Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

William Harper

Location: Foy-er

It occurred to Liam that being in this room was likely one of the more surreal, unexpected experiences of his life. It was not a thing of horror, granted, but a sudden unsettling feeling that washed over him as he set foot inside (what he assumed was) the ship's Barbershop. It just seemed off. The events of the past week of his life had led him down an unerring path that traded a life of anonymous servitude and imprisonment for an unspecified amount of time on a recently unregistered Alliance vessel that didn't technically exist, sharing canned air with people whose worth was measured by their kill count and capacity for human apathy. This was a place of slate grey walls, uniformity, and sterilized routines.

But here there was hot lather and wrapped candies. It made no sense.

Harper forced himself to step inside, despite his sense of propriety screaming otherwise. He'd almost died a couple times, very recently. A coin toss could have decided his fate, prior to landing on Persephone. Surely he could face up to the challenge of entering a well-lit room open to public access that smelled of coffee and mild aftershave.

As it turned out, this little corner of the ship seemed very inviting, once the initial shock wore off. One side was like a small lounge area, complete with commercial terminals, a low table, comfortable places to recline, and most importantly: Coffee. It seemed like a setup designed for clients waiting on the absent barber. The other side had all of the trappings of an older style Gentleman's Barber Shop and Salon, even down to various tonics and elixirs designed for facial hair maintenance. Strangely, most of them had a moustache emblazoned across their labels, and some had a man's face upon them. Closer inspection revealed that it was the very man who was on the Bridge earlier, the paler Dandy.

Sighing, Harper poured himself a drink of coffee into a delicate looking ceramic cup, sat down, and decided to go with it. The level of crazy in which he had embedded himself was solid and highly unexpected. Perhaps it was best to relax and see where this series of events took him, as he was powerless to change his situation for the better.

This was a remarkably odd day.

Foy Coiffeur

Location: Lounge

Foy's initial impression of the situation was most correct. The talented Dr. Moreau had known Foy since childhood, and had been well briefed on his coolness of nerve and combat readiness, traits often in conflict with his generally foppish exterior. If Jahosafat told him to remain calm as he revealed something, it was an event worthy of notation. Oh, and it was, too. The revelation of a Reaver, seemingly near its metaphorical infancy.

Foy's own steely resolve took a startle, though he refused to let it show. Palms tightened around the relatively smallish grips of his hold-out pistols, fingers loosely around triggers in anticipation of the squeeze necessary to end a life. Luckily, it did not come to that. Firing a gun on board a ship was a risky affair; there were places where a bullet might travel that could place the entire crew at risk. A hull breach was an obvious one. Destroying an element of their electrical system or air filtration were others. All the same, the desire to dig out his larger guns leapt into his psyche, understandably so.

"ShÚng Lā Shǐ..."1 breathed Foy, before he remembered his manners.

He trusted his friend, though. At least so far as to believe that the subject was properly bound and sedated at that time. A flick of his wrists retreated his large bore Derringers back into the concealing fabric of his sleeves. If nothing else, the Captain had blatantly refused to holster his own weapon. In the interests of keeping out of the path of potential gunfire (and making himself a less likely first target), Foy took a step back, completely clearing Quinn's line of sight.

The conversation they had just entered left him with a sour taste. For starters, the use of the word "Harness", in describing plans for the Reavers, was ever so slightly disturbing. But he was paid to do disturbing things. Moreso were the things which could effect him, and others, in the shorter term.

"I say, Josie, this indeed is positively scandalous. And here I thought to exaggerate earlier. I must confess to two immediate concerns with this, old fellow. Firstly, what are your intentions for the crew, should they have the appropriate sanguineous prerequisites?"

"Secondly, isn't Jayne a girl's name?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 29 days ago

@FantasyChic - Messages are there but with the current states of things it looks like you won't be able to get off planet soon enough to make at least 1 appointment but there is one new one. A duke from the Core worlds is visiting the planet you are currently stranded on and he is wanting to make arrangements for a get together tomorrow. It might be something to pass the time.

@Bluesky44 - You are able to get the oil and hydraulic fluid in the back of the Mule and cut off some pieces of hull to help repair the ship with. You end up finding a few medical kits with various bits of this and that in it that may be of use for Dorthy later on, can't really tell since everything is written in medical jargon but it is a start. Gideon collects a few more things and tosses it back into the mule before stating that this should be enough for now and suggest heading back to the ship, giving Daphne the option of driving back to the ship.

