch, and Sunshine," he considered, before looking at the girl and deciding that even though she was feisty, they might want some more muscle on the job. "See if you can persuade one or two others to come with you as well - but no more than two more. A large group can prove challenging."

"Once Stretch returns from fraternizing with surface dwellers, you should head out," Erg said, his voice making clear exactly how he felt about Jack's double life. To him, the Morlocks were meant to be separate with no ties to the world above. Their supply runs were the main time when they ventured into the city, though there wasn't a thing that went on in Washington D.C. that Erg didn't know about. Jack was different - he continued to work as a private investigator, having his life above and his life below. Once of these days, he would have to choose - and Erg hoped that the day would come sooner rather than later.

"That's why you hate him then? You think he's a risk," Sunshine observed, looking at Erg. Although most people underestimated her, she had a knack for reading people. She didn't need to know Erg's life story to see that to him, Jack was jeopardizing everything the Morlocks had by refusing to pick a side. Jack reminded her a bit of protagonists in novels like that, trapped between two worlds and trying to have it all. She had watched the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on a computer in a library where some idiot hadn't logged out of their Netflix and this seemed to be the same sort of thing - the Path of Light v the Path of Night, only here it was the Morlocks or the Surface.

"That is neither here nor there, Little One," Erg warned her, his patience with Sunshine seemingly finally wearing thin.

Sunshine just sort of shrugged. "I'm almost an adult - so not really a little one. Also, you saying that makes me more convinced that it's true. I bet you don't like the X-Men or anything either," she told him matter of factly. It didn't matter too much to her though what Erg's opinions were on the so called mutant question. The Morlock community was safe and had everything she needed to survive - and although she would never admit it, she had the chance to belong to something again. She hadn't belonged anywhere since the Purifiers torched her apartment building, sending the people she chose as her family to Mutant Super Max and her to juvenile detention.

"But what do I know?" she said rhetorically.

Spirit Box

Location: Sephora
Skills: Mediumship, Fashion, Deception, Psychology, Acting
Casper did a little bit of a twirl as he entered the Sephora, breathing in the perfumes and letting out a happy sigh. This was the place where dreams came true. People came inside, wanting to let their inner beauty shine through with the help of some cosmetics and as if a magic wand was waved, their wildest dreams came true. He used to beg his mother to take him to Sephora for his birthdays and even though she was raised in an old fashioned, strict household, she figured that wanting to wear make up wasn't the worst thing her son could be up to. He then chuckled a bit, remembering how angry she had gotten when someone questioned why Casper was there - she had beaten them up and gotten him this sparkly pink eyeshadow he had his eye on.

"Casper, you don't have any money," Ben reminded him, really hoping that he wasn't going to shoplift.

"You don't need that here," Casper reminded his friend, looking around for a moment. He had never had a job in his life and he managed to get plenty of drugs. Sure, his trust fund paid for rehab but his father didn't let him touch it otherwise, convinced that Casper needed to "get clean!" and "contribute to society!" All he needed to do was sell someone an experience and he would walk out with... his eyes kept on wandering, until he saw some particularly dashing purple lip gloss. Yes, he would end up with that before the hour was up.

"Watch and learn, Benjamin," he told his friend.

"You're going to get arrested..." Ben sighed. "Why do I even bother trying to help you?"

"Because you have nothing else better to do?" Casper pointed out.

There were a fair amount of customers in the store and Casper spotted an old white woman looking a little bit lost. Her purse only snapped shut in the middle, something that Casper took as a win. Old ladies always carried cash on them and he walked in that direction, making like he was heading over to get some mascara and he bumped into her, knocking the purse to the ground. "Oh dear, I am so sorry!" Casper exclaimed, picking up the purse and handing it to her.

"Watch where you're going!" the old woman snapped, taking her purse and walking off in a huff.

"Thank you, Mrs. Crabby Pants," Casper whispered to himself. He had managed to grab four twenties out of her purse and he grinned, quickly folding up the cash and he walked on over to the lipsticks. Grabbing the purple shade he had been admiring, he took the tube up to the counter and paid for it.

"You literally stole from an old lady..." Ben sighed. "Really. That's up there with taking candy from babies!"

"Babies don't eat candy - they can't, they don't have teeth yet," Casper reminded his friend. "So honestly, I would probably do that - consider it a public service."

