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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


While everyone in the class was all over making friends and chatting. Seth had found a vacant seat and sat down. He wasn’t all that good at making friends. He did have some back home, but he’d known them since kindergarten. However, it took quite a while before he became friends with the. It wasn’t that he was anti-social. On the contrary, he loved hanging out with his friends, but he found more solace working on cars than anything else. When the bell rang his home room teacher walked in and he noticed he looked a little annoyed. He made the class take their seats and wrote his name on the board. Akihito Yoshida Seth repeated to himself to remember the name. He wasn't good with remembering names.

“L guardian?” Seth whispered to himself. He had heard the name, but he wasn’t too sure on what he could do. He had heard of the heroes on the news, but he rarely ever watched it. He was more into the car shows and auto racing. When he did go online, it was to research auto parts and find new music for his audio player. Mr. Yoshida showed them the track suit and he wanted to ask a question but saw he was already on his way out. Better not until we get to the training grounds Seth thought. When the teacher dismissed them, he picked up his duffle bag and headed towards the locker rooms.

As he scanned the lockers, he found the one with number three on it. He opened it and found a track suit inside. He placed his duffle bag inside the locker as metal tools clanged inside. As he began to change he began muttering to himself, “Glade they gave me this locker number.” the number three was considered his lucky number and also his favorite racers number. The suit felt a little loose, but he figured it was better than tight. He was about to tear off the sleeves when he stopped and said, “Better wait, Mr. Yoshida might not take to kindly to the track suits being ripped.” He would wait and ask Mr. Yoshida about taking off the sleeves at the training facility. When he was done changing he closed the locker and let out a long sigh. Here we go. He thought to himself before he started to walk out of the locker room and towards training area.

[at Training Grounds Echo]

“Whoa,” Seth said as he walked up to the training grounds and towards Mr. Yoshida. As he walked he spun and looked around. A smile formed on his face as he said, “Look at all this! I bet you could find some killer scrap metal here.” He then stopped and asked himself, “I wonder if they’ll let me look around on my down time and allow me to take some scrap metal from here to my Dad.” With that out of the way, he walked up with the others and stood to wait for Mr. Yoshida’s orders.

“Um, Mr. Yoshida,” Seth began before he continued, “would it be possible to take off the sleeves of the track suit after class? Sleeves sometimes hinder my Quirk. If that’s ok?” Seth didn’t want to annoy him any more than he seemed to be and hoped he wasn’t stepping over any lines when asking the question.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PsychoPanda28
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sen Kimoto

Interacting with - Kenichi @Zeroth

"Easier said than done," Sen countered with a small laugh, his gas mask whirring.

He could certainly see the potential in his quirk, but taking it to the next level with his actions would take a lot of determination and sweat. There were those in this new age that were born to be heroes and others that are forged into heroes by the will of their hearts. Sen hoped to evolve into a hero worth looking up towards and his journey would start there, in that very classroom.

Kenichi caught Sen's attention once again when he started to explain how his quirk worked. The young man's yellow eyes narrowed slightly as he memorized everything Kenichi was about to say. Yes, he rather liked the bluenette's style and personality, but becoming a hero came first, which meant he would have to analyze his quirk for any potential weaknesses. After all, this was a school where everyone was pitched against each other in the climb to the top. Not only did Sen get a description, but Kenichi also gave a small display of his power and it was very dangerous indeed.

"So basically you get all 'roided up by breathing? That's impressive, it's like you have a limitless supply of energy."

The uncertainty he had felt from being exposed to all these new quirks and people was beginning to fade away finally, being replaced with his trademark relaxed demeanor. He realized that whatever challenges that lay ahead of him would just have to be taken down one by one, he would adapt and thrive no matter the circumstances.

Sen was just about to respond to Kenichi's question about what he thought of class 1-A when their homeroom teacher arrived. Silence fell over the room as he commanded them to sit as he etched him name onto the chalkboard.

Akihito Yoshida

Sen recognized him as L Guardian, it would be an honor to learn under him. Already Sen could tell tha Yoshida was a no bullshit kind of guy, kind of like hinself. Yoshida-sensei leveled with Class 1-A immediately, claiming that he wasn't sure if they had what it took to be heroes, so he purposed a challenge. Judging by the determined looks on everyone's faces, this was going to be a battle to see who stayed and who didn't.

With a small piece of advice and instructions on how to use their lockers, Yoshida sent them on their way to Training Ground Echo. Out of courtesy, Sen waited for Kenichi, and as he shoulder his backpack he finally replied to the boy's earlier question.

"I guess we'll see who's badass and who's not soon enough." Brief images of his costume flashed through his mind. "This is going to be a lot more difficult without the suit I designed for my quirk," he admitted.

Sen chose not to respond to Kenichi's mentioning of the way some of the girls looked in class 1-A. Sure, Sen was perfectly at home talking to them and being friends with them, but anything more than that seemed to be difficult for the yellow eyed fellow. After all, who would want to date a guy they couldn't kiss without being rendered paralyzed for a period of time? Hell, even hugging Sen had to be done at an odd angle to avoid hitting his gasmask, unless they were short enough to not hit it. Doomed to a life in the friend zone, Sen shrugged once again and changed the subject.

"How about instead of oogling we go and kick some ass yeah?" Sen teased, clapping Kenichi on his shoulder as he steered him to the locker rooms.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 3 days ago


The bell rang not long after Acion finishes his conversation with Donny. And right after that, a somewhat familiar homeroom teacher walked in. Ah yes! He is L Guardian, one of the heroes that he looked up to next to his parents. And he was his homeroom teacher? What a faithful encounter this was, and he sure was going to enjoy his company. He apparently was looking down upon the new students, but Acion saw his attitude completely reasonable. Students of hero academy nowadays lack their grasp on their sacred fate they were bestowed upon. They were training to become heroes, and yet they did not have that passion at all. The answer to the question what makes a man a hero was very simple, and yet many people disappointed the young Acion with their nonchalant answers.

Acion stood up and left the classroom at his orders without any hesitation, leaving his bag on the chair as he moved, since they were going to return to the classroom after all. He made a beeline to the lockers and opened it, seeing the jumpsuit neatly folded inside. He took it out and slowly unfolded it. It indeed was convenient, the material was made stretchy so that it could fulfill his acrobatic maneuvers both in the sky and on the ground. It also smelled nice as well. With this, Acion had thought it would be great, but there's one thing. One thing. One SMALL thing: It's a completely normal jumpsuit!