@JustDoingMe - Carla isn't finding really anything. She doesn't have high enough clearance to really check anything due to the fact she is an independent contractor in the eyes of the Alliance. There is nothing on Jahosafat because he has not checked in, so she has no idea who he is or what he checked in if he checked in anything; so she wouldn't even know if the black crates were his. They are just listed as supplies and there nothing else about them. (Even if she did she would not be able to find out what his clearance ranking is. That needs to be redacted from your last post as well as any corrections to be made or kept from repeating themselves in future posts.) Carla also won't be able to find out anything about anything anyone checked in, it just isn't her job nor place - she finds nothing, nothing will raise a red flag and the one hand down there will tell her to get out because she isn't supposed to be down in the cargo bay without Captain's permission.

@Dragoknighte - The fart is not kind and it might be a good idea to see if Dorthy can help with your back or if someone can quickly fix the air flow in the ship to at least air out the room. Camilla peaks her head in and quickly covers her nose. "For the love of christ.... Did something die in here?"

@Pundii - Anisa listens and makes mental notes as she takes a deep breath. "I see, well take care of the kid and then we need to decide what to do with him. As far as his leg being broken, if that is the only injury he leaves this ship with he is going to be very lucky," she quips as she rights herself some more and takes a few unsteady steps, reaching out and resting her hand on Jackson's shoulder to steady herself. "Alright Jackson, take me on a tour of the damage of my ship so I can get an idea of how long it will be until we can get off this gorham planet."

@Morose - The kid ain't saying shit. Whether he is too afraid to or just plain stubborn at this point is anyone's guess. "Just let me go alright?" is all he says. He eyes Anisa and Jackson for a moment before looking back over towards Dorthy. He just watches her work, taking a deep breath and hissing from time to time from pain but other than that he just bites his tongue and keeps his mouth shut.

Jahosafat Moreau

Location: Lounge (Sealed Off)

"In the infirmary of course my good man, where else am I going to run tests on him? The others are secure," Jahosafat said as he leaned back against the case and crossed his arms over his chest. Turning he looked over at his old friend and smiled a bit too broadly for anyone's liking. Foy would know that smile, it meant that Jahosafat aimed to misbehave.

"Oh why they would provide the most excellent testing to see if the repellent I am developing is indeed effective. I told you, it is positively scandalous did I not? To think, if we could isolate the gene which turns gentlemen like us into ravenous beasts of devilish proportions? The possibilities are truly endless," he said clapping his hands and rubbing them together quickly.

"And Jayne can be a guys name to," he quipped with a chuckle before turning his attention back to the captain. "Worry yourself not my good man. As I said, I intend to use the infirmary for my experiments and the others are secure for now. I will only be handling one at a time. I will have the aide of the ships doctor with this and will be needing one person for security purposes as it were. Just in case though I see no issues. I have severed this ones spine at the waist and we have a nerve block in place at other points. He has handled well over the last couple of days."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Daphne Pender

Location: Mine -> Cargo Bay -> Med Bay

Daphne grabbed the medical kits. She thought that Dorothy might be able to sort things out of them later. Looking around, Daphne could see nothing else that would be of use. Everything else was falling apart and useless to them. Well, hopefully we grabbed all we need for the ship.

After loading up the Mule, she turned to Gideon who had suggested heading back. She thought for a moment, then nodded her head. "Yeah, I think we have all that we can grab from here. Might as well head back to the ship and see if you can use this stuff to get the ship back in the air." she said, and climbed up in the Mule.

Starting up the Mule, Daphne kept a careful eye out for Patience or any of her people again. She didn't know if they would turn up again or not, but it was better safe than sorry. She flew back to Vengeance, and helped Gideon unload the Mule. Not being the strongest person around, it took her a little while to unload the metal for the hull of the ship. "I'm going to let you get to work, I'm going to drop off these medical kits with Dorothy, then I'll see if I can come back and help you." she said, walking towards the Med Bay.

She saw Dorothy talking to the boy from earlier. She decided to wait until Dorothy was done talking to the boy, she knew that Dorothy didn't like being interrupted when she is working.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Genevieve Dupoit

Location: Personal Shuttle

With a somber hand, Genevieve responds to the messages, saying she will be unable to make it as her ship is currently out of commission for the time being. She paid her respects and offered discounts for their next session and made arrangements for another appointment at a later date.

One message took her by surprise. A duke contacted her for her services and he was right nearby. Gene didn't know if she was lucky or if this was fate, but seeing as she had nothing to do and Anisa was ok, she decided to accept the offer. She quickly sent off a reply, confirming the appointment and told him to expect her soon.

