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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Kiera Donovan

Location: Hephaestus' Junk Yard.
Skills: N/A

Kiera gave Leda a loving smile as her girlfriend leaned in and kissed her arm and instantly perked up at the idea of having some chocolate was something she was really craving. "Some chocolate would really be nice right about now." Kiera said as she watched Lauryn walking over towards one of the fallen automatons and started to search around it's insides a bit pulling out some wires and whatnot. She wondered what she was actually going to do with it before picking the body up with some ease. "Lets get going I dont want to have anymore encounters with anymore robots." Alannah said looking at everyone for a moment and started to climb up the rope ladder.

Kiera's arm still felt a little bit numb and sore as she looked down and started to get some movement back, she was surprised that the ambrosia fixed her up rather quickly still. She gently held Leda's hand started to climb up the ladder and made her way back up onto the ship, she then stopped for a moment as she noticed something starting to move in the distance.

She saw a rather large automaton about the size of a three story building very slowly making its way towards their ship it looked like it had seen better days as well to seeing the large robot clearly sparking and having some large holes in certain places to. Lauryn set the pieces of armor down and noticed the large robot slowly approaching, she looked towards the others, before bolting for the wheelhouse and started the ship up, once everyone was actually onboard.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Mount Othrys
Skills: Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology

Atlas glared a both Marco and Niah as they were successful in their little plan, as the Titan shifted slightly as he stood and stared the group of demigods down. "I swear on the River of Styx Echidna's forces are on their way to destroy your puny little camp and city, and they are going to take Terminus to replace me in my place." Atlas said, growling more at them he couldnt do anything against them though but his allies would. Madalyne looked at the others when Atlas revealed his plans, Terminus was the closest immortal being to this place so it was an understandable pick to.

"We need to-" Madalyne spoke before hearing what sounded like a series of loud howls coming from deeper into the building as Atlas started to laugh a little bit. "I might not be able to harm you, but they will certainly be able to." Atlas gestured towards a man and a group of werewolves as well to. Madalyne started to try and figure out who it actually was, before finally realizing that it was Lycaon. Her, Nancy and Niah encountered a group of werewolves before when they were going for the gem. "And the other part of the plan was to have some of you take up the burden while we burn down your camp or at least one of you anyway." Lycaon said as the werewolves shifted back to their human forms, Madalyne looked around and counted about twenty of them or so, including Atlas and only five of them. "Can you guys buy me a bit of time? I'll need your help Waverly to." Madalyne asked looking at them.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Bourbon Street, New Orleans Louisiana
Skills: N/A

Kristin's spear turned back into a bracelet she looked at Zeke and rolled her eyes slightly he was still a really annoying ass in her own opinion at the moment. "We could try stealing a car, i'd rather do that then get on a bus again and endanger anyone on the bus." Kristin said as she started to make her way over towards the street again and looked around for a car that they could use. Janelle couldnt drive since she couldnt see. Zeke and her didnt have a driver's license but as long as they drove carefully and didnt draw attention to themselves or the police they should be able to get to where they needed to go.

She saw a white car that was still on and leaned in and got a look to see that the keys were still inside, Kristin then tested the door seeing that it was easily unlocked. "C'mon lets go." Kristin said to both Zeke and Janelle as she got into the car, waiting for them to get into the car now.

Nadia Petrova

Location: Boston
Skills: N/A

Nadia watched for a moment as Arnora, Lara and Elizabeth went their sperate ways, she eyed the dwarves for a moment, she still wasnt sure why they were being directed towards the bar. She eyed the dwarves that were in the bar, some of them were just talking amongst themselves and enjoying their drinks. "Yeah if you'd like we can go to the bathroom and you can get freshened up a bit or something, it's up to you really." Nadia said as she started to look around the bar, before finding a door that looked like it was a bit out of place, and started to make her way over towards it and opened the door.

Once the door was opened it revealed a rather dark looking street, she looked around seeing that the buildings looked kinda similar as well, before realizing that the door led them to Nidavellir. Which explained why there were a number of dwarves in the bar itself as well to, Boston was was always the closest connection point to the other realms from what she remembered. "Looks like this is the little connection point to the land of the dwarves." Nadia said towards both Klara and Runa as she took a few steps out of the building and looked around seeing some dwarven inventions as well to. She just needed to find out how to get to she leaned herself up against a wall waiting for Klara and Runa to join her.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Boston
Skills: N/A

The two dwarves smirked as they talked amongst themselves, before making their way onto their ship motioning for the three women to get on as well. "So where are you headed anyway?" One of the dwarves asked as Arnora climbed onto the ship as well, looking at Elizabeth before going and finding a seat on the boat and tossed the dwarves a sack of gold coins over towards them before finally speaking. "We are headed to Niflheim, if you guys can get us there as soon as possible." Arnora asked, the two dwarves looked at one another before nodded as the other counted the money.

