Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Because I was limiting the number of players this time around I didn't think it'd be fair to throw out a big mention list of all the previous peeps in the Interest Check, so I just sorta threw it out there fresh.

How could you do this to me. I thought what we had was special. :(

Jokes aside, you good my dude but I'd love to get back together with you guys if the opportunity presents itself.

Half the old gang back together and not a soul thought to mention me

@Zeroth I'm Hurt my dude

Lemme know If a spot is ever open will yas
Llobrokor Mountains

Sucaria’s ears visibly drooped upon Fio not accepting the drink and placing it back into her own hands. She’d instead, then turn to Luna, walking quietly over and offering the drink to the Knight.

“It will be about a day's travel from here, and it will be quite the physically demanding journey.” Elnith responded. “You and I will likely be fine, though I feel as though one of us will end up having to carry Fio…though I suppose she could always attempt some levitation.” Elnith nodded, offering Sucaria a small smile as she’d walk over. “I do believe you should return her affections, sooner rather than later.” Elnith giggled, giving a small bemused expression over to the arguing Seelie and Fio.

“Grrr, I wouldn’t make threats if you’d just let me out human k-” She’d shout, before cutting herself off as Fio made her threats. “Yes ma’am sorry ma’am…” Wisp fluttered to the bottom of the jar, using one of her twisted hands to scratch the bottom of the jar dejectedly.

The peace though, would be broken by a shout just up ahead on the mountain path. Multiple shouts, in fact.

“She’s got a boulder! Run!”

Several men, wearing facepaint and sporting leather armor came barreling down the pathway, weapons drawn. Bandits! Running straight for them! A moment of likely preparation would follow as Elnith quickly drew her own blade, Sucaria hiding behind Luna and Wisp munching idly on a leaf…but just as it looked like they were going to engage, they just…ran past, not even bothering to engage or even look twice at the knights.

Coming down the mountain, just mere feet behind the bandits was objectively, a woman that Fio only came up to the ankle to. A giant! She sported short cut white hair, messily held back with a headband with a decorative horned headdress. Curiously, a scar could be seen on her forehead and one of her hands seemed to be a crude prosthetic that she didn’t seem to have much trouble manipulating.

Over her shoulders, a massive boulder and in her prosthetic hand, a hammer.

“...so they didn’t want help up the mountain?” Upon noticing Luna and the others though, her expression brightened. “Ah! More humans!”

Harzel Plains

“...ah.” Grainne seemed to barely have heard Ethelred, being lost in thought. “Tch, I’m not. Who’d wanna work with someone that’s gonna give them more frostbite then that creepy elder beast up north?” She’d grumble. Well, if nothing else seemed like she still was as fiery as before.

“Glad to see you and Grainne still getting along, Sir Ethelred.” Lonan retorted with a light chuckle at the interaction. “She’s been annoyed she’s been benched because of her injuries fighting that wyvern.”

“Mhm…I wouldn’t say I was testing you, Luana. Your abilities speak for themselves and I wouldn't think a moment you wouldn’t do as I ask to the best of your ability.” Sorcha surveyed the land as she spoke, her gaze lingering on the fallen beast out in the distance, face soon wearing an expression of melancholy before shaking her head and turning her attention back to Luana. “I am aware of Druidic magics abilities. I learned some from the Tuatha myself you see, when I was a child. I think you may be underestimating it. Your spear is invaluable, certainly but Druids powers come from the land itself. You could say they come from the Betrayed God itself in a way.”

As the group approached closer to the castle, it was clear the full operation of dealing with the fallout was underway. All the Wyverns were being cleaned up, the fort itself being repaired. A small group of court wizards and druids could be seen out near where the Wyvern King had fallen, talking quietly among themselves.

As they approached the front of the fort’s gate, they were greeted by a rather oddly dressed woman.

“Oh, back already? I didn’t think-” She paused. “Well, I was thinking the people from Airedale would have looked…different.”

“I told you not to believe every rumor you hear, Lif!”

“Hey, I’m not that gullibly Lonny!”

“And I asked you not to call me that either.”

