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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


@Evil snowman

Hana turned to the girl while sucking the lollipop, he had to act casual well not to casual… the teachers would be suspicious but the girl was pretty entertaining with the conversation. “You like watching chaos? Its been a while since anyone likes to watch things unfold…I like that. This is pretty dull, I mean they are smiling but where the craziness, the panic… Oh plans well…that be in the future but from what you are saying you might enjoy them. “ He gave a small laugh after that and turned to see the crowd, still no one that seem capable to really start a fight, he needed a hot headed person… a small way to lighting the fuse and blowing up.

He turned back to the girl as she said she was from Russia, far from home… he did wonder why she was going to study here but whatever. “Well have fun here, its not bad but the summers here are intense… you need a lot of ice just to cool off.” Oddly enough the conversation became casual itself and plus he was having an okay time with the girl. “Yup, ever since preschool I been studying here… You can say my whole family studied here…mom, dad, brothers…sister. I guess is tradition to study here but hey its not bad...” Then he noticed on of his Yankees waving over him front the crowd, like when the distraction will start. Hana raised his hand almost like a signal to wait for it.



Penn was making some good coffee, dark roast would keep him up for hours. As he turned on the coffee machine he felt something on his shoulder then his roommate talking behind him. Penn’s heart drop immediately, he wished this never happened... he wanted to die.


All can Penn do is scream. “AAAAAAAAHHHH!!” His true nightmare came around, he turned around quickly and wanted to push Edwards away but he had no might to do say. He was afraid; very much afraid and there was northing he could do about but to stand there in fear. "G-go a-away!!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Edward, hearing his roommate and scream and losing his only means of support, falls forward on top of Penn. Still being tired, when he hits the ground he falls asleep, right... on ... top... of... Penn. No matter how hard Penn might struggle he wouldn't wake up, Edward was in a deep sleep now, snoring away peacefully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by bluemoon277
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bluemoon277 Forever Faceless

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Miss Shard


Miss Shard sighed looking over the girl Revan had mentioned. "Ive been busy with lesson plans all day. I hate being couped up, but....it's a neccassary evil" Miss Sahrd explained. She crossed her arms, and kept her eyes on the dance floor. Miss Shard looked over the girl dancing. The confidence fit her well, but Miss Shard assumed that was just the posseser. "I haven't met with them yet, so no I haven't speaking of which I would like for you to be there for at least the first meeting. A little intimidation isn't always a bad thing just incase any students decide they need to show off to much" Miss Shard joked.


How the Mighty Fall - Fall Out Boy

'Kikka seriously people are looking at us' Winifer complained. It was true her dancing had attracted some attention from boys and a few girls. 'Good' Kikka replied. 'you know what Winifer how about we get even more attention' Kikka suggested with a laugh. Winifer walked up to the stage, and got the singer to come over to the side as the song ended. Winifer spoke a few words to the guy and jumped up on stage. The guy handed her the mike. Winifer nodded to the guitar player and the band started up again. The music played roughly creating a rebellious feel. "Oh god....shout out...fall out boy" Winifer spoke to the opener of the song. The change in singer caught the attention if a few, but not all. "Di-di-did you trip down tweleve steps in the Malibu-ooh-ooh" Winifer sang walking closer to the edge of the stage. As Winifer sang she gripped tightly to the microphone, her shoulders back, and her voice like a siren.



Jessie didn't quite like the way Aaron left so quickly. She wanted him around the minuet he left, but Jessie soon shook off the feeling. 'Silly fantasy Jessie just have fun. Woo just have fun' Jessie told herself as she shook off the feeling. "So Kate I'm thinking we hit the dance floor" Jessie suggested. She was looking around checking out a few guys when the song changed. Jessie noticed a new singer, and looked up to the stage. Jessie smiled. The girl new how to work a mike. jessie nodded her head to the song starting to do little dances before they had even hit the dance floor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Penn was dead… his roommate who is a guy, which he feared the most of was on top of him and was sleeping… he wanted to cry, no in fact he was crying but he did it silently, he shook in fear violently, trying to repress those awful memories of the past. He wanted to forget them but in his situation he couldn’t all he can do is lay there. “H-h-he-help…” He cried out weakly, hoping just hoping something can save him from this nightmare. He did try pushing Edward off but he was to heavy to do so. He was stuck and no way out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

David walked into the party, he was feeling pumped. The vodka in his jacket may have had something to do with that. Well the party was active he decided it was a good enough distraction for him to spike the punch. His last school had the idea to keep the drinks in their containers to prevent spiking, it helped but didn't stop it.

