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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Cassandra Reed

Location: Sci-Tech Building 4 - Phase Three, Medical Ward
Skills: Dermal Armor (Passive)

Cassandra gave Fury a slight smile and nod towards him, she would call her sister once everything finally settled down she wanted to make sure that the new cadets were doing after the mission in the framework. Cassandra walked into the room seeing Agent Abercrombie, Agent Raynor and Agent Kennedy try and hold down Rivera. Cass was certainly taken aback when she yelled out Hail HYDRA, and took what was most likely cyanide and died rather quickly foaming of the mouth and skin paling. Cass rubbed the bridge of her nose letting out a slight sigh. She would certainly have to review everyone right now and to make sure that no other Squid Heads appeared.

Cassandra's attention went over towards Marygold and Maria when she said why things were tense between them, she wasn't going to say anything right then and there in front of the other agents. It really did irritate her after everything that she had done to help the X-Men, Cassandra did understand why but it still did hurt quiet a bit and she rolled her eyes towards Marygold.

If they wanted to talk to her then they can certainly ask her personally about it, Cass reviewed Fury's changes to the roster. They were minor to her as Cassandra looked over towards Fury for a moment, and then towards Agent Kennedy. "I'll search her room for any clues as to who she was in contact with." Cassandra said as she looked at everyone else, and nodded, regardless of what happened with Agent Rivera Cass was proud of the team, before she headed off to her room and prepare to grab her things as well as look into Rivera's dorm to find out anything in there.

Maria Smith

Location: Sci-Tech Building 4 - Phase Three, Medical Ward
Skills: Life-Force Absorption (Passive), Power Absorption (Passive)

Maria was really shocked and surprised to find out that Rivera was actually a HYDRA agent, and on top of all that Rivera was her friend and roommate as well which made things really disturbing. "Fucking hell.." Maria said softly as Abercrombie, Kennedy and Raynor went to restrain her. Then a few seconds later Rivera was dead on the floor foam spilling out of her mouth slightly, Maria shook her head and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Her eyes then went back towards Marygold for a moment once things settled and answered her question, Maria nodded slightly though she signed up for the project for a different reason. She would do anything to try and protect her sister back home and it was probably the best way for her to do it.

Maria looked towards Cassandra for a moment, she decided to ask her later if she allowed it that is, as Cass walked off to tend to other things. Then Maria listened to Fury as he brought up the team placements for everyone, she looked over towards Novikova and smiled towards her friend. It certainly would make things easier for her to work with someone that she did enjoy having her spare time with. Maria did feel bad for Niah as well when Agent Ridgeway said that her friend Antione died as a result of Phase Three letting out a slight sigh as she reached over with her gloved hand and gently patted her on the shoulder to try and comfort her friend as well.

Carolina Reed

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Carolina started to pace around the room as she looked at Peitro and then Scarlet Witch for a moment when she approached Aspen to threaten her, then it stopped all of a sudden. Carolina rubbed the back of her neck and then looked over towards Dean for a moment when he asked about what just happened between the two of them. "Their twins so they probably have some mental link or whatever." Carolina suggested giving a slight shrug as Magneto gave her a very small idea. "What if we try and sneak into OMEN HQ, or something and see if there is any further evidence to point to them that they attacked the mansion?" She suggested, it was probably a bad idea. "We get hands on a guard some of us act like prisoners and we sneak in?" Carolina thought it could be a good idea.

Then Thalia said something about Jakobson having a kid, who just so happened to be a mutant as well with the power of self detonation which could make things worse in OMEN's hands if he wanted to use the kid that way. "Is the kid not born yet or something now right?" Carolina asked looking over towards Thalia. Then the Aspen girl spoke up again and made her way over towards the group in an attempt to calm down Damon.

Magneto could easily just pull the metal arrow head off with his powers as Aspen tried to lower it down, she did agree with Bellamy as well looking over towards the Brotherhood guy. "We can get some icecream or something after all this is over, and maybe have the prom Dean was promoting before all this started." Carolina said giving him a friendly smile, then she eyed Magneto and the other members of the Brotherhood for any ideas on her plan.