“Eh, but Lonan is a much less cute name…” The woman, dressed in what appears to be some blacksmith or similar occupation gear offered the group a smile. The large mechanical contraption sitting behind her not seeming to be a thought in her head. “Nice to meet’cha! Lif! Er, my name. That’s my name. One of Harzel’s knights. Gotta say Queenie, you don’t look anything like the rumors the guys spread about an old hag that uses curses to enthrall people or a demon using-”

“L-Lif! She’s our guest!”

“Yeah? And she should at least know what the other guys are sayin’ about her.”

“...Those are quite some rumors.” Sorcha laughed. “Nice to meet you as well, Lif.” Lonan if nothing else, seemed to let out a sigh of relief that she didn’t take offense to the rumors. “Sir Lonan, if you don’t mind I’d like my knights to rest for a bit and for my Knight, Luana here to take a look at the dragons corpse.”

“Of course, your majesty. We’ve prepared a room for you and your knights.”

“Hmm…hey, You’re from the Reinhardt family, right? You guys are supposed to be pretty durable, right?” Liff hopped over to Reinhardt, posing him a question.

If Luana did as Sorcha asked and took a look at the Dragon in question, she’d find it lacking in a bit of information s far as the dragon itself. Her divining spear showed it flying from the mountains, swooping over the forest. A clash with Reinhardt and the Wyvern, though as the Wyvern would blast the land below, and consequently Reinhardt alongside it, oddly it seemed like something was actively preventing it from being seen clearly even by her spear.

Aside from that event though, she’d see the Wyvern terrorizing the plains near the Harzel border. The further back she went though, the harder it’d be to glean any information. However, what she could tell though, was something pulling her towards the mountains as though the spear was telling her to seek more answers there. The fire and indeed, the entire Wyvern’s body as well, if she probed just a little with her druidism would at least confirm what the Queen had said. This thing and the fire itself if she went to check the blasted out area…was completely unnatural. Something had twisted this being into existence.
Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR

Myrilla didn’t respond to the taunting other than a boisterous laugh, then roughly and crudely spitting on the ground with a snarl as she’d saunter off.

“Tsk, now now, none of that.” Viatrix would stop to lightly smack Eliz on the top of her head. “You don’t want to behave anything like her, do you? That is quite unbefitting of a scale demon wouldn’t you say?” Viatrix offered the demon an amused smirk “If nothing else, you’ll need to learn how to behave in public and when in front of others. We have a reputation to keep after all.” She didn’t press the issue for now though, that was Mariarca’s job.

“That said, lets continue hm? I would want to give you a brief medical, but since that little…event cost us a bit of time, I’ll show you to the dressing room and hand you over to Mariarca.” The nurse maid briefly turned her head to acknowledge Katherine with a friendly smile. “Feel free to join us as well, Katherine, before you end up skinned alive by our employer.” With Seig heading off to the training fields, Viatrix would take over the tour. Pointing out the training fields, the kitchens, showing her to the dorms and soon they’d be finding themselves heading towards the store rooms and where the resident tailor for the maids dresses were made.

“You know, all our uniforms are made here. Its not as well known, but our dresses are imbued with magical threads to help resist physical and magical sources of damage.” Viatrix informed her. “The lady that makes them is a bit of a recluse but she lives where she works. Have either of you met her personally? She’s quite a delightful conversationalist if you bring her some coffee…I don't quite know how she stands that horrid drink myself, though.”

“There you all are.” Mariarca would meet the group just outside a rather inconspicuous looking room. “How was the little tour, Eliz? Did anyone give you trouble?”

Julene’s cabin

“...rebirth, purty, and Innocence, eh?” Julene narrowed her eyes, giving Akyasha a critical gaze. “...must be nice, not having any self awareness.” She’d snort, filling a bowl of food for herself as she was posed a question. “New power? What sorta power?” She’d query back in ponderance. “...Good question. Probably kill every man-eating beast and blood-thirsty creature I can get my hands on?” She’d only answer half-heartedly, though, as if she wasn’t quite certain of her reply herself. “What’s it matter though? Not like a human could get power like that. Not without becoming a monster themselves.”

She’d set the bowl on the table.

“I don’t intend to become one. Ever.” That seemed rather final.

Forest of beasts

@Click This@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

The figures’ head lifted up, hearing their voices.

A small moment of silence followed as Aleksiya finished speaking, Kordelia slowly moving to her feet from where she was kneeling. For a moment, it looked like she was about to fall over, her movements a little uncoordinated.

