Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Andre had spent his night trying to get to sleep in his overly comfortable bed, in this amazingly well kept room, with his warm and plump sheets wrapped around him...and he barely could sleep at all. It was so out of his comfort zone he felt like a normal person at one of those loli conventions where all those creepy lolicons gathered to celebrate their flat chested 2D goddesses. It made him feel unclean...even though he took a shower in a luxury shower with scented fucking soaps. Worst of all...the uniform. "I swear to freaking Slifer The Sky Dragon that if I lose what momentum I lost yesterday I will castrate someone." Andre muttered as he looked into the mirror. He had his normally disheveled black hair combed, his blue eyes glowered back at him with disgust, and finally his bright yellow uniform which was clean and well kept made him look like a freaking pleb in the middle of some prep-school. Which technically this was except he was learning how to play a card game instead of god damn useful things. And Andre's neck...that was a problem. Andre searched around and found a red sash he had brought with him and wrapped it around his neck but in the process he had to keep his top button undone. He couldn't leave it uncovered so that would have to do. Andre found himself leaving his plushy dorm as soon as he could his duel disk strapped to his left arm and his deck hanging from his belt. He wore his black jeans today figured he'd at least keep some of his style.

Andre found himself back in the cafeteria as he looked around and sighed. This morning was just going to keep getting better and better wasn't it? Andre didn't see Ben anywhere just yet so he decided that it would be best to just sit by himself somewhere in the corner. He got himself some orange juice and a meal to boot and parked himself in the corner leaned back into his chair and started to eat it quickly. He wanted to make sure he got through it quick.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Angelo was sleeping peacefully thinking he would wake up early on his own, but NO! he had to be awakened by that loud as hell announcer! Angelo literally jumped or if bed and landed to the floor angry. That's not how he wanted to wake up! He heard the announcement that followed and he sighed he took a quick shower and changed into his uniform.

Angelo then went to his list of luxuries and asked for access to a garage ,and a weekly supply of tools and parts. This would cost him two luxuries but Angelo needed to keep busy and making things would do that. Once he starts getting parts he will remake his duel disk and personalize it more. Angelo grabbed his D-receiver

Angelo went out of the hallway and used the elevator this time since he wanted to eat before going full throttle. He went and decided to get some toast and orange juice a he waited at the first year table for his other first years to join him...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shinrei woke up noticing he had fallen asleep at his desk while working on his new project he planned to release to the public through his father's company. It was such a bother having to run the company in his father's place and at that, was that he had to run his company while he attended the Duel Tower. They probably wouldn't allow phones in the classroom so he would have to implant a device which he could use to communicate with in case they tried to contact him for any reason. He was still wearing the same clothes he had earlier. He then looked down and he noticed the card he dropped was back in his hands. What? But how did... He thought to himself as he rubbed his eyes to wake up. He looked around and noticed it was morning then an annoying announcement blasted through the speakers which made him groan. "That time of day, eh?" He mumbled to himself as he undressed and put on the yellow uniform which made him grimace in the mirror as soon as he saw it. "I look like the valet at some night club wearing this. Ugh, I go around wearing this I will be the laughing stock of the entire academy."

He didn't need to go have breakfast. For him he only ate lunch and dinner. Those were the only two courses of meals he really cared about since he wanted to use the other time to invest into his research. He knew it was better time spent that way than intermingling with the likes he would never remember anyway. "I better go see if her first day is going well at least."

Tsukiko had already gotten dressed putting on a black skirt with white trim to match her red uniform. She liked the color of the uniform, but she hated wearing such short skirts. Problem was is she heard from various other people that there were perverts in the academy who liked to look up girls' skirts. "Better take this then." She reminded herself as she grabbed her trusty paper fan she punished people with if they pissed her off. The girl wasn't entire sure how her first year in the academy would go. She was afraid that she was getting too close to people and it would make her brother mad. She didn't know if her brother would have been mad that she actually allowed Haas to comfort her solitude which she was stuck in.