After sending the message she sent off a comm message to Anisa and Jackson, saying she would be traveling to the planet to meet an appointment, she would be back as soon as she could. After that she packed her comms and went toward the controls to pilot her shuttle towards the planet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 3 days ago

Dorothy Pender

Location: Med Bay Exterior

Dorothy raises an eyebrow at the boy's remark. She knew perfectly well that she could simply leave the boy alone, and let him struggle to find some form of shelter. The odds that infection would set in were great, and she recalled the many injuries she tended to as a child, the daughter of a drunken bar owner. "You best stay off it," Dorothy warned, finally finishing setting his leg. She gave him an antibiotic, knowing that the boy wouldn't listen to her, and that he'd do something stupid.

"Now, you can run on back to Patience once the Captain lets you leave, " Dorothy said slowly, "But you'll end up with worse than a broken leg, you understand?" The roughness of her voice was usually masked with the correctness of the Core Worlds, a product of her education and work. But sometimes, on days like these, her more natural voice bled through.

She took off her gloves, putting them in her pocket, as she glanced back inside of the Medical Bay. It was her domain on the ship, but she decided to leave Anisa and Jackson be for the moment. However, from the slight reflection of the glass, she saw her sister, Daphne, looking largely just as she had left her. Dorothy beamed. "Mei-mei, you need somethin'?" Dorothy asked, noting the medical kits.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

William Harper

"...wrapped candies...?"
Location: Foy-er

It could not be understated, the benefit of sitting down someplace quiet and slowly sipping on a hot cup of coffee. Again, Harper lamented his present lack of something with more "octane", but not with any gusto - years of doing without had filled him with a sense of patience, especially for lack of luxuries. A glimmer of a moment had Harper, in his sudden realization that his Perfect Plan had hit a hitch, mentally scanning for creature comforts. It was a holdover from a previous life; likely one he would never fully shake. Everyone had little vices, benign or otherwise.

A cup of something warm and a moment's pause wasn't so bad, all things considered. Just a little ritual to center himself in this place that didn't belong on a patrol ship; practically an anachronism except for a few very modern conveniences. Given precious seconds to adjust to the surroundings, Harper found it fairly comfortable.

This worry helped no one. No, he was the Flight Officer of the I.A.V. Retribution, the latest of the Alliance's nigh mythical Black Ships. Harper was going to do precisely what he said he was going to do and familiarize himself with the boat. Afterwards, he intended to make himself available for Piloting and Navigation duties, as fit his job description. Keeping his sense of military obligation in mind, Harper rose.

He carefully rinsed his now empty cup in a small hand sink, dried it gingerly, and replaced it with the others. His head tiled deliberately to either side until a muted popping sound issued from his neck, providing what appeared to be a fraction of discomfort followed by lasting relief. Straightening his coat, Harper walked to the door with a destination in mind - His second home away from home: Engineering.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 29 days ago

Atticus Pearson

Location:Outside The Ship

Atticus had made his way outside after cleaning up in his quarters for a time. Seeing the Mule was back and not hearing any screaming as he walked outside did him some good. Hopefully nothing else was going to go wrong. Looking around at the bodies he sighed to himself. Death was never a pretty thing but it was part of life. He wasn't going to let the bodies rot out there, they needed to be put to rest properly in his mind.

Taking out his bible, the worn leather cracked in the sun he glanced up as he head Gene's ship pull up and off Vengeance. "Just where is that woman off to this time?" he muttered to himself. They had been on Whitefall all day, where was she flying to and why right now? Their Captain had nearly died, people tried to kill the crew, the ship was shot up, and she was just heading off like that? He hoped she had spoken with the Captain before she left otherwise he knew it wasn't going to be a pretty scene.

Shaking the though out of his mind he went back to his task at hand, putting the souls off the assholes that had shot at them to rest. It would take some time because he hadn't gotten a lot of a chance to get started before he had had to lug Brutus's body into the ship. "Gorham!" he exclaimed as he kicked the ground. He left Brutus's body in the medical bay. Turning he matched back into the ship to go retrieve the corpse. He seriously doubted that Dorthy wanted the damn thing rotting in her infirmary.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: His room

The smell of one's own farts rarely bothered the farter, and even in this case, that remained true. All things considered, he felt quite relieved. The removed pressure of the gas helped his back muscles relax a bit and afforded him a bit more movement. Lionel didn't bother to turn around and look to see who it was when he heard the door open. It wasn't until he heard Camilla's question that his head twisted around, the old man's gaze affixed directly at her.