Bethany Bell

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Bethany went over and sat down on the couch and eyes Damon still having an arrow pointed at the Master of Magnetism and rolled her eyes towards him. "He's gonna just stop that thing you know since it's metal and all." Beth said towards Damon just as Charlie said it before her left to go on the elevator and raised her eyebrows slightly seeing some of the others go down as well. Beth shrugged slightly before turning her attention fully towards Carolina, and the other X-Men and Brotherhood who were there.

Bethany agreed with Bellamy they all had a common enemy whatever happened in the past can go on hold for now, as she looked out the window as she stretched slightly and listened to Carolina's plan. "Maybe it will work." Bethany said giving a slight shrug as she looked around at the others. But she wasn't sure what exactly else that they could actually do at the moment as Bethany got up and stretched slightly again and walked over towards the window and looked down at the streets below. Then she turned to face Aspen and rolled her eyes slightly talking about ice cream now of all things.

Future Carolina Reed

Location: Jakobson's Campaign Office
Skills: N/A

Future Carolina just continued to glare directly at Jakobson and rolled her eyes at him, he was certainly very cocky that he wouldn't get implicated for the attack. "Still you are the leader of OMEN regardless if you are running for office or no, those were OMEN agents at the mansion. So you are responsible for what happened there or find out who is the one who attacked the mansion." Future Carolina said as she moved over towards a nearby chair and sat down on it. She watched as Nina would look around the room for an exit, which she thought would be a good idea anyway.

A part of her started to think that it was all a big trap for some reason, and he just wanted the leader of the X-Men out of the building to leave the others alone so that OMEN could simply strike. Then Folly asking how his fiancé was doing made her roll her eyes ever so slightly. Future Carolina then heard the door opening and it was Ricky, as he spoke about Jakobson's wife was on he phone and something about swearing. She turned to look at her sister with the same look that Guin had given Mary just now, Carolina decided to lean back in the seat once more and used Astral Projection to explore the campaign office building for anything.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Jakobson's Campaign Office
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked towards her sister as she spoke and gave her a nod she was about to say something like that as well, she remained fairly close towards Guin and Mary. She also watched as Nina went about looking for a way out if need be in case Jakobson had no intention of letting them go. Cassandra went to look around the room as well for a moment while looking over at Jakobson the man certainly didn't sound right at all. "I get you want to keep powered people in check, however you are going down a path that wont turn out well for just about everyone here." Cassandra said before adding. "Mutant inhuman, everything else and human included." Cassandra said crossing her arms over her chest looking over towards the door as it opened.

Seeing a familiar face Ricky Goldsworth, seeing the familiar SHIELD agent turned OMEN agent and now vice president candidate as well she gave him a slight now, but Cass didn't say anything towards him. Cassandra stared at her sister when he was handed a phone which made things feel a little bit weird and awkward as well at the same time. Cassandra started to think that this was a huge complete waste of time since Jakobson hadn't budged or said anything about the attack, they just needed to wait a little bit longer for Guin's little bug worked and JARVIS would get what was needed from the OMEN servers.
@Dollie Id be up for anything with vampires or werewolves. :)

@Dragoknighte A few seconds later Halsey had finished dealing with a customer as she walked back into the section of the store that she had called home. She eyed Harry for a moment when he picked up the small display case, and approached him before speaking up. "Ah that old thing, it's been with my family for years." She said as she gave Harry a slight smile before moving over to a small drawer as he drew the small thing in his notebook. She took a small key and unlocked it, it was connected to a small iron chain that it was a small necklace attached to the runic symbol as well and handed it over towards Harry. "You can take it if it interests you." Halsey said offering it towards Harry.

@FantasyChic Finley's grandparents were out in the backyard talking, when they both entered her grandfather came in when she called for them. "It's fine, just no kissing or whatever you kids are gonna do." He said as he grabbed himself a glass of water before heading back outside before calling out. "Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes." He said before closing the backdoor, Declan looked towards Finley. "Seems he's fine with it." He said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Finley for a moment waiting for her to lead the way up to her bedroom.

