Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
1 yr ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
4 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Location: Carriage One ->> the Seventh Floor - Dumbledore's Office
Magic: Pocket Sneakoscope, Care for Magical Creatures

"I didn't get into any trouble - I mean, not much trouble," she shrugged. "Flame here made a rat explode on me, I s'pose that counts." She glanced over at Zelda, smirking to see that she was still bright red. Maybe this would be the year that Zelda would fess up about her crush on her fellow Ravenclaw chaser. "Maybe Dumbledore's just finally gone straight up barmy. It'd explain a lot. Fairly certain the bloke's so ancient he taught most of our professors how to wave a wand."

Paige's spirits dimmed as Fae got into the carriage, taking the last remaining empty seat - right next to her. "How do you deal with her, Mads? Don't you ever want to just hit a bludger at her face?" Paige asked Madalyne, clearly talking about Fae.

A moment later, Professor McGonagall leaned into the carriage through the open door, though her attention was focused on Madalyne. McGonagall was Madalyne's Head of House and had been the one to promote her to the status of Gryffindor Prefect, making it logical for the fierce professor to entrust her above the others to remember this key bit of information. "The password for the Headmaster's office is Apple Whip," McGonagall said. "Do not dally and go immediately to his office once you arrive at the school." McGonagall then stepped away from the carriage, shutting the door before walking back to the Knight Bus to assist the other students.

The carriage ride was fairly brief, Hogwarts Castle almost instantly coming into view. They had arrived far faster than usual, with the sun still shining its rays down on the magnificent series of towers, turrets, and chambers. There was a splash in the Black Lake, possibly caused by the Giant Squid or a merperson coming up to take a look. Of course, it was relatively quiet aside from the hoots of owls or the wind whistling through the trees of the Forbidden Forest.

The carriages stopped in front of the Entrance Hall. Paige opened up the door and climbed on out. She was still in her muggle clothes, as they hadn't had a chance to change - but everyone else was pretty much in the same boat. They were about three hours early, so she figured they'd have plenty of time to change before the Start of Term Feast, providing Dumbledore didn't randomly expel them all and then award 150 points to Gryffindor for some random act of bravery. Her pocket sneakoscope was still silent, something that made her believe that it had to be defective, as Apollo and his gang were just about ten feet behind her in the other carriage.

Paige walked in through the giant entrance hall doors and made her way to the grand staircase. Pictures covered just about every inch of the walls, running about and chatting excitedly. A few of them would go - "Oi, where are your bloody robes?!" whereas others, somehow already aware of the events on the train, looked at the students with sympathy. It was a lengthy climb, as the entrance to Dumbledore's office was on the seventh floor of the school. Paige's legs ached slightly from the extensive hike as they finally reached the stone gargoyle that guarded the entrance to Dumbledore's office.

She cleared her voice. "Apple Whip!" The password activated the enchantment as the gargoyle began to rotate, revealing a set of spiral stone stairs that ascended upwards. She glanced at her friends, Madalyne and Zelda, and did her best to put a brave smile on her face. She was ignoring everyone else there. "It was nice knowing you all," she said jokingly, before climbing the staircase.

Finally, after all of that traveling from King's Cross, they were in front of Professor Dumbledore. His office was rather grand, the walls covered in dusty tomes written in about every language known to man and more than a few that had been lost to time. Various instruments of unknown purpose were on pedestals all about the room. A magnificent phoenix peered at the group curiously from its perch.

Headmaster Dumbledore wore elegant, jewel encrusted ruby robes. He smiled kindly at the group as they assembled, gesturing to nine plain stools in front of his desk. "Please, take a seat. Would anyone care for a licorice snap?" he offered, picking up a bowl filled with black wizarding sweets. Unlike the muggle version, these ones attempted to bite anyone who tried to eat them.

"Erm, I'm good, thanks," Paige said, as she took a seat in the middle, right in front of Dumbledore. There were four stools left to either side of her. This entire set up was making her uncomfortable, especially as the phoenix looked rather old. Phoenixes tended to burst into flames and die near the end of their lifespan, and while they were reborn from the ashes as a baby, the thought of Dumbledore's bird dying while they were in here was unsettling.

Dumbledore set down the dish of sweets at the side of his desk nearest to the students, before taking a seat in his chair. It looked more like a throne than something a teacher would use. "I am quite certain you are all curious as to why I have called you here... I would like you all to become the inaugural class of the Scamander Society. Each of you have been selected due to your unique and extraordinary abilities. I would like to guide you and teach you to use them for the greater good."

Paige raised an eyebrow. This sounded like a cult to her. The name Scamander was achingly familiar as well - he was a famous magizoologist, the author of Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. "Professor? What is the greater good, exactly?" she inquired.

"An apt question, Miss Atwell," Dumbledore acknowledged. "Since the fall of Lord Voldemort, his Death Eaters have been seeking new leadership. The Ministry of Magic refuses to acknowledge the formation of a new sect called the Basilisk Guild. It is my hope that the Scamander Society can be a tool to prevent a new threat from fully emerging, as well as impart my knowledge gained from both Voldemort and Grindewald onto the next generation of witches and wizards... I understand that more than a few of you are interested in careers as aurors or curse-breakers. I would be more than happy to write letters on your behalf."

"...Wait, so first off, we're not in trouble - and second, you want us to join some secret group to fight You-Know-Who's forces?" Paige summarized.

"Indeed, Miss Atwell - and as you currently surmised, the Scamander Society is secret. You may not discuss it with your fellow classmates, friends, or even teachers. To the rest of the school, us ten will simply be meeting twice each week for an elective course I am teaching - History of the Dark Arts."

Her eyes were positively sparkling. She didn't even think about how her parents would feel about her joining a secret club run by Dumbledore. Not only was he essentially saying that she was talented and worthy of being picked for something like this, but he had also offered to write her a letter of recommendation. That could be the key to opening the door to her dream job at Gringotts as a curse breaker. She immediately took back everything she had said earlier about Dumbledore going a bit senile. "That's so rad. I'm in."

