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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

K.N.I.G.H.T. - Labs

"Simulation complete....." The computer prompted as the doors of the simulation room slid open. Out of it came forth Experiment no. 3, an artificial metahuman created and maintained by S.T.A.R. Labs. They were funded by an anonymous contributor to create the next wave of superhumans for the United States military.

They had two previous attempts at this creation, both failing miserably. Due to a lack of metahuman DNA strands, the two previous experiment were not compatible for completion. But as for their third experiment, the scientist took a different route in the creation process. At that time, an organization by the name of K.N.I.G.H.T. Started to makes its debut into the new metahuman world. According to many news reporters and television broadcasts, this new organization was in charge of studying the reverse of the metahuman gene.the public is informed that K.N.I.G.H.T. Has cured many metahumans and will continue to do it only to those searching for a cure.

What they did not know is that is was their scientist who infiltrated S.T.A.R. Labs and have helped in the creation of Experiment No. 3, or as they call it, Templar. The male clone was formed through the use of two different metahuman DNA strands along with that of a humans. It has shown to work thus far according to various simulations. Templar has been placed through simulations of human contact, interaction, relations - all to teach him control of his abilities, those which he has so far been able to keep hidden. But today, June 21, 2015, first day of summer, the world will learn the wrath of Templar.

"Please escort Templar back to his quarters will you" Dr. Clairfield asked of her colleagues. Two guards turned to Templar and did as told. As the experiment passed the doctor, it turned to face her. "How did I do doctor?" Templar asked.

"You did-" the doctor started before being interrupted by a new face. "It doctor, It did good doctor, it's not a person" the man said. This particular person wore a rather sharp pitch black suit with black slacks, undershirt, and tie. What made him even more unique were his shades, which was ironic because: "I am Mr. Shade, creator and founder of K.N.I.G.H.T. As of today, we are taking over this facility along with all it's research. This means, that Experiment No. 3 now belongs to us."

"No! You can't do that, we've been working on this for about three months now. It is us who created Templar, not you!" Dr. Clairfield snapped. Mr. Shades laughed at the doctor, looking at particular scientist in the room. "Look around you doctor and tell me what you see" Mr. Shade instructed. As the doctor turned, she noticed some of her colleagues removing their lab suits and wearing the emblem of K.N.I.G.H.T. on their shirts. "You bastards" the doctor cursed.

Me. Shade the flinched his hand, instructing the guards to take Templar away. Confused, mathematical clone said nothing, just felt uneasy at the new establishment before him. "Now doctor, you've got two options before you. Either you provide us with all acquired data and become part of K.N.I.G.H.T., or you return to Philadelphia and start checking in books like the good ol' librarian you used to be."

"How did you-"

"We know everything Dr. Clairfield, erased or not. You've got an hour to decide. Now get her out of here for the time being" he instructed the guards. Like Templar, they escorted the doctor out of the room. As for all of the other elephants in the room..........you are all now a part of K.N.I.G.H.T. Those who have an issue may step out now."

"No takers? Good, I didn't think so. Now let's get to work people. Sign into our database, pull up wverything you've got on..........(he looked through some papers that were given to him)...Orlov, Modya." After they searched up the metahuman they searched for her through the country. "Do we have her location yet?"

"Still searching sir. Looking through the database for everything we can find on her. It seems she has found her way to New York City sir. We only have a general location, we can't be exact."

"That'll have to work for now. Is Experiment 3 prepared for combat?" Me. Shade asked the old S.T.A.R. Lab scientist who worked on Templar. "We have not placed him through any physical tests yet sir" the scientist responded. "But he is aware of his abilities correct? He has used them before?"

"Yes, but he wasn't created for-"

"Then he is prepared for battle. Allow me to inform you Dr......Johnson. This uprising of teenage metahumans is a liability for the world. They are unable of controlling their "abilities" and are a threat to the United States. We have authorization from the president to take any precaution necessary to prevent anymore destruction from these kids. Our mission is to capture them and deprive them of these abilities all while using our research to create our own weapons, such as Experiment 3. Now, prepare the experiment for battle. Arm him with K.N.I.G.H.T.'s best weapon. Let's watch these kids fall to the pressure."
Experiment No.3 - New York City

"This is your target!" the mission leader yelled. He showed Templar a picture of Boomstick. "You capture her, you bring her to us! We land the chopper atop the hills, you'll see us! Now go!"

Suddenly, Templar jumped off the chopper dressed like a normal person. He landed on a building not too far from central. As the helicopter flew off, Templar took a second to take in his surroundings. He'd never seen so many lights in one place. "New York City" he said to himself in wonder. It was about 7:30 pm, so it was fairly dark outside. He jumped off the building and landed in an alley. In his ear, he had a telecom to communicate to headquarters and vice versa. "The target should be around, keep a keen eye out for her, she cannot get away"

"Boomstick, I'm coming for you!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxlynx
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Jinxlynx The System / in the Glitch

Member Seen 21 days ago

Boomstick - Central Park Apartments

Modya leaned back on the park bench she sat on while waiting for the bus transit, raising her arms into the air to stretch and giving a long yawn. It had been a long day with very little occurrences, nothing really had happened save a mugging that she easily stopped, leaving the mugger tied up at the entrance to the police station with a note. Right now she was not even in characters, just regular Modya with a pair of leather gloves and a sweater to hide her tattoos. She had plans to meet some friends for Korean bbq up town but had to text them that she would be half hour late since she missed the 6:30pm bus. "God things have gotten quiet lately, no villains going around threatening the city." she sighed, not having a good fight for several weeks has left the young teen superhero very bored. Looking upwards at the blank sky, spotting a helicopter flying over head, it had not markings so she assumed it was a private vehicle, not uncommon with all the rich corporation owners who lived in this city. She didn't even notice as it swooped down low to a building not far from her and dropped off someone without even landing, the teen more interested in flipping through internet pictures on her phone while she awaited the bus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Devin Royal (Vitruvian Man) - Secret Base of Leon & Vetruvian - Enteracting with L.I.S.A.

