Avatar of Nallore


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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Aerie - Earth 257
Skills: Enhanced Condition, Hand to Hand Combat, Season Manipulation

Cassandra looked over towards Matt after she heard some shots going off, and them hitting Mr. Knight but that didnt even do anything to him. But she was glad that her boyfriend was able to assist her, she turned her attention back towards Mr. Knight who more or less was waiting for her to make the next move. "Listen, if you have encountered me before why would I be in league with the others in the group, also why am I not in an Iron Suit?" Cassandra asked him mainly referring to this reality's version of her, Raynor, and Maria and Flynn's counterparts as well to. She was really more annoyed with him trying to be a gentleman at this point as she cracked her neck slightly and stared him down.

"We are trying to get back home, we are looking for our own Dr. Doom and our Luminous and we will be on our way. However i'm not going to allow you all to take members of my team." Cassandra told him as she closed her eyes and started to manipulate the area around her to simulate a massive blizzard. She wanted to make sure that he wouldn't be able to see her, once she was satisfied with the effect she created Cass quickly charged forward and started to get up close and personal, managing to get a few good punches in forcing Mr. Knight on the defensive.

Maria Novikova

Location: The Aerie - Earth 257
Skills: Stealth, Power & Lifeforce Absorption (Hercules' Super Strength)

Maria looked towards Flynn who sent a wall of fire towards Hercules and nodded towards him slightly. "Keep the heat on him I have an idea." Maria said as she pressed a button on the wrist of her suit and activated it's stealth function, she was silently cursing herself as she could even hear her own footsteps. The huge hulking Demigod was busy trying to put out the fire Flynn had forced him to do the whole stop drop and roll tactic.

As Maria got close enough Maria moved behind Hercules and started to take off one of her gloves, hoping that she wouldn't end up getting another psyche in her head again Maria quickly deactivated her stealth suit. Maria laid her ungloved hand on Hercules' bare skin and instantly started to feel the surge of strength going through her. She had taken out Cull Obsidian from the Black Order months ago when they were searching for Oliver to try and kill him, hopefully she'd be able to take him on with his own powers.

Bethany Bell

New York, Frost International
Skills: Shadow Manipulation.

Bethany watched as Ed and Mage were able to deal with Juggernaut and sending him to the streets below. "Well one less thing that we have to actually worry about." Bethany said, as they only had to deal with Black Tom as well as Quicksilver who was still being annoying as hell and destroying things before turning his attention towards the two of them. Bethany and her counterpart were knocked down onto the ground feeling the wind getting knocked out of her again as he did the same thing to the two Eds but sending through a wall that looked pretty painful.

"You really are annoying as hell you know that right?" Nightlocke said as she slowly started to get back up to her feet as well as Bethany to, they both used their powers at the same time to restrain Quicksilver as Ed and Mage knocked him down as well to. Bethany wasn't sure how long they were able to hold him down for, but hopefully someone would be able to knock Quicksilver out for good.

Demeter Cabin:

There were a few of Mary and Stella's half-siblings hanging out in their cabin some were making their beds while some of them had their own plants that they were tending to as well to. When one of them turned to see Stella and Mary entering the cabin they gave her a wave and smile seeing Mary and her little cat. "We'll take good care of him while you are away and supply him with tons of catnip as well to keep him happy." They said as they walked over and knelt down to gently pet the cat who was loving all the attention clearly. "Are you two all ready and packed up to head out?" They asked.


The arena was pretty quiet for the most part as the arena was more or less being used by both a mix of Romans and Greeks, as the meeting was being let out Dean walked past Leda and gave her a slight wave as he started to make his way over towards the arena itself seeing Cassian there and made his way over to his half-brother. "Did you miss me?" Dean asked Cassian as he thought about what had happened in the meeting. "Also you might want to go to the Big House Chiron wants you and some others there as soon as possible." Dean told him.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Big House
Skills: N/A

Chiron looked towards Niah and nodded slightly though he was worried about the group that was going to be going to the Lotus Hotel, knowing that people who entered rarely ever wanted to leave. "We'll figure something out." Chiron told her as he looked to the rest of the group who was there. "You are all free to go now, and those of you who are going on your quests you may leave now. Though if some of you could find Kristin, Cassian, Demetri, Janelle, Zeke and Nancy that way we can inform them on this." Chiron asked as some of them nodded and headed out as well. Though Danielle decided to stay just in case Nancy did show up and that they could talk about what to do next for the Legion before she left to.