"Sure thing ladies." One said before heading into the wheelhouse of the ship and started it up. "Are you okay Lara?" Arnora asked seeing Lara looked like she had frozen up or something for some reason as she stood up and made her way over towards her. Once both Elizabeth and Lara were on the boat it started to slowly move into the harbor.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Ellis Island - Field
Skills: N/A

Cass turned to look over at Andrew and shook her head slightly. "Probably not, seeing as they replaced pretty much everyone on the Avengers, and most likely taken over government officials to." Cassandra said towards him, as she continued to make a run towards the Quinjet where everyone one was going. She gave Matt a slight smile towards his little compliment, if they werent fighting for their lives then she would have made a witty comeback but right now they needed to focus on the skrull threat right now. Skrull-Captain Marvel then fired off a powerful energy blast at the group managing to hit both Folly and Andrew. Kwassi swooped in and helped Andrew up and escorted him towards the quinjet.

"Hurry up and get to the Quinjet!" Cass yelled towards Falcon, Agent 13 and Hawkeye, as they covered their escape, when she noticed that there was a large shadow over the field. And noticed a ship, she had to assume was a skrull ship and hitting the ground feeling the ground shaking slightly. Then a lone figure started to come out of the wreckage and approached them, when she got a better look with her good eye she noticed that it was Alexander Jakobson the President of the United States. Cass hadnt seen him in awhile after her last assignment with the X-Men and the whole House of M reality as well to.

She gripped her ICER slightly, but didnt fire it off at him just yet if they did replace him then it would be a really terrifying thought as well that they had replaced someone really powerful. She wondered how Niah and Oliver were doing, and hoped that they would be able to come back soon. "If you arent a Skrull please drop your weapon and get into the Quinjet, we need to hurry we can tell you whats been going on." Cass said calmly while eyeing the Quinjet and then the two remaining skrulls who were there Mister Fantastic and She-Hulk.

Maria Novikova

Nadia Freyrdattir

Location: Asgard, the Halls of Baldur
Skills: N/A

Maria hit the back of the cage slightly and groaned a little bit as she slowly stood up, her skin shifting from green back to Maria's original skin color and smirked at Sparky and did a slow clap. "Well congrats you finally figured it out! Maybe the baby in the oven there fried your brain or something it took you long enough." She said sarcastically while looking over at Amelia just as Nanna calmed her down. "I should have killed you all earlier, but aw well. Oh and hi there i'm a skrull by the way." Maria said as she sat down in the cell that Nadia had made.

Maria thought of ways to try and escape, but it looked like there wasnt a good way to get out at all either without getting herself killed she looked over at Nanna. She then remained pretty much quiet as the others explained what a skrull was looking a little bit bored at the moment she wasnt going to spill anything. "You are a big ass baby you know that right?" Maria said looking over at Astrad holding his wound where she had stabbed him.

Nadia stood there crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned herself up against the wall while listening to what was going on, she would have sent all four of the Midgardians back where they had come from or sent them into the dungeons. But it wasnt her house really and her position to actually say, though she did find Astrad's reaction a bit amusing. The wound wasnt that bad at all as she looked at him for a moment.

"We are in a place of healing right now, so you should be fine." Nadia said towards him while looking back at Nanna and Baldur. "Want me to go and look for Foreseti and bring him here?" Nadia asked knowing that he would do his thing after the skrull had attacked in the middle of their home.

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground - Medical
Skills: N/A

Callie felt another wave of nausea hitting her as she pulled her head out from the covers and vomited blood all over the floor again, looking down at the mess that she had made. She whipped away the blood and snot off of her lips and nose, and groaned slightly as she rolled back over onto her back looking up at the ceiling. Everything still felt like it was really spinning to her, she was about to close her eyes again and try to take another little nap when she heard footsteps approaching.

Callie slowly opened her eyes again seeing that it was Veil, instructing her to take something she looked down at the little pill in her hands. Thinking that it was actually candy instead she took it and popped it into her mouth and dry swallowed it as quickly as she could before laying back down and groaned slightly watching as Veil left the room to go and do something else.

