Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Jack blushed slightly, in a manly way of course, at Bazhooli and Tatiana's praise. He never had been called a star before--a good sport, sure, a true bro, yeah. But a star? No, that was Bazhooli and Tatiana. Just watching the two of them practice their acts, it was obvious that they were. He chuckled a bit at Bazhooli's comment about his funny accent--to Jack, the Boston accent was normal, and his fiancĂŠe and Bazhooli were the ones with the funny voice. Not that it was funny on Tatiana, of course--it was beautiful with her.

"I'll give 'er a go..." Jack said, walking around in a circle in seemingly deep thought. Bazhooli's stage name was obvious -- the Great Bazhooli. Tatiana however...He thought for a moment, before breaking out in a big goofy grin. He knew exactly what stage name would fit her--but of course, if she wanted a different one, it was no big deal. He just had a hunch she'd want this one.

Clapping his hands together, Jack stared out at an imaginary audience, aware that he looked like a goofball already. "Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and gihls, and othahs...Presenting straight from Mothah Russia, from the wondahful city of St. Petahsbuhg...the Greeeeat Bazhooli and the Nightingaaaaaaale! Pehforming in the Apocalypse Grand Tour, this Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday....Monstah trucks and more! Be there, or be a walkah! Or square. That too."

Édouard Riviere

Location: Abandoned Classroom (Franklin)

Édouard's heart sank as Sana shut the door. This was it, she was going to attempt to seduce him after all. He'd have to be strong, stronger than he had ever been before. He closed his eyes tightly, imagining the most disgusting creature in the world--the orange man he saw on that game show. As he felt a hand on his shoulder, Édouard yelped like a terrified puppy, opening his eyes slowly as Sana began her explanation.

His eyes narrowed a bit, and he remained silent as she talked, perhaps the most quiet he had ever been. If she wasn't attempting to seduce him, what could she possibly want? She was a countess--or a princess? He couldn't quite recall. Either way, she was rich. She was clearly sleeping with the guy that had come in before. What could she possibly want with Édouard Riviere, if not sex or money?

Bracing himself for a blow, for another slap to the face, Édouard was shocked again as Sana enveloped him in a hug. Confused, he awkwardly hugged her back, tapping her on the back as if he was uncertain as to what to do. Her smile unnerved him as well, but Édouard was forced to revise his previous conclusion. For some bizarre reason, the woman seemed to care about him. Sana, the queen or whatever she was, cared about him.

"Oui, je resterai ici."

Tryke Lockley

Location: Franklin

Tryke smiled a bit as Bridgette used her preferred name. From Bridgette's general attitude and behavior, she figured the Viking woman might have taken some more convincing. It wasn't like Tryke was capable of doing more than just asking her, either. Her main method of conflict resolution had been cut off by the apocalypse--she couldn't just douse someone with helium gas whenever she was pissed at them anymore.

"Georgia Tech?" Tryke asked, the smile still on her face. "Cal Tech here, mechie. Did my undergrad at M.I.T...So the entire Cal Tech-M.I.T. rivalry thing can make things complicated." She chuckled a bit, referencing perhaps the oddest college rivalry to ever occur. Both schools Tryke attended were bitter rivals--but they were also separated by over two thousand miles geographically.

It was almost a dream come true, finding another engineer. Sure, they tended to tease her a bit about her parents', but Marx seemed to either be kind or oblivious. Engineers always tended to be on the same wavelength of her, having gone through the same education, and have the same ideas on how to solve problems. If this hadn't been the apocalypse, she would've asked him to get a drink with her.

She snorted at Bridgette's comments. The I-limb, from what she recalled, wasn't able to vibrate at the speeds needed for that type of pleasure. Had there been more time to develop it, it's possible it could have been. And perhaps Marx's model was more advanced than she suspected, rather than something simultaneously primitive and cutting edge. "I'm not sure the I-limb moves fast enough for that. You'd be better of modifying a beater. More energy and resource efficient as well...And cheaper, of course, but money doesn't really exist anymore." Tryke laughed again at Marx's comment. The man had a sense of humor, that was certain.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 1 (Infirmary) -> Building 7 (Rec Center)

Sophia smiled softly when Niesha gave her a gentle kiss and returned it, she watched as Niesha headed into the infirmary as much as she wanted to go in there and help Sophia had no experience with anything other than basic first aid. And she would feel more that she was getting in the way or being a distraction for Niesha and the others in the room. Sophia ran a hand through her wet hair for a moment and decided to head back into the Rec Center for now and see what was going on there. Sophia would meet up with Niesha later, she hoped that everything would work out well of everyone in the Infimary and they would try and get along with one another. Sophia started making her way along the sidewalk and headed back towards the Rec Center to pass the time.

When Sophia entered the room she could see Bazhooli and Tatiana both practicing, which was pretty amazing to see Tatiana's dance and then tossing the pins over towards Bazhooli. She couldn't do either of them she was never really the dancer growing up, and Sophia couldn't juggle whenever she tried a ball or whatever object was would hit her on the head or fall onto the floor. "You guys are looking great up there." Sophia said as she watched Jack and couldn't help but giggle hearing Jack practicing his announcement. "Mind if I watch?" Sophia asked, she didn't have anything else to do for the most part her girlfriend was out in the infirmary helping out the new group they found today.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary)

