Avatar of POOHEAD189


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Current He's lying
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aw fuck you RoadkilBanana
5 days ago
Kuro is right, Elite. That counts as spam. Please do not do that
9 days ago
I am currently at work but tonight I will be making the proper warnings and reprimands
9 days ago
Alright, we're all going to stop talking about this right now. Any further comment will get a warning, and any comment after that will be reprimanded.


About Me

Name: Ben
Username: The one and only. Dare I say?
Age: 30
Ethnicity: Mixed
Sex: Male
Religion: Christian (Nondenominational)
Languages: English, Japanese (Semi-fluent & learning), I also know some Scots Gaelic, Quenyan (Elvish), and Miccosukee (My tribal tongue)
Relationship Status: Single (Though generally unavailable unless I find I really enjoy someone).

Current Projects/Freelance work

  • I am a voice talent and script writer for Faerun History
  • I have a much smaller personal Youtube channel that I use to make videos on various subjects. Only been making videos for 2 years, but it's growing!
  • I'm the host of a Science Fiction & Fantasy Podcast where I interview authors of the genre.

Interests (Includes but is not limited to)

  • Writing/Reading (Love writing and I own too many books)
  • Video Games (Been a gamer for close to 23 years now)
  • Working Out/Martial Arts (Wing Chun/Oyama Karate mostly. Some historical swordplay as well.)
  • History (Military History is my specialty)
  • Zoology
  • Art (Mostly Illustrations. Used to be good. Am picking it back up)
  • Voice Acting/Singing
  • Tabletop Gaming (Started late in the game. Been at it for 3 years. I was the kid who bought the monster manuals and D&D books just for the lore for the longest time. I've played 3.5e, 5e, Star Wars D20, Edge of the Empire, PF, and PF2.)
  • Weaponry of all kinds
  • Anime (mostly action/shonen. DBZ & YYH being my favorites)
  • Movies (Action/War/Drama films being my go-to)
  • Music (Rock of all kinds, as well as historical folk songs, sea shanties, pub songs, a bit of classical music, etc)
  • Guitar (am learning to play, but being left handed makes it challenging)
  • There's more but if you care enough you can PM me :P

Roleplay F.A.Q.

  • Fantasy, Sci Fi, and Historical are my genres. Fantasy being my favorite and Sci Fi/Historical being close seconds.
  • Advanced / Nation / 1x1 / Casual (only in certain circumstances)
  • I generally write at the 'Advanced Level' meaning 4+ Paragraphs with good grammar.
  • I am usually busy with many projects and RPs, but if you wish to do a 1x1 with me, you'll need to present your case. Those I already do it with have my trust as a Roleplayer.
  • I love many, many fictional universes so me trying to list them all is an effort in futility!


Most Recent Posts

The day was hot and bold of feeling. No matter who's party one was in, they could feel the heaviness of the sun's rays above them. It wasn't heat that Elora Lynn Read was too unfamiliar with, however, having traveled out of the Shrouded Sea and into the humid Sea of Swords. A tough but charming woman, her sudden appearance did confuse the guards that had been stationed. Hesitantly, but forcefully they lowered their spears.

"Halt. Name your business!" the one of the left asked, sweat beading down his brow. Though from the heat or the confrontation it was hard to tell. Probably both.

Meanwhile, Geradin closed his eyes, and reopened them with a golden light. A few moments went by, and all he did was snort. Beren was in the arms of Aeryn, as Sett was. She felt her squeeze, and even heard her soft "Ooh," and he blinked, though before he could even react she admitted she could feel danger too. He had certain senses that monks possessed, but he did not have the ears of elves or the magical abilities of other individuals.

But since the guards weren't shouting "Demon!!!" he decided to give a look himself. He slipped out of Aeryn's grip, whispering. "I'll go take a looksie." he said, and before they could protest or say they could come with him, he held up his hand. "Just a looksie..." before slipping off to the front of town. Granted it was not far away, judging by the size of the place. In fact if they were to go around the corner that Beren just passed, they would be able to see the front gateway into the town. Beren himself would raise his brow at the sight of a Kaelic lass, hardened by combat but beautiful nonetheless trying to get into the town.

At first the warrior monk was suspicious of a Dark Elf deception. Perhaps everyone was right. But he recalled Geradin's clerical senses. If it had been a Dark Elf, the Dwarf would have bothered to make it to the gateway. Beren shook his head, and decided to make an entrance toward the front of the town. As the two guards nearly prodded the woman, she needn't draw her sword when a tanned and powerfully built younger man, handsome in a way, placed a hand on the shaft of the leading spear.

"I'll take it from here." Beren said, his tone confident. The guards looked to one another, but decided not to question this decision. Beren crossed his muscled arms as they retreated.