Devin found himself uneasy over how quickly he got comfortable in the large room. Even when the lights hadn’t turned on he swiftly walked across and found the chair set in front of the massive screen. When he sat down the room seemed to jump awake with the screen turning on. A moment later there was a calendar on screen and events being highlighted. Several involving the company known as STAR Labs.

“Enough L.I.S.A.” Devin said in an angry tone of voice. “I didn’t come down here to humor whatever notion you have of me putting on that costume again. If you have information on a crime you were ordered to forward the information to the police anonymously.” Devin started to stand up in frustration. He was angry for several reasons, the foremost being that he hadn’t stepped foot in this base in years . The other reason being his distaste for talking to a computer with no body other than the hardware behind the screen.

“I am afraid that the police will be unable to assist in the apprehension of this organization. The police do not arrest their own.” Where a power play pause would normally have helped bring home the severity of this comment computer AIs don’t have the personality to add them. As such LISA simply continued. “The targets have over an 70 percent chance of being at or around the age of minors.”

Devin wasn’t so emotional to let this fact be brushed aside. He turned back to the screen and began to study the events and information that was displayed on the screen. It showed massive sums of money being moved along with questionable employment records. Even a few crimes coinciding with missing evidence. It was very similar to something Devin and countless others in the detective world had seen. It was a cover up.

“Why reach out to me now?” Devin inquired. “It has been nearly a two years since you reached out with your creepy coded emails. You have evidence dating back almost 9 months. You wait until now to let me know a government funded program has begun to hunt down those with powers?” the entire conversation had switched from an inquisition to a straight forward conversation. Even if he wasn’t aware of it Devin had seemingly returned.

“To come at this enemy in the early stages would be unwise.” LISA stated. “If squished early it will only be rebooted with more fever and drive. Your father was the one who helped establish this practice. You keep them limited and when they act you make it public.”

“So they are in motion?” Devin had a level of worry in his words. “How can you tell?” He moved along the side of the wall and pulled a tool hanging from the wall. A hidden drawer opened next to the lever revealing the Vitruvian costume. While he began to put it on he listened to LISA explain her reasoning.

A helicopter I have been tracking has no recorded flight plan, but has been traveling in restricted airspace leads me to conclude they are enacting some sort of maneuver. It could be something else; however, since there is no data trail I am blind to its purpose. That is why I called you.”

With his outfit and tools fitted Devin caught a glimpse of himself in a reflective piece of metal. The weight of what he saw hit him like a ten ton punch. Sadly his armor was useless to this type of attack. A wave of memories started to bombard his thoughts and surely enough he felt his hands start to shake. He was unstable, unfocused, and unprepared. Even one of those prefixes could spell disaster for him and he was charging ahead with three firmly attached to him.

“The likely target is known as Boomstick.” LISA said. Her volume had gone up. Perhaps in an attempt to center Devin before he left the bunker. “Last known location is Central Park. Estimated destination is a bus stop five minutes away. Should take you no more than ten minutes to reach. The subway line will be here in two minutes.” The last bit was a giddy up from LISA that Devin followed. The roof of the garage started to open exposing the railtracks just above the garage building.

Using his grapple gun he waited till he heard the screech of the subway brakes and then fired. The line shoot upward and the claw clamped down on the metal tube. Quickly as he fired his own body lurched upward as Devin was pulled along. A quick pull of the trigger again had the line retracking and with a somewhat awkward rolling move Devin was on top of the subway train heading towards downtown New York.

“Good luck” LISA said over their earpiece communication.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Breakdown- Roof of apartment, a block from Central Park

Dave was trying to relax after several incidents with obliterated cooking wear. While he loved having super powers, like a lot, it was still hard to get used to basically living in this suit. He had forgot to put on the gloves again and when he touched a box of mac & cheese it disintegrated, which made him panicked and touch several other things and culminating in destroying the only paper towels left. While Sarah, a assistant/ house keeper his father hired to help him, went to get more to pick up the mess, Dave went to the roof and has been there for about fifteen minutes.

There was something calming about the roof. The heat didn't affect him like it did others, it was a vague awareness that came with all of his other senses... except sight and hearing. Why those stayed mostly the same was completely lost on Dave and had stumped his father before he had to get back to actual work, something about a weapons contract with Lexcorp. With a little sigh, Dave looked down towards the street below. Looking at the cars as they drove by for a couple minutes, idly noticing a helicopter fly over. However, seen one helicopter, seen them all. As such it didn't pique his interest.

