Avatar of The Irish Tree


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
7 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by The Irish Tree>

It looks like Ashara just got a rival. I like her a lot. I'd be more than happy to accept her as our High Cleric!

Also y'all are lucky. Now you get a cute fox girl as a priest, instead of...
"I could have broken him in too, if that tree wasn't there," Steppe Archer insisted, much to the chuckling of the guild reporters. What? She could have!

While Steppe Archer was a bit reassured by the fact that she didn't stink, she was a bit amazed by the money split. Wouldn't it being a 33/33/33 split have been fairer? She didn't particularly mind the danger, since she got to do a sweet boar-back rodeo, but she figured that maybe the Lizard Fighter would appreciate it far more, given that he was actually trying to fight. Still, the feeling of coin in her hands was a pleasant weight, which was soon shifted to a simple coin pouch on her belt. A pleased smile crossed her lips, as she wondered what she could buy Torchfire for feed after this job. Maybe a bunch of apples would make her favorite girl happy, but she'd have to decide later. Right now though, she would puff her chest out proudly, and go get them that patrol duty for three.

She hoped that this guard would be a lot less of a...prick? Nah, no way she'd know that term. Stick in horse shit? Better. Hopefully the next guard would be less of a stick in horse shit, since if every guard was just a cynical coward, she'd start wondering how this town actually remained standing. Since if like all of them were scared of boars, one would have to wonder why they bothered taking up the job to guard a remote backwater little town like this. But, once they found the Guard Captain, she would proudly present the proof of their patrol duty enlistment, before saluting. "Steppe Archer, falling in!" she would proclaim, having learned from seeing a lot of the guards saluting and shouting when called to attention that generally, you wanted to be professional.

...However, her salute was being done with the wrong hand, her feet were just facing a bit away from each other, and one side of her hair was still only half dried. Despite her energy, she was a bit of a mess.

I apologize everyone I would have had a post up sooner but work is kicking pretty hard right now I'll get one up ASAP

No worries man. Take the time you need.
From latest IC post, preferably @Xaltwind.

Got some time in my hands and did some changes and additions.

Looks good to me overall! I assume @Stern Algorithm might have to give their input on Dr. Drd being included, but I like him being tied into others learning how to make npcs. I feel like with those changes, she's good to go as our 3rd Chapter Keeper!
There was a certain charm in seeing how people of other cultures acted when something unexpected happened. But erm...well...

This was definitely not a very charming time to observe the Brass Blades. He'd overheard fellow soldiers' groaning wishes of needing to bed women before they explode plenty of times in the Haillenarte barracks, but...in public? And within clear earshot of someone else? He did his best to keep his disgust from showing on his face, managing to simply pull off a serious countenance as he approached the two Brass Blade members. It seemed that since this area was of low priority to their benefactor, the less..."upstanding" ones. Regardless, Theodore wouldn't let etiquette stop him from helping those who needed him.

Striding up betwixt the two "gentlemen", Theodore would greet them, saying: "Hello there. Have either of you by chance seen a Hyur man, goes by Oktar? He has two scars on his face, and has swindled my friend of the deed to her home," the Paladin would say, keeping his tone friendly, body language relaxed, and eyes upon the two Brass Blades standing before him as he awaited an answer. It was worth a shot if nothing else to question those who probably saw many coming and going throughout the day.

"I wonder how the others are doing in their search. I should reconvene with one of them, and ask if any information has surfaced on their ends," he would think as he waited for his response.
Steppe Archer would freeze at the truth and bluntness of the Lizard Fighter's mention of her smell, causing her to react as if she'd actually just gotten jabbed in her side, leaning to the right on one foot off balance, arms raised in the air as she expressed her shock. "I-I mean...People are just scared of the smell of adventure!" she would exclaim, looking actually a bit downtrodden at the idea of her permanently being labeled as "stinky" for her first job.

"Let's all go in together. Might as well, since it isn't like we have anywhere else to be until the quest is all finished up," Steppe Archer would say, offering a fair point. What, were they going to loiter around at the guild hall twiddling their thumbs? They'd all agreed to join up as a party for another quest after, so she didn't see much reason for anyone to sit out the briefing. Regardless of the decision made on who should report, Steppe Archer would be fairly satisfied with the divided pay. Smiling at her paltry sum of coins, she marveled at how heavy hard-earned coin really felt. No wonder she'd heard of many adventurers going broke or into debt after huge payouts. She'd get nervous carrying about a large sum, having never even seen a whole gold piece at one time all her life.

"Patrol time!" the nomad girl would declare, before heading over to the quest board eagerly to see if the quest had been taken up by someone earlier or not. If so then...guess that was it for the night.
@The Irish Tree

How well is Rodias hiding the pain in his eyes upon seeing Salem and being reminded of Dr.Drd? I'm wondering if I should have Salem notice and react to it, or if you wanted Rodias to have masked it perfectly, in which case, I won't.

It was maybe visible for a bit, but he started looking a bit happier the more time spent in the room. He kinda started looking at everyone in a similar way at a point.

Corny post is up because Rodias is a ham. Now I sleep.

If I missed anyone, let me know and I'll edit them in.
@Lucius Cypher@Enkryption


@Archangel89@Rockin Strings

@Guess Who@Stern Algorithm

@Xaltwind@Archmage MC

Given all the different greetings and all the different approaches, I be guessin' that Tree's next post is gonna be rather massive, if they be intendin' to reply and comment and inner-monologue and every single one of the NPCs actions. :P
On the topic of the High Cleric, I'm curious to see what Tree went with for them - since nobody filled that position, it oughta be a Tree-controlled and manufacutered NPC. ^^

Haha yes, very long...

Very, very long.

Very long indeed.

Also yes, I'll be making a High Cleric after the next IC post. I do however appreciate your guys' enthusiasm.
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