"Sorry about that, but they can't be too careful as you probably know." He told her, not wanting to be rude but still needing to be careful. "Who are you? This town is under threat at the moment, or possibly is at the least. So I'll need to at least get your name and business here."

The guards had gone to gossip around town, spreading word there was a visitor. No doubt Ursaren would hear his patients be given the same news!

Calanon leaped off of Brogach, taking his shield and his sword to wield. He wasn't entirely enthusiastic about the place, but he was a forward scout more often than not. He knew how to keep himself alive. The Elf bade everyone stay calm for a few moments as they contemplated what their next course of action was. He gave them a wave and a nod, and then slowly crept further into the small 'alley' cut into the rock, his footfalls so light, even An-Hasst couldn't hear them.

Argon smelled the air, his alien-like movements giving him weird twitches every now and then, but he seemed to stay still. In fact, he seemed to calm and settle near the edge of the rocky crevice while the other's spoke and pondered, allowing the heat of the day to give him strength and energy. He simply basked and enjoyed where they were. Brogach the Elk seemed to pace on the other hand, neighing and nickering every now and then, his hooves clopping audibly on the stone. An-Hasst, now peering over the shoulders of the statue, was about to climb down when the oddest thing happened.

The statue turned its head and looked directly into his face.

As if he had sensed the movement, Argon lifted his serpentine head. What escaped his mouth was a roar that reverberated through the rocky terrain. A warning to those around. But Calanon was still deep within the crags. Alone.
@Stormflyx@Gardevoiran@BCTheEntity@The Fated Fallen@Fetzen@IcePezz
Hmmmm...of course a Dragonball-esque character is down my alley. But I might go weird on this one. I'll need to really think this weekend.

(I'm interested)
My internet died. But expect a post tomorrow night or the next folks!
@KarmaCorpsI'll reply to you tonight, my friend!
If Neil had been back on his homeplanet, he would have distinguished himself. He had been an expert Mech pilot back then, and a fair fighter on the ground, but after years of combat on his feet he'd become a far better physical combatant. He was among some of Canek's men who were out of their vehicles, firing at the ambushers with automatic weaponry. Neil's new Reaper worked like a charm.

Reloading the cock with one swift action, he didn't even need to aim it at eye level. Two Dervishes were slain from three hip fire rounds on single shot, the bullet holes tearing through their bodies to bury in their allies who hide behind a dune of sand. Three more men fell with his next four rounds, punching through bodies and armor with satisfying boltshots.

Briefly he heard Sayeeda calling for him, his ears still ringing from the latest tank shots. He turned just in time to see the dervish attackers flanking their position. The leading one already in the middle of aiming for him. Neil leaped to the side, dodging the slug that would have punctured his chest. The dervish leaped at him, a curved knife in his hands. Neil landed on his back and caught the weapon arm.

His knee struck the attacker in the stomach, and kicking off the man flipped over Neil end over end. To his credit, the desert raider reoriented himself just as Neil did, stabbing left with the knife as both lunged for the other on their knees in the desert sand. Neil caught his weapon hand once more, simultaneously striking at the man's neck with a hand chop using his free hand. He quickly disarmed the choking assailant and stabbed him with his own weapon.

The men fought in a whirling maelstrom of bullets and lasshots among the dunes around Neil, many now in close combat like he had been. Swiftly, he searched the body of the man he killed, finding two frag grenades and even an ion grenade, used for disrupting vehicles and electronics for a short amount of time. He looked at one of the frags and found the pin, yanking it and tossing it over into the next dune beyond their lines where the enemy streamed from. It detonated and cut through three men, one crying out in pain, his intestines merely being torn as he bled into the sand, dying a slow death.

"Captain!" he called to her, but the tank fired again and sand engulfed Neil as the concussive blast sent a miniature sandstorm through the now blood soaked sand. He wished he had the hauler. Maybe then he could do more than be just another rank and file. He tried again, but when he called for Junebug, his voice was hoarse from the sand in the air. The LAV lasers sliced through another ubiquitous line of men, their torsos falling off their legs in an almost unnatural, silly way to Neil's sensibilities.

He grabbed a handful of sand and crawled as best as he could through the noise and fighting, cutting into an enemy's hamstrings, felling him with a stab to the neck and a grunt, before continuing on. It was what seemed an eternity before he rolled off a steep dune that looked to be almost a sheer drop before he rolled into Sayeeda, who had been knocked on her ass a second time.