"Well that's not what the current situation is. However, if'n you're wishin' for that to change, go ahead and disclose that desire unto me and I shall use utmost speed and deliberation in fulfilling your request." Despite his compromised position, Lionel spoke loudly and with great emotion, as if he truly believed every word he had just spoken despite his physical condition. That said, he made no further movements, and it looked as if he had no intentions of doing so any time soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jackson Tanner

Location: Medical Bay

Giving Anisa a nod, Jackson looked over to Dorothy, shrugging. "I'll leave 'im in your care, then, doctor." He'd say with a nod, partially just unloading the vomit-soaked boy outside of the room on her as he glanced back toward Anisa. Reaching up, he gently set his hand on her arm as she set it on his shoulder, offering what support he could as he stood nearby, making sure she didn't fall over again. He'd glance back over to the kid as he spoke to Dorothy again, overhearing him as he chuckled. "Son, you'll be lucky if I don't put a bullet in you 'fore you leave." He'd comment, partially to amuse himself before Anisa would be speaking to him again.

In a moment or two he slipped back into the military standard, nodding his head once firmly as he shifted closer to place his hand on her back, offering her some more support. "Yes capn'." He'd say curtly, leading her out of the medical bay and down toward the engine. "Now, y'know I ain't exactly the cream of the crop when it comes to these here mechanics, Capn', but I can tell you at the very least that most'a this seems mighty XÏngjiāo." He'd utter plainly as they reached the room, letting go for her a moment when she was near enough to the wall to grab it for support, he pulled the cover off the engine, looking over it and mostly letting her examine it for herself, after all, his lack of knowledge on ship repairs was the reason they'd got a mechanic in the first place.

Gregory Quinn

Location: Lounge (Sealed Off)

As Quinn listened closely to Jahosafat, he experienced something which did not come often or easily as he began to feel truly sick. The idea of not just turning the reavers away, but turning them into some sort of weapon? It disgusted the Captain, it was something he could not abide. But even he knew that orders were orders, he would allow such tests to take place aboard his ship, whether or not they appealed to him. Finally, he lowered his arm, tucking his sidearm back into its holster as he would move to retrieve his jacket, shifting it on over his shoulders.

"Carla will be your security, take what you need but if you can, avoid involving me in any reports which are not of critical importance." He said plainly, buttoning up his jacket and adjusting it somewhat, re-adopting his calm, collected and stern officer's demeanour as he did so. Turning toward the doctor completely, he gave him a very specific kind of look. "And doctor, please know that if at any point your experiments become a hazard to myself, my crew or your own well-being, I will personally gun down each one of them, and throw them to the black." Quinn was not looking for an issue to come from this, if it were up to him, he'd have gunned down the experiments already, but it was not, not until it became an issue.

While Jahosafat had assured him, Quinn was not the trusting type, especially when it came to experiments such as these, these were the kinds of experiments that Quinn would kill to avoid. Although, he dearly hoped it would not come to that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 29 days ago

@FantasyChic - While where Gene is going is on the same planet that Vengeance is landed on currently, it is on the other side of the planet, so the flight is going to take a bit to get there. Everything seems to be working fine for now though, the skies are clear with just a few clouds in them, the wind isn't kicking up horribly, and the small personal ship seemed to be handling itself rather well despite everything that has been going wrong with the main vessel. That is until suddenly there is a severe jerk that rips through the ship and the back engine starts smoking - She's going down! Brace for impact!

@Dragoknighte - Camilla smirks a bit as she wraps one arm around herself, letting her injured one just rest at her side as she watches Lionel. "Oh I am sure you would, you are pretty spry for a man of your years," she quips while shaking her head a bit. Taking a breath she leans against the doorway and looks around before glancing back over towards him. "I'm going to head up to the kitchen and get something to eat, do you want me to bring you anything?" she offers. It wasn't often that she offered such things to anyone in the crew but when people were injured she tended to be a bit of a softer touch, this was just one of those moments.

@Pundii - Anisa leans against Jackson as they make their way through the ship and she starts assessing the damage. Seeing Gideon come into the Engine room she nods towards Jackson at his words. "Well hopefully this little shit won't blow anything else up," she says eying the man before rolling her eyes and holding her hand out, motioning for Jackson to come back over to her and help her. "Come on, let's check outside," she said as Gideon smirks and flips over a wrench in his hand and then assures both the captain and the co-captain that he has everything under control. By the time Anisa and Jackson get outside Gene has flown off and Anisa is just standing there gawking at the sky as she flies off. "Did you know she was leaving?"

