Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
1 yr ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
4 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

@Chulance Hi there! We are full but since Nallore has vouched for you I can make an exception. I’ve got two options for characters you could play that we could work in easily :)

1) A member of the Mutant Underground. Your character will just have been said to have been off on a mission for the group and just got back
2) An underling in the Hellfire Club. Your character would just be assumed to have been off screen so far

John Watts

Location: Serval Industries - R&D Lab -> Gardner's Office
Skills: Superhuman Speed, Perception
"Yes," Watts told Evelyn without hesitation. He was not a detective, though perhaps in another lifetime, another world he would be a world class private eye. It seemed simple to him though - Gardner was behind all of this, likely holding Andrew captive, and she had already been shown to be careless enough as to leave critical plans in her office. Starting by canvasing the office was the best bet they had to find Andrew in time. His own brain was making sure to tell him that via the hallucination of Andrew - he had to be a bit disappointed that he wasn't hallucinating someone more impressive, such as Dr. Reed Richards.

He huffed, hearing Wesley request that he hack Gardner's phone. "While I would just love to do that for you, I have more pressing business to deal with!" he snapped. "Perhaps you should have considered needing my help before you fell THROUGH THE CEILING AND RUINED MY LAB!" he screamed. He didn't care that Wesley said he needed anger management courses. He would continue to yell and scream until the day when Serval finally sent him to HR and even then, it wouldn't change his ways. "Best of luck not being murdered - I recommend running if I were you. And now, Nightingale, we are leaving," he said firmly. He wasn't about to let Gardner see him talking with Wesley. He wasn't stupid - and despite what the hallucination said, Watts firmly believed he was always right.

Pressing the watch on his wrist, he injected himself with the speed serum and felt the power course through his veins. Putting on his suit rapidly, he picked up Evelyn bridal style and raced the two of them up to Gardner's office without any issue. He hated the idea of leaving Wesley in his lab alone and unattended, but there wasn't really time to do much else. He had briefly considered returning Wesley to the library so that he could be found in the rubble, only to decide against it. It seemed to cruel. He might as well give the boy a chance to escape.

Zipping around Gardner's office rapidly, Watts unfortunately didn't find anything relating to Andrew. He did find a letter addressed to someone named Madelyn and he noted that this Madelyn resided not too far from Serval's Headquarters. His eyes flickered over to Evelyn, hoping she had better luck - yet his intuition told him what he had found was significant enough.

Maeve Brennan

Location: Gretna Green - Church
Skills: N/A

At the very least, she was not alone in her confusion - Colette was similarly kept in the dark with all of this. It reeked to high heavens of some sort of odd pagan ritual and she had been willing to hold her tongue, until one of the participants revealed that this was... a Circus act?! Had everything they had been experiencing part of some dark and demented show? "What, yer think this is funny?!" she snapped at Bazhooli, not caring for decorum at the moment. "Wus any av dis rayle, yer swindler?" Had these people summoned that.... that thing?! The Irishwoman was about to continue to give them a piece of her mind, this time drawing on some more colorful swear words, when the hoax was taken up to another level.

Colette was vanishing. So was Millicent and the batty man with the journal. And then, as Maeve glanced down at her hands, so was she. "Jasus bleedin Chroist, whatever de 'ell is doin' dis can suk a cock!" she shouted. Her lips continued to move but no sound was coming out and that was probably for the best. The type of words Maeve was using in her final moments were certainly not meant for polite company. Whatever was happening to them, she was certain that those pagan charlatans were causing it and if she was about to go, she might as well die running her mouth. And within moments, Maeve had faded away into nothingness, the last thoughts on her mind a mixture of rage and a quiet prayer for the wellbeing of her daughter, Roisin.

The Hub - San Fransisco: March 5th, 1984 - 10:40 A.M.

Raynor thought for a moment about Flynn's question. "When his back is turned and they're all geeking out, take a shot," he whispered to his fellow SHIELD agent. "I'll keep them from stopping you." It would be a two person effort and it would be mostly improvised. He wondered though if Flynn actually had it in him to kill someone. Raynor didn't need to ask that question about himself - he had killed before. He had hurt a lot of people in his old life, so many that he had long since lost count.

Pym stared at Niah as if she had grown three heads and told him that the moon was made out of cheese. The brilliant scientist was actually left speechless as he tried to comprehend everything that she had told him. Project Ultron was a peacekeeping initiative - how was it able to probe the Quantum Realm? And what really even was the Quantum Realm? And what was a mutant? At least one thing she said made some sense - Stark probably messed up with the programming or something. "... So if you're from the future, I'm going to need proof," he said. "Tell me, who are the next few presidents and what happens to Nelson Mandela?" he asked. He figured those questions would be easy enough for him to detect if these people were lying or crazy.