Tsukiko made herself down the hallway to notice boys gave her uncomfortable stares. It was the first time they had seen her in a shorter length skirt than the one she came in and they gawked at her the other day when she wore her shorts. She tried to ignore their perverted stares as she used the elevator to go straight toward the food court where she noticed there was lots of people. "Yup, brother won't be here. No way that will happen. He hates crowds and doesn't like to communicate very well with large groups of people. Worse enough, I have to wear a skirt this short because it's the only one that matches my uniform. Bah, should have brought more clothes." She complained as she made her way over toward one of the lines and waited for them to serve her food. She turned an eye toward one of the corners and noticed a figure wearing yellow staring at her with his back against the wall hidden from a distance. It looked like her brother, but he was a bit too far away for her to really tell.

Tsukiko had finally finished eating her food and walked over toward the spot she saw the student who was looking at her earlier. They were nowhere to be found. She looked in the hallway, but they were long gone by now. She wondered who that was and why they were there. Something told her it was her brother, but since she couldn't get a very good view she couldn't really tell who it was. While they were looking she tried to avoid as much contact with other students as she could in case it was her brother. While she looked around she noticed Haas and some of the other Earth students that she had not gotten the chance to meet eating. She then decided she would head toward the area were the students were informed to go after they finished their breakfast. She waited in the hallway which was packed and crowded with students. She had no way of finding her brother in this mess even though she tried to look for him.

Knowing her brother, he was probably in some corner all by himself trying to not mix in with the others. She had to get through this crowd first to get to the opening. Once she got there she would be easily be able to stop her brother on sight. She said sorry and excuse me every time she passed through the crowd. "Ugh, how am I suppose to get through this terrible crowd..." She then decided she had enough and she would just go lean against the wall and wait until they were all informed where their classes were. She reached into her bag and slipped on her fingerless gloves which she never went anywhere without.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Megan woke up to the screaming of some infernal demon that caused her to roll out of bed startled and promptly slam onto the floor. "Ow" She muttered to herself. What a great way to start off her day. Still rubbing her head Megan slowly got dressed and made her way outside. At least the uniforms weren't too bad, she would've liked to wear sweatpants and was debating the merit of disobedience but figured it wasn't worth getting in trouble on the first day. Following the instructions she arrived at the cafeteria via the elevator rather quickly. It looked like they had bread, bread, and... more bread.

Goody, at least there was milk. Megan grabbed a couple slices of bread and a glass of milk before grabbing a seat and glancing at her red duel tranciever as she ate. They were supposed to get their lessons through this? Did they still like, go to classes and have teachers? On the other hand it might be fun not having to sit in a stifling classroom. Megan wondered what action dueling would be like, hopefully she'd be a little better at it than standard dueling, being a track star didn't exactly help in a game of strategy and luck.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Last night

"Bloody hell, this guy talks a lot. Still, he's not actually that bad." Camryn thought. "Y'know, Ben, I think we could be pretty good friends. For now, though, I'm gonna go set all my stuff down and explore the school a bit. See ya later!" And with that, she left Ben's dorm room, suitcase trailing behind.

...A few seconds later, she stuck her head back through the door and said "Sorry about my leaving kinda abruptly. I do want to be friends with you, honestly. I just want to find other people to be friends with too. Have a nice day!". Kinda cheesy, but oh well. She figured it'd get the message across well enough. Then she left for real, suitcase bumping along behind her.

Her room turned out to be pretty nice, though the bed was a bit creaky. She tossed her suitcase down, set out an outfit for the next day - A dark blue NASA shirt, another pair of jeans, and a school uniform - and, upon flopping onto her bed belly-first, realized she was incredibly tired. "Must've been the flight over. I've been jet lagged." She muttered groggily. Exploring the school would have to wait; right now she was utterly bushed. She crawled under the sheets and fell asleep almost immediately.