David casually walked over to the punch and poured some of the vodka into it, it was strong so he figured he didn't need much. After that all he had to do was sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

Punch sounded good to Hunter right now. "Ya I'm open for some punch!" This place was different, not sure how yet...But Hunter liked it. He walked over to the punch bowl and grabbed a cup, though after his first sip he stopped, not only did it taste...strange...it reacted...he felt the current run through it like...something else... "Is this school prone to spiked punch?" Hunter would ask Iyo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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"You know I've a talent with words and persuasion, so I can probably get them to follow you like chicks to a hen if I really wanted to. But yeah, yeah, I'll come over, if I'm sober. . . and awake. . . and I feel like it . . . and don't have a buxom blonde in the bed with me when I wake up. If you have some dinner with me, you can make sure all of the above happen, perhaps you'd be interested in taking the blonde's place?" Revan gave his co-worker a charming, appropriately devilish grin, looking rather smug as always. Even if Delilah turned him down, it was no skin of his bones, it wasn't like picking up women was hard for him and he had an eternity to sleep with another immortal, so he was in no real rush.

Looking over to the punch bowl, he saw one kid pour some vodka into the punch bowl. Now what he should've done is draw attention to the boy and kick his ass out, but what he was going to do was sit back and let the chaos unfold. He was the security guard, and thus, the most likely person that people would come to in this situation. So if any of them wanted to ruin the fun, he'd just convince them to forget about it.



Having left Aleida at his dorm, using her magic usually assuring that she'd be out for the rest of the night, and Alex somewhere he couldn't remember, Xavier came to the party dressed in his nicest clothes, a dress shirt, a jacket, some clean blue jeans, and a new pair of sneakers. Yeah, him and his dad never really ended up in places where nice clothes were essential, required, or even favored. Walking up to the punch bowl, he nervously got himself a cup full and quickly downed it without tasting it, surprised to find that their was alcohol in it. And strong stuff as well, though Xavier was pretty much unaffected by it, having been almost raised on alcohol his whole life, or at least since he was 6. It had stopped having an overly adverse effect on him when he turned 12, and he was able to outdrink almost anyone with relative ease. The only people who had managed to beat him were his Dad, every single time, and surprisingly enough, Aleida.

It had been a few nights ago, where his dad had cranked out some casks of vodka he had acquired from somewhere, challenging the two of them to a drinking contest, Now, having been raised like this, he saw no harm in letting Aleida join in and soon the 3 of them began to drink like no tomorrow. When he woke up the following morning, he saw Aleida tapped to the ceiling fan and his dad passed out in exhaustion. Apparently, after round 120, where Xavier had to call the quits and faint, Revan and Allie had kept going until round 415, where Allie was dead-drunk and started using her powers willy-nilly, firing off bolts of energy, fire, wind, lighting, you name it as she pranced around the room(which she expanded to be the size of a football field), with Revan chasing after her. Soon, having enough, he just wrapped her up in duct tape, then taped her to the ceiling fan, where she spent the rest of the night making a breeze to spin herself around before she finally fainted. When she woke up, she had to go pee really badly, but that was a story for another day, one that is hopefully far away.

"Good punch, needs something else to give it some more kick, though." he commented to no one in particular, getting himself another cup full.

@Remipa Awesome
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


@Remipa Awesome

Iyo went towards the punch and poured himself a cup, sipping it while Hunter talked. He did notice the taste and that he was really mad. “OH MY GOD! YOU IDOIT!!” He shouted as he though the one who spiked the punch was his bog bro twin idiot Hana. “He does this every time!!! I tell him to stop but noOooOOO! He has to do this thing again! Ugh!” He shouted ay the air with frustration, believing that Hana has done his pranks once more but Iyo being so mad he drank more of the punch without care of the alcohol. He turned back to Hunter and another guy saying the punch needed a kick to it more. The thing is though that Iyo was light so any alcohol at all…well…