@Morose @Bluesky44 - The kid just sort of rolls his eyes and leans back in his seat as she sits there. He doesn't look like he is going to try to make a move but he doesn't seem like he wishes to stay there either; maybe he isn't as dumb as people would think looking at him. If he tried now it was sure to be his last move with the way the crew could be. The boxes that Daphne brings in turn out to be nothing much at first glance. Bandages and such, a few vials of antibiotics, the usual first aide type of stuff and basic medical that could be useful in a place like the mine if someone got trapped down there for a while and was waiting to be dug out; even some protein rations. Then there is something odd buried beneath so much "junk" - a case with the Alliance symbol on it. It is locked up tight and will take some work to get into but the look of the case alone clearly shows it should NOT be in with the rest of the stuff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Genevieve Dupoit

Location: Personal Shuttle

All was going well, she thought. What could go wrong, she thought. Then, of course, her shuttle decided that of all the times to break down, it was this time. Though she made it a priority to never swear, she felt that if any instance she was allowed to, it was this. "Oh, Wong Ba Duhn". She grabbed the controls and tried her best to pilot the ship and regain control, but it was to no avail. She was not Gideon, she knew nothing of repairs. Her best bet was to pilot the ship to the best of her ability and crash somewhere relatively safe.

She went on her comms to send out a message to her crew again, "This is Genevieve. My shuttle has decided to break and I am currently plummeting towards the planet below. I will try to land safely, but any help that can be sent would be greatly appreciated." Her tone was somewhat neutral, but one could tell the tense feeling behind it. She swore again, in her head this time, and tried to pilot the shuttle to land somewhere. If she died here, she hoped it would be quick.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Daphne Pender

Location: Med Bay

The boy wasn't moving much, and he looked like he was in a lot of pain. She knew that he probably wasn't going to move for a while. So she knew she wasn't interrupting Dorothy. The boy might try and leave, but she didn't think that the Captain would let him.

"Hey, I found some medical kits while I was out at the mine. Was wondering if you could use anything out of them."

She handed over the med kits that she had found down in the mines, even though she doubted there would be a lot in them. She wasn't exactly the doctor type, so she was only guessing on that. The kits it turned out only had simple first aid things. Oh well, I wasn't expecting much from them anyway. She was about to walk away, when she saw something underneath the medical supplies. Oh you have got to be kidding me! Why does there always have to be something weird. Knowing things this has a tracker or something in it. Who the hell would put something important into a first aid kit!

She just looked at the little box that was there. She was starting to get curious about what was in it, but she knew they should probably tell the Captain about it first. That box was strangely out of place, especially considering the area that she found it in. It was found in a med kit, that was in a mine, there was no way that it should have been there.

"Uh, I think we should show this to the Captain," she said to Dorothy, looking at the box they had found.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Foy Coiffeur

Location: Lounge (Sealed Off)

"Well sir, merely as one man's observation, but this the details of this occasion certainly explain the redundancy associated with employing two experienced ne'er-do-wells aboard a vessel of this, ahh... diminution." Foy tried to choose that last word with something resembling lightly sarcastic tact.

This was a small vessel, as Alliance ships went. The presence of a Mercenary and an Assassin, both, on a patrol boat that had been reduced to a skeleton crew was unheard of, barring pressing, extenuating circumstances. "Even if, my good fellow, one of those ne'er-do-wells is a fount of nigh aristocratic refinery, from which the underprivileged crew may draw fine example."

Foy was, of course, referring to Foy. It was widely known among anyone who had been in a conversation with the man that he had a high opinion of himself. "Whereas I do myself no small amount of metaphorical handshakery, gentlemen," he continued, now speaking to both men, "rest assured I make a legitimate observation. This ship ordinarily would not be crewed by non-military personnel, to say nothing of the truly vorpal presences of private contractors such as Miss Lobo and myself."

It seemed a bit off topic, but the always sharp Mr. Coiffeur felt the need to press his point. Partially because he enjoyed hearing himself speak, but also because it drew a piece of nervous attention away from the Box of Medically Paralyzed Monster. "Now, (and correct me if I'm wrong, Captain Quinn, it's been a while since my own commission) if a ship is journeying about with something specifically unsavory in mind, that may warrant the presence of someone such as, again, our dear Miss Lobo. The fact that I am here as well means that there is more to be revealed about our black and frightening mission. Whereas I am ...comfortable..." The last word was enunciated with just a hint of a smile, "...with my own sense of personal value, I hold no illusions that the Alliance now views me as anything but a six-foot stack of talent and experience, contractable and expendable without public accountability."

