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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon, Day 2
Location: By a spring, closer to River Port
Interactions: @13org@Helo@Potter@Eviledd1984

Malachi listened to Mathis words. While he did so, he washed his hands in the spring and also took a drink from it. He finally smiled at Mathias as he finished speaking, "There is nothing quite like homecooked meals that are made with love. My wife had been a very good cook too. She'd always make us a beef stew with seasoned, buttery bread she baked. She never told me how she made it and I haven't been able to come across a beef stew as tasty in years. Always good to have recipes written down." To sit at the table and enjoy a warm meal with family was such a long gone notion to Malachi, but still, it brought comfort to have some nostalgic reminiscence of the sensation.

Valok also shared some of his story with them, which had been an entirely different upbringing. His tone took on pride that he could not quite fault him for. He cringed a little when he spoke of being trained in The Pits. He had heard one or two horror stories over his years. He stared at his scar and he was sure that the dark elf had wanted him to feel impressed perhaps, but he felt... sadness. He wondered if Valok had ever been shown much kindness.”You sound like a very strong man to endure such a thing... You were young when you had to face this beastman?"

"Forests! Dah-ka!"

Malachi glanced over at Myra and suddenly laughed, which wasn't an often event. However, he wasn't hindering himself as usual too much at the moment. Though she was quite cute, being raised in Daka did raise some questions. He glanced at her and saw something very despairing, his eyes widened just a little bit. "Myra." He moved over, taking a cloth out of his pocket and dipping it into the water. "You have gotten dirt on you." He slowly moved to bend down in front of her and gently dabbed it on her cheek. "There you go. All better."

His actions had all been genuine despite things. He figured he could attempt to loosen up a little if he were to get to know them regardless of friend or foe. They had gotten off to a tense start. "Are you all ready to continue?"
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:River Kingdom Plaza

"It smells."

Pyria was doing that dreadful thing where she spoke so unpleasantly through gritted teeth. Helio rolled his eyes over to glance once more at her. "Like what? Good?"

"Horrid."She snapped with a glare, "The throne."

"It really does smell bad, Helio. Look at them all."Lamaia agreed gently and gestured to a couple of dark elves stationed near them holding their noses.

"You all don't enjoy the stench of death?"Helio asked in dismay and genuine surprise, craning his head to acknowledge the others.

They stared at him blankly.

"Ugh. Fine. I have a solution."He rolled his wrist in a circle as a couple of flowers began to grow along the area. For a moment the smell improved and everyone sighed with relief.

Then the flowers started to instantly wilt. Everyone groaned.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. Forgot that doesn't quite work anymore."Helio said with a sigh and shrugged

"I got it."Lamaia said and focused her energy on reviving the flowers, and growing lots more than the sad handful Helio had produced, "Why don't we go sit in the hall or something? Why out here anyway? What if it rains?"

Pyria grumbled immediately under her breath in reaction to that question, "If it starts to fucking rain, I swear..."

"We can later. I'm waiting for something."Helio replied impatiently, "Stop complaining. It's like keeping children for company."

"Wasn't so long ago-"Lamaia began, but he shut her up with a glare. She sighed and looked down for a while.

"Helio! Thank God you're back."Words filled the air that made Helio giddy with delight as a male fairy came running down the road. He halted to a stop in front of the throne, out-of-breath as he spoke, "A village in our Kingdom along the main road was attacked! Terribly! All four families dead."He trembled with wide-eyes.

"How awful! Who would do such a thing? I'll send some help over right away."Helio feigned empathy in his voice and terror on his expression as he spoke. He glanced over and looked at Pyria, "Fetch some back up and go check that out." Pyria shrugged, probably happy to not have to stand there anymore, and stalked off, gesturing for a couple of the elves to follow her.

"Oh thank you! Thank you!"He bowed multiple times before hastily making his way. It got quieter after that, even within the town itself. Many were fearful of coming outside after seeing so many dark elves march down the street.

