Avatar of Prosaic


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2 yrs ago
It's my birthday so I'm making it everyone's problem.
2 yrs ago
I figure my presence on this site is more of a curse than a blessing.
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2 yrs ago
Be the superhero roleplay that you want to see in the world.
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2 yrs ago
Don't mind me, just making another reappearance.
3 yrs ago
By no popular demand, I'm back.


Years after writing my original post and funnily enough, I'm still Prose!

I'm twenty something, I like superheroes, magic and well... anything that happens to catch my eye. Sometimes I take random breaks from this site and reappear when you least expect me. Sorry about that. It's the mental health. I thrive in high casual settings and I like to write the same characters over and over so expect to see them regurgitated across different threads.

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@BubblegumQueen & @Lemons & @Days & @Rabidporcupine & @Elevation


Our official Discord exists now! It's not a requirement to join but it would be cool if you did!

Tuesday, August 21st, 2018

Summer break was over and that meant that it was time for him to stop messing around again. He had spent his vacation as actively as possible, going anywhere that he could and seeing everything that he could. He wasn't busting windows or smashing mailboxes anymore but he was kicking back at pools and visiting parks. He was going to miss the loose schedule of doing whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. There was a growing discomfort at the idea of being in school again, at listening to teachers direct him around again.

He had never been a model student, he wanted to do things his way or not at all. Teachers liked structure though and that meant that he had to be on his best behavior, his therapist had been telling him throughout summer break that he had to adjust to authority. She understood that he had problems following direction and she was trying to work with him on it, he just couldn't follow why it was so important that he should spend eight hours of his life listening to people lecture him on what skills he'd need in the future. It was all so tedious and boring.

When he finally rolled into the parking lot, he was even less excited if that was possible. The sight of his fellow students was enough to sour his mood but he had to maintain face, he had a reputation to withhold and "angry angsty teenage boy" was not that reputation. He pulled down the sun visor, noting that his hair was doing that floaty, staticky thing again and that he had the expression of someone who's cheerios had been throughly pissed upon. He spent a good moment trying to twist that frown into something more amiable.

When he was sure that he got it under control, he made his first beeline to the auditorium. From there he preceded to sit through a huge waste of time and breath. New faculty, woohoo. He zoned out about halfway through the guy's speech and became lost in picking out pictures in the grain of the wood flooring. It was the bell that jolted him into awareness and he blinked around in confusion as people started filing out the door. This was common for him, of course, but he had missed an entire chunk of the orientation speech.

When he looked beside him, he could see that Cameron had joined him. He must have missed the other boy joining him completely, like he hadn't even been there at all. It was easy to get lost in his head when he didn't care about what was going on, that was another thing that his therapist wanted him to work on. Clearly, he was making progress.

Cameron was gathering his stuff together to seek out his first class, Baron was staring at him dumbly instead of moving. "I- Have you been there the whole time?"

The other boy arched his eyebrows. "You zoned out, man. Sometimes I think you're the spaciest person that I know. We gotta get going or we're going to be late."

"Do we have the same first period?"

"You only wish," said Cameron, shaking his head. "Come on, man. I don't want you to be stuck scraggling on the first day."

"Too late for that but I appreciate the sentiment."

Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 | The Loft

The school day had gone by as school days often do, he was bored and irritated. There had been a few good points, he found that he really liked his Geography teacher. There were other not-so-good points where he'd gotten into a small tiff with a teacher over answering a question that he hadn't wanted to answer. It hadn't got too out of control but it had made a slight ripple in how he approached the classes that followed. He had missed an entire lesson in one his classes by doodling an abstract rendition of the teacher, he was going to be paying for that one later when there was a test.

He ate lunch with Avery, who he found to be more companionable than Cameron at times. Avery was the type of kid that just made you feel at home. He had been happy to tell him about how his summer had gone and Avery had been happy to hear about it. Though they hadn't discussed much about Avery, they had happily talked about him and he prefered it that way. It had probably been the best part of his day, mostly because he wasn't learning anything and there was food involved. He had been sad when it ended, Avery had hurried off before he could even say that he'd see him later.

