Avatar of Plank Sinatra


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2 yrs ago
Current deconstructions are fake lol
1 like
3 yrs ago
"return of the mack, you know that i'll be back." in his bed, joe biden lurches awake, wild-eyed. many a year he has watched, waited for the mack's return. hes as ready as he will ever be. he t-poses
3 yrs ago
Today Show 9-11-01 ~ Live on NBC as Tragedy Occurred [s l o w e d + r e v e r b]
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3 yrs ago
40 hours into the mass effect remaster. gameplay is good but not sold on the plot changes. wish garrus would stop saying "reaper? i hardly know her!" laugh track on the normandy is a weird choice too
3 yrs ago
fine, since you asked so nicely officer, i will confess my crimes. since i was seven years old i have refused to match any socks in my sock drawer. i practice sock hookup culture. i am a slut


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Jericho's breath had stopped in his chest, muscles underneath his black t-shirt constricting tightly as the Schwarz family both doubled the population of their party and produced enough noise to make passers-by think they had tripled it. He had barely heard Vega's request for green tea, a conservative enough choice that only made Jer more certain that there would be a lot of tea going around in the next couple of minutes.

The last thing the Sonic Heroes here need is a stimulant.

Imperceptibly, his chest rose again as his breathing patterns returned to normal, control reasserted after the sisters' outburst. He tilted his head back towards Vega, long hair dangling precariously close to Beryl Harken's tail, before inclining it to show he'd received her order; his head returned to a normal human position to stare unblinkingly at Luke and his ilk.

"So did I," he lied neutrally, though his gaze only fell on Luke for a second. "Schwarz sisters, Luke's mentioned you both. Jericho Piper. You can stick with Jer if it makes you happy, since there's no use having a rank or being a Gold Stripe in a place like this."

They were both staring at him with huge grey eyes, larger than Luke's. He got the feeling they were just waiting from a signal from him to start screeching again. His eyes ran over the younger sister - honestly were i not as good with faces as I Am her cartoonishly small height, in addition to her physical description. Why I may even have confused her for one of Luke's teammates a shameful, shameful and embarrassing display - and landed in a cool stare with the older sister.

His gloved hand twitched; at the tip of his hair, a light small enough to be balanced on a thumbtack pulsed on a few strands of hair.

"Well met, both of you," said the knight politely.
<Snipped quote by HereComesTheSnow>

Your otaku is stronger than mine o.o

JK I'm simply not very learned and have no idea what you just said.

From what I've seen of his Japanese course grades, he's not too learned himself!

@Mistress Dizzy Leave replacing Kaneko's designs to Doi.

Her father wasn't underneath any of the team's beds, or in the closets, or hiding in any cupboards or the stove. Lauren searched the bathroom, knocked on the ceiling tile, tested for loose floorboards, and even in any of the large duffel bags where the black dragon of Bastille hid her slowly-growing treasure pile. She combed high and low, even turned to her mother with a quizzical stare, and found no response anywhere from her father. For a moment, her face started to fall--

--before lighting up again wickedly and cupping one hand around her mouth.

"Ayyyy yooooooo Pooooooooops!" she called out.

Costa Negasi rolled her eyes imperceptibly and turned back to Sangue with a warm, maternal smile.

"That's a very honest answer," she noted comfortingly. Lauren's mother wasn't quite sure whether her daughter's teammate was just shy or somehow impeded, but the affection the snake had for Lauren was still clear enough to see why Lauren got on her with her so well. "I haven't met anyone who could control her in a long time. She's always been a happy child. Always too excited for one body to hold. So she makes friends to--"

"--ep forward, you ol' dusty ass nigga, you--"

"--try and share in the fun. Normally it gets people in trouble, but she seems to have taken a real shine to you all. That's good. I used to think..."

Costa trailed off before shaking her head, smile widening slightly.

"But I'm musing out of turn. Sorry. It's hard for a parent not to worry about her little girl; you ladies will understand some day. Lorena, child, relax. Your father is--"

"The Goddess of Guap summons this ashy nigga Pops, this klepto-ass, old head-ass, lotion-starved brother who hails from the plains of--"


Lauren turned to face her mother with the devilish smile of a troll doll.

"Nah he ain't from there, Moms, Pops grew up in--WAAAAAAAAAAUGH!"

Costa Negasi audibly sighed when the great square window in the back wall of the dormitory flung open, and a tall man with sharply carved features swooped in as though he had jumped from a plane to reach them. Lauren hardly heard the noise before she was caught in a hold, a tight headlock that left her mouth wide and her eyes wider - and that was before they grew positively massive as the man who could only be Lauren Negasi's father started dangling her out of the window.

"Caught you lackin', you mouthy brat," the man challenged, with the iron tones of paternity. Lauren's hands were tapping at his arms. "What's up, Lorena? Say somethin' else funny. I missed those jokes of yours."

"I ain't ever lackin'!" Lauren gasped defiantly. "C'mon, Pops, I was just talkin' that--"

"Yeah, talkin' that good shit. I was waiting for you outside, heard everything. How are you gonna be a Huntress if you let an old head like me choke your ass out?"

"I ain't gonna tap!"

"Tap," Lauren's father said calmly, as his daughter's long, toned legs flailed for purchase in the air outside the dorm.

"Aaaaaaaaargh Amy what the fuck help me, Caaaaaaap, Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap"


Both Negasis turned in surprise to look at Costa, whose hands were on her hips. The smile had left her face, but her eyes were still warm; she seemed annoyed, but not surprised, at the antics of her other half and her only daughter.

