Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
4 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Spider is here.

Protect your undergarments.

I'll get to polishing up kumo-chan tomorrow.
pervy spider is present.

Fish? Fishing.

“Its black, I think.” The injured fisherman said.

“Lots of fins too, didn’t it?” Another chimed in, walking over to greet the elf.

“What? No, how does it have lots of fins? Fish don’t have more than three at most…” A third called back. “Well, not counting the tail.”

“Maybe its not a fish. Maybe its more like…some sort of squishy sea spider with eight arms that can steal crates of fish from storage.”

“Thats dumb. Its probably more like some sorta large deep-sea predator we occasionally fish up.”

“...as you can see we haven’t seen much of it.” The injured fisherman responded with a frown. “I’m sorry we don’t have much more information. We haven’t dared go into the water for long since it showed up. Only thing I might be able to say is that we saw one of the nets we lost get dragged out over by the cliffs near the old ruins, the one with the obelisk. Might be living somewhere near there. There’s lots of caves, both underwater and along the seashore. Pretty expansive places if you don’t mind swimming a bit and the cold water.”

“Sounds like this beastie is just shy.” Sionna, thought this would be a good idea to make herself known and chime in her two cents as she’d take her usual perch on Seelay’s head. “Maybe I can use my fairy charm to draw it out~” She did a little pose on top of Seelay’s head that the fairy probably thought was supposed to be ‘sexy’.

It definitely wasn’t.

@Cu Chulainn
Tsk tsk, body snatching is a crime you know...

“Ah yes, fate. That silken string that so many seem to be either ignorant too or fight against…does the hollow one in front of me have a curious fate? Ehehe, well, no matter. If you do its none of this spiders business…” She’d respond with a friendly smile, motioning for Gideon to follow. She’d lead him from the main temple hall and towards the back, down a flight of stairs to the basement where she’d push open a large wooden door with some minor effort.

Gideon would immediately recognize it as a crypt. Many bodies had been laid out, Achel and a few other helpers having done so much work already, but so much more to go. It seemed though, she was by herself now. The place itself was fairly large, in fact…it didn’t seem like it originally was a crypt judging from the layout. There was a very good probability this place was much larger.

“I’ll get straight to the point.” Achel would say, once she’d close the creaky wooden door behind Gideon. Her voice would take a much more serious tone, though her usual smile didn’t leave her pale lips. “Someone’s been stealing my bodies. I would hunt them down myself and strangle them slowly with my web…but I have far too much work to do, and I don’t want to panic the residents.” She’d move over to some of the bodies, immediately getting to work again while talking.

“Its no one in the village…I have asked my friends and they’ve said its not.” The Chiralata replied. “But they don’t tell me who is doing it…so it must be someone living in here! Or around here…who would live with a bunch of corpses? They must not have very many friends.” She’d say with a smile. “This place was once a larger complex, but it was sealed off a really long time ago. Maybe a little spider puppet is making off with my bodies…hmph…ah, if only I was a proper maid…”

The Missing huntress

“Gweh!” The fireball hit one of the archers first, slamming into his body and knocking him to the ground from the impact. Unfortunately for Vammy, most of the archers were a bit spread out, having set themselves up at intervals around the edge of the rocky hill that overlooked them - so it was less chaos than she’d have likely hoped, but enough to get one of the archers off her back.

“Kill the creature!” Another one of them would shout, as one of the archers nearby the one who had been fireblasted dropped his bow and drew an axe, aiming to instead smash Vammy’s face in while the second got to his feet, a bit dazed from the impact.

This of course, left three archers still focused on her…an arrow would graze her stomach, the only thing saving her from being impaled was her speed. A second would impact her thigh, but the demon inside her head only laughed at the surge of pain she’d feel.

“Yes, yes! Rip! Tear! Burn and bleed!”

Atzi made short work of the three that had attempted to engage her. Dealt with swiftly and brutally. The meatshield did its job well, soaking up several arrows that had been launched at Atzi with a few more grazing her by the time she had made it to where the archers had been positioned.

“Illuminator guide us!” One shouted, dropping the bow and pulling a spear. He’d lunge towards Atzi, not caring for the meat shield seeming to think attempting to impale his former comrade and Atzi both would be the best idea. The second got in close, pulling only a small hunting dagger from his belt and attempting to swiftly cut at Atzi’s shoulder.

An eight legged herbalist
@Click This@Crusader Lord

Perhaps, if they had simply ran and not launched the spears of light towards the monstrous entity they’d have been fine. After all, it didn’t immediately attack them, which meant that it likely was simply observing and watching them. It had just nabbed a wolf, and likely a deer earlier so it was likely full and unlikely to immediately engage them.

Yet, a certain moth, though it a good idea to launch weapons at it.