🐺 Asha Jabari 🐺

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Reception
Skills: Shapeshifting

Asha thought for a moment when it came to other good pranks to pull on Helgi. She tended to be a bit of a trickster as well, though her methods tended to be more subtle than outright. However, a scheme hatched in her mind that she couldn't quite pass up. As a daughter of Odin, Asha was a skilled shapeshifter and she concentrated, before turning into a dark black raven. She flew up into the air, her entire perspective shifting as suddenly everything around her seemed a lot larger, and she flew over to the reception desk. She aimed for Helgi's name plate, zooming by as she unleashed her payload - a gigantic thing of bird poop.

Asha then flew and perched on Klara's shoulder, remaining in her avian form. That was one perk of shapeshifters, at least among norse demigods - they could speak still. "I'm coming up with all the ideas, guys, and while they are rad, I'm expecting you two to come up with something as well," she said. Her voice was normal and everything, it was just coming out of the beak of a raven.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Amtrak - North Dakota
Skills: N/A

Nancy grimaced slightly as Madalyne pointed out their lack of funds. They had some money left over from earlier, but that was barely enough to buy a meal, not nearly what they would need for plane tickets. She didn't know how to drive. Madalyne mentioned that she didn't either and Nancy was guessing that Niah similarly didn't. She really wished that they had gotten more money from the Legion before they left, but hindsight was twenty twenty. She paced back and forth for a moment, before she came up with an idea. "I can't drive... but how hard can it be?" Nancy asked. "However, I have an idea for the money issue... Everywhere demigods go, there's bound to be a monster, right? How about we poke around Fargo when we get there, find the biggest bad that we can, kill it, and then take all of its loot?"

"Any monster worth its stuff should probably have enough for us to hire a cab or something - or even to buy a bus ticket to get there." She was vaguely aware that there was some sort of ride sharing thing on phones, but she didn't even want to consider how to use one of those things. She sensed that Niah wasn't comfortable with the plane option - that was another thing that had changed since her time in the hotel. Planes had so much more security now. "And if that doesn't work... We could pray to our godly parents, see if one of them is feeling nice."

The Hub - San Fransisco: February 14th, 2021 - 10:20 A.M.

The Hangar...

Doctor Strange remained in a trance of sorts, twenty feet up in the air and oblivious to Hill's scolding of Tinley. He was nearing the end of his rituals however.

Director Hill's eyes narrowed, looking at Tinley with a gaze of pure calculation, as if she were attempting to determine the easiest way to build and then instantly destroy something. Power corrupts - and absolute power corrupts absolutely. She had been groomed by Fury to take over his position, and as a young woman early in her career, she couldn't afford anything less than a stellar performance. Hill would be judged twice as harshly and given only a quarter of the praise by the Council in comparison to her predecessor.

Her eyes seemed to flicker for a moment, as if they were changing color, but it must have just been a trick of the light. "I sent you on a mission to determine why the inhumans had unleashed the Terrigen Mist into the atmosphere - not to defect to them and take their orders as gospel, Abercrombie. Maybe it was a mistake for me to have an inhuman lead that mission. As for communication and relaying what was going on... You weren't the one piloting the quinjet. You could have sent a transmission, however brief, while in transit."

"I'm glad that your team performed well," Hill continued. She eyed Oliver. "But I cannot trust you to lead. Agent Sullivan... go fetch Agent Reed for me. Agent Abercrombie, this is a temporary reassignment for now. We'll discuss this more later. You'll have an opportunity to defend your case with a council of the other senior agents present."

Bonnie Chase

Location: Virology Lab
Skills: Jack of All Trades (Medicine), Enhanced Surgery, Enhanced Physiology

Bonnie's mind was focused on the work ahead of her. Had she not been, she likely would have shed a few tears for Raynor. She didn't like him at all, finding him extremely unpleasant and difficult to work with. He was one of the most frustrating agents that she had ever met, but he was still a person. He didn't deserve to be replaced by a skrull, without any sign of what had happened to him. She had to focus on getting Cass' blood so they could make a cure for Sparky and all the other mutants afflicted by M-Pox. Mourning a teammate would have to wait.

"Good thought, Matt," Bonnie said, managing a slight smile. She hadn't even realized that they could use his power of paralysis in order to keep Cass still. Sparky was ranting and raving, something Bonnie didn't blame her for but again, she just didn't have the processing space to deal with her. Maria was handling Sparky though - she was grateful for that. "Flynn, get your leg seen to by Tempest if you can. And then please keep Sparky from getting up, she'll just injure herself and make her condition worse." She frowned slightly at his comments about Tinley and Hill.

"Stay still," Bonnie instructed Cass, even though it was impossible for her to move. Agent Simmons assisted Bonnie with the procedure, helping to steady Bonnie's hands as she took the needle and gently pushed it in through the upper corner of Cass' eye, navigating the optic tissue. Bonnie felt incredibly tense, afraid that one wrong move would result in Cass being blind.

"There," Simmons agreed, giving Bonnie a nod. "You should be able to draw now."

Bonnie nodded as well, slowly pulling back on the syringe. The needle itself was quite lengthy, easily double the length of the syringe. They were taking the largest blood sample Bonnie dared, not wanting to drain Cass' head of too much blood. The red liquid emerged into the syringe chamber, slowly filling until they had the syringe about three quarters full, the most they could do. Bonnie gently guided the needle out, not daring to breathe until it was out of Cass' eye.

"There," she said, as Simmons took the syringe and quickly transferred it into a pre-labeled vial. "Strange said he could accelerate the creation of a cure with that from his powers... Matt, I don't know, can you un-paralyze Cass? We're done with her hopefully. And could someone go fetch Strange?"

There was a knock on the laboratory door. Peering in through the window, her silver hair braided back and ruby red shades masking her eyes, was Dominika Novikova. "Can I come in?"
@MsMorningstar You have unfortunately hit day 8 and are hereby removed from the RP. Best of luck in future RP endeavors!

