Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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1 yr ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
1 yr ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
1 yr ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Okay so um...

I feel like I'm also to blame for this, but part of the reason I've had a hard time posting is that, um...

Basically the whole "isekai" element is meant to be very important to the plot of the RP, but people seem to have kind of glossed over it with their characters for the most part. It's a little demoralizing.

I realize I didn't make it very clear what's happening, and I'm sorry, I was trying to make it more mysterious and I think I screwed up.
I'll get a post up soon, sorry for the delay. ^^;
Saber - Arturia Pendragon

While entering the storm seemed to prove to the King of Knights that it wasn't a natural creation, at the same time she did not see an obvious source of them. At least, not at first. Saber first scanned the horizon, but so nothing among the crashing waves and spitting foam. But when her eyes drifted lower... she caught sight of it. A brief glimpse in the dark water, something enormous... something massive was swimming beneath her. She could hazard a guess that it was no whale, at least no mundane one. The massive creature beneath her was very likely the source of the storm itself However, it was difficult for her to reach it... and she had never quite learned out to swim.

The rain beating down on the blonde-haired knight, she took a deep breath and tipped her invisible blade downwards. She could not reach it directly with Excalibur's edge... but the golden glow swiftly erupted from her weapon, a rush of air bursting off of it to reveal a brief glimpse of the sword in full. Arturia let out a shout as she thrust the blade's tip into the water, and with a blast of wind audible even over the crashing waves and thunder. A beam of light erupted from Excalibur's tip, piercing the water and tearing downwards, straight for the beast under the waves!

@Raineh Daze@PKMNB0Y@Rin
@Enalais: Accepted.


