Avatar of Raijinslayer


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4 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas boyos, don't forget to, like, be a good person and stuff. Also start thinkin of a new years resolution you'll actually go through with.
5 yrs ago
Status update: staying up all n8ght fuckin sucks and procrastination is a vile temptress.
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7 yrs ago
4 months into this hole 'being a responsible adult thing' and I've come to a conclusion: It sucks and I want to go back to the days where I didn't have to plan out my game time.
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7 yrs ago
Was supposed to be productive tonight. . . will try to be productive in the morning
7 yrs ago
Taking a short break from posting till Monday/Tuesday, hopefully will feel more creative and less brain-dead


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Alright, just happened by while scrolling through stuff
lmao posting a tabletop rp in casual

You're calling me out, and I don't appreciate it.
ANNNNNNNNND WE'RE LIVE!!!@Euphonium@Grey@Inkarnate@HokumPocus

>To our new flock of fledgling Hunstman-to-be,

Welcome to Shade Academy!!!

If you are reading this message, that means you have been accepted into our family and preparing to take your first step in order to become a mighty Huntsman, ready to protect our Kingdom from any and all dangers that it may face, be they the creatures of Grimm that prowl the desert wastes or the clans of bandits that seek to disturb the peace of our lands.

Now, before you can officially be deemed one of our students, you will be sent off to perform a simple test, nothing major but we need to make sure you're all up to snuff with our standards. In fact, you are probably on your way to the testing site as you read this. As some of you might be aware due to having siblings in earlier divisions, we will be conducting the tests differently this year, as will be explained in full by your instructors, but the general rules will remain the same: DO not expect to pass this test if an instructor feels the need to save you. Vacuo is a harsh place, and we at Shade only accept the best of the best to join our student body. You have shown potential in order to get this far, but now we need to see if you can truly perform at the expected level while under the pressures of a live combat situation. The instructors will be the final arbiters in who passes and who fails, so do try your best to impress them.

And with that, I wish you, students, good luck! I can't wait to see you during the opening ceremony in a few days and look forward to seeing you all grow up to be fine Hunstman and Huntresses!!

Headmaster Auron

Welcome to RWBY: Burning Embers! This will be my first attempt at doing my RP, so hopefully, I'm able to do an alright job of it. This section is where I'll be putting down whatever information I think is important to know, such as links to the rules we'll be using to handle skills and what not, bestiary for what is known about certain types of Grimm, a list if important NPC characters, and so on.

Important Info:

1. Before anything else, I want to stated that this is currently a CLOSED RP. We are only running a single team of characters and all of the spots have been filled at this moment. If there is ever a point where me and the other players in this RP want to expand the player base, then an Int Check will be put up and anyone interested in joining can put up a sheet for review. But outside of that instance, we are not looking for additional players at this time.

2. Basic RP rules apply, so on and so forth. Basic Idea: Don't be a dick, okay? Given the nature of this RP, I don't think I'll have to worry about this, but I'm putting it here all the same. Think of it as one part reminder, and one part insurance in case this thing ever does expand/

3. Lax Posting schedule. Anywhere from once a week to once a month is the general time frame we're working with, though again, I'm flexible with it as long as we're still communicating and keeping in touch. I'm very much of the mindset that RP'ing should be treated more like a hobby, not a job. That isn't to say I won't hound for posts if I feel like I need to, but I won't be rushing anyone to stick to any kind of arbitrary schedule either.

4. That being said, I retain the right to move the story forward if I feel that it is necessary. I will always try to work with you guys to make sure I don't skip anyone without their consent, but if for whatever reason I go an amount of time without hearing anything from said player, I will move things along, puppetting the character a bit as well if need be so as to keep things moving.

5. As this RP uses a dice-based mechanic for a lot of features, we shall be using the guild's dice rolling features in order to decide actions. As such, whenever you need to make a roll, please be certain to post the roll results in a hider towards the bottom of your post, as well as providing a link to said roll.


Game Rules
Boon List
Bane List
RWBY Font Gen(The Style I used for Title and Glowy subheaders is Neon and Neon-Outline respectively


Coming Soon

Important NPCS:

Headmaster Auron: Retired Huntsman and Headmaster of Shade, Auron is a charismatic and rather upfront individual. He follows in the steps of his predecessor in running Shade as a force for good, teaching students the importance of finding joy in their harsh lives wherever they can find it and to remember that the best way to survive adversity is together with those you trust.