@Kirah@McHaggis&@Morose@BlueSky44 The demon's name was indeed Siegfried Seoh once Jenna started to look at them, she would still see Andrew in the corner of her eye hovering over her when she searched for the demon's name. "That is his name, the guy I did the deal with, give me a second." He said as the temperature in the room got a lot colder Jenna as Robert remained fairly close to Lydia and then looked at the other two that were in the room and waved towards them. Before Andrew finally appeared in front of the four kids that are in the room, his body was very transparent, and the door closed behind them then there was a bit of condensation on the window as he turned towards the window and started to draw the same symbol on the window before the temperature of the room went to normal and the door slowly opened again.

Olivia Johnson

Location: Abandoned house
Interacting With: @Damo021 Miranda Burke

Olivia leaned back in the seat as she took a drink from the glass of water once Miranda gave it to her and smiled shyly for a moment as she rubbed the back of her neck and nodded slightly. If they turned to the police on what they found it might look like it was suspicious towards them. "Your probably right we might end up getting in trouble for it or something." Olivia said letting out a slight sigh as she took another drink from the water and then looked out towards the window as she started to think about what to do now exactly they found some information on the house and that Riley was still possibly alive.

Olivia then looked towards Miranda and shrugged slightly she wasn't even sure what to think who would want to take Riley and for what reason as well. "I don't know." Olivia said as she thought for a moment, and bit her bottom lip for a second she didn't want to reveal that Finley could get visions, but she did want to say that they would be going to the lake later that evening. "Finley, Declan and I are going to the lake to see if we can find anything up there did you want to come?" Olivia offered her.

Abraham Serafin

Location: Red Lake Townhall/Library
Interacting With: @rivaan Kosara Koleva

Siegfried let out a loud groan and hiss in pain when Kosara splashed the holy water into his mouth, and then spat onto the ground feeling his mouth starting to burn and sizzle slightly from the water. His eyes continued to remain very black and stood a bit closer towards the hunter. "Oh i'd make you squirm and make you experience all the pain you could ever think of." Siegfried threatened, and then howled in pain when Kosara stabbed his leg, causing him to drop down to his knees as she did the same thing to his other leg as well. Abraham continued to pace around the room watching the interrogation continue.

Abe watched what Kosara was doing, before making his way over towards her and rested a hand on her shoulder for a moment as Siegfried continued to groan from the pain. A mixture of blood and the bit of holy water started to get onto parts of the Devil's trap, Abe started to notice that and quickly made sure that the warding would remain strong. "Lets take a break, we may need the host alive if the demon doesn't reveal anything." Abe said towards his niece.

Sophia & Gilbert

Location: Ville au Camp (The Mill) -> Village outside of Munich, 1509
Skills: N/A
Skills: History, Alter Form

It was not quite dawn yet when Gilbert stepped into The Mill. It was a fairly secluded spot on the rounds of Ville au Camp; a freestanding building surrounded by tall, thick trees that helped to muffle the labors performed within. This was The Hat's workshop, and while he kept it more or less tidy, it showed the telltale signs of a place of utility and creation. Particularly if one were creating implements of death by the hundreds. Walls were lined with various pieces of weaponry and armor, divided by eras of human development. Ancient to modern, and more locked away besides. But the focal point was a smallish, round table with two cups of coffee, lightly steaming, with a platter of scones in the middle. Simple wooden chairs sat on either side, practically begging to be used.

Gilbert sat down on one side of the table and helped himself to a blueberry scone. Not bad, if he did say so himself. Today was going to be special. He should treat himself and his student first.

Sophia opened her eyes and started to stretch out, while letting out a slight yawn she started to get used to things by now, she looked over at the note that was under her door. She spent two months training with Evelina the first day was the scariest almost nearly getting dropped twenty feet and getting eaten by walkers. She'd be training with The Hat it seems as Sophia walked over and got changed for the day.

She left the main house and started to make her way across the grounds and over towards The Mill where the letter had told her to meet him at. When she got there Sophia noticed the round table with two cups of coffee in front of her and the Hat sitting there, as she approached him she gave him a slight smile and wave. "Good morning." She said before making her way and pulled up a seat. "What will we be doing today if I may ask?" Sophia asked, curious as to what they would actually be doing for their training.

Gilbert raised an eyebrow and set his scone down. This one was inquisitive. Probably for the best, though he did not want to encourage completely open discourse at the beginning of her training. "Ordinarily, I would have you pick out a blade and give you a short lecture on responsibilities." he confided, "You are a little different. We will get to that, probably tomorrow, but today you require something more personalized to start our time together. Tell me, what do you consider the biggest hindrance to your combat training?" He looked the woman over, eyes resting on her hands for just a second. "Oh, and by all means, help yourself to some breakfast."

