Avatar of Sir Lurksalot


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1 yr ago
Current I am going to smuggle wholesomeness into your RPs and there's not a damned thing any of you can do to stop me.
1 yr ago
"Bud, you're like a pizza cutter; All edge and no point!"
1 yr ago
Habanero ain't the spiciest pepper but it's pretty tasty on things, ya gotta admit.
2 yrs ago
And in addition to boneless wings being overrated; Anybody who looks at sauced and tossed wings, lovingly spiced and perfectly crispy and says; 'I'mma dunk that in blue cheese' has missed the point.
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2 yrs ago
Boneless wings are overrated.


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Aaaaaaaand, posted.
Season 2 - E P I S O D E 2:
A Traitor Revealed

M E T R O P O L I S:

October 25th, 2018 - 7:45 pm | Justice League Headquarters - Metro Tower

"Oy, what are you complaining about? You didn't have to go do the stuff in the lower levels," spoke up the voice of Lizard AKA Jessica. "Try attaching plumbing in the sewers? Now that is a feat worth doing..."

As soon enough two pair of eyes was staring at Champion in reply. Despite being an aquatic hero, Lizard was very capable of seeing things in the darkness as well. Since often times, she needed to move in waters that were dark as oil.

"Sooo....missed a rat?" she giggled, namely thinking the failure of the generator was caused by a rat snapping thorugh the wiring.

"Ehhh... doubtful." Champion replied with a slight shrug "The main genny runs offa solar, but even if that kicks out, there's a conventional diesel back up that's supposed to kick in a few seconds after that to keep the lights on. So either we have a very determined rat or something else is fucked."

Calmly picking up his surprisingly mundane toolbox as he past by one of the little tables they had set up for the clean-up, Duncan continued, taking a mock-hurt face.

"Funny, I didn't hear ya complain about that at dinner..."

"Ah c'mon now, don't go hitting that low...make a girl feel rather bad, eh?" replied Lizard - to girl in question had grown her hair out, a bit longer. It helped in hiding her eyes whenever the two went outside. A pain to wash though and manage - but she did try to look pretty for his sake.

Despite the fact, both were rural spirits - having grown up in the old countryback. Well, Jessica was more than Duncan - but she could easily handle herself on the open seas. That was if she wasn't hugging Duncan for warmth. Not good idea to take your girlfriend to Nova Scotia - when she could freeze up worse than a human in the cold air.

"Still, these stuff was designed by old Bats 'n the other heroes. What could have taken it down? Beside internal sabo'age?" stated Lizard, as they headed down to the generator room. When they had some distance with Ted - she made the effort to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. Going steady for two years wasn't easy - when one looked like a walking, talking crocodile - but she made it up many times to him. Plus, her cooking wasn't half-bad.

"Well, that'd be why it's just you, me, and the guy who helped build the damned thing going down to check on it" Duncan stated in a quieter, tactful tone as the rest of the team shrank out of view... before a slight grin tugged at the Canuck's lips and he casually wrapped an arm around Jess' waist, pulling her closer in a playful fashion "...Because I must say, if you turn out to be the crazy alien infiltrator, then you are very dedicated to your job."

This past year had been... an interesting time for the lad. What with the whole, 'Joining the Justice League', 'Fighting Evil', and 'Bringing his Superhero Girlfriend to Canadian Thanksgiving things'. Yeah, it had had it's ups and many, many downs, but he'd be damned if being around Jess all day didn't make it all worth it- Especially when she was snuggling up next to him for warmth.


Honestly, he actually never actually registered the climate of his hometown as being that cold.

...And he was gonna stick to that lie like his life depended on it.

Turning a corner and down some stairs towards the basement, Duncan fished a flashlight out of pocket as they reached got closer to the generator room.

"By the by, isn't your Thanksgiving coming up soon? What're we doing?"

"Dunno. Thinking of perhaps taking you to visit m'a folk. Eager to try the life of a swamplander?" she chuckled - looking at him. Although, while she wouldn't mind the spiders, snakes, lizards and mosquitos due to her thick skin. It might be another deal with Duncan. "Ehehe. n'ah - not that mean with 'ya. Maybe somewhere warm. Hmm, Miami? O' jus find the nearest, empty beach...get sum food...'n a nice tent..."

As she spoke those words, she simply came upto him - and her hand ghosted over his own. Turning his flashlight off for a moment. "...us...under the nightsky...and...hehe...celebrating it...like we did at your place...when everybody left the house...."

After that, she relighted his flashlight - having likely turned his red as molten metal at that. "Ayg'ht - enough eye-candy les' fix these genny, 'eh?"