"So he was always an asshole," Strange observed, murmuring conspiratorially to Roman. His eyes flickered over to Flynn and Raynor, before leaning in to whisper to the young man by his side. "In a few moments, one of those two will attempt to kill Dr. Pym," he said softly, winking a bit.

"Look Pym, we don't have much time for this. The future of the entire world is at stake because of your robot that takes over the world. In our time the robot ended up executing you, your daughter, and your wife on live television for the world to see."

Pym's expression hardened - it was obvious to see why. All around the lab, there were drawings done by a little kid - there were even a few pictures of Pym, his wife, and their little girl, Hope. "This isn't funny," he scolded Susan, assuming (and hoping) that this was all an elaborate hoax. "Did Stark put you up to this nonsense?"

"I wish it were Doctor, however considering the fact that we went through the trouble of getting here should say a lot. Not to mention why the hell would we come here because of Stark? Though his son is on the list of many people who died. But it isn't just your family who dies because of your creation. We're talking about thousands of people died because of it, so are you really wanting to take the chance that I'm lying? Or are you wanting to flat out ensure that something like that never happens?"

"....What would you have me do?"

Stark Tower - New York: July 15th, 2021 - 10:20 P.M.

On the penultimate floor of Stark Tower (with the top floor being the roof for technicalities purposes), Ultron was there almost entirely alone. The only other individual up there was Jocasta, his wife. Her silver coating was almost reminiscent of Emma Frost's diamond form, though there was something familiar in the way that she carried herself. No one there would be able to quite put their finger on it, though even her voice was haunting, as if it belonged to someone else.

"Vis - my dearest, what have they done to you?" Jocasta asked. It would then occur to Cass and Tinley why her voice was so familiar. Jocasta had the voice and mannerisms of Janet van Dyne, the Wasp. The last they saw the Wasp, she had been executed along with her family on television by Ultron - so why would he base his wife off of her likeness? And why is there something eerily human about this robot in comparison to her husband and son?

"Jocasta," Vision greeted. "I sustained some injuries at the hands of these rebels - nothing that maintenance cannot fix," he assured her. Wanda found it a bit creepy how comfortable the machine was being with Jocasta and Ultron, raising alarm bells in her mind that maybe this had been a trap all along - maybe it had been a long con. Had Ultron orchestrated all of this, knowing that the world's last line of defense would go all out on this suicide mission?

But then, Wanda realized that it didn't matter. She was going to kill Ultron all the same.

Ultron chuckled slightly, moving his arms out to his sides. "I have to admit, I was expecting a more... formidable force. Is this really the best humanity has to offer now?" he shook his head slightly. "Little girls, a cat, and their pet Hulk - how quaint."

"Are your scanners malfunctioning again? That's not a cat," Jocasta corrected Ultron.

Ultron quickly recalibrated himself. "A Flerken? Now THAT'S more like it!"

The Hulk wasn't really in the mood for talking. He let out a huge roar, bits of his spit flying and covering Ultron, but the android hardly even budged. The Hulk then swung his fist, only for it to connect with Ultron's hand - and Ultron grabbed the Hulk. Smirking slightly, Ultron couldn't help but goad slightly. "Oh, come now Dr. Banner, you didn't think it would be that easy? Why, you might as well just let the cat fight me, it'd be more of a challenge!" he taunted, before swinging and throwing the Hulk off the tower.

"Stay back, kitty," Wanda instructed, before red energy came from her hands, legs, and eyes as she floated up into the air. She then began to manipulate Ultron's density, attempting to make him impossibly heavy and send the machine plummeting to his grave. The robot started to go down, only for what could only be described as mechanical spider legs sprouted from his back and clung to the ceiling to present him from falling. Jocasta then charged at Wanda, sending off a blast of energy to distract her and protect her husband.

"You should have let the cat go first," Jocasta chided Wanda, sending off another blast of energy only for the Vision to fly in front of the Scarlet Witch and take the blast for her. "Vis!" Jocasta screamed, clearly panicked.

"Systems...Мрзим вас, г-дине тестисе... Te amo bruja escarlata... critical..." Vision glitched, his entire body sparking. It seemed he had finally taken enough damage to prevent him from getting back up - their synthezoid was dead.

And of course, since our heroes' luck cannot possibly get any worse, Ultron noticed Tinley going over to the terminal. "Go on, then. Try - it won't work," he sneered.

Washington D.C.: September 9th, 2020 - 9:10 PM

The Penthouse...

The train heist won't be happening until the next day, so it's more or less up to the trio to decide what they want to do that evening. Since they are members of the Hellfire Club, there is a limo they can take to travel in style to whatever destination they choose. No one else will try to get into the elevator (the staff are busy cleaning up the mess) and they won't run into anyone interesting on their way out. It's dark outside though, which means that the air is thankfully a lot cooler - Washington D.C.'s heat can be brutal in September.