  • Name: Lyrie Cossette
  • Age: 13
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance: "I don't know if I'm good enough yet... but I'll try!"
  • Personality: An earnest, albeit somewhat shy girl, Lyrie is determined to do everything she can to help others. However, this is tempered by a serious lack of confidence. Lyrie doesn't believe that she is a sufficient healer, and that she needs to work hard to become one. As a result, she has a tendency to seriously push herself, practicing late into the night regardless of how much sleep she's gotten. After a night like that, it's likely to see Lyrie in something of a fog from the lack of sleep. She is somewhat nervous around others, and though she tries to be friendly she has a skittish personality that often leads to her retreat from social situations. Regardless of her lack of confidence in herself, Lyrie believes she has to try and help others, even if she feels like she can't manage it by herself. She doesn't think she's adequate, but thinks that she has to try something if she's around. While she's not confident in herself at all, she still firmly believes that if she works hard she will become a better healer. She just doesn't believe she's ready yet.
  • Brief Backstory: Lyrie is Fanilly's cousin on her father's side, daughter to her aunt. Boasting a quite decent magical potential, promising to be a proficient mage, her childhood desires lead to her entering training to become a healer. She has excelled in the academic area of her training, but has shown a severe lack of confidence in application. As a result, after an agreement with the Iron Roses under Captain Fanilly Danbalion, it was decided that she would become attached to the Order in order to practice her healing craft and gain more confidence in execution.
  • Equipment: Lyrie carries her magical catalyst in the form of a long wooden staff, hooked at the tip. She wears robes signalling her profession and also carries many minor ingredients, magical and mundane, for the purpose of healing.
  • Skills: Lyrie has a wide-ranging education in the matter of healing. This includes a variety of mundane methods of healing but is primarily of a magical bent. As of now, Lyrie is capable of mending numerous injuries via spells, from minor cuts and scraps to even limbs that have been nearly severed. Theoretically she is also able to reattach limbs, but she needs a great deal of assistance in order to do so, the limb must be fixed in place properly and it takes time for her to successfully carry out a proper healing of a severed limb. She also lacks confidence in doing so. Broken bones are easier for her to tend to, however.
  • Name: Konpaku Youmu
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Ah, yes, Yuyuko-sama, it is quite tasty." Youmu is pretty small, at under five feet.
  • Personality: Calm, collected, serious. These are things Youmu tries to be at all times. To her credit, in a fight she is a dangerous and focused opponent, but outside of combat she is prone to being rather awkward. Her attempts to remain collected often fail, as Youmu is easily surprised and confused. She is not unintelligent, but it is simply quite easy to exasperate or perplex her. Youmu is easily frustrated by things that confuse her, and she is somewhat easy to mislead. However, she has been working on this, as to not fail Yuyuko. Youmu takes pride in her combat capabilities and her speed, as well as her katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken. In spite of her attempts to be a dutiful and serious warrior, Youmu retains a fear of ghost stories. In spite of being half ghost. And serving a ghost. However, when her opponent is not a ghost, Youmu can be a courageous fighter who refuses to give in. She also retains absolute loyalty to Saigyouji Yuyuko, even if the gluttonous ghost confuses and embarrasses her at times. Youmu is reluctant to kill other intelligent beings unless it is necessary to defend herself, Yuyuko, or others.
  • Brief History: Youmu was born into the Konpaku family, half-ghosts in service of the ruler of the Netherworld, Saigyouji Yuyuko. She was trained intensely in swordplay, and in how to garden in order to cultivate the gardens around Yuyuko's home. Soon enough, Youmu became Yuyuko's servant, dedicated to her service even when she was to cause an incident that nearly(unintentionally) caused the awakening of a malevolent entity in the form of a soul-eating cherry tree. Since then, Youmu has actively assisted in the resolution of several incidents.
  • Universe of Origin: Touhou
  • Equipment: Youmu carries two katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken.
    • Roukanken: An incredibly long katana, a nodachi that measures longer than the short girl is tall. Roukanken's blade was forged by youkai, allowing it to be nearly unbreakable. This is not the most notable feature of Roukanken, however. The katana's incredibly sharp blade transcends physicality, allowing it to cut apart even existences such as formless ghosts. Rocks, trees, flesh, steel, little can stand up to the unrestrained Roukanken. However, Youmu utilizes danmaku rules to avoid killing unless her life or the lives of others are in danger. Supernatural protection, or heavily augmented technology, may also defend against Roukanken.
    • Hakurouken: A wakizashi, Hakurouken possesses no ability to kill a living thing. Indeed, it is almost entirely harmless, causing some pain and discomfort but otherwise nothing else. Its capabilities lie in another area. It can be used to parry and it can incapacitate with enough blows, but the true nature of Hakurouken is its ability to divide things such as confusion. Certainly, cutting confusion is a valuable asset to the easily-confused Youmu. However, this is merely a side effect of its intended function. Hakurouken instantly causes the state of Nirvana in spirits it strikes, causing them to vanish utterly.
  • Abilities: Youmu is somewhat more durable than a regular human being, and has a somewhat more capable healing ability, but this is nothing as extreme as most youkai. As a half-ghost, a portion of her soul is embodied as a (usually)non-sentient floating phantom referred to as Myon. This can be used to observe distant areas, fire danmaku, or even temporarily become a duplicate of Youmu for double team attacks. Youmu also feels everything Myon feels, though she cannot be damaged in this way(something painful to Myon will be painful to Youmu, though). Youmu is an incredibly skilled swordswoman, capable of wielding her blades both one and two-handed. Her strength is above human level, allowing her to wield the incredibly long Roukanken one-handed. Youmu's attacking speed allows her to slash many times in an instant, to the point where it appears as a single attack. She can also move very quickly, in both air and on land, her speed making her the second fastest person in Gensokyo. This allows her to pull off her family technique, Two-Hundred Yojana in One Slash, covering an enormous amount of distance and come back in the time it takes to unsheath Roukanken and cut with it, allowing her to cut foes even quite a distance away. However, these shows of speed will eventually wear on her, so she cannot endlessly utilize her top speed. She also carries spellcards and is fully capable of flight. Her most powerful technique, both in spellcard form and as a true attack, is Reflecting Satellite Slash. This attack is simultaneously the cutting of her blade and a wave of blades reflected by the light of the moon, assaulting her opponent in a flash of light as she moves to cut through them. Even in nonlethal danmaku form it is a highly dangerous attack. However, it requires Youmu to hold still and gather power to properly perform it. In spite of all her advantages, Youmu is still partially human and can be injured as a human can, and while attacks to Myon do not cause physical harm, the pain caused by them can immobilize her.
  • Other: N/A
Sadly, Suwako isn't working out, so I'm replacing her.

