Avatar of Savo


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4 yrs ago
Current Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.
6 yrs ago
Man, Mahz is still on his really long vacation, huh!
7 yrs ago
Better not leave me hanging like Sayori.
8 yrs ago
This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a 훌 쩍


Got nothing to say here, sooooo yeah.

I'm a bookworm, gamer, and obviously roleplayer since I'm on this site :P

Anyways, those are a few things that I'll say about myself... for now. Maybe I'll update this a little more in the future.


Most Recent Posts

You thought you actually claimed the first post, but it was I, Savo!
I'm a bit interested, as I've been waiting for some form of Jojos rp since the last two I were in died. Will say I'll probably start working on an application tomorrow, but I do have a few ideas for what I might do. Also, what year does this take place in?
Kingdom of Reynes || Outskirts of Galehaut || Morning
"It means you're up early of course~!" His toothy grin was larger than Bel's horse as he chuckled heartily as he winked, placing one hand on his hip while snapping and pointing at her with his other. With that all said and done, he dropped the arm like a sack of gold as it flopped to the side, Einar tilting his head as he sighed, "Glad to see you didn't get burnt to a crisp."

His smile was a little more subdued as he looked down at the girl, observing and surveying her face. She was still easy to read, and to him, she was more worn than the rag of a maid; didn't help that he swore that there were bags starting to form under her eyes. "What is she troubled by," he mused before noticing her look pass him, prompting him to break his gaze and take a gander.

At first, Einarwasn't exactly able to tell what she was staring at as slews of civilians an soldiers occupied his vision. It was only after he turned back when she saw her face slightly brighten and identified it for him and that's when he finally saw him - a young man, possibly a scout or a unit of the cavalry, was returning to camp on an ebony horse.

He looked back to the girl who explained the situation before looking at him, non-verbally inviting him along with her. The mercenary merely responded with a nod and a smile, following behind the girl along as they weaved through civilians and soldiers alike. While keeping close to her, he squinted and frowned a tinge, pursing his lips as he analyzed the young man before blinking and shaking his head. Wasn't going to do much of that from afar.

Eventually the two arrived upon the fringe of the camp, intercepting the young man as Bel greeted the man with a wave, whilst Einar replied with his own slight wave. Upon approach, he proceeded to lavish the girl with flattery before cutting to the chase. All in all, he kept silent, watching this little interaction transpire before she went onto introducing the two of them.

Einar followed up with a nod, "Charmed I'm sure," before the other young man went into his own introductions. Kyran, huh? He was quite the chatty fellow as he went on to praising Bel before seguing into chatting about one of the dispatches. "Hm, a date? I knew my looks were that good but we hardly know each other," he lightly shrugged and chuckled, "though, I don't think three is a date, let alone seven."

Einar pointed at Kyran, "You, Bel, a mage named William, Branna and her dragon of all things, some guy or gal named Trace, myself, and that beautiful exotic dancer we saw the other day, Sumire," he looked back over to Bel and waggled his finger, "I... think its the dancer. I mean, the name certainly sounds and looks as exotic as her."

Status: Winning friends, influencing allies
Kingdom of Reynes || Outskirts of Galehaut || Morning
Shnk. Shnk. Shhhhnnnk.

Einar whistled, the sound of his whetstone grinding against the edge of his blade, eyes locked on his handiwork as he continued this for a couple of minutes. Despite his fixation on his current task, he always kept a keen eye when he was scouring over the sizeable encampment they set up. He peered up for a second, briefly watching as three children hopped over the small, charred fire-pit he had put out before heading to sleep.

He didn't bother to scold or reprimand them for playing around this place, but he looked at them with a puzzling curiosity, eyes drifting every couple of seconds whenever they shouted or giggled, resulting in him tearing his eyes away from his current task.

Different. That was the word as he pondered on the conversation he had with Bel a week ago, about having a relatively dull and average life, "Obviously hiding something, although..." Einar's thoughts went back to an average life, something he always tended to ponder about after a long journey, the what ifs and what nots, before musing about his own past.

He stopped sharpening his blade, instead leaning it against him as he stared glassy eyed into nil, through the children, through the horses, through the men who were chattering about the current predicament. "Can't help but wonder if I was a farmboy, or maybe something grandeur like a Prince from a foreign land! Heh, that would be a treat."