Veil was naturally more durable than the average person, but she had been shot in the chest not too long ago. No matter what she said about being fine to walk on her own, it wasn't really the case. It didn't help that she had been injured pretty badly not too long ago and then spent a night being abused by the local police in prison. She stumbled slightly, one hand pressed firmly up against her chest, as Sapphire screamed at Glimpse over not alerting them that Emma Frost would be present. "Hey, hey," Veil said weakly, trying to get Sapphire to snap out of it quickly. She knew her best friend - a light touch worked better than a scolding one. "That's enough - both of you," she emphasized. She doubted Glimpse and Sapphire would ever be friends, but hopefully they'd eventually get to a point where they could coexist.

But while there were huge tensions between the two women, Veil was disappointed in Max most out of all of them. Some of her feeling was colored by the horror that he had committed - and she could already feel the change against mutants in the wind because of it. They weren't some high profile team like the X-Men, people who were adored despite their mutant status... No, they were the mutants that existed outside of the law, running a group all about smuggling people illegally out of the country. "Max!" Veil snapped, trying to get his attention. "We do not talk to each other that way - I expect better from you. You should know better than anyone that we all make mistakes in battle."

Havok hadn't really reacted much to Sapphire's apology, mostly giving her a shrug that communicated it's cool. However, hearing Max yell at one of his long time friends and call her a bitch in anger, rather than joking camaraderie? That crossed a line with him. "Don't you fucking ever call one of my friends a bitch again, got it?!" he snapped.

"Havok, ENOUGH!" Veil shouted.

Negasonic wasn't even on her phone for once, staring a bit in awe at the battle of wills unfolding in front of them. She wasn't shocked that Sapphire wasn't getting along well with the new additions - she knew it had something to do with Sapphire's past, but the two of them weren't close so the young mutant had about zero clue what it was. "Finally, my world is getting interesting..." Negasonic muttered under her breath. She wasn't stupid.

Havok hesitated for a moment, before he nodded slightly.

"Good," Veil said, sounding out of breath. There was something else she needed to address though - "Leighton - good initiative," she praised. She didn't know the girl very well, but at the very least she was able to read the incredibly tense situation. The news Leighton delivered about what had happened when they were gone didn't bring a smile to Veil's face. It only brought regret - maybe it had been a mistake to go off to vet Glimpse's information. Maybe they shouldn't have tried to play hero.

"Sapphire... Once we discuss everything with the others, I'll be your patient... But right now, I gotta be the leader," she mumbled. Veil took a dizzy step forward, before collapsing to the ground.

The First Floor...

"I dunno, killing Nazis seems like the patriotic thing to do," Sunshine countered. "Isn't that what got Captain America famous or something? I bet it makes him feel good."

"Hmm... We could contact YouTube, ask them to come film?" Colossus asked. He didn't really quite understand the concept of YouTube - or really anything relating to social media or modern day technology. His knowledge on Chris Pratt (or severe lack thereof) was emblematic of his knowledge on just about everything in pop culture. It drove his technology loving counterpart, Negasonic, crazy at times.

"...You don't have to get someone down here to put it on YouTube, you just upload it," Blink corrected Colossus awkwardly. She was a bit skeptical about whether or not Spark Plug's idea would work - the Hellfire Club seemed to be incredibly connected. She didn't doubt that their lawyers would be able to get a video thrown out of court. "I don't know if a video would be enough to take down people like this," she offered. "They've got money, resources... Lawyers, probably even judges in their pocket..."

Over to the side, not too far away from where the grownups and all were talking, the kids were hanging out with the quirky lesbian and the guy with awesome hair. A few of the kids raised their hands when Cayden asked them if they had ever gone camping. "I did once!" one of them offered, a bit more outgoing than the rest. "But then I burned down the tent and Daddy said I had to go away..." Cayden would most likely not really know who Max was, as Max had just arrived at the Mutant Underground the previous evening. They had so many mutants coming and going that it got hard to keep track of sometimes.

Now, back over where everyone is, Sunshine couldn't help but let out a surprised laugh seeing Max there. It made sense. He seemed to be a walking disaster magnet. He had showed up and Erg died. Now he was here, another target of this Hellfire Club - what if Max was somehow working for those people? Could he be a Nazi spy? "... They killed Erg," she informed him bluntly, her hands curling into fists. There was anger in her eyes and even a bit of water welling up in them as she said that.

Casper awkwardly gave Max a little bit of a wave. "You look like my old man just sent you to fight Krakoa - what happened with you, man?" he asked, before Casper's eyes widened in horror. While he wasn't telepathic, he was cursed with the ability to communicate with the dead. The ghosts of the officers Max had killed were standing on either side of the mutant, angrily shouting at their killer.

"I HAD A FAMILY!!!!!!"



