Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Loki was looking at him "Yeah he isn't really," he knew Odin was a terrible father. At least the way he saw it. He knew that he didn't really feel loved by his so called father. "Its why i Don;t call him father anymore,"
He really didn't consider Odin his father, not after everything. He wished things had been different but it was too late to change the fact that he was adopted. He sighed looking around where he was.
He didn't think he would ever have friends. "I feel like I will never make friends."

Loki laughed , He found Tony amusing, but laughing was causing him to cough something terrible. He was feeling quite alot worse. He knew that he needed to rest,his eyes seemed so dull and tired."Your too awesome?" he laughed more "Mmm I'm not sure that justifies much." He was still having fun teasing Tony. He rubbed his eyes. He was laying back down and he grinned more.
It was true Loki was in alot of mental pain as well as physical. He knew both would be showing quite clearly. He couldn't hide that. He had never let any of the Avengers see this side of him either.

"Yeah I suppose." The god knew there was alot of good memories from when he was younger with his mother, He was afraid of how things would be if he didn't have her caring about him. If both of his parents hadn't been very good. At first Loki had failed to see FRigga was a good mother.
He cried a bit more and lay there. He knew he could have died as a baby without her and Odin caring for him. But he didn;t think Odin had done much of a good job. He could hear Odin's harsh words in his head, saying his brithright was to die as a child.
He coughed more.
"DAMN ODIN," He hissed. He didn't care if he was talking about the king of Asgard, but he really did feel that way about him. He was shaking in anger as he lay there, He had so much pent up anger still.

"Yeah its not nice, I hate feeling this sick," The god sighed. "tea? yeah maybe later... I'm so tired," He whispered. He really wanted nothing more than to just sleep. He didn't think he could drink anything when his eyes wanted to close any second now.
LOki felt rather broken and tired, he had never felt so drianned in all of his life.The god really did look very sick. If anybody came for him, he really couldn't defend himself. He still felt very sick to his stomach, but he knew he was just too tired. He was shivering and coughing.
The god wondered if his illness would get way worse of if he would be fine. He had no idea. The god had been through so much already he wasn't sure what to expect next. His breathing was very heavy, his skin so pale and he had very dark shadows under his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tony glanced up at the ceiling, thinking before glancing down at Loki with a slightly teasing grin. "I have no idea what you are saying," he arched an eyebrow. "It justifies everything." Loki seemed to be enjoying their little teasing session, though laughing was making him cough. And that sounded horrible. Loki really looked quite terrible at the moment... Not only physically in Tony's eyes. Mentally as well. He could tell when someone who was mentally, uh, in a bad place. A strength? Well it probably wasn't... He could just tell. Him and Loki were almost similar, in ways. Loki probably had it worse.

"Hey, it's okay," Tony murmured as Loki cried again. Brilliant. He was making everything so much better. "Although damn Odin all you want, he sounds like a crap guy. Doubt you'll ever have to see him again, though." Unless Thor dragged Loki up to Asgard. But Tony definitely wasn't going to hand him over to go there. He wasn't exactly sure what would happen when Loki was better, which seemed a long way off, but he knew it wouldn't be Tony turning Loki in. That would be kind of pointless. If he was going to do that he would do it now. Then he wouldn't actually have to look after an ill Loki. But he wasn't going to. He had something of a heart. Maybe. "Maybe when you're a bit better I can take you to the training room and you can take all your anger out on a punching bag?" He doubted Loki would take him up on his offer because Tony was sure he wouldn't stay after he was better. He was beginning to get confidence that Loki wouldn't kill him. Well he hoped the god would be grateful for what Tony was currently doing for him.

"Okay, later works..." Tony nodded. "If you're tired I'll actually leave you in peace, then. If anything happens when you wake up just tell JARVIS. He'll hear anything you say to him. I need to go... call Pepper anyway. She likes me to keep her updated." Add an explanation to make the lie seem more real. Smooth. Tony moved towards the door, hovering as he opened it just to wait and see if Loki said anything else before Tony left him to sleep. Well, hopefully sleep. He'd get JARVIS to monitor him so if he got worse Tony would be able to go in and do something. The advantage of having an AI that was in every room. Though JARVIS was growing more and more human... Tony remembered when he had sort of threatened him. That had been interesting. Tony had been being a bit of an idiot, though.