Guin Stark

Location: the Reception
Skills: N/A
During the vows, Guin had burst into tears. She hadn't expected to be the sort of bride to cry on her wedding day, especially since Thor was the one performing the ceremony and everything he said tended to be comical. Her hair had finally grown out enough that she could pin it up, suiting the style of her dress, with the blue and purple flowers of the bouquet giving a splash of color to her outfit. After she and Pietro kissed, following Thor blessing them with his hammer (something that Guin felt just sounded wrong out of context), she managed to blink the tears out of her eyes, beaming at her family, friends, and loved ones gathered. Her father looked like he had been trying to hold back tears most of the time.

My Guina, Pietro said to her mentally before he picked her up in his arms and went to the reception area.

"You are so ridiculous!" Guin laughed. It would have been annoying or obnoxious any other occasion, but at their wedding, it struck Guin more as adorkable than anything else. Her fiancé - no, her husband - was sweet, charming, silly, and mental. He was everything a girl could want in a kleptomaniac ex-villain speedster. When they reached the reception, the scenery took her breath away, even though she already knew what the decorations were going to look like. The blue and purple lights were an amazing, colorful touch that she adored.

"So, husband," Guin began playfully. "Do you want to go have our first dance? I might have already asked Dazzler to play one in particular for us...Uptown Girl," she finished with a smirk. She knew it was one of Pietro's favorite songs, the song that he had been listening to when they first met properly. She didn't count the time she met him as a high school student.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Reception
Skills: N/A
Once the ceremony concluded and everyone got up, heading to the reception area, Neil followed suit. He had sat next to Sara during the ceremony and he really hoped that they were placed at a table together. Everything was so fancy and extravagant that he assumed there were assigned seats. So many rich, famous, and powerful people were just casually milling around, making the young mutant feel a bit out of place. He didn't really like crowds that much either.

"Erm, Sara? I'm not imagining things but... is that a magenta robot walking with the Scarlet Witch?" he whispered to his girlfriend, looking at the Best Woman. The robot was wearing a smart collared shirt and sweater, yet that did nothing to disguise the glowing yellow gem in his forehead or the portions of what looked like grey steel. The Scarlet Witch had linked arms with the robot, wearing an impressive ruby red gown that somehow fit in perfectly with the blue and purple color scheme of the wedding.

During the ceremony, Neil had been relieved to notice that Magneto was not in attendance at his son's wedding. Wolverine apparently had been hired to do the security, though Neil wasn't really sure what the man with metal bones could do against the master of magnetism... It seemed like a bit of a liability to him. He wasn't about to go tell that to Tony Stark, though. He liked not having his credit score instantly plummet to subzero levels, his discord account not being read by a billionaire, and being able to play games without worrying that Tony Stark was about to delete all of his progress.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Wendy's - Atlanta, Georgia
Skills: N/A

For a brief second, Leda wondered if Artemis might just vaporize Zeke right there for talking about peaches - but then she remembered that the Goddess of the Hunt likely didn't know what the peach emoji meant and she was probably just overthinking things. She wondered as well what had brought Artemis there. She knew that the goddess typically traveled with her hunters, though she was all alone at the moment. Kristin had grabbed all of their food, including Leda's, though Leda didn't feel comfortable eating in the presence of a goddess, no matter how much her stomach was growling. The gods typically didn't stay very long whenever they visited anyways.

She hesitantly took a seat down across from Artemis, not really feeling right to sit next to her. "We've... We've had some setbacks," Leda admitted. "One of them was m-my fault." She didn't want to lie to Artemis. Sure, Apollo was the God of Truth but she was fairly certain Artemis would be able to tell if they lied to her. "I think we'll be able to get to Texas tomorrow maybe, so... we should be able to rescue Calliope then in time for Lord Apollo's competition."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Amtrak - North Dakota
Skills: N/A

Nancy took a swig of water, looking grateful as she pretended to let Madalyne help her up to her feet. People were starting to leave finally, the crowd thinning, and the man she had tried to pickpocket clearly wasn't saying anything at all. The ruse had been a success and Nancy relaxed, loosening up. "I think I might've just gotten a bit heat sick or something," Nancy said, just in case anyone was still watching her or listening to what she was saying. She let Madalyne help her off of the train, only completely ending her act once they were off the train and out onto the station platform.

"Thank gods mortals are so thick," she said with a sigh of relief. "Hope that didn't bother ya too much, Niah - the entire fibbing thing." They had been spending a lot of time in close quarters lately and she had more or less learned that the Oath Binder couldn't lie. She wasn't sure if it was Niah being incapable of it or if Niah just wasn't comfortable with it, but she didn't want to push Niah to do something she wasn't willing to do. "And yes, spill the beans."

December 18th, 2020 - 2:50 PM

Dunkin' Donuts -

From his car, Jinx wasn't quite able to hear the conversation between the White Queen, Pyro, and the Ice Queen. All three of them continued to look over at the entrance to the Dunkin' Donuts, as if expecting for someone to emerge - probably the target that Reeva had instructed them to secure, dead or alive. No one emerged from the Dunkin' however. Maybe the target didn't trust Ice Queen after all and had fled out the back entrance. Maybe they hadn't quite finished their coffee just yet.

"If you let her get away, you're dead!!" Pyro screamed at Ice Queen, his voice loud enough that Jinx could hear him clearly. Pyro flicked his lighter on, yet instead of just a small flame appearing, a gigantic dragon made of flames emerged. The dragon flew at Desiree's car as Pyro walked away from it. Just as he cleared the blast range, the car exploded in a giant whoosh of flames. Both the White Queen and the Ice Queen were unharmed.

The volatile pyromaniac then went off at a run to the Dunkin Donuts, going to collect his prey.


Location: the Old Underground Hideout
Skills: Leadership, Perception
The day Feedback's mother died was not one that Veil looked back on fondly. She remembered the sound of the screech of the police car's tires, the loud thud from Max's attack. The air had smelled like burnt rubber. Her initial reaction had been horror, knowing that the Purifiers would use this to fuel human-mutant tensions. Tome's actions had inadvertently thrown gasoline onto a fire. Tempers had been flying when they went back to the Underground - she remembered Tome's nasty comments towards Sapphire, Sapphire and Glimpse screaming at each other.