If the ghosts' rage was not terrible enough, they were all mutilated and grotesque. Ghosts didn't look how people did when they were alive - they resembled how they were when they died. Some of them were missing limbs. Most of them were horribly bloody, bones sticking out of their skin at odd angles. "I-I... I c-c-can't..." Casper stammered, before he took off at a run out the front entrance, trying to put as much distance between him and the ghosts hovering around Max as he could.

That was hardly the only unusual thing that happened, though. Illyana's eyes fluttered open and she stared up into the face of her older brother. "Piotr...?" she cried softly.

"Да, Иллиана, это я ..."

Andromeda Aldrich and Nancy Parker

Location: PE Fade Between / DTTS Fade Between
Skills: History (Occult) / History (General Human History), Koine Greek
PE Fade Between:

She was pleasantly surprised to learn that the others agreed with her - she had honestly been expecting for them to argue and say that only a masochist would choose punishment over peace. Her mind drifted towards the Paradoxes they had left behind - what would Faith and James have picked? She hoped that James would have gone for peace, but her gut was telling her he would have chosen punishment too. He was a nice guy, but sometimes he struck her a bit as the martyr type... though really, weren't all of them like that? She didn't dwell on it too much longer, her mind racing as Gilbert confirmed that Eve and Nancy were in the direction of punishment.

Eve was here! She pitied Faith instantly for going on what would no doubt be a wild goose chase. It seemed fitting though that Eve would end up where the worlds had all collided into each other - she was such a powerful and prominent figure, it was hard to imagine Eve not playing some part in all of this.

This figure in front of them, Andromeda was certain she had to be Lady Justice. She knew that Lady Justice was based off of the Roman goddess Iustitia - though she was more of a personification than a real goddess. That clearly didn't matter now, as Justice confirmed that was who she was. Andromeda's heart swelled a little bit with pride at having correctly identified her. Sure, the world was ending but she had been right - that felt good. But as Justice continued to speak, that feeling of pride quickly morphed into shock and despair.

"I... I don't understand... Evelina...?" Andromeda stammered. Faith had gone off to go and find Eve. Gilbert had just said that Eve was in the direction of punishment - and Justice looked nothing like Eve. But before she could ask more questions for clarification or even begin to comprehend the situation, Justice was gone. Giouse hardly seemed to be impacted by that conversation, just moving onwards.

"Wait, are we not going to talk about what just happened?!" Andromeda demanded. "We thought time was imploding, now we just found Evelina - something so important we sent Faith out on her own when we're short on people... And we're just going to walk on like that didn't happen?" she asked, incredulous. "Is that what happens to you guys - do you... change and become Greco-Roman gods? Is Gilbert going to become Ares one day? Or did the time collision thing some how... distort Evelina and change her nature into Justice?"

DTTS Fade Between:

Nancy narrowed her eyes at Richard. Sure, she knew the time period he was from but had he even listened to a single thing she had said? Her brain was on Ancient Greece and their superstitions, so it wasn't too surprising that rather than cuss him out in English, she slipped into Koine Greek - it was what she spoke when she was living in Callatis. "Τι λέτε για να κλείσετε το γαμήσω; Θα φαίνονταν πιο όμορφα αν απλά χαμογέλασα και σιγά σιγά1," Nancy suggested. She wasn't going to even bother translating that for him. He wasn't worth the time and effort.

From what she could tell, the man had to be one of the three judges of the dead: Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Aeacus. He seemed to share her frustration with a few of them (namely Robert and Mosi) and Nancy huffed a bit. She already felt more kinship with him than she did with the others gathered here. "Believe me, I'm thinking about it - or maybe breaking a personal rule and letting them see my bad side," Nancy commiserated. It didn't surprise her that her soul wasn't up for grabs - she didn't really even know if she had a soul. It was one of the questions that the Cards never really managed to answer for her.

"Hmm... How about your services as a guide to this wonderful little slice of afterlife?" Nancy suggested. If he wanted more for that sort of thing, she would be more than happy to offer up the souls of a few present. "And your name? You can call me Nancy - or one of my other names, I've got no doubt that you probably know a couple of them."

The Small Wet Country Across the Sea: November 5th, 12,508 - 11:00 PM

The Palace Crypt - the Castle...

Milo shook his head at Luna. The blood on his clothing wasn't his and understandably, the poor thing was traumatized. All of the death and tragedy that had occurred at Bonfire Night was just too much for sweet Milo. Apollodora at the least was more talkative, helpfully chiming in as Amarantha asked the Queen about some chains. "They're stronger than the gods - meant to keep a big, bad wolf under lock and key," she added.