Weird kid.

It wasn't until someone gently reminded him that he had one more class to go to that he lost all bearing on pretending to be in a good mood. It was aggravating that he'd have to sit through something that sounded as ridiculous and useless as "social conscience". He didn't have great grades or a great track record, there was no reason that he should have been hand selected for some fancy-smancy psychology class. When he arrived, he realized that the reacher was that new guy that he'd ignored during the orientation.

He sighed loudly and took his seat, folding his arms as he listened to the guy introduce the class that they had been forced into. He hated this almost immediately, he'd never been very good with psychology and he didn't expect that to change any time soon. This place was extremely old by the looks of it and the dust was already agitating his sinuses. Jonas would be lucky if he didn't start sneezing erratically.

The only thing he was feeling conscious of was how much his nose was starting to itch. He tried to answer though, maybe if someone got the right answer then they'd be freed sooner from this dust hell. "Everything animals do is just their nature, they don't understand the consequence of action. Uh cause and effect, it doesn't really matter to animals, not in the way that it should matter to humans."

What had they taught him in therapy about the importance of cause and effect? "I mean, obviously that's what marks a bad person, right? Someone who knows that their cause can have a negative effect but they do it anyway. Animals, they just, they don't have that moral conflict."

Grand Ridge Academy - Conference Room.

Martin Cromwell was no coward, if he reiterated that enough then maybe he'd start to believe it and start doing something brave. Something braver than standing around here and peering at ominous newspapers all day. The fledgling God had showed them something simplistic, he had recognized the Sucre immediately and he'd even recognized the girl. If he hadn't meant Grant then he might not have recognized her, she was his sister. He hadn't ever spoke to her, just knew that she was his family but seeing her being pursued by that monster had made his stomach turn.

He knew what it felt like to see that thing face to face, to stare into it's emotionless eyes. It was an experience that stuck with him and he was sure that it stuck with everyone else who had watched it bring it's axe down onto the teacher's head. The sound of flesh and bone giving way beneath metal was a constant loop in his dreams, the sound of people screaming and the feeling of his heart slamming hard in his chest, these were the themes of his nightmares. When he wasn't dreaming of shadows, he was dreaming of death.

He wanted to unravel this mystery as much as anyone else, he wanted to completely understand it but he slowly becoming overwhelmed in his own fear. Despite his fear, there was a growing determination inside of him. He didn't want to leave Grant's sister to suffer the fate of that monster and it seemed that Penny had the same idea because she bolted out the door. If he had the guts then he would have asked her if he could hitch a ride but he didn't. He and Penny had a complicated history and he wasn't sure that he was ready to forgive her just yet.

He touched Rita's elbow, a sort of light gesture that he hoped would translate that he'd see her later. He threw open the door to the conference room, blinking in confusion at the sight of Grant and Lynette. It actually managed to stop him in his reverly completely, he didn't know what had brought Grant this way but he knew that he hadn't been on the camping trip. He quickly pulled out his phone, typing as fast as he could without jumbling his letters completely.

To: Grant
I want to say "Hey, man" like I'm not freaking out but I am. Something is going down, I'm very worried and I was going to help. I think your sister may be in trouble.

Aliana wasn't surprised that Penny had been the first to get out the door to help but her powers weren't really offense powers, they were more supportive powers. She wasn't going to be able to make everyone in that area disappear without feeling like she'd hit a brick wall. She was better off staying here with the rest of the group, though she couldn't help but worry about her more reckless friend.

Penny was a tornado at times, so reckless that it was almost self destructive. She did as she pleased and no one had the capability of stopping her unless she wanted to be stopped. It was hard to just accept that, especially with Aliana being as empathetic as she was at times but she also knew that there was no point in trying to pin Penny down. It was best to let her sink or swim on her own accord.

Knowing that did not stop her worry. The little goth guy had rushed out as well, she wasn't sure what he was going to do besides flip the lights on and off but that was his choice. If the kid thought it was best to play the hero role then she wasn't going to stop him either. She just really hoped that no one left this incident in more than one piece. She was also worried about Billy, he seemed to be having a really hard time with the abstraction thing.