Kiera was satisfied with the answer and she was actually pretty glad that she wasnt going to be going there, she started to get up and headed out of the room. Kiera saw her girlfriend and went over to give her a hug and kiss. "I'm back love did you miss me?" Kiera said to Leda and gave her a smile as she noticed Janelle along with Kristin and Jason there. At least it saves the others from going out on a scavenger hunt for the others who were also going on this new quest. "Hey Kristin and Janelle Chiron wants the two of you he's down in the basement where the meeting was." She informed them.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion -> Big House
Skills: N/A

"Fishing is actually pretty relaxing, just either sitting on a dock or on a boat listening to the water it's really nice." Kristin said to both Jason and Janelle as she smiled towards them as she went back to putting her shoes back on while looking over at Janelle. "Ice skating sounds like fun i've never really actually done it before. We should do it sometime if you'd like." Kristin offered as she started to make her way over towards the Big House again.

It looked like the meeting was just finishing as the cabin councilors were all filing out of the Big House now and they were heading off in different directions by the looks of it to do whatever they were needing to to. Kristin turned to see Leda and smiled towards her giving her a slight wave. "Hey Leda hows it going?" Kristin asked her, she was pretty sure that she was waiting for her girlfriend now at this point to get going on their quest now. Kristin was confused for a moment but nodded she was curious why he needed the two of them. "Alright then." Kristin said looking over at Janelle and offered her hand if she wanted it before headed inside.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Beach
Skills: N/A

Madalyne was still contemplating on jumping in as she continued to listen in on the conversation between Zeke and Nancy, she had a feeling that if the Hotel was destroyed it'd simply just come back as well to. She was slightly hurt by what Nancy had said, but she knew that it really wasnt directed at her. Zeke seemed to want to help despite him being really angry by the looks of it but they were both related and Apollo was sometimes known for his anger to. She decided to try and track down the son of Jupiter and see where he had gone and see if he was alright. One of the perks of her curse was her heightened senses as she walked back to where he was before to try and track him down using his scent.

The manticore growled in pain as it was forced to stab itself with it's own stinger, though luckily it was immune to it's very own poison so the stinger hurt it but didn't feel the effects of the poison. The manticore growled loudly as it tried to break free, and sent another spike flying, the shadows around it was tightened and was brought down to it's knees it's tail being pinned down as well. However the spike did graze against Demi leaving a nasty cut, and he'd feel intense pain caused by the poison itself luckily the poison isn't fatal.
In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Carolina Reed

Location: New York City, City Hall Basement
Skills: Astral Projection, Possession

Carolina started to think for a moment on what to do, as she looked at Lance on what they should do she was pretty sure that Guin would be devastated if Pietro ended up dying. "I'll possess one of the people attacking Pietro, that should be enough to help him get free and we can get out of here. You can drop the invisibility on the two of us." Carolina told Lance as she went and found a spot to sit down, and quickly left her body, and moved down to the lower floor again.

She found the closest person to her and decided that would be the best target as Carolina went and possessed the goon, it took her a moment to get used to the body that she was currently inhabiting and looked towards the group attacking and turned to Pietro. "It's me so don't attack me alright." Carolina warned Pietro as she held out her hand, and nothing happened on the second try however Carolina was able to use her host's powers and sent two of them flying and slamming into a nearby wall. "Go and get Lance and my body out of here." Carolina told Pietro he was a lot faster than she was or Lance.

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York City Streets
Skills: N/A

Cassandra remained as still and quiet as she could as she watched Magneto's men starting to head off and away from them, so far everything seemed to be good. "Lets move up some." Cassandra whispsered as she started to make her way further down making sure to use as much cover as she could. As Cassandra stopped hiding behind a wall and looked over seeing that Magneto had erected a large wall, there was a rather large gate as well and it was heavily guarded as well to.