Silme Raana: A third-year student at Shade Academy, serves as a Junior Instructor. Originally from Atlas, Silme has seemed to have suffered quite a bit in his time before Shade, but despite his surly attitude and foul mouth, he's got a good heart. It just takes some digging to find it, especially for humans.

Noir: A somewhat overly chipper third-year student with a peculiar style of dress for a student of Shade Academy. While generally well-meaning, some can find him a bit much, especially with his tendency for somewhat demeaning pet names, though they don't seem to come from a place of malice.

  • Prologue: The Coming Storm

Yakushi Residence, Konohagakure
Daybreak, Present Day

"Uggggggggggggggggggh. . . Why does it have to be raininnnnnnnnnnnngggggg!!!!!" Bright red eyes glared at the dull gray sky above as it heaped a seaming endless downpour onto Konoha as if trying to dispell the clouds with nothing but sheer force of will. Unfortunately, the clouds remained and rain continued to spill from the sky, ruining her routine. With a sigh, Tsume let the bag of equipment fall to her side with a dull thud, running a bandaged hand through her scarlet hair as she thought of what to do with the rest of her morning. She'd wanted to get a quick bout of warm-up exercises in before she had to attend the ceremony, to get herself all jazzed up for meeting her Sensei and teammates. But thanks to the weather, she couldn't help but feel bummed as she turned away from the doorway to venture back into the house, failing to stifle a small yawn as she stretched her arms upward. "Bleh. . . I guess I can go see if Sawako-san is up yet. . ."

Making her way down the hallway with a hand trailing along the wall, Tsume made her way to her guardian's room, sliding the paper door open to see the woman still laying on the floor beneath a mound of blankets. A fringe of brown hair could just be seen peeking out of one side of the mound, emanating soft snoring as the woman seemed to still be deep asleep. She must've been working pretty hard at the hospital last night. . . The girl wondered, quietly stepping over to the sleeping figure before kneeling down by the mess of hair and gently pushing at the mound.

"Sawako-san. . . Sawako-san. . . Sawako-san." She spoke in an urgent yet hushed whisper, not wanting to disturb her care-taker too much but still wanting to talk to her. After a few minutes of persistent bugging and groggy false starts, the mess of hair rose up to reveal a single half-lidded brown eye staring at the prepubescent girl with an annoyed glare.

"Yes. . . yes, I'm up Tsume-chan. . . despite my best efforts," With a drawn-out sigh, the woman rose up into a sitting position, still swaddled in her blankets as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes before stretching out her arms as she sat up more properly. ""What is it you seem to desperately need me for, my little hanabi?"

"Sawako-san, how long are you going to call me that?" The young yakushi gave her guardian a small pout at the pet name, even going so far as to turn away from her with a huff, though the smile playing at the edges of her lips betrayed her true feelings about the title. "Don't you know I'm going to be a genin after today!! A true shinobi, just like Noriaki-san!!"

" Yes, so you've been constantly saying ever since we got confirmation that you passed the exam." Sawako chuckled as she ruffled the Tsume's hair, who weakly fought her off with weak slaps and laughter. Once that was done, Sawako got up with a groan, likely from the aching muscles that often assaulted her after her more exhausting days at the hospital. Tsume often made her a special kind of tea on these days, she had forgotten about it in all the excitement and as she watched her guardian slowly get up, she couldn't help but feel a bit of her joy fade a bit, though was quick to shake it off as Sawako turned her attention back on her. ""So, what is all the bother to get me up this morning, hmmm? Normally, I'm lucky to catch a glimpse of you these days before you go off to start your little training routine."

The redhead couldn't help but flush slightly as Sawako's voice took a bit of a pointed tone when it came to the subject of her training, wishing that Noriaki-san was here right now. He always knew just what to say to get Sawako-san off her back when it came to her habits now that she had learned to pace herself a bit better, but right now she was all on her lonesome. "I just. . . wanted to enjoy a meal with you, Sawako-san. Ya, one last meal before I become a true shinobi!! Who knows when we'll next get time to eat together when I become a genin!"

""Hmmm. . ." Sawako raised a single eyebrow at that statement, giving Tsume a look that seemed to spear right through her. But there was no way that she could possibly guess tha- "Is that why you're dressed in your training clothes and not the kimono I had bought specifically for this occasion?"