Sophia smiled slightly towards Gilbert when he offered her breakfast and reached over for a scone as well as the cup of coffee and then leaned back in the seat as she took a bite out of it. "Thank you for the breakfast by the way." Sophia said as her eyes then looked over towards him when he asked what would be the biggest hinderance for their training. She was grateful for the more personalized part of their training, before taking off the prosthetic hand and set it down on the table. "I probably wouldn't be able to properly hold a second weapon with my left hand anymore, or some kind of rifle that does require to hands to handle either, and punching with a stump probably wouldn't hurt anyone much." She said shrugging slightly, she felt like her options would be a little bit more limited.

"Mmm, of course." agreed Gilbert, speaking through a mouthful of scone. He motioned with his cup before clearing his palate with it, cleared his throat, and continued. "You have a liability. Something that makes everyday human function more difficult for you." The timeless warrior narrowed his eyes and leaned in toward Sophia a bit, his demeanor much changed from just seconds ago. "And they sent you to me for combat training. Curious." He reached under the table and brought up a bundle of coarse cloth. "Put this on and follow me."

Gilbert rose and walked to the back of the Mill, past various sets of armor and and to a simple wooden door. Just before he stepped through, the tall Emendator called back, "And don't forget your hand, Sophia."

Sophia took another sip from the coffee, before finishing the cup and set it down her attention fully towards Gilbert nodding in agreement. Everything was a quiet a bit harder for her, even tying a simple knot was though a lot somedays as well Sophia raised an eyebrow towards Gilbert at his comment. Then he produced a coarse cloth and set it onto the table, she was curious what it was as she unwrapped it was a simple grey dress with a high collar and long skirt, a black corset, and a pair of black gloves. "Just give me a moment." Sophia said as she stood up and then walked to the other side just for a little bit of privacy, before getting fully changed in the outfit that the Hat had given her.

She approached the table once more and grabbed her hand, and quickly went to join Gilbert at the back of the Mill she took notice of the various sets of armor that were there. Which did get her interested in it a little bit. "So how do I look?" Sophia asked looking over towards The Hat, wondering what was actually behind the door.

Gilbert gave a devious smile and motioned for Sophia to attach her prosthetic hand. To answer her question, he straightened his posture considerably and clicked his heels together in a fairly antiquated manner of etiquette, intoning with flawless German accent, "Wie ein Deutscher, Fräulein Harris." He opened the smallish door to reveal a field of shimmering in the frame, the telltale sign of a portal suitable for Emendator and Paradox use alike. Gilbert's features started to alter, but not by much; he changed just enough to appear Caucasian while maintaining his same basic appearance. His clothing changed with him, though it was more drastic. For all appearances he looked to be a tradesman or merchant from an era long past, somewhere in central Europe. "Holy Roman Empire, in what would now be Germany, 1509." The accent remained with the man, like a motivated method actor. "A village tavern outside of Munich. I have something interesting to show you. Follow me." He stepped through the door and into the dim light of history beyond.

Sophia nodded as she started to attach the prosthetic hand onto her stump and made sure that it was on firmly as she pulled the straps tightly on it. Then she slipped the pair of black gloves over her hands, she watched as Gilbert started to change and shift slightly which was still amazing to watch to her. Sophia raised an eyebrow towards him as he spoke in German towards her, which she didn't know or understand either. Sophia listened to him as he gave her a brief description on where they are traveling which was the very early 1500's as the door opened and quickly joined Gilbert on the other side. "What are you going to show me?" Sophia asked, as she stepped through the other end and looked back as they emerged out of an outhouse. She was certainly very curious and interested on what he would be teaching or showing her.

The portal in which they emerged was indeed inside of an outhouse. The structure bore a heart-shaped cutout, was painted the most brilliant shade of green, and for the meantime had a sign bearing the word "ACHTUNG!" across the front of it. It made for an excellent place to hide a temporal gateway. But that wasn't the point of their jaunt across the centuries; the tavern nearby was. Evening was just beginning to settle in, and the townspeople were putting away their tools of labor, many coming to this humble place of beer and sausage to unwind. Gilbert pointed to the tavern and ushered Sophia inside, saying, "This night, a man by the name of Götz von Berlichingen is visiting this establishment. He was also known as 'Götz of the Iron Hand'."