You would be asking yourself why the fuck he was making a fuss inside his mind with that. You see, the students are allowed to make a request to the school to specially design the uniform to accommodate with their specific quirks, and the fact that the school ignored them the first time for his normal uniform was already a not so happy thing for Acion, but he dismissed them as being too busy. And now twice! If the jumpsuit has no holes at the back, where the hell will Acion accommodate his wings? They were totally unprepared for his arrival, or anybody's arrival, because of their maddening thoughts of making a 'racing against time' test.

Acion could feel his veins racing to his head, but refrained from showing it to the others. He knew that he would have to take matters into his own hand. He laid the shirt out, the back facing upwards, ripped off a feather from his upper wings, and used it to cut a few holes on the suit. It would be damaging to the school's property, but if they had allowed Acion to send in request to make a modified uniform, only to be ignored, then there should be no reason for them to object to this. Of course, he only cut where he needed it, so as not to squander any of the school's resources.

After finishing, he spent another five minutes just to put on the shirt. It was difficult, providing that he did not have anybody to help him. Or rather, did not want to have one. He considered it to be something he had to overcome by himself first before asking for anybody's help. And then the next five minutes to do the rest, and he was all set to go.

Training Ground Echo

It didn't look like a training ground at all.

This was a construction site.

For a brief moment, Acion had a feeling that they weren't even considering building a training ground and instead preferring to use a bunch of metal pegs and vehicles as obstacles. Still, it still had its merits, since the heroes practically will have to fight in places like this, not in a specially built compound.

"The arena looks unforgiving."

Indeed it was. The harsh sand, the enclosed space between the metal pegs, and the towering cranes. The stage wasn't his preferrence, but it was his thriller.

His smile of excitement was visible

"Thus begins a new test of strength..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Dialogue Color || #F50A83 ||| Thought Color || #0A8BF5

Fumika blinked. These two people were her classmates? It wasn't really surprising that they were, she supposed, since they both looked somewhere close to her own age and had all being going in the same direction. But this meant that she'd done much better than expected! Not only had she managed to talk to other students without making an error, but she'd actually managed to speak to her very own classmates! Did they not think she was strange? Were they really not upset with her? It seemed too good to be true that her classmates would even notice her, but here she was, having a normal conversation. They seemed really nice, too... Ah, but she couldn't get too far ahead of herself, because then she'd stop paying attention! The boy had opened the door for them - so it was his turn to hold doors now? - and was talking now, and she'd almost missed what he'd been saying.

"Well...this is going to be an interesting year... Oh by the way, My name is Jett Haven. What are your names?"

A self-introduction! Haruka had taught her how to do those. If somebody asked your name, you were supposed to say what it was, give a few traits about yourself, and then say "It's a pleasure to meet you." The boy, Jett, had already done so himself, so clearly she needed to respond in kind. Hmm... His name was kind of strange, though, now that she thought about it. Was he foreign? Blonde hair wasn't very common in Japan, she supposed, completely failing to notice the hypocrisy of this observation as she pondered the question. And why was he holding out his hands? Was she supposed to hold out her hands? But if she did that, they'd almost be touching... She didn't like it when people she didn't know touched her.

Oh, right. Self-introduction.

"My name is Motome Fumika. Umm..." She trailed off. What should she say about herself? It was rude to boast about the things one could do, so talking about her Quirk was right out. Maybe about her interests, then? She tugged at the sides of her hair, rubbing the soft strands down over her cheeks as she thought furiously. Then, all at once, it came to her.

"I like fluffy things, free running, and heroes!" She declared at last, suddenly brimming with confidence. Talking about one's hobbies was definitely the normal thing to do. And now, there was only one step left in the process Haruka had taught her! So, declaiming the words loudly and clearly, she recited the magic friend-making sentence that Haruka had taught her, and bowed sharply. "It's nice to meet you!"

...She froze. What now? Was she supposed to raise her head? Or wait for him to say something? Standing bent halfway over like this was getting uncomfortable. Her back hurt. Had a door just opened? Somebody else was walking up to the front of the room. She raised her head, momentarily forgetting herself in her curiosity, and saw a dark-haired, grizzled-looking man in a suit already writing his name on the blackboard, calling the class into session. It was rude to be in a class not sitting down, so, as if the conversation she'd just been in had totally slipped her mind, she walked over to the nearest desk and tossed herself down, listening intently to the man's speech.

As far as first impressions went... Fumika didn't like him. He said a lot of mean things, and seemed angry just to be there. But, it wasn't like she could talk back to him. It was her role to just watch and listen, like it always had been. Besides, even if he was mean, it would be fine, right? She just needed to not bother anyone, and it would be fine. So, the first step to not bothering anyone was to follow the directions she'd been given.

So, she made her way to the locker room, and began looking around until she found a locker marked with her name. Inside was one of the jumpsuits, just like Mr. Yoshida had said. It ended up being just a little bit of a tight fit - she must have had another growth spurt between when she signed up and now - but it wasn't like there was any real problem with it. Her particle shell was finely separated enough that it could slip through the gaps between the threads no matter how tight the outfit was. And, since she'd gotten there first, she managed to get a spot with her back to the wall where she could change clothes without anybody getting a look at her back. So, quickly discarding her old attire, she hung it up inside the locker, and then shut the door with a satisfying click. Committing the locker's location and number to her perfect memory, Fumika, thus satisfied, turned to go. Brushing back her hair over her shoulders, she stretched a bit, stepped out of the locker room, and then froze, standing in the middle of the hallway looking back and forth as it suddenly occurred to her that she once again had no idea where she was going.

Wait, which way was West from here?

Oh, but it looked like some of the others were already making their way down the hallway. There was some girl with white-blonde hair, and a tall redhead who she'd seen in the class... That meant they must have known where they were going, right? Reasoning thusly to herself, she tailed them at a bit of a distance, walking by herself until she found herself at...

...A construction site? There was a lot of scaffolding everywhere, and the terrain was mostly flat, with large cranes erected at various points and left suspending rather large loads of building materials. Was the training area still being built? Would they have to wait until it was finished? Building things took a long time, though...

But then again, she'd seen videos of heroes fighting villains in places that looked like this. And Mr. Yoshida had said this was going to be battle training... This kind of area had plenty of vantage points, a decent amount of cover, and several obvious points of high ground on an otherwise flat playing field. Plus, she could already see plenty of ways she could jump and hop her way across large obstacles. In this kind of sparse urban environment, Fumika was right at home. It would be just like practicing with Haruka! Despite her nervousness, she suddenly found herself getting really excited. It was time to prove that Haruka's trust in her hadn't been misplaced!