Not wanting to feel any more sorry for himself than he already was, Dave wrote a note for Sarah and went on a walk to Central Park. It always had a calming effect for him and he could sure need that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fairy (Momo) - penthouse apartment near Central Park

The apartment was large, modern, and luxurious; its pricey to say the least. The interior had a Japanese theme complete with appropriate paintings, potted plants, and samurai swords on the walls. Large windows gave an impressive view of the city from above, on the sofa there was a tv remote covered what appeared to be strands of silk. By the door a young girl stood with passport in hand.

"Okay then I'm heading off now. I'll be back in a few days" Kimiko said reluctantly, as if she didn't want to go. She was the owner of the apartment and technically Momo's employer, but was more like her best friend.

"I still think its gonna be weird if you show up without me..." Momo replied in a quiet mumble.

"You can barely control your powers! Look, this place is covered in webs. Better play it safe, I'll just make up some excuse for you to stay here. You know what will happen if my parents find out you're a metahuman."


"Cheer up, I'll be back before you know it. You can start thinking about a superhero name while I'm gone" Kimiko said playfully.

"I-I told you I'm not doing that stuff!" Momo protested.

"Haha, suuuuure. Alright then I'm off."

Momo soon found herself alone in a penthouse apartment watching tv. She took the lone opportunity to test out one of her powers that she had only done once before, on accident. Laying down on the sofa, she wrapped herself in silk until she was encased in a cocoon. It only took a few minutes before claustrophobia kicked in and she was clawing her way out. The back of her shirt was torn by a pair of pale yellow prematurely sprouted butterfly wings. She flapped them lightly, amazed that such a thing could happen. Hopping up, she discovered she could float for a few seconds before tiring herself out. Maybe she was more of the gliding type.

She soon discovered wings made it annoying to sit down. Good thing they disintegrate after a while. Suddenly Momo got a chill down her spine. Somehow, perhaps instinctively, she knew it was related to her new found telepathic powers. Whatever it was, it felt worrisome. Looking out the window she watched the city wondering what was to become of her. Not too far away she saw a helicopter flying by...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Templar - Central Park - Boomstick

"Yes, that is your target. Your mission is to capture her alive" one of the K.N.I.G.H.T. scientist instructed Experiment 3 through his transmitter. Templar huffed as he watched the "hero" from within a crowd of people. "She is merely a girl" Templar commented, ironic due to his own age. Basically, Templar is merely five months old himself, though he is indeed in the body of a teenager.

"It doesn't matter if she's a girl or not, you've got a mission No. 3, get it done!" the scientist urged. If Templar didn't do as commanded, the higher ups would not only get mad at him, but at all the scientist who failed to make him listen. It had been their job to create a weapon to battle metahumans like Boomstick. If they failed, they'd be replaced - the K.N.I.G.H.T. way.

"But Dr. Clairfield taught me to become friends with others. She taught me to-"

"Dr. Clairfield lied to you Templar. All those simulations she put you through were merely lies. People don't treat each other that way. The real world is cruel Numb-...Templar. When these people see you, all they will see is a clone. An artificial life, a monster created in a test tube. They will never accept you. So that is the reason were taking them down. So that we can create more like you, so you can finally have a family, others who will understand you. Do you get me Templar? After this, you will never be alone again"

As he listened to the scientist, he stared directly at the ground. Then he turned his attention towards the sky as he began to process thoughts. ".......My own family?....." he murmured to himself.

"Why is he second thinking the decision to strike the girl? Why does he not follow orders?!" Mr. Shade yelled to his men in question. "It would seem that due to his 'human' genetics, he is learning to feel and to make decisions sir" one of the doctors responded. "We didn't put years into research to create a regular metahuman. I wanted a soldier, a pawn we could control to vanquish these creatures from our planet. Tell him to attack the girl now, or else we'll put him down for good. You people have failed yet again. Experiment 4 better wake up a completely mindless pawn - for your own sake. Get me that girl!!" Mr. Shade commanded as he left the room for his personal quarters.

"No. 3, take the offensive and complete your mission"

This broke Templar's trance of thought and forced him to act upon instructions. "If it must be" he stated through the ear piece as he suddenly jumped into the sky and began to levitate above everyone. The crowd gasped and awed at this wondrous event. Some feared the metahuman, others envied it as they began to take pictures of Templar's glorious flight. Suddenly, the bus pulled up before Modya - the bus she waited for.

In response, Templar quickly flew from above and came crashing down on the bus' rooftop. In effect, the entire bus crumbled under him and anybody inside was most likely injured or even deceased. He had completely destroyed the vehicle - all in attempt to prevent Boomstick from getting away. As he stepped forward and closer to Boomstick, the bus' engine lit on fire from the impact. Suddenly, the entire structure encased itself in fire as the remaining survivors were locked inside to become roasted alive.

"I've come to capture you Codename: Boomstick. If you surrender now, no harm will come to you, but if you do not, I will take you down by force" Templar said with a smile. Even after regretting the idea of capturing the girl just a couple seconds ago, he was now seeking to put his powers to the test. Because he never had to use them to any extremes, he figured a metahuman like the one before him was going to surely put up a fight - one he most dearly desired.

"He's come in contact with the target"

Suddenly, Templar pulled out a blade strapped to his back.