Cassandra looked for any kind of small gaps within the wall for them to sneak through but she couldn't from her vantage point, and she didn't want to get any closer in fear of getting caught by Magneto's men. "Do you see any openings that we can sneak in?" Cass asked Jade maybe there was something that she had missed. "If not we should fall back and regroup." She suggested.


"Sounds good to me then." Mad Hatter said as they continued to walk while avoiding looking over his shoulder at the guards who were following them. "We should be back pretty quickly." Aurora told them as Cheshire turned to look at the two cats that were on Colby and smiled slightly, he snapped his fingers and the cats instantly paid attention to him. Cheshire made a subtle gesture towards the two guards that were tailing them, they quickly got off and disappeared somewhere behind them. "Watch this." Cheshire said as the two cats quickly climbed up lattice panels on a nearby wall.

The cats easily started to cut what was holding them to the wall before they suddenly came crashing down onto the two guards. Cheshire grinned and laughed slightly seeing the two guards were stuck under it trying to get themselves out from under it. "C'mon lets keep going." Cheshire said as the two cats quickly found themselves back onto Cheshire's shoulders, as they made it back to their little shop and opened the door for them to enter.

The Moors:

Merlin paused for a moment as he noticed that Rosalia was being fairly quiet for the most part and he started to look over his shoulder to see that she was gone, which wasn't good at all before turning his attention towards Rose. "Did you see where Rosalia went?" Merlin asked her, when there was suddenly several howls in the woods. Then there was movement as a wolf suddenly jumped out and tackled Merlin to the ground. It took him a few moments before he was able to cast a spell knocking the wolf back and off of him a few feet. A pack of five wolves suddenly came out from the bushes growling at the group and baring their teeth at them, as one of them tried to go after Rose which missed her as the other wolves suddenly attacked the other people in the group.

Over where Rosalia was she'd be able to hear the wolves howling in the distance from where she had left the group, the trail of tracks seemed to go on for awhile, until someone came out from behind the trees and approached her. It was a young man around her age, and it looked like he had several really bad injuries as he collapsed in front of her. "Help please.." The man said before passing out at her feet, the man was still breathing by the looks of it still.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Guinevere looked down for a moment and nodded slightly, she wasnt sure what else to really say to her but she was going to answer whatever questions she had and try and get to know her anyway. "What was growing up for you like then?" Guinevere decided to ask hopefully she'd open up some for her, just as the elevator doors opened. Sierra stepped in along with Hansel and Gretel shortly after Belle looked towards Jack for a moment as he answered her question. Though she wasnt a magic user like Merlin, Maleficent or Rumple were like, a world without magic sounded interesting to her. "Well maybe I could go there someday possibly and you can show me around?" Belle said before entering the elevator as well.

Once everyone was inside the elevator Arthur pressed the button that took them to the top floor, Sierra took another moment to look out seeing the various sea creatures and mermaids who were swimming along the outside of the tower. It didn't take to long until they were at the top floor. The door opened as Sierra stepped off she was stopped and looked up to a rather large imposing looking guard in what looked like armor that looked to be made out of a large looking crab shell and eyed the rest of the group in the elevator. "What purpose do you seek with the queen and king?" He asked them before Sierra spoke up. "I'm looking for my parents?" Merlin told us that they would be here." Sierra said, as the man stared them down. "I'll be back in a moment." He said before leaving and opening the doors to the throne room and closing them behind him.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Red as well as Rapunzel nodded slightly as they headed off into the woods there was a small incline that was well enough to hide them all, as Robin Hood turned his attention over towards his two daughters and smiled as he started to think for a moment where they could go. "You two can come with me, we are going to scout ahead to see where they are currently." Robin Hood told the two of them as Layla nodded and gently nudged her sister. "C'mon lets get going then." Layla said as she followed shortly behind their father.

Layla thought for a moment as this was a good chance to actually talk to him privately without anyone really there and it was nice to get to know him some more. "So how did you meet Merlin in the first place anyway?" Layla decided to ask as they walked along the tree line that was close to the trail. "We were traveling in the woods around Camalot and we noticed his tower and we thought it was abandoned so we went inside only to find that he was actually there sleeping at the time and we tried to rob him, it didn't really turn out so well." Robin Hood said with a slight laugh.