Lamaia had been quiet too and deep in thought for few minutes. She suddenly sat on the edge of the throne and touched Helio's hand, giggling as she recalled, "Remember when we danced together. We'd attend that silly Roshmi ball every year."

Helio looked at her and grinned, pulling the black-haired girl onto his lap as he straightened up, "Ah yes... I can still remember that waltz they always played." He started to hum the waltz as he recalled it, the memory of the ball painting itself on the canvas of his mind as he hummed. His smile faltered slowly as it did.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location:Amora, River Kingdom
Interaction: @Alivefalling

Risa smiled warmly at Kyran when he joined her, blushing at his compliment, "Oh you look so dashing, Kyran."She kissed his cheek and went to protest when he grabbed her hand and began pulling her out right away, "But wait. We can't just leave everyone to deal with Helio. What do we-"

"We'll try to keep him under control. We have enough of us here and I'll try to discreetly alert others on our side. Just go before he finds ye here."Vereon urged, coming over to place the amora tickets in her hands and pull a satchel over her shoulder with some snacks, her amas, and her other small various belongings. She hugged him hastily and waved to the others. Gorgon waved enthusiastically back, his eyes tearing up.

They left out the back and snuck through the backways of the plaza. Once they had reached the amora dock, Risa stared up at the huge ship in awe. It had been so long since she had been one and they were always so mesmerizing to look at with their size. She watched about three others walked over the dock and boarded the ship. Risa hoped they weren't troublesome folk. She swallowed and moved over to hand her tickets to the fairy working there, keeping her head low as she did. There were wooden benches in rows upon the ship for the passengers to sit. Once she got onto the amora, Kyran guided her to a seat and sat down. She laid down on his lap, laying on her side on the bench, and took his free hand in hers to hold it as he was petting her hair.

“We will make things right; this will not be our normal any longer.”

Risa turned her head to look up at him. She hoped he was right. She smiled and patted his hand gently, "I know."
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:River Kingdom Plaza

Helio spent the morning doing a few of his chores before ordering the dark elves he had at his disposal to march down the middle of River Kingdom. He wanted everyone to see he was back and he had friends. He blew kisses to his fans as he walked down, especially the girls. Some people recognized him and looked at him as if they had seen a ghost. He hadn't shown his face here in years after all. Thankfully, his beautiful throne made of the limbs of his victims was waiting for right in the middle of the town plaza. It was at the back of a large circle of cobblestone at the end of the road by the famous big tree. He took his spot in it and lounged on it as the dark elves began to then disperse to go off to their positions, besides those he had instructed to be at his side, which was quite a few.

"Hungry."He said simply, snapping his fingers.

A pretty fairy girl, Lamaia, emerged from the side with grapes. Things were going smoothly. He had instructed that he have beautiful women at his disposal to care for him and it actually worked out. "Is it really you, Helio? You were alive all this time?"

"Of course, sugar lips. You really think I could be killed so easily? Look at me!"He gestured to himself, flexing his muscles. He smirked at her, "I am a busy, busy boy, Lamaia, and I can keep you very, very busy."

The dark elf woman standing next to his throne made a sound of disgust, grimacing.

Helio leered over at her, ordering, "Hey. Cut that out." He made a gesture toward Lamaia to keep feeding him grapes after he spoke.

"Why did Aklenroth order this."The dark elf asked in such a dry and bland tone that it was barely even questioning. Helio thought perhaps it was rhetorical and they all had been briefed, but he was going to tell her anyway.

"Aklenroth said, 'Oh Helio, only you, who's so smart and handsome, could be trusted to watch over the River Kingdom and make sure the rebellion doesn't reach there. Stay there and I'll send you reinforcements,' so I was like yeah I know. " Helio told her and took one of the grapes and tossed it at her. The dark elf fumbled to catch it, staring at him in indignation, "See. I'm so generous."

"He definitely did not say that."The dark elf said through gritted teeth.