Oh. . . shoot. Tsume's face shifted from one of shock to one of disgust as she remembered the [s]torture device[/i] kimono that Sawako had forced her to pick up a little while ago for the ceremony. It was admittedly rather pretty, Tsume could admit that much, but the way Sawako set it up on her made it feel way too tight and constrictive than she liked. Perhaps waking up Sawko-san for breakfast was a mistake.

Tsume's silence proved all the answer that Sawako needed, as she let out a sigh before getting up, grabbing the rambunctious tomboy by the collar as she started dragging her towards the door. This quickly broke Tsume out of her slight stupor, and as she realized what was about to happen, so to began the kicking and screaming as she was determined to fight putting on that damn thing as much as she possibly could. It was a fight that she knew to be ultimately pointless, but she would never give in to such a fate without a fight.

Tsume once again looked up at the sky with a glare, though this time her gaze was blocked by the taut folds of her umbrella as she slowly made her way to the Academy beneath the pouring rains. She looked down at the fancy kimono Sawako had forced her into, a fiery orange thing with specs of red dancing along the hems. Again, it was pretty, but each step she took reminded her of how restrictive and tight it was around her body. She was glad that Sawako-san was celebrating the event, given her feelings on Tsume's decision to be a ninja, but the redhead wished that her guardian would accept the fact that things like this just weren't for her.

"I bet I'm going to be the only dressed so needlessly fancy today. Ugh, it's going to be so embrassing, and I can't even complain to Fukuchan about it."She pouted, imagining what her noble friend would likely say about her plight. Most likely something to the tone effect of 'suck it up and don't complain'or 'a real shinobi wouldn't be bother by such trivial things'. Tsume loved her friend with all her heart, but she could be so annoyingly practical sometimes. "Uggggh. . . just bear with it Tsume. Soon, you'll meet your sensei, your teammates, and be one step closer to catching up to Noriaki-san and show how awesome you really are."

With a huff, Tsume half jogged-half waddled along the path with renewed intensity, ready to take on the whole of Konoha if she had too. Today was her day, and no amount of tight dresses, snide remarks, or stupid rain was going to put a big damper on her spirits. She couldn't way till she saw Noriaki-san again and showed off her new headband to him. She was certain that he'd be really happy, even if he didn't show it. perhaps she could even convince him to stay and partake in the dinner her and Sawako-san had planned on making tonight(after they finished thier little scuffle with the kimono). "Noriaki-san should just come with me and Sawako-san already, and leave his stinky clan of meanies to be stinky by themselves. . . oh, except for Riachan. Ria's fun, even if she's a bit weird, and she takes me to the theatres every now and then."

And with those little random thoughts, her mind would continue to trail off as she netered a daydream of cool ninja stuff with all her, as well as Noriaki-san giving that mean short Uchiha lady a stern talking too about how he and Tsume and Sawako were all family and were going to start living together and that there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Yakushi Residence, Konohagakure
Daybreak, Present Day

"Uggggggggggggggggggh. . . Why does it have to be raininnnnnnnnnnnngggggg!!!!!" Bright red eyes glared at the dull gray sky above as it heaped a seaming endless downpour onto Konoha as if trying to dispell the clouds with nothing but sheer force of will. Unfortunately, the clouds remained and rain continued to spill from the sky, ruining her routine. With a sigh, Tsume let the bag of equipment fall to her side with a dull thud, running a bandaged hand through her scarlet hair as she thought of what to do with the rest of her morning. She'd wanted to get a quick bout of warm-up exercises in before she had to attend the ceremony, to get herself all jazzed up for meeting her Sensei and teammates. But thanks to the weather, she couldn't help but feel bummed as she turned away from the doorway to venture back into the house, failing to stifle a small yawn as she stretched her arms upward. "Bleh. . . I guess I can go see if Sawako-san is up yet. . ."

Making her way down the hallway with a hand trailing along the wall, Tsume made her way to her guardian's room, sliding the paper door open to see the woman still laying on the floor beneath a mound of blankets. A fringe of brown hair could just be seen peeking out of one side of the mound, emanating soft snoring as the woman seemed to still be deep asleep. She must've been working pretty hard at the hospital last night. . . The girl wondered, quietly stepping over to the sleeping figure before kneeling down by the mess of hair and gently pushing at the mound.