They hadn't known then that Tome had murdered Feedback's mother - there had been a bit of bliss in not knowing the identity of his victim. He had been trying to help them to escape, help them get back to the Mutant Underground with the items they had stolen from the Hellfire Club. He hadn't set out that day wanting to kill.

"To-Warlock," Veil corrected herself. She thought the name was a bit over the top, primarily since it reminded her of an old, gruesome horror flick. She didn't really want to hear Tome, no, Warlock say forgotten witches fly? "Telling me that I'm becoming more of a leader each day is patronizing - so quit that. I get it, you believe that you're a hero and you're doing the right thing for mutants. But Warlock, you and I both know you're doing it with the wrong people. Emma Frost and Magneto are two sides of the same coin. They were complicit in what Shaw did, with what he had Sinister do. I know you don't believe me, so if they are everything you think they are, ask them. Ask them for the truth about Shaw. Ask them for proof that they've really cut ties. And once they answer you, go look for evidence yourself. Since if you're going to be a hero, you need to make sure everyone you work with is one too."

Veil noticed her brother, Echo, glance over at her and she nodded. Her gut was telling her - as well as the information Glimpse and Feedback had gotten - that Warlock was being honest here. This wasn't a trap or a set up. She nodded at Spark Plug's summary. That was more or less how the events had gone down - and why she couldn't believe that the Hellfire Club were heroes. They may have had good intentions according to Warlock, the creation of a safe space for mutants, but the ends didn't justify the means. Sapphire was worrying her. Whatever had happened in that other world was more serious than she realized. Sapphire only used words instead of fists when she was broken in Veil's experience.

"... I could make our faces invisible, yes," Veil admitted to Feedback. She paused for a moment, trying to think of how to put this delicately. Feedback's mother's death had been an accident. Warlock would never get a fair trial for it - he would be sentenced to death. Veil didn't want that to happen to him. She didn't like Warlock, he made her wary and guarded and she was never sure what he was about to do next, but he didn't deserve to die for an accident - especially one that happened since he was trying to protect her and others.

Glimpse bought her a second of time to consider though. "... I thought it was Tome, like a book of spells, not Tomb." She then sighed. She couldn't leave Feedback waiting. Feedback needed her closure. She cared desperately about her and it was painful to have to tell her this. "Feedback... he didn't mean to murder your mother. It was an accident. He was trying to save all of us, to just slow the police down, not..." she didn't even know how to finish that sentence.

"He wouldn't receive a fair trial. The judges are hard on cop killers, even harder on mutants. The jury would be the same. I don't know if he could afford a lawyer, though I guess the Hellfire Club might have one on retainer... I know you want justice for your mom, I get it, I really do. It wasn't right what happened to her. I'm so sorry she died... But if someone is going to turn themselves in for her death, it'll be me. I was leading the mission. It happened on my watch. I take responsibility for what happened."

Sunshine and Casper

Location: Mutant Underground Hideout - First Floor: Training Room -> Aboveground
Skills: Mediumship
"Honestly, I have no idea if auras will help..."

Casper sneezed ferociously into his elbow, his neck hurting from the suddenness of it all. His eyes were a bit red and his head felt incredibly stuffy, like Sunshine had shoved a bunch of cotton balls into his ears. Miraculously, Ben managed to remain corporeal through all of this, looking a bit annoyed. Anything that broke Casper's concentration threatened his ability to interact with the physical world - and right now, Sunshine had given Casper a head cold. "Urgh, why is it - sneeze - always - sneeze - like this - sneeze - with you?" Casper complained.

"Maybe don't antagonize the Plague Bringer?" Ben said to Casper, not even bothering to lower his volume. He wasn't used to other people being able to heard his snide comments.

"I AM NOT A PLAGUE BRINGER!!!!" Sunshine screamed at Ben. Anger was being expressed from every pore of her body, the blood pumping thunderously through her veins. She looked about ready to throw a bit of disease at Ben, only to realize it probably wouldn't do anything, as Ben was already dead. She'd have to figure out another way to get even with him. Her eyes narrowed and she turned her attention to James.

Would he even believe her if she told him what was going on? Casper was giving up on Erg. Apparently, everything that had happened in her dream had been real events. The conclusion she came to then was that somehow, Jack was her father - and he had abandoned her. It would have been one thing if her father was a deadbeat or a drunk, but Jack was nice and that made it worse. He didn't even need to live with the Mutant Underground, he had an office for his business. He could have been a father to her, but... That didn't happen. And if someone as nice as Jack could abandon her, well, Sunshine felt the only explanation would be if she wasn't lovable.

Her anger then abruptly shifted, as she burst into tears again and turned, running out of the Mutant Underground, not stopping until she was aboveground. She collapsed against a tree, hugging her knees to her chest and just wailing like a banshee.

Casper was a bit stunned, continuing to sneeze despite his best efforts. "What was - sneeze - that all - sneeze - about?" he couldn't help but ask. It didn't seem like Sunshine was really just mad about Erg, though he guessed that could've been it? No, it seemed like there was something more going on. If it had been about Erg, he figured she would have yelled at him a while ago over this. He looked at the others in the room helplessly.

They had had dinner in Rome, enjoying the marvelous views of the city underneath the hazy night sky. Almost everyone present were at least eighteen years old, allowing them to drink, but even those younger were able to order a glass of wine or some other spirit. Italy's policies on alcohol were a lot more loose than those in the United States. After dinner (and a little too much gelato), they had gone to the Stark Villa. It overlooked the water, with at least eight bedrooms in the house and a private pool.

"Okay, Mare, what's next?" Guin asked, as she unlocked the door and let everyone inside. Mary was the maid of honor, meaning that she was running the party. Carolina, Annie, and Allison were serving as the bridesmaids.

"I'll be honest Guin, did not plan that far ahead. I'm up for suggestions though, not use to this sort of thing at all," Mary responded as she walked in after Guin, looking around the house which was pretty large. She walked over to the couch and picked up a pillow. "Guessing it pays to be rich sometimes, cause this place is huge... Hey Guin, catch!" she said instantly before she threw the pillow at Guin, and managed to hit her in the face with it.

