Avatar of Savo


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4 yrs ago
Current Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.
6 yrs ago
Man, Mahz is still on his really long vacation, huh!
7 yrs ago
Better not leave me hanging like Sayori.
8 yrs ago
This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a 훌 쩍


Got nothing to say here, sooooo yeah.

I'm a bookworm, gamer, and obviously roleplayer since I'm on this site :P

Anyways, those are a few things that I'll say about myself... for now. Maybe I'll update this a little more in the future.


Most Recent Posts

"Since the dawn of time, an invisible force has flowed through every being on this planet... PURE! FIGHTING! SPIRIT! Limits? For the true fighter, there are no limits! Not when you have ki on your side! With superhuman powers, these heroes, these adventurers, these nomads journey the world searching for showdowns , and this Friday, catch the showdown of the century: the BRAZILIAN! FIGHTING OPEN! Tickets are a click away, online! Can’t be there in person? Catch this historic brawl on Fox Sports and ESPN Live! Contact your cable provider today before you miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime event—

The man watching the ad on his device yelped as he was rudely interrupted. Seriously, who just does something like that other than... oh...

"Oy', it's time t'make our rounds boyo, so don't y'even think 'bout skipin'm."

The man sighed as he looked up at the senior officer and nodded. Like hell he was going to use this as an excuse to watch some ad over and over. Snatching up his device, he promptly pocketed it before grabbing his FAMAS, his eyes glazed over as he began loading the gun up with ki-laced bullets - a specialty of their organization.

As he trudged on out with the other soldiers, he and his squad acknowledged the others they were switching with a salute before heading off outside. "Two weeks ago, huh?"

Even though the field agents handled the situation well, there was still something bothering him about what occurred in Rio—why did those robots strike? The lack of any answers just left him with more questions that piled up each day, leaving him more frustrated than anything...

... but as paramount as these questions were, they were dismissed by the soldier once the squad was greeted by a bit of drizzle, light raindrops, and a semi-darkened sky.

Weird... Japan's forecast didn't say that there was a risk of rain today.

GMs: Savo, KaiserElectric, Redbaron1234
GENRE: Anime, Fighting Game, Modern-Fantasy/Scifi, Semi-Sandbox, Character Driven.

Welcome to World Warriors: The Nomadic Fist. This RP takes place in a quirky, anime-and-fighting-games-themed world (think of shows like One Punch Man, or games similar to Darkstalkers) where supernatural warriors known as "Nomads" head out and engage in supernatural battles. Fueled by ki, magic, or technology, they journey the world, and, for whatever reason, they seek out fights.

This won’t quite be a PVP roleplay, and is more story and character driven, with your characters fighting NPCs and a variety of sinister plots (with player fights for special occasions). The world is very, very free-form; lore is loose (basically amounting to everything just described in that first paragraph), and you’re free to create almost any kind of character or backstory you please.

So what do you all say? Are you all itching for a fight for the ages or a bizarre adventure? Well, your story begins here!

(Originally conceived by @Surtr Inc; thanks for bringing everyone together bub).

▻ Clouded
  • A martial arts tournament is being held in Tokyo, with the grand prize money being 20,000,000 in yen. Despite the public turmoil and officials protesting it due to the very recent attack on a tournament in Rio, this event was hosted against most peoples wishes. Some Nomads are reluctant as well, not willing to risk wagering their lives... but for others, they are attracted like moths to a flame. In any case, MAVERICK has also been deployed to the tournament to watch over anything that may threaten the tournament. Surely nothing will happen like last time, right?

▻ Connections
  • In the Hokkaido prefecture of Japan, MAVERICK agents have been stationed out there due to reports of machines similar to those in Rio wandering the landscape. Out of fear or further investigations, they have been set to guard, but not to pursue or engage. Along with that, a job was placed under the NomadicNation by MAVERICK, detailing that they need assistance from Nomads to help smoke these wretches automatons out, and that they would handsomely pay anyone who would respond. However, the problem might be a lot more complex than it might seem at first.