"Sawako-san. . . Sawako-san. . . Sawako-san." She spoke in an urgent yet hushed whisper, not wanting to disturb her care-taker too much but still wanting to talk to her. After a few minutes of persistent bugging and groggy false starts, the mess of hair rose up to reveal a single half-lidded brown eye staring at the prepubescent girl with an annoyed glare.

"Yes. . . yes, I'm up Tsume-chan. . . despite my best efforts," With a drawnout sigh, the woman rose up into a sitting position, still swaddled in her blankets as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes before stretching out her arms as she sat up more properly. ""What is it you seem to desperately need me for, my little hanabi?"

"Sawako-san, how long are you going to call me that?" The young yakushi gave her guardian a small pout at the pet name, even going so far as to turn away from her with a huff, though the smile playing at the edges of her lips betrayed her true feelings about the title. "Don't you know I'm going to be a genin after today!! A true shinobi, just like Noriaki-san!!"

""Yes, so you've been constantly saying ever since we got confirmation that you passed the exam." Sawako chuckled as she ruffled the Tsume's hair, who weakly fought her off with weak slaps and laughter. Once that was done, Sawako got up with a groan, likely from the aching muscles that often assaulted her after her more exhausting days at the hospital. Tsume often made her a special kind of tea on these days, she had forgotten about it in all the excitement and as she watched her guardian slowly get up, she couldn't help but feel a bit of her joy fade a bit, though was quick to shake it off as Sawako turned her attention back on her. ""So, what is all the bother to get me up this morning, hmmm? Normally, I'm lucky to catch a glimpse of you these days before you go off to start your little training routine."

The redhead couldn't help but flush slightly as Sawako's voice took a bit of a pointed tone when it came to the subject of her training, wishing that Noriaki-san was here right now. He always knew just what to say to get Sawako-san off her back when it came to her habits now that she had learned to pace herself a bit better, but right now she was all on her lonesome. "I just. . . wanted to enjoy a meal with you, Sawako-san. Ya, one last meal before I become a true shinobi!! Who knows when we'll next get time to eat together when I become a genin!"

""Hmmm. . ." Sawako raised a single eyebrow at that statement, giving Tsume a look that seemed to spear right through her. But there was no way that she could possibly guess tha- "Is that why you're dressed in your training clothes and not the kimono I had bought specifically for this occasion?"

Oh. . . shoot. Tsume's face shifted from one of shock to one of disgust as she remembered the [s]torture device[/i] kimono that Sawako had forced her to pick up a little while ago for the ceremony. It was admittedly rather pretty, Tsume could admit that much, but the way Sawako set it up on her made it feel way too tight and constrictive than she liked. Perhaps waking up Sawko-san for breakfast was a mistake.

Tsume's silence proved all the answer that Sawako needed, as she let out a sigh before getting up, grabbing the rambunctious tomboy by the collar as she started dragging her towards the door. This quickly broke Tsume out of her slight stupor, and as she realized what was about to happen, so to began the kicking and screaming as she was determined to fight putting on that damn thing as much as she possibly could. It was a fight that she knew to be ultimately pointless, but she would never give in to such a fate without a fight.

Tsume once again looked up at the sky with a glare, though this time her gaze was blocked by the taut folds of her umbrella as she slowly made her way to the Academy beneath the pouring rains. She looked down at the fancy kimono Sawako had forced her into, a fiery orange thing with specs of red dancing along the hems. Again, it was pretty, but each step she took reminded her of how restrictive and tight it was around her body. She was glad that Sawako-san was celebrating the event, given her feelings on Tsume's decision to be a ninja, but the redhead wished that her guardian would accept the fact that things like this just weren't for her.

"I bet I'm going to be the only dressed so needlessly fancy today. Ugh, it's going to be so embrassing, and I can't even complain to Fukuchan about it."She pouted, imagining what her noble friend would likely say about her plight. Most likely something to the tone effect of 'suck it up and don't complain'or 'a real shinobi wouldn't be bother by such trivial things'. Tsume loved her friend with all her heart, but she could be so annoyingly practical sometimes. "Uggggh. . . just bear with it Tsume. Soon, you'll meet your sensei, your teammates, and be one step closer to catching up to Noriaki-san and show how awesome you really are."