Foy understood how this worked. Everyone has their own piece of the puzzle, those pieces fit together into a single, successful mission. Very few could see the whole picture, possibly not even Dr. Jahosafat Moreau. It was the way of things. Just so long as they understood that his contract contained his own terms and provisos. He was not an indentured servant.

"Josie, you and I go back to our salad days, old boy. I'll look after you, you look after me. Carla is a fine choice as your primary security. She'll do her job and not distract - no matter how hard you try, you rakish houndsman! I can maintain my position on the boat, and be at your beck if something, ah, special requires my attention."

"And Greg, (may I call you Greg?) I am a professional, sir, and my contract is my very mucilage. So long as terms are met, your office shall always have the mark of respected guideline."

"So, gentlemen... This is not the ideal situation for everyone, but here we are. However we kick off the gallant festivities, I recommend we commence, and posthaste."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 3 days ago

Dorothy Pender

Location: Med Bay Exterior

"Always," Dorothy replied, smiling as she searched through the kits. There were plenty of useful supplies, and with how much of their resources she had to use on that day, Dorothy couldn't help but be grateful. That was one of the factors that determined whether or not someone would live more often, in her opinion, than the ability of their doctor--whether or not they had the materials they needed. Removing the useful materials, Dorothy sorted them into piles, ready to put them into her organization. That was until she noticed the box with the Alliance seal, a familiar one.

Dorothy let out a heavy sigh, looking at the box. "Jing chai..." she muttered, attempting to pry it open carefully. It didn't budge, and she figured that one of the more criminally inclined members of the crew would be able to open it. Dorothy nodded, though she dreaded having to bring the box to the Captain. It had taken her time and effort to earn the trust of the crew, due to her deserting the Alliance army.

"The Alliance wouldn't trifle with miners," Dorothy stated, glancing up at Daphne. "I'll tend to the boy--can you take this to the Captain? Best if you do it." She didn't need to state her fears or worries of being accused of being a spy, even with her close friendship with the Captain. Other members of the crew would make them, she figured. Letting out a smaller sigh, Dorothy kept an eye on the boy in front of her. "I imagine he's ready for the Captain to have a word with him, as well, if you'd like to tell her that."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 29 days ago

@FantasyChic - It is a difficult landing but in the end Gene is able to keep the small shuttle steady enough to maneuver it into a flat area of prairies and manages to avoid the rolling hills and high plateaus of the area. It is a rather rough landing sending sparks and smoke everywhere with a heavy jostling but hey, she is on piece (Gene and the ship) - banged up yes but alive - Gene sustains some bruises on her legs and arms, and a small cut above her hair line - the ship needs to be shut down quickly and a few minor fires tended to that are causing smoke to build up.

@Bluesky44 @Morose - The case inside as you can tell is well out of place and it doesn't look like it is going to open easily. There is more than one lock keeping this bit of Alliance junk closed up tight. It is something the Captain will want to see that is for sure. The boy is still sitting there as Atticus comes back and the preacher eyes him for a minute before the boy averts his eyes from the Godly man. Shaking his head he turns to get Brutus's body but stops as he sees the little treasure the sisters have come across. Stepping over to them he tilts his head to the side. Leaning over he looks the box over for a moment. "Christ on a gorham cracker, that be some of shit to see out here. Where'd you girls find that?"

@Sigil @Pundii @Dragoknighte - Jahosafat seems content with the decision and he reassures each of you that if the beast becomes an issue he will quickly dispose of the thing himself. Turning he looks at Captain Quinn. "I do hope you can understand my urgency to get to Whitefall now? If we get there too late to intervene, this is the future for the dear sweet Miss Powell. I do not think such.... mental faculties would do well for her do you?" he says before looking back over towards Foy. "Actually my dear friend, you and Captain Quinn are the very reason I chose this vessel. It was slated for later on and in the hands of another man of medicine. When I received word of my friends presence at our destination, I could not leave it in the hands people that would rather see her turned than saved. I trust you beyond any in the 'Verse and I know the history. So it is my fault that you two are now here yet I feel no guilt. Now, Miss Lobo? Please, call for her, we will need help getting this and the other three to the infirmary and we must start blood work promptly. I have much to do before we reach Whitefall and we must hurry."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: His room

Yeah, Lionel felt kind of peckish. He could go for something to eat. But what? The ship didn't really have that much in terms of actual food right now. In another situation he might have suggested blowing this hĂșntĂșn stand and checking if there was a decent place to eat on this planet, but he had neither mode of transport nor physical capability at the moment of actually going out into the planetside in search for better grub. Then he remembered the fresh horse carcass that was lying outside wasted. His expression shifted a bit, gaining the glint of mischief and ambition.