He smiled and selected a table for them in a out of the way section near a series of massive, untapped barrels. "He was quite the character. Dangerous, but well liked by the common people. You'll see why in a little while. For right now..." Gilbert winked at a young lady carrying a tray of steins, traded her a coin for two of them, filled with frothy, red-amber liquid, and returned to Sophia. "Have a drink and enjoy the show." Gilbert plunked the beer stein upon the heavy wooden table with a hollow, sloshing sound, and slid it across to his Paradox-In-Training.

Sophia looked among the people that were there, as they were finishing up their day of labor and then some of them heading directly towards the tavern. She looked back over her shoulder towards the outhouse that was their way back home, it was still very weird for her to go back in time. She quickly caught up with Gilbert as he led her into the tavern itself, and followed him towards a secluded spot in the establishment.

Sophia sat directly across from Gilbert as he sat down and ordered two beers for them, as Sophia quickly caught her stein and listened to him speak. Sophia wasn't to big on history growing up, she didn't know the guy The Hat had mentioned but she had a feeling his name would have some significance anyway. "He sounds like an interesting man, also thank you for the drink." She then turned slightly to watch the scene unfold.

The man that Gilbert pointed out, Götz, was sitting atop a table with his boots in the chair in front of it, near one side of the tavern. He was resplendent in his military finery and big, black beard. Götz hoisted a drink with one hand, the other closed into a fist and laying in his lap motionless, covered by a black leather glove. Truly a man of the people, he was obviously of noble bearing yet was spending his time drinking and socializing loudly among the common folk.

A trio of armed men suddenly burst into the room, pointing at Götz and yelling angrily in the local German tongue. Whatever the meaning of the exchange was, the intent was clearly to inflict great bodily harm upon the man. They advanced, swinging their swords wildly. "They won't bring the fight this close to the beer barrels. Priorities, you understand. They aren't savages." His remark came with a smile, though admittedly it was easy to remain calm when one was the veteran of a thousand wars.

Sophia took a quick sip of the beer as she turned her head as she heard the door open seeing three armed men entering the tavern, she turned the chair slightly to face the action. She couldn't understand a bit of German as they argued amongst each other for a moment, before the fighting broke out. One of them aimed for Götz, when he blocked it she could instantly hear the telltale sign of the blade hitting his metal hand. Which was pretty smart, seeing that it didn't cause any injury or harm to his hand, she then turned to look over at The Hat. "What happened to his hand?" Sophia asked, the title was fairly obvious that he did end up losing his hand at some point.

The fight raged on, even as Gilbert and Sophia spoke. The bearded Götz was doing remarkably well against the armed men, and without so much as having the need nor opportunity to draw his own slender sword from its sheath. "Cannonball." said Gilbert, answering Sophia's question. "Blew it mostly off. He had to have the rest amputated. It was supposed to end his career. He had another plans." One of the men in the fight, apparently realizing the mistake he had made, ran as fast as his legs could carry him away from the "crippled" man and out of the door of the tavern.

Sophia listened to Gilbert as he answered her question how Götz ended up losing his hand, shuddering slightly it probably was a lot more painful than getting bit by a walker and having it getting chopped off. She leaned forward as she continued to watch in interest as the fight continued to rage on. Until one of the men finally started to chicken out and then ran out of the tavern, seeing the crippled man was still surprisingly holding his own. "He can certainly hold his own actually." Sophia said looking back over towards Gilbert.

"Yes, he surely can." agreed Gilbert, paying attention to the fight with familiar interest as it raged on. The one-handed Götz was demonstrating martial superiority against armed men without so much as drawing his sword. Almost wistfully, Gil continued, "There are many like him in history that I can show you. A Roman general named Marcus who lost a hand and had a gauntlet commissioned for him so he could still grip his shield, for one. A young warrior woman from India who lost a leg, supposedly given an iron one from her gods so that she might continue fighting. Oh! And a somewhat arrogant man from Michigan with his own supernatural and undead problems; he had to remove his own hand in a battle. Replaced it with a chainsaw and, like the others, became even more dangerous because of it. Do you understand the conclusion I am leading you toward?"