He sniggered, snapping himself out of his reverie before going back to work, shnk. Shnk. Shhhhnnnk. As much as he wanted to drift in dreams, or at least seek a link to his bloodline, part of him did doubt he would find it here, but yet there was always a small chance. However, that would have to wait, as he was assigned some jobs, three in fact!... though the third was more of his own volition and curiosity.

Einar stopped, tossing the stone back into his tent with the rest of his items before holding the sword up, carefully examining it for any signs of cracking, rusting, or dulling. His nose was but a mere centimeter away from the blade as he went from tip to hilt, like a fine connoisseur of weapons.

Smiling widely he held the blade up high and gave it a brief twirl before holstering it with a deft SHNK on his scabbard and sighed with a confident smirk. "Time to get to wo-"

His stomach growled, his abdomen mimicking a ravenous beast, causing those kids from before to shriek and run off into the encampment, getting lost in the forest of tents, horses, and people.

"-rrsssome breakfast. Right, that," he winced blushing slightly as he cleared his throat and looked around, praying no one saw that before snapping his fingers and resumed his confidant bravado with a toothy grin and began walking.

He passed on by different people, some bartering, others mingling, arguing, and interacting, though he didn't give them the time of day as he was busy organizing his own schedule, "I'm going with some people called Thom, William, couple others, the foreigner, and B-"

Speaking of the devil herself, Einar broke off that thought the moment he caught a glimpse of a familiar pink hue amidst the clutter and rabble, moving swiftly as he held up a hand, waving at the little lady, "Greetings Bel, you're up quite early! That can only mean one thing," he boldly stated with a chipper voice, keeping that same affable appearance he had the first time he encountered her.

Status: Pretty good shape
Berlin, Germany || ??? || January 24, 1:15
"Understood" he yawned out, groaning and stretching his limbs, as if he were a cat sunbathing before standing up. He was constantly absorbing the information as he took a few steps forward before sitting back down, this time onto the floor. Slowly, steadily, Nine began to recline onto the floor, before he was lying on his back, still staring into not only the inky nothingness, but the same vivid collections of his victims consciousness.

While he did figure out how to maintain both a state of being asleep and awakened a while back, it took more energy than needed to do so, making it more than a waste of time, "Close enough... I guess."

As he sat there, disconnecting and reconnecting each thin neuron strip, having a complete map of the area built less than fourteen minutes ago, with the rest of the time dedicated to analyzing different routes, to utilized, specimens that could act as pawns, etc. While he was busy running probable scenarios through his head, he suddenly opened his mouth and began speaking in a tone of voice that was foreign to his handler.

"Make sure that the shipment paperwork gets done by the end of the month. Less than a week Theodore, that's all you have, and if you don't get it done- your weapons will be dispersed among the people of Germany and that is all," instead of that same flat pitch, Nine spoke with a very feminine voice, articulating every syllable, mimicking a particular accent and displeased tone of voice.

"Y-yes ma'am. Though, I am confused why the Americans wish for this technology anyways- I understand they plan to begin assisting the Russians soon, but don't they have their own weapons they are hoarding for themselves?"

"You know how Americans are. They'll steal ideas from whoever they can."

And with that said and done, his mouth shut as no more words were spoken from the duo. If anything else were to be said, he would extract and deliver it to his handler without even blinking an eye or yawning. This was the only time he ever had any emotion in his voice, but it was at the behest of borrowing those from others.

But now, the true mission began. With all this information he had at his disposal, he set his plan into motion, sending impulse after impulse through his neurons, straight to each and every specimen he was manipulating. All would obey his orders, all would obey his commands.




"... she's dead. I'll deposit her in one of the nearby buildings for retrieval." And just like that, it was over in an instant. There was no fanfare, no dramatic tension that lingered in the air for a few seconds, it was over and everything was just as still as her unmoving body. The other specimen occupying the same space were no more comparable to lifeless dolls, making them go through the motions just as he made instructed the Chancellor to forcibly grab her own neck and twist it until it snapped like a twig.

Elimination was a minute part of this operation, with the major portion involving where to deliver and store the body.