Meghna turned her head when she saw Niesha entering the room, the last time she saw Niesha in the room with Froggy she remembered hearing it not going out that well. Meg turned her gaze towards Ashton for a moment setting up the bowls of liquid food onto one of the counters in the room that was free. "Is there anything else you'd like me to do or get Ash or Froggy?" Meghna asked she wasn't sure if her services would be good in the infirmary if they were going to be receiving injured guests. She looked towards Niesha giving the girl a friendly smile and nod. "You will do fine in here." Meghna told her.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond watched as he was slowly pushed out of the makeshift infirmary and down the hallway still his hand held onto Tiffany's just feeling comfort with that he felt better with Tiffany by him. But he was scared of turning and he didn't want her to be the one to kill him, after hearing what Tiffany had told him about her previous love. Despite the pain he was in right now there was nothing else he could really do and just let the others do their best to help him. Then they were outside once more Ray looked towards the gate seeing the people on the other side, and assumed that they were from that Newnan group. Ray groaned loudly as he was put into the bed of the truck, he looked over at Ciel and then the other child laid next to him. Then Tiffany and Astrid climbed into the back of the truck as well,
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


building one, the infirmary

Niesha tensed at Ashton's words, and looked to him, she chose her words careful, and managed to, although she didn't know how, keep her tone neutral. "I'm well aware of that, Sir. Haven't you ever made a mistake that you wish could just be forgotten?" She spoke softly, glancing away when her words trailed off. Perhaps this was a mistake. She'd always be known for that night. She closed her eyes a moment, drawing in a slow breath, before looking to the new man. Was this the man that Sophia had mentioned, to help with her hand? Niesha watched him a little curiously, listening to his report. A lost leg...a bite then? Fluids and antibiotics seemed a must there...she bit her lip, wondering if they even had a stock of IV saline solution. Pushing that aside for a moment-and cursing herself for not checking and not making some up before-she continued to listen. Malnutrition...didn't want to overwhelm them too quickly, and it wasn't like they'd have TPN here, fluids would be good for them too. A broken bone was simple, although it could have complications, Niesha knew.

Giving a nod to Froggy, she hesitated, wanting to ask how much time she had, but deciding against it, trotting off to gather supplies. Feeling a litle sick at what they had, Niesha made a mental note to try get the medications stocked. It was with a little bit of relief that she saw the Saline bag solutions, and making a mental note to make some up-it would be easy as long as she could pinch some salt. Pushing that aside, she studied what else they had. Grimacing at the low supply of Codine, Niesha debated for a moment about grabbing a dose-half a dose, really, for the kid...and did so, grabbing some of the Willow tree concotion she'd made up earlier, knowing it had both anti-inflammatory and pain numbing properties, she hoped it would do. Making a judgemental call, she grabbed one dose of pencillin and non pencillin based antibitoics, hoping that the one that lost a leg could tell them if he was allergy to pencillin. Thinking it was a little like trying to close the gates after the horse flees, she grabbed a dose of the one a day vitamins as well.

Finding what else she thought they might need, Niesha hurried back into the infirmary, setting it all out, in easy reach, where it wouldn't be in the way. "I couldn't find any bandages-is there something that I can cut up for them?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin

Ciel's vision had started to swim in dizzying circles as soon as they'd started to move him, so he had to just assume that he'd been placed down when he stopped moving. Though he could barely see even the closest things, he felt that he was being watched by someone. The eleven year old gritted his teeth, knowing that there was nothing that could be done about it. Most of the voices had gone quiet, so he tried to think of who would logically be in the truck with them. The two injured people, maybe one of the women... he hoped Lyon would be coming, though he had no reason to think he would. Lyon and Sana were the only ones he basically knew, and Lyon especially had been kind to Ciel.

The boy lay limply in the back of the truck, aware of only the darkness and overbearing silence. Though these were good conditions for catching up on sleep, there was little chance of that, for reasons already touched upon. He had barely moved at all since he'd been laid down in the first place. What little energy he had when he arrived seemed to have been sapped by his vomiting spell.

He coughed harshly, taking in weak and labored breaths. Not a good sign. This was possibly the worst time and place in the entire world to have an attack. As much as he felt terrible, he was still fairly intent on not dying. He still hadn't had a chance to prove himself to these people. Then again, he'd never been at all useful to anyone before. Despite this, he'd never quite resigned to being an incompetent liability. He always thought that one day, given the correct circumstances, someone somewhere wouldn't consider him a burden.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

The day is dragging on and the sun will be setting soon. It's still hot and humid but hopefully things will cool down once the sun sets. Problem is that things are hard enough to do during these times when the sun is up, it could get a lot more complicated once the sun goes down. At this rate, the group leaving Franklin isn't going to get back until after dark - that is if everything goes okay on the ride there. They could get there in less than an hour if everything works out for them, but if it doesn't - it's going to be a long night.

Franklin - Well, things seem to be getting on a roll. Marx is informed that he will be going to Newnan to help those that have lost limbs. He isn't any too happy about leaving Franklin, especially so suddenly and without word. Sana makes her way out of the school with Ed in tow to hear all this as people are finishing loading up in the truck. Marx pulls Sana in, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her tight. Sana sighs, not wanting him to go she just scowls at Lyon as she returns the hug. "Ne t'inquiète pas. Je serai de retour dès que possible," he tells her as he kisses her softly on the cheek and brushes her hair back out of her face. Nodding she steps back and Marx smiles. Sana steps back over to Ed as the group finishes getting everyone situated to leave. Astrid heading over to Ray since he is the one in the worst condition at the moment. Marx looks over to Tryke and smirks. "Well let's talk Engineering on our way," he says before climbing up into the saddle. Once everyone is ready the gates are opened the group heads out towards Newnan. (Good luck, you're gonna need it.)

Newnan - Over in Newnan things are going alright for now. Tatiana is working with Bahzooli and chuckles as she stops for a moment to watch Jack working on his introductions. She smiles over towards Sophia and moves over to her quietly. "Da, vatch avay. You have any idea on vhat else ve could do?" she asks. It is obvious she is nervous, biting her bottom lip and wringing her fingers but she is trying. Miss Sally is running between the Infirmary and the Mess Hall, back and forth bringing in what may be needed and trying to get things together for later on, Sid helping her get chairs from various places in the town to the Rec Center to set up for the evenings performance.