"You could just bring me whatever we have on hand Ms. Powell, I ain't picky. However, we might be able to get something much better than a couple of insipid protein packs if'n we search for our sources of sustenance with a bit more expansive scope than just the kitchen. How deft is your hand with a blade? Any good at carvin' up meat? Got compunctions against eatin' a bit of horse?" Lionel shifted in bed almost excitedly, his hand beckoning Camilla to come closer. "C'mon, help me get up and we can see about gettin' ourselves some real meat on this ship for once. We're gonna need to act with haste if'n we want to get something before the flies ruin it all."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Genevieve Dupoit

Location: Crash Site

Thankfully it seems whatever gods were around they were watching over her as she made her way towards the planet below. She managed to cling on to the controls as best she could and get the shuttle to a hard landing. It rocketed around as it hit land and her ship spun her something fierce. If she wasn't fearful for her life she would have assumed she was seeing a more rambunxious client. However, this was not a fun matter. She breathed a sigh of relief as the ship stopped. She was bruised and battered, she had a cut on her head, but she was alive. For that, she was thankful.

She quickly got out of the pilot's seat and went to work. She grabbed the portable fire extinguisher and put out the fires that were consuming her ship (and for all intents and purposes, her home). After she did that she quickly opened the door to let the smoke out less she breathe it all in. She stepped outside and took a look at her ship. She hoped it could be repaired either by Gideon or by someone on this planet if she couldn't get back to the ship in time. She cursed under her breath again and took out her comms.

First, she sent a comm to Captain Anisa and Jackson, "This is Genevieve again. My shuttle has crashed, but I am well. There's no way I'm going to be able to get it up and running without some assistance." After she sent that, she then sent out a distress call, "This is Genevieve Dupoit from the ship Vengeance. I have crashed my personal shuttle and seek assistance in getting it repaired. I am not critically hurt. Please send help." Though her voice remained calm, inside she was shouting. This has not happened to her before. She looked around at her surroundings. All seemed well, but just in case she went back into her ship and grabbed her stunner and her rapier. You never know who would come crawling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jackson Tanner

Location: Medical Bay

Jackson couldn't help but smirk at Anisa and Gideon's little exchange, despite what flaws he may have had, the younger mechanic always got the ship up and running and right as rain. He was good at what he did, and generally able to handle whatever issues arose, if that wasn't the case he figured they certainly wouldn't still be flying as well as they were. Not that they were flying at that exact moment but that was the point, Gideon would surely remedy that soon enough.

Continuing to keep a careful grip on Anisa as they moved through the ship, he was particularly careful as they got outside. Hearing about the deal with Brutus' boot, he wouldn't have been surprised if another man's jacket had a built-in land mine of sorts as their gaze shifted upward, catching sight of the shuttle as it took off. Jackson shrugged and shook his head to Anisa's question, having missed Genevieve's first comm, though a short while after she had left their sight, an almost comically short amount of time at that, her second one came through which he did notice, rolling his eyes. "Well, we gots more things to do now."

Gregory Quinn

Location: Lounge (Sealed Off)

Turning his gaze toward Foy as the man began to speak, Quinn crossed his arms over his chest idly to listen, tapping his fingers rhythmically against his bicep as he focused on what Coiffeur was saying. For the most part he was silent, simply taking in what he was saying and suggesting, only piping up in one instance as his eye twitched somewhat in near-rage. "Captain Quinn." He corrected as his first name was used, he'd only ever tolerated one person calling him 'Greg' in his life and he certainly wouldn't tolerate it from some contractor who in his eyes was just about as much as a two-bit gangster with a government pension.

Before he could respond to anything else however, Jahosafat spoke up again, Quinn turning his eyes over to the man to listen to him. He sighed softly and hid his irritation as Camilla was brought up again, he preferred to avoid any discussion over her that he could, keep it to a minimum, but for now that seemed impossible. He otherwise simply gave the man a nod, moving to the intercom by the door as he cleared his throat firmly, activating it as he spoke calmly into it. "Carla Lobo to the Lounge, immediately." His voice carried a chill through the ship, sending a shiver down the spine of some of the less well-attuned staff.