Truthfully Tony planned to call Fury when he left Loki to sleep again. Not to turn the god in, hell no, but for other reasons. Fury was sort of in charge of the Avengers and also director of SHIELD so he was the best to get information out of. If anyone knew where Thor was it was Fury. So Tony would ask him, think up some lame excuse for why he was asking and hopefully get into contact with Thor to tell him everything. Then Loki would be secretly delighted when Thor appeared to be all brotherly and everything would end happily ever after. At least Tony hoped so. It was the best plan he had. Just had to make sure Fury didn't get suspicious... That would be so much fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki was shaking. He knew that he was in trouble if SHIELD came for him. He had no idea if Tony would defend him or not. He was looking pale. He knew that he would need alot of help.
"Yeah he is, " He sighed. He didnt want to go back to Asgard even if it was for Thor. He knew that Thor would miss him. But Loki didn't feel happy in Asgard, He knew that he might never be. He was just stared at and made fun of.
The god wondered if he would ever find any way to be happy.

"I suppose we could do that," The god was looking at him "That is if you want me around then, but getting out anger may help me, I feel like there is still alot pent up, I couldn't really get some of that out when I was locked up,"
He wished he could get it out now, but he was just too weak to do that. The god didn't very much have the energy for anything. He felt very weak and dizzy. His head was hurting him badly. "Not that I feel welcome anywhere."
The god wasn't sure if Tony would make him feel welcome.

"Mmm ok." Loki wasn't sure if Tony was really going to call Pepper. He was too tired to really care though. "Talk later I guess." he closed his eyes. He was hoping he would get a decent sleep. He looked like he needed it. The god was soon asleep. He started tossing and turning in hls sleep. He was having nightmares ,but he needed the sleep.
He was sleeping for quite awhile. The god was very pale and in need of sleep.
Loki coughed a few times in his sleep as well. He curled up more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"We'll see about that when we come to it," Tony murmured quietly, in reference to Loki saying if Tony still wanted him around. And what Tony said was true. If as soon as Loki got better he... Well, turned back to his darker side then Tony certainly wouldn't want him around. Last thing he wanted was for someone who wanted to kill him staying under his roof. However, if Loki truly had changed... That was a different thing entirely. If Loki wanted to stay Tony would certainly let him. He was sure they would get along if they got past the whole getting off on the wrong foot thing. Tony wasn't sure if he could ever truly trust the god... But they could work something out, he was sure. If SHIELD didn't turn up like the annoying people they were. And the other Avengers weren't incredibly unforgiving. Tony would see.

"Sleep well," he smiled softly, leaving quickly and quietly so to not disturb Loki as he began to get to sleep. He closed the door and gave JARVIS orders to notify him if Loki got any worse so he could... Run in and sort things out? Maybe not the best idea. It would be so much easier if Tony could call or get in a doctor, but that wasn't going to happen with the fact that it was Loki who was ill. He would definitely be recognised considering this was the city he launched the attack on. So a doctor coming over would end well. Tony sighed, moving over to the mini bar installed in the tower and pouring himself a drink. He downed in pretty quickly, pouring himself another before heading back to his lab crossed with a work place. He was going to need alcohol in his system for what he was planning to do next. Alcohol helped solve almost every problem. Okay, not really. But it helped Tony with a lot of things and had helped him with many more in his past. He sat down at his main desk, in front of the many screens he had put up, before speaking.

"JARVIS, call Fury."

"As you wish sir."

Tony nodded slightly and sat fiddling around with the Iron man arm he was working on as he waited for the call to be answered. In his head he thought over everything he was going to say, all the excuses so that he could find out Thor's location. This was going to be so much fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The god was sleeping deeply. He seemed rather pale. He felt so ill. Loki wasn't sure how long he could stay asleep. He was tired that much was true, But he always had nightmares and found it hard to sleep,
He twitched and moaned in his sleep. Loki tossed and turned.
The god also knew Tony didn't trust him, he couldn't blame him really. THough Loki now seemed like a different person than the one who attacked new york. He still had done all those thing and felt bad for them.