Callie Johnson

Location: Green Lagoon
Skills: N/A

Callie took a seat at the bar as she looked over towards Veil as she started to think for a moment who was the current leader of the New Orleans Underground Cell was. She quickly remembered who it was pretty quick having met him a few times when she was helping transport some mutants out of the south. "It's James Madrox, or Multiple Man." Callie answered as she pointed towards Harry for a moment. "He kinda does the same thing Echo does just minus the whole fancy light show thing." Callie explained as she thought about who else they should bring with them as she looked at Sunshine, Marrow and Echo.

"Lets take Echo Sunshine and Marrow with us, Legion to if he wants to join us. And we can tell them all what we are planning as well to." Callie suggested before turning her attention over towards Blob and waved him over. "I'd like a beer, and whatever Veil wants." Callie said looking over towards her friend, she wasnt sure what Veil actually preferred to drink really.

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Aerie - Earth 257
Skills: Enhanced Condition, Hand to Hand Combat

Cassandra closed her eyes for a moment and forced out the thoughts of taking out Genosha, feeling a lot better now getting those thoughts out of her head felt better. "Try and not think of the changes going on whatever thoughts you have try and force them out if you all can." Cassandra told them hopefully they would listen and it would work for them all in some way. She then started to think for a moment Doom very much loved his home country Latveria, he could possibly be there to. "Maybe Doom is somewhere in Latveria assuming it's still a country here that is anyway we could find him there?" Cassandra suggested as she looked between everyone else in the room listening to Darcy as she started to come up with a theory as to why Amelia was the way she was right now. When the door was suddenly kicked down, she instantly recognized Captain America, Amelia as well as Luminous who was there with them.

Either this was their Luminous or it was this realities' counterpart for this reality, though Cass wouldn't put it past Luminous to possibly kill off this one and take her place in order to blend in. "Listen we are not from here and Raynor is actually speaking the truth." Cassandra told Captain America she tried to look for Mystique, Destiny and Folly but none of them were here right now, and Rogue instantly jumped into the fray taking on Captain America. "We need to take and question Luminous and find out what she knows and see if she knows about Doom." Cassandra told the others, their Amelia still thought that she was with them, she didn't want to hurt her at all she didn't want to loose another member of their team.

Cassandra didn't really recognize the others in the group, she decided to go after the guy in the fancy looking suit and charged after him directly, she was about to punch him only for Moon Knight to grab her by the arm and flip her over into a nearby wall. Cass groaned slightly as she started to get up again and tried to go in for another punch only for him to kick her in the stomach causing her to stumble backwards slightly.

Maria Novikova

Location: The Aerie - Earth 257
Skills: Archery

Maria stared at Amelia as the door was knocked down she saw this realities' verson of Amelia, Captain America and Luminous, the others Maria didn't have a clue who they were. Captain America asking the suit guy and the woman in Egyptian garb for any insights to them, she looked over her shoulder at Flynn and Raynor. "At least i'm not lobbed in the same group this time around." Maria said sarcastically, Folly, Mystique and Destiny all had disappeared and turned to look at Darcy. "Go and find somewhere safe to hide." Maria suggested to her as she quickly drew out her bow, and looked at the group.

The biggest threat to her in Maria's opinion was the huge meathead in Greek like armor, she quickly drew out five arrows picking the explosive tipped ones. She fired off five shots four of them ended up hitting some of the walls in the building, she felt the building shaking slightly as they went off which probably wasn't a good thing as Maria managed to fire the fifth shot that hit causing Hercules to be knocked backwards.
@WolfLover Howdy and welcome back. :)


The armory doors opened slightly there were a few Hepheastus kids entering the room and grabbing some weapons off of the racks to do a little maintenance on them one of them started to speak. "So when do you think the meeting will actually be done and over with?" One of them ended up asking as the other one answered "The meeting should be done pretty soon I think, so Lauryn should be out pretty soon and we can finish up on the other stuff we have been working on." They said as one of them turned to look at Mary and Stella giving them a friendly smile and wave towards them before heading out of the armory and over towards the forges that were close by and started to do their work.