"Sup?" he asked tiredly, looking up at her through the debris and sand.
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Target Acquired

The children taunted him, though he didn't move an inch as they berated him with racial slurs and pitiless names. He didn't say a word, and even his chest rose and fell so slowly that it almost seemed as if he was a statue. The children stopped after a few moments, suddenly convinced that perhaps they had been taunting a very life-like sculpture, one of the kids even leaning in to examine Daixanos.

Until his entire body shook from the low rumble that reverberated from his body, and a growl that might come from a beast twice his already considerable muscled size escaped his mouth. The kids screamed in fright and leaped back, before running away and looking back horrified every few moments until they were out of sight, some now crying. Dax's growl had been a warning, but he hadn't expected them to be fearful for their life.

"Landstriders," he muttered, and decided if mere children could find him on the ground, he would take a vantage point elsewhere above the garden. Within minutes, he had scaled the manor walls and found a nearby three story building with an archway that hung near the edge of the manor gardens. Dax found a spot to crouch and watch, comfort the furthest thing from his mind as he watched. Like a crocidilian basking in the sun, he didn't move once more, and waited as long as Gustav would deem he wait to overwatch the operation.

Fortune it seems, was fickle, because he did not need to wait long. He thought to reach for his bow, seeing the guards slump and the cloaked figures moved past them. He waited until the opportune moment, just as the cloaked figures stepped into the doorway. He slung himself downwards and slid into the garden with practiced ease.

Swiftly, the Argonian Hunter strode his way as silent as death to the downed guards. Luckily, the true death had not reached these men. Fast asleep, and their breathing showcased it was real sleep, not unconsciousness. He hissed, feeling the stench of foul sorcery. If there was one thing he loathed, it was wizardry and magicka. His tail lashed with barely suppressed disgust. He nocked an arrow to his bow, leaving the guards to their slumber before pacing within the halls.

Around various bends and more slumbering guards, Dax found his way to a small antechamber under the Manor. A basement the surface dwellers would call it, he remembered. Raised voices, human he believed. It had always been hard for him to tell the difference between man and mer in looks, much less voices. But he could see the glint of weapons from his crouching form, hidden within the shadows beyond the room.

They were not guards. Mercenaries by the look of them. Hardened soldiers, paid to work for the highest bidder at any given moment. He knew they couldn't be trusted. Slowly, ever so slowly, he drew the bowstring back, moving the weapon inexorably to a position where he might aim. Whoever these men or mer were, he would not allow them to disrupt the party. He had been given orders, and as long as his loyalty was to the party...

He would hunt and kill to follow them. It was what he did.

It was what he was.
Welcome to the forum!
Markus took the bottle of rum and downed a fair portion of it in a single wig, placing it on the table as if he had taken a casual sip. The man placed a hand on his chin, his free hand sliding up to where Calliope had indicated. It was less than two miles from the other island that mirrored the larger one. With proper elevation it could fire right into any ship escaping.

"That isn't a bad idea." he reasoned, his mind going over the guns in the ship and their poundage. With the long nine they might be able to fire accurately enough to frighten any escape plan the Bloodaxes might have. "The problem isn't landing men there. As long as we do it just after twilight and with the wind at our backs we should be able to have a few scale. The problem is getting the guns themselves up there. The terrain's perfect for a vantage point but gaining ground is another issue."

"I could perhaps help in that endeavor." Calli said, waving about her hand for a moment as an apple that had been on the counter suddenly floated up to hover above her palm, seemingly on its own accord. Markus knew enough about magic to know it would be far harder than what she was suggesting, and such a heavy item would need more than a wave of the hand. But it was certainly going to help as well.

His wink was all the answer she needed to her offer, and Markus took another drink, before sliding it her way. "Whatever happens, it can't be more dangerous than what we went through the other day." he told her, giving a frustrated, almost comical look. She chortled and continued to drink. It had been a long night, they needed a drink. "Only we can have a difficult night in a palace built for opulence and wealth." she replied.

As she spoke, the Captain took his silk shirt off and replaced it with the frock coat he had on the back of the chair, preferring his usual, more rustic apparel as they spoke strategy. "This is a bit off topic," he began, slipping his strong arm into one of the sleeves. "But after we finish this job, milk the Sultan for what he's worth. We're to move northward and ravage who we can until we can plunder the dowry ship."

She nodded as he continued. "Once that is done, and we have the means to burn Calaverde to the ground. Where do you plan on going next? After Sebastian is hung by his balls in the city square?" It was obviously a rhetorical question. "I'm thinking we go north through hammer pass, in the Sundered Sea." Referring to the shallow, recently made sea not centuries old. Stories say two Gods battled and cracked the very earth, creating a sea during the last invasion of Demons upon the realm.

"We won't exactly want for Gold. But there's plenty of real estate there." he said, smirking. Plenty of business opportunities to go their way.
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