This morning


"GAAGH, JESUS-" *thump*

Camryn was just in the middle of an amazing dream about being aboard the ISS when some screeching asshole decided to make himself known in her room. She tumbled to the floor, sheets twisted around her. She flailed blindly as she tried to remove the sheets, yelling all the while. "WHO THE FU- oh." As she managed to lift the comforter from her face, she realized that nobody else was in her room. She did manage to catch the intercom announcement, though. She spent a frantic few minutes trying to find her Duel Tranciever, before realizing it was still in her pocket. She changed clothes, making sure to transfer her Tranciever to her other pants, and went down to get some breakfast.

"Let's see... bread, bread, bread, toast, jam, jelly, peanut butter, marmalade... Not a lot of choices, are there." She ended up grabbing two slices of toast, a mug of coffee (with as much sugar and cream as she could fit without it being sweet sludge), and some strawberry jam, then went to find a table to sit down at. She ended up next a girl with bright red hair. Between crunchy bites of jam-covered toast, Camryn asked her "So what's your name?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Leander lazily opened his eyes when the loud announcement came through. He was used to loud announcements from his family to wake up, and although this one was much louder than his family, he didn't mind it too much. Flipping over onto his stomach and crawling on his bed over to his deck, he picked up the D-ceiver to look at the time. Too early, Leander thought as he pushed away the sheets and got up from the bed. Yawning loudly, he went to the sink to get ready for the day.

Leander put on one of the Light blazers above his black-and-blue pajamas, placed the D-ceiver into a pocket, and went outside, still half-asleep. He began to make his way to the cafeteria to get some much-needed breakfast. Leander hoped that there would be something good. Leander then spotted someone, and decided to make his first friend here (or at least try to).