Now, while Valda won't know much about these chains, she will know that they keep just about anything of Magykal value in the Palace Vault on the first floor. It isn't too far from the Queen's Room, being located in the Library Wing. It will take her a moment, but thinking on what Apollodora said about a wolf, she'll have a vague recollection of a story she heard back when she was a Wendron Witch. Eons ago, in the ancient times, a goddess of death attempted to rise and cast out the other gods. She was killed by a dragon and her wolf was slain, but the legend goes that they would return again. Only a set of carefully crafted chains would be able to hold the wolf at bay. Now, depending on who told the story it would either end with the prediction that one day, a young witch would have to chain the wolf to prevent the end of the world... or that a young witch would break the chains and bring about end of times.

"I'm Apollodora," she introduced herself, smirking slightly. "And I know about the Biters because in my time, they've infested the world - and I've made a name for myself slaughtering them."

The 19th Floor - Wizard Tower, the Castle...

The Floor made a rather crude drawing in response to Cuyler's finger and it was a good thing no little kids were around to see it. Rowland ignored the little spat between Cuyler and the Floor, taking them up the moving staircase to the 19th floor. No one lived on this floor of Wizard Tower, as this was where wizards went to study the Darke. It was quarantined to this area, that way the Darke Magyk couldn't get out and Infest the entire Tower.

Rowland didn't respond to Cuyler's feeble pleas that he would have stayed and done something. He still had a lot of anger in his soul at the boy and he didn't trust himself to not snap even more at Cuyler, maybe even try to strangle him, if they came to that topic again. Instead, he unSealed the door to the 19th floor and stepped on through, Sealing the door behind them once Cuyler had come on through. Rowland sighed, taking a seat on a stool. The wrinkles in his face seemed especially pronounced in the low lighting here. It was hard to make out much of what was on this floor, but one thing would be easily visible - the shining white skull on the windowsill.

"You ask what could be worse than death..." Rowland began, his voice weary and low. "Arya was no ordinary child - for she was born not of man and woman but of woman and Magyk... Her powers were too much for her and there was a Darkenesse inside of her... My sister, Becky, was the midwife to Selesia Rincewind. We helped to hide the peculiar nature of Selesia's child... I agreed to take Arya on as my apprentice, as we feared that if she did not have a strong, firm guiding hand... she would become corrupted by the deep Magyk that brought her into existence."

"So I ask you, Cuyler? What happens if that child brings herself back to this world? Would she remember who she was...? If what you say is true... Then it is likely that her soul was lost to the Darke... We have to kill her, Cuyler. It's the only way to save Arya."

Myrus Silvers

Location: Private Courtyard -> the Long Walk -> the Crypt - the Palace
Skills: Hide
Myrus could have sworn that there was a legend that said exactly who would kill Baldur, but it refused to come to mind. He wondered if he had just imagined that detail in the prophecy, though to be fair he was hardly a scholar of the myths of the Land of Long Nights. He was a recent convert to that religion and tended to just know the basics. He hadn't even really picked a god or goddess to call his patron just yet. Though... from what he could tell about Bruce, he figured the demigod would be mad if Myrus didn't pick him.

"Well it's almost always the Frost Giants in the stories - or Loki..." Myrus suggested, the name of the person who would kill Baldur still escaping him. He was a bit shocked as Mona called the God of Light the Bally-man, half expecting a bolt of sunshine to come down and kill her where she stood. He bit his lip slightly, hearing what Bruce was saying to his wife, Myth. They had come down from Asgard looking for Loki? What had Loki gotten up to? From what he knew about the God of Mischief, it was hardly anything good. "Look, I'm going to go find my sisters... It's getting rather late. But tomorrow morning, I'd like to invite you guys to the Royal Council so we can talk about all of this," Myrus suggested. Myth and Bruce seemed to have things they needed to go off and do.

He looked then at Ahote and Mona. "You're welcome to come, if you'd like..." he added. Myrus then left the courtyard and entered the Palace via the Long Walk. Thinking for a moment about where his sisters might have gone to hide if not the Queen's Room, Myrus went straight for the Crypt. It was mostly luck though that led him down there and his face broke out into a wide, earnest smile as he saw his sisters - and some people he didn't know.

"Valda, Luna, thank heavens you're alright!" he exclaimed, rushing forward and hugging his siblings.

Antonije Magnisky

Location: Room 847 - the Ramblings
Skills: Telepathy
About ten minutes passed before the door to Room 847 opened again and Antonije dragged in a body after him. The man was still alive, but barely. His face had been bashed in with a hammer and he looked more like a deflated balloon than a person. Every few seconds, there was a pained wheeze as he gasped for breath, doubtlessly in unbearable agony. "Oof, sorry," Antonije apologized, before he brought his heel down hard on the man's neck. There was a audible crack! as his neck snapped and Antonije just smiled, a bit of blood on his face (no doubt from when he had attacked their neighbor with the hammer).

"Will this work? I can try to drain some of the blood, maybe store it in wine bottles or something..." Antonije proposed, closing the door behind him. He would need to go and clean up the scene at the neighbor's place, but he wanted to make sure that Sylvi got to eat first. She had seemed so hungry - he didn't need his telepathy to tell that primal need. Ironically though, now that the food is here, Sylvi's bloodlust is actually waning. She's completely in control of it - for the moment. "I could even see about getting some herbs if you want to season him..."