...Of course, to everyone else, it must have looked a little bit odd to see the blonde girl standing a little way off to one side, tugging on her hair, nodding to herself with an expression of stonefaced seriousness, and seemingly gazing off into the training grounds rather than paying any attention to anyone around her. But, in her own way, Fumika was quite excited.

@Riegal @Aerandir
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sam decided to have a look at his classmates who had arrived. Two of them seemed normal, a girl with blonde hair and a look of arrogance plastered on her face... though that might be just what she normally looked like. As his perception was warped, mostly by lacking any organs, he tended to see details in a non-chronological order. Thinking about it hurt his head, or at least his mind, as trying to even understand his powers required a degree in quantum mechanics. The other normie, at least in looks, was a red-head dude who towered over his physical height. Not for the first time, he was kind of glad having a massless body meant he could float. It's hard not to get nervous when having to look up to talk to a person.

After this were the stranger students. The first was a man with a gasmask on his face. Nothing too unordinary, save for the aura of death around him. That might be unscientific, but the man had screaming faces around him of those he has or may hurt. It's clear it ways heavily about him. Then there was the Seraphrim, a six winged angel who according to legend were embroiled in fire and acted as the mouths of god. He really hoped he wasn't hallucinating the guy, like that time in third grade when he saw a shinigami at his uncle's hospital... Sam shuddered at the thought.

The last person... the last person was a star. She was robed in light from her fluffy hair to the bottom of her jumpsuit. Okay, he was definitely hallucinating a goddess and her servant. This place was probably once the site of a temple and he was seeing a residual memory from that time, out of sync with the rest of the world. Floating over to her, he decided to ask the question, if only to prove she wasn't there.

"Okay, which goddess are you? Shinto has too many, but I'm going to guess Amaterasu. What are you doing in a dump like this?" he asked, not really expecting an answer.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Mamoru Aksha

As Mamoru was chatting with Toni the bell range and the teacher finally arrived. A Mr. Akihito Yoshida aka L Guardian aka The Sentinel Hero aka henceforth Sir Buzzkillington. Mamoru frowned at the teacher's fairly depressing and pessimistic demeanor. Sure the life of a hero wasn't all fun and games, but geez this guy was mean. Still Mamoru did begrudgingly accept that heroics, as glamorous as they seem on television, was important and life risking work. People die in the line of duty, and Mamoru had to take it seriously. So that end once Mr. Akihito started talking Mamoru did pay attention.

Firstly they had their own lockers just for their hero gear. For now it only had their gym clothes, which was fine for Mamoru. She already had her hero costume planned out and everything. Next excited her: Battle Training. She wondered what the teach had in mind; were they going to fight against robots, maybe do some "live" exercises, possibly even fight against one another? Mamoru was absolutely giddy with excitement, and was one of the first to leave to get changed. Her gym clothes weren't anything unusual or different, since she lacked any physical mutation quirks that would otherwise change her body. She noted that the fabric was rather thick yet light; perfect for rigorous activity that may damage the clothes. Not exactly the stuff you'd put in a hero costume, as Mamoru was quite familiar with the type of fabric and design that goes into those. But for a gym uniform, it'll do.

Next was where today's lesson would take place: Training Ground Echo. It looked like a construction sight, and immediately Mamoru was already thinking about possible hazards and obstacles. "Hmm. These buildings could fairly fragile, and destroying important parts of them could cause the whole thing to collapse. Lost of weak floors, gotta watch out for those. They could either make for a nasty exit, or a surprising entrance. Lotta loose rubble too. Anyone who's got a big bang quirk will have shrapnel flying all over the place. Or a lot of cover." Mamoru also wondered if any of the vehicles were operational. She wished she knew how to hot-wire a car, but then again hot-wiring was totally eighties. Most modern vehicles nowadays couldn't be hot-wired, or at least it took way too long for it to be practical in the short term. But if she could at least shift them into neutral, than maybe she could use them as traps.

There was also one last thing that Mr. Akihito said that Mamoru was going to have to remember well: Stick to your strengths. So simple, yet a lesson Mamoru regretfully tends to forgot. Just like her previous thought about hot-wiring these cars or destroying buildings, she was thinking too much about what-ifs and less about what she could actually do here. Things that were within her skill. Mamoru was fast and sharp; she could take advantage of the tight corridors and weave between obstacles and trip up her opponent. She's also sharp enough to be able to react to anything that might jump out at her or try to sneak up on Mamoru. While she probably couldn't toss one of those big metal rods, she surely could take a handful of concrete and nail someone with it. "Ah yes. And this is always important too." Mamoru knelt down and dug up and handful of loose dirt and sand, stuffing it into her pocket.

"Can't go wrong with pocket sand."

Donny Yang

Listening to Acion talking about his powers made Donny wonder what else he could do with his own powers. He could physically make wings, but he's never been able to generate enough lift to actually let him fly. Maybe if he made size wings he could pull it off, but Donny never tried that before. Acion also mentioned being able to use the feather as weapons, so they must be sharp and tough. Or at least one or the other. It made Donny wonder if it hurts Acion when his wings get damaged; while he was probably fast, those wings would be the biggest targets on him. As Donny pondered this the bell range and the teacher arrived. The L Guardian, Akihito Yoshida.

Their homeroom teacher's words struck a nerve with Donny. He understood the importance of heroics and that people needed to take it seriously, but he had hoped that maybe their teacher would be more encouraging, rather than wanting to cull the weak. But Donny didn't say anything, nor hold any hard feelings. He hated people who spoke like Akihito, but Donny also had to accept that the world was not kind nor accepting. That was something Donny knew all too well. If Donny was serious about becoming a hero, he needed to be able to get over his hang ups and become better than who he was right now. Easier said than done of course. But at least Donny knew what he had to do.

As everyone left to get changed, Donny too left and hyped himself up quietly enroute. "Stick to your strength Donny boy. Stick to your strength... You can't be afraid of your own power. C'mon, c'mon!" He felt a bit pumped. He wanted to try his best and keep his true form hidden, but again Donny knew that holding back because of his own issues would only make him a liability. When he came to this school he promised himself that he'll get over it. And he will, no matter what. Once Donny reached his locker he looked at his gym clothes. Sure enough they were a perfect fit; XXXL shirt and pants. Even had a belt. It felt heavier than his uniform, but probably because it needed to hold up to rigorous activity. Hopefully it'll stay in one piece if Donny changed to his true form. It should, as his meat bag was also dressed with whatever fits, and he really didn't want to ruin his new clothes.

