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Merry Christmas, y'all!

Post will be coming soon but it's doubtful Jarde would talk to the princess since he just got a verbal beatdown from a noble girl.
Merry Christmas, you two!
Merry Christmas, y'all!
I'm tempted to make an RP with a 'Free' tag and put it in the Advanced section.

And make it 'Jump-in' too!
Black Wolf
~@Restalaan (YNG)~

"All I need are these. Please, I insist you take up a weapon."
Yang Bethlehem

"Alright, if you insist." Nero shrugged before putting on his helmet, a shiny but simple helm that covered the entire head with a small, rectangular slit for the eyes to see.

He unsheathed his blade, a standard longsword with no remarkable features yet Nero held it with pride. "Kill for the living! Kill for the dead!" He yelled his warcry, his sword held to the air. The audience appeared worried with the chant, now that they were seeing a new side of this seemingly innocuous farmer.

Nero assumed a stance with his longsword in front and pointed at you, making no other move. As you shifted forward, he did so too and never changing his stance.

But when the two of you were close enough, Nero lunged at you with a one-handed overhead swing. His speed was superbly quick, giving you only seconds to react.

That's What Friends Do
~@Stern Algorithm, @ShwiggityShwah, @Restalaan (DIT)~

"Hey, you two. You're also going in this quest?" Neil approached Ozzy and Ditzy.

"It's a full party then. Not sure if this Forde guy will need this many people but the more the merrier, right?" Neil remarked before turning to the Owl Harpy. "You know, you and I haven't really hung out much, have we? We've been in the same guild for a while now and I think we haven't gone into a quest together, have we?" He then turned to the Hobgoblin. "I remember going on a quest with Ditzy here. We had to run from a band of Goblins."

"Anyway, let's do this, yeah?"

"Pleasure to meet you Camille. I can teach you all about humans."

Camille was rather taken aback by your display of confidence. However, she did take your hand to shake. "O-Okay." She shyly responded in a cute, little voice. You get a feeling that Camille was more than just unused to humans.


The caravan soon set off into the remote wilderness of Bladine. Among the planets of the Ark Sector, Bladine resembled Earth the most thanks to its smooth terraformation. The planet harbored a variety of temperatures, allowing all sorts of biomes to exist in the planet. From verdant forests to lush jungles, from wide deserts to arctic poles. All of this unclaimed land was once settled before, during the First Expansion, but then the Swarm arrived and the rest was history.

Despite your offer to teach Camille about humans, she was quiet during the trip and asked no questions. Some of the accompanying Knights attempted to start a conversation with her but all that was yielded was smalltalk that ended as soon as it began. Right now, Camille was above the personnel carrier that you, her and a few Knights rode on. The transport was a boxy vehicle that traveled in tank treads with a single Arachnid Turret above for defense.

Camille was currently above the carrier, watching the scenery of rolling grassy hills and the high mountain ranges in the horizon. You were told to check up on the shy robot and upon joining her, she was surprisingly the first to speak. It appeared she has finally mustered up the courage. "Miss Hyouka, right? You told me back in Sanginum that you can teach me about humans, right?"

"How did you come to know so much about humans? Did you grow up with them? Did you have human parents? Err, I mean raised by humans?"

"Ah! Ma'am! Yes, I am VILKAS. Not quite, it seems this mission won't deviate from my typical use in battles, outside of the change to the closed space the illegal laboratory will provide. Well... I do wonder a bit about the nature of these labs... No, I am sorry for my behaviour, it is not my place to wonder about non-vital aspects of the mission. I am ready for deployment."

The woman let out a small chuckle. "I was told that you could be a bit rigid but come on, relax! You're allowed to know these things." She patted you in the back. A pat that felt more like a hard slap. "Anyway, all we got from the reports are that these scientists have ran off with some samples from Swarm aliens. It appears they've been doing this for quite a while now since they have secured labs and all."

"But that's all about to change, isn't it Vilkas? Hahahaha!" Pointing her thumb at herself, she continued. "Also, you can call me Captain Cura. My full name's kind of weird. Pleasure meeting you!"


You and the strike force boarded some VTOL aircraft that took the force as close to the labs as possible. Seeing through the windows of the flying vehicle, you see the usual landscapes of Dostrex. Lifeless and scorched rocky terrain with the occasional river of lava from a leaking volcano or pit of molten rock.

Upon disembarking from the aircraft, the searing temperatures of the planet quickly hit you. Fortunately, you and the strike force were robots and your mechanical bodies were built to withstand such scorching heat. At least for a while, lingering in these temperatures would soon bring damage to the circuitry and the smaller parts within several hours. And that's assuming you do not stray too close to any sources of lava.

The strike force quickly found the labs, having made no effort to conceal themselves. The structures were mostly circular and white-colored, connected to each other through wide tunnels and tubes. The buildings were built on top of a narrow gorge with a river of lava a couple of kilometers below. The labs were well-lit with visible searchlights and camera monitors, powered by geothermal energy from the lava's heat.

"Mmm, we're not really equipped to sneak our way in. We'll have to force our way in but that'll alert the scientists and allow them to escape." Cura lit up when she came up with a plan. "Aha! We can have half the strike force come knocking on the front door and distract the entire lab, then have the other half strike where the scientists are. They can also come up from behind for a rear attack should the lab defenses prove too tough."

"So where will you be, Vilkas?" Captain Cura asked. "Gonna join me at the frontlines or directly for the scientists?"
~ Crown Of Thaln ~

Interacted with: @HereComesTheSnow, @VitaVitaAR

"I'm not sure what's so thrilling about a bandit subjugation, it's not exactly a legendary quest. Perhaps if it was slaying some manner of wicked sorcerer, or even a dragon..."

"Good sir knights, have either of you ever seen a dragon?!"

"A dragon? No. Never in my life. Should the opportunity arise I would leap at the chance to face one, that said, but I've not yet had the luck. But, I suppose that in its own way is lucky— Just as you said about Jeremiah, Angenese. That I haven't just means they aren't terrorizing our people, right?"
Gerard Segremors

"Yup. What he said." Jarde agreed with Gerard.

"Although in my case, I'd rather not fight a dragon. I mean, I would if I have to and to the best of my ability. But you know, I'd rather not." Jarde was honest in his words. He was not built nor had any abilities that could take on such great creatures. He would need considerable backup if he were to take on one. In fact, if he were to take on one he would rather let other, more capable warriors to do it.

"Being burnt alive before being devoured is a rather unpleasant way to go, right?"

I see. I guess I can do that.

PM me for the RP's specific details?
Oh man, I'd love to get into a lighter Taimanin thing but unfortunately I have limited knowlege about the characters since I couldn't get into it much what with the dark themes and all.
Hey guys, I'm a little busy right now and not much people have posted so update will be delayed to next week.
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