In the infirmary Froggy is setting up in the OR portion, Beni is pretty much trying to stay out of the way and the guard for Ryan comes out and asks if someone can run to the Mess Hall to get the prisoner something to eat and drink. Saying the man won't shut up. Froggy let's Neisha know that there are some spare sheets they can use for bandages upstairs in Medical storage and asks her to go get them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Well finally it ended… the group heading over to the Newnan place was about to leave, things were going well enough. She helped a little bit and it made her feel good, but this was that. The day was slowly rolling to a close. After… typical zombie apocalypse happened, things had revered back towards a rather calm and tranquil schedule as when the sun sets, nearly everyone would be focused on getting some rest, everyone beside those who’s job was to make sure the bloody walkers won’t show up to cause trouble that is.

“So… what happens now?” She quietly asked Mike.” We head back towards the sleeping areas and prepare to rest? After the near brush with death today, I do feel like I need to get a good sleep...” Amelia said, knowing that tomorrow almost certainly was going to be another day off of excitement… in both the good, but more likely in the bad way. She couldn’t think up as of why if something could go wrong it always did. Still she was going to try to minimize her chances to meet the sudden unexpected bad events... like better no climb on the back of a truck when Ed's driving...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - In Truck

Tiffany climbed in quickly once everyone was settled. She sat next to Ray as they finished preparations for the trip. She worried about what could happen. Would luck be on their side this time around? She wondered how the road to Newnan would be. She felt a bit safer having a few others with her, but they had three sick and injured people with them, two of whom were kids, so if something did happen she didn't like their chances all that much.

She couldn't think about that now. She checked her pack and made sure she had her weapons, just in case. She put them away from the eyes of the kids, she didn't want to worry them, but knowing she had them made her feel better, oddly enough.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Leaving Franklin

Ciel's vision still hadn't cleared up, even though he'd been still for a few minutes now. His difficulty breathing persisted, not quite to the point of gasping like a fish out of the water, but he definitely would have reached for his inhaler by now if he hadn't left it in his backpack, which as far as he knew had been left in the infirmary. Certainly this did nothing to ease his discomfort, neither did the ominous silence. At least in the infirmary, there were some lights on and the room's other inhabitants carried on a conversation, which served to keep him fairly certain of his own consciousness. As much as in better states he was often quiet himself, the silence was really getting to him.

The eleven year old tried to speak up, but only succeeded in triggering a violent cough, serving as yet another reminder that he was dehydrated and his asthma was acting up. As if he could possibly have forgotten. Being unable to move or speak was possibly one of the worst experiences of his life. Granted, his life before the outbreak was quite comfortable, which only served to put a little bad luck like a zombie apocalypse, the loss of his entire family, the destruction of his hometown, and prolonged estrangement from civilization resulting in advanced starvation in a hyperbolically negative perspective.

Feeling pent up frustration quickly build to seething rage at his own useless state and poor health, Ciel had no choice but to continue what he'd been doing for the last few hours since he'd arrived here: lying still and looking as pathetic as a sick puppy. Which did not at all feel like a natural course of action to a pissed off preteen. But then again, there was remarkably little he could do about it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Sophia smiled as she watched Tatiana walking over towards her, she thought for a moment there were a lot of things that would make the show a little bit more interesting. "Maybe some cartwheels and backflips those are pretty interesting or even a handstand." Sophia said with a soft smile, she wasn't sure if Tatiana could do that or not but the dancing was something that was interesting enough. "I mean if its something you or Baz here could do." Sophia said with a slight shrug she wasn't skilled with entertaining anyone, she rubbed her left arm slightly and then looked towards Jack for a moment.

"So how are the three of you doing here?" Sophia asked as she looked over her shoulder as she watched Ms. Sally and Sid moving in with more chairs into the Rec Hall. "Seems like everyone is going to be here tonight most likely." Sophia said with a slight smile as she turned to look back at Tatiana.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building 1 (Infirmary)

Meghna turned her head to look at the guard coming out from where the cells are raising an eyebrow when he mentioned a prisoner, she didn't remember seeing or hearing anything earlier in the day. But then again it was chaos earlier in the day and there was a lot of shooting. "I'll go and do that." Meg said as she nodded towards Ashton and then Beni as Meg headed out of the Infirmary and made her way towards the Mess Hall. Meg grabbed some bread as well as some peanut butter and jelly, she grabbed a cup of water and started to fill it up with water.

It was something simple and easy, she wasn't going to give him anything else Meg started to make her way back towards the Infirmary as she headed back inside she looked at the guard and gave him a quick smile as she handed him the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Meghna turned to look at Ashton for a moment she wasn't sure what else she was of use here now. "Do you guys need anything?" Meghna asked looking towards Ashton, Beni, Froggy and Niesha.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary -> Road to Newnan

Raymond laid there letting out a slight sigh as he groaned loudly as the truck started to move gripping the sheets that they had set up tightly biting his lower lip for a moment looking towards Astrid. "So have you treated an amputee before?" Ray asked, he held onto Tiffany's hand as he turned to look up at the sky as they continued to drive away and towards Newnan. He wasn't sure if he would ever be able to walk again, he wouldn't be of much use to any group if he couldn't even walk and bound to a wheel chair or crutches for the rest of his life.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1, Infirmary

Apparently Ash's words of cautious encouragement for Niesha were met with some element of indignation, and in front of company. Any other time, this would be considered a breach of etiquette. "A mistake," she had asked, "that you wish could just be forgotten."