A croaking roar followed as the ground under them rumbled, more trees being shoved aside like they were nothing. Snow kicking up as whatever it was barreled from the treeline and into…view? Well, logic would have dictated something popped out, but once the snow settled…there was nothing? Well, there was clearly something there - it began barreling towards the girls, leaving deep, heavy impressions in the snow as they had seen back when picking plants, shaking the earth with each of its steps.

Ah -

Briefly something flickered in the air. A lizard-like creature, incredibly large with a triangular shaped head with a somewhat flat top. Two bulbous eyes which looked in different directions. It was covered in dark green scales, a tail that curled behind it upwards into a spiral with four, long and heavy limbs allowing it to stand at what seemed to be at least as tall as your average house. A soft fleshy pouch of some sort was under its chin, a bit like a frog.

But they would lose sight of it again as its scales would shift in color seemingly, making it seemingly blend in with its surroundings by shifting the color of them from a forested color to that of snow and air.

It would proceed to run after them again. It was not a particularly fast creature, however, but it was certainly lumbering towards them at a decent pace.


Alright, here we go.

Didn't change any of the abilities, just the background/tidbits about her behavior, a bit more info on her blood-raging, as well as deciding the Envoy would probably create an alias for herself, to avoid any past associations with her family. Hopefully this is a bit more inline with what you had envisioned for the Envoys.

Also, yes, she's totally still into doing the whole prophecy thing just don't expect her to act with any amount of urgency towards it.

So yeah, there we go. tell me if anything needs changing.

Redwater Point

@Cu Chulainn@Guy0fV4lor@Crimson Paladin

Ethelred turned, facing the fomorian just as it made its first strike against the child who barely had enough strength to deflect it and leaving him completely open to the fell creatures follow up strike -


Ethelred charged at the creature, his lance once more striking true just as the blade would swing downwards and impaling the fomorian on it. The ice covered armament slammed into the fomorian sending it stumbling away from the children and Ethelred both as it clutched its chest, gurgling in pain, small crystals of ice forming on its body from the impact. The two children took several quick steps away from both the Fomorian and Ethelred both, obviously put off by his appearance as the boy regained his composure, holding his sword defensively in front of them again.

“...w-who…w-what are you!?” He’d ask.

“Brother…I think he saved us…”

“...A-are…you a knight from Harzel, mister?” He’d nervously ask.

Marduk, meanwhile…was playing ball. The Lanky fomorian that Reinhardt had decided to wrestle with was proving far more of a challenge then he might have initially thought. It had lunged towards Reinhardt, barely missing the stalwart knight as its claws dug into his skin…but attempting to latch onto Reinhardt and claw his throat out, left it open to swift retaliation from the Elf.


There was a sickening crack as staff met fomorian skull, the fomorian flying a fair bit of distance from the duo as it would land rather roughly right on top of a pile of rubble under a half decayed building…that would subsequently cause the rest of the roof to fall onto it.

Southern Giants Rest
Early Night


“Fomorians?” Sucaria tilted her head lazily to the side, reaching towards her chest. “...so you…do want to see it again?” Instead of spooking the sword witch again though, she would turn on her heels back towards the bookshelves. Delicate hands ran over the spines of several books, sleepy half asleep eyes searching for a few book titles as she’d pull one or two from the shelves, and then walk over to the desk.

“...nnhn…heavy…” Sucaria sleepily sighed. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to have made a macabre mess with her unique condition. “Fomorians…but…I could answer questions…too.” The dusky skinned elf coughed a few times and muttered a quiet apology before continuing. “I think…the Wings of Dark are from one of the…stories…here…” She’d hand Fio a smaller book. On the cover of it was a relief of what seemed to be two draconic figures, one lightly decorated with a black outline, the other white.

“A Collection of stories of Albion’s peoples”

Upon opening the book, it seemed to be a small collection of a few miscellaneous stories and myths of a lesser known or not quite as popular status, apparently written as a sort of journal or research paper from someone. Many of them were related to the Betrayed God, the Tuatha, and the Giants, focusing much on the time just after the Endless Night and things unrelated or only somewhat connected to the King.

The Giant Hrelskin and it supposedly betraying its frost-bitten kin, something about the Lake Ithica supposedly being able to transport one to other realms, a clan of Tuatha supposedly living out in the Gheslias wastes…numerous myths and stories of various veracity and claim. What Fio, though, would be interested in was one of the longer chapters within the book, and indeed, had some relation to the king.

The text continued on, speculating about more and theorizing more upon the nature of the legend and the two beasts. Ultimately, it concluded that it was unlikely that some beast like Varakel that was definitely killed in some fashion, could return. While there were precedents for Elder Beasts and similar creatures being able to cheat death in some manner, the author ultimately concluded that the fact no dragon had been seen in Albion since the Kings old hunts of glory…there is unlikely any dragons left that could be related, or even cause Varakel to return in some fashion.