She moved so she was closer to him and lightly touched his arm, the gesture was comforting in nature but she didn't really know what to say to him. There wasn't much that she could say.


"Life can be a bit jolting but I'm just taking it day by day."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"If I describe myself as stylishly messy, will it excuse the minimal effort I put into my look?"
◼ HEIGHT | '5"9

◼ WEIGHT | 134 lbs.

◼ BUILD | Lean.

◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian.

◼ HAIR COLOR | Blond.

◼ EYE COLOR | Brown.

◼ SCARS | A pale scar located on his left palm.



Confident by nature and confident in stance, this boy holds himself as if he owns the world. He may appear arrogant to some and challenging to others, seemingly wanting to be seen as unbreakable. Though his stances can be lazy and lounging at times, displaying a grace that came with years of his childhood spent in the throes of ballet. He can often be found with his hands in his pockets or his head tipped back as if to better take in the world around him. He leans on things often, cupping his chin as if he has to think about everything before he approaches it.

The boy has a headful of pale blond hair, it's very thick and wavy. It's not quite long or quite short, the ends just reach to his earlobes and frame his face in a complementary way. He has pointed features, a very sharp chin and high cheekbones that invert slightly into a pale and nearly flawless face. While this boy may be unconventionally attractive, his features can appear delicately crafted and very sweet in appearance. His nose is small and aquiline, curved above a mouth that is often sarcastic. This mouth is small, shapely, and soft with a full lower lip that compliments a full upper lip.

He has laughing eyes, shrouded in black eyelashes and heavy-lidded. These eyes are a light brown in shade, appearing nearly mahogany in some light. They are complimented in slight bruising, it gives him the look of someone who is nearly constantly exhausted. His brows are pale in shade and very straight, often serious and low over his eyes. His skin can be described as very pale and porceline-esque with little freckling and very few scars. He seems to have escaped the woes of teenage acne completely and maintains no red marks on his cheeks or jaw.

He's slight of frame, built slender and gangly with very long legs. He has a narrowness to his hips and chest, appearing very skinny and small. His shoulders are pointed and his shape is rail-thin. It's not a stretch to call him skin-and-bones, he maintains little to no muscle. He has very thin arms and narrow wrists leading into bony hands with long fingers. Due to the length of his legs, he can appear taller than he is at times, giving the illusion of being nearly six foot.

He tends to wear comfortable and casual clothing, gravitating towards band t-shirts, skinny jeans, and canvas sneakers. Though, however unlikely, he can be found in more fashionable and exaggerated clothing. He can be found in a variety of jackets and scarves during the winter.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Just because it's easier to remain stagnant, doesn't mean you should, and I really shouldn't."
Baron O'Neil was born a native to Concord, New Hampshire and he was spoiled by nurture. A pair of loving parents were a strong part of this young man's upbringing, he was never lonely and his every need was catered to. It was safe to say that he never had to worry about a thing, not only were his parents well off but they loved to shower him in gifts and affection.

His father was very important to him, they had an extremely close bond. His childhood was spent thriving to follow in his footsteps and he was very happy to be compared to him. Baron grew up with no sense of authority, his parents were never any good at punishing him and he began to think that the world was a place where he was free to constantly do as he pleased. Though his teachers were strongly adverse to the idea that he could make his own rules, his parents seemingly encouraged the bad behavior.

He would often drag his friends through his antics and force them to join along in his reckless games. He was often the first to let them take the fall for him. Unsurprisingly, a lot of his friends had gotten tired of him walking all over them and moved onto brighter pastures. When he turned fifteen, everything changed for him.

Tragedy has a funny way of changing a person, and change happened when his father was struck ill. Sickness swept through his father and he eventually passed away. In the passing of his father, Baron was left with a certain kind of hollowness. It was hard not to feel like the world had taken something huge from him. This event lead him into an angry depression, the kind of depression that made him act out in an attempt to staunch the terrible feeling inside of him.