"That remains to be seen, Niesha." he replied with narrowed eyes. He recalled the first day that her and her group stood at the gates, petitioning for entry. He didn't particularly like the look of the group, though he had to admit that they were the most interesting group of survivors that he'd encountered thus far. In the end, urgency bought their way inside, that and the pressing fact that one of their number required medical attention.

Not too unlike the situation building at the moment - a small group of unknown people were traveling to Newnan, led by two of their own, specifically for the purpose of receiving medical care. Hell, they might as well paint a huge red cross across the walls and open a dispensary. The stress alone on their supplies were they to continually take in nonproductive personnel would become highly problematic, and soon. And the stress upon their doctor would likewise become highly problematic, for the same reason.

This seemed to be Ash's main concern, as of late. More people to go on runs. More people to produce food. More people to walk the walls. More people to secure their holdings. And of course, now they needed more people to see to the medical needs of the community. It would likely never end. And Ash couldn't just tell people to go away, not that genuinely needed their help. But he'd be damned if his people would suffer for the wants of the rest of the world. There had to be a line somewhere.

Ash had little time to ponder this as the guard he assigned to keep an eye on Ryan apparently just left his post, and prisoner unattended. "This is why you were left a radio." the Captain said flatly. Then an odd sort of realization flashed across his face. He drew his ever-present .45 and began toward the Cells, urging the armed guard back to his assigned post in front of him. If this was what he thought it was, Ash was going to have to seriously retrain his people. And Ryan would have to learn to play hopscotch with one leg. If he was lucky.

Bridgette Vinters

Location: (outside of) Heard County High School, Franklin

Ok, that guy Marx had a mouth on him, too. Not a very original one, but some zingers are classics, if they're set up right. "You know, Fuckstump - That was a reasonable goddamn question, making sure a lady equal access to a robotic wank-machine. And that was a reasonable goddamn observation before it, too. Put some pneumatics on that baby and you're blasting into "paint shaker" territory. Really step up your masturbation tech game, huh?"

Oh, but then he had to get personal. Bridgette responded by raising her shield into the air slightly. "You can't tell from here, Marxy, but I'm totally giving you the finger." She nodded, confirming for herself the only piece of sign language she reliably used. "No problems finding a horizontal workout partner. No complaints after, either. A girl needs some alone time. You know, collect her shit." Her tone hardly changed, switching over to speaking with Tryke in a fluid conversational segue, "and YOU, little lady... Beater? Like egg beater? I might can help out with that - I work metal. Or we could just get the right people drunk. Either/or, fine by me. Got the hookup on some decent stuff back home."

Finally, it looked like Astrid had bundled up their package, nice and neat for delivery, and they were all set to ...fuck. Three of them. Plus an entourage. Plus Marx. On Astrid's horse. Oh, this was going to be an interesting evening indeed. Her Battle Sister's final words on the subject of personal equine care, terminating in a promise of spearpoint demise and a motion in Bridgette's direction. The tall woman smiled at Marx, a warm, cheery, full-faced grin. Bridgette lay her spear across her saddle and have the man a vigorous wave, as if greeting a childhood friend.

Though the way back was direct and recently traveled, Bridgette kept on the alert. It was times like this, not too long ago when it was just she and Astrid, that things could go wrong quickly in the changing light. At least they would have the setting sun at their backs; little advantages added up when situations turned. The smartass was put aside for the time being; the Warrior emerging. She was of little help with medical emergencies or patent care, but Bridgette had sharp eyes and good instincts, and she intended to use both to act as a lookout and bodyguard (if needed).

"Contingency Plan."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


building one, the infirmary

Nieaha went to get the sheets, her head bowed. She was trying, damn it. Yet right now, she felt like if she didn't have Sophia, she'd just leave. But she couldn't take Sophia out there, not when she was still one handed. Everytime she tried to help, people just saw what she had been, and not what she was. She clutched a sheet tightly. All she could do was try. Even if it didn't get her anywhere. She'd tried for Sophia. Even if it hurt her. She gritted her teeth, and began to tear the sheet up, making sure that she was crafting bandage strip, doing so as quickly as she could, she carried as many of the bandages as she could, hurrying back downstairs, she put them in reach, out the way-or she hoped it was.

She stood a moment, trying to think what else she could do, she looked about. Water, maybe? Boiled, probably. Someone probably had that being dealt with. Frowning slightly, she shifted. "What else can I do?" She looked about, thinking she had gathered all she thought would be needed, but she may have forgotten something, and this would be important. So better to ask, and be prepared then not to be, and make a mess of it all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

If there was one thing Jack adored, it was making Tatiana laugh. The musical giggles that dripped from her mouth, each time he made a fool of himself, were practically heavenly. She was almost like a goddess, aside from the fact that was she impossibly and wonderfully more real than some idealized version of womanhood. Tatiana's each and every movement was wonderful, inspired, and real. Even as he practiced his announcing skills, he could not tear his thoughts away from her.

"Hmm, maybe no on the monstah trucks, then?" Jack asked, again attempting to pull another giggle out from Tatiana. He heard another laugh, however, and he turned in a bit of confusion, before spotting Sophia from before. He waved at her goofily, but remembering his role as ringmaster, settled on an overly complicated and glorified bow. They had something of an audience now, and as he glanced outside the windows, the sun would be setting soon. They were running out of time. The pressure unnerved him a little, but he plastered a goofy smile on his face, and tried the announcement again.

"Weeeeeeelcome singulaaaaaah ladyyyyy to the show of a lifetime! Preeeesenting the Great Bazhooli and the Nightingale, straight from Mothah Russia's fine city of St. Petahsbug! Be amazed by these two pehformahs on their one and only apocalypse world tooooooooour!"