“SHhoo STthhupid! I Hwaattee Yoouuu Haaaana!! ” He became a drunken mess easily... Iyo drank more of the punch, complete drunk after a couple of sips. He swayed around and nearly tripped on his own. “Haannaaa wwhhyy…”


@Remipa Awesome

Hana looked at the punch again and noticed….someone just spiked it…the guy just spiked the punch…He was going to do that…. “You…fucker…” He growled, no one ever steals his thunder; he had been doing the prank since he got to high school. And if that guy steals it...He walked away form the girl and towards the guy who just spiked it and grabbed him from the collar of his shirt. Though it looked kind of funny who a 5’8 guy was threating a 6 foot guy but Hana was surely angry. His Yankees knew how mad Hana can get and made sure they don’t stop him and if they did well they never really want to talk about it. “You spiked the punch heh…Well look here kid…” He stepped back and then quickly pushed him onto the floor causing a lot of people to turn to him and the guy. Hana curled his hands to a fist and seemed ready to pounce. Giving out a smile that said you are dead on it made things seemed worse. “No one does that but me…” Then throwing a punch at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soph
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"I don't think they know the recipe. Or maybe it's in some website that's only in German, I dunno." Marci said, thinking of the reasons why. Why wouldn't they want to make cakes with those delicious malt balls in them, that'd be a good idea, wouldn't it? They'd get a lot of money from Marci for it too!

The eye-person, who went by the name of Graiai apparently, seemed like a nice girl. Maybe people looked away from the girl because of the eye she carried around? That would mean that they were terrified of eyes that were carried around by a girl who looked to belong in a game shooting bullets at other little girls be in her highschool years. That sounded kind of dumb.

Maybe people don't like seeing eyes not on a living whatever's head?

Maybe I'm going too in-depth with this stupid topic about eyes?


"Oh, hello, Graiai! My name is Marci Germanoo, it's nice to meet you."

Of course, Marci could be the only one with sweets in this school, so she would have to take whatever the pink-haired girl had that was sweet to be the crowned queen of sweets. She would then have to murder that Iyo kid to get his milkshakes and be the crowned queen of milkshakes, feared by all milkshake drinkers and sweet lovers.

The perfect plan.

Then, Marci-
"Nope. No nude fantasies of me in your sketchbook."

Was zum Teufel hast du einfach nur Ficken Antwort Über mich du kleine Schlampe Ich muss dich wissen lassen Ich GRADUIERT Spitze meiner Klasse in der NAVY SEALS und ich habe in zahlreichen SECRET RAIDS BETEILIGT AN Al Kaida und ICH ÜBER 300 BESTÄTIGT TÖTUNGEN ich in GORILLA Kriegsführung ausgebildet und ich bin der TOP SNIPER IN DER GESAMTEN US-Streitkräfte Du bist nichts für mich, aber nur einer anderen TARGET ich SIE WIPE the fuck out mit der Präzision die gerne von denen IST NIE GESEHEN VOR AUF DIESER ERDE MARK mein verdammtes Wörter, die Sie denken, Sie können sich zu sagen, dass die Scheiße, MICH DENKEN WIEDER FUCKER wie wir sprechen Ich kontaktiere MY SECRET NETZWERK VON SPIES WELTWEIT ERHALTEN UND IHRE POSITION gefolgt wird, JETZT ALSO Vorbereitung besser DER STURM MAGGOT Der Sturm, DER KLÄGLICH Kleinigkeit SIE RUFEN SIE IHR LEBEN SIE VERDAMMT DEAD KID ICH KANN überall zu jeder Zeit und ich kann Ihnen IN als siebenhundert WEGE zu töten, und das ist nur mit meinen bloßen Händen NICHT NUR ICH umfassend geschult WIPES IN waffenlosen Kampf, aber ich habe Zugriff auf das gesamte Arsenal der United States Marine Corps und ich werde es in vollem Umfang, UM wischen Sie Ihre MISERABLE ASS aus dem Gesicht des Kontinents SIE KLEINE SCHEISSE, WENN NUR SIE KONNTEN bekannt, was UNHOLY VERGELTUNG HABEN IHRE LITTLE "CLEVER" KOMMENTAR wollte stürzen auf dich vielleicht möchten GEHALTEN HABEN deine verdammte Zunge aber man konnte nicht Sie nicht und jetzt sind Sie zahlen den Preis SIE Hippie-IDIOT I WILL SCHEISSE FURY alle über euch und ihr werdet ertrinken in IT SIE VERDAMMT DEAD KIDDO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

i swear all of these people interrupt my narration.
if you interrupt
this amazing narration
i will murder you
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