Thankfully though, Nine could still manipulate her vitals and take control of the deceased body. This would be more than enough to fool anyone into believe she was still alive.

While this seemed insane, especially with her snapping her neck in the darkened vehicle, the windows were one way, meaning that it was impossible to discern what was going on in the convoy vehicle, let alone knowing of what had transpired.

Regardless, they would act as he programmed them to, acting like the Chancellor was alive, forced to believe that their mission still had some tangible meaning. That was what they saw and thought as Nine began altering their memories as they drove to some deigned location he reported to the handler following the 'suicide.' While it didn't matter to him, maybe it would be of some significance to the Church, or maybe it wouldn't.

"While I'm rewriting and implanting some memories, what do you want me to do with the other specimens in the vehicle, especially the French one; are his services still required?"

::: Eliminate Chancellor Cheska Ridenour. :::
::: Bring home some takeout for Eleven to cook. :::

::: Sleepy; feeling a bit "exotic" :::

::: Classified (@Haruharara) :::
Alexander Furst

Confidants:: Ava (@addamas), Hakuro, Raven (@FalloutJack))
Whereabouts:: The Metaverse
Day:: Friday Afternoon

Alex was dumbstruck at the figure, eyes slowly widening as he bit his lower lip; currently just a silhouette in the sickly green fog, it did nothing to diminish the terror of the unknown with its strange, bizarre shape that was paradoxical and alien to them, something that should exist outside of reality. Befitting for a place such as this as Alex began to tremble just a bit, "Yeah, and I think we found the reason why."

Everything in his body was telling him to move as the incongruous, strangely shaped horror drew near, smashing a similar, fleeing shape that he saw earlier into a fine mush just a couple of meters away from him. Alex tensed up as the way he heard that creature squish was nauseating and splattered a bit onto his shoes.

A knot was forming in his stomach as the boy finally took a step back in tandem with the creature who retracted its ghastly limb, before its full body pierced through the fog. That semi-unfettered boy who entered into this strange world was now full on shaking, flustered by this shadowy creatures appearance as his heart beat erratically.

"Oh FUCK this!" Yeah, the Raven didn't have to tell him twice as a shadow appeared overhead as he pivoted around, tightly grabbing Ava's wrist before giving rough tug to pull her along, yanking her and taking himself out of the danger zone as a malformed hand with faces on its fingers crashed down where they once stood. With that done, he began booking it with the other two, letting go of the younger girls wrist once he felt she was fleeing an not stunned from the scene.

While they were back to scrambling and running away, Alex always kept his eye on the alien being, always watching the way it squirm, each twisting tendril of a limb and way the faces contorted, well, lets just say they weren't supposed to look that way. It was something that constantly inspired fear in his heart and kept him running with the others for what felt like an eternity, even though it was most likely less than a minute.

Suddenly, the bird scrawked instructions for them, to head down this alleyway and take some stairs down. Despite how frantic this situation was, he was able to connect that she was directing them down into the depths of a metro station. What he couldn't do was retort right now, nothing snarky or thought provoking, stating his distrust, nothing of that on his mind.

Alex, in his panic, didn't even think, just did, and funneled into the alley with the others as the beast closed in behind them and the bird departed on her own. From the outset, it looked like they were home free.

But the figure standing at the end showed them otherwise as it slowly began to melt and disfigure into small, teardrop blobs that splattered onto the pavement with an eerie plop before levitating a little off the ground before distorting. All of them had a mish-mash of human features that looked out of place, wherever they were.

As they came to a pause, Hakuro made some comment about parkour or some shit, but Alex just blocked that out and began scanning for something he could use, anything.

And then, he saw it. An opportunity. Bending his knees, Alex kept keen eye on one of the trashcans off to the side "We don't have time for maybes, only absolutes! If we can't get around them, then-"

Alex broke into a sprint, leaving the two behind him, straight on a collision course with those ominous, patterned slimy drops, "I'll just make a way for us!" If anything, Alex would probably consider this a stupid plan later and attempt to think up better things to do, but right now, he only really saw this as their best option.

He had to take this into his own hands as he snatched up a lid and held it up like a shield, staring down those blobs with a fearsome mien, gritting his teeth as his eyes grew sharp and burned. "Out of our way," he roared, slamming into two or three of the blobs that swarmed the area like wasps, causing a few of them to back off before looking to descend upon him.