Loki truely was trying to change, but it wasn't so simple for him. Neither was it for other people to really accept. But he knew he hated who he was. He still slept and rolled over again, He was beginning to have nightmares that he was completly alone. He was sobbing and looking rather unhappy. He had tears flowing down his face. The god seemed to never seem happy enough these days.

Nick answered the phone. He wondered why Tony was calling. He just hoped it was something improtant, He didn't want Tony wasting his time. He did have alot of improtant things to do.
"Hello," He knew that it was Tony anyway. "Tony?" Being director of SHEILD did mean he had alot of important things to do, So he hoped that Tony wasn't going to just mess with him because he was bored.

Loki was looking around when he woke up. He could see Tony wasn't in the room. He didn't mind . He knew Tony had improtant things to do. He was shaken up from his dream. The god breathed deeply trying to calm himself. He didn't want to let it bother him.
He picked up a book and began reading. He hoped reading would take his mind off that. He was coughing and feeling miserable. The god rubbed his head. Stupid illness.He though knew even when things were bad that he was ok in the end. At least he hoped.
He wasn't sure. Not being sure of anything anymore was driving him crazy. He just continued to read. He knew he wasn't well so he expected it to be hard to read for a long peroid of time without a headache.

LOki looked at the ceiling and tears fell as he thought of his mother. He knew he would be upset too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Hello, Fury," Tony smirked slightly as he spoke, taking a deep gulp of the drink he had brought down with him. "You'll be disappointed to know that this isn't just a friendly call to chat. I calling to inquire if you knew about the whereabouts of Thor? He has been absent since the battle of New York and... eh, the whole team misses him." As reasons went it wasn't too bad. Okay, that was a lie. It was crap. The crappest reason to phone Fury and ask where Thor, god of Thunder and Asgardian prince, was. Tony was just digging himself a hole here wasn't he. Fury was going to suspect something. He wanted to find Thor to make Loki feel better. SHIELD agents knocking on the door would not make Loki feel better. It would not help at all and they would undoubtedly try to bring him into custody. Tony wasn't sure what he would do if that happens.

"Sir, your... guest is awake." Tony didn't say anything to the AI, just nodded. Glad that JARVIS had been sensible enough to not speak of said guest by name. If all went well Fury would assume that it was some girl Tony had picked up the night before and had happened to sleep in a bit. Even better if JARVIS hadn't been heard over the phone. So Loki was awake... That was interesting. He hadn't been asleep for that long, but he was ill so Tony guessed that he was struggling to sleep. Once this phone call was over and Thor's location was hopefully obtained Tony would check on Loki and see if he wanted anything else; drinks, food, more books or to just talk. Whatever. Then he would contact Thor. If all went well with this phonecall.

If all did not go well then they were royally screwed and he would make preparations for a SHIELD team coming over to investigate like the annoying douches that they were. He would hopefully be able to talk his way around them and get them out before they discovered that Loki was there. Would make everything so much easier. Because many things could happen. Loki could think Tony was turning him in, Tony could have to fight of SHIELD agents if he wanted to not turn Loki in and it could end with his status as an avenger in threads. He just hoped it didn't come to anything like that. He hope SHIELD wasn't sent over at all. That would be the nicest thing to happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki was shaking, "Stupid weak body." He hissed. He wasn't impressed with how weak he had gotten already. He was feeling really rather ill. He hoped SHIELD wouldn't come for him still. That was the last thing he needed was to have those idoits coming here for him.
He didn't want to mess with anybodies minds again or anything like that. He knew as much as SHIELD annoyed him, he couldn't do anything to them. There was some days he wished he had gotten rid of them.
He knew they wanted to know everything, he had learned that when he had taken over Bartons mind. He sighed. He knew that Agent Barton would never want to trust him again after all of that.