"If you two had the wits that Allah gave a turkey, you wouldn't be doing this in front of Lorena's friends. Sweetheart, look at them, they're white. They don't know discipline from battery. And you, Lorena, child. You're screaming loud enough to interrupt every family reunion on this floor. Both of you get inside, now."

Lauren looked up at her father, who looked down upon her with a mix of bewilderment and sheepishness identical to his daughter's. Lauren was hoisted inside promptly and set down on her feet for all of a third of a second before she had leapt up around her father and wrapped her legs around his tightly, arms clinging tightly to his neck.

The Negasi patriarch was a Big Guy. From the ground, it was clear he towered at least half a foot over Lauren, if not a couple inches more than that, and he was clearly no stranger to gains; if Lauren was the spitting image of Costa, then it was clear that her mysterious father must have been the archetype for her similarly mysterious brother Sloan. Lauren lifted off the crooked Atlesian Paladins cap her father was wearing and ruffled his close-cropped black hair with a rakish grin, which he returned after a second with a kiss atop Lauren's own thick head of hair. He had a statuesque face, jaw and cheeks strong underneath skin lighter than his daughter's or wife's, but the family smile was the same.

Lauren's chastisement was wearing off; when she started to speak, her voice was once again the loudest in the room.

"Gang, thiiiiiiiis nigga--"


"--grrr, this guyyyy" - Lauren droned the replacement word out in a nasally monotone that must have been a relic of her pre-Ben white guy impersonation - "is my daaaaaaad. Say hi, Daaaaaad."

Her father's eyes went over to the only white guy in the room first, and then searched the redhead beside Costa before landing on the redhead currently wearing a leather jacket that had been in the family for four generations. Then they landed on Lauren again, just as Costa's stare had before him.

"Assalamualaikum," he said with curt politeness. "I hope you're all enjoying my daughter."


forever doomed to be the best man........
I believe there's not much in canon on the subject, though I haven't been the most persistent in keeping up. If you check out the Contest Document linked in the beginning of the OOC, though, and head to the entries for the "Rival Team" contest, I do believe that the leader of VIVE, Vivianne Laurent, had a similar idea explored, so that might give some insight as to how it would work in this version of the setting, or at least how it was generally accepted (to a certain degree). They should have been submitted by either Krayzikk, or Plank Sinatra.

Also that thread's fun just for the peeks into the gargantuan "expanded universe" we've been coming up with over the years, but that's not important right now.

you fucker
Heheheh, who knows? If I'm accepted perhaps u can help with that. On another matter, Faunus are not a playable race if I read correctly? Not a big deal to me just curious as to why? Also besides human what races are playable?

Huh? Faunus are totally playable.

What's she up to?

What's her face doing?

Jericho had been to a couple Day of the Dead ceremonies in Vacuo with his father, although any Vacuan heritage of his was purely maternal; it was an exercise on Troy Piper's part to teach his devilish twins every aspect of their culture, not merely those they would have reinforced by the education system in Atlas. They seemed intriguing enough - Jer had been to one not long after his own hellish graduation - but Bianca Nuit's face was way too close to resembling one of those featureless ivory death masks right now for comfort.

She looks like she just swallowed the wrong poison.



Youuuu fell victim to one of the classic blunders, JEEEEEEEEEEER! Never go in against a yandere when death is on the line~~~~!

Although, either of them keeling over dead at this point would be a mercy to him...

"Look, Bianca, I don't know what you're trying to prove here, or who you're trying to impress, but you look psychotic. The cruise shouldn't have been that hectic that it makes you disassociate from reality. If you're trying to make me not hate you and the day you were born, it's a Sisyphean task, but the only way you're gonna do it is just to cut the crap and be--"

He broke off.

Saying this was practically a death sentence in its own right, but without any of the quick release a fast-acting poison would be. This would be gangrene - which, actually, was a close enough color to pinot noir purple.


He finished the sentence in the same embittered, disdainful way an old woods witch might perform a blood curse.

By the pricking of my thumbs, Bianca Nuit's so goddamn dumb.

He took a long, calming sip of coffee before he decided to humor her. Maybe the best way to get her to stop being weird was to just try and pretend she wasn't an abhorrent, affluenza-afflicted brat with a head full of pathological conditions and big, gooey eyes that needed to stop staring at his chest and start staring at the pistols holstered to it. Maybe they should have a...normal talk.

A different kind of poison was making its way towards the door; he could see Beryl skipping along giddily, dragging the poor bastard who had recently joined Vignoble's ranks along in tow. There was someone behind them, but she was short, and at this distance he couldn't--

--is that a Naruto run?--

I wanted poison.

Not social poison, not "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" Poison, I wanted poison! I can't deal with more of these idiot girls and their AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH

Before they got inside, Jericho answered Bianca's question casually, as though he hadn't seen her approaching retard reinforcements:

"My father was a Gold Stripe when he went to school. He's one of the heads of the program now. Captain in the Atlesian military. Two sisters. One's a twin; she left school after we graduated Bastion and signed on with a talent agency. She's doing pop music now. My little sister's with her, learning about humans. And I have my team back in Atlas, but the less you know about them the be--"


My GOD why is that so creepy

"Beryl Harken. Vega Venetia." He almost added poor bastard onto his salutations, but one quick, meaningful glance in Geni's direction was probably more meaningful than anything he could have said to console his fellow captive.

All you're obligated to tell them is name and rank, guy.

He considered finishing his coffee and leaving, but these people were his classmates now. He couldn't escape them - or their insistent questions about what it was like to be a super-spy, what was underneath his cold, surly, pouty facade (it wasn't a facade and he wasn't pouty), and why he was still single - forever. Might as well face them head on, get them out of the way for good.

"Can I buy either of you a tea?"

I can't let that otter get coffee in her.
i thought vega was out of the closet

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