As Fio would read and research, Sucaria would remain close by in case she was needed. For the most part, she’d stay silent aside from the occasional quiet cough…had she…fallen asleep standing up?

Either way, she had gotten some useful information. She should probably go find the queen, now unless there was anything else she wanted to look for.


Trekking through the camp was easy enough. No one expected someone to actually be inside already, after all, so no one was really looking. Even after being alerted to something possibly having happened, no one really seemed to think much of it. Undisciplined and unruly, as one could expect of bandits.

He’d approach the one standing guard at the stairs leading under what seemed to be the main base for this little bandit fort. Upon hearing a the clattering noise of Niall’s spear falling to the floor he’d of course, turn to look at it. He’d blink in surprise, completely caught off guard by where this weapon had even come from -


Not a second later Niall pounced, grabbing the guard by his neck from behind and crushing his windpipe, slowly choking the guard until he was unconscious. Niall hefted him over his shoulder as he’d head down into the basement and prop the bandit up on the wall. It should be noted that knocking someone out was quite hard, especially doing it for long amounts of time.

He would not have long until the guard would likely rouse - but perhaps Niall’s attention may be drawn by what was down here. It seemed to be less of a basement, and more of a makeshift prison and storeroom. A single hallway led until the end of the room, flanked by rooms full of supplies. At the end though?

It was a…very oddly dressed Fomorian. They looked fairly human, for the most part, save for the completely black skin and black slcera. A fairly slight looking creature, by all accounts and dressed in a completely outlandish and unknown fashion. Something resembling a robe almost.

And a red-haired Tuatha male.

“Seems its my lucky day. You have no idea how hard it is to find good research tools. They all break so easily. I’m sure someone who’s been giving us as much trouble as you have, you’ll be able to endure a few…enhancements.”

“I don’t know what you’re planning,” The tuatha male snarled. “But if you think I’ll just let you do whatever it is you did to those guys with me, you’re gonna get your head beat in.” He had been completely tied up, wrists shackled to the wall, and his body tied to a wooden post with thick ropes while his legs had been restrained with metal chains.

“I’m absolutely quivering in my robe.” She’d dryly reply. “Bull-headed idiots like you are pathetic. You should be thanking me. I’ll be giving you power to do anything you want.” On a table near her were what seemed to be tools of some less than nice nature. Not torture implements but more…things of magical and perhaps, medical nature. “Now get comfortable. I have some...things to prepare.”

The woman would walk off into a side room, leaving the Tuatha male and Niall alone for now, but there was no telling how much time he had left before either the guard woke from his nap or she returned.

Just a friendly tip - Generally, you post the Character Sheet in the OOC for the GM's approval before you post in the Character Sheet section.


So while I started with the intent to make an Envoy of Qhalus...I realized that she might fit an Envoy of Midemis better. I'll keep it as Qhalus, but if you think she'd fall under Midemis or even some other divinity better lemme know and I'll change it. Don't think it'll change her character too terribly much.

But anyways, here she be. Tell me if I went overboard somewhere, or got something wrong.

Also I used a Pathfinder class lol.



I'll see about getting a CS up soon.

Just a question, but what sorta power level are you looking for for the characters? I assume we'll not be too terribly stronger than most adventurers and stuff to start with? Just wanting a baseline so I don't go too overboard or too underboard, so to speak.
Fish? Fishing.

“Ah?” The injured man looked to Seelay, having finished bandaging up his arm. “Oh, you must be one of the travelers…thanks for the help. Looks like you and Akando had some good luck from the sage there.” He’d say, giving Seelay a friendly greeting. “Sure, I can take you.”

“Careful you two. Don’t need anyone else getting injured by whatever that’s doing it.”

“We’ll be fine! I’m not the one going near the water.” The other man would say with a cheeky grin as he motioned for Seelay to follow. Heading east, they’d eventually come to what was normally the docks, now completely frozen over - and it seemed like many of the fishing boats and canoes the village used had been rendered unusable thanks to frost or being pillaged by the rime beasts.

The sea too, seemed to have been blanketed in a large sheet of ice, extending far out into the bay.

“If it was just the ice it wouldn’t be that bad, honestly,” The man would say, leading Seelay to where a couple of fisherman were using hand drills and other hand tools to break the ice and scoop it out. “but whatever it is that’s been spooking the fish though took out one of the boats we managed to salvage too…whatever it is, is huge.”

Several holes had been carved in the ice, a few fisherman using hooks and a few nets to scoop up fish, though it was hardly as efficient as what they normally used, likely.

