Avatar of Red Wizard


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current Arguing over petty details at times of dimensional emergency was a familiar wizardly trait.
10 mos ago
It's my birthday! I wish you all an excellent day!
10 mos ago
A wizard never had friends, at least not friends who were wizards. It needed a different word. Ah yes, that was it. Enemies. But a very different class of enemies. Gentlemen.
10 mos ago
It takes more than a bit of magic and someone being blown to smoke in front of him to put a wizard off his food.
10 mos ago
A wizard without a hat was just a sad man with a suspicious taste in clothes.


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Most Recent Posts

@Eviledd1984 Bordering on chaotic evil monster, but on yhe right side. I like it! Accepted!

@BigPapaBelial You're welcome to apply! :)
@Vertigo@Gisk@Dragonfly 9@Skwint@Thunder999999@MrSkimobile@Expendable@Eviledd1984

Howdy friends! How's it going? You still in the game?
@Lurking Shadow Accepted!
@Chrys I like her! Accepted!

@Eviledd1984 I've only got two CSs so far, so shoot!
@Expendable Love it. Love the flavour, too. Just right for the setting, and for how I picture it'd be to glimpse into the Wardens mind. Write me a CS and you'll be accepted.
@Drifting Pollen Looks swell! Accepted!

@Perse Sounds like a fun character concept! Why don't you flesh it out a bit?
@Lurking Shadow A vampire would certainly fit the bill!

@MrSkimobile Sounds intetesting!
@Dragonfly 9 Great! Shoot me a CS and we'll take it from there!

@Skwint Lycanthropy is cool!

@Thunder999999 Very nice! Hit me up with a CS whenever you're ready!
@Drifting Pollen Sounds interesting! Looking forward to seeing the CS!
@Vertigo Sounds cool! Write up a CS and I'll give it a look-see!

@Gisk That's a neat trick! I'm totally cool with it as long as you play to make the story rather than break it :)
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