After getting dressed Donny took the long walk to the Training Ground Echo. It appeared to be under construction, either artificially or literally. Donny imagined that Komei Academy made a simulated construction site, as it'll be very expensive to ruin a building they're actually trying to complete. Then again... Mr. Akihito did say he was given free reign on how he teaches his class. There's a very real possibility that he intends to have everyone take part of a battle here as a two part lesson. "Yeah.... Being a hero isn't just about being good at fighting, but also taking account collateral damage and stuff. I'm sure there's lots of heroes who have powers that could destroy entire city blocks but that'd be counter productive of being a hero. Villains may take up residence in places like this just to dissuaded a hero from going all out, less he cause more damage than the villain would've. It's tricky but completely expected. Whatever I'm doing here I'll have to be careful. Take advantage of my surrounding, but try to minimize the destruction." Donny gulped and looked around. He would try to find somewhere that seem stable enough to fight at, as well as places that seem on the verge of breaking down to either avoid or exploit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riegal
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reina Mori

When Reina felt something touching her sleeve, she immediately tensed in surprise, losing her focus on her quirk for a split second. Even as she turned her head quickly to see that it had been the girl tugging on her shirt, she got her quirk back under control. The blonde-haired girl looked almost nervous as she stepped away, Reina figuring with a pang of guilt that she had been taken aback by her quirk.

"Umm... My class is here - class 1-A."

Reina's eyes widened slightly as she glanced to the sign above the door the three were next to.

"I am in A-1 as well. It's a pleasure to meet the both of you."

Well, that was kind of nice, Reina found herself thinking. She gave the other two an almost imperceptible smile and nod, meant to indicate that she was also in the same class. She nodded again in thanks as she and the other girl walked through the door the boy held open for them.

"Oh by the way, My name is Jett Haven. What are your names?"

She glanced at Jett's out-stretched hand, not immediately taking it. The boy was clearly of the more confident and outgoing sort, which made Reina a little uncomfortable--not because she didn't like that sort of person, but because she always felt like even more of a downer and burden than usual around them. She knew she wasn't a very fun person to be around.

Seeing that the other girl didn't seem to be interested in taking his hand either though, Reina, after another moment of hesitation, reached out to meet his hand shake.

She hesitated again before giving her name, almost not wanting to bother the two with it. "Mori... Mori Reina," she finally said, glancing between the two for a moment.

The other girl introduced herself as Motome Fumika, adding on to her introduction somewhat out of the blue. "It's nice to meet you!"

Reina wasn't sure how to respond as Fumika held her deep bow, and ended up settling on an uninspired but genuine enough "Yeah," along with her own slight bow.

A man she recognized entered the classroom, evidently their teacher, prompting Reina to follow Fumika's lead and find herself a seat quickly. Sure enough, he introduced himself as the hero L Guardian, and their homeroom teacher for the year.

"Frankly, I don't believe any of you deserve to be here."

As he spoke, Reina's anxiety flared and she felt her heart start to pound painfully in her chest.

"Time for Battle training to see who is skilled, and who isn't."

Her fingernails dug painfully into her palms as she squeezed her hands tightly in her lap.

@Feyblue @Aerandir

Reina stood at her locker, staring at the jumpsuit she held in her hands. Her peers moved around her, heading off to change, seemingly excited at the testing L Guardian was holding for them.

They were all going to see how pathetic she was. How little control she had over her own quirk, even though it was the entire reason she had even been brought to Komei. They'd find out she had taken up a spot she didn't deserve at the school.


Hoping that she'd somehow avoid such an inevitability was beyond stupid of her to begin with. The girl bit her lip, digging her fingers into the fabric of her gym-wear.

Maybe it was for the best that her class found out how weak she was now. They wouldn't ask to pair with her or anything of the sort later on, and she wouldn't have to come off as rude when she tried to say no to not bring them down with her... yeah, it had to be better this way, at least for her classmates.

Reina forced a bitter smile onto her lips. As long as she didn't mess up so badly she got expelled on the spot, this was how it should be. She repeated the thought a few more times for good measure, swallowing hard as she held back the tears that had begun to sting her eyes.

Closing her locker quietly, the girl finally began walking towards the dressing rooms.

Hands in pockets, Reina kept to herself as she followed after the others out to the training grounds, heart rate having hardly lowered at all. When she arrived, she hung back to keep some distance between herself and the group, glancing around absentmindedly at both her peers and her surroundings.

Just don't get kicked out... She managed a few deep breaths, doing what she could to calm herself down and focus on that goal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Lysander was cut off as the man who would be their teacher walked in. Some big shot in Japan who he had only heard bits and pieces about. Akihito Yoshida was his name, and he was a dick from the way he spoke. Not fit to be heroes? Who was he to judge that. They all braved their way into the school, hell Lysander even waited til the last second to try and assist other students along with Ezra and he hadn’t even used his quirk yet! He didn’t feel this man deserved the respect most teachers got but he knew if he wanted to make a name for himself, Mr. Akiito was the ticket to greatness.

At the end of his speech, he did as he was told and waited for a good time to walk out of the door. Wing boy and Mr. Ghost were the first out and he followed behind a pudgier boy who was trying to hype himself up. Combat training had him slightly on edge but he walked with confidence, no, arrogance. He had a smug look on his face as he observed his class. None in front of him walked like a hero. They were all so rigid. Maybe it was just the way Japanese heroes worked but nobody here looked like they had fun. He giggled to himself a bit, but his giggle faded as he opened up his locker and found his tracksuit not only had long sleeves and long pants, but two giant holes in the back that went the whole way down. It fit fine enough but it was nowhere near ideal and let in a draft. First thing first, he had to do some last minute adjustments and tore the ends of his sleeves and pants from the insides as his quirk activated. Every thread was pulled apart and the little points on his arms and legs seemed to retract a bit after becoming visible. ”You’d think they’d make suits for our quirks, and not give us broken equipment right?” He shouted as he left the room, rubbing his back.


Lysander arrived and already started stretching. Nothing that was a real stretch, just things he did before he performed a show or did anything with his powers. ”Anyone else get a messed up tracksuit? Mine has these two gaping holes in the back and it’s just a little bit too big.” He spoke to nobody in particular and observing the crowd noticed nobody in particular was talking as well. He walked to the center of the group and threw his hands in the air during a stretch and exhaled loudly as he bent back. He was not nervous at all and seeing the environment they were in, it was not going to be too hard on him. He thrived in places like this.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 3 days ago


”Anyone else get a messed up tracksuit? Mine has these two gaping holes in the back and it’s just a little bit too big.”