"What will it be?" he asked the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxlynx
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Jinxlynx The System / in the Glitch

Member Seen 21 days ago

Boomstick - Bus stop - Templar

"Ah finally!" Modya announced aloud to herself when she spotted the number 3 bus turning the corner, finally she would be able to head uptown and meet her friends. She stood up from the bench and straightened out her sweater, adjusting her leather gloves to fit better. She was distracted from her excitement by a gasp, looking over to a group of people who pointed to the sky she followed their fingers upwards to see a boy floating overhead, someone with powers like her. "What is he do-" she started only to be interrupted by him suddenly crashing down on top of the bus pulling up in front if her. She jumped back, falling down onto her ass to dodge the flying debris, "What the hell man are you stupid!" she yelled, checking to see if there was anyone in the mus, luckily there was only the drive but the crushing force had trapped him inside while the engine caught fire.
"I've come to capture you Codename: Boomstick. If you surrender now, no harm will come to you, but if you do not, I will take you down by force"
The boy said to her, flashing what she assumed was supposed to be a threatening smirk while he drew his sword. "What will it be?"
Modya stood up, calmly fixing her sweater once more as she began to laugh, a genuine giggle at her situation as she began to feel all giddy, "Oh finally something to hit after all this time!" she gave him a wide grin, removing her gloves and pocketing them she pulled a pair of sunglasses from her pocket and put them on her face. "I sure hope you did your homework flyboy because who ever sent you after me sure as hell did not!" raising her left arm the sleeve of her sweater blasted away, revealing the runic tattoos that coated it, glowing in a white aura she opened her palm and fired a short ranged blast to knock him away from the bus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Templar - New York City - Boomstick

The sudden blast seemed evadeable at first, but proved to be faster than it looked. Unfortunately for Templar, the blast of energy had targeted him. As it came, the clone attempted to raise his blade got protection, but failed to do it quick enough. The energy wave crashed into his torso and sent him flying into the building behind him. CRASH!!

After going through the wall of some random corporation, Templar pushed away all the debris to stand. People within the building were screaming and running, all while calling the police. "Nice one" Templar commented as he picked up parts of the building he'd damaged. "Let's see how you do against this!" He yelled as he thre a rather large piece of rock, steel, and other crap. But as the building piece flew towards her, so did he and his blade. After crashing against her, he would slice that dam arm off her.......beautiful body.

Templar, like stated before, had been placed only in simulations of humane interaction. He had virtual people to speak to, all I. Attempt to teach him how to be more human - to fit in. Of course, they also taught him to feel - not which it all succeeded - but they attempted to teach him the concept of love and affection. Like many teenagers, he also grasped sex appeal, understanding that men liked women, men liked men, and woman loved men and other woman. He himself grew to liking woman, which the simulations pushed him to.

So as he fought Boomstick, Templar couldn't help but like how strong she was and her looks. He'd never met another metahuman with strength like his, so this really impressed him.

Problem was, she was the enemy and not even a little affection would get in the way of his mission.
Dr. Clairfield - K.N.I.G.H.T. - Mr. Shade

"Why are you doing this to him?! He's not a weapon for you people to use!!" The female doctor implemented. She was extremely pissed at these events, at this take over. Everything she had done had now gone to waste. She was creating a superhero, not some metahuman hunter - not that. But somewhere in her mind, she did indeed had the concept of this happening. Unfortunately, she didn't think much of it and got lost in her work before being able to act.

About a year into the creation of Templar, the doctors working at S.T.A.R. Labs had to genetically mix compatible metahuman DNA with that of a humans. It was rumored that the anonymous benefactor who funded the operation was also the person who - in the end - supplied the scientist with the compatible DNA. Many questioned how some random person had the capability of finding such compatibility - how they got their hands on it. But as they started to run tests, they forgot about the whole thing. They had become greatful for this person's contributions to their experiment and thought nothing of them.

Uncommonly, the human DNA provided was not found in any database, as though the human DNA did not belong to anybody - dead or alive. But regardless, the scientist used it and successfully created Templar seven months later or so.

But now, that little strange occurrence started to roam Dr. Clairfield's mind. "I am not here to hear you whine doctor. I am here to get your answer? Will you join us, or not?" Me. Shade questioned. For a second, the doctor had to think about it. This was an organization of killers she was dealing with. In addition, whoever funded K.N.I.G.H.T. Had to be the same contributor that funded Templar. It could all be tied together, but she would never know from outside the loop. Therefore, she decided.

"I will work for K.N.I.G.H.T."

"Good, good. Follow me doctor, we have much to discuss."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Vitruvian Man - Central Park

The wind brought on by the subway train would blow a lesser prepared person off the top. Thanks to the specialized gauntlets David wore he was not someone unprepared. The surprises the gauntlets held were numerous with many involving transportation and combat assistance. Right now they were magnetized allowing Vitruvian to lock onto the train’s metal roof. When it reached the forest of skyscrapers Devin detached from the train and began swinging from building to building with his grapple gun. The wind was similarly harsh as he swung through the sky, but instead of feeling stuck the wind was liberating to the hero.

It had been closer to a year since he had taken the grapple gun out for a night of swinging. He hadn’t worn the costume at that time but he knew it was a small step between the two. He hadn’t run into any crime but always thought that if he had it wouldn’t have mattered. He would have turned a blind eye just like he had before when he knew he could help. The question then remained why he was helping now. Surely going public with the information gathered by L.I.S.A. could in theory bring the organization to the Justice Leagues attention.

