Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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1 yr ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
1 yr ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
1 yr ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@Natsu: Accepted, then!
@Natsu: But to elaborate that explanation is fine.

For a few moments, the white-haired Servant was silent. While she could not call herself utterly without any form of weakness, of course, she wasn't aware of any sort of Achilles' heel of that nature, so to speak. In combat, there was no quick, dishonorable method of disabling her. Indeed, if there was one thing she was confident in it was her capabilities in a fight. Though... mistletoe? If she wasn't mistaken, that was a myth of the Norse, quite far removed from her homeland.

"You needn't worry, my lord," the red-eyed girl replied, "To call anyone, let alone myself, a warrior utterly without weakness would be untrue, but there are no glaringly easy ways for our enemies to obtain victory in battle against me. I will fight to the end for you, my Lord."

She bowed her head, before pausing for several moments and taking another bite of the burger. It was truly much heavier then anything she had eaten in life... to be perfectly frank, Saber wasn't certain she particularly liked it. Not that it was bad, simply that it was not the kind of food she was used to. Not that she would express such an opinion when it was a meal that had been so generously provided to her when she did not require it. Still, it made her awe at the way her Master could eat so much of this heavy food so quickly even more evident.

"... If you do not mind my suggestion, I believe we should discuss our next plan of action once we are done here."

Saber hoped she wasn't being too forward, but it was important to discuss strategy soon.

@Raineh Daze
@Natsu: I didn't realize. ^^;
@Flamelord: It is open to anyone to show up, but this particular Hex Night is specifically held in Japan.
@Natsu: Oh right, sorry.

If she's not going to be Japanese, can you explain how she ended up here? I should have asked the same of @Flamelord.

There's magical girls from other countries, but it's just that Japan doesn't have as many different ethnic communities as a country like, say, the US.
@Crusader Lord: I'm focusing on the powerset for now. I'm kind of uncertain because again, time stuff, but not 100% one way or the other yet.

For anyone else, I'd *really* like one or two more characters, so if you can rope anyone else in...
@Crusader Lord: Hmmm...

This is a bit difficult to judge, because time powers are always a bit of a sketchy area. I can't... quite decide how to go with this, so take this as an update to let you know I'm considering the bio rather then a decision one way or another.

That was good, one of the knights was already heading back. Lyrie... panicked slightly on the realization that she did not recall her name, but she knew she was one of two rare half-Nem knights. She knew enough about the Nem race to know how to heal them, but that was about it, and she didn't truly know if such knowledge would help her here, anyway. The knight didn't appear to be injured, after all. The small girl shifted awkwardly where she stood for a moment, clutching her staff. She at least recalled the two Nem knights' surname... And now another knight from before, Sir Tiral, had appeared as well, asking what was the matter.

"... Um... Sir Tiral, Dame Lockhart!" Lyrie began, after a moment's hesitation. "U-um, I came out here because, er... my cousi-a-ah, I mean, the Captain, Captain Danbalion, er... she needed you! ... Er... all the knights I mean... she needs everyone to report back to the town, the castle specifically..."

She shifted from one foot to the other. Another of the knights was approaching, this one a man. She recognized him as Sir Jodeau, and after a moment's pause she raised one hand to wave to him.

"Um, the Captain needs you back at the castle!" the healer in training called, giving all three knights a swift nod before proceeding onward towards the forest. She had to let the rest of them know as well. To be honest, Lyrie didn't know why the little girl knew, but it seemed unlikely that there was any other reason why a child would have sought her out to tell her something like that. She had to let everyone else know what was going on, after all.

It wasn't exactly hard to find them, either, given there was a smoking hole in the earth right there. For a few moments Lyrie stared in mute shock at the smoldering crater, before realizing that there was also a great deal of fairies fluttering about.

After a moment's pause, she shook her head.

"U-um... my cou-the Captain needs everyone at the castle!"

Kopuro, meanwhile, nodded firmly.

"Right now, we're comrades!" she declared to Klaus with a grin. "See you!"

With that, she turned and started to fly away, pulling Feeree with her. The fairy in Indrau's hand smiled brightly before waving and hopping into the air and fluttering away.

@Crusader Lord@Noodles@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin@Raineh Daze
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