Kristina Smith

Location: Mutant Underground - Dining Room
Skills: N/A

Kristina thought for a moment where she would be more useful she didnt really like fighting against Purifers or the Hellfire Club but she decided that they might need some more help fighting against the Hellfire Club. "I'll go with the team against the Hellfire Club." Kristina said as she looked at both Casper and James, and gagged slightly seeing their little romance was weird to her really. Casper just seemed to be really weird.

Kris watched as Veil left the room to distribute the rest of the cure to the other members of the Underground who were really sick with m-pox. She got up and looked over at Zarina who was tinkering away with her robotic head, she leaned forward to see what she was doing exactly. "So what are you doing?" Kristina decided to ask, and looked at the weird floating eyeball thing next to her.

Sierra Finley & Layla Hood

Location: Camelot

The sun slowly started to rise early the next day everyone would be able to hear the slight pattle of rain hitting the windows, Sierra was approached by Isabella if she could crash for the night. She didnt really know the woman all to well, but she didnt mind sharing either, she stretched slightly as she yawned a bit. "Sleep well?" Sierra asked Willow and Isabella who just groaned slightly and slowly got out of bed as well. "Thanks for letting me crash." Isabella said. Sierra nodded as she watched the woman going to the bathroom and freshen up some, when she heard a knock on the door it was Gretel. "Breakfast is ready, come down whenever you are ready." She said, as she did for the other rooms as well.

Taylor heard the knock and slowly stretched out letting out a slight yawn looking she looked over seeing Lucky had pretty much just curled up in Rosalia's arms which was really adorable. "I'm gonna get some breakfast see you down there." She said towards Rosalia as she started to head out of the room rather quickly eager for some breakfast. Layla slept pretty well for the most part she enjoyed the company with Rose and her sister to.

She went and started to get dressed just as she heard the knock on the door she was eager to get started and go on their little rescue mission. "Don't worry we will find your mom." Layla said looking over at Rose and smiled towards her, as she went to get dressed gently petting her cat, figuring that they would be safer here. Once everyone was downstairs there was a large table full of food, from eggs to sausage even some pancakes and muffins as well to. Hansel was just finishing setting up the table as well, making his way over towards the bar and filled himself a drink from the bar itself.

Carolina Reed

Location: Stark Tower - Upper Floors
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked between Wanda and Neil for a moment when she answered his question. "What kind of names did you guys have anyway if I may ask?" Carolina decided to ask mostly out of curiosity, she couldnt help but smirk slightly when Pietro teased her about Vision and calling him a Toaster but didnt say anything else about it. Carolina gently rested a hand on Neil's shoulder looking at him for a moment, before turning her attention towards Mary figuring out where Loki actually was right now and nodded in agreement.

"That sounds about right he does have a huge ego and attention span it seems." Carolina said jokingly she wanted to get revenge on Loki for trapping her and Elizabeth in his twisted little game. "So whats the game plan for fighting against him anyway?" Carolina asked and knowing that there were civilians on the island itself they needed to be protected obviously as well to.

Bethany Bell

Location: Stark Tower - Upper Floors
Skills: N/A

Bethany crossed her arms over her chest looking at Iris for a moment and shook her head slightly though it was funny, she had a feeling that Wanda would probably end up hurting Iris or something. She did agree with Mary Liberty Island would be a really good place to try and get an audience. She eyed the other Avengers for a moment Guin and Tony were talking to each other, She-Hulk was leaning against a wall like she was as well to.

"Alright then we know where he is then lets get going." Bethany said, she was more than eager to go against Loki and thought that it would be pretty fun to fight against him as well to. She started to wonder how they were going to get there, were they going to go on the Avengers Quinjet, the Blackbird, or could Scarlet Witch or the Asgardians teleport them there to she could do it as well to.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Ellis Island - Field
Skills: Season Manipulation

Cass turned around to face Iron Man seeing that he managed to knock out Captain America and holding his shield, she winced slightly in pain as she covered where her left eye was. It hurt a lot still but she would keep fighting for as long as she could, when Iron Man called in the Iron Legion, seeing all of the Iron Man suits coming into the area and surrounding them all. Cass watched as some of them took the ones who were unconcious over towards the Avengers' Quinjet, when Folly started to approach Iron Man. She was half expecting her to turn and fight her or Matt she was grateful for that at least.

When the unexpected happened and Folly threw her knives directly at Iron Man, he didnt even fight back at all as the knives embedded into his eyes. And then Tony's skin shifted green, knowing exactly what it actually was he was replaced with a skrull, she looked at the others who were on her team as well and the other Avengers suddenly shifted as well. Fighting against the Iron Legion, as well as the skrull avengers who were pro registration.