And there it was. All of a sudden the quickness of putting on the costume and the rapid nature of him returning to form was made absolutely clear. He wasn’t saving the kids this organization was after. Hell, he wasn’t even doing something as silly as saving himself. He was recreating himself. His life of simple normal days wasn’t in need of saving, but it was in need of changes. Devin remembered an old conversation he had once when he met Wonder Woman back in the time of fighting alongside his father.

“I will not allow evil to work when I can stop it. To stop a greater evil I have friends who share my desire to act. Surround yourself with those that wish to help and you will never even need to ask.” She had said. This was of course after she had single handedly taken down the entire Rouges group with The Flash. Sadly Devin had not seen the fastest man alive. Even if he was in the same room as him. Devin had been alone in many of his worries about his family. His friends had asked what was wrong time and time again, but there was no way he could tell them the truth.

Reaching the top of the Central Plaza Hotel Devin returned his attention to the mission. His hopes of reaching the park before trouble started was quickly squished as an ear splitting explosion could be seen, heard, and even felt from the top of the tower hotel. It was to his left along the throughway. Taking out his grapple gun he began to swing towards the epicenter of the action. As he did several other explosions and plenty of crowds running the other way could be seen. When he reached the fight he saw Boomstick at odds with an unknown.

The unknown held itself firmly even though he was standing in front of a barrel of TNT that went by the name Boomstick. Devin was familiar with her ability as was everyone who read the newspaper in New York. She had a habit of meaning well, but causing a massive amount of property damage. Her popularity with the public swayed greatly from week to week. Though the road workers union seemed to both love and hate her the most. Looking around Devin was sure the damage all around was caused by Boomstick; however, this quickly changed when he saw an energy blast hit the unknown.

The explosion was just as big as the reports had described, but even then it was hard not to shield yourself even from where Devin was perched. Even more difficult to comprehend was how the unknown was nearly unfazed. Save for a half step backwards the young man seemed completely fine. Though his clothes could use some of that indestructability. Devin made a mental note to brace his fists if things came to blows. He felt this was a pointless thought as the situation had clearly already come to blows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Breakdown-Central Park-Civilians
Dave was walking around the park, getting weird glances here and there. He had grown quite used to them by now and just wanted to continue his peaceful walk. He even bought a hot dog, no toppings or anything since he couldn't actually taste it but he still needed to eat. For some reason. As Dave walked down the a side walk, he popped the whole hot dog in his mouth. Not really any point to saver it, it just instantly was broken down and he absorbed the nutrients.

With that in mind, Dave looked at a tree. It was a pretty tree, with nice leaves, healthy bark, and the contrast of colors made the rest of the city pop up a bit more. He really liked the park. As Dave watched the tree his peace was shattered when a large crunching noise and screams of terror.

"Uh oh" He thought to himself. That thought became more urgent when he heard a larger crunch, after that Dave went at a dead sprint towards the noises. The scene of the crime wasn't pretty, people running, stuff flying everywhere, and two Meta's fighting. As it looked like both had super strength of some sort it was hard for Dave to know which one was the attacker and which the defender, but he could hazard a guess. However that didn't matter as he saw people still trapped in the bus that had been crushed. Rushing towards it Dave could see people hurt... or worse.

While disengaging his gloves Dave said, "Everybody step back!" and placed his hands against the side of the bus, disintegrating a large hole that people could leave from. As the people left the bus, Dave reengaged his gloves and started to help the more injured people out of the bus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fairy - penthouse apartment near Central Park

Momo decided to step out onto the balcony for some fresh air. It was rather chilly since all she was wearing was pink pajamas with butterfly patterns on them, but it was also refreshing. Leaning over the edge of the railing she watched the city and heard some commotion in the distance, which underlined the strange sense of foreboding she'd been having. Suddenly a gust of wind caught her wings and knocked her over the side of the building. With the wings she had at the moment she couldn't fly for longer than a few seconds, but she could glide. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" She closed her eyes tightly as the wind took her where it wanted, twisting and turning and making her dizzy. Flapping her wings and through panicked trial and error she gained a semblance of control over where she was going. And for a moment, it stopped being terrifying. Below she saw a patch a grass called central park. With her altitude steadily dropping, she decided to land on soft grass rather than in the middle of traffic.
Fairy - Central Park - Breakdown

After landing face first onto the grass, Momo's telepathic senses were overwhelmed with the feeling of fear and panic. She immediately knew where it was coming from and ran towards the crumpled bus. She felt the emotions of the people on the bus as if they were her own, she knew she needed to help them despite her own fears. Running over she was somewhat relieved to see a man in a suit helping people out. "Hey! I'll help too!" she informed him as she stepped onto the bus. A frightened little girl huddled in the corner. Momo extended a hand out to her.

"Hi there, my name is Momo! We need to get off the bus before it blows up!" Perhaps not the best choice of words on her part.

"Are you a fairy?" the girl asked, entranced by Momo's wings.

Suddenly she remembered something she saw in an anime once. "Y-yeah! I'm a guardian of love and justice, now lets get off the bus before more bad guys show up."

After helping the little girl and the rest of the passengers off the bus along side Breakdown her senses cleared and were no longer bombarded by panic. Then she finally noticed two other metahumans fighting it out. When she looked at Boomstick her heart skipped a beat and she couldn't help but notice how cute~❤ Boomstick was. W-wait she's a girl why would Momo have such thoughts?! It quickly dawned on her that she was in fact feeling Templar's emotions. Arrrrg, it was becoming apparent how annoying her powers are going to be.