Stepping back away, he clasped his hands behind his back once more and turned toward the men, flashing Foy with a look before his gaze focused on Jahosafat once more, remaining as cold and professional as always.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Foy Coiffeur

Location: Lounge (Sealed Off)

The dapper mercenary raised his hands in mock surrender, casting a faux innocent look to the commanding officer of the ship within which he temporarily dwelt. His voice seemed genuine enough, if tinged with the trademark arrogance ubiquitous with the presence of Foy. "Why, good heavens, sir. I mean no direct offense, kindly accept a brimming amphora of my sincerest apologies."

Foy lowered his head somewhat, not quite a nod but not quite a bow, either, and continued, "Why, were I the type to wear a hat indoors, I would certainly doff it to your fine presence at this moment, my good sir. You see - " And this is where his tome changed from Apologetic to Business, " - we are mere inches from a venture of riveting scandal. Seeing as we are engaged in practices most surreptitious, with consequences of an unpredictable nature were word of this to leak (at least for you gentlemen of rank and file), I had misinterpreted our nature as being a little friendlier. Or a touch less formal. The secrets we carry, my good Captain Quinn, are damaging if they do not produce excellent results."

His eyes narrowed, a slim smile curling up one side of his mouth. Foy stood back up to his full height and adjusted the cuff of one sleeve. "It should be noted: We are all in this together, bound and solid. Each one of us bringing something useful to the table. Do not mistake me, sir. I hold you in the highest respect. Simply understand that, for me, addressing one in the more casual serves as an indicator that I elevate you in my own estimation. Especially now that Providence has us working together on this unusual clandestine project.

"If it gives you greater comfort, Captain Quinn, I shall refer to you in complete honorific while we commit to our acts of professional foolishness. However, be it a pleasing scenario for yourself and Dr. Moreau, when our business concludes or pauses, I should dearly wish to show you the extent of Farraday hospitality, perhaps with a rugged snort and an assortment of jam lozenges, before a lovely meal of butter poached monkfish and asparagus gelee. I've a feeling you're a man who can come to appreciate the finer of vices, given opportnity. Then we may engage in more slummish but admittedly more bracing pursuits, if the evening should call for it. Ah, the halcyon days..."

"What say you, Josie old boy?"

William Harper

Location: Upper Engineering

Nerves a touch calmer, Harper took a deep breath and allowed the reality of his present existence to continue settling in. It was a funny psychological trick he picked up during a lower part of his life; if he pushed through struggling and denial, focusing purely on what is, no matter how horrifying, a certain detached calm could penetrate into his decision-making process. Today was no different. He was in a better position than he was a week ago, no doubt about it. Time to make the most of his circumstances.

It was a very short walk, just a couple of doors down to the stern of the ship. The seconds just preceding opening the doors to Engineering's upper level, Harper noticed a spike of nervousness within himself; a scant note of anxious behavior. This was the Engine Room of a well maintained vessel, and he could hardly wait to lay eyes upon it.

The doors quietly hissed open, admitting the shallowly smiling man. He stepped inside with sold confidence, allowing his brain to take in all of the sights and sounds of the Retribution's tandem engines. His vantage point allowed for an excellent overhead view. There was a dedicated Mechanic working quietly below, one of the few personnel that survived the Retribution scaling back to a skeleton crew. Harper stayed above, content for the present to view the working metal, ceramic, silicon, and composites, fashioned into the individual components that alone lay inert but assembled allowed for energy and thrust enough to travel the cold, vast emptiness of the Black, and maintain the lives of the souls making the journey.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Daphne Pender

Location: Med Bay Area

She looked over at Dorothy and shook her head slightly. Daphne had no idea why she worried about things like that. Dorothy had proven herself more than once to be true to their cause. She wondered why it still bothered her. Looking down at the box in her hand, she didn't notice the preacher walk up to them. She hadn't even known that he was nearby, thats what she gets for not paying attention. Daphne looked over at him when he spoke. Once more she looked over at her sister, before she spoke to him, "It was in one of the med kits that I found down at the mine. Was about to head off and find the Captain, thought she might want to see it".

Well, no one could possibly think I'm a spy, she thought to herself, kind of sarcastically. Daphne turned and glanced down at the boy who was still sitting there, and shook her head again. There wasn't much she could do on this ship unless it was in the air. She figured that she should leave the Med Bay and let Dorothy and Atticus get back to what they were doing before she showed up and they found the little box. "I'm going to go find the Captain, see what she makes of this. See ya later," she said, and headed away from them. She needed to find the Captain, there was no telling what was inside of the box, and she was somewhat eager to find out.
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