“They’re back…I knew…it…”

Kordelia didn’t turn, only turned her head up towards the cut open midsection of her pet and former companion.

“You idiots might have killed me once, but if you think you can…just come here after what you did to him. I won’t…let you.” There was not a hint of recognition in her eyes as she turned to face them, eyes void of any intelligence, only the hint of a red-star embedded in her pupils. Her mouth, slightly agape with elongated fangs.

“Stupid…stupid stupid! All of you just die and let me eat you already!”

She was fast. Much faster than the three of them were. In mere seconds she had lunged the distance between her and Aleksiya, her arm twisted into the claw of some savage beast attempting to simply rip Aleksiya in half.

It was clear at least, whether from hunger or something else, Kordelia was not in her right state of mind.

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

The creature hissed in mild pain as one of its numerous arms and grey flesh was bit into. Biting the withered limb off was surprisingly easy, Argus’ teeth ripping right through it. A flash of his blade followed, but the creature would attempt moving quickly backwards, making the blow much shallower then it could have been as only one arm was severed completely while others only suffered deep gashes and a shallow cut across its neck.

Before more blows could be delivered, the beast’s chest closed, returning to all fours as the bear creature pawed at the ground as it would resume a bestial assault, lunging towards Argus quickly in another frenzied flurry of blows and attempting to use its body weight to crush the vampire.
Llobrokor Mountains

“Eat? But I’m not hungry…” Sucaria replied in her usual somewhat distant manner to Lunas request.

“...Luna…” Elnith sighed, frowning slightly as she’d hold a hand to the side of her face. “How can you have such a blessed appearance yet be so wholly innocent…” The other swordswoman would say with a mildly troubled expression as Fio would dismount their steed. Truthfully, it was a good idea. They’d likely have to leave the horses behind soon enough anyways. No way they were getting through the mountains.

“Nhn? Annoyed?” Sucaria, instead of dismounting from the steed, would dismount from the steed as well, quietly looking at Fio curiously, hand still in her dress as she’d take a few moments to contemplate her response. “...No? Not annoyed. Wanted to give something.” She’d say with a small frown, pulling her hand from her dress.

And produced a small canteen.

“...you seemed nervous…?”

If Fio happened to look inside the flask, the drink was a suspiciously dark red color.

It was then, the party would become aware of a tiny, somewhat irritated and angry sounding voice coming from Luna’s steed. Specifically, a little bag on the back flank of the horse.

“Hey! HEEEY! Why you gotta put me here of all places this animal reeks!” The fairy, having previously named herself as ‘Wisp’. “C’mon let me out already I’ve served my time lemme oooout! I’ll curse every last one of yooou, grrrr!”

The growling was much less threatening then she likely thought.

Harzel Plains

“We’ve already slayed the beast. Its source is no longer.” Sorcha responded to Luana. “Rather, I was more interested in the fire itself. Does it feel…unnatural? Strange? It is fine if you cant say. I was merely curious as to what your druidic powers could tell us about it.” Reinhardt, accepting the blade would sheathe it at his side as the group would travel along the path…and not far in the distance they would find the Harzel fort.

And next to it, the now butchered body of the great Wyvern.

Before they could approach, however, a familiar set of faces would ride up. Lonan followed briefly not far after by Grainne. The girl had a number of bandages adorning her face and she wasn’t wearing her armor. Seemed she was still healing a bit from the beating she took from the Wyvern she had fought.

“Sir Reinhardt! Sir Ethelred…and…” Lonan would slow his horse to a halt as he’d come upon them. “...your Majesty.” A reverent bow of his head followed.

“Ahaha, no need to be so formal with me, Sir Lonan. As far as I’m concerned your aid was invaluable in slaying that beast.”

“Your kindness is appreciated, your Majesty. I say much the same to you three. I must say, the unkind rumors the knights are spreading about you are quite…well, completely false it seems.”

“Hmph, I do not let such things bother me, and you should not either. With time, they will accept me as Queen.”

“...quite confident of that, aren't you?”

“Yes. I am.” Sorcha’s eyes briefly fell on Grainne. “Your squire?”

“Yes, Grainne.” Strangely, the redhead didn’t seem her usual fiery self that the two of them had met during the incident.