  • Name: Konpaku Youmu
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Ah, yes, Yuyuko-sama, it is quite tasty." Youmu is pretty small, at under five feet.
  • Personality: Calm, collected, serious. These are things Youmu tries to be at all times. To her credit, in a fight she is a dangerous and focused opponent, but outside of combat she is prone to being rather awkward. Her attempts to remain collected often fail, as Youmu is easily surprised and confused. She is not unintelligent, but it is simply quite easy to exasperate or perplex her. Youmu is easily frustrated by things that confuse her, and she is somewhat easy to mislead. However, she has been working on this, as to not fail Yuyuko. Youmu takes pride in her combat capabilities and her speed, as well as her katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken. In spite of her attempts to be a dutiful and serious warrior, Youmu retains a fear of ghost stories. In spite of being half ghost. And serving a ghost. However, when her opponent is not a ghost, Youmu can be a courageous fighter who refuses to give in. She also retains absolute loyalty to Saigyouji Yuyuko, even if the gluttonous ghost confuses and embarrasses her at times. Youmu is reluctant to kill other intelligent beings unless it is necessary to defend herself, Yuyuko, or others.
  • Brief History: Youmu was born into the Konpaku family, half-ghosts in service of the ruler of the Netherworld, Saigyouji Yuyuko. She was trained intensely in swordplay, and in how to garden in order to cultivate the gardens around Yuyuko's home. Soon enough, Youmu became Yuyuko's servant, dedicated to her service even when she was to cause an incident that nearly(unintentionally) caused the awakening of a malevolent entity in the form of a soul-eating cherry tree. Since then, Youmu has actively assisted in the resolution of several incidents.
  • Universe of Origin: Touhou
  • Equipment: Youmu carries two katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken.
    • Roukanken: An incredibly long katana, a nodachi that measures longer than the short girl is tall. Roukanken's blade was forged by youkai, allowing it to be nearly unbreakable. This is not the most notable feature of Roukanken, however. The katana's incredibly sharp blade transcends physicality, allowing it to cut apart even existences such as formless ghosts. Rocks, trees, flesh, steel, little can stand up to the unrestrained Roukanken. However, Youmu utilizes danmaku rules to avoid killing unless her life or the lives of others are in danger. Supernatural protection, or heavily augmented technology, may also defend against Roukanken.
    • Hakurouken: A wakizashi, Hakurouken possesses no ability to kill a living thing. Indeed, it is almost entirely harmless, causing some pain and discomfort but otherwise nothing else. Its capabilities lie in another area. It can be used to parry and it can incapacitate with enough blows, but the true nature of Hakurouken is its ability to divide things such as confusion. Certainly, cutting confusion is a valuable asset to the easily-confused Youmu. However, this is merely a side effect of its intended function. Hakurouken instantly causes the state of Nirvana in spirits it strikes, causing them to vanish utterly.
  • Abilities: Youmu is somewhat more durable than a regular human being, and has a somewhat more capable healing ability, but this is nothing as extreme as most youkai. As a half-ghost, a portion of her soul is embodied as a (usually)non-sentient floating phantom referred to as Myon. This can be used to observe distant areas, fire danmaku, or even temporarily become a duplicate of Youmu for double team attacks. Youmu also feels everything Myon feels, though she cannot be damaged in this way(something painful to Myon will be painful to Youmu, though). Youmu is an incredibly skilled swordswoman, capable of wielding her blades both one and two-handed. Her strength is above human level, allowing her to wield the incredibly long Roukanken one-handed. Youmu's attacking speed allows her to slash many times in an instant, to the point where it appears as a single attack. She can also move very quickly, in both air and on land, her speed making her the second fastest person in Gensokyo. This allows her to pull off her family technique, Two-Hundred Yojana in One Slash, covering an enormous amount of distance and come back in the time it takes to unsheath Roukanken and cut with it, allowing her to cut foes even quite a distance away. However, these shows of speed will eventually wear on her, so she cannot endlessly utilize her top speed. She also carries spellcards and is fully capable of flight. Her most powerful technique, both in spellcard form and as a true attack, is Reflecting Satellite Slash. This attack is simultaneously the cutting of her blade and a wave of blades reflected by the light of the moon, assaulting her opponent in a flash of light as she moves to cut through them. Even in nonlethal danmaku form it is a highly dangerous attack. However, it requires Youmu to hold still and gather power to properly perform it. In spite of all her advantages, Youmu is still partially human and can be injured as a human can, and while attacks to Myon do not cause physical harm, the pain caused by them can immobilize her.
  • Other: N/A

Vita tore through the air towards the fleeing man, who seemed to have come to a halt ahead. If he was the culprit, she'd smash him into the ground so hard he wouldn't come out of the crater for a week! Of course, it wasn't like he was giving himself up to be planted in the earth by Eisen either. As the redheaded girl began to close in, she realized that he'd summoned some sort of plant-based attack from her left side! It wasn't a specific type of magic she was aware of, but that didn't mean her response to it was going to be any different! Raising Eisen, Vita began to turn. She needed the hammer's head to be a bit bigger...


A cartridge loaded with a mechanical whine and click.