"MMM," Fury didn't seem to believe that "Miss Thor is that the only reason you have for wanting him," The director sounded suspicious. Though he always was when it came to Tony. He knew Tony never fully wanted to cooperate with him either. He was looking around as he spoke. "What do you want Thor for , I'm sure he would be back in Asgard unless he finds out he is needed here."
The man's voice was firm. "I have got to go Tony."
Nick Fury ended the call. He then went to send SHIELD over to Tony's place. He sent Clint Barton over with them.

Loki was coughing, he reaches for his glass of water and drinks it. He was feeling rather miserable. He lay back and was thinking a bit. The god curled up not knowing the SHIELD was coming, He knew he was so weak and couldn't defend himself.
He shivered and curled up more.
"I Hate this." he hissed. He was not enjoying feeling miserable as her was now. His head was hurting, He had put the book down for the mean time. He was starting to think tea sounded like a good idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tony cursed, and he cursed, and he cursed some more as Fury hung up on him. Damn, damn, damn, damn. This was not good. He had gone and messed it all up. He downed the rest of his drink before getting up and heading out back to the main room. "JARVIS, lock down the tower."

"Yes sir."

Tony groaned at his own idiocy as he poured himself another drink, something strong. That would do it. Didn't really matter if he was drunk when SHIELD appeared. He could still talk, maybe slur a bit. Even better when he was drunk... They hopefully wouldn't suspect anything. Because him drinking was normal. And he could fight with the Iron Man suit while not sober if needed. He downed that drink, pouring his fourth before realising he had meant to check on Loki straight after talking to Fury. He got up, glass in hand, and managed to walk normally over to Loki's current room. If there was one good thing that had come from all of his drinking it was the fact that he had a higher alcohol tolerance. It would take more to get him truly drunk. Even took a while to get him tipsy. He entered the room, leaning in the doorway and looking at Loki. He looked, quite frankly, miserable. And what Tony had caused was just going to make everything worse.

"Hey, Lokes, sleep well? Need anything? Ginger tea now that you're awake?" Like he would actually have time to make that with SHIELD about to knock on his doorstep, well at least he was sure they were. He took a sip of his drink, making a face. Ugh. That was horrible. Why had he bought that stuff? It was terrible. Ah well, he had poured himself some. Might as well drink it now. He took another gulp, watching Loki carefully as he did so. The god looked like what sleep he had got had not been good. Tony was sure there were tear stains on his cheek. "Sorry you didn't sleep well, if you weren't so ill I would offer you drinks to drown your sorrow in." Unfortunately all he had to offer was a friendly visit from SHIELD to check up on Tony, find Loki and take him in. He was sure it was just what Loki needed in this state. Tony just hoped they had a bit of time before any of them turned up so Tony could think of what he wanted to say.

Unfortunately for him the SHIELD agents were pretty much at Stark Towers. They were fast and efficient.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki was looking at him "Its fine.... I never sleep well, probably why I'm sick in first place." he knew that no sleep sometimes would do that too a person. He was feeling rather useless and weak.
He wasn't sure what he was going to do. He could tell Tony had been drinking alot. "I don't understand how you and Thor can drink so much." He mumbled. He knew that drink wasn't the best ways to solve anything.
He shivered and coughed more.

"I think tea would be good now, not like stomach is going to settle without," He looked really drainned and pale. He shivered. He was sure that he heard noise. He tensed haveing a bad feeling.
The god wasn't sure who was here, but knew that it must be somebody seeing what Tony was up to. He hoped it wasn't SHIELD. He knew that they were very hard to deal with, He knew Tony wasn't on good terms with them.
He very much doubted that this would even go well.

SHIELD was waiting at the door. If Tony didn't answer it then they would likely bust in. Clint was there, He hoped Tony hadn't gotten into anything too serious,He knew that he had no choice but to come and see what Tony was up too.
"Tony open up," he shouted.
One of the other SHIELD agents looked at Barton "You better not defend him, just because you are an Avenger too." They snapped. They knew Tony was up to something. What ever it was wasn't good in thier opinion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Oh... Well hopefully you'll catch some sleep here," Tony replied with a shrug. He didn't sleep much. Unless he drank himself into a sleep or accidentally fell asleep while working. There had been times in the past where Pepper had found him and forced him to go to sleep. He was always up early anyway. After years of sleeping with a different person every night it was often good to be the first one up. "I don't understand how anyone could not drink." He took another gulp. "It's brilliant." It didn't work as well as drugs once had, when it came to forgetting, but Tony was never ever going back to those dark days. He would stick with drinking for the moment.