While he did manage to break through and open the way up, this offered a new can of worms - the fact that he was surrounded by these things. More over, while his senses were still heightened, backing up would probably cause him to bring these things to Ava and Hakuro. Even more so, it looked like he only really provoked them and not harm them too much, as evidenced by those three blobs sloughing off his now bent makeshift shield and reforming.


Alex blinked.

A sharp pain cascaded through abdomen and to the rest of his body as he felt the air being knocked out of his lungs, followed by a hard thud to the ground. His head was shaking as he was surrounded by these swarm of blobs, hovering around him like hornets. Dizzy. He was shaking even more profusely as he struggled to get up a bit, only to see some of these things slobbering tongues and the fact that one of them had attached to him.

He clicked the roof of his tongue and grit his teeth, "Get the hell off of me!" His other hand shot towards the blob, sinking in as his fingers dug into it. Using the strength he could, he worked to wrench the thing off and toss it to the side, but it was ineffective as a few more rushed in. He couldn't think right now and his instincts took over, adrenaline gushing through his arteries and veins as he quickly rolled over, nearly avoiding getting doggy piled on as a few of the swarm instead slapped and slammed onto the street.

The entrance to the metro station became clearer, yet so far away as he began getting his thoughts somewhat straight, "Bloody hell, I wish I had a gun, weapon, something, anything right about now!"

As he looked up, more of the swarm was looking too assault him as they buzzed and shot themselves towards the downed Alex, who instead rolled backwards to avoid them and to try and regain his footing, only to stumble back a bit once was on his own two feet again, but that wasn't enough as another rushed him down. On reaction, Alex went to swat it away, only to watch as what he countered with wasn't the dented trashcan lid and instead the barrel of a Thompson submachine gun.

This left him more confused, befuddled than anything right at this moment, but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially right now when he was under attack. Taking aim at the swarm, Alex pulled the trigger.


And the bullets flew, some missing, others penetrating, but it was enough to cause some of these things to hiss and groan before backing off; a few even began merging back with one another. However, Alex, in this moment didn't bother questioning anything else, didn't bother commenting on the absurdity of this all. The pain felt real, what he felt was real, this gun despite being lighter than what he went out to shoot with for some strange reason felt real.

And what was especially real was the fact that these creatures were completely distracted by Alex at the moment, as he continued to spray and pray.
Say, Enalais and Expolar, you two going to join the discord?
Lothian Empire || Garleton: Plaza || Evening
A sigh of relief left his lips as he watched the lady and her dragon soar off after their payday, resting there for a second before standing up before realizing there was a small issue - his sword was stuck. The blade was driven completely through the sods body and he saw the extent that he went into this assault, looking at the slim grooves in the dirt behind him, "Might of went a bit overboard on one guy."

But then again, they didn't finish this dude off, so whatever, it was justified, at least right now. Standing up, he pressed his foot against the spine of the corpse as he tightly gripped the blade that was lodged in the body and dirt and gave a rough jerk to pull it out. While this did waste time, Einar counted his blessings, as this time having other bodies wasn't a complete liability to him as his weapon slowly began to unfastened.

As he continued jerking back and forth, the mercenary caught a couple of things out of the corner of his eyes. For starters, the dragon lady managed to slay the newest bandit looking to harass Alnard and that other fellow with the spear was looking to engage and catch their leader off-guard. While watching this, Einar's blade became looser and looser before it finally popped out, causing him to stumble back, but not before he witnessed a flash of fire from the princelings hand, igniting the back of the leader, who looked to be in a tight spot.

"Welp, time to finish this," he thought, studying the leader of this bandits for a second, before dashing forward. While he was still busy blocking that other mans spear, Einar took the opportunity to soar past the weapons of the two, sword raised to the side before he swung at the bandit leaders guts, looking to spill them in one decisive strike.

Status: Time to end this
Considering most people are busy and probably not going to post at the moment, I'll have something up in the next hour or so.
@LiverisGood aye we still are taking applications from what I know, so hop right in. Currently we are finishing up the boss fight and will probably get onto the next day/camp after this all.
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