"Gigantform!" declared the Armed Device, and in an instant the head of the hammer suddenly grew, expanding larger then the entirety of Vita's own diminutive frame. With a shout, Vita swung her hammer, and on impact the wooden tendrils exploded into splinters, what remained of them knocked off course and into the earth with a tremendous thud and a scattering of dust and debris to the wind. But, of course, Vita didn't stop there, using her momentum from the swing to immediately propel herself forward, yelling as she practically threw herself towards her target.


Konpaku Youmu

It was a complex dance, in a way. Something that the silver-haired girl was used to performing. And yet, no matter how many times she had done the steps, she continued again and again. She was still in training. No matter how accomplished she became, she could always improve. she still hadn't reached Grandfather's level. To truly live up to her family name, she had to keep practicing.

Her katana cut the air, the misty form of her phantom half elegantly whirling through the air as the water fell around her. Roukanken's edge struck a single droplet and parted it. Than another. Than another.

Konpaku Youmu sheathed her blade as the water fell around her. Without pause, she drew Hakuroken. In a single motion, she cut three more droplets of water before they could hit the ground. The wakizashi was sheathed in an instant on her hip. Youmu straightened. The number of droplets had nearly doubled, her blades slicing them through so swiftly that she increased the amount. And yet this wasn't enough. No, if she wanted to reach Grandfather's level, she had to train harder. Placing one hand lightly on Roukanken's hilt, the small girl looked up. Her phantom half followed her gaze. The second bucket was hanging from a thin pole of metal, supported between two wooden struts. The wispy form of her phantom half shot forward and struck the bucket, flipping the contents and letting the water fall out.

First, to divide it into droplets. Youmu drew Roukanken and swung it upwards, the blade and rushing air parting the falling liquid. In a flash, she had sheathed it again, shutting her eyes.


Youmu opened her eyes, and just barely stopped herself from drawing the blade when she realized her surroundings were no longer the gardens of Hakugyokurou. In fact, it was some place she had never seen. Stone streets, tall buildings of glass and steel... indeed, it was completely unlike the architecture of Gensokyo, the things that Youmu was used to. Was it the outside world? How had she suddenly entered the Outside World?!

"... I... what... is..."

There were... helicopters? Flying overhead... That's what those were called, right? Those strange, flying, spinning contraptions? And...

A bridge? This had to be the Outside World...

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze@Grey Star@TheFake


Mordred's uncomfortable, weighty helmet retracted just as swiftly as it had appeared, revealing her head once more. Her headbutt had been successful, she'd almost busted that bastard's chestplate wide open! She realized quickly enough, thankfully, that the magical girl was preparing her own attack and quickly moved back in time to see an enormous pink laser tear her way. Yeah, that sure was a magical girl's kind of magecraft. She knew that well enough from seeing Illya. Unfortunately, the beam hadn't hit home, instead the guy had turned into... some kind of pink mist or something? Damn it, that made him way hard to hit!

"Coward!" snapped the blonde-haired knight, glaring at the drifting pink particles. She just wanted to get in close and sink Clarent into his chest up to its hilt as soon as she could! Unfortunately, it seemed like the moth man had other plans, as he was making a beeline straight for... Andersen.

The bastard was going right for the weakest member of their group, the one who was just about totally useless in a close range fight. Or a long range fight. Really, fighting wasn't the Caster's area of expertise. He was better at supporting those around him. Not that Mordred would ever praise the sarcastic little son of a bitch for that.

But right now he was in the most danger. So Mordred did the first thing that came to mind.

That is, charging right at him with her shoulder tipped forward. He'd get knocked out of the way and she'd be right in the way of the bastard moth man!

@Dezuel@Raineh Daze@Rin
@Enalais: Definitely!
Many of the knights had already gathered for breakfast. The kitchen staff have been quick to plate the large waffles and perfect-level-of-softness-and-crispness bacon quickly, presenting them to the assembled Iron Rose Knights as quickly as they could. Fanilly tried not to make it obvious that she'd had to rush to breakfast to make it in time. Sleeping in so late was thoroughly unbecoming of the Knight-Captain of the Iron Roses. It was difficult to think of what the girl knight felt were failures, however, when she was presented with such a meal. The golden brown waffles, the bacon that had so recently been sizzling away. On top of that, they also had honey from the nearest apiary, and butter from the nearest farm. There was a reason the kitchens of Candaeln was rumored to be second only to the kitchens privy to the royal family themselves.

Fanilly could only spare time for a quick prayer to Mayon before digging in, realizing just how hungry she really was.

Her maids stood behind her, Viora glaring rather intensely at Alaree, who seemed to have been subject to some sort of punishment recently judging by how she seemed to be standing somewhat further from Viora then necessary.
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