"Hi!" Leander said to Shinrei with a goofy smile on his face. "Great first day here, am I right?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ben had woken up earlier and had left school grounds temporarily. He had decided to get his morning workouts in before class started. He needed to keep his body in shape after all. He was covered in sweat from head to toe when he finally got back to his room in his old school track suit. It was a bit tight now but it still fit the bill and he was glad he managed to get everything clean. He took a sip of his water from a bottle he had brought with him and then sealed it and threw it down onto his bed. Lucky for him his thing was vacuum sealed. However before he could even get out of his current clothes he was awakened by the sound of someone barking at him to get get food. Well hey it wasn't going to be good for him if he missed out on breakfast. He quickly threw on his uniform and left it unbuttoned and grabbed his duel disk but didn't attach it instead he carried it with him and left his deck in his deck box. Running out of his room he somehow ended running into his little posse. "Hey sir want to go get lunch together?" asked Henry as the others nodded at him as Ben smiled and shook his head. "Sorry guys I'm going to have to leave that for tomorrow. I'm just going to go and grab some food then meet up with some other dormies. But hey if we got time I'll chill with you guys later. Now come on we can still walk together." Ben said as he led his group to the cafeteria as he watched other Wind Dorm guys and girls mope and groan about the time and waking up while others like him were prepared. He would cheer them up if it wasn't for the fact his stomach demanded food. Ben's belly groaned as he blushed and ushered them quicker towards the food court.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Megan looked up from her D-ceiver in surprise. She'd anticipated eating alone again, maybe this would a chance to make a new friend. "Megan.", it looked like the girl was a wind dorm. Someone else better than her, this time Megan wouldn't make the mistake of asking for help. "Your entry duel must've been pretty good to have gotten wind. What deck are you using?" Megan asked curiously very aware of her own earth uniform. Maybe if she could look at a bunch of decks from people who placed higher than her she could learn how to fix her own deck. It was worth a shot at least. As Megan took a quick glance at the other girl, she saw that the other girl wasn't wearing a skirt. Megan would have to see if she got in trouble or not. Hopefully they could wear shorts or pants without getting punished, skirts sucked for doing... anything really.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Good to meet you, Megan." *crunch* *chew* "I'm using a Deepspace deck. To be honest, I think I only got Wind because of my finish. I had a bunch of copies of Solidarity and a full field of monsters, so I let my Deepspace Berserker end it in one massive shot. Otherwise, I think I would've gotten Earth." Camryn said around a mouthful of toast. She pondered a moment (and swallowed), then said "Not that getting Earth's a bad thing, of course. It just means you've got a bit farther to go, that's all. And the longer the journey, the more cool stuff you'll see and learn along the way." She took a sip of coffee. "What deck do you run?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Akira growled at the announcement having moved from meeting new people and finally got back to his room and to sleep before oh so very rudely getting awoken. Scrambling to get dressed, grabbing his deck and duel disk. Running down the hall bursting into the cafateria believing he was late.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Solidarity! That would make her deck so much better. She only ran warrior-type monsters and an 800 attack point boost was as strong as any of her equip cards AND it applied to every monster! "Um, its a sort of warrior equip card deck. I've never heard of deepspace monsters before, what do they do? Oh and you said you had a lot copies of Solidarity. Maybe you'd be willing to trade me something for it? I don't have any extra cards so I can only offer you one in exchange but I have some good ones, like Malevolent Catastrophe or Mystical Space Typhoon" Megan explained her offer as she set out her cards for the girl to look at. Megan was confident having at least one copy of Solidarity would make her deck better. Though she wasn't sure if trading cards was legal, if she didn't get caught it didn't matter. "Oh and you haven't told me your name yet." The girl's statement about earth not being so bad made her feel a little better. Megan could probably end up learning a lot, maybe even become better than any of the light students! Well that was a long way away, better to focus on the present. She took another sip of her milk as she patiently waited the other girl's response.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hmm. I'd be willing to trade a copy for that Lightning Vortex you've got. Though if you'd rather hold onto it, I'm fine with that Call of the Haunted as well. As for Deepspace monsters, they're meant to be support for those old Gradius monsters, like Jade Knight, Victory Viper XX03, et cetera. They do a good job of it, as well." Camryn took another sip of coffee. "My name's Camryn, by the way. Camryn Fraser." She said all this with an easy smile on her face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hayato has already woken up an as he had set his alarm clock to be set earlier than anyone else would've woken up so nobody would be roaming the halls when he needs to go somewhere but sadly his peaceful roam was interrupted by a loud "EVERYBODY WAKE UP" by that obnoxious announcer back during the placement duels, but he didn't really care too much and rather than looking for food he decided to let himself get familiar with the place he would call home for a while.
it was certainly different compared to his home with hallways going everywhere as he was exploring the Academy he had noticed the crowd started to grow as time went on, people did ask him why he didn't go to the cafeteria but ignored them and started looking for the class rooms instead he wasn't hungry anyways, before he knew it he arrived at the classrooms while waiting in the classroom he noticed the students flowing in one by one, he was wondering if he should respect the request and talk to Shinrei's sister and try to be her friend, Hayato really didnt have anyting better to do and tried his hand at Paper-craft himself he got some paper from his sister before he got here and as he started working he noticed the time fly by before he knew it he saw everyone rush into the classroom one of them being Tsukiko and instantly got up from his seat still holding a very crude made paper-craft representing a bird "good morning Tsukiko, had a good night sleep?" Hayato said and attempted to talk about how boring the earth dorms were but was awkwardly interrupted by the grumbling of his stomach

EVERYBODY WAKE UP! The speakers roared through the building but sadly the normally easy to wake up Hayate was unfazed by the loud sound and kept on sleeping on her which was filled with multiple finished paper-crafts one of which he was planning to give her neighbor to celebrate their new friendship, people would think someone would have a nice dream to sleep through those loud speakers but what went down in her sleep was way worse for her than anyone would imagine,