When he was caught smashing in the windows of an abandoned house, a certain concern rose from his teachers and his mother. At his mother's insistence, he eventually attended therapy and it was surprisingly helpful for him. He's still coping with the loss of his father but he's doing much better nowadays.

▼ S K I L L S:

"I guess you could say that I can be rather shocking."
◼ STAMINA | Despite a small build, this boy can push himself to keep going for extended periods of time. Not much can slow him down or stall him. He can also move very quickly, covering long distances in reasonable timing.

◼ BALANCE | As embarassing as it might be for him to admit, the boy took ballet as a child and acquired a kind of perfect sense of balance. He can move elegantly along the edge of sidewalks and he can teeter precariously on the railing of staircases. He likes to show this skill off, it has its benefits.

◼ SOCIAL ETIQUETTE | The boy has a way with words and can seemingly talk himself out of most situations, perhaps it's a natural charm that he has or perhaps he's just good at weaseling out of persecution. Nonetheless, it can be agreed that he knows what to say and when to say it.

◼ BALLET | Starting from the age of six and ending at the age of fourteen, Baron did ballet and he acquired a very marked skill for it. He's very unlikely to talk about this skill.

◼ SEWING | He acquired a skill for sewing over the years, though this skill hasn't had many benefits. He can sew a mean hat.

◼ UNMOTIVATED | While this boy can be very useful at times, most of the time he's not. He has a tendency towards laziness and refusing to do things that he should do. He will stray away from trying tasks, he will refuse to complete assignments, if you want him to complete anything then you may have to chase him down.

◼ SELECTIVE HEARING | He has a terrible habit of blocking out information that he may not deem of importance to him, this can lead to him being confused by class subjects or downright lost at times. It can be a pain for his teachers to have to deal with.

◼ COWARDLY | There's not a brave bone in his body, at times he can be downright cowardly and he will often be the last to suggest doing something brave.

◼ EMOTIONAL | The boy thinks with his heart, not with his head and that can lead him into trouble or it can lead him into getting hurt. He doesn't seem to realize that it's best to use his logic at times.

◼ REBELLIOUS | He's currently hit the rebellious streak in his life, this is for better or for worse. He wants to do whatever he wants to do and unfortunately, that can be bad at times.

▼ N O T E S:

ALLISON NOELS | His middle school girlfriend, a lover of art and small animals.

CAMERON KINGSLEY | His childhood best friend and closest confident, a charming class-clown type.

AVERY CONNOR | A friend that he made in group therapy, kind of a shy guy.


◼ CAFÉS | He doesn't discriminate against a good café, any will do. The young man loves to grab a cup of coffee and kick back. At times he can be found with his laptop or journal, though he tends to forget their presence and end up staring out the window.

◼ GUIDANCE CENTER | He's been going to weekly group therapy for years and can likely be found at the local guidance center on Thursdays.

◼ CIGARETTES | Though he can't buy them himself, he has a habit of bumming cigarettes off of whatever poor sucker will bend to his will.

◼ LIGHTER | Pretty cut and close, he keeps a cheap lighter on his person.

◼ WALLET | Containing his school ID, various business cards, and some loose cash.

◼ BRASS RING | It belonged to his father, he refuses to take it off.
I'm going to be working on my next response, should be done by tonight!


""Don't worry about being underage," said Officer Brady, right before he lost his job." the resounding grin on Zeke's face was all in good humor though, he took the glass and raised it to clink it against Colin's.
"To us!"

After their glasses touched, he wasted no time in tipping the glass back to his lips. If Colin had wanted him to loosen up then he'd sure chosen the most efficient way. Copious amounts of alcohol had been the only reason that he'd survived any social situations as a teenager. Some people were sad drunks, some people were angry drunks, Zeke was a happy drunk. It was the one thing that always made him open up, it was a lot easier to be himself when he wasn't second guessing everything that he said.

He was grateful that Colin seemed to realize that he was floundering in this chaotic club scene. Though he wasn't sure who was going to drive them both home tonight, he was glad to just enjoy the feeling of alcohol warming his throat. It was a sensation that he was all too familiar with and one that had an immediate calming affect over him. He knew that his parents, specifically Shawn, would kill Colin if they knew that he'd supplied Zeke with alcohol for the night but he definitely wasn't going to be the one to tattle.

