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@Dealdric Oops slipped by. I'll update the list of gods. I'll say what I told Kalas, magic will be fine, just don't abuse it

@Lord Zee That is an awesome map Zee. Thanks so much!

Here is a thing to consider for everyone. Is this a realm of the gods domains or the mortal realm? Do the gods actually inhabit the mortal realm? This has potentially awesome plot implications if the gods are resigned to living in the mortal lands..

EDIT: Working on a first post for Cimeru and some basic details about what era/tech level were at. (bronze weapons, low low tech)
@Rune_Alchemist I immediately thought of Iva too-maybe she is the old god? Either way it will be good.
If your god is listed on the CHAR tab, you can start adding your character sheets to the CHAR tab for easy reference.
@Kalas It's fine. Just don't abuse it :P
The Elder Gods

The deities that arose shortly after the Time placed his eye in the void, and Life & Death parted ways. These are the gods of greatest power, with realms to call there own in the mortal lands...
Agamemnon, God of Earth

Anu'Varr, Goddess of Devilry
@Lord Zee

Arda, Goddess of Love

Azrhiel, God of Souls

Cimeru, God of Oceans

Dao Rugadh, God of Memory

Dirka, Goddess of Magic

Ferran, God of Metal

Hayim, God of Healing

Iva'Krorh, God of Knowledge

Oao ('O-ow'), Goddess of Darkness
@A Lowly Wretch

Ragnagadon, God of Fire

Sveiand, God of Cold

The Younger Gods

The younger gods were born after the rise of mortal beings in the world. Some were even birthed by mortal ideas and owe their very powers to mortal worship...

Iarus, God of Trickery

Symarus, God of Stories

NOTE/DISCLAIMER: The division of gods into elder/younger is mostly for my sanity as this is a large cast of characters to handle.
@Polybius - You say Chaos placed it's eye as the sun but on the front page it states that it was Time that had set his eye out to become the sun, eternally chasing the sun with his hand becoming the moon. Did this change?

It's Time. My mistake. Thanks!

@Vega7 This seems more a god of trickery maybe? With memory being an aspect of it's powers. Cool god, very unique.

@Scallop Yep. Come on in.

@Lord ZeeAnu is awesome :) Welcome to the fold.

@CrystalApple While I do really appreciate the creativity and respect for the little Lore I have written. I'm not sure I can accept a god of Void for a few reasons. He has the potential to be the most powerful being in the universe, as he birthed the primordials. I'm not sure he has a lot of potential for plot/conflict. Please consider an alternate domain and get back to us!
@gorgenmast Arda has some serious narrative implications. We have tension early on for the very first gods, the first conflict was over the proliferation of the human species. It would seem that mortals will inevitably play a big part in the story of the gods. I am interested to see what Arda will do next.

@Spiffy A god of the sun is fine and I do not mind changing what little bit of Lore I have written, from what I have already the sun was created when the primordial being Chaos placed his eye in the sky. I like concept of the sun being associated with all knowing/seeing and there is a bit of that in Telios' sheet. Sort of like Odin placing his eye in the well guarded by Ymir to gain knowledge...
I would prefer a new character write up instead of a copy/paste but I am totally willing to work with you on this one!

@jetipster Sveiand is great. Love the duality pared with Ragnagedon. The Cold One has some really interesting motivations, very unique.

@A Lowly WretchOao is super creepy and cool.
@Duoya Hayim is ...adorable lol. Nice unique concept!
@Legion02 Can't remember if I replied to Ragnagedon but he is fantastic.

I'll ask if anyone is interested in working out a basic map of the realms otherwise I'll take a crack at it. I'll have a list of the gods/domains/realms written up at the top of the CHAR tab soon.
@Leotamer All good dude. I really like your god and the potential interactions he has with mortal characters, those brave enough to dig deep for the precious metals. I'm assuming he will craft some mighty weapons for mortals to quarrel over :) ?

Sorry for the new posts on replies et. al. Doing my best here
@Dealdric I'm gonna trust you on this one as magic has the potential to be an absolutely overpowered domain. I like the idea of having a drawback to mortals using power. I'm imagining shamanic magin in the ancient era, deeply ritualistic and time consuming. I think Chaos would be really interested in this, letting magic spread to places freely. If someone would wake him from his slumber...

Let's roll with it see what happens?
@OkonukiCome on in! I don't take reservations so get on that app.
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