“Well, then, shall we head to the fort?”

“Of course, your majesty.”
Maison d’Violette


“I dislike that woman greatly.” Nynnette responded, coolly pouring more tea for Livia. “I would much rather skin her furry ears and tail alive then do anything like that with her.”

“She’s…certainly a unique one, isn’t she?” Livia mused idly, watching Katherine leave. “I suppose I’ll add a ‘not dismissed until I say so’ to that training as well, then.”

“My lady I implore you let me do it.”

“If you’re that eager, go bother the new Nightshade Recruits. The maison is not your job.”

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR@Pyromania99

“Hmph, yeah? And I was ordered to train everyone. A demon can’t be trained in the same way as a human.” She’d snarl, leaning down to put herself at height level with Eliz. “Especially some prudish scale demon with as much personality as their empty shells.”

“That is enough, Myrilla.” Viatrix frowned. “We’ve been friends for quite some time now, but if you insist on causing trouble I will remove you. Forcibly.”

“...tch, whatever. I got what I wanted. She checks out.” She’d heft her pistol over her shoulder, blade soon being sheathed at her side as shed turn around. “Watch your back, runt.” She’d snap towards Eliz. “And shove your bonbons down your own gullet.”

“If by issues you mean Myrilla picking fights like she usually does.” The elf replied with a sigh. “I suppose you are not entirely wrong, but it just doesn’t sit right with me. Combat isn’t everyones preferred method of solving issues.” She’d rest her riot shield on the ground as Viatrix laughed softly at Eliz’s proclamation.

“Well, if you’re free then Eliz. I’ll finish showing you around. The rest of you may do as you wish.” Viatrix smiled, kneeling down to Eliz’s level and placing a hand to her forehead. “...Mhm, here we go. A little healing spell.” Eliz would find the small scratches and wounds on her body being healed, her body healing and the small cuts slowly being written over. “There we are…I’m not sure how effective it’d be on a demon, but I think it worked fine.”

“I will pass on the bonbons as well. I shall be going to Myrilla to finish my training…and possibly challenge her to a duel.” The elf would say in response to Polina. “If you’ll excuse me.”

“Come along then, Eliz.” Viatrix would lead the demon and the maids that followed still back towards the infirmary. “I apologize for her poor impression. Do know that almost every other maid in the Maison is nothing like that.”
Julene’s cabin

“I’m…sorry, what now?” Julene stared, somewhat perplexed at the flower that had quite literally, just been grown on her head. “...I mean, I suppose it is pretty.” She’d say, plucking the flower from her head and observing it. “But I dunno, I don’t do flowers. Is it supposed to mean something?” She’d gruffly reply, not seeming too particularly impressed by it. “It’ll wither and die…like everything else here.”

A somber sentiment, it seemed like Julene had towards the current world. Perhaps, Julene just needed to be given something irrefutable and maybe, a little bit of hope for something other than this bleak, lightless world.

“Ya want food or not?” She’d say, finishing up the stew she seemed to be makin. “More for me if not. I should probably get back to playin lookout soon anyways.”

Forest of beasts

@Click This@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

The beast fell.

A loud thud, kicking up dust and debris as its body fell limply to the ground in front of Aleksiya, its beak now propped open as the blade would sever whatever remained of its life. A victory, if not a particularly pleasant one or one to rejoice over. All that left now, was to find their way towards the source of this unpleasant business.

Perhaps, their old friend and comrade wouldn’t be difficult to work with.

Beyond the small clearing was a river that the trio would find themselves stepping out into. Yet, the river was not of water. No, they could smell and see it clearly. This river, was tainted beyond reason. Ichorious blood had tainted the water of these woods, completely and utterly. It was no doubt, then, that even if plants could grow…this would see to it all would soon wither and decay. And the beasts? No doubt twisted by this tainted water supply. Thankfully it was downstream of the village, sparing them from the taint.

And the source of this would soon become apparent.

Further down, the river, was a sight most would be familiar with.

The long dead carcass of a great Gorebat King - and something that was Kordelia’s reliable partner. A giant ornate spike of stone had been carved and impaled it into the ground, through its wing and right through its body, securely locking it to the ground. Its chest, had been completely hollowed out, reserved for what now seemed to be a small altar that someone had build inside of the creature…right next to its faintly, still beating, heart that was the source of all the blood pooling into the river.