Halley Banner

Location: Outside the Pyramid Library - Wizard Tower
Skills: N/A
Jarvis shook his head at the two girls, feeling too tired to be dealing with whatever nonsense they had going on. He opened up the door to the Pyramid Library - and Halley couldn't help but be a bit in awe of how beautiful it was. Shaped like a square pyramid, each wall was covered with books - some of them literature, others books filled with Charms and spells. They were organized by subject and date, with some of them dating back to the Old World. Little butterflies made out of paper fluttered around near the ceiling and a young girl, Minerva Frost, sat on one of the royal blue sofas with a book in her lap.

The young woman glanced up, her face brightening into a smile as she spotted Arnora. "Shut up!" she squealed. "It's been way too long!" Minerva exclaimed. The last time she had seen Arnora had been back when the Sickenesse still plagued the Castle. "Please tell me Grimspound isn't with you," she then added quickly. "That guy was such a prick..."

Halley frowned slightly, having been expecting Loki and not a young witch. "Erm, do you two know each other?" she asked. Jarvis went around the room for a moment, making a big deal of picking up the rugs and some of the cushions on the sofa as he "checked for this powerful intruder." He was pretty certain that these girls were just wasting his time.

"See? Nothing here," he pointed out. "Did Cuyler put you up to this? As if the asshole hasn't done enough to break Blaise's heart..."

"Oh, sorry, where are my manners?" Minerva asked, shaking her head. "I'm Minerva Frost," she introduced herself, extending a hand to Halley. "Peckett's my uncle, I'm here visiting Wizard Tower, getting a feel for whether or not this place will work for me..."

Halley did not take Minerva's hand. "Arnora - can you do another tracking spell for You-Know-Who?"


Location: Outside the Old Port Witch Coven Home - the Port
Skills: N/A
Violet nodded slightly, feeling a deep understanding of Fleur's reflection on the woes of leadership without even really recalling why. She had no memories of leading anyone - though she supposed Antonije counted as someone she commanded. He was more or less her henchman when it came to this line of work, but the work needed to be done. The Castle wasn't safe with the immoral and criminal allowed to just go about as they pleased - goodness knows Amarantha, the Army Leader, hadn't done anything about it. And from what Violet understood, Queen Valda the Wild knew nothing about how to run a country.

"I wish I could help you bring her back," Violet said softly. She knew that Fleur was incredibly powerful, but her Magyk must not have been enough to bring her loved one back from the grave. Violet knew that some Magykal force kept those who passed away in this realm as ghosts, echoes of who they had been in life, and that they were not able to properly pass on because of it. Sometimes, when she slept, Violet would wake up with the certainty that she had died - that that was how she had come to be in Limbo, the strange place between astral planes... Her eyes flickered around the dark streets of the Port. Prime hunting hours would be beginning soon. "Let's attend to your business - and then we can find each other again soon... Perhaps at the witching hour?"

Guin Stark

Location: The Palace Grounds -> the Baxter Building - New York (Guin's Outfit)
Skills: Telepathy
"Look, kid, I don't think you realize that this isn't a guarantee... Scientific advancements don't just happen with the snap of your fingers. I'm just saying that Reed Richards is our best shot - he's the smartest man alive, but even he might not be able to do shit." She had already said why going after the Human Resistance struck her as a dumb idea. Having a larger group was fine, they would just need to go after better quality recruits. Carolina's little snub at Richards though made her chuckle slightly. "Mr. Fantastic? Couldn't think of an edgier insult?" she teased. She then thought for a moment about what Allison said.

"I expect you to have a plan since you remember this other world and I trust you. I don't trust those two," she said, motioning towards Carolina and Annie. "And I don't remember that world, so I have no idea what I'm doing. This stuff, hero work? It's all new to me." But regardless, Allison seemed to be on her side with the entire going to Reed Richards thing and it wasn't long before the two speedsters had whisked the group off to the Baxter Building.

Now, when Guin was a little kid, there were two posters in her room that she adored above all over - and when she became a teenager, those pictures helped her to realize her sexuality. The first one was of Hedy Lamarr, the inventor (and actress) who designed a frequency-hopping signal in World War II that would keep Allied torpedoes from being tracked or jammed by the Axis powers. The second one was of Johnny Storm a.k.a. the Human Torch, one of the competitors in the popular Sapien Death Match. Her father never particularly liked that poster, since the Human Torch was one of his competitors (he fought under the alias Iron Man).

And here he was, right in front of her, the epitome of sexual desire himself - Johnny Storm. She was tongue tied for a moment, a deep blush coloring in her cheeks. Sighing slightly, Guin did her best to compose herself. "This'll be interesting..."