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Graiai's jaws succumbed to gravity, while her eyes locked on to the sketchy figures in print. The details were intricate, finely shaded and highly intriguing, inviting one's mind to be further pulled into the depths. The messages, while vague, attracted one to search deep within their mind to find the meaning in this piece. It was an excellent work of fine art with excellent dedication that could sell for millions in an auction, but at the same time it's a nude.

"...I have mixed feelings about this."

Graiai tried to make a decision in her head, crossing her arms and averting her gaze away from the boy to let her mind think freely while little distraction is on her sight.

"...Fine. Do as you will."

Let's see where this goes.

Mad degraded by 5%

35% mad

Rages so far: 0
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hunter walked over to Iyo, he was definitely drunk, and couldn't hold his liqueur that well either. "Come on buddy, lets get ya home." Hunter put him arm around Iyo hoping he wouldn't fall the second he didn't pay attention. He hadn't seen any one get that drunk that fast since he went to school at Wilford and David spiked the punch with his over priced...Dammit. Hunter would have to deal with this later. "Question? Do you remember where you live? Because I don't."

Hunter was low on options, he could let Iyo stay at the party, but he got wasted fast and no telling how many other things were spiked here.

(try three, this is what happens when I lack sleep sorry)
David was shocked when he got pushed down. He was also pissed in a way. He stood up to face Hana. "Now who the hell are you, to be talking to me like that?" He walked up to him and looked him dead in the eyes. "If you want to start something I hope you can finish it, I'm willing too."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Iyo waved and swayed alot as Huter tried ot help, though being drunk he was a bit more persistant with other things than getting home. "Hhhwwooommeee!!...IIIII dwwooonntt knooowww!!! Aawwsskk brrwoo brrwooo! Hhwwee kkknoossww!" Iyo shouted as he tossed his cup of spiked punch around causing some of the punch to spill on the floor. Iyo was drunk at least he wasn't that drunk to well...what he did last year... the things he had done in last years party... clothes were off and photos have been taken... Iyo wanted to dance abit more so he walked off away from Hunter well only taking two steps until... "BBwwaaahh!!" he fell on the ground face first...at least it was better than last year...


Hana could feel the tension rise up as the guy stood up and tried to threatening him back. This made him feel pump up, he gotten used to these things but luckily he does know how to end them. He looked also right the guy's eyes and smirked, he may be cocky about this but he did love a good fight especially when someone steals his thunder. "Oh I can end it, I can end it quickly! You see I got I small reputation here and well...dont want a new kid like you to ruin it, a Yankee got to keep his title." He poked the guys chest like a joke, his other Yankees cheered for him. "lets start then!" Hana smiled like the delinqueint he is and stepped back, he rolled up his sleeve and punched the guy right at his gut.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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After leaving Jessie and Kate, Aaron wandered around the party. He mingled with a few students, tried (and failed, much to his surprise) to flirt with a few girls, and even managed to catch a glimp of a student using their power. "Well I see the human torch goes to Orean too", he'd have said that out loud but the combined noise of the music and the students made speaking the words useless. Speaking of music, a song which he was familiar with was being sung by a voice he was unfamiliar with. Turning to the stage he saw a girl singing song to Fall Out Boy. Aaron had to admit she was pretty good, "If Jess and Kate are seeing this then goodbye Nega-Nate". He listened for a bit more before heading over to get a drink. He was just about to drink the punch when he heard someone say something about it being spiked. "Seriously...", was the first thought to enter his mind. The next was, "Nice, fight on the first day" after seeing a student punch another straight in the gut. "I have to give it to Orean, this school knows how to throw a party", Aaron stood back and watched the coming battle.