"You're the boss..." Duncan chuckled slightly, even as his face turned cherry-red, remembering their 'festivities' even as he continued after Ted into the Generator Room, "Let's see what we got."

Whatever good mood Jess had put him in came to an abrupt halt as he entered and smelled... diesel.

Not exhaust, raw fuel.

The grin he'd worn the entire walk down here melting off his face in a matter of seconds, the Canuck first pointed his light towards the Auxiliary Unit, quickly indentifying the source of that smell in the big, gaping hole in it's side. Blown inward. Around where the output cable was supposed to be.

'Awww, shit...' Duncan deadpanned internally as his light slowly trailed away from the Auxiliary, across the puddle of fuel it sat in, to the Main Unit, finding it mostly intact... save for the breaker panel which had apparently ejected itself from it housing and thrown itself across the room.

Taking a deep, calming breath, Duncan put down his toolbox, and pulled a pack of cigarettes outta his pocket.

"Well..." He stated, lighting up a dart and taking a drag, holding it in his teeth as he popped a few kinks out of his shoulders- a sign that he was getting ready for a fight "...Internal sabotage it is."

"Ayeh. Well, guess we can share a shower later after this," spoke Lizard, knowing they'd be stinking of fuel for a long time - not to mention the time it would take to scrub it off them.

As she quickly snatched the cigarette after his puffs, crushed it her fingers and threw it out the room. "Not the wisest thing - to be smokin' in a room full o' gasoline. You ain' Superman..."

As the woman in question, quickly pulled her hair into a ponytail - to prevent it from getting tangled or in her face. Despite the fact that her hair was as tough as steel - as some idiots whom had tried to grab it or gotten hit with it can tell.

Duncan, meanwhile, just sort of rolled his eyes and shook his head a little as he had his cancer-stick taken from him.

"Relax, Hon; diesel's inert until under compression. I could throw a lit pack of matches in the middle of that puddle and it wouldn't do a damned thing." He snorted, clearly amused by the look in his eyes though his voice carried a slightly annoyed tone, as he gave Jess a slight wiggle of his brow and subtly scanned the room behind his girlfriend for any sign of an interloper who might take the bait his (admittedly rusty) improvisation skills laid out with this little 'Lover's quarrel' and do something that'd reveal himself "Wait, is this just an excuse to have the 'Quitting talk' again?"

"What? What makes you say that? I thought we had gotten over this situation long ago," replied Lizard, miffed that he would bring this stuff up right now.

"Plus do you think, now? Might be a good time to bring this stupid stuff up?" she added.

Duncan's brow twitched slightly; either Jess was a much better actor than he was or... or...

...Or he was gonna have to buy a lot of flowers later. Or dinner. Probably both.

'Ahh, fuck me...' He winced internally, as he kept scanning the room over Lizard's shoulder '...I'mma catch hell for this later.'

"Yeah, we talked about it a while ago, but God help me I can tell we're certainly not over it by the way ya look at me sometimes..." The Champion continued, screaming internally at his own voice even as he caught something out of his peripheral "So is this just gonna keep being a thing or- Plug your ears."

With a flash, Duncan's head suddenly snapped to the right and his body quickly followed suit, his arms reeling back before shooting forward and slamming his hands together in mighty clap- a neat little trick he'd learned from the Big Blue Boy-Scout himself - that sent a sonic shockwave into the thick concrete wall with enough force to put an indent eight feet in diameter and three feet deep into it. An impressive display that was only slightly negated by the fact that... something big along the wall very visibly got the hell out of dodge before impact.

Or... entirely negated, in that the Canuck had just pissed off his girlfriend and now had nothing to show for it.

In the moment of silence that followed, Duncan cleared his throat just a little bit uncomfortably before speaking up, hands still out in front of him.

"Err... sorry 'bout that. Needed a distraction." He began with a nervous laugh, that was met by a suddenly very quiet room "...I'm sleeping on the couch tonight, aren't I?"

"Oh relax...I wouldn't intentionally milk this moment for all that I would like," spoke Lizard, going over to him and pinching his cheek - although knowing Jessica, she might as well do it. "Still...don't try that kind of distraction again...cause you know why I don't like to talk abou' that much, when I ain't working..."

As to indicate, that he wouldn't be sleeping on the lonely couch - she went over and gave him a quick kiss onto his lips. "Also...what was that thing? Not to mention, how did an invisible force like that be able to kill the generator without anybody hearing it?"

"Like...don' we have sensor' or sum'kind around our HQ?" she asked, stepping into the diesel, with a slightly disgusted look on her face. "I'm gonna need a show'a after this. Up for joining me later?"