Allison had never been traveling for pleasure much, but to say she was excited about a trip to Italy to celebrate Guin's wedding was an understatement. She may have drunk a bit too much because she was feeling very fine. So much so she had put her phone away, leaving contact with Oshea out of the question. This was a girl's trip, after all. And damn if they didn't deserve it.

She was curious about what the next thing would be, but Mary had given her an idea. "Ooooh I have an idea. Let's have a pillow fight! And we can wind down after with a game, maybe. Truth or dare? This isn't a sleepover but its damn near close to one. And I never had a sleepover before."

Iris had made no effort to stay sober, though it'd be an exaggeration to call her outright drunk. She was tipsy, which didn't do much to alter the already eccentric girl's personality, only really slightly increasing her tendency to let out thoughts in the form of half-thoughts. A city vacation wasn't exactly her usual cup of tea, but getting to know the girls of the X-Men was heaps of fun, especially if free food and drink was included.

"Oh hell yeah!" She exclaimed when Allison put forth the idea, a big, excited smile dancing on her lips. "Sleepover-themed bachelorette party sounds dope!" She said, before adding, "I've only ever had sleepovers with my mom, which isn't as fun as it sounds."

Cassandra was pretty surprised that Guin had called her to invite her over for her bachelorette party, she definetly did need to take some time off and relax, and requested the time off. She was also there with her sister Carolina which was also a plus, since they didn't really have much contact aside from a few phone calls here and there. It kind of reminded her of the Christmas party that she and her team had months ago, she laughed a little bit seeing the wanting to start a pillow fight first.

Carolina was excited she was of course going to have as much fun as possible as well, and having her sister there with her to the party was also really nice. She did take a few drinks here and there as well, feeling more relaxed as well she couldn't help but giggle slightly when Mary threw a pillow at Guin and quickly went and grabbed one and hit Mary with it at the back of her head. "This will be a lot of fun."

Antoinette had been enamored with the Italian countryside as soon as they landed. It was absolutely gorgeous here and the people were so friendly. At dinner, Antoinette engaged in a bit of a wine tasting and was feeling as if she were floating on clouds. Her head was buzzing a bit but not so much as to impair her completely. She walked into the Villa behind her friends and trialed her hands over different objects as they all convened in the living room. She had been surprised that she would get be one of Guin's bridesmaids, only thinking she was invited to the party but she was honored all the same.

The pillow fight started and Antoinette grinned before she gathered a couple and threw one at her best friend Carolina before she took the other and took aim on the bride-to-be. No one was safe from a pillow fight.

Guin was at least slightly tipsy, as she picked up the pillow Mary had thrown at her. She had had a few pillow fights at boarding school. Despite what she liked to claim, she hadn't been a complete loner. She and the other rich girls had done some of the stereotypical sleepover activities, especially towards the end of term. "I'm gonna kick all of your asses," Guin warned, a smile of pure mischief on her face. She then went at a charge with the pillow, jumping on Mary in an attempt to tackle her and hit her with a pillow at once.

"Hey rude!" Mary responded to Guin with a bit of a laugh as Guin managed to tackle her. She instantly grabbed another pillow though and swiped at Guin with it, hitting her over the head. "Don't say I didn't warn you!" she added before hitting at Guin again with the pillow, still giggling.

Mira had been fairly quiet regarding everything, watching everyone else first. She wasn't one who typically was used to this sort of thing, it was definitely a bit strange to her. She actually wasn't even too sure what a pillow fight was (having never had one) but she got the idea fairly quickly with people grabbing pillows left and right and throwing them at each other. This was definitely weird, however, she was not one to back down from any sort of fight (no matter how silly) and she instantly grabbed a pillow to defend herself with, as well as deciding to just hit Allison with one of the pillows as well. She couldn't help but smile slightly at this whole situation.

Glad to see everyone jumping on board with her idea, she was about to launch her pillow-pummeling when she was hit anawares by Mira. A grin forming on her face, she turned to her new foe. "You made a powerful enemy this day," she said in a joking manner as she cocked her pillow like a gun before running forward, swinging her pillow at Mira's head. She'd have to take the powerhouse down first if she had any hopes of gaining the upper hand on Guin, though she was sure Mary could handle her for now.

Iris' grin grew wider as the chaos of the pillow fight ensued. She'd had been in pillow fights before, with her sisters when she was younger, and then occasionally with her mother later on in her teen years. This situation wasn't exactly a mystery to her. The only mystery was what side she'd choose. As Alison brought down a pillow on Mira's head, though, Iris made her decision. She scooped up a thrown pillow up from the ground, speedily walking up behind Alison, slamming her fluffy weapon into the back of the blonde's head. She followed it up by giving Mira a fake salute, saying with a crooked grin, "I've got you covered, commander!"

Carolina turned her head around and faced Annie and started to giggle a bit as Annie hit her on the head with one of the pillows and then swung it as hard as she could at her friend's head. "Hey, I thought we were friends?" Carolina said teasingly as she went in and hit Annie again on the side with her pillow. Cassandra meanwhile reached over for another pillow and then swung it at her sister as well, which she turned around and faced her. "Hey, aren't we family so aren't we suppose to be on the same side or something?" Carolina asked jokingly as she went and hit her sister back in retaliation, and Cass went and hit her in the head again. "Nope, not when it comes to pillow fights." Cassandra said back to her sister jokingly, having had a few pillow fights in the past.

"No one is safe in a pillow fight," Antoinette countered and went in for an attack on Carolina since Guin was well under siege. Antoinette kept her attention on Carolina, adopting the two on one mentality and slipped around to Carolina's unprotected side to attack her from behind. Antoinette smiled and laughed as she attacked her best friend and there were counter attacks. There hadn't been this much pure, childlike join in a long time. For any of them.