"Of course you ditch us", Kate thought as she watched Aaron vanish into the crowd. It was fine though, Aaron was always running off. In truth he and Kate were much alike: they both liked meeting new people, trying new things, seeing new places. The difference was that Kate was more reserved, she would try new thing but with some care whereas Aaron would jump headfirst blindly into whatever he fancied. Despite that he still managed to come out on top, somehow he always managed to get away with it and despite Kate being jealous of hee brother's "gift" she was glad he had it. If not he'd probably be in jail or worse."Sounds good to me!", Kate answered after hearing Jess suggest they go dance. It wasn't long after though that Kate heard a new voice onstage. It was strange to Kate, the song itself wasn't soothing but the singer's voice was. Perhaps soothing wasn't the right word as the sound of her made Kate ecstatic as she danced along to it. "Jess!", she called out as she continued to dance to the music "We gotta meet this girl after she's done!".
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by bluemoon277
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bluemoon277 Forever Faceless

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Miss Shard

Miss Shard laughed. It was a light and airy laugh. Delilah had always liked being around Revan. While his decorum around students had much to be desired, it was nice to be around someone you could talk about the entirety of history with. "I'll take you up on the dinner, but I wouldn't expect any more then that" Delilah replied. Miss shard looked around the room. Over by the punch bowl two boys had started to get into a fight. "Should you.....you know...break that up" Delilah suggested. Miss shard was not new to the security guarding ways of Revan, which was to pretty much....well....just do whatever he wanted.



The song finished too quickly for Kikka's liking. Some people had clapped, a few had even watched her sing, but for the most part many people were starting to notice two boys fighting in the back. 'You've had your fun. Can I have my body back now Kikka' Winifer pleaded. 'Yeah whatever' Kikka agreed letting go as her foot hit the floor off the stage. Kikka was thinking of a few other ways she could steal the spotlight, but she was too annoyed by the fight having already done that to carry out any of those plans.

Once Winifer was in control again she shrunk and slouched like she normally do. Winifer bumped in a few people as she exited the crowd. 'I'm just. Gonna head back to my dorm Kikka....I think I've had enough fun tonight' Winifer told Kikka. Winifer finally got to the dorms. The walk had been so quiet and so cold. Winifer had crossed her arms to try and get some warmth.

Winifer could feel her mood dropping as she climbed the stairs to her dorm. Winifer thought about how much she hated when Kikka took control of her like that. Using her for her own fun. 'Aren't you gonna say something Kikka. I know you can hear me. Aren't you gonna tell me how you were just trying to help me. How making those people like you was gonna help you control them later' Winifer complained so loudly in her head. 'Yes. Don't over react. You sand a song I didn't have you kill a man. Did you see how those people smiled. I want people to look at you like that like they now how good you are' Kikka frustratedly explained. "No Kikka they knew how good you are. You're not me" Winifer shouted. Winifer quickly covered her mouth. 'Fuck' Winifer thought. Winifer was looking around not sure if anyone heard her. 'Of course someone heard you Winifer you shouted it' Kikka noted obviously still annoyed. Winifer noticed the door number. "Oh shit" Winifer whispered under her breath. Winifer was right outside of Edwards dorm. Winifer looked around she wasn't sure wether to run to her dorm or stay and try and explain if anyone came out.



Jess danced along Kate. "I know she's great. Maybe we've got a girl group in our future" Jessie laughed.he song ended and Jessie saw the girl get off the stage. Jessie quickly went after her. Unfortunately she got away. Jessie looked through the crowd, but she couldn't fun her. It was like she vanished. "Oh my god Kate. We gotta find Cinderella" Jessie joked though she was serious about finding the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 8 days ago


"That's what they all say, at first," Revan chuckled, his being deep and dark, but as he saw the fight unfold, it turned into a annoyed groan. If it had been a drunken brawl, he would've let run for a bit to see how things went, but neither teen was even a little tipsy. "I'm going to break something, damn brats."

And with that he was gone, moving through the gcrowd as a dark shadow, unseen by anyone, and seemed to appear out of thin air right at the moment Hana through his punch. Easily catching it in hand, then tripping the kid up by kicking his legs out from under him. Placing his foot on the boy's chest to keep him in place, Revan leaned overto look the little shit dead in the eyes, his eyes baring a slightly ominius glow as they burrowed into Hana's, the annoyance clear on his face. "You think you're some shit, don'tcha pint-size, but here's the thing. You are a fucking poseur, a brat who thinks he's bad because he got into a few fights, well I'm going to show you how bad you really are. Now get the fuck and give me your best shot, andwatch how effortlessly I can pwn your pansy, skirt-wearing, wannabe delinquent ass."