"You're taking full responsibility for any stupid things I do or say," he made an eye to eye motion at his older brother. "I'm a pain in the ass when I'm plastered."

It wasn't a lie.
It didn't take him very long to drain the contents of his glass, he wasn't a novice to pounding down alcohol and that was glaringly clear. The pleasant humming in his head was a good start, but he wasn't going to be entirely happy until he was good and hammered. He was quick to flag the waitress down again, feeling bad that he hadn't brought his own money. It wasn't polite to burn Colin's wallet dry. He'd have to pay him back when he took him home, he really didn't like to be a mooch. Even if he was mooching off his own brother.

"What have you been up to lately? I gotta imagine that it's more exciting than making coffee day in and day out."

Grand Ridge Academy - ???

An axe swinging in a wide arc towards his body, his stomach dropping down to his toes.
Martin was no coward, he wasn't the bravest kid in Grand Ridge but he certainly wasn't cowardly. This was something else though, he had coped with the camping event by ignoring the fear that plagued his nightmares. He had coped by not facing that he'd been a breath away from dying. He had coped by joking and playing it off but at the sight of this boy being killed, he could feel the fear rising up in his chest again. He could feel himself wanting to bolt.

He didn't even think he could bolt. This was all like some kind of fucked up simulation. They were all trapped here and forced to watch as this boy was killed for the amusement of Scott Reese. The life faded from his eyes, it was blessedly quick, but it didn't make Martin feel any better. It actually made him feel worse. They had all had each other at camp but this guy, he'd had no one and that wasn't fair. He hadn't had anyone to help him.

It made him sick to his stomach and he wanted to vomit but it seemed disrespectful to puke all over this odd ether-realm that they had imposed upon. As the world around them shifted, he found himself holding the contents of his stomach and avoiding a panic attack that was sure to hit as soon as they were free. He didn't want to see any more freaky shit but that must have been an impossible request. There was something in their new blood-soaked sky and it demanded his attention.

A burning orb, reminiscent of the one that had shone down on them as they'd taken the boats away from the campsite. He had been in so much pain and full of so much fear then that he'd tried to ignore it, now it was here and it was blazing. It was glorious in a weird way. He couldn't help but marvel at it, it was hard not to.

"... This is what the Glutton will do to this town," a voice startled him out of his reverly, it dared him to turn and face it and so he did. What he saw was appalling, it was some sort of young God with a slight frame and a pale glow. "This is what what he wants you to do; fight each other instead of him."

The ethereal figure looked off to into the distance, probably pondering something that he didn't quite understand or maybe something that their mortal minds weren't built to comprehend, "... You must reconsider your actions, and connect with one another. Or he'll win. Each day, he grows more powerful, and hungrier for the Gift. So tell me..."

It looked at them, there was an emptiness to the creature's eyes that seemed neverending. It was hard to look into it's face for too long, it was overwhelming to be facing it in this way. He wanted to close his eyes and block it out but he thought that it might come off as rude. So, he was stalled, looking it in it's cherubic face.

"... Will you stop him? For me? For everyone here?"

It was the big guy that addressed it first, posing some questions that Martin couldn't help but agree with. There was a lot more to consider than just being able to band together to fight Scott. . . Or whatever else was going to be thrown at them. He hadn't considered that but what if there was more to fear than just Scott Reese? What if they were all killed? How could his powers even help? He could draw forth shadows and plunge the world into darkness but as far as he knew, that was it.

It wasn't dangerous or heavy-hitting, it was just shadows. He couldn't summon fire like the cocky-looking kid, he couldn't force the truth out of people like Rita or draw things into life like Rien. His power was pretty much useless, it was a purely cosmetic power. It was interesting to view and it was cool in theory but it didn't do much.

"I want to help," he admitted, feeling strangely humbled that this being would even include him. "There's just not much that I see my power being useful for. I mean. . . I obviously don't know everything that I can do with it but it's just shadows, man."