He broke off into a few coughs, ruining (any) dramatic tension he had created. He grinned up at Tatiana once again, noticing as Miss Sally and a few others began moving chairs in. "Miss Sally! Want some help with that?" Jack inquired, before answering Sophia's question. "I'm just excited to see solovey pehform tonight."

Édouard Riviere

Location: Franklin

Édouard followed Sana outside of the school, his mind still buzzing with questions and improbabilities. However, the heat and the humidity were dragged to the forefront of his mind. He couldn't help but be a bit pleased it was almost night--things would cool off slightly, enough for le petit prince to get some beauty sleep. He frowned a bit, however, has Sana acted overly familiar with the strange gentleman from before.

As far as Édouard could tell, she was spoken for. He felt a pang of sadness, but not understanding it, he roughly shook it off. There were more important things to focus on--like seeing if they had anything for him to style his hair with. It was a point of pride with him, his hair. And with the butchery that had already been done to it, he needed all of the help he could get to improve it.

"Ton petit ami...il est....beau..." Édouard said awkwardly, attempting to be kind to Sana. However, the only thing he could think to say was that her boyfriend was pretty. This entire being kind thing was definitely new to him--he'd have to work at it, but even that thought put him off. He hated work. It was perhaps his least favorite thing after underboob.

Tryke Lockley

Location: Franklin

Tryke raised a bit of an eyebrow. She was a graduate mechanical engineer, with specialized knowledge in aerospace engineering and robotics. Her skills were enough to get her a spot on a team that was contracted by NASA to build improved rovers for the next missions. She had been admitted to both M.I.T and CalTech, some of the most prestigious universities in the country. And she was being asked to create sex toys?

She let a pause pass, perhaps to freak out Bridgette a bit with her serious expression, before she let an almost cocky grin spread across her face. "Sounds like a fuck ton of fun," Tryke said earnestly. "Whatever you need, let me know. I can take a crack at it." Her eyes wandered for a moment, over to Marx and the woman from before. Yeah, something was definitely going down there. She glanced back at Bridgette and chuckled a bit.

"Guess he already has someone with dibs on the hand experience," Tryke joked, leaning over slightly to the Viking woman, her voice quiet enough for Bridgette to hear, and for Marx to be oblivious. He seemed to finish talking with the blonde quickly enough, as Marx hopped up into the saddle, accompanied with a few hilarious and classy threats from Bridgette.

Tryke had to stop for a moment to consider whether or not Bridgette meant those. Being impaled by a spear wasn't the way she imagined she'd go--but at least it was creative, right? This had been the first Viking settlement she had ever stumbled across. Perhaps there'd be a few other normal people there, but from the way things were going, it seemed vikings ruled the land.

And that was kind of fucking cool.

"So where are we going, exactly?" Tryke asked, firing up her motorcycle in the quietest way possible, her bat slung over her shoulder. "Valhalla?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Luck
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Lady Luck ~*LLA*~

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Time Of Death: 6:53 p.m. June 13th, 2010

Oh my, how time does fly. The hours turn into days and the days into weeks. Eventually years pass like the blink of an eye and all the horrors you have faced eventually do nothing to prepare you for the end. I have let the dice fall where they may and my dears, one of you no longer draws breath. Oh, now, who was it again? I seem to have misplaced my little list. Oh yes, that one. Oh dear, this may hurt a bit. I know at least one will be devastated, or was it two? I guess it doesn't matter. There will be blood spilt tonight!

~claps her hands together and rubs them with a cheshire grin on her face~ Forgive me, I am just so excited to be taking the driver seat in this death instead of phoning it in. Now, where was I? Oh yes, the death of your beloved.... Shall we get to it? Let's. In the world of the Walking Dead, this is just what went down. Oh wait, I can't yet! I must catch you up to the point of death! Yes yes, we cannot have an ending without a story now can we? Gather around boys and girls. This is just what happened.

As the group pulls through the gates of Franklin and begins their trek towards Newnan Sana watches them become smaller in the distance until they take the last corner and are out of sight. She says nothing for a time, her head just lightly resting on the Cabbages shoulder. After a moment his words finally register in her mind. She doesn't move, just simply speaks the following... "Il est mon frère." How sweet. It would be such a pity if something happened to him outside of the safety of Franklin.

Lyon eyes the two as Sana slowly looks up to Ed. "Fixez vos cheveux," the Duchess says to the French "prince" before taking his hand and leading him back in to the school. Lyon stopping them as he rests his hand on Sana's shoulder.

"Don't trust him," he says in plain old English before walking off to get back to work. Sana nods and continues on her way, it was time to find some scissors and a comb.

Over in Newnan, things are okay. Tatiana is taking the advice to heart and wondering if she could actually work such movements into the show. Probably not tonight, it had been far too long since she had had the time or space to work on any acrobatics as such. She was good to be able to dance for a brief time this evening. She does thank the woman for the suggestion and looks over at Miss Sally as she and others start bringing in chairs. Seeing Jack volunteer she is happy, something for him to help with. He always seems to want to help. "Make sure chair far back please. Safety," the Russian ballerina says before getting back to work with Bahzooli. Miss Sally is welcome to any and all help she can get, smiling over at Jack and thanking him.

"I am getting too old for this shit," the elder of Newnan states before sitting her rear end down in a chair as she begins to direct traffic instead of doing some of the heavy lifting.

Over at the gate people are keeping an eye out for anyone to show themselves, they are still tense on the wall and who could blame them. No one has shown up yet but there is are two horses, a familiar horses galloping up towards the gates of Newnan - Alone and without riders. "Boss! Boss! Horses are coming! Without their girls!" Jim calls in from the outer front gate.