Removing his foot, he turned to face the other kid, the one who had spiked the punch. "And don't think I've missed what you did. I think the headmistress would be very interested to hear about where you got the bottle of Vodka from, so unless you hand it over right now, you'll be up the river without a paddle. Basically, this is a warning, next time I catch you doing something like this, you'll be sharing the same fate as this poseur here." He pointed a thumb at Hana, not even bothering to pay attention to him.

@Remipa Awesome


Grimm nodded, putting away the "Graceful Dead" and taking out "The Living" he took a seat nearby andbegan to sketch out her figure, pulling a pencil from his sleeve as he did so. "Thank you for the permission, and I'm glad you think so highly of my work, though I still don't see the problem with nudes. But, since it bothers you so much, I shall not draw any nudes of you unless you ask." He gave a slight nod of his head, before going back to his drawing. "Oh, Marci was it, a lady such as yourself shouldn't use such vulgar words, though I guess you're free to think whatever you want."



Seeing what was going to happen, Xavier had already formed an excuse to leave, grabbing a second cup of punch and walking away from,the soon to be humilation, walking over to a girl standing on the sidelines. Taking a sip of the burning liquid to give him some confidence, he settled himself beside her, holding out the other cup to her with a warm smile in his face. "The punch bowl won't be accessible for a bit while my dad deals with that guy, so I thought I might get someone some before that happened. My name is Xavier Lyone, by the way, and this is my first year here, what about you?"
@Evil Snowman
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


@Remipa awesome

Hana was about to deliver a very hard punch until he was stopped suddenly. Then he was tripped down and stepped on….great the school body guard… He could see he was pissed and there was something in his eyes that just….weirded him out though he wasn’t scared, he dealt with this before. His ass got kicked a lot but he could handle this, he wasn’t weak, no way he could back down now. “Poseur!? Poseur me ass!! You don’t know the shit I been through! You fucker!! Why you!!!” Hana shouted as he got up, he was pissed now no one calls him pint-size, poseur, pansy and a brat that easily. Of course he gets called like that a lot with how he dresses and acts but this was all real and no way he was a poseur.

He was almost growling with anger yet his angry face seemed more cute than intimidating which happens a lot when he is really pissed. His other Yankees stayed back, they didn’t want to get in trouble now with the bodyguard to show up also this was their boss’ fight, they don’t want to be involved in it. As Revan turned to talk to the punk who tried to steal his thunder Hana thought of a quick attack, he wasn’t a type to fight when someone turned their back but he was pissed and even though he was a school authority thing he wanted to prove he wasn’t what ever the guy said. Hana stepped back and did a jump kick that went towards Revan’s shoulder.



Penn struggled underneath but there was no way to get out, he was stuck and living his nightmare. He heard shouting outside…maybe the person could help! He was desperate, anything to get away from this nightmare of a life of his. “H-he-hel-Help!!” Penn shouted, there was a clear notice of fear and panic in his voice as he begged for anything to save him, he still tired to hold back those memories…those awful memories… “S-so-som-someo-on-one!!”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

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The way the conversation was turning out with the boy as he sucked on a lollipop made Katya feel very suspicious. It wasn’t hard to tell although he was trying to hide it he was up to something and it seemed she was merely cover. Knowing this fact didn’t bother Katya and she’d continue to talk to the boy for as long as he hung around for she simply lacked anything else to do. Also she had come to the party with the goal to intact a little so this was allowing her to achieve her goal.
Listing to the boy speak she was about to reply when she noticed he looked at the punch and seemed to get quite upset and left her to seemingly pick a fight with some other boy.
“A fight how dull.” she muttered to herself pulling out her phone to see who had sent her a message. The message was for her brother back home wishing her the best of luck and if they can get online at the same time needed to play a game.