As eloquently said as that was, it was the truth. They were just shadows. Now, he wasn't an expert on shadow powers but he didn't see that getting any more useful as time went on.

Aliana piped up, her voice sounding stronger and sharper despite all the weirdness. "What's he doing with the markings? Is he absorbing their ability?"
@Surtr Inc I'll have my post up later today or tonight. I'm working on it now!


"It's going great," Kennedy said sarcastically, almost daring Sage to grin. "Today's my anniversary, but of course they forgot, so no flowers."

"Happy anniversary, teach! I bet you're excited to have wasted two years of your degree in actual hell."

The kid was joking, of course, even if his jokes could seem a bit biting. There was a strangeness in being on a first name basis with a college professor, if Kennedy had worked at his old school then he probably wouldn't have thought twice about him. He might have even resented him to some degree, but here, they were all in hell. They couldn't forget that they were all destined to the same terrible fate here. They couldn't forget that when Paragon ran out of tests, they were all going down with it.

At least, that's how he assumed that this all would end. He may have only been here for four months, but he didn't picture a happy ending to it all. This place was destined to go up in flames, and those flames were destined to take everyone out with them. He was just waiting for the day that their reckoning came. It was only a matter of time before everything fell apart, wasn't it?

Ivory had entered the room and though he knew very little about her, he did know that she was a force to be reckoned with. He considered nodding at her but he thought better of it, his greeting had been for the whole room. If she wanted to answer then she would have. He pushed at the slop on his tray boredly, he wasn't excited about eating it and he was unlikely to enjoy it when he did.

Maybe he'd zoned out a little but he tuned back in to hear, "...Kiddo? You're probably the only person in this goddamned facility I can take in a fight without getting my nose broken, but your strutting around like you own the place! It's not your highschool bud, you can't sneak your dads gun in to punish all the kids who bullied you!"

"Fuck off." there was undisguised venom in his voice. "I might not have my dad's gun but I can make do with any number of items in this room, you pretentious piece-"

He caught himself before he got too far, realizing that it was probably best not to start arguing with Alexander. If he did get into a fight with the older man, he would probably get his ass handed to him but it would be worth it if it could staunch his annoying anti-hipster rhetoric, if only for a moment. It was easy to hate Alexander, he didn't have many qualities that rubbed Sage right. It was a wonder of why he hadn't gotten into a fight with him earlier.

Sage was known for getting into trouble, though it was usually just for the attention value. If he didn't think that he'd get attention from an action then it wasn't really worth going through with it. Though he was sure that he'd get some kind of attention for getting beat up by Alexander, he couldn't help but feel like it wasn't quite worth it. Not only would it probably get them both punished but he wasn't a fan of beatings and he wasn't about to start becoming one. Though, it did sound fun to deviate from the norm.

He'd save this for another day. Alexander had already gotten distracted in shamelessly telling them his life story. He wouldn't be the one to interrupt him in persuit of a fight that would probably end with him losing. He was ballsy and he was bored but his irritation had faded as quickly as it had presented itself. Maybe next time. Maybe next time.


There weren't many people in this place that he genuinely liked but Fay was one of those people. There was just something about her that made him feel at home. She reminded him of his mother to some degree, he was never really able to be mean to her without feeling like he was kicking a puppy. "Hey, Fay."

He was soon caught off guard by the other prophet of this place, a man who's visions had a habit of infiltrating despite his collar. It was something that Sage envied, his visions were very controlled nowadays and he missed the spontaneity of an unplanned viewing. The older man was rambling about them getting out, which might have been easy for anyone else to shrug off. It was not easy for him to shrug off.

He watched as the older man was dragged off, his brown eyes flickering to Victoria as she spoke. "So, are we going to talk about what just happened?"

"I think it's important to address that," Sage agreed quietly, "There's got to be some way we can talk to him. I need to know what he saw."
@Surtr Inc You're fine, I just didn't want to stall anyone so I decided to pump out a post. I was going to wait but like I said, didn't want to be the dude that kept everyone else in place.

Hopefully I didn't void your cooler post because I'll bet it's awesome!

It was awesome.
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