"Right, one tea coming right up!" He grinned all too cheerfully, though concern was visible in his dark brown eyes. What could he say? Alcohol made his emotions more visible. "Though I apologise in advance if it tastes horrible." He nodded slightly.

"Agent Barton and company are at the door, sir. They are asking you to open up." Tony groaned, finishing his drink quickly and running a hand through his hand. A sudden look of stress and worry crossed his face. This was not going to be good. Hopefully he would be able to talk with Clint, though. They got on well enough... If it had just been SHIELD agents it would have been much much worse.

"Open the door then, Jarv..." Tony sighed. "Tell them to come to the main room or something." He glanced at Loki, frowning. "Sorry Lokes... I'll explain why this is happening when I tell them to all screw off. I'll make your tea while I do so, actually... You just lie in here and don't worry your pretty self while Tony the awesome goes on sort everything out." Damn. Maybe the drink was not a good idea at all. Time for a quick exit. "Hopefully see you when their gone." He was quickly out of the door, heading into the main room and putting on some water to boil. Thankfully he had had the foresight to make all the ginger stuff beforehand so that was all done. He moved over to the bar to pour himself another drink (he was already tipsy so he might as well just keep drinking) while the kettle boiled and he waited for the agents to turn up.

The doors, which were automatic, and JARVIS spoke as the did so. "Mr Stark will see you in the main room of the tower."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki nodded. He hoped he would be able to get some sleep. He felt so sick. He needed to sleep. He was getting weak and uncomfortabe laying where he was . He hoped that all of this would be over soon. He was just getting tired of being even more tired than normal and of feeling so sick. He knew despite not having slept good, he was tired because the sickness was taking alot out of him too.
He hoped that nobody knew he was here. His head was pounding.
The god hoped Tony was smart enough to deal with it, when he was obviously getting drunk.

"Right yeah... because ending up with a hangover is awesome," Loki said slowly in reponse to Tony's comments about drinking. It occured to him he had never seen Tony hungover, he had only really seen him drunk.
He just hoped Tony knew what he was doing. He nodded when Tony said he was going to deal with thier vistors. He had a feeling that maybe it was somebody coming to see what Tony was up to.
The god decided to remain quiet as he could when he heard the SHIELD agents enter the room.

Barton walked in and looked around, He really did hope that Tony knew what he was doing. He felt rather tense about this whole thing. He doubted that things were going to go that well.
Clint sits down and waited for Tony. Tony was still an Avenger like him, and he didn't really want to get a fellow team mate in trouble but he was following orders. He knew if Natasha was here she would knock some sense into Tony if she could.
"Do you know why we are here Tony? Nick thinks you are up to something."

The god couldn't help but smirk at Tony's comments before Tony had left the room. He though tensed hearing Bartons's voice. He knew Barton wouldn't like it if he knew he was here.
Loki coughed quietly , he was used to Tony giving him nicknames and calling him other things than his names. He supposed that was just Tony. He was breathing slightly painned, He seemed to be short of breath. Loki was indeed very sick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tony arched an eyebrow, flashing a wide, and fake, grin in the direction of all of the SHIELD agents before walking behind the bar and facing Clint. "Fury always thinks I'm up to something," Tony waved a hand as if to brush away that notion that was up to something. Him? No, never. "I'm quite flattered that he is personally concerned about what little ol me is doing." He smirked slightly, watching Clint and the other agents carefully. He had made sure to shut the door to Loki's room... He just hoped they didn't decided to go in there. He would rather get them out without them knowing that Loki was in the tower. That would make everything so much easier. For him and Loki. And SHIELD wouldn't have to deal with any trouble... So everyone would be happy! That would definitely be the perfect case scenario. "Would you like a drink, Clint?" He didn't even wait for an answer, which would probably be no, just filled a glass and held it out for his fellow avenger.