"What is that supposed to mean Guina?" Pietro asked, raising an eyebrow at her, noticing the fact that she was blushing.

"Oh, it's just... You know... Johnny Storm."

"So? What about him?"

She bit her tongue slightly. "Come on, let's go inside already, we're wasting time!"

"Why are you changing the subject Guina?"

Guin sighed slightly. "He's hot, okay? He's really, really, really hot."

Pietro frowned slightly at that, falling silent. Guin reached out and took his hand, giving it a squeeze. You know I love you and I'm engaged to you, right? I know that. You're hotter than Johnny Storm - he's just a celebrity crush I had as a teenager.

Dominika Novikova and Runa Blake

Location: The Human Resistance HQ - New York
Skills: N/A
Runa thought for a moment about what Lance had said, before she grabbed his arm before he could walk away too far. She wanted to continue this conversation a little bit more. There was something that she wanted to ask him now, before they went off on this mission that likely would change everything in the universe again and potentially even kill this fairytale of theirs. "What would your happy ending be, Lance?" she asked him softly.

Lance thought for a moment, before he gave her a bit of a smile, "Truthfully it would be to be back in Australia before all of this happened and before I got my memory back... With you."

Runa blushed deeply, not able to help but smile slightly at that. "Even though it wasn't real?"

"Yeah... Even then..."

"...I would pick that too, except I would change one thing," Runa said, before hesitating. "No, I would change two things." She would want her family to be near - she missed her mother and father, even her annoying brother Forseti. She missed the way the water looked as it fell off of the edge of Asgard. And of course, she would want it to be real and not just falsified memories created by Wanda Maximoff to placate them all.

Meanwhile, Novikova heard Max mention Infinity Stones, asking what anyone in the room knew about them. She knew that there were six of them and that they were incredibly powerful - and that was about it. It wasn't really helpful information at all by any means. Max's phrasing that they would have to give him information about them or that he wouldn't tell them about Strange was... alarming, to say the least. "And I thought James was the arse," Novikova whispered to Maria.

Cass at the least seemed perfectly fine with those demands, giving information that even Novikova didn't remember - an Infinity Stone had been at the heart of the Battle of New York. She nodded at Maria's suggestion of a vacation, but her mind had started to think through what something that powerful could do to help them here. Maybe they could threaten Wanda with it and force her to fix the world? Tinley confirmed their thought experiment - it really was Wanda who had meddled with reality. Apparently the cat was here too - she had to wonder if they could just bribe Goose with catnip to beat up Wanda.

"Okay, so... Dr. Banner - how did you guys find the Infinity Stone back in 2012, when Loki attacked Earth?" Novikova asked. She figured they could just duplicate whatever the Avengers did, track down the Reality Stone, and put things right.

Casper Theriot

Location: the Hallway - Baton Rouge
Skills: Mediumship
Even if Max wasn't actually contacting him via telepathy, the entire sensation made Casper's skin crawl. "Yeah, Jackie's fine... He has a kid, claims he didn't kidnap her but I think his story doesn't quite add up... But um... Why would you want me to help you? Unless you want me to tell you what the dead are saying, I'm not much use." He purposefully didn't mention the trick he realized he could do with Ben at the moment. It wasn't reliable enough and he didn't know if he would be able to use it to save the world. In the sports metaphor of life, he was a cheerleader - everyone else was on the team. Anastasia was actually helping to distract him enough to keep him from freaking out and she had a really good point. The security here was awful.

"Yeah, I've been in rehabs with better security than this!" Casper chimed in.

"And yet, you still managed to escape from a few of them..." Ben pointed out. The ghost had his hands in his pockets and looked tired and worn out. Sometimes, Ben would just vanish for a few days. Casper thought of it as him going into hibernation, recharging his spirit batteries so he could withstand Casper's hyper active lifestyle of sex, drugs, and rock n' roll.

"Only the ones that are booooring," he emphasized to Ben.

Ben just rolled his eyes. "Since when have you not been bored in rehab, Cassie?"

Holding up a finger to Ben, he considered what Jack had told him - Captain America wasn't a superhero here. Could he trust Max with the infinity stone? But then again, reflecting on what had happened Max's first night with the Mutant Underground, that was probably a bad idea. That did give him another idea though. "What about that girl you want to bang, Veil or whatever?" he suggested to Jack.

The alarms then started to blare and his first thought was this better be a drill! Then he realized that it wasn't a drill. Those alarms were for the intruders in the building. They were the intruders. "It's just a drill, nothing to worry about!!" he shouted, wondering if maybe the bluff would buy them a few extra seconds. He then turned to start to run, only to trip and plant his face on the ground.