Hayate Screamed as she woke up from her desk and looked at the time and realized it was already too late for Hayate to get food and quickly put on her clothes equipped her disk and grabbed her deck and ran towards where she heard was the classroom not even taking the time of fixing her hair which made her look like she didn't sleep and ran into someone who also appeared to be running late
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shinrei was secluded from everyone trying to mind his own business like he usually did. One thing he didn't particularly care about was getting involved with other people since the fact that part of him never seemed to change. He was leaning up against one of the walls in the hallway right near his classroom contemplating the events of yesterday only to have some person he knew he wouldn't like judging by their expression interrupt him. He decided to turn his attention toward the person, but his face froze into a state which he wasn't very pleased someone would be bothering him.

"Hi!" Leander said to Shinrei with a goofy smile on his face. "Great first day here, am I right?" Shinrei closed his eyes wanting to forget what he had just heard. He also wanted to ignore the person acting like they weren't there, but most likely judging by this person's aura they would continue to bother him until he acknowledged them. "If you say so." He started with as he turned his cold eyes which gazed on Leander. He didn't really care much about what he said though he would at least try to inquire what this hindrance toward his thought process wanted without getting too engaged. "Is there something you want from me?" Shinrei questioned in a tone that gave a hint of fragrance that it didn't want to be bothered. Bothersome... I should at least find out what they want so in the future I can make arrangements toward getting this person to leave me alone... He thought to himself as he tried to think about why he had that flashback he did last night and why was it in front of Hayato of all people? He didn't speak anymore than he had to and he answered Leander with a simple answer. Such a primitive person had to be satisfied that I agreed with them, right? I have no interest in dependencies such as friends. It's for the suckers who always want something to weigh them down. All I need is my resolve and to focus on the promise I made toward my sister. Everything else is irrelevant.

"Good morning Tsukiko, had a good night sleep?" Hayato said and attempted to talk about how boring the earth dorms were but was awkwardly interrupted by the grumbling of his stomach. When Tsukiko heard the 'good morning' part she was about to politely reply, but when Hayato added "had a good night sleep" is when it hit and that is what shifted her eyes into a cold stare. She had to get up very early in the morning to avoid people from seeing her naked when she got in the shower. It was so annoying since there was always that chance some idiot might wake up as early as she did and end up seeing her where she would immediately punch them out. Luckily for anyone that had shown up at that time she had put her swimsuit on after she got out of the shower before she unlocked the door that way she could at least cover up the private parts of her body that she didn't want anyone to see. "No, I had a terrible morning. Don't ask about it either, because I don't really want to talk about it." She complained as she drew her fist back and smacked it forward into the wall. She held back but she put a little too much force into her punch as it left a little imprint in the wall. Again she said, "Oops... Put too much into that one." She laughed carelessly as she wasn't trying to damage the wall.

"You're in the Earth Dorm which is the same as me and I remember seeing you earlier the day before, but never got a chance to catch your name. I am Tsukiko Ikushirou identical twin sister of Shinrei Ikushirou. I look forward to us getting along and please forget about what I just did a moment ago. Call it a burst of anger from my frustration I went through awhile ago. It's nothing you need concern yourself with." She apologized for her rude behavior of her just going off like a loose cannon a moment ago. She felt a sensation in her body where she pulled her deck out because she wanted to take a look at it. She sorted through it to notice three cards she came across that she had seen before. These cards were all of the same monster which was titled Void Dragon. LV 6 Dark Machine Type with quite an effect. Judging by the casing on the card it was pretty rare. Though she couldn't help but think that the card gave her the impression that she had seen it before. A memory flashed in her mind where a boy showed her that same card. But she couldn't remember who it was.

