Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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1 yr ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
1 yr ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
1 yr ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@PsyBlade: Pretty much any of that can work, though I will point out that player characters need to at the very least be able to shapeshift into a human-like state.
@PsyBlade: No surprise there, given how it's one of my big inspirations!
One arm, one leg.

Six years ago, a ten-year-old girl was found asleep, alone, unconscious in the middle of a local park. She appeared to be in perfect health, and though her dress appeared to be worn and damaged there was little to indicate that she had been under any duress at all.

There were two things that contradicted that particular conclusion, however.

To begin with, she matched the description of a little girl who had vanished four years prior. This would not have been considered so impossible(albeit still shocking) save for the fact that the description was a complete match. She had not aged a day since her disappearance.

As for the other matter... while she appeared to be in perfect health, it is perhaps more appropriate to say she appeared to be in perfect health with two exceptions.

For Suzuki Tomoko, the girl who had disappeared for four years without aging a day, was entirely missing her right arm and her left leg.

In spite of the damage appearing fresh, it had already stopped bleeding entirely.

There was no possible explanation for any of this from a medical standpoint, and when pressed to answer questions Tomoko said she didn't remember anything.

Which wasn't at all the case.

Tomoko remembered a single week. For her, this period of time had only been a single week. She didn't remember the removal of her arm and leg, but she remembered why it had happened.

Suzuki Tomoko's body had to be rendered phantom. She had to become something that possessed unreal limbs that no longer existed. Unreality had to be given to her, a human. For only one who is both real and unreal can serve as the bridge between both the possible and impossible.

Tomoko had become the Intermediary for Humans and Youkai. One who can solve problems for both, as long as they involve the other. One who can determine solutions neither could see for their own problems. Of course, primarily this deals with the problems of youkai, and youkai who have come into contact with humanity, as there are many more mundane methods of dealing with problems possessed by humans.

Tomoko has served in this position for six years. She has aged normally since that point, though some would point out she does look younger then she should(her feelings on this matter are best left unsaid).

But after six years, can a single girl really continue to do this on her own?

After six years, what new dangers can arise from the collision of man and youkai?

Tomoko has elected not to leave this to chance. While she is confident in her own abilities as the intermediary, she understands that assistants may be quiet useful.

And so, as she entered High School, she saw fit to take over the ailing Occult club and remold it to suit her. Well aware of the presence of supernatural beings and humans with magical capabilities in her school, she aggressively recruited them and strongarmed them into working as her assistants, sometimes through questionable methods or by solving incidents they were involved in.

So this is going to be an RP about Miyama Occult Investigation club, headed by the intermediary between Humans and Youkai who has used questionable means("If it works, everything is fair, right?") to recruit her club members. In terms of what we'll be dealing with, it's going to primarily involve various different youkai and other supernatural beings(magi, onmyouji, ghosts, vampires) as well. I wouldn't necessarily call this a mystery RP(those never work D:), but it will have some investigation and mystery elements to it in regards to figuring out just what's going on in different cases.

I'm looking for about five to six players in addition to myself. In terms of influences and the tone I'm expecting, I'm pretty inspired by Kyokou Suiri(which comes through pretty strongly I suppose), the Nasuverse, Yozakura Quartet, and a lot of other urban fantasy anime/manga/lns/vns/other general stuff.