"You guys are picking sides? It's every bitch for herself!" Guin announced, laughing. She hit Mary over the head and grabbed a fallen pillow, standing up from the ground as she smirked. "I'm dual wielding, so I get a +7 attack bonus now, right?" she quipped. She hit Mary again with one pillow and with her other pillow, she hit Iris in the back of head, cackling the entire time. "Wait! Does anyone want Jell-O shots while we fight? 'Hydration' is important!"

"This isn't dungeons and dragons Guin," Mary couldn't help but say in response to Guin as she threw another pillow at her head, not really caring that Guin had asked about Jell-O shots in the meantime. "You should keep your guard up Guin don't you think? Though I wouldn't be opposed to Jell-O shots, Guin."

Mira rolled her eyes slightly at Iris's response, but she giggled when Allison hit her over the head with a pillow. "Oh really? You better watch yourself," she said instantly as she swung her pillow at Allison again, though she also grabbed another pillow and threw it at Cass, hitting her with it. She was more or less ignoring Guin's question since she wasn't exactly a drinker and was the youngest one there, so it all depended in her mind what everyone else wanted.

Allison felt the hit from both sides, turning to see Iris. She put her hand to her heart, "Et Tu Brutus??" she said before smiling. Doble-teaming didn't seem allowed as it was every woman for herself. Allison grabbed another pillow, dual-wielding them. "Jell-O shots sound excellent. But for now...it's war!" She unleashed her pillow-fueled fury, striking Iris and spinning to send a pillow flying at Mira. She held up her remaining pillow as a shield. Who knew who else would be joining the fray?

Iris wasn't surprised by Mira's lack of gratitude. In fact, she'd been half expecting Mira to wack her with a pillow in response to her cheeky comment, but that didn't happen. Her salute put her in a position that wasn't exactly defensive, so when Allison struck, there was no protecting herself. The face full of pillow sent her stumbling back a little bit, and she was gearing to throw her pillow at her assailant, when Guin's words distracted her. She twisted her head around to look at the bachelorette, head tilted. "The fuck's a Jell-O Shot?" she asked, having never heard of such a thing. She was no stranger to alcohol, but she tended to stick to things that came directly out of a bottle.

"That's totally not fair!" Carolina said pouting as her own sister and best friend started to hit her on both sides with her pillow as she laughed a little bit. She then threw her pillow at Annie's head and quickly snatched Cassandra's pillow and smacked her on the head with it, when Cass turned towards Guin. "I wouldn't mind some Jell-O shots. Cass said before getting hit again by Carolina. "It's alcohol mixed with Jell-O which is made in shot glasses. Carolina answered Iris.

Antoinette squealed and abandoned her pillow before she tackled Carolina to the ground and sat on top of her. "I like Jell-O, so alcohol infused Jell-O shouldn't be bad," she noted. Antoinette hadn't drank much before her time at the school and during the Scarlet Witch world change, she had drank more there as well. Or at least, that Antoinette had memories of drunk infused nights. She didn't mind the warm feeling alcohol gave her but she wasn't a complete fan of it.

"Jello-O shots it is, noble Valkyries!" Guin declared. She threw a pillow at Mary and then one at Allison for good measure, before half stumbling, half running to the kitchen. The household staff had prepped the place for just about everything the partiers could want. Guin eyed the prize and pulled out a tray of Jolly Ranchers flavored Jell-O shots, all made with vodka. She didn't mind the tequila version, but vodka was by far her favorite. "Cheers!" she said once she had passed a shot to everyone, before downing her blue raspberry wonder.

"Ooh, you know what? Shots and truth or dare sound brilliant... Mary, you start us off then."

"I mean, Truth or Dare sounds like fun let me think for a moment..." Mary said, contemplating who she should ask a question. She knew that odds were if she asked Guin, odds were that she would choose the dare (she is a Stark after all and she knew that at times Guin could be a bit reckless). So she was leaning towards asking someone else the question to make things more entertaining. Mary took one of the Jell-O shots, downing the drink as she thought about who to ask. Mira looked at the alcohol, picking up one of the shots and sort of sniffing it, unsure really of what to do with it. Drinking alcohol wasn't something she typically did, but she shrugged somewhat and downed a shot herself.

"Alright then... Carolina, Truth or Dare," she said towards the younger Reed, looking at her.

Carolina laughed a little bit when Annie decided to tackle her to the ground and laid there on her back groaning a little bit, as she looked over at Guin as she decided to switch things up. She smiled when suggesting Jell-O shots with a game of truth or dare, she gently rolled herself off of Annie and grabbed herself one. While Cass went over and grabbed one herself, and they both downed theirs quickly Carolina looked at Mary for a moment. "Uhm, truth." Carolina said.

"Alright, I'm going to ask a tame one first, leave the weirder probably more embarrassing ones for later. Since knowing at the least how Guin tends to be the questions and dares are going to go really crazy really quickly," Mary said, looking at Carolina. "Do you have a celebrity crush, and if so who is it?"

Carolina looked at Mary for a moment as she thought about who her celebrity crush was, she liked both guys and girls honestly though she liked girls a little bit more. "If we are talking about celebrities' then Katherine McNamara she's a really cute redhead." Carolina said blushing slightly. "Guin Truth or Dare?"

"Yeah, McNamara is hot," Guin agreed, before smiling widely. "Dare. Let's fucking do this!" she cheered, downing another Jell-O shot. In some moments, it was easy to forget that Guin had been a drug addict and she spent a portion of her high school experience in a rehab facility. But with her downing Jell-O shots (just two so far) like candy, it was probably a bit easier for people to imagine.

Carolina thought for a moment as she took a quick shot from one of the Jell-O shots as she thought of a question looking over towards the kitchen and smirked a little bit. "I dare you to dump the kitchen trashcan over yourself."

Guin smirked. "Game." She got up instantly and walked into the kitchen. She didn't really like wearing nice, clean clothes anyways - her favorite pieces were covered in grease from the lab and generally had a million holes in them. Pietro, for some reason, was bothered by those choices. He had started finding the most damaged shirts and shorts and burning them. She opened up the cabinet under the sink and pulled out the trashcan - there wasn't really that much in there. For the most part, it was just the empty powder packets for the Jell-O. There wasn't anything liquid.