"Why does this card look so familiar?" Tsukiko questioned as she pulled the three cards out of her deck and closely examined them in the light. "Have you ever seen these before?" She questioned toward Hayato hoping he might be able to give her an answer to why she felt so strange when she came into contact with them. It was a monster engulfed in both black and purple darkness which somewhat looked like Cyber Dragon, but it was a bit larger. The dragon had eyes that were a very ominous red color and wings that were as dark as a raven. It also looked like it was trying to eat its tail.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 43 min ago

Her wagon spokes made of long spinners' legs,
The cover, of the wings of grasshoppers;
Her traces, of the smallest spider web;
Her collars, of the moonshine's wat'ry beams;
Her whip, of cricket's bone; the lash, of film;
Her wagoner, a small grey-coated gnat,
Not half so big as a round little worm
Pricked from the lazy finger of a maid;
Her chariot is an empty hazelnut,
Made by the joiner squirrel or old grub,
Time out o' mind the fairies' coachmakers.
And in this state she gallops night by night
Through lovers' brains, and then they dream of love;
O'er courtiers' knees, that dream on curtsies straight;
O'er lawyers' fingers, who straight dream on fees;
O'er ladies' lips, who straight on kisses dream,
Which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues,
Because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are...

Dreaming naught of things which were, idle machinations of the wanting mind. Giving no more a reality of things than the deceit of the heart. Of lovers, of friends, of fortune, of fame, of glory, of victory and more. These phantasms which haunt the field of dreams, a falsehood we believe without a second doubt. Grasp them, and they are yours, every bit as real as they are willed to be. Dispel such thoughts from the unwaking world, and rise to hear the morning's call.

"Sacré bleu, zat iz loud." Zacharie picked himself off the floor, having fallen from his bed in the panic of the announcer's blaring voice over the PA. Usually he awoke to the sunlight peaking through the shades of his window and the scent of the Paris streets outside, but now underneath the earth, there was no such pleasure. That being said, the first thing to do was to get ready for the day ahead of them, now that the preliminaries were over. Placing in Light was unexpected for Zacharie, and now the assumed pressure to keep up was set upon him in lieu of staying in Wind and moderately doing well enough. Plus Wind did have its advantages, despite the luxurious showers in Light. There was plenty of time for a good soak, and dry, the scented soaps brought from home gave Zacharie a slight fragrance of lilac as he stepped out of the showers with a lavender-coloured towel around his waist. The steam fogged his glasses which were tucked between the folds of his towel as he returned over to his dorm to change into a new outfit from the buff. Maybe a few raised eyebrows at the colour of his towel, and the wafting scent which lingered around from the Parisian boy.

Brushing was very important, not that Zacharie bared his teeth enough to make it matter, but dental hygiene is always appreciated. A simple black V-neck with subtle gradient design paired with some off-white skinny jeans should do, nothing too formal but not completely relaxed. A more formal short-sleeved shirt was thrown over it but left unbuttoned as to work more like a jacket, and his academy Light jacket was draped over his shoulders once again. Perhaps he prefer not to wear three layers of clothing as that would be far too stuffy, or perhaps he enjoyed wearing it like a half-cape. Regardless he ventured up to the cafeteria, having lost his meal from last night due to some fortunate event, hopefully they would have better offerings today. A fresh baked scone perhaps?

Nope, just breads. Lot and lots of breads to choose from, but nothing from a bakery proper. Carbs a-la-mode, and all the sugary spreads you could imagine. Oh and there was also Ben, with his posse, looking over today's offerings. What was it he was wearing? Some sort of track uniform underneath his jacket? His hair a bit moistened by either the shower water or... Nope, it was sweat as Zacharie got closer and smelled the subtle masculinity of a morning run. "Bonjour à tous," the Frenchmen greeted Ben and his troupe from behind, sliding up beside the Englishman and thinly spreading some orange marmalade on a piece of toast. "I apologize for last night, I uh, 'ope it was okay? Ben, 'ave you met mon ami, Vincent? I believe 'e was in your dorms no?"