  • Magi: Capable of magic, invoked by spells and symbols, sometimes in conjunction with one another. Magical prowess is passed through bloodlines, some families having more or less mana(and higher or lower quality mana) then others. Magi will have an affinity, which can range from things like fire to gravity to numbers. Affinities(which are also passed through bloodlines) are not limited to the affinity itself, but also includes things that are conceptually linked to it. For example, a mage with an affinity for fire would also excel at spells involving "consumption", "ignition", and "destruction". Magi can preform spells outside their affinity, though it is more difficult to learn. Affinities cannot be for anything entirely man-made. Playable!
    • Note: The most powerful mage(in terms of raw power) in this setting has an affinity for mana. They will not be appearing in this RP, and mana as an affinity is strictly off-limits. Other affinities that are off limits include Death, a totally unique affinity also claimed in this setting and absolutely broken for the purposes of this RP.
  • Onmyouji: Magical practioners utilizing onmyodo as opposed to western methods of magic. They are similar(magic is passed through bloodlines, they have the same affinities), yet their methods are fundamentally different. Effectively they use the same magic, but with different methods. Onmyouji use ofuda to cast spells, which can be applied to objects or even bodies for a variety of effects. Onmyouji are also adept at preforming exorcisms. Playable!
    • Magic Traits: Some magi and onmyouji families possess a special "magic trait", an inherent magical ability connected to their affinity. These are quite uncommon, but they still exist. They require no spellcasting, and usually give some edge in ability. The magic trait "Illusion Break", for example, passively destroys illusions as the mage or onmyouji draws close to them. It also enables them to see through illusions.
  • Youkai: The various supernatural beings native to the country of Japan. These days, many kinds of youkai have a humanoid appearance, but some do not. There are many that can coexist with humanity, but there are also many that are dangerous creatures that must be hunted. The more human-like youkai can crossbreed with humans. Playable!

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Race:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Abilities:
  • Skills:
  • Equipment:
  • Brief Backstory:
Holding off on some people hopefully responding before I get going again. Can I get a headcount of active players by the way?
Saber - Benienma

Indeed, it seemed as if a moment of simply discussing food had managed to fully clear Benienma's head. She certainly still felt the influence of both Kaguya-hime's charm skill and the cowrie shell, but it was no longer making her quite so awkward when she spoke and she had acclimated to the Moon Princess's presence rather effectively.

And she was no longer by her Master's side... That had to be rectified, but it would be rude to simply walk away from the other Servant.

"Kaguya-hime, you can assist in testing their fare to see if they have improved their cooking skill if you want dechi," declared the redheaded enma, quite seriously. It was food, after all, and while cooking was to be enjoyed it was also to be taken seriously. It seemed like a fair enough offer, certainly, and it meant she would not simply be walking away abruptly. Benienma turned, heading into Burger Wham, and-

Suzuka-Gozen. One of her students. On one hand, Benienma was always happy to see those who had studied under her. Even the most hopeless of their number.

Even the ones who had cooking capabilities that could be called despair.

Still, that did not mean that she was unhappy to see Suzuka. However...

She had hear enough, and saw the look on the girl beside Suzuka's face. This would not do.

"Chirp chirp, what's this?" she said, a frown on her face as she approached, "Are you making your Master uncomfortable, Suzuka-Gozen?"

@RolePlayerRoxas@Rune_Alchemist@Raineh Daze@Pyromania99
Mihama Nanako

Nanako was almost surprised at herself over just how quickly she managed to finish off her crepe. Sure, she hadn't eaten all that much for a while now, but that didn't mean she'd expected herself to finish it quite that quickly. Normally something with so many relatively heavy ingredients like melted cheese would take her longer to finish off. Really, she had a feeling if she'd had a second one she probably would have finished that off too...

... But that was a bad idea for a variety of reasons.

"I'm all done, yeah," she replied with a nod, turning to face Meltryllis. As she did, she noticed that some of the cream from the crepe had found itself onto the Alter Ego's face. It wasn't exactly a surprise... not when the crepe had so much cream on it and Meltryllis could only do so much with her hands. And because of that... well... Nanako couldn't just leave it there, could she? Certainly, the petite blue-haired girl didn't like being helped, but in this case there wasn't very much she could do about it on her own...

Taking an unused napkin, the brunette reached out and used it to wipe the cream from Meltryllis's face. Besides... getting to do this for the Alter Ego that refused to ask for help and had been trying to keep as much distance as she could felt nice.

"Sorry, there was just some cream on your cheek," she explained, scratching the back of her head after she balled up the napkin, "I couldn't just leave it."

After disposing of the trash, Nanako considered what they could do next.

"Um... we could stop by the shopping district? I know you're probably not thrilled with me wandering around, but I've been cooped up inside for a while already, so..."

Saber - Arturia Pendragon

For a few moments, Arturia had to confess she had become quite confused. Why was her Master suddenly so distressed? There was no need for such concern. Had she made a mistake somehow? The blonde considered the matter. She had wanted to reassure her Master, to let hew know that any high-quality food would satisfy her. And yet she had become panicked, and listed off a number of different recipes all involving rice... perhaps because rice was so easily obtainable in this city? That seemed quite likely. It was absolutely fine in her opinion, much of the first good food she had ever eaten involved rice as a primary ingredient.