And on top of this altar?

A sarcophagus much like the ones they had woken up in, and in front of it, was the familiar head of blond hair, a pair of small bat wings extending from her head, and a furry pair of similar wings from her waist. She was kneeling in front of the coffin, unmoving even as they approached.

They however, could not help but to feel watched.

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

Argus was swift, his blade lashing out…but just as the tip of the blade met the tooth-like zipper seam on the creatures underside, the entire thing just…split apart. Muscle and sinew ripping itself apart like some cavernous maw, but inside was neither mouth nor stomach. A single large, skeleton with multiple hands, seemingly puppeting the bear-boar from the inside like some sort of macabre parasite. It lashed out with one of its hands, gripping argus by the wrist and trying to pull him inside of the beast.

The bear, meanwhile would much follow suit, using its large frame in an attempt to ensnare the vampire inside of it.
Airedale Keep, Meeting Room
@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise@Pyromania99@Guy0fV4lor

“Very well,” Sorcha would draw her blade, pulling it from its sheathe and holding it in front of Luana. “Hands over the blades point. Now,” Luana would feel it. A brief zap of electricity shocking her hands, leaving a painful electrical burn along her hands. “As the rightful ruler of Albion, and current Queen of Airedale and the surrounding lands, I knight thee in my name. You will serve none before me,” The blade now rest upon her shoulders, sharp edge against her neck. “Be it god, man, or even your own desires. Know that I shall accept no betrayal and such actions shall be met with a swiftest of actions and executions.”

The blade would be swiftly withdrawn, back into its sheathe, and instead by the Queens hand.

“On your feet then, sorry about that I have to at least try to look the part sometimes.” A smile as she’d pull Luana to her feet. “Ethelred, Reinhardt? Lets get going. I’m eager to see these so-called wyverns.”

Without further words unless one of her knights had anything to say, the Queen would proceed to gather the horses and supplies, setting off towards Harzel….

Llobrokor Mountains

Fio, not having much experience with riding horses would opt to ride with Luna. This, was fine for the most part. There wouldn’t be any issues or running into anything troubling on their travel through the mountains…save for one slight Issue. A certain maid, that had been in her opinion, quite wrongly displaced. Fio had taken to sitting in front of Luna, while Sucaria was behind her. Most of the trip, Sucaria was simply spent quietly staring at Fio and when camp would be made, the Maid seemed to definitely go out of her way to definitely not mess with Fio. that’d require her to be upset, which she wasn’t.

Passing through Lightsword territory and through the graveyard of the giants, they’d soon find themselves at the foot of the mountains, Elnith leading them across winding hills and crossing dangerously close to the wastes before soon finding themselves near the towering sky piercing mountains in central Albion.

“What do you know about the giants, Luna?” Elnith queried. “I hear your family has giant blood in your veins.” Sucaria was quietly sitting behind the Knight as Elnith spoke to her companion. “They’re such kind people, you know…they took me in when even my own parents disowned me, ahah.” Elnith smiled, not seeing anything particularly wrong with that statement.

Sucaria reached into her dress, though for now did nothing else.

@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise@Guy0fV4lor
Harzel Plains

The travel across the land to Harzel followed roughly the same path they had taken last, stopping briefly in Redwater to resupply and rest in civilization for the night, thankfully without any more or other Fomorian incidents happening…though there were unsettling rumors of people going missing occasionally, but most passed it off to impish fey. Still, there was little to be done about such rumors now.

Aside from this, and running off some Fomorians harassing the main road the knights would reach their destination relatively undisturbed, eventually finding themselves close to the Harzel border, where the scorched and blasted forest, still smoldering from the Wyvern’s apocalyptic blast of fire had charred the very land itself.

“...so this is the destruction that Wyvern had wrought.” Sorcha commented idly as they rode past at an even, steady pace. “An impressive feat, slaying such a beast unharmed.” She’d glance towards Reinhardt, but said nothing as instead, she’d pull a small short, one handed sword from her steed's saddle bags. “Reinhardt, I was considering your particular issue with weapons constantly breaking.”

She’d casually pass the blade to him.