Do it. Click it. It's a link.
Ok this looks like fun. Now let’s see about if I can come up with something zany enough...

Glad to see you're on board with this idea!

@Savo sounds good, so do you have an official page for me to submit my CS when I do it, or should I just put it here for now?

We will have an official page in a few minutes, I can assure that.
ehh..I think ima have to retract my interest, as i'm currently in an Open world sand box, plus 3 other RPs. too much on my plate i think. sorry for that

I just saw your pm. I'm sorry about that, I didn't see it until a few minutes ago. I understand though and I'm sorry I never got around to properly reviewing your sheet. Regardless, good luck in your future endeavors dude and hope to see you around some time! And sorry for the ping and this one too.
<Snipped quote by Savo>

Makes sense if they are opponents.

But alas, I believe I made the necessary changes to my character. I think he's ready. :D

I'll review him once more when the thread goes up in a few hours; don't forget to get your approval from all three of us as well. If all of us see nothing wrong, you can post it in the character sheet section.

@Savo Makoto is from the backwoods of Japan, so it's wouldn't think it's unreasonable that she hadn't encountered a nomad before. Or perhaps she has, but they made have been weak or scummy nomads (what respectable warrior would pick a fight with a high school girl?), that she managed to surprise or overwhelm.

I'm not sure how you expect me to revise it, given that your sole criticism seems to be how strong she is. I've told you exactly how strong she is: quite strong in some areas, but generally middling overall. She's a rushdown fighter that mundane humans don't stand a chance against, but she lacks technique, forethought, and endurance when fighting nomads.

I'm just going to condense this all into a hider.

With that said, @Valor, @Bartimaeus, and @A Lowly Wretch. I have to apologize that I haven't gotten around to setting up my review of your characters. I was hoping to do it before completely setting up the main ooc thread, but as it turns out that might not happen since the main thread is coming up soon. Please post your complete character sheets there.
@Savo so If I wanted to make a character who say... is an insane man with a cesspool of diseases and poisons, and has fused himself with various insectoid mutations with the goal of corrupting and destroying every last “perfect hero”, could I “hypothetically” do that?

You could, you could. Just play him well and try give him a good reason as to why he would want to destroy every last perfect hero in the world. Trust me, anything goes for the most part, like, almost anything ridiculous you can think of. Get your creative juices flowing, but try not to go overboard for the most part :P
This may be a dumb question, but is being a bad guy an option?

Aye, making villains is an option for your charys if you wanted to go that route.
@Dead Cruiser looking at a couple of things though, it doesn't add up that she has never fought a nomad before. Here's a brief excerpt from the Nomads and Ki section.

"The nomad has become a staple of global pop culture in the last century or so. he name 'nomad' refers to a wandering warrior with fantastical powers, a vagabond who, for one reason or another, travels the world seeking new fights and new challenges. They have epic showdowns, they participate in international martial arts tournaments, and they are features in movies, TV shows, and airport paperbacks. On Earth, there are superheroes, and supersoldiers, and ki-wielding doctors, but none of them have quite captured the public eye (or been as heavily commercialized) as the nomad."

And a part of your backstory.

"As a result, Makoto was a somewhat rebellious youth. She enjoyed gambling and other mild delinquent behavior, often skipped classes, and spent her weekends in nearby cities trying to pick fights with tough-looking passerby."

If she went to nearby cities, wouldn't she have known about these martial arts tournaments and all these amazing and wacky fighters? Wouldn't she try to search for a nomad to fight? Regardless, until I see a revision on her fighting style, moveset, and weaknesses, I'm going to have to reject Makoto for now.

@Lmpkio no problem, but to correct something small... you mentioned if there was a fire type nomad by him he could switch elements. I would say it's more like he tricks them into lighting up the environment with their fire in any way possible, through leading their attacks to certain items (i.e. something like a large puddle of oil) and so on. Also, I will say the reason I said Earth was default is because he could pretty easily access it in most environments.