Before Ash gets that message though, Ryan is found still in his cell, singing an Irish little tune under his breath as he watches his guard and Ash show back up. "About bloody time! I need some food," he says with a large grin. His guard released one very long held breath of relief. At least the man didn't try to escape.

Froggy stops in his tracks as the Radio crackles in the infirmary. It is crackling in on all leads, Jim didn't bother to turn it to a private channel. Can't blame him, those horses have never been without their riders. "Neisha, we have two extra gurney's in storage down the hall. Can you get them quickly please," he finally breaks in as he finishes setting up and rolls his sleeves up. Stepping over to the sink he starts washing up, if anyone gets back he wants to be ready.

Why are there two horses and no riders? Let's see what lead up to this event....

Astrid looks over towards Ray as the small caravan is making their way towards Newnan. "Yes actually, just released my patient from our infirmary earlier today. She is doing very well," Astrid says to reassure her. Marx just keeps his mouth shut, thinking about Sana and how he didn't want to leave her behind. Leaving her behind when he went out always left a sour taste in his stomach. It seemed to be an omen today.

Coming down a hill that crested on a corner the group is suddenly facing a wall of Walkers. A hoard moving through between Newnan and Franklin on HWY 34. They are able to stop and reroute but the hoard has seen them. "We can't lead them back to Newnan!" Astrid says quickly as they turn down J.D. Walton Rd to try to take a longer route and hope they can move fast enough to loose them before they start heading north again.

Before they can loose the hoard though they find it is a splintered group. Walkers coming out of the woods. Astrid pulls her axe out, ready to throw it before Edgar gets spooked as Marx is riding the horse in the grass instead of on the street. A rattle snake lashes out at the horse and Marx goes tumbling to the ground, his leg impaling on a broken piece of steel from a left over wreck on the side of the road. Candance (Bridgette's horse), get grabbed by several walkers but breaks free. It rears up sending Bridgette to the ground. The horse takes off after Edgar but Bridgette is already bit, once, twice, three times.

"Bridgette!!!!" Astrid screams as she jumps out of the truck and tucks and rolls. Coming up she starts mowing through the Walkers but there is nothing that can be done no matter how much Bridgette fights. Astrid knows it is over. There is nothing that can save her sister now. "Valhalla!" she bellows as tears stream down her cheeks, her arm stretching out as she releases her axe, it hurling and pivoting through the air.

Time moves slow at moments, Astrids eyes locking with her sisters, before the axe embeds its blade into Bridgette's skull, between the eyes and sinking deep. Pulling her shield from her back she draws her long sword and starts fighting back the walkers. "Get him in the truck!!" she yells pointing to Marx who is grabbing his rifle off his back and firing towards the Walkers as they come for him.

Who will be next? Let's see what you do surrounded.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Back of the truck, HWY 34

Ciel didn't seem to be faring well at all. The eleven year old lay curled up on his side, his breathing diminished to wheezing gasps. As he was slipping in and out of consciousness and he was fairly certain half of what he was hearing was delusional, he remained mostly unaware of the chaos that had sparked. One of the women was screaming, but her words failed to register in his brain as anything but garbled nonsense. Though, in retrospect, it was probably for the best that he didn't know how much danger they were all in. The last thing the ill, starving child needed was a reason to panic.

At this point, there was no longer any indication that Ciel was still conscious. The boy hadn't moved at all since he was placed in the truck, and aside from his shallow gasps for air he made no sound. His crumpled position meant that his face was mostly concealed behind his unkempt locks of platinum blond hair, so it wasn't immediately obvious that his eyes were still open, though glassy and strangely dilated. His arms weakly clutched his stomach, and he seemed to be shivering even though the temperature hadn't dropped from its brutal high. They were still a good distance from Newnan it seemed... hopefully they'd arrive before their small party lost any more members.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Sophia gave Tatiana a friendly smile and nod she wasn't sure if it would be any help but that's the only thing that she could actually think of at the time. "No problem at all Tati." Sophia said with a soft smile as she looked towards Ms. Sally and Sid as she walked over to help out with setting up the remaining chairs. Sophia awkwardly lifted up the chair in one hand and carried it under her arm sighing slightly as she used her foot and her hand to unfold the chair. "Never thought things would be harder with just one hand." Sophia said jokingly as she helped Sid bring in the remaining chairs.

Sophia then plopped down next to Ms. Sally and looked at her for a moment and smiled. "You aren't that old, you seem pretty fit for your age to me." Sophia said as she looked back towards the makeshift stage and continued to watch as Tatiana do her practice dance for tonight as well as Bazhooli for awhile. She hoped that she would actually be able to get that new hand it would really make her life so much easier and be able to do her work. Sophia then started to wonder how Niesha was doing, she did want to be in there and help her but knew that she wouldn't be able to do much of anything other then to observe and watch from a distance.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary)

Meghna heard her radio coming to life hearing about Edgar and Cadence coming back to the walls without their riders, which was most likely a bad sign. Thoughts started wandering what had actually gone out there, was it Eden again and managed to kill them all? Or was it a herd of walkers that spooked the horses. Meg looked towards Ashton for orders she didn't want to go out without his permission. "Ash should we go out and look for them?" Meghna asked if there was a chance he would say yes she wanted to go out and help them. "Or do you want me to bring the horses in with James?"

Meg didn't like the idea of their people outside of the walls when something didn't seem to be going right she turned to look at Beni she had a feeling that his people were out there as well and he wanted to get them back here as soon as possible. And there could be more injured if it was indeed an attack by Eden. "It could be Eden again." Meg then remembered that Astrid did take the sat phone with her. "Maybe call Astrid see if shes okay on her end?"