As a result, there was absolutely no reason to panic.

The blonde Saber-class Servant placed one hand to her chest, smiling pleasantly.

"Any one of those dishes would be lovely, Master," she began, "I am certain I will enjoy anything that you prepare."

Saber -Benienma


Benienma's red hair was quite soft and silky, but the tiny Servant was struggling for a few moments to gather her thoughts after being patted like that. The charm effect that Kaguya-hime's mere presence instilled was effectively doubled simply due to a combination of the beauty skill she doubtlessly possessed and the effect of the Swallow's Cowry Shell. Benienma's magic resistance certainly allowed her to escape being entranced, but the effects were still pronounced enough to make it somewhat difficult for the enma.

Still, she would maintain a level head and brush it off!

Taking a deep breath, Benienma cleared her mind once more. When it came to a question of food, there was no doubts in her mind!

"Benienma has previously sampled this establishment's fare dechi," she began, folding her arms lightly across her chest, "While there are some pleasant notes, mostly that they seem to have access to very fresh beef, the burgers themselves were preprepared and the cooking practiced here resulted in an overly-greasy patty that felt far heavier to eat then it otherwise should have, and the cheese was unevenly melted dechi."

She glanced back towards the restaurant, a smile returning to her face.

"However, Benienma gave them a thorough lecture and demonstrated how they can improve dechi! Hopefully, they've taken my advice dechi!"

@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99

Yuriko T. Louvyngyr

Without missing a beat even in spite of her concern for her Servant's whereabouts, Yuriko responded.

"Of course, beautiful fabric is the only choice for a beautiful girl," she said, a smile back on her lips as she regarded the girl. Ah, she really was beautiful... and the fact that she made all her own clothing only made that outfit more impressive. Certainly, she seemed rather stern, but that didn't mean her efforts were guaranteed to fail. "Especially when she's so versed in making beautiful clothing. I'm really impressed, I've never gotten the hang of tailoring myself."

She paused for a moment. Flipping between her concern for Jack and her attraction to this girl was a little jarring, but the fact remained that the former was definitely more important... even if she wasn't going to give up on the latter unless given no choice.

"Er, as for my Servant... yes, she's quite young."

Yuriko illustrated by gesturing to indicate Jack's height at her side.

"Normally she's pretty attached, but I think she's probably looking for the outfit I said she could pick out."

@Rune_Alchemist@Crusader Lord@Raineh Daze
Mihama Nanako

Sitting down next to Meltryllis, Nanako was suddenly struck with an admiration for how easy a rolled crepe was to eat. She reflected briefly on the fact that a human being rarely appreciated such things until they were deprived of one of their physical abilities. Unable to use one arm, she could still eat a crepe just fine. It was something she'd acknowledged before ordering, but at the same time she was now truly appreciative of this fact.

... And though she didn't say it...

It looked like Meltryllis was appreciative of the fact a crepe was pretty easy to eat, too.

"I'm glad you like it," Nanako commented, smiling as she did. Sure, 'acceptable' wasn't the most stunning bit of praise, but it was pretty obvious that Meltryllis was enjoying her crepe.

She took a bite of her own. The chicken, tomato, and cheese combo, along with the other ingredients, had a sort of Italian feel to them. It was definitely good, especially after how little she'd eaten over the past few days.

"You know, if I could get away with it, I'd eat stuff like that all the time," added the brunette, as she glanced over towards the purple-haired girl. Once again she was struck by just how stunningly beautiful the Alter Ego was. The way she had brushed her hair back like that and everything... and her soft, cute features coupled with the sharpness of her eyes was cute... and... and hopefully her looking like this didn't look too weird. It didn't, right? And it wasn't weird for her to look in the first place, right? Even though they were both girls! Right?!

Nanako took a deep breath and another bite of her crepe.

"But that'd be a pretty bad idea!"

Okay, this should open things up for everyone. Split yourselves up as you want: Lots of fighting in the mausoleum raid, conversation and interaction in the Princess Guard crew.

It might be a bit rushed but hopefully it works out.
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