Of course, Guin wasn't going to do this on herself in the kitchen - that wasn't bold enough! With a huge smirk on her face, she walked back over to the circle of women and stood in the middle. "This is the money shot, girls," she said, before turning the trashcan upside down over her head and letting the garbage fall, laughing the entire time.

"Iris - truth or dare?" she asked, still giggling as she threw the trashcan aside. It hit the ground with a soft thud.

Iris was in the middle of laughing at the bride's display when she heard her name. She quickly quieted herself, perking up as if she'd forgotten she was even there until she was addressed. She gave Guin an impish grin. "Do I look like a truth kind of girl. Dare me, Stark!" she exclaimed. As if to show how ready she was, she slammed back the bright red shot that had been sitting undrunk in her hand since she got it. Her face contorted; she didn't mind the vodka, but the Jolly Rancher flavoring didn't even taste like the fruit it was trying to mimic. Another thing to add to the list of things she hated about the 'civilized' world.

Guin thought for a moment, before she walked back into the kitchen. She reached into the fridge and grabbed the ketchup. Picking out a glass, she filled it up with the red condiment and triumphantly returned, handing it to Iris. "I dare you to chug this," she challenged.

Iris tilted her head as she looked at the cup of red, an eyebrow raised. "Uh...what is it?" she asked, gingerly taking the cup from Guin. She didn't wait for an answer, however, instead bringing the cup to her lips and beginning to sip. As she took her first mouthful, she pulled it away from her lips, face twisted up in disgust. To her, it tasted like someone had mixed sugar into melted plastic within a few feet of a tomato. But she brought it back to her lips, drinking down the sludge, though with its consistency, the word slurping would perhaps be more accurate than drinking.

After what felt like forever, she set the glass down. Save for the thin layer of ketchup clinging onto the sides and bottom, it was empty. As soon as it was out of her hands, she snatched up two Jell-O shots and downed them. They weren't pleasant, but they washed out the sickening taste that remained in her mouth. Feeling queasy, she grabbed the trash can Guin had just tossed to the side, holding it between her legs and positioning her head over it in case she needed to puke. She looked up at Guin, and despite the unpleasant experience, she still grinned. "I'm so downgrading your wedding present," she said, before turning her head towards Antoinette. "Annie, truth or dare?"

Antoinette grinned at Guin tipped the trash can over head, rather tame for dares Antoinette thought but she didn't mind. She was certain they would get more extreme as the night went on. When Iris chose dare, Antoinette watched Guin curiously before she covered her mouth and held back a laugh until Iris started to chug the glass of ketchup. She wiped back tears and patted Iris on the shoulder before the girl questioned her and Antoinette smiled. "Dare," she said boldly. There would be time fore truth telling and confessions later on in the night.

Iris raised her eyebrows, seemingly both surprised and impressed by Antoinette's choice. "Oh, fun, gimme a second..." Iris said, pursing her lips and putting a finger inquisitively on her chin. She raised her head from over the trashcan, scanning her surroundings, looking for inspiration. After a few seconds, her lips spread into a wicked grin. "This is such a beautiful place, truly an elaborate show of wealth. If it's alright with our slightly inebriated but still very gracious host," she nodded towards Guin, impish mischief in her eye, "I dare you to steal something from the Stark Villa. Something expensive. And keep it as a souvenir, a reminder of this lovely occasion!"

Antoinette watched Iris look around the house for inspiration and sat a little straighter, feeling a bit more confident in her task. However, Antoinette should have known that taking longer would mean a more difficult dare. Iris wanted her to steal something from the villa and Antoinette's face paled. She had never stolen anything in her life. Her nose started to twitch and wiggle as she thought the whole ordeal over and looked over at Guin before looking over the Villa herself. ”Is it really stealing though when a Stark is present,” Antoinette asked.

She stood all the same and wandered the villa, looking for something she would find enticing. She found herself a medium statue of an eagle about to take flight from a branch, with its wings spread. It was a pretty standard looking piece. Antoinette detoured to the room she was staying in, grabbing her sketchbook before she returned to the group and quickly made a rough sketch of the statue. ” There, stolen forever,” Antoinette declared and showed Iris the drawing that would last as long as Antoinette cared for it. ” Allison, truth or dare.”

Allison had been patiently waiting her turn, quietly excited at the prospect of doing something she had never been able to do before. Being the "weird girl" in school didn't offer many invitations to sleepovers. So when Antionette asked her, she felt very giddy. But that was also probably due to the alcohol. She also let it go that Antoinette technically did the dare, but what was the fun in that? "I'm feeling risky, so truth. Give me your worst." There weren't too many secrets she held. She considered herself a pretty open person, more or less, especially after everything that happened.

Antoinette smiled at Allison and tapped her chin while she took a minute to think on what to ask Allison. She could have tapped into her intuition to ask the perfect question but what fun would that have been. Antoinette shifted and crossed her legs, moving her sketchbook and smiled. "If you had an opportunity to leave the X-Men, would you?" The X-Men were a bit like family but it was also dangerous work. If the opportunity arose for any of them, would they leave?

Allison had to give Antoinette credit, it was a hard-hitting question. After all, hadn't she considered leaving before? "If I had the opportunity now....no, I wouldn't. If you asked past Allison, she would have said yes in a heartbeat. After all, she lost the love of her life, was screamed at, targeted, and ridiculed by the court of public opinion. But it's my family. We are doing good work, even if it isn't appreciated. I can use what I have to help others. Not only that, but I grew as a person and you guys are my family now. So no, I would never leave." Allison felt emotional, so she took a breath before turning to Mira. "Truth or Dare Mira."

Mira was a little bit surprised that someone had turned and asked her the question, and her mind instantly blanked regarding everything. She wasn't really sure what to respond with right off the bat since she wasn't too sure about doing truth or dare for this game all things considering. "Oh... Uh... Truth?" she finally answered a bit hesitantly.