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Road to Newnan

Raymond smiled slightly and nodded it was good news to him, if he didn't die on this trip over he would be able to survive. "That's good to hear then." Ray said, so there was someone else that had been bit and survived getting amputated he looked over towards Tiffany and gave her a smile as he seemed to relax again. Then he felt the truck coming to a stop as Ray looked around as best as he could, he started to pull himself up despite the pain he was in Ray groaned loudly as he looked and saw the herd of walkers down the road. They were about to turn another way and Ray saw more coming out of the trees, looking back at the kids they would be safer inside of the truck.

But he couldn't do anything he then watched as both of the horses get spooked, and knocked off both of their riders one getting impaled on one of the wrecks on the side of the road. And the other armored chick, then he saw her getting bit Raymond turned away feeling that it was his fault now that they had been hurt. "Go and help them I can look after the kids." Ray said towards Tiffany he wasn't going to be much help at all for anyone other than just defending the two kids.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


building one, the infirmary

"Nessie" Niesha said wihout thinking, as Froggy asked her to get the gurney's. She didn't know what had caused her to bring the near twenty year old nickname back to life, and she stood there a second, frozen. Where had it come from? Looking away, she stammered out, "I...s--sorry. I don't...I'll go get the gurney's" She hurried out, all but stumbling as she rushed to get the gurney's. Nessie? She hadn't even been thinking of her brother. The old, dull ache made itself known, but it was almost welcome. Maybe...maybe it was a good thing. Everyone had to move on sometime. Perhaps twenty years was enough time. Her thoughts went to Sophia, as she reached the storage room. and she let out a slow breath.

Perhaps that was why. She wrangled the gurney's out, and hurriedly pushed one back the way she had came, thoughtful. Having someone meaningful in her life...someone she loved...maybe it would soothe old hurts. She placed the gurney out of the way, and hurried back for the second one, her steps more sure, less frantic, but still hurried. Her mind went to the radio. Two horses? She had never seen Astrid or Bridgette without the horses...something must have happened. Something bad. Grabbing the second gurney, Niesha hurried back. This was getting worse, and Niesha looked to Froggy, hesitating. Keeping herself in check, rather then just acting, was hard. Yet she would be subordinate to Froggy, and check before she did things-well, something that might be overstepping.

"Do you want me to actually help, with the injuried?" She asked, feeling foolish.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Amelia wondered about her current situation for a little while after the group left for Newnan. There we things in her future that vaguely whispered that it may be possible for the situation to get even better. Currently she was with a group of mostly trusty people who didn't seem to hold any malice towards her, she found friends in the form of Mike who somehow managed to sneak his way into her friends list despite her usual shyness and reluctance to make friends. Well the end of the world had a way of speeding the forming of relationships between people.

“Hey, Mike, shall we head back towards the sleeping quarters now?” The girl asked, throwing glances around before stopping and looking at him. With the group having left, they didn't really have anything else to deal with right now and she was going to be very happy if they could go back there at a quiet place. Maybe talk some more before heading to an early sleep. She certainly felt like she needed a good rest and having him around made her feel more secure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - In Truck

It was only a matter of time before things went to hell. As they made their way to Newnan, a wall of Walkers surrounded the truck. Before she could so much as take a breath in, one of the girls outside the truck got attacked as she fell off her horse. It was a regular shit show.

Ray wanted her to go help. She could help, but that would leave the children, and him, unguarded. She shook her head, "I'll do what I can, but I am not leaving you and the kids alone. If anything, we need to clear a path and get as far from them as possible. If they follow us to Newnan we'll at least have time to set up a mounted defense against them."

She took out her gun and checked her ammo. She didn't have much in the way, but she could defend them for a bit. She looked around for a good opportunity to open the truck and hold them off. She hoped the others could handle their own ends.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1 (Cells) -> Building 1 (Infirmary)

Do it anyway, Captain. Put a bullet in his knee. An example must be set. Anything else is an act of weakness.

Ash felt his hand raise just a mere inch or so before the weight of his Detonix .45 pulled him back to coherent thought. This one was trouble. The thought crossed his mind that perhaps everyone would be better off if he were given some provisions and a good knife, shoved into a trunk and deposited in a random spot at least three days' drive away. Or merely shot and left to bleed out in this very cell. Nothing that a hose and a shovel couldn't fix. He was of little good in here except to use resources, and until he began to show some signs of trustworthiness, he was going to stay right there.

At least, until Ash finally gave in and listened to the ruthless, more pragmatic Soldier within, and ended this perceived threat where it sat, grinning at him like it had accomplished something. It was becoming harder, mostly because the son of a bitch had yet to prove any usefulness whatsoever, in Ash's eyes. Point of fact, the thought of walling up the cell with good brick and mortar crossed his mind, solid with the exception of a slit near the bottom where one may, if inclined, fling a pancake through every now and again.

Newnan's (originally) reluctant leader opened his mouth to say something meaningful and/or scathing, his radio crackled. Jim's voice gave Ash pause. Before he responded, he wanted to be away from this room. Back down the corridor and into the main foyer next to the Infirmary, he addressed the whole of Newnan. "This is Ashton Holloway. We have an incident involving our people, out on the road. I need volunteers to assess and retrieve, if necessary. Arm up and meet in front of the courthouse in five. Five This is Astrid and Bridgette. We're bringing them home."

Ash's face went as stone, preparing for a conflict. He entered the Infirmary with the cold confidence of a military commander, and addressed Beni with direct familiarity. "You heard the radio. Two riders went out, two horses returned. I need to know exactly where they went to. Directions, landmarks, alternate routes. Traps and defenses, if there are any. Mostly, I need you to convince me that your people didn't have a hand in it."