The drink table was next as Zacharie took a whiff of the coffee and wrinkled his nose in disapproval. The hot coffee met cold milk and stirred in with some sugar as he partitioned the black liquor into two cups and mixed it into a cafe au lait. It was unfortunate that the milk was cold, rather than heated as the drink was now warm at best. "Coffee?" Zacharie offered Ben the second cup.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Leander beamed with delight to find Shinrei talking back, seemingly oblivious about Shinrei's coldness towards him. Step 1 of his friendship-making plan was a resounding success. Next was to execute step 2: invite them somewhere to have fun. Leander could picture it in his head...

Back to reality however...

"Is there something you want from me?" Shinrei asked coldly, which Leander was all too happy to respond to. This is my chance," Leander thought. Out loud, Leander replied, "Yup! Let's go get breakfast! I hear it's goooood." Admittedly, Leander had no idea whether the last part was true or not, but there was no need to tell Shinrei that. All that mattered was that Shinrei said yes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mary Ael

Melchoir's voice rang throughout the student's dorms. It hurt. The pain shattered Mary's ears, causing her to instantly shoot up from her bed. She held her head for a few moments, trying to recollect what had happened yesterday and this morning. She was watching Venwyn to make sure he didn't cause any trouble, but the moment she took her eyes off of him, he was gone. She ended up taking a sandwich and some water to eat before she slept. After finishing the sandwich, she ended up going to her room and collapsing. She actually didn't remember going to her room or collapsing, but it was the most likely conclusion.

Then, it was the morning. Mary's head was reeling from Melchoir's "dulcet" tones. She needed to get her mind off of the ringing that was happening. A shower would remedy her pain, like how showers remedy most pains in the world.

After a frigid shower (the Ael clan had been taught to not use warm water as it dulls the senses), she put on her uniform and left her room. Students everywhere populated the halls. Most on their way to the cafeteria, but some spoke with each other in the halls. Mary didn't really care about these people, however. She was hungry and having not enough time to make her own meal was quite problematic. It made her feel idle, like nothing was going on with her.

Once she reached the cafeteria, she went up to where they served food. The assortment of food was impressive; nothing fancy, but such a wide variety was nice. Mary asked the lunch-server for some soup and rice and took up a seat alone in one of the last few tables which were empty. Her clan wasn't here, which slightly worried her. Who knew what kind of antics that her siblings could get up to?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ben was somewhat unsurprising to see the frenchman again after the other day. While he hadn't been expecting him he had certainly been wondering when the dude would come back to see him. Though it did seem like it was a bit too soon I mean he had probably just woken up and Ben was still sweaty from his workout though most of it had gone away by now. "Yo yo yo what's up my man? You know you can just say hi Zach you don't need to open up with a fancy opening around me." Ben stated as Henry stared up at him with an eye raised, "Ey' I remember this dude he's a new guy just like us right? He ran into you the other day didn't he?" Henry asked as Ben explained he was also a member of their little posse as of the day before and that he was alright in his book. Besides they could never have too many friends. "Don't worry about the other night compandre. Mistakes happen I'm sure you and I didn't mean to make a mess." Ben said waving the whole thing off with a shrug as if nothing really happened. When Zach asked about some guy named Vincent he considered the name and while he knew a Vincent it wasn't the one from his dorm. "Sorry dude no dice." Ben said as Marie Ann spoke up shyly, "There-There's already rumors going around about a guy looking into girl's rooms at night while they sleep. They say that Vincent guy is a perv apparently so maybe it's him?" Marie Ann said unsure about if what she said was right or not but Ben considered it for a moment. If what she said was true that was a problem. "Give it a couple nights I'm sure some of the girls are just spreading rumors to punk the new kids it's nothing special. As for that coffee...nah I prefer Milk or Water. Strong bones and basic hydration is the way to go boss. Coffee doesn't go together well after a workout. I just took a couple laps around the school grounds so I'll just take whatever one of those."
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