Behind her a lot of civilians ran off away from the danger. She figured she would too but for some reason she couldn't explain she decided to stick around. Turning to Breakdown she asked "What do we do now? Are you gonna fight those guys?" If he was she didn't think she would be much help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxlynx
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Jinxlynx The System / in the Glitch

Member Seen 21 days ago

Boomstick - Bus stop, central park apartments, New York - Engaged with: Templar
{Also present are the cool (but not awesome like Boomstick) Breakdown and new girl with butterfly wings}
(Vitruvian is there too but Modya has not noticed him yet.)

Boomstick was surprised by the arrival of two other metas on the scene who ran to help the people on the bus before she could, which was good because she was a little busy with flyboy Mc crunch bus since she had just personally introduced him to the nearest wall. It was no surprise that a large hunk of a rock came flying at her, he seemed to have super strength like her. It was easy enough to wind up and punch it into small its before it hit her but what caught her by surprise was him flying after it. "Shit-!" was all she got to say before taking a knee to the face, smashing her glasses and knocking her back several feet with him on top of her. She tried her raise her arm to block the blade that followed, reacting too slow she yelled in pain as the sharp edge dug into her shoulder, digging into her flesh several inches before coming to an abrupt stop. "Get off!" she yelled, a powerful aura blasting off her body as she activated her main power. The concrete side walk beneath them cracked from the pressure she exerted while a white glow came off of her entire body, black hair turning white and wispy tendrils flowed form her back in a vague wing shape on her left side. Ignoring the pain in her shoulder she threw another punch, aimed right at his torso with another explosive impact there was no way he could dodge or she could miss with him sitting on top of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Templar - New York - Boomstick

As he applied pressure to the handle of his blade, he couldn't help but stare at the girl beneath him. It was unfortunate that she was declared an enemy by K.N.I.G.H.T. because she was even prettier when close. Still, he held his blade firmly through her shoulder, preventing her from using that blasted arm of hers anymore. Templar was informed of Boomstick's abilities before the mission began. They briefed him enough to understand her ability to undergo some sort of 'God Mode' and that he was supposed to take her down before she-

"Crap" he said with a blank look as the girl started to rapidly glow. He knew this was what the guards were talking about and that he was supposed to prevent it. But now it was too late. Her hair suddenly changed colors and she became rather - as humans would say - 'bitchy'. Despite her blades massive injury, she fought through the pain and managed to strike him into the heavens - ironic: God mode, god arm, sent to the heavens..........No?.........okay.

Anyway, Templar felt as though his chest dented inward as he continued to rise in what seemed to be all directions. He was spinning so damn fast he was getting sick. Fortunately, he didn't puke and managed to stop himself, though he now flew as high as planes. "Blasted girl!" he cursed as he then started to descend at miraculous speed. Due to his overwhelming power, the wind pushing against him did nothing to stop him. Of course, his chest still hurt from the impact, but his near-invulnerability helped him forget about that.

Soon enough, he caught sight of his target yet again and crashed into her, unable to stop his descending. He used both his fist to push her into the subway system below their approximate location, crashing into tracks and hard surface. Even he ended up injuring himself as dust surrounded the entire area. Templar coughed as he stood from the impact, looking around to find his sword.

"Dammit, where is it?" he questioned. It was a gift from K.N.I.G.H.T., so he feared if he lost it, they might get angry at him. But suddenly his feelings changed as he - for some odd reason - stopped caring. He knew he didn't really need a blade to stop this girl, though she was indeed very strong. "C'mon Boomstick, I know you ain't done yet!" he said aloud. Civilians waiting for the subway running towards the exit, all screaming in fear.

"Say partner, I think you got a little sumthin' on your face there" a voice called out from behind Templar. The clone instantly turned as a bullet came crashing into his eye. "AGHH!!" Templar screamed as he put both hands over his face. "There it is, I think you got it" the voice called out again. The southern accent was very clear, and his get up - well, let's just say it was rather dandy.

As Templar removed his hands from his face, one of his eyes had turned red. And now, he seemed extremely pissed at that moment. "I'm gonna rip your head off cowboy!!" Templar yelled as he started walking towards the newcomer.

"The names Tiger, learn it" he said, firing yet again at Templar's face, this time, shooting his forehead. Unfortunately for Tiger, the bullet did little to hardly any damage as it bounced right off of Templar's head.

"So tell me, what can you do?" Templar teased, cracking his knuckles and smiling on his way to Tiger. "Well, for instance, I can-" he started, but ended up being cut off by an incoming hard-hitting fist that nearly destroyed him. Tiger rolled to his right and ran towards the faded dust and sliding into the tracks. He ended up beside a girl with glowing white hair. "Say sweetheart, you with him?" the cowboy asked, fixing the bandanna on his face. He wasn't really freaked out by any of this because he'd seen it over and over on the television. He figured that one day - as a crime fighter - he'd end up fighting one of these metahumans. But right now, he hoped that the girl beside him wouldn't just turn and blast him to his death.

Tiger then started shooting his high-tech bullets at Templar, still with no affect. All Templar was doing was blocking his face from being hit, guarding his eyes. "How about you leave now cowboy, before you get hurt! You are not my target!" the clone called out as his voice echoed through the subway system. "And what, leave the damsel in distress to fend for herself? Not happenin'!"