He tilted his head to the side, continuing, "If you'll excuse me, I have a phone call to make." The grim man didn't bother leaving the room. He produced Caesar's satellite phone and punched up the number labeled "M'hija". If they were in a situation, he really hoped that he didn't just give them away.

Black James(!)

Location: Building C (His House)

James heard what went out on the radio, the same as any near a Lead, within a main building, or a security point. He knew that the Viking ladies had gone out to help some new people - new people that would hopefully be peaceable, friendly types. Now their horses had returned without them. This news inspired a reaction, traditional to a gentleman of rural Southern upbringing. "Aw, HELL naw."

They weren't the fastest of friends, but James had a lot of respect for these women. They were as much a part of Newnan as he was, now. Angry or stoic, vulgar or distant; they were part of the tapestry of their community. Even if parts of that particular length of decorative cloth had the occasional snarl. Come to think of it, James liked those women very much. Certainly enough to take up arms and join the group gathering in front of the Courthouse. He didn't have much to get together. Just a quick stopoff to grab his rifle.

The notebook which he had been carefully penning for the past number of hours wasn't finished. Merely an outline of his plans for the next year or three, along with instructions for the plants already in the ground. The inside back cover of the last book he was writing was inked, just before he set off to reacquire his rifle: "Don't got a Will yet. If I die before I do, let Zoie sort it out." He intended to drop it off before he left Newnan, for safekeeping.

"On my way, Cap'n. Miss Zoie, I be back soon as I can, help you out." Just then, he had someplace to be.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Luck
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Lady Luck ~*LLA*~

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Time Of Death: 6:58 p.m. June 13th, 2010

And the blood continues to flow this evening as the sun begins to set. Another has fallen, in a sense, and there is nothing that can be done to save them. Please bow your heads for funeral rites will be replacing the show this evening. There will be no twirling ballerina's and no juggling knives. There will be no smiles or cheers, just silent tears to flow. How many more will fall this evening? We know not but this is what has unfolded thus far.

Beni looks over to Ash as he stands up. "Nothing I can say will convince you, nothing you could say would convince me at this point if the tables were turned." After that he says nothing more. He knows what it feels like to lose people, to see them go down, to not trust others. This was a gamble for him as well. He knew if something went down there was a chance he would be paying with it for his life even if it wasn't his people's fault. It was a risk he had been willing to take. "Do I go with you or you want to confine me until you know what is going on?" he asks. Whatever Ash decides he will go along with.

Froggy looks over towards Neisha as she comes back and nods. "Yes, be ready to assist me. Follow my lead and we won't have any problems," he tells her before motioning over to the sink. "Get scrubbed up, we will be ready to take any patients as soon as they are brought to the front of the building."

Zoie sits up as the radio goes up and curses under her breath. Looking at Dick she starts to get out of bed. "I'll be talkin' to sweet baby jesus 'for I just sit here with me knittin' needles, Honkey Tonk, gets me to the armory," she tells him. Quick as he can muster, Dick scoops Zoie up in his arms and makes a mad dash over to the armory. He knows better than to argue with her right then. It was either he helped her or fight her to keep her in bed. "Mr. James, be meetin' me in the armory," Zoie said through the radio as Dick set her down. She started pointing to various things for Dick and Tom to hand her as she got to work making some "Zoie Special's". She wasn't about to let people go out without some big badda booms. Once they are done she hands them over to James (or whoever he sends to get them).

Jim opens the gate and let's people exit to grab the Valkyries horses, as random members of Newnan prepare to head out at the gate. Tatiana looks over to Jack as the call comes in over the radio and bites her bottom lip nervously. "Jack, help new home," she says. She knows he won't want her to go out there and she didn't want him to go either but she also knew Jack wouldn't forgive himself if he didn't try to help and just stayed safe behind the walls. "I be okay, go."

Over in Franklin Sana takes Ed into the school and back to the infirmary, searching for a pair of scissors. Looking into her bag once she finds some she pulls out a comb and glances back over towards him. "PrĂŞt Ă  vous faire nettoyer?" she asks, asking him if he is ready to get cleaned up (to fix his hair). Mike looks over towards Amelia and smiles. "Rest sounds good right about now but I gotta go help get things cleaned up in the infirmary and then the kitchen before I can turn in. I can walk you to your room or you can stick with me if you want. It shouldn't take long," Mike says, holding his arm out for her to take. "Just let me know," he says smiling, completely unaware of what is going down on the road.

Ash called but there was no answer, the phone rang in Astrids bag in the back of the truck but she wasn't exactly in a position to take any calls right then. Fighting through the Walkers, Astrid grabbed Bridgette's body and hefted her fireman's lift style over her shoulder and started to make the trek back to the truck. Several of the Franklin Folk grabbed Marx, lifting him off the metal. A loud scream came from him as they moved him and dumped him in the back of the truck with the others.

"Leave the dead!" one of them yelled at Astrid but she wasn't about to leave Bridgette behind. Walkers are being picked off but noise keeps bringing more in from the sides. The people of Franklin are able to carve a small path but it is limited time for them. Ciel and Ray are okay for now. Ray is holding steady, Ciel though passes out. Tiffany is able to pick of several of the walkers but she can't get all of them. Astrid manages to get Bridgette's body into the back of the truck but just as she is climbing in, a walker gets her. Sinking it's teeth into her shoulder.

"Breiddjame!" she yells as she swings her elbow back and knocks the thing free from it's bite. Turning she thusts her sword into its gut before climbing into the truck. "Move it you fucktards!" she yells as she squats down and keeps fighting Walkers off the back end of the truck. She knows she is done for but she has to get the injured back, she gave her word.
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