"Get to the Quinjet now, we cant fight all of them!" Cass called to everyone else, as she started to use her season manipulation powers and tried to turn the area into a blizzard. Only for it to just create a light snow shower, she needed to practice using it more. She closed her good eye and focused even harder, as she could feel the temperature dropping now as well as it started to snow harder. "We need to go quickly now." Cass said hopefully they couldnt see as well as Cass started to make her way towards the Quinjet.

Maria Novikova

Nadia Freyrdattir

Location: Asgard, the Halls of Baldur
Skills: Creative Force Manipulation

Maria started to back up slightly mainly standing close by to Astrad as she eyed him for a moment and then over towards Sparky and Raynor as the two of them had their little moment. She started to slowly reach for an arrow and eyed the Elsa Wannabe for a moment as she eyed the Asgardians as well to. "Cant have any witnesses now." Maria said and then took the arrow and got up close and personal to Astrad facing him directly before stabbing the arrow into Astrad's stomach.

Before yanking it out as quickly as she could and eyed Amelia next she didnt care of the Asgardians attacked her or not but she tried to stab Amelia next only for her to miss. And then she quickly went towards Sparky and missed her target as well, letting out a slight groan as she eyed the Asgardians they probably would end up attacking her right away for her attacks on the others.

Nadia watched as the midgardian with the arrow stabbed one of her allies she had no idea why, but she didnt want Nanna, or Baldur to get hurt at all either as she looked at Amelia for a moment. "Watch this." Nadia said as she used her powers, to make a cell for Maria only for the plan to backfire really epically and caged herself instead. "Well this is a bit awkward." Nadia said.

She turned to look at Maria again and used her powers again and caged Maria rather quickly on the second try locking her inside of it. [color=EEE8AA["You guys are totally welcome by the way saving you from getting stabbed by your friend."[/color] Nadia said as she eyed Astrad she then used her power on the cell she made around herself and it disappeared. She wasnt a healer like some of the others turning to look at both Baldur and Nanna to see if either of them could heal Astrad.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Hephaestus' Junk Yard.
Skills: sword fighting, first aide.

Kiera nodded slightly as she backed out of the way narrowly dodging a hit from an automaton, she fished into her pocket luckily she managed to find an ambrosia cube in her pocket. She looked down at her arm for a moment, it was really hurting a lot as she used her good arm and then managed to pull it back into place. Letting out a loud yelp in pain as the bone was reset and took the ambrosia cube into her mouth, it oddly tasted like popcorn shrimp which she always did love eating when growing up. Though the pain was still there, the arm felt stiff still and couldnt use her arm very well. Kiera also pulled the piece of celestial bronze out of her shoulder groaning slightly in pain but it started to fade away slightly.

"Thanks love." Kiera said looking over at Leda and smiled towards her girlfriend watching her taking out the three automatons with ease as well. Alannah was having some trouble as she was fighting off two of them at the same time, using her spear she was able to keep the two of them at a distance. Lauryn managed to use her shotgun taking out one of the automatons that Alannah was fighting, she looked at her friend and nodded as Lauryn went to reload.

The automaton that Jason was fighting managed to backhand Jason rather hard causing a massive bruise on the side of his face and knocking him back about three feet. Jason's weapon was still stabbed in the machine's side as it moved forward, and tried to swing its sword at Jason narrowly missing him though. Andy's plan was able to work as the knife embedded into the automaton's chest, and lightening went off when Andy fired, managing to short circuit three of them and severely damaging a fourth.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Mount Othrys

Niah wouldnt be able to really pick up on any major oaths that Atlas had broken, though one thing would come to mind was that he had an affair with the Goddess Tethys who had given birth to Calypso as a result. Atlas turned his head to glare at Waverly seeing her taking a stone off of the ground, there was one by his foot and kicked it as hard as he could which nearly missed Waverly. There was a large hole in the wall now as a result of it. "And stealing something that isnt yours is just as rude to." Atlas said and glared at Nancy as he pushed his buttons as well to. "I use the remains of puny mortals like you who decide to come here as my personal toilets." He said with a laugh.