Helio rolled his eyes, retorting, "So I reworded it but the principle's the same. Now shut up, Pyria, or I won't share any more of my grapes." He adjusted his crown and lounged back, opening his mouth to accept more grapes.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Clara had gotten quite into the traveling yesterday, making marks on her map every so often. She had an easy time keeping up, probably ending up more energetic than most of them, making small talk often and commenting on silly things like pixies and butterflies. Along the way, she made a hobby of plucking daisies from the ground so that once they stopped to make camp, she could make them all flower crowns in honor of their new friendship and to get into the spirit of adventure. After volunteering the first watch, she got to work weaving the daisy crowns. Funny enough, Mothman left at night to sleep elsewhere. She guessed he did not trust them. The entire group actually didn't seem close to each other at all. At first, she had worried about not being accepted into a group that knew and trusted each other, but she fit in quite nicely. The elf woman Kenia seemed very guarded and Clara thought she maybe didn't trust any of them too much. However, she was very nice to her, so Clara liked her.

Kenia woke her up super early, earlier than the other elves had, but thankfully Clara was a morning person and Kenia had breakfast. Though she mumbled, "five more minutes, mom," to Kenia unknowingly when she had not been quite awake yet. Clara was quiet about handing out her flower crowns, smiling simply when she had handed them to each of them. However, when it came to Bowyn, she had also handed him a little baby one for Boreas. It would have been rude to disclude him.

Clara held her last flower crown with a frown as she watched Kenia begin to mess with the path and then they changed course. She took a moment to pay attention to the direction of the wind. Kenia was trying to make it harder for Mothman to find them. He had been kinda strange in nature but she thought it was cruel to just abandon him on his own. It was quite possible he'd find them again anyway since the guy flew and she was sure he would not be happy they did not wait up for him. Reluctantly, she went along with it and decided to just question why later. Good thing they had not traveled over any bridges!

The afternoon came and Kenia began passing out food and she took out her berries to share as a dessert, handing them out, "I got lalaberries! Anyone want some lalas?" She was very happy she recalled the name. Kenia soon called her attention and asked where she was coming from, "Oh! I'm from Sun Elf Village. Was at Roshmi but then everyone started bugging there, so I'm taking my business elsewhere. But I have a question for you too,"

Clara then asked, "Why did we ditch that guy? It's kind of cruel to just leave someone behind to fend for themselves in the middle of the woods. I didn't feel right doing that." She figured Kenia possibly had good reason, but she wanted to hear it.
@Jaredthefox92 Modern day. Vampire hunter would be appreciated! Please read the info on first two posts

<Snipped quote by Jaredthefox92>

Yes! We are interested in vampires or hunters.

Sorry Jared I linked the wrong ooc

Is this still open?

Yes! We are interested in vampires or hunters.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning --> Afternoon
Location:The Pretty Flower
Interaction: @Alivefalling

There had been no sight of Artemis in the healing center that morning. But there had been something dreadful.
Risa could only stare as she gripped Kyran's arms as the bodies of two fairies were carried out, covered in sheets. There had been no saving them.

Kyran and Risa had kept their place to the side, hiding, listening. When the names were finally spoken out loud, her heart lurched. Flower and Asher had been so very kind. She had known them from her many days in the healing center. Tears spilled down her cheeks, but she kept very still and very quiet. It was mentioned that a blue-haired woman had fled the scene, chased by dark elves, however, she escaped into the stream. Risa wondered why on earth they'd be after her, but at least she knew she had gotten away safely. Artemis must have been hoping to just meet at the port to keep the pursuit away from her. After Kyran had comforted her for a moment, they brought her back to The Pretty Flower to Vereon's home. Vereon had given practically threw himself at Kyran, hugging him and petting his head between the ears. After he had let go and given Kyran some new clothes to change into, Kyran went into another room and Risa took Vereon aside to tell him the news once it was just them.