Allison pondered a moment. Truth or Dare was a way to get juicy secrets out of people or make them do something embarrassing, but Mira never seemed comfortable with the team in general. She worked hard, fought with them, but she never seemed to enjoy herself, unless she was participating in a DnD campaign with Neil and Sara. "All right. Bypassing all current relationships and interests, if all of the guys or girls were single that are part of the X-men, who would you be interested in. Oh, and you have to pick someone."

She had a bit of a deer in the headlights look regarding Allison's question, since in all honesty Mira didn't really have an answer to that question. Her experience regarding dating and even really paying attention to people was virtually non-existent considering until she came to the mansion she kind of was an outcast regarding everything. "You essentially are asking me to lie by saying that I have to pick someone, but the truth is I would pick no one." Mira answered truthfully, shaking her, "I've never really been all that into dating or anything... Or really interested in anyone... Okay then, Cass... Truth or Dare?" she asked, looking over at her.

Carolina looked towards Allison for a moment. "I don't think that is apart of the rules and defeats the purpose of the game, since the answer wouldn't really be the truth." Carolina said towards Allison once Mira answered her question, and looked over towards her sister wondering what she would do. Cassandra turned her attention towards Mira when she addressed her, and thought for a moment, before shrugging slightly. "I'll go with a dare."

Mira thought for a moment, not really sure what to have Cass do, considering the fact that this whole situation was an entirely new thing for her. "Ummmm..." she started to say, before her mind completely blanked and she ended up looking more of down at the floor, not really sure what to do, so her mind went with the dumbest thing she could possibly think of at this point. "...Lick the floor," she said with a shrug towards her.

Cassandra looked at Mira and smiled a little bit, at least it wasn't something embarrassing like running around naked, or dumping trash all over yourself. "Alright then easy enough." Cass said as she got up and moved over towards the tile floor, and got down onto her hands and knees licking the grout between the tiles with her tongue shuddering slightly before getting up, turning her attention towards Mary. "Mary, truth or dare?"

In Mary's opinions, a few of the things that had been said regarding the truths people told was getting a bit ridiculous, though the fact that Iris had asked Annie to steal something was a bit ridiculous. Typically committing a crime was frowned upon with the games, and stealing definitely fell under that category. However her attention was drawn away and she thought for a moment, "Truth."

Cassandra thought for a moment, looking over at Mary as she thought of a question for her, before settling on one. "Tell us is there anything about your life you would change or wish you could have changed?

That definitely was a difficult question for her to answer, all things considering. There were a lot of things that have happened over the course of her lifetime that she probably would have changed if given the chance to. "Wow, that definitely is a hard one... There are more then a few things that I'd change," she responded slowly, thinking, before her mind went to what Allison had referenced, her being yelled at. Considering the fact that Allison had more or less the fact that Mary had snapped only really once during the course of her leading the team, she thought that was a decent track record. "Probably the events that happened regarding OMEN... From me snapping from stress to not being able to prevent people getting caught by the organization. That entire situation is something that still bugs me, and I'd change a few things regarding how the entire situation happened and the sort of snowball effect that happened..."

Guin had been a bit worried when people went for the negative drama inducing questions - and she had been annoyed when Iris asked Annie to steal something, especially since most of the items in the villa belonged to her late grandparents. The Allison and Mary drama though was something she did not want to revisit during her bachelorette party. Maybe it was selfish of her, but they just didn't need that right now! "Sooo everyone let's do a shot!!" Guin exclaimed, handing out Jell-O shots all around. Psst, things are kinda taking a weird turn here, I might ask you to kidnap me, she whispered to her fiancé through their mental link. "And yes, this shot is in fact required!" Guin added, before knocking hers back.

Allison fought the urge to dish out what she was being served, but this was Guin's party and it was supposed to be about her. If Mary wanted to act like this, it was her prerogative and one of the reasons Allison felt, at that moment, that they deserved better leadership. Mary has since proved herself to be capable and Allison assumed they had moved on. Clearly, she was wrong. "Yes, shot please." She took the shot and downed it. "I needed that."

Iris raised her eyebrows, pursing her lips as Mary answered the question. She hadn't been there, and she hadn't really heard much about it, but just from reading the room, it seemed like there was some unsettled grudges that Mary's answer caused to surface. Despite not actually liking the taste of the Jell-O shots, she slammed one back as Guin instructed, hoping doing so would inspire those who actually needed it to follow suit. "Alright, not sure what that was about, but from now on, how about we avoid asking or answering questions in a way that might cause us to go all Hector versus Achilles on each other, yeah? No reason ruin to ruin the bachelorette party of our blushing bride-to-be. In fact-" Iris said, before putting down the shot glass and digging into the pockets of her leggings. A second later, she pulled out a small bag of marijuana, as well as some rolling papers. "Why don't I make us a few joints. After all, you can't be angry and stoned at the same time. As a wise woman once said, 'when you're high, you let things fly'," she offered, a tipsy smile on her lips.

Antoinette took her shot as instructed by Guin and took another for good measure. She sighed happily, leaning against her best friend and felt all warm and tingly inside. "Perhaps we could go for a walk outside, or a late night swim," Antoinette suggested. She was far from ready to go to bed and they had to make sure Guin had fun on this girl's trip. Antoinette stood up, stumbled a little until she got her barrings, then walked over to the stereo to find some good music to play.

Cassandra listened to Mary's answer and nodded slightly towards her there was a lot of things that she wished that she could have changed as well sometimes. But you were pretty much stuck with them once things actually did happen, and leadership was really hard as well to she looked at Guin and nodded as she took a quick shot. Carolina went over and got up for a moment and gave Mary a friendly hug and smiled towards her, in her eyes Mary was a pretty good leader after all, she went back and sat down next to Annie and hugged her friend quickly and smiled. "A night swim would be really nice." Carolina said.

Guin put an arm around Mary protectively. She grimaced a little bit as Iris offered the pot. Truthfully, she didn't care if other people smoked it, but she didn't trust herself. "I'm gonna pass on the joint - but I'll bring the Jell-O shot tray to the pool, and some Mike's," she told people with a smile. "Swimming under the moonlight sounds super fun."
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