Madalyne wasnt sure if trying to piss off the Titan responsible for holding up the sky was a really smart idea really, as she decided to take a step forward. "We were hoping that you could tell us what your plans are, and who is coming to get you out." Madalyne said calmly hoping that they would get answers better that way. "You will know soon enough, your little camp will fall." He said, as Madalyne turned to look at Niah hoping that she would be able to get Atlas to talk at least.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Bourbon Street, New Orleans Louisiana
Skills: Spear Fighting

The remaining Telekines started to panic seeing that two of the demigods managed to break free from the netting that they had and quickly scattered and left, only leaving one of them behind which was the one with the arrow to the leg. Kristin watched as they started to flea, she closed her eyes for a moment and sighed as the one that remained was barking in pain as it's comrades had abandoned it. Kristin looked at both Janelle and Zeke for a moment, she gave a slight shrug towards Janelle's comment about them arguing during a fight. "Hey he's the one who starts it, I just try and finish it." Kristin said giving a slight shrug.

She walked over towards the little sea demon and took out her spear and thrusted it into it's gut before standing up and dusted herself off slightly looking over at the two of them. Sadly there wasnt much in the way of weapons that the Telekines had left behind when they attacked him aside from the net that both Zeke and Janelle broke free out of. "Lets just find a way to get a new ride then yeah?" Kristin asked looking at the two of them.

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground - Medical
Skills: N/A

During the last hour Callie had suddenly passed out she attempted to try and wake up Havok and see if he was okay, but her M-Pox had other plans, she slowly woke up, and rolled over to her side and started to vomit onto the ground. Tasting blood she looked down to see that she had puked up some more blood. She giggled slightly before rolling onto her back again, every part of her body was aching and she shivered slightly grabbing the blanket and pulled it over her head slightly letting out a slight groan.

She was really exhausted and didnt want to get out of bed, it was still to comfy and her body felt really weak as well, Callie took a few deep breathes. She wasnt sure where the others were at the moment either, out of boredom Callie started to hum to herself, she was hoping for some kind of company as well to.

Kristina Smith

Location: Mutant Underground - Dining Room
Skills: N/A

Kristina sat in the dinning room with the others, she spent the last hour or so helping cleaning up after the fight, and mentioned some movies that she did enjoy watching as well to. When everyone else started to gather in the room, Kristina noticed that Callie hadnt come back and started to worry that her M-Pox had ended up taking her. But luckily they took her out to the medical setup, she listened to Veil as she spoke mentioning that they had a lead where Max and Sunshine were. When a gust of wind came through she saw Pietro coming in and held up a small box.

Kris stood up to get a better look at it and saw that it was indeed the cure to M-Pox, and James started to bounce up and down like a happy little school girl. She shook her head slightly before turning her attention over towards Veil as she was given a paper by Pietro to read over before disappearing again. "So whats the plan exactly?" Kristina asked looking over at Veil.

Nadia Petrova & Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Midgard - Boston -> Docks
Skills: Enhanced Tracking

"We are in Boston right now." Nadia answered Elizabeth, as much as she was annoyed by her attitude earlier she still had a right to know anyway, she turned to look at Runa and nodded towards her slightly as she stood up holding a hand out to Runa so she could stand up. She had watched Arnora heading out of the alleyway and looked at Runa. "If you ever want to talk, feel free to anytime." Nadia said to her, hoping that she would take up on the offer. "Lets get going." Nadia said as she turned around and started to follow shortly behind Arnora, until they were at the docks and looked around. "So what are we looking for exactly?" Nadia asked Arnora.

"We are looking for a ship, we'll need one to find the Naglfar somewhere in Niflheim." Arnora said as she looked around before spotting two dwarves on a nearby dock, they were counting money on the table while talking amongst themselves. Arnora closed her eyes for a moment as she looked around the area and then pointed over towards a nearby bar. "Nadia, Runa and Klara I think you'll find where you three need to go through there." Arnora said looking at the three of them. "We will be going our sperate ways now, so good luck." Arnora said to the three of them before motioning for Lara and Elizabeth to follow her.

"Thank you, and good luck." Nadia said as she watched Arnora turning to go and talk to the two dwarves before looking over at Klara and Runa. "Alright lets get going then." Nadia said as she started to walk forward, she eventually made it to the building that Arnora mentioned and opened it inside was a rather spacious looking bar. There were a lot of people who looked slightly shorter than an average person, Klara would recognize them as Dwarves rather quickly.

Arnora stood in front of the two dwarves before her looking down at them as they stopped and then looked up at the three of them. "What can we do for you ladies?" One of them asked. "We'd like to borrow your boat for awhile if it is possible?" Arnora asked as the two dwarves talked amongst each other, one of them grinned slightly and nodded. "Sure thing, just follow us." He said as he got up and made his way over towards their boat.
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