Virginia Crypt

Location: Carlisle/Road to Gretna Green
Skills: N/A

Virginia's eyes widened slightly as Ny told her that her father was in India. She did not know if he was a man that she could trust truthfully, but her intuition was telling her that she could. He knew of her family, was well traveled, and did not have the same hang ups that most members of society did. Had he told her that she was his cousin, Virginia would have been inclined to take him at his word. Of course, the location of India struck her mostly because it was a stark contrast to the direction the Russian Circus wished to point them in. India brought to her mind visions of a hot climate - whether or not that was true was yet to be seen. The name seemed exotic and it was a place that she would very much care to go to - but Virginia wished to travel more or less everywhere if she were to be honest.

"Thank you," she told him, feeling that his words were true. She was intrigued by the book that he kept with him, especially since it reminded her of Ludwig's. It likely had to do something with his training, then, she deduced - or the two men both had a penchant for a similar form of journal. No, it knew the location of her father - that would not have been listed in an ordinary book, that much she was certain of. "If you do not mind, what exactly is the journal you have there? I am very curious in such a thing of knowledge - especially since it seems to have some sort of talent to it," Virginia asked kindly. She wasn't going to pressure him into revealing anything he didn't want to. He had been kind to her and she believed in treating others as one wished to be treated - in most cases anyways. Some people deserved to be treated horribly.

Maeve Brennan

Location: House Kirkpatrick - Outside of the Study (Main Floor)
Skills: N/A

Maeve glanced up the stairs, hearing Lady Kirkpatrick and she smiled slightly. Millicent's letter was still in her hand and she realized that there was an additional option. She was here to work for Lady Kirkpatrick - though technically, also to spy on her - Maeve's life had become a bit complicated. Given that Millicent's letter detailed most likely whatever unsavoriness she had uncovered, relating to the ship she mentioned, it could very well be something pertinent for the Lady Kirkpatrick to see. "Aye, they've gone - I believe their carriage is departin' nigh," she told her employer. She nodded sympathetically at the chorus of bumbling idiots - she worked as a bartender in her family's gang and the drunks were more annoying and tiresome than they were pleasant.

"I would enjoy a draink, though oi 'av somethin' 'ere dat may interest yer? I don't know 'ow ter read, me lady, but me gut is tellin' me this is important," she explained, holding out the letter Millicent had given her to Lady Kirkpatrick. Her loyalty was towards the woman giving Roisin education and protection - not to the battered woman who had temporarily come into the house. The world was harsh and unforgiving, but who knew, maybe having Lady Kirkpatrick see the letter would be to the young woman's advantage. Maeve was mostly just certain that it would reveal something sinister on the part of Lady Kirkpatrick's nephew - information she had no doubt that Lady Kirkpatrick would want to possess if she didn't already.

Cecily Ashworth

Location: Grimm, Indiana (Police Station)
Skills: N/A

Cecily couldn't help but giggle, hearing Roy's cries about being cock blocked and his ex-wife. She wouldn't actually stand in the way of things if he met someone, of course - but it was fun to tease him about the possibility of Draken, given his new status as being Wolverine. Of course, if she was Rogue then that did raise a question - who was her Gambit? She didn't ship Rogue and Iceman together, no matter what the film franchise tried to do. Rogue and Gambit were meant to be together, period. Besides, Iceman had different love interests in the comics and so did Kitty Pryde. At least they had gotten Jean Grey and Cyclops together - though she did have a soft spot for Cyclops and Emma Frost.

Of course, she couldn't focus on the love dynamics of the X-Men for very long, as they went into something that Cecily instinctively compared to the game Five Nights at Freddie's. She jumped slightly, scared out of her skin as she heard the Candy Crush sound go off. It wasn't scary on its own but she was on edge so much lately that she couldn't help but be scared. Going up behind Roy, she peered around him and saw the phone, relaxing slightly. The crack she didn't think much of - lots of people had cracked phones. No one seemed to really be here, something that she felt was odd. Having only really lived in big cities, she was used to police stations being full of officers - but maybe this was just how things were in small towns?

"Roy... Any idea what the hell is going on here?" she whispered to him.
@Sanity43217 has withdrawn from the RP for personal reasons. Best of luck in the future!
@BrutalBx Unfortunately, your counter has hit day 8 and you are hereby removed from the RP. Best of luck in the future.
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