Sending a quick thank you and taunt of how he’d never bet her at a game, Katya put her phone away and looked back at the fight to see it had gotten interesting. Seeing that a teacher had stepped in and was apparently dealing with situation in a way that looked unfamiliar to how teacher would typically break up fights. It was then another boy approached her this time offering a cup of punch while stating the teacher breaking up the fight was his father. Now that was interesting information and with her small semi-permanent smile took the cup of punch.
“Thank you, you are very kind.” she stated taking the chance to look the boy over… finding his choice of attire odd for this party. It was thought more along the lines of what she used to seeing people wearing. Still she had to admit although the boy looked young then her he did look pretty handsome in his clothing… making Katya feel a little flustered with a slight blush growing on her cheeks.
“So… um… my name… is Ekaterina Ozerova Romanovna. But I think it would be okay if you call me Katya… Da I would like that… like you I’m being new to this school, transferred from school in Russia. So what about you? Are transfer students or is it something more interesting? It must being strange being in a school where your father working.” Katya said quickly noticing her level of English degraded slightly making her smile fade a little as she grew annoyed at herself she needed to make sure her ability to talk and be understood where affect as she doubted the boy could speak Russian.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bluemoon277
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bluemoon277 Forever Faceless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Winifer heard a cry for help coming from Edward's dorm. Winifer walked up to the door. She put her ear to it. Another cry came. Winifer was split on wether or not to come in. Winifer walked away. Then she reprimanded herself for doing so and walked back to the door. Then she walked away agin, then back. Finally Winifer cautiously opened up the door. It was thankfully not locked. "...hello" Winifer called. The room was dark, and Winifer wasn't sure what she would find. Winifer turned the corner to see Edward on top of His roommate. "Oh....uhm hey do you need help" Winifer asked not sure what to do with the situation at hand. Winifer got down onto her knees and gently rolled Edward off of his roommate.

Miss Shard


Miss Shard laughed again. What a sly man Revan was always too charming for his own good. Delilah watched as Revan intervened. Miss Shard saw as the boy Revan had not so respectfully reprimanded was about to attack. Thankfully Miss Shard was there just in time to catch the boys foot before it hit Revan. "I wouldn't start a fight with him if I were you" Miss Shard informed in a powerful voice commanding respect. Miss Shard let go of the boy so that he could stand up straight. "I will give you one more chance to walk away before I take you to the Head Mistress" Miss shard added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Just as things were about to get good the fight was broken up. Aaron sighed as he walked away from the scene,"Just when things were getting exciting. Might as well head to The Cave". Aaron was about to hop on his board and leave campus when he remembered Jess was going to come along. Picking back up his board Aaron looked around to find the girls but to no avail. The crowd was too thick meaning Aaron had the tedious task of sifting through them to find Jess and Kate. At one point he thought he found her but when he got in front of her it turned out to be someone entirely, "Sorry about that" he apologized before continuing on to find the girls. "If I knew it be this much trouble I would have stayed with them", he thought as he frustratingly looked on.


Kate nodded in agreement after hearing Jess say they needed to find the girl. She only wished their Cinderella hadn't vanished after her performance but then again at least she was continuing to make the night interesting. Kate looked around but like Jess she found nothing. It took her a moment to realize the search wasn't over, running over to a nearby tree Kate placed her hand on the bark and in an instant she felt what the tree felt. The slightest breeze, every vibration, the neural network of plants all around campus communicating information about the students and the grounds of Orean Cause. It was a flood of information but after much effort Kate managed to filter out the excess information to show her only what she wanted. The plants had collected the sounds of the party nearby along with the vibrations resonating off of the bodies of the students. Cinderella after leaving the stage headed back towards the dormitories and entered a room. While Kate wasn't sure of the room number she did have a hint as to which one due to Cinderella leaving the door open slightly. After cuttinf off her connection to the plants Kate turned to Jessie saying, "I found her, she's at the dorms. We need to loom for an open door". Their elusive Cinderella couldn't hide for much more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 8 days ago


Revan clicked his tongue as Delilah intervened. "You know brats like him learn nothing from stern words and reprimands. If you really want them to straighten out, you have to crush the fight out of them. Besides, I wasn't going to injure the brat, just give him a bit more of a warning than I gave his friend here, who still has yet to hand over his drink. Do I have to discipline you as well?" Revan said, hand out and what small amount of patience he had running dangerously thin. That little poseur delinquent had annoyed the shit out of him, and he needed a drink, or two, or a hundred. Yeah, a hundred, that'd give him a slight buzz. Maybe.
@Remipa Awesome