"Okay, so let's get everything straight. Fury sent you over because he thought I was up for something. Well, I'm not up to anything. I am currently drinking, which is normal." He took a gulp. He should really stop. He had to look after Loki, he couldn't get a hangover. "And working on a new Iron Man suit. While drinking. Not up to anything." After all it was true. He was working on another Iron Man suit. He also happened to be looking after Loki at the same time. So he wasn't really up to something. He was just being a good, helpful citizen by bringing in someone who was ill. Just happened to be someone who had tried to take over the earth. Nothing major.

He just hoped Loki could manage to keep quiet. He knew that the god was ill but a cough that could be heard... Well that would be a sure sign that Tony wasn't alone drinking and making Iron man suits. It would also be hard to cover up. He couldn't exactly say it was someone he had brought home who just happened to have a cough. Because if so he probably wouldn't have brought them home for the reasons that he normally brought people into his house. Anything, really, would be suspicious. Damn. He should not have phoned Fury. It wasn't like he had gotten Thor's location out of it anyway. So basically him phoning Fury had been completely useless and now here were SHIELD agents and Barton. He just had to get them out.

"So, now that everything is sorted out how about you all head on your way and leave me to continue my work which you rudely interrupted." He glared at all of them, excluding Clint who he actually quite liked. He hoped their friendship would mean that they trusted Tony and didn't search the tower or anything. Though that would take them a bit of time. It was pretty big with quarters for all of the avengers if they were needed, and training rooms, and a dining room, and a smaller living room. Tony remembered when after the battle of New York, with everything sorted out the Avengers (minus Thor) sat down in front of the massive TV there and had a movie marathon. They ate a ton of junk food and popcorn. After that they, of course, went their separate ways. Tony did, actually, now that he thought about it missed them a bit. It had been nice to have them around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Probably for good reason." One of the SHIELD agents snapped. It was clear they didn't seem to trust Tony either. They could tell he was not going to tell them either way.
SHIELD normally wanted to know everything. They just hoped that Clint would be able to get it out of him, But they were also aware that Tony didn't tell his friends some things as well.

"Why do you need THor? " Clint asked "I mean hes probably busy in Asgard, He is unlikely to come unless there is danger here on earth?" He shook his head. He had to try and trust what Tony was saying.
He knew that if Tony was found out to be lying, then they would both likely have alot of explaining to do. He didn't like SHIELD alot of the time, but it was hard just to get out when you had been there so many years. He knew leaving always made them even more suspicious of things. He looked around.

Loki was laying there quietly. He didn't want anybody knowing that he was here, He was feeling very weak. The god was lucky he wasn't coughing right now, he was shaking and trying to get warm. Loki only hoped that he wouldn't vomit. He knew that was likley to have somebody notice the sound, he knew it would set him off coughing as well.
The god was looking very weak.
He just wanted his brother to come and comfort him. He knew Thor was good at that. He was thinking quietly to himself. He knew that everything would be ok.

Clint was looking at him, he sighed deeply not wanting to do this "Alright Tony... I believe you," He whispered. He took the drink Tony offered him, he really needed to not be with SHIELD. He knew if anything went wrong it would put a strain on friendship. He also felt more loyal to the Avengers these days then SHIELD.
The other agents seemed unsure but the headed off. Clint didn't leave as he waited to see if Tony would say good bye to him,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Oh yes, Fury has a good reason behind everything," Tony retorted, taking another drink. Tony did not like this agent one bit. Not that he liked any. Clint and Natasha were pretty much the exceptions. And Natasha could be rather scary at point... So Clint was definitely a better friend. But most SHIELD agents were douches. Tony didn't like SHIELD. It was a general opinion held by quite a few people. Tony wasn't sure how much any of the other avengers really liked SHIELD. Sure, it had been Fury who brought them together. But apart from that the links with SHIELD were tenuous. Sure, Tony had helped with some designs for new helicarriers. But that was in a moment of weakness and they weren't getting any more help from him.