Sophia watched a little bit longer of the fight seeing Götz holding his own well enough made her feel easier that she could do it on her own someday as well. Her attention went back towards Gil as he spoke, she gave him a nod as she understood it very well from various people who went through the same thing that she did as well. Though the bit with the guy with a chainsaw was a little bit farfetched to her, but again anything was possible at this point to her now as well. "I'm understanding more now, I wouldn't be as useless with more practice over time." Sophia said giving Gilbert a friendly smile.

"True, but that isn't the whole of my point." returned Gilbert. His eyes seemed to brighten with the idea that his Paradox was beginning to understand, which would make his time with her considerably more productive than he had anticipated. "Every one of these people, including 'Herr Iron Hand' here, turned a liability into an asset. You can do this, too. I will help you." He looked to the fight in progress which was already winding down, the ironfisted German fellow the clear victor. "The lesson is over. Let's finish our beer and go home."

Sophia brightened up some more and nodded, she would certainly like that a lot and learning from someone like Gilbert would help, she took another drink from her beer before putting it down again. "I will certainly look forward to learning a lot more from you." She said as she could hear the fight starting to wind down more, looking down at her hand once more wondering how to make it even better in the future. She soon finished up drinking the last from the stein and looked towards Gilbert she was ready to head back whenever he was.

"Excellent." replied Gilbert, "Your earnest training begins tomorrow." He immediately slammed back the remainder of his beer, plunked the empty stein down on the table, and rose. "Alright, let us get back home. To the Scheißhaus!"
@PrizeFighter Hello and welcome to RPG! :D If you ever want to RP or chat feel free to ask sometime! :)
Lauren Ridgeway

Location: Outside of the Cairo Museum
Skills: Reading People, Bribing

"It's a pleasure doing business with you sir." Lauren said giving the vendor a friendly smile and bow once he finished bagging up the meat and handed it over towards her. "Yeah, yeah." The fat man said as he waved her off, Lauren was satisfied with the price she had managed to get it down to. Lauren still had enough money to buy things if she needed to, she adjusted her purse and held the bag of meat in her other hand as she started to turn back towards the museum. That's when she started to hear a series of loud screams, and the crowd suddenly parting ways. Lauren could see smoke in the distance as it got closer, she quickly started to make her way closer towards the street but remained close to the edge in case of any on coming cars.

That's when she saw it Lauren could see that someone was indeed actually on fire as Lauren squinted a bit Lauren could see that it was Neema who was on fire. Then a taxi was driving, she could hear Neema's body thudding against the car as it continued to drive off looking around Lauren quickly snatched up a blanket from a nearby vendor as Neema's body stopped moving twenty feet away from her after the taxi impacted the elderly woman. Lauren was pretty sure that the woman wouldn't survive it, but she had to do something about it anyway as the people kept their distance and watched.

Lauren quickly tossed the blanket over Neema's body and started to pat the body down in an effort to try and smother out the flames breathing heavily as she could feel the heat off her body she stared at the other people there. "Give me some water now!" Lauren yelled hopefully someone would turn up with a bucket of water to try and help her out.
In Sector X 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@kittyluna45 I’m interested will have something up when I get home from vacay
Katalina Johnson

Location: Xavier's Mansion
Skills: N/A

Katalina gave Miranda a friendly smile and nod towards her, as she looked directly over towards Mythri the girl seemed to be angry, she wasn't sure if it was all the time or not. But she seemed to now be pointing fingers at Charles, and simply just shrugged as her attention went fully towards Charles as he spoke about the program. To her it sounded like it was something worse than death, being experimented on by the government and forced to be some kind of military weapon against them. She leaned forward as she rubbed the back of her neck and thought for a moment before looking over towards Charles.

"Why not bring out powers to the public or something? It would probably bring out more people like us out of the woodwork and then bring up the whole experiment stuff up?" Katalina asked, as much as she wanted to remain in secret with her powers maybe it would also bring awareness on what was actually going on around them. "Or we could go to the facility itself and try and take it out from the inside or something since you and Erik now the ins and outs of the facility itself?"
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