"Not Asher... Oh please not he..." Vereon had slid down against the wall onto the floor upon hearing the news. "Oh my sweet friend."He buried his face in his hands, his body trembling, his voice full of anguish. Risa moved to his side and took his hands sadly. His head lifted up in reaction and he said fiercely to her, "Ya have to stop this, Risy. We'll all be doomed." He stood up with her and moved to the window, moving the curtain a little, "Look."

Dark elves, way more than there had ever been before, were marching down the street in formation. In the middle of the plaza was a throne of some sort. Risa squinted, the details slowly becoming more clear. "... Hands?"She whispered in disbelief. The blood was still visible on the stumps of the arms. There must have been at least a hundred of them, all put together into a horrific throne. Fairies were peeking out from windows, some coming out from the front doors of shops to watch as the long lost fairy prince Helio emerged from the parade of elves in a large, golden crown. Helio threw charming smiles at all of them, blowing kisses as if he had only been gone a day. He practically danced up to the throne with a big smile and hopped into it, kicking his feet back. He snapped his fingers and a little fairy girl emerged and began to bring a bunch of grapes one by one into his mouth by holding to over his head. "That's my grandfather's crown."She told Vereon, who was at her side.

Risa shut the curtains, her eyes narrowing.

Vereon stared at her a moment then said, "Let's get you dressed. I've arranged for an amora to come for you in about an hour from now. You can't go on it looking anything like yourself."

"Understood. Do your thing."

And that he did. Risa found herself looking in the mirror, wearing an outfit she had never quite imagined herself in, "Ohh.. The socks... This is a lot, Vereon... And it's all tighter than I'm used to. I'm more comfortable in flowy clothing."Risa plucked at the strap between her sock and shorts.

Vereon looked her up and down and whistled, "That means it's perfect...Oh Kyran, come here handsome! Yeeeerrr gonna wanna see this!"He called and then moved up to her, gently rebraiding her hair and then pushing it behind her shoulders. He pulled her hood up and then patted her head. "Now ye come with me."He took her hand with one hand and pushed at her back with the other, moving her out the back door and down the stairs. He opened the door and there stood the others from the night prior, along with Gorgon. The front door to the bar was locked and it was clearly still closed.

Then they did something that surprised Risa. They all bowed, one by one in greeting, slowly until the whole room was bowing to Risa.
She raised a brow and glanced beside her. Vereon was bowing.

Risa's face flushed and she waved her hands back and forth, saying," Oh my, I'm sorry lovelies...My goal of this isn't to be queen. As long as the fairy kingdom and all everyone can live without worry of harm... That's all I want. Besides, my parents are alive as far as I know. I'd just be a princess even so."

"With all due respect, Risa. Take a look at where they are and take a look at where ye are. They're hiding somewhere and have done nothing to protect us. Then ye at yar young age..." Vereon said, making her blink, "Loyally devoted and putting ya life on the life for us. Taking on all the burden on thy shoulders when no one's asked ya too. Ye're the only queen I'll bow to."He took her hand and kissed it.

She stared in astonishment as the room nodded in agreement, still bowing to her. Risa smiled finally and curtsied back with the end of her cape.

"Gorgon has never met nice queen. Always rude to Gorgon." Gorgon interjected. "Risa kind to Gorgon. Friend when he is down. Risa good queen for little fairies. Gorgon help for Risa."

Risa moved over to touch his big hands sadly, "Gorgon you don't have to get involved in all this. Please just find a safe way home and stay out of this."

"Gorgon see death. Lot of death. Gorgon will STOP it. He protects little fairies with Vereon until Risa return. "He told her passionately.

Risa nodded, "Just please, please be careful, all of you. Do not try to challenge Helio. He is unpredictable." She turned to look at Vereon, "Well then, once Kyran joins us down here, the two of us have to sneak our way to that amora and get to River Port as soon as we can."

Hello we are looking for more vampires and hunters to join our roleplay c: A new morning has just started and no previous knowledge of what has happened last is required.


GM:Princess CO-GM: FunnyGuy

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