Virginia Crypt

Location: Gretna Green - Church
Skills: N/A

With Vlad mentioning that he needed to retrieve his hat, it reminded Virginia that her axes were both currently lying around the Church. She took a quick moment to fetch both of them, cleaning their blades on the fabric of her dress. It was not that she minded the filth they were covered in so much as she wanted to keep the quality of the blades pristine - her tools served her with honor and should be treated with respect. The battle may have concluded for the moment, but the haze still clouded her vision. In the heat of combat with the creature, it almost had slipped her mind but now, the haze was ever-present. She made her way over to Millicent and stood by her side. The Great Bazhooli's experience was fascinating - he had been thrown physically backwards during his trip to the astral plane.

Several of her trained skills allowed her mind, her soul, to leave her body: Mikasi allowed her to perform astral combat, whereas Sokw and Chankoowashtay allowed her to travel in order to see things occurring great distances away. Hearing though that the Bazhooli had found a plane of existence completely different to where they were currently... It was wondrous and made Virginia wonder, if she were to use her own skills, would she be able to access this place as well? Before she could think much on it and what the possibilities could be, strange and beautiful things continued to come into play. From the ashes that covered poor Ludwig, Deadly Nightshade grew.

The words caused her heart to still and her already pale face drained of color, until she resembled a cadaver. Those had been the words her father had sent to her via the funeral flames of dear Mosi. Seek life elsewhere. There even had been a drawing of the atropa belladonna on the page. And of course, the voice belonged to the mysterious woman she had met at the Russian Circus - Belladonna, her ancestor, the Crypt with the ebony hair. "Belladonna...?" Virginia whispered, the wonder in her voice so childlike.

Elizaveta, her distant cousin, added to the mystery with a revelation: three. There were so many different instances of threes that had happened lately. She had seen a white light three times. There were descendants from Belladonna present, accounting for three different families. Three petals fell from the Deadly Nightshade. Belladonna's voice had repeated herself three times, it had taken three women to slay the poor monster. And with her thoughts already on Vlad's exploration into the other plane, everything clicked into place as Virginia saw Elizaveta extend her hand to her.

"I see," she said, before taking a moment. "Millicent, my dear friend... If this works as I anticipate, and perhaps even in some unexpected manner, and I do not return... I place the Crypt Estate in your care until James is old enough to claim his birthright," she told her dearest friend. She then took Elizaveta's hand, waiting for Vladimir to take the Duchess' other hand so that they might travel to that astral plane as three.

Maeve Brennan

Location: Gretna Green - Church
Skills: N/A

Maeve pulled a face, incredibly confused with everything that was happening. The Russian woman seemed to be insane. She kept on muttering about the number three, as if that somehow was the answer to everything going on here. But as far as Maeve could tell, three had nothing at all to do with the haze that was clouding their vision or the monster that they had fought. The only three she could think of that had any sway here was the Holy Trinity, but with the pagan girl joining in on whatever was about to go on, she doubted this was anything godly. Since Colette was really the only one here that she knew, the Irishwoman gravitated over towards her and leaned in slightly, as if they were co-conspirators in some sort of heist.

"Do yer 'av any bleedin idea what de 'ell they're blatherin' aboyt?" Maeve whispered. Sure, she felt no loyalty or ties to Colette, but at least she was someone here that she recognized and she felt comfortable whispering these sort of things to. Everyone else seemed to either listen to the Russian woman or essentially just wasn't willing to get into a prolonged argument with her. And if it wasn't for the craziness that Maeve was certain would be continuing outside with this haze, she would have just left the Church right now and cut her losses. And why was there a small little creature running around, perching on the Russian man's shoulder like it was a bird? Was this all a bad dream? Was it something she had eaten the night before?

Leda Storm

Location: Camp Half-Blood 2F -> Medical
Skills: Superhuman Speed

Leda huffed slightly, annoyed to see Zeke just brush off her insults. It was even more irritating for him to suggest that she just go and run around, grabbing everyone to take them to medical. She was tired. She had been running around at top speed for almost the entire game, carrying people too, and her arms had pretty much turned to jelly. If she went to go grab the injured at the moment, she'd be liable to end up fainting at high speed and then need a medical tent herself. At least Scarlett seemed to share her enjoyment in beating up Zeke or just outright insulting him, so that did something to heal her wounded ego. "I'm so going to regret this..." Taking a breath, Leda kicked off, sending bits of dirt flying as she started to race around at top speed, grabbing the injured campers one by one and ferrying them to medical.

Her throat felt like it was on fire and her heart she was pretty sure was about to explode, but at the same time there was a sense of euphoria. She had the runner's high and it was propelling her forward, allowing her to complete this task despite every fiber of her being screaming out for her to slow down and take a minute. When she finished and skidded to a halt outside of medical, the daughter of Iris almost fell backwards as she took a knee for a moment, trying her best to calm her heart rate down with some controlled breathing. "Hey... does anyone... have some... bloody water?" she asked between breaths.
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