"Probably the work of our little Martian Problem, sensors aren't exactly good for squat if someone goes ahead and shuts 'em off." Duncan replied, subtly letting out a little sigh, both at what he just said implied and out of relief that he had not stepped into his own grave with his little stunt, before meeting Jess' eyes with a humourous grin as his arms fell relaxed to his sides "...And c'mon now, yer gonna give Beetle a heart-attack talking like that."

Clearing his throat and standing fully upright, the man's face shifted into a more business-like expression (even managing to stop blushing for five seconds); now they had at least one more bad guy running around where they lived. Letting the rest of the team know would probably be a good idea.

So, he clicked on the communicator hanging off his ear and... heard nothing but static.

The communicators were being jammed. Because of course they were.

"Oh..." The coverall-clad hero stated after a second "...That can't be good."

Lizard also checked her comm, finding it down - now they were likely in big trouble.

"Generator...." she spoke, now they were in the dark and cut-off from communication. As she soon grasped onto his hand tightly. "And don' you dare let go..."
I like it.
@Member 00492

Dammit, man, I am very sneakily trying to get someone to wear the winged helmet- Don't ruin this for me! XD

And because I somehow forgot ya, I put a stamp on this one, too.

Good with me.

Grandson or great grandson of the original Flash who takes issue with the current guy using Garrick's legacy to commit crimes, maybe?

Duncan, eloquent as ever, had only one thing to say to say to his bespectacled compatriot's announcement;

"...You're shitting me, right?" The bald man deadpanned with a cocked brow, clearly somewhere between annoyed and amused, as he stepped clear of the door and set down his things "We spend an entire night running around like idiots looking for this kid because we think she's in trouble, and a month later she just waltzes into an alley, very much not dead, beside our drinking hole? That's the kinda shit some lonely preteen writes about while hopped up on Mountain Dew and anime while scrolling through all the weird places on the internet."

Taking a brief pause to calmly exhale and swallow how stupid that all sounded, Duncan raised his other arm and deftly handed Avery his travel kit and staff, before dusting him off quickly with the same and very subtly giving him a once-over to make sure the lad hadn't smacked his head off of something without him noticing and given himself a concussion.

One day, the baldy hoped, he'd be able to attribute the young trap's antics to a smack on the noggin.

But today was clearly not that day.

"Ok, Fancypants..." The Canuck began with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose and completely (hilariously) oblivious to the 'Tired Dad' tone of his own voice as he enunciated his point with a slight chopping motion of his free hand "...There's 'Excited', and then there's 'jumping off the roof of a building and attacking someone with an overly-affectionate puppy.' Do you just... hate stairs or something?"

Before Duncan could get any more digs in at said Lad of the Pants Most Fancy, some drunk guy showed up and started babbling about Earth. And hovering just a liiitle bit close to their lost and found Japanese Schoolgirl and petting the puppy as it doubled-down on it's saliva-and-joy filled assault on her face.

That got his attention, and he took a step forward as Ease told the man to back up, hand raised in a placating gesture; as a Mountie, a surprisingly significant part of the bald man's career had revolved around handling drunks, so this wasn't exactly untrodden ground for him.

"Alright, Bud. Gonna need ya ta back up just a bi-"

And he was immediately cut off as some... cloaked figure suddenly came out of nowhere, wordlessly grabbed said drunk, pinned him to a wall and started filling him with body shots.

'Okay... what?'

Wordlessly raising a brow at that and shooting a glance at both Avery and Ease, before quietly walking over to the still-pinned Aya, picking the dog off her and plucking her off the ground while still keeping an eye on... whatever the fuck it was that was happening right now.

The cloak slipped a little; apparently our mystery beating-dispenser was some kind of lizard... person...


Looking away to give Aya a once-over to make sure she didn't hurt herself falling or something as he placed her back down on her feet and handing her back a pair of (now slightly dusty) apples he'd assumed she'd dropped, he looked back again as he put the pupper down and found... a lot of exposed skin... and a tail... and wings...

And jiggling.

Lots of jiggling.

Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball levels of jiggling.


Eyes darting between the rest of the alley's occupants as if to silently make sure he wasn't the only one seeing this half-naked dragon-lady beating on a drunk, the former Mountie brought his hand up to his mouth and loudly cleared his throat, making sure he was standing between this buxom, scaly boxer and Aya as he did so.

"Uhh... Ma'am? I think ye've got 'im. Hell, I think you had him five minutes ago." Duncan finally stated, tone neutral, though a tiny edge of humour shone through as he spoke "...You could probably stop now."
@Archmage MC
Oh hey, thought we lost ya.

How goes?
Well, it's not outright stated, but there's nothing states he wasn't either, so I don't think it'd be a problem.

Run it by Member and Robie, but I think you'll be fine.
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