“We’ve tried catching it with the nets, but we’ve just lost the nets with nothing to show for it.” He’d sigh. “And…we didn’t tell the others, but we found one of our storehouses we use to dry salt fish for preservation was broken into and lots of it stolen. An empty crate was turned over near the water here, so that means whatever it is can also get on land too, right?” Well, it was logical for someone to think that, at least right? Still, this certainly seemed like quite the problem. “Just ask any fisherman here if you need any help or anything…or ideas on how to handle this.”

@Cu Chulainn
A certain little spider

As Seelay walked off with the fisherman to investigate, Gideon would be left alone. Akando had left too, presumably to gather the hunters so they could more effectively discuss what they were going to be doing. He had plenty of time to do anything he wanted to now, but it seemed that work would instead find him.

Suddenly, something grabbed him from behind. Hands, feeling stiff against his skin as his sides were slowly rubbed.

“Hmm…Raam? Raam. Curious. Why is one of your hollow kind all the way out here. Did someone send the little blessed one on an errand?” He’d barely recognize the voice as Achel, the grave keeper and the Chiralta that had been looking after and dealing with the dead. “No? No. Likely no. Hehe. Of course not. You have nothing to do with this. You’re just a coincidental little fly that tastes like iron caught in a web you know nothing of.”

Her hands would release him, as she’d then move in front of him, smiling her usual, odd smile. Threads of silk seeming to move in time with her hands.

“Is the little Raam here looking for a ranch? Or are you free to help Achel with something?”

The Missing huntress

The fire from Vammy whirled in front of her, creating a vortex of hot moving fire as it would burn and throw the arrows off course from the both of them, sending the projectiles harmlessly burning into the snow as Atzi charged up the incline. More arrows followed, and being out in the open like this made it easy for her opponents to hit their mark - an arrow slamming into her shoulder, a second into her leg. A third in her arm. The only saving grace was that they missed any vitals.

When she finally reached the top, she could see her opponents.

About ten people wearing ornate, light red robes gilded with patterns of gold and white scattered around the rocky incline. Their robes were doubly covered with thick insulation and padding to protect from the cold and to act as armor. Who they were though…well, she’d have to beat them to a pulp to find out. Their faces were covered by faceless white masks. No eyes, no features, nothing to distinguish them from any other. The three nearest something said nothing to her as they’d turn towards her, forgoing their bows for their melee weapons and charge towards her Two would continue to fire arrows at her at regular intervals…while the other five would focus on Vammy.

The demons in question fireball would sail towards one of the robed archers, who would duck behind a tree by the time it would reach them, completely missing the archer entirely and instead singing the tree. Immediately they would respond with more arrows, seemingly attempting to keep her busy while the others dealt with the amazonian woman named Atzi.

The second fireball would have a bit more luck, knocking the archer off his feet but otherwise not doing too terribly much aside from a bit of disorientation from the impact. Thankfully her fire wall would still throw the arrows off course.

“How about we feel up one of these idiots by ripping their guts out and strangling another one with them?” The demon roared in her head, demonic fury boiling over into Vammy’s own mind from its influence.“Oh if there’s a pretty girl there we can certainly ‘feel them up’ that way too! Ahaha, oh yes yes yes let me have theeeeem!”

Well, one of them was having a good time at least.

An eight legged herbalist
@Click This@Crusader Lord

Nylah’s light spears hurtled towards the wolf with just a flick of her wrist and a thought. The wolf, in turn avoided the first, leaping out of the way while the second managed to graze its fur with a pained yelp, sending it stumbling to the ground, but not out. It got back to its feet, blood trickling from the wound on its side, growling warily but otherwise not making any move…

The two assaulting Lissa had a bit rougher of a time. The wolf sailed past her, its leaping charge missing entirely as a sword sliced its side open. It would fall upon the ground, whimpering and whining as blood spilled from the wound. The second similarly was stopped by the Raam’s boot being slammed on its face, the crunch of bone being felt as its muzzle now looked just a bit shorter, causing it to back off and stumble warily away from the trio.

It looked towards the second wolf that Nylah had fended off, as if the two were judging their chances now.


Something caused the ground to shake.

The two wolves lifted their heads, turning them towards the forest in the same rough direction they had heard the deer whimpering from earlier.


A second movement as something started walking closer, causing the wolves to whimper and bark, before bolting away from the scene entirely.

A tree near the treeline shifted, the cracking sound of wood as though something heavy and strong was simply pressing against it, causing it to shift and bend with its weight. Whatever it was briefly stopped, just out of sight behind some thick foliage…and then what seemed to be a long, dextrous sticky…tongue lashed out, latching onto the injured, downed wolf and pulling it into the treeline, the wolfs whimpers being cut off abruptly.

Through the trees it was hard to see what exactly it was, despite the somewhat good visibility but they got the distinct feeling they were being watched.


Aight, good to know

Whenever the CS's get put up I'll get to work on this idea of mine then. Shouldn't take too long, I think I already got most of the ideas down for her.
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