"Then you die!" Templar battle-cried as he flew towards them at swift speeds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

New York City Subway

The subways of New York, either busy with people boarding and unboarding the subway cars, or smelly due to the homeless community living down there. Unfortunitally for Light, it was the latter she met when she got off the subway train. "There is just something about the smell of depression that get to me. Or something." Light said as she walked into the main part of the terminal, glancing at the homeless person sleeping on a nearby bench. "No, its the smell of cheap booze that gets me I think." She said as a rumble came from above. Right afterwords the roof of the subway gave in by the train tracks, the train just barely making it away.

Light made her way through the few panicking civilians to look at what was happening. Apparently some boy was chasing a guy in a cowboy getup and a girl with glowing white hair. "Another hero and villain fight, joy. Well I'll just watch this and see what happens. No point in getting involved unless they drag me into it." Light said to herself as she sat on the turnstile, watching the trio fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Breakdown-Subway underneath Central Park-Templar

This had gone on long enough, and to answer the girl next to him he said "Yes." and jumped down the hole that was created when the man torpedoed towards the girl. As he landed on his feet, Dave noticed that there were now bullets flying. If this was a good or bad thing he didn't know. Disengaging his gloves, Dave balled his fists together and harnessed his destructive powers, which created a humming noise that was barely audible over the fighting and gunfire. Aiming his hands towards the guy causing the most damage Dave released the energy he had been accumulating towards the target.

The right beam missed, hitting the subway wall in front of him and causing a large patch to disintegrate. However the left beam hit his target spot on, destroying his clothes and causing his skin to turn red, much like a sunburn. With his presence known Dave yelled above the commotion, "Everybody needs to calm down!" his voice reverberation in the small enclosure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxlynx
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Jinxlynx The System / in the Glitch

Member Seen 21 days ago

Boomstick - Sidewalk
Templar - Airborn

Boomstick's arm healed up, the angelic blood instantly healing her body and blocking further damage to her person she mentally started the 5 minute timer in her head as she watched Flyboy do what he did best, fly. He recovered but Boomstick had been watching him this whole time and was ready for when he came crashing down on her at a breakneck speed, her fists ready to meet his there was a window shattering impact as the force of a speeding object met an immovable one. The street gave way first and the two of them collapsed through the ground into the subway below, Boomstick sent tumbling a few feet away from her opponent.

Boomstick - Subway Underground - Templar

Standing up she shook her head, trying to clear the ringing from her ears and looking around in all the dust for flyboy, hearing a gunshot she turned her head, seeing what looked like a cowboy facing down flyboy with a revolver. She started forward but noticed her right arm was numb. Looking down she noticed it hung limp at her side, the bone dislocated she grit her teeth, grabbing it with her left hand and forcing it back into the socket by slamming her shoulder into a concrete pillar that was still intact. Fixed up she turned back to the fight, hearing the banter between the two of them as the Cowboy named himself Tiger, getting distracted by flyboy's question he nearly took a solid punch to the face, rolling over beside Boomstick as she got ready to charge in.
"Say sweetheart, you with him?" Tiger asked her with what she assumed was a smile between the bandanna he fixed on his face. "He is cute but no I am not, in fact he is tryin' to hit me too!" She flashed him a smile and turned back to the situation at hand.
"Oh whoa, hey flyboy's got a rage mode eh?" She teased, pretty pissed herself since he broke her glasses, "C'mon then, two against one!" she yelled back as he charged forward, running up herself to meet half way she stopped three strides in, digging her foot into the concrete stone shattered beneath her as she put every ounce of power behind a well timed overhead punch aimed at the top of flyboy's head, if it hit the massive force of the impact would not just abruptly stop all forward movement but probably put him a mile under ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thanatos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James/NRG - Central Park

James was laying on a bench, looking up at the sky above. He wonder how such a simple could be viewed as beautiful by people. James pondered that for a couple minutes. Then his train of thought was irrupted by large amount of screaming and the crunch of metal. The noise startled him so much that he fell of the bench. He quickly got up and dusted himself off. Then he headed towards the screaming. When James arrived at the scene, two other meta-humans were helping people out of a crushed and flame covered bus. James took off his bag, crouched to carefully set it on the ground, then he removed his shoes and socks. James walked up to the bus and started putting the fire out by flopping down on top of it and rolling around, even if debris was there. Most bystanders if there was any there would think he was putting out the fire with his body, when in truth was absorbing the energy. Some of the debris stabbed into him, which caused to grunt and curse from pain. When NRG was done with the fire that posed the most danger, he stood up. His shirt and pants were burned and damaged severely, he was bleeding from quite a few places, but no burns. NRG removed the bigger pieces of debris in his wounds. After he finished removing the pieces, NRG used the energy absorbed from the fire to activated his regenerative healing. Then he walked up to his bag and shoes. He replaces his shoes and puts his bag on.

NRG - Subway

NRG jumped down the hole created by Boomstick and Templar. He closed his eyes from the pain in his legs caused by the landing, then his knees buckled. NRG stopped himself from face planting with his arms. NRG noticed four people fighting, he was unsure which ones were good or bad. So he took out his experimental battery, and absorbed its charge. Then NRG prepared to fire at the villain(s), which his body dislocated his jaw and his cheeks split in half. His jaw at an unnatural position, and he watched ready to fire when he discover who was/were the villain(s).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fairy - Subway - [everybody]

"Umm, o-okay" Momo responded, surprised by Breakdown's concise answer. She guessed he wasn't really the talkative type. Following after him she stopped to look down the big hole in the ground before jumping. The sound of gunshots, shouting, and the dusty debris made her hesitate. Just what exactly did she think she was going to do? These guys were bonafide capes, she was just a girl in pink pajamas who somehow got wings after falling on her ass, but that's a story for another time. Yet despite the danger she wanted to help, she wanted to do or be part of something greater than herself. She was done with being a caterpillar, she wanted to be a butterfly.