With a huff, Tsume half jogged-half waddled along the path with renewed intensity, ready to take on the whole of Konoha if she had too. Today was her day, and no amount of tight dresses, snide remarks, or stupid rain was going to put a big damper on her spirits. She couldn't way till she saw Noriaki-san again and showed off her new headband to him. She was certain that he'd be really happy, even if he didn't show it. perhaps she could even convince him to stay and partake in the dinner her and Sawako-san had planned on making tonight(after they finished thier little scuffle with the kimono). "Noriaki-san should just come with me and Sawako-san already, and leave his stinky clan of meanies to be stinky by themselves. . . oh, except for Riachan. Ria's fun, even if she's a bit weird, and she takes me to the theatres every now and then."

And with those little random thoughts, her mind would continue to trail off as she netered a daydream of cool ninja stuff with all her, as well as Noriaki-san giving that mean short Uchiha lady a stern talking too about how he and Tsume and Sawako were all family and were going to start living together and that there was nothing she could do to stop it.

I will try to finish this out in the next day or two, but here's a bit fo the basis and I think you can get the general idea from what I have so far. still need to decide on the Quinque and the Kagune though

also why are half-ghouls just edgy saiyans. . . And does that make kaneki a super-saiyan

perhaps even The Legendary Super Saiyan

"You're not the first to say something like that, but you'd be surprised by what a few parlor tricks can do." Argus said with a chuckle, keeping his eye on his foe even as the man seemed to dismiss him. He was an arrogant fuck, that was to be certain, and the red-haired mage planned to take full advantage of his over-confidence the moment he made a mistake.

Until then, however, he had to deal with his team doing almost everything in their power to be liabilities it seemed. Sara had decided to become nothing but deadweight it seemed, Damian had made himself a sitting duck doing whatever the hell he was doing, and Trixie had decided to try and tackle the speedy guy that had cut through her hammer like it was butter. He knew asking for some form of cohesion from a bunch of guys who had never really worked with each other before was probably asking for too much. . . but the fact that a base level of intellect seemed to be missing as well proved to be more than a little irritating.

Sparing the celestial mage little more than a disgusted look, Argus took advantage of Damian's support spell to make his own move, but instead of going after Jean, he decided now was a perfect time to go after one of the others while they were distracted by Damian. Rushing towards the two, he'd pull out the pepper bombs he'd first toss his dagger at the fat one, quickly followed by the two pepper bombs, causing a huge cloud of thick, choking smoke to surround the two, causing their eyes and throats to burn intensely as the special pepper mixture in the smoke came into contact with them. Following that, however, Argus quickly dodged to the side, anticipating an attack from one or both of his foes, and summon forth a pair of explosive bombs to toss into the air while their vision was obstructed. Taking advantage of the puppeteer gloves, he'd make them plummet down on top of the two from directly above them in the hopes of getting around any defense the woman put up, the bombs triggering with a sizeable Boom the moment they made contact. They were strong enough that a direct hit should be enough to take out a mage with no reinforcing magic, so with luck the clown would go down with this . . . but he doubted things would turn out so well.

All of this becuase the damn airhead didn't take two seconds to thing before heading into an obvious trap. And Juno wonders why I prefer to work alone.]

@Esran @pkken @Quincy @Hitman
In Rengoku 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Korrey Brooks

"Tch. . . How can anyone just up and bail like that just because he heard they weren't going to get any cash?" Korrey kicked a rock as he traveled down the forest path, his staff slung over his shoulders as he recalled how Jacob had cut and run before they had even started. He'd thought it was a bit odd when the guy suddenly asked the doc for some kind of payment for what was essentially just a short errand, but to just leave after seeing the state of all of those people was unforgivable to the red-haired giant. "I should've knocked his damn teeth in."

Needless to say, he was more than a little pissed off by this turn of events, and was considering taking it out on some nearby trees when he noticed a figure ahead of him. It was a weird little guy, and while obviously not a person, was just human-looking enough to give him the creeps. Not only that, but it was giving him a look that he was more than familiar with. That was the look of someone who wanted something and wasn't too bothered about taking it. Now whatever it was this short green midget though Korrey had, he for damn sure wasn't about to roll over and let him take it. So as the thing came at him, he was quick to meet him, intending to use his range advantage by lashing out with a heavy kick to the goblin's middle and essentially punting it away. After that, he'd whip around his staff and ready it up to start wacking the little fucker if he tried to come at him again.

"Listen here biddy, I"m not in the best of moods right now so. . . if you don't wan tme to turn you into to green paste, I suggest you run along before I really start laying into you."

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