“This blade has been in my possession for quite some time. Its nothing impressive, but its sturdy and forged by both the dwarvish smiths of a far off land and a clan of elves I spent a good portion of the last decade with.” She didn’t seem to think much of handing him the blade. “Ethelred, about how much further to that fort? We will be meeting the Harzel knights at the place where you slew that beast at. I desire to see its carcass myself. What about you, Luana? Your a druid and quite in tune with the land, are you not? What do you make of that destruction out there?”
Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR

The other maids around, mostly seemed unsure of the situation, not having the full context of what exactly was going on. As far as they knew, this could just be a general training and consensual duel between instructor and student. Now having drawn quite a crowd, Polina’s sweets were eagerly accepted…by all but Sieg who was nowhere to be seen, having run off somewhere it seemed.

Myrilla’s movements were just as swift, if not more than Eliz’s. The instructor grinned excitedly, ready to intercept the chunk of earth with her blade.

A sudden shot from Lucrecia would interrupt the duel. The large chunk of earth the demon had thrown had fragmented into pieces and was knocked off course, a cloud of dust blowing away in the wind. A clang of steel as Myrilla’s blade would strike Lucrecia’s own, Eliz’s own strike being stopped in its tracks, though not without Lucrecia’s arm feeling a bit numb from the demons strength.

“Maid Lucrecia,” Myrilla coldly began. “You interfere with a…training exercise?”

“Myrilla, this is no training exercise.” Sieg’s voice interrupted the pair, heavy riot shield and Viatrix in tow. “You should be ashamed of yourself. I realize you are afflicted with a lust for battle, but this is no excuse!”

“Goodness, when sieg bolted into the infirmary and told me what was happening…well, I won’t say it doesn’t sound exactly like you.” Viatrix sighed.

“This is neither of yours business.” Myrilla growled. "If anything, this was a training exercise. One that one getting fat on her own food has failed completely." The instructor lowered her blade, huffing irritably. "The demon is swift footed, behaves exactly as a scale demon, if a little more aggressive and also is skilled at combat."

"...Myrilla, you...are being serious right now?" Viatrix frowned, holding a hand to her head. "This...was honestly your way of a...test? I knew you were about as tactless as a drunk hippo but this is..."

"I will be reporting this conduct to lady Fiore." Sieg continued. "Ill conceived training or not, this is unacceptable."

"Ahaha, do whatever you want, elf. I'm not going anywhere."

"...you must be Eliz." Viatrix turned to the demon, walking over and smiling affectionately. "I apologize for that one, she's...well, somewhat shall we say, not all there in the head. I'm Viatrix, the nurse and chief medical officer here at the Maison. If you would allow it I would like to take a look to make sure Myrilla hasn't harmed you too much."

"Oi I'm completely here in the head."

"...Polina, I will also be reporting your complete lack of care for a new, fellow maid that was an obvious target of bullying and hazing from a superior officer. We were explicitly told to treat her as any other maid. Would you have allowed this to happen if it was any other maid? If Myrilla threatened and was intent on seemingly mortally injuring them? If Eliz had been a normal human, she would very well be dead now."


“Hmm…” Livia frowned, humming lightly to herself. “That is no excuse. You should be trained in proper etiquette among one of the first things when employed by the Maison. I know Mariarca and the others are good at their jobs, so that just means…you’re being a problem student.” A small smile graced Livia’s lips. “Its quite rare for me to get involved in training myself, but if the others are having trouble handling you, then I suppose it would be up to me to do it.”

“Milady, your schedule is rather packed as it is. We have a meeting with members of the clergy as well as possible contacts and reports to review before we set the next operation in motion.” Nynette interjected, eyeing Katherine coolly.

“Yes, Nynnette, I am quite aware of things I must do.” A tired sigh. “But if one maid is slacking, then the others may slack as well, and that, will lead to further negligence and problem in the ranks.”

“One maid needs not be disciplined by you, milady. I trained the first generation of maids, I can certainly do so with…this miscreant.”

“Come now, Nynnette, let me have some fun will you? Something that isn’t talking with those idiot clergy members or dealing with nobles who are looking for every chance to stab someone in the back.”

“Milady, I have no power over your ultimate decisions, just suggestions.”

“Maid Katherine. Tonight, you shall report here for remedial training. Understood? Finish up whatever your doing and this order supersedes all others, is that clear?”
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