Xavier noticed the girl blushing, which caused him to blush a little as he introduced himself. "Nice to meet you Katya," He said, reaching his hand out for her in greeting, "As for my Dad being at the school, that is kinda my life actually. My dad is constantly taking on, and losing, jobs, which means I've had to move a lot. Let's just say I've had a lot of practice being the new kid on the block." As he spoke, he tried to place the accent she was slipping into, knowing he'd heard it before. German, no, wait, I got it, it's Russian. And just like that, Xavier could speak Russian, as Katya would see as he spoke his next seconds in flawless Russian without even realizing it. "My dad's always had a problem with responsibility, so I was the one who had to pick up the slack. It's a pain, but I don't know what kind of ditch he'd would end up in if it wasn't for me. And my efforts are finally baring fruit, after who knows how many years, he's finally getting better. They are very small improvements, but noticeable ones. Take the fight for instance, a couple months ago, he would've just decked the kid and be done with it. Now he's trying to solve the problem at its source, albeit in a way that is considered by many to be child abuse, but hey, I take what I can get." He shrugged, taking another sip of the spiked punch, and letting out a satisfied sigh, this stuff really warmed you to your core.

"But enough about me, I'm not all that interesting," Xavier continues, not really wanting to mention the fact that he now had a 2 week old dragon for a little sister that could grant wishes, as he was pretty sure that would scare this girl away and he hardly ever got the chance to talk to girls when he's not sober, mostly because he only drinks at home. While he wasn't drunk, the Vodka did give him the kick in the pants he needed to grow some balls and actually hold a normal conversation, instead of his usual panicky one sided pity-fest. You're from Russia, right, I noticed your accent, I think you speak English rather well by the way,and I couldn't help but wonder. If so, what is it like up their, it's the only place me and my dad haven't been, that and germany. Dad said he has too many bad memories in Germany and that visiting the place wouldn't be a good idea. He doesn't want to go to Russia because he thinks it's too cold for him, even if the women are all so wonderfully shaped there. . . . Uh, those are his words, not mine. Xavier wanted to hit punch himself, looks like the Vodka had given him too much balls, she was probably going to hate him for saying that. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!

@Evil Snowman
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


@Remipa awesome

Hana kick was stopped once again by another authority figure, ugh when can he fight someone or at least hit them!?!? With all the threats given to him he didn’t care, he was pissed as hell… He tried to be civil unlike before but he was burning up so much anger to a point where he grabbed a random chair and threw it at all like a child. He then kicked some chairs and tables down and punched the wall a couple of times. “kutabare! Yakamashii jakamashi! Kusojijii!! Kusobabaa!!” Hana began shouting and screaming Japanese swear words in pure rage even though when he did it looked kind of funny. He walked up to the two adults that were warning him, he was to far down to back out.

Pointing a finger at them and shuting really badly. Once he starts he got to end it no matter what in his own way. "Anata wa damatte! Watashi ga sukina koto o okonau koto ga dekimasu! Ka watashi wa anata no kowai to omoimasu! Chigau! Anata ga fakkā!" Hana shouted even more in Japanese, his anger was reaching to his first language, which was a bad sign that he might really explode soon enough. It was not sure if the two knew Japanese, if not then they sure are confused on what he was screaming at.

(Translation: Go to hell! Shut up! Old fart! Old fart(Girl)!! You shut up! I can do whatever I want!! Do you think I am afraid of you!? No! You Fuckers!)



Penn was finally free, thanks to that girl who played video games with Edward earlier…thank god he didn’t close the door or else he be stuck here until; Edward woke up. As she rolled the sleeping Edward away Penn instantly moved away from the two and curled up to a ball, like a turtle hiding from the hunter. He can’t believe that just happened, he never wanted that to happen. He almost looked like he was attacked even though that never happened, it was his fear that driven him to be like this. He couldn’t believe this had happened to him… he just cant. “N-N-n-no-no-o…b-ba-bab--bad...” Penn held back his emotions, trying not to break down in front of the girl but it was just to hard for him.
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