The line struck a chord in Acion's mind.

Wait what?

'Did I...'

Mess up with the suit?

He looked at the red haired man in confusion. The jumpsuit he was wearing confirmed it: He mixed up the uniform. And so they did prepare for him. Were they expecting him to actually pass the test?

No matter the case, he would have to approach the guy about this.

Acion moved close to the red haired man with a slightly apologetic face, vaguely hidden behind a stoic face.

"I apologize, but I think I have taken the wrong outfit."

Maybe, maybe not, since his suit showed hints of being torn aside from the wings position. Acion might have taken his outfit, but it was also long-sleeved.

"Would you want to switch right now, later, or do you want to keep it? I have taken quite a bit of matters into my own hands, so we might have been equalled in our outfit damage."

@Experiment 249
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Dialogue Color || #F50A83 ||| Thought Color || #0A8BF5

She'd just been standing off to one side, watching the other students arrive and recording their faces to commit them to memory when it had happened.

There were a couple of redheaded students, both of whom looked a little bit intimidating, in addition to the blonde girl she'd seen before. Aside from these, there were also a few more unusual individuals, like a boy with six gigantic wings, a pink-haired girl who appeared to be sifting through the dirt, and a very large, rotund young man who was... Wait, what? Fumika blinked, her eyes shifting off their red hue and back to blue as she tried looking at him again with her own sight, but observed nothing unusual. And yet, when she'd tried to record him earlier, he was-

"Okay, which goddess are you? Shinto has too many, but I'm going to guess Amaterasu. What are you doing in a dump like this?"

Fumika turned. She blinked. She rubbed her eyes. She blinked again.

...No, she definitely wasn't imagining it. There most certainly was a transparent boy floating just a little bit above and behind her, looking down at her with a quizzical look on his face. And, since unlike the girl before, he was definitely looking straight at her, she was pretty sure that he was addressing her. But... what exactly was he talking about? A goddess? Her? She hadn't ever thought of herself as one, but if anyone would know, it would probably be a spirit, right? But she'd never been able to see spirits or ghosts before, even with her Quirk, so why was she suddenly observing one right now? This was all very confusing and highly unusual.

So, more that a little bit baffled by the situation, she stared up at him with the same sort of look as a curious little bird pecking at something it has never seen before.

"I'm a goddess?" She asked innocently, evidently taking his words at face value. If these words had been spoken by anyone else, they'd obviously come off as sarcastic, but Fumika seemed to be expressing... genuine surprise? "I mean, I guess I can create things, but still, nobody's ever called me one before, and I never really thought... That is..." She fidgeted with her hair, before she suddenly straightened back up as if her thoughts had suddenly reversed directions. "Oh, but, um, I think you've mistaken me for somebody else. My powers don't really have anything to with the sun." She bowed her head respectfully - she had read in a pamphlet she'd found about ghost stories once that you always needed to treat spirits with respect, or else they'd get angry and might curse you. "I'm sorry."

@Ryteb Pymeroce
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 8 days ago

Jin rested his chin on his hands as their homeroom teacher introduced himself. He wasn't familiar with his hero alias. Was the academy perhaps hiring out-of-work C or D list heroes to fill their staff? It was possible that this guy was just an underground sort of hero that avoided publicity. Either way, his opening remarks didn't surprise or concern Jin terribly. He expected just that sort of thing to motivate them, though he wondered if they had balanced out the benefit of scaring them into action, against the anxiety it caused hurting their performance. In any case, Jin had been right on the money, it was time for the students to go head to head.

When all was said and done, Jin hurried to the locker room to change. Whereas the others seemed to be having difficulties with their physical education uniforms, Jin's fit perfectly. He wondered if they had grabbed the wrong ones in their haste, and were swapped around. His own was probably too small to mistake for any of his male classmates', he thought bitterly.

None the less he met the rest of the crowd outside. They chatted among themselves, and Jin observed them from the sidelines. It was a role he was generally used to; being ignored or excluded. It would probably work to his advantage. Only one of them had the slightest clue what his quirk was, and he had come up with a few cheeky ideas to disguise its true nature in these opening stages when surprise was his advantage. If he lucked out, he would be put against one of the more obvious mutant-types, or one that had blabbed about their quirk already.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jett Haven

Jett had noticed the hesitation from the blonde girl, as if shaking hands was a foreign concept to her. He had tilted his head to the side slightly as she answered him.

"My name is Motome Fumika. Umm..."

"I like fluffy things, free running, and heroes!" "It's nice to meet you!" He pulled his head back slightly as she suddenly became confident and practically yelled her last part. He just smiled and looked over to the dark haired girl as she took his hand, in which he firmly, yet gently grasped with a big smile. He could tell she wasn't too comfortable and tried to let go quickly, but he felt that odd sensation again where his hand didn't want to leave hers, like it was gravitating towards her.

"Mori... Mori Reina," she said softly.

He did managed to pull it back with a smile. It must be something with her quirk... which would be kinda cool, in his opinion. Before he could say anything else the bell rang and the teacher had walked in, causing everyone to quickly move to their seats.

"I see that everyone is making friends but, please take your seats or get out of my class.
When the bell rings class is in session."

'tch...Mannnn' he thought as he went to his seat and sat down leaning back in his chair.

The man walked over to desk and wrote his name out on the board. Akihito Yoshida, "I am your homeroom and hero studies teacher, Akihito Yoshida. Some may know me as L guardian, the sentinel hero."

Jett, started rocking back and forth in his chair. He had heard of the guy, he was pretty good at the pro hero bit...but for some reason he couldn't remember him too much.

"As for you guys, I don't know what you are all capable of. As far as I know you probably don't even deserve to be in the hero course... But ill strike you a deal. The teacher reached under his desk and pulled out a basic all in one Track Suit with the abbreviation "K.A." on the back of it, it was blue with white stripes going along the sleeve and down the pants legs. "The hero course at Komei academy has their own special locker room at the end of this corridor, in each of the lockers is a jumpsuit just like this as well as a lock for you to place your belongings and keep them safe, these will be your gym lockers for the year." Yoshida sensei put the jumpsuit on his desk and place his hands on the table as he leaned over it giving an intense look. "frankly, I dont believe any of you deserve to be here. The test we do here is what I believe too easy...Luckily I was given free reign over how I teach my class, so dress out and head to Training ground Echo on the far West side of campus

Thats it.. he probably didn't remember too much about him cause quite frankly... he's an ass. Jett thought to himself.