No turning back now she thought to herself before hopping down the rabbit hole. As she fell Momo flapped her wings furiously to slow her descent, inadvertently she created a gust of wind that sent dust and dirt from the debris away from herself an into every direction. Beneath her she uncovered a sword that was hiding underneath the dust. It must be Templar's! She took it to keep it away from Templar and so that she had something to defend herself with other than strands of silk. In the middle of the commotion she could hear Breakdown's voice, the only voice there she knew she could trust.

"Everybody needs to calm down!"

The civilians only became more panicked by his shouting. Rather than join the fight immediately Momo tried to distance the civilians from the fight. "出口! 出口! de-guchi!" she said as she used the sword and hand motions to point to the exit. Usually her English was quite fluent, but in the stressful situation her native Japanese started to take over. "Umm, err, exit! Exit that way! Away from fight, exit there!" For some reason people actually listened to her. Maybe it was because she wasn't threatening like the combatants, maybe it was the wings. Either way she quickly cleared the immediate area of civilians.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Templar/Tiger - Subway System - 'Heroes'

For the civilian eye, the sight of metahuman destruction was an abomination. To news companies, this was the jackpot. News helicopters flew overhead, capturing all the chaos through their cameras. The more wild and in-tuned ones raced into the subway system in attempt to capture the battle itself.

The reports had gone wild, regular scheduled shows were interrupted by breaking news. "Metahuman's in Central Park!!" It started. Even the people watching - those who were not even at the scene - had becomes uneasy by the incoming events. "Were above the city's main subway system. Under us, there's reports of five metahumans engaged in deadly combat. For our reporters safety, we are unable to go down there, but we'll be here to continue updating the public of these events. Back to you Sharen."

As Boomstick rushed towards him, Templar prepared to end it. Unfortunately, before the two metas could exchange fist, a sizzling ray-beam clashed with the clone, sending him farther down the tracks, and eventually, failing to punch collide with Boomstick. In a more greatful way of putting it, Breakdown helped Templar dodge Boomstick's God-like fist.

Aside from the pinch on his side, the beam hadn't done enough damage to put him down - not even close. As Templar stood back up, he noticed how bad hos uniform had become. It was nearly all ripped apart - he was almost nude. Suddenly a frequency came through his earpiece. "Templar, press your chest" the voice instructed. At first confused, Templar just stared at his chest rather than press it. But then the urge to follow orders forced his hand as he slapped his chest in an instant. "Beep" a noise came which started the process of regeneration. But unfortunately, it was for his woubds, it was for his tech-suit. "That's cool" he said to himself with a smile. To him, this regeneration suit was neat.

But that distraction would cause him yet another bullet to the eye. "That's the bad guy Jaw-Man, if ur about to do sumthin' he's ur target partner" Tiger said after shooting. He hoped, once again, that this NRG freak wouldn't blast him instead. He then turned to Breakdown. "First metas now aliens, damn New York is Loco" he silently said to himself as he returned to fire at Templar.

Like before, the bullets irritated Templar, and so did this entire situation. "You told me I had to capture Boomstick! Why are all these guys here?!!" Templar yelled through his earpiece. "We are sending a helicopter, ETA five minutes."

"I ain't running away" Templar finished, crushing the earpiece and rushing to the battle. He flew straight forward and aimed for Boomstick yet again, this time, he was done playing games.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxlynx
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Jinxlynx The System / in the Glitch

Member Seen 21 days ago

Boomstick - Chaos in the Subway Tunnel

Boomstick nearly laughed out loud, her timing was perfect, her predicted trajectory was aimed straight for his head, if this guy was a resilient as she believed him to be then this punch was gonna knock him out cold, if he was not then maybe put him in a coma, one of the two. Her fist punched out and after a dazzling beam streaked across her vision her punch hit nothing but air, causing her heavy momentum to send her flying forwards and flip over onto her back in a very unceremonious fashion. "What the hell!" she yelled, standing up dust and rock fell from her back as she looked around for who ever just interrupted her, spotting a orange crystal dude she glared at him, "Hey I had this under control!" she pointed at him, giving him the stink eye of a wrathful angel. She turned back around to the direction flyboy was blasted away into, not able to see him in the smoke and dust that was kicked up by the fight. So focused on getting back into her fight she did not hear or even notice all the commotion from the new and camera, or even Tiger yelling out orders to a new comer she had not seen yet.
However her time was up, five minutes had passed and her god mode faded, the aura surrounding her dimmed to nothing and her hair went back to black, the wing on her back vanishing in curls of white smoke. "No no! not yet, I had him!" she panicked, she still could not see where flyboy went in all the smoke and now she lost her immunity. Raising her arm for defense she heard a sudden crack, turning towards the noise she say flyboy kicking off the wall and flying full speed towards her, it was the same as before but he moved at a much faster speed, this time though she just punched straight forwards, meeting him in a full on impact.
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