Regardless, that's all I wanted to say, but glad I could help out.

Will get to the rest later, midst of class.
Well, I've narrowed my character down to three choices. A good, homegrown Christian guy gets possessed by a demon and gets slightly corrupted by it... while slightly corrupting the demon in turn and leaving the both of them in a cesspool of conflicting emotions. Then we have the Steam Punk, a hero in a miraculous suit of armor who became fairly well known during the Victorian Era before disappearing for over a century in a half and making a comeback within the last couple of years. Finally, we have the last guy, who is armed with an alien battle suit and no idea how to use it properly a la "The Greatest American Hero".

I'm having some trouble deciding on which to settle on.

You can always make all three of them if you can handle them all as they all sound like interesting ideas at the moment. If you do have some difficulty, go with the one you like the most or the one you think you can get the most interesting concepts out of. Either that or plus em into a random number generator and decide who to choose that way :P
<Snipped quote by Savo>

I don't believe you've told us the exact date on when the RP is taking place. Give me a solid year and I'll edit that portion quickly. I can otherwise make it vague if you so want.

It's around 20XX, probably leaning more towards 201X. All I can say is it's better to leave it vague imo. This one is an easy fix.

<Snipped quote by Savo>

What might you suggest here? Should I get rid of the ranged attacks and make them more melee based? I want him to have such powers of elemental manipulation and even then I could've added more in (like ice, lightning, etc), but of course that would've been overkill.

I was thinking that you don't have to change it all since you're going for versatility, heck the character makes me think of the shotoclone archetype in fighting games to a certain degree. And I'm going to run with what you have with a few mild tweaks.

E.g. your character can have access to all your elemental abilities listed now, but not at the same time.

Your character could be focused on the environment at hand, using that to temper what element he imbues his attacks with from the start, maybe having him in a default state of Earth? He keeps the element until he changes it, i.e. through some sort of special move that has him focus on the environment around him to "understand" it or something. This allows him to change elements. For example, on a rainy day or by a body of water, he could focus and change it to the water element. On a sunny day or in the midst of a fire or place that is pretty dang hot, he could focus and blam, fire element.

You catch my drift, right? While this is situational, it would be up to your character to manipulate the environment and possibly other nomads to his advantage to set up a way so that he can switch elements. Moreover, instead of giving him slashes with different elements, he can have one slash with multiple elements attached on to it.

And he can keep the ranged attacks if he goes the shotoclone route as well. Another thing to make it unique is that certain aspects of him are bolstered and weakened. Fire would boost his attack but lower his defense, water would boost his defense but lower his speed, and air would boost his speed but lower his attack. Since earth is his default, he would be a jack of the all trades but master of none.

I feel this would improve your character, and not only that, it addresses the final issue I have below of involving weaknesses.

There's not much else for me to say there. I mean, at least I don't think there is. I could add in the whole reptilian cold-blooded physic, in which he produces more sloppily in colder environments, or is weaker in cold environments, but even then that would be considered as situational.

I mean, it's ok to point out things like that (i.e. bad at fighting in the cold), but don't point out the obvious if it isn't necessary. Involve things with your fighting and psychological. You got it down to a certain extent, but I feel it could be improved through the methods explained above. If your want an example of a shotoclone sort of dude and their weaknesses, I recommend you check out this link and look at the character named Justin Haggar.


That's all hope this helps and I hope I did not drastically deviate from what you wanted with your lizard wizard.

"All of you guys"

Forgot about me xD

You aren't apart of the collective confirmed, gtfo now or assimilate :^)
So, will our characters be on their own separate journeys, or will we have the chance to travel with others?

We will have the chance to travel with others, so your character won't get lonely very fast... heck, maybe she might make a few friends, god knows she could need a few in this strange world.
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