Time for Battle training to see who is skilled, and who isn't. A word of advice, Stick to your strengths"
the brown haired teacher exited the classroom as the others began to get up and follow. He waited and glanced around at everyone before getting up himself and making his way to the locker room himself.


Jett had quickly made his way out of the locker room and into the training area. When he saw it he began to grow excited at seeing the construction zone. If one to look close enough at his eyes, one could say they saw stars in them. It was basically a big playground for him...and played perfectly into par kour.

He started bouncing on his toes as his blood began to pump and he could barely contain his excitement. He noticed not everyone was here yet so he decided to warm up, throwing in one his cordless headphones. (As so the teacher could not see them) He began to bounce back and forth in a loose fighting stance, and stretch a little as his music built up. He began to move around, shadow boxing with punches at first, then turned to some kicks, the momentum of the wide swinging ones carrying him around the area.

This lasted a few minutes be he felt comfortable, and warmed up. He then glanced back at his class and looked at the ones speaking to each other. Motome was speaking with a Ghost? That's interesting. He looked around some more and noticed Reina standing by her self a little back from the group. He was about to go over and speak with her... but with the feeling he got from her as she was shy and a bit uncomfortable from before, he didn't want to overwhelm her... and she seemed to be giving herself a pep talk.

He sighed and noticed a blonde bombshell standing by herself. With her posture and chin up, he could tell. She was from a rich family like him....possibly more so. As the way she was standing apart from the group, he could tell she was going to be an interesting one to crack. He started his way over to her, casually hoping over some materials as easily as walking. He then crawled up a side of small bulldozer and swung himself up onto the arms/ hydrollics and leaped down gracefully just five feet infront of her to get that sudden dramatic appearance effect.

He gave one of his signature crooked smiles, placing his right hand over his chest and gave a formal bow. And going with his most cheesy pickup lines "I must say, your quirk must be blinding, because when I saw you, everything else faded away." He chuckled and looked up at her giving her a moment before saying. "A bit much? I thought so myself. But I figured I must go big or not at all..."

With a mischievous smile he then said, "Let me redo this...My name is Jett Haven, and it's an honor to make your acquaintance."

@Silver Carrot
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Lysander ran a hand through his hair and smiled. He would love to switch right then and there but he knew that a combat exercise would mean quirk use and for now his quirk was kept as secret as it could be. He couldn’t exactly hide the little metal cords sticking out of his skin but he could keep himself from revealing what he could do beyond scratch someone with them should he miss a punch. He could use them to sew up the back of his suit though, he just needed to find a place where nobody was looking and be done with it but here was not the place.

Plus the holes really weren’t too big. They were tight and almost closed and gave him a nice cool breeze which, judging by the arena, he would come to appreciate. ”Nah... You can keep it for now. As you can see I broke yours too haha. Name’s Lysander, you’ll be telling your kids about how you went to school with me some day.” He said, extending a hand. He flashed his teeth at the winged boy and puffed his chest out, striking a pose that screamed overcompensation. He didn’t need to try so hard for attention but the day one jitters were getting to him and he couldn’t use his natural charm which, for the record, does exist.

He noticed a lot of the other pairing up. A very short boy had walked up alone and just seemed to look at everyone else, same with the kid in the gas mask. He seemed neat and like someone that could draw attention without even trying. While waiting for a handshake he laughed at what he heard him mutter from behind his mask. ”I agree, kicking ass is a necessary function that keeps this earth spinning. So I say we kick it together, aye? A little gas and harass maybe?” He called out, staring the taller kid in what he assumed were his eyes. The glare on his mask made it impossible to tell where he was actually looking.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Mina, while other classmates talked to each other, studied the area, trying to so if there was any place she could be particularly useful, or at least where other people couldn't, if this was competitive at all. Inside the framework of that building would be a place where anybody with super speed or flight would get slowed down safely navigating. There were pipes and tunnels where one would have to really use their eyesight in the darkness. One good flash...

A blond boy jumped down in front of her with no warning and she jumped right out of her internal strategizing with a start, before composing herself with a sigh and looking back up at him, to see what he would say; What he wanted. She was met with one of the eye-rollingly cheesy pick up lines she'd ever heard, and she'd heard some bad ones over the past two years. The bow got plus points, though. This boy had been raised with grace. It was a pity that most graceful boys like this tried to be human and informal on the first day, rather than the good old fashioned method of drip feeding the girl they were courting any hint of their real personality slowly amidst formal and generic shows of Gentlemanliness.

"Kasuke," she answered him curtly, only giving him her family name lest he try and use her other name before the day, if it came, when she'd say 'call me Mina'. There were rules to be observed here.

"And 'not at all' might have been less painful, but then we wouldn't be talking, and god forbid that happened," she said with a slightly sarcastic tone. This girl surprisingly didn't have many friends. "So, what's your quirk? Was it something to do with shouting? I head you shouting when we were getting to class, but I didn't hear what you said or saw what you did. I was on the other side of the school."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 3 days ago


Acion returned Lysander's offer for a handshake. And he did so with a tight grip. The redhead surely gave the Seraphim-like white haired man an aura of confidence, an aura that he thought he was strongest of all. Whether this was true or not, Acion nevertheless liked that attitude, although his poses and him puffing his chest were a little unnecessary and nontraditional. He could almost say for sure he had a heart of a warrior. May he had one of a hero as well.

"A pleasure. Acion, the son of heroes and the grandson of the gods, do greet you. May you prove to be a great ally and a strong adversary."

Now that he had taken up interest in a certain boy with a gas mask that covered most of his faces, Acion then turned to what some of his classmates were doing: Analysing the terrain. It was indeed extraordinary and challenging for a winged character like him. And then the words of L Guardian whispered to him, like a sacred guide: Stick to your strength.

'My strength...'

His strength, his sword, his shield: His wings. These six awkwardly bulky yet beautiful wings. It granted him speed and the ability to perform a handful of combat maneuvers, as well as a number of attack and defend techniques. So his best bet would be a vast open sky, but he knew clearly this wasn't it. This wouldn't be his staging ground, with too many obstacles so that he could use his speed effectively, and the building framework restricted his flight capability. Acion loved to take up the challenge of a claustrophobic flight, but here it's a test, so he would have to restrain himself from doing such things.

'Let my heart guide me, and my will protect me.'