There wasnt much else going on in the arena currently as some of the Romans decided to come over into the arena to use the resources of the arena to do a little bit of training themselves. There was some tension coming from some of the Greeks that were there seemed to be a little bit uncomfortable but they kept their distance for the moment and continued to do some training while others started to talk amongst themselves. But they did agree to allow the Romans to use anything in the camp if they needed some area they were welcome to use it, both Cassian and Leda would be able to hear one group of campers about the meeting ending pretty soon.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Kristen looked over at Janelle and Jason giving the two of them a smile as she watched some of those that were swimming in the lake at the moment. "Have you guys ever gone fishing before or anything like that?" Kristin decided to ask, she had gone fishing a few times before in the past when she used to go out on trips in the summer with her aunt and cousin who she hadn't seen in a really long time either. "I did it from time to time whenever I was with my extended family out in their cabin over in Alaska." She said as she started to think a little bit about the quest she wasnt sure how much longer, but she had a feeling that it might be ending pretty soon.

"We should probably get you back to the Big House soon for your quest something tells me that you'll be leaving soon." Kristin said as she started to walk over getting her shoes back on looking at Jason. "Want me to walk you back to the Big House?" She asked him if he wanted the company or not was totally up to him though and she wasnt sure what Janelle wanted to do either.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Big House
Skills: N/A

Danielle nodded slightly, though she remembered hearing that the kid had shifted into a damn dragon in the middle of the sewers, which was probably really crazy to her in her opinion. But if Niah approved it then she was alright with it as well in her opinion and nodded slightly towards her. "I'm fine with the Son of Jupiter then." Danielle said towards them all, as Niah started to mention another prophecy which had gotten her interest.

Rosie looked at the group for a moment and nodded slightly, though she was alone in her room at the time, before pulling something out of her pocket and slid over a picture that she had drawn in really good detail that looked like it would have taken hours to draw. "I ended up drawing this a few minutes ago, and was going to bring it up to you all." Rosie said as she set it down on the table, which showed the outside of the Lotus Hotel and Casino in front of the group, it showed the group's face in detail which were Kristin, Demetri, Zeke, Nancy, Janelle, Cassian. Rosie then pulled out a second drawing which looked to be a room and what looked to be the Doors of Death in another room with what looked like a group of poker tables.

Kiera looked at the drawings for a moment, she wasnt in any of them which was probably a good thing then in her opinion as Kiera turned to look at Niah giving the place a name. "Hi, so kinda new still and all that fun stuff, but what exactly is the Lotus Hotel?" Kiera ended up asking Niah, as Chiron inspected the drawings that Rosie had done before turning his attention to Kiera to answer her question. "The Lotus Hotel and Casino is a place created by the Lotus Eaters, it makes anyone who enters it not want to leave, and time never passes in there either. So a day in there could mean a week outside in the real world." Chiron told her.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Beach
Skills: N/A

Madalyne looked at Demetri for a moment seeing the emotion in his face before he shifted. "Wait!" Madalyne said as Demi started to fly off and away, she closed her eyes and let out a slight sigh as she stood there for a moment, before she could hear Nancy's voice and a slight gust of wind as well to. Madalyne started to make her way back but stayed in the tree line wondering if Zeke had fucked it up and started to piss off Nancy more than she already was right now.

She waited to see what Zeke was going to do, she didnt want to jump out and attack him. But her heart broke for Nancy as her friend started to breakdown in front of Zeke like that seeing her loosing control over her powers like that as well to. The campers who were out on the beach quickly started to keep their distance as well to seeing and hearing what was going on pretty clearly.

Over where Demi was it was fairly quiet for the most part until he could hear some loud banging sounds, in the distance Demi would be able to see a Manticore smashing against the camp's barrier staring directly at him. Though for the moment it looked like that the barrier was holding it's own. It wasnt to common for a monster or two to wander around the permitter of the camp, as the manticore sent out some spikes though were able to get through as one nearly slammed against Demi.
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