@Experiment 249
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

★ Toni Sparks ★

“Spotlights and you may get along, but a word of warning. The spotlight doesn’t go to anyone but number one and it’s the loneliest number. Can you handle that? Standing above everyone else? I’m going there to see that which no one else can see… if you want to get there, you better just try and drag me down~!” the wicked grin of someone who knew exactly what she was after split her face as the light-hearted words contrasted with the subtle steel in her eyes, daring Lysander to try as she clicked her fingers and made finger guns at him. As the bell rang and the teacher arrived, Toni put her metaphorical game face on, grin widening as Mister Yoshida seemed to have doubts on everyone’s right to be in the hero course. Well, a hero should prove themselves. As the crowd of the class went to put on their jumpsuits, Toni let them go ahead, she put her earbuds in again let herself get lost in the music for a moment before rushing out to get her jumpsuit on.

Lip synching to her song, Toni tossed her bulky clothes into the locker and slipped into the provided jumpsuit. Putting her shades on, Toni put her loose change in her pockets and strode into the training facility. Seeing Training Ground Echo Toni couldn't help but laughing at the sight and beneath her glasses her eyes lit up. A construction sight, heavy machinery, scaffolding, cranes… it was a paradise.

Stick to your strengths? Sir you’d be hard pressed to get me away from my strengths here. Tearing out the earbuds, Toni bundled them up, tucked them into her jumpsuit and walked over to a chatty group.

“So, what do you think? Fighting a villain or performing rescue operations?” not really directing her question, simply making small talk.

@Experiment 249@Feyblue@Aerandir@Riegal
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“A little bit of both I wager,” Seth said over hearing the question. He looked around at the construction site and began to talk out loud, “If this was some sort of obstacle course with a villain at the end. It wouldn’t be that hard. Just figure out who can just bust through the obstacles like a juggernaut while the rest of us follow suit. Once at the finish we just over power the villain while the one who busted through all the obstacles takes a break. However, I don’t think it’s that simple.” Seth looked over at Toni and added, “You know.”

Seth turned back to the Construction site and began to explain, “If we need to find the villain and obtain him. Then there must be a reason why. Most villains who hide out in places like these with hostages usually try and negotiate their escape so they don’t get imprisoned. However, what if this isn’t that type of situation? What if the villain split the hostages up and the hero needs to choose which group to save while sacrificing the other.” He turned back to Toni and continued, “think about it: one group of hostages are political figures, another is simple civilians, and the third is school children. The hero would have to choose one group while sacrificing the others.” Seth once again turned to face the construction site and thought for a moment.

“However, that type of plan wouldn’t work if there are multiple heroes. The one hero the villain wants to make the choice can simply ask for help and the villain's plan is useless,” Seth explained. He narrowed his eyes and a sly smile formed on his face and he said, “Unless the hostages are decoys for the bigger plan. If the villain can bring manikins to life and make them act like real people and make them act like hostages. Then he could get one or more heroes to try and save them since they wouldn’t know their manikins.” Seth’s smile grew as he thought more about it.

“Lure as many heroes as you can to a place like this and rig it with explosives and take out as many as you can. A Sadistic enough villain might be able to pull that off, but the true question is: if that’s what we’re training for?” Seth explained before he added, “It’s like working on a car with an unknown defect. You could find the problem that isn’t so hard to fix or find an even worse problem that could make the car a ticking time bomb.” Seth sighed as another thought came into his mind.

“Or I could be over thinking this training and it’s just as simple as find the hostages and get back to the start in time with the hostages in one piece,” Seth said.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Artymis

Artymis friend

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Ezra had an interesting experience at the school so far. Since coming to the school, the series of events that unfolded had become more and more erratic, with him having to barge his way through a massive crowd of students, to running away from a nurse with a needle, to dragging one of the heaviest people he'd ever touched up the stairs, and there he was, in the classroom, just about on time. He'd made it with the boy, and he seemed to not care about being lifted although he didn't appear to be interested in interacting further with Ezra after he had dragged him away from the heroic moment.

Ezra sat down as the homeroom teacher came in. He didn't want to set a bad first impression, as that was a ticket to getting his ass beat, at least where he was from. He didn't speak to anybody and almost forgot to breathe as he looked calmly at the teacher as he spoke. And he seemed to be a hotshot too by the reactions of the students, though he had no clue who he was. He only knew a couple heroes, and that was only because you'd have to be blind to not know who they were. But by the sound of the lecture that the teacher was giving, he was doing something for the initiation. He couldn't quite figure out a hidden meaning behind the words he was speaking, but the upfront message was that they had to prove themselves because the entrance exam hadn't done a good enough job. He'd expected it after the events this morning, and honestly welcomed it. He was confident, by the appearances of the other students that he was one of the strongest in this room and could easily hold his own in this scenario. His last words before leaving were to stick to his strengths. He knew that. He wasn't a fool.

Heading down the corridor toward his locker, something caught his eye. It was a relatively lonely looking girl with several dark spheres surrounding her. You wouldn't catch them if you wasn't paying attention, but it fascinated him. He assumed that it had something to do with her quirk, but he wasn't completely focused on that. She appeared to be clenching her hands into the jumpsuit and when she looked back toward her locker, she appeared to be on the verge of crying. He had saw that face several times before, and it resonated with him to some extent. It reminded him of how he was back in preschool, when he was his only friend. Trying to lose the bad memories, he found his way to the locker and quickly changed, hoping to catch up to the girl. Whilst he didn't usually sympathise with the weak, it seemed to be a lot more than that.

Easily spotting the girl on the training grounds, she was standing apart from the others, looking extremely awkward. He felt extremely bad for her, but he didn't know what to do. His experience with females in his life has been limited to family members, as he didn't really associate with many girls in his old schools, and he had no idea to approach the scenario. He figured that he'd just do what he could and hopefully help her out before the match. He figured it'd be pointless to beat a potential opponent when they were on the verge of crying before a match. That clearly meant that it wasn't fair.

Walking over to the small girl, Ezra placed his hand on the girls shoulder and looked at her sympathetically. He didn't really know what to say, so when he did speak, it came out awkwardly, although it was obvious that it held genuine connotations.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry if I bothered ya but you look down and I can't not do anythin' about it." he spoke, not really knowing what to do at this stage as he moved his hand away, hoping that it wasn't too much for the girl and she didn't think he was weird.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Mamoru Aksha

Once Mamoru finished filling up her pockets she noticed a crowd forming and talking about the possible lesson. She saw Toni and a couple of others and decided to go be sociable. She heard Toni specifically asking what the lesson might be, to which Mamoru chimed in. "We're probably going to be fighting each other!" Mamoru inserted herself into the semi circle and gave her two cents. "We're probably going to split up into hero and villain teams and be given some objective. Maybe something like a hostage situation or grab the mcguffin. The important thing however is that we'll square off against eachother." Mamoru nodded her heard and looked to everyone. Aside from those who had fairly obvious mutation quirks, she had no idea what quirks everyone else had. The mystery is what would make this battle interesting. "You can never be sure what you're opponent is capable of or what their tactics would be. Bad guys can be a devious bunch, but even they got thoughts and feelings and stuff too. Some are honorable while others are just monsters." Mamoru wasn't pointing any fingers, but she was wondering who among them would make for a good villain.

Pondering her own words, Mamoru had another thought to mention. "Same could go for heroes too I guess. I honestly don't know who L Guardian is, I've only kinda heard about him on the internet and stuff. But he seems like one of those anti-hero types who'd prioritize taking down the villain over saving the hostage or not causing a bunch of destruction. So just as villains can be devious and cunning, we heroes should too!" Granted for Mamoru, throwing sand into someone's face was "cunning" to her. She was actually hoping to hear what everyone else planned to do or how they'd react so she could either take their advice or be wary of what their tactics would be, should they end up facing off against each other.

Another kid started rattling on possible villainous tactics which Mamoru dully took note of. While certainly a possibility, he seemed to be listing a lot of hypothetical beyond "Villains with hostages" and "bigger secret plan". While definitely within the realms of possibility, Mamoru thought this was a bit overthought and said as much. "You're going to get wrinkles if you think so hard. First and foremost will and should be saving the hostages, even if the villain escapes. You can always chance a bad guy later, but you can't bring the dead back to life. Whatever bigger plan they got doesn't matter. And if it is a case where there's so much going on, you really ought to question why you're doing heroics all by yourself." Mamoru shrugged her shoulders as she walked around a bit. "I know we're all aiming for number one, but one hero can't save the world."

@McFazzer@Experiment 249@Feyblue@Aerandir@Riegal@Conscripts@Rex

Donny Yang

As everyone was doing their own thing, so did Donny decide to walk around a bit and observe the battlefield. He was careful not to touch anything, but at the same time he wanted to know what part of these facilities were most sensitive. He’ll just need a few bites and they’ll come tumbling down. That being said he didn’t go too far and mostly just observed. There were a lot of fairly open spaces for him, with only a few completed buildings. There was a good chance that they wouldn’t actually use the entire area, since chasing people around this nearly city-sized replicate environment may take too long for a single class. Most likely they’ll just have their lesson in one building.

One other thing that Donny wanted to get a good knowledge of was the terrain. A lot of dirt and rubble, which for most people wouldn’t really matter. But it would if Donny intended to use the environment to his advantage. There were a lot of construction vehicles around so he could possibly roll them into his foes, but he needs a clear lane for that. If there was water around here, he could try to take his foes to a muddy terrain to cut their mobility. If there was anything underground, like a subway or sewers, he could utilize that to hide or even lure his foes to a trap. And it was that last bit that Donny was going to investigate.

Making sure to stay out of eyesight, Donny knelt to the ground and closed his eyes. In a flash, his entire body poured out from his mouth and eyes, consuming his meat bag as he took on his true form for a brief moment. Then Donny proceeded to tunnel underground via constantly and rapidly eating the dirt with his body, vanishing beneath the surface. He wasn’t really sure where to go so he’ll just keep digging around. Once he finds a tunnel, or if he doesn’t, he’ll just go back out the same tunnel he created and put his disguise back on.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Komei - Classroom > Training Ground Echo

When a teacher showed up, Kenichi stopped leaning on Sen's seat and took a good hard look at the guy, sizing him up even as the guy enforced classroom order and laid out their next point of business. Another test? What was it going to take to get these people to accept them? Kenichi had only failed out of UA, of all places, because of his written exam--as far as practicals went, if he was good enough for them Komei ought to have been paying a full-ride scholarship! He narrowed his eyes as the class was dismissed--time to dress out and head to the Training Ground.

When Sen clapped him on the shoulder, Kenichi snapped out of his rapidly darkening mood and returned the gesture.

"You know it, man!" So saying, he followed the male half of the class to the locker rooms and changed out. As everyone filtered out to the field, Kenichi took note of the construction equipment and the state of the ground. It was mostly dirt or concrete, but as long as it wasn't too loose he would be able to breathe without sucking up dust. He rolled the sleeves of his gym suit up to his elbows, checked his shoe laces, and then looked around at the others. Some were talking amongst themselves, speculating on what the test would be, coming up with plans. Some were just observing, either the other students or the battleground. Some had even started preparing in their own ways--that chubby fellow had gone off somewhere and started digging a hole or something. But almost everyone seemed tense, even those that were doing their best not to show it, or to be bubbly and energetic. The stuff L Guardian had said had really gotten to some of them--after they'd come so far and done so much, to still be denied? To be told that they didn't belong here, that they didn't have what it took to be heroes?

Kenichi crouched down, stretching one leg and then the other. Then he stood up and twisted from side to side, popping his back loudly. Another series of pops followed from his neck, his shoulders, and his knuckles. Then he slapped himself on either side of the face, and jumped out in front of everyone with one fist held high.

@Feyblue@Experiment 249@ReaptheMusic@Dead Cruiser@Conscripts@Silver Carrot@Rex@Zeroth@Lucius Cypher@McFazzer@Ryteb Pymeroce@Riegal@Artymis@PsychoPanda28@Jinxlynx@TerraGCopper@Aerandir

"YO, NICE TO MEET YOU ALL! I'M YOSHIDA KENICHI!" He yelled, his voice carrying across the entire field thanks to his lung capacity. "Some of ya'll look kinda down, probably cause that teacher said he doesn't think we've got what it takes! Well, listen up!"

He pointed a thumb at himself, his eyes and expression intense and focused even as he shouted like your typical hot-blooded shonen protagonist.

"I know DAMN WELL that I'VE got what it takes! For one thing, I worked for it! For another thing, I've got faith in myself! Third, and MOST IMPORTANTLY...I GOT THE MAIN CHARACTER SEAT!" He swept his hand out towards the rest of them, shouting even louder.

"SO I KNOW THE REST OF YOU HAVE GOT WHAT IT TAKES TOO, CAUSE YOU'RE ALL IN THE SAME CLASSROOM WITH ME, AND A MAIN CHARACTER NEEDS HIS NAKAMA!" He crossed his arms over his chest, Gunbuster style, and smiled his wolfish grin. He exhaled through his nose, kicking up a breeze that ruffled his hair and clothing dramatically.

"So no matter what this test is, we're all gonna pass it with flying colors! Ain't that right, Class 1-A!?"
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