"Well, you know, I miss all you guys. Its kind of empty in the tower at the moment." He made an exaggerated sad face. "And Thor hasn't showed his face since the battle of New York. I mean, I know he's probably busy, but he did sign up for it. He needs to show every now and then. You know... We should organise a catch up. Party or something." Sly. Change the topic. He was good at making up reasons for everything and then changing the topic straight after. Boy was he brilliant at this. Clint was not going to suspect a thing. It wasn't like he was a trained agent or anything.

Tony smiled with a nod at Clint's whisper. Good, good, that was everything sorted. "Send Fury my regards!" He called at the leaving agents, waiting to talk again to Clint. He wasn't sorry to see the back of them. Definitely not. They weren't very nice at all. "Thanks, Legolas, nice to know that someone still trusts me." He smiled, tilting his glass at Clint before taking another swig. "I mean how come everything I do is suspicious? Come on! I'm not that bad, am I." He pulled off a perfect puppy dog face before laughing. "Anyway, I'm sure you have plenty of things to be doing... Snooping into other peoples business for SHIELD and stuff." He shrugged slightly. "So yeah, thanks for trusting me. You need to remember to pop by again. Maybe bring Natasha and anyone else you can find. I'm serious about that reunion." And indeed he was. He did miss all the guys, the sort of fun they'd had taking over the world. It wasn't so bad with Loki here... Gave some company. Actually, maybe a reunion should be held off until everything was worked out with Loki. Good idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Clint looked at him "I suppose, but I suppose with no major chaos we go back to our lives before and working, I hate SHIELD to be honest, Nick seems bothered by how close I am with Natasha and has her working with somebody else."
He knew that SHEILD were now gone, but he didn't care if they heard him. MOst of them already knew how he felt. "But try leave and they are bound to get suspicious of me." He sighed in annoyance.
He just couldn't help how he felt about Natasha. He narrowed his eyes.

"Trouble? hah," He laughed when Tony said he didn't cause trouble "Well maybe not now, But I do know what you are like Tony, and both our butts are on the line if you are hiding anything , just remeber that." He was heading towards the door.
He didn't know what kind of trouble they would be in. He just knew that both of them would be in trouble and have explaining to do "Will do, I know where Steve is, but Banner seems to have hidden away frome everybody again." he knew that Bruce Banner was just worried about hurting people.
"See you." He headed out the door.

Loki heard Clint was the only one left.. He knew Tony must trust him enough for Clint to not pry further when Tony said he wasn't up to anything. Loki hoped that was true. He heard Clint say he hated SHIELD and where some of the other Avengers were.
He closed his eyes. He didn't want to be in trouble.
The god was glad when Clint was leaving. He had nothing against him now really, expect that he was a direct link to SHIELD.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Almost makes me wish for more chaos... Well not really, but it would bring us back together." Tony sighed slightly, tilting his head. "That's tough, buddy. I would give you some sage words of wisdom... But we all know how brilliant I am at those. Just wait for the right time to leave, I guess." It was quite obvious to everyone that Clint had feelings for Natasha, and probably vice versa... Although Natasha was a whole lot harder to read. But not letting them work together was stupid. They were a brilliant team, Tony knew that for a fact, and splitting them up wouldn't help SHIELD at all.

"I'll remember, don't worry Legolas, your butt is safe," Tony replied. He wasn't going to let anyone find out about Loki being here until the god was better or Tony found Thor. Whichever happened first. "So he'll be difficult to find then... Shame, I got along with Bruce. But even if you can bring Steve when you return that would be great." He nodded with a grin. "Yeah, see you. Don't let SHIELD annoy you too much." He waited until Clint was definitely gone before heading over to the kitchen. Thankfully the water was still warm, actually just boiled, and he finished off all the prep. He decided to make two cups, because a little bit of tea wouldn't do him any harm. And if it was horrible he could at least drink it with Loki so he didn't feel left out drinking horrible tea that would help settle his stomach.

"One tea, as promised!" Tony announced as he pushed open the door, practically waltzing into the room. He handed over Loki's cup of tea, sniffing at his own. "This doesn't smell too bad, I think I did a good job." He watched Loki, hoping he hadn't worried too much. He didn't need to feel worse. "Anywho, SHIELD is all taken care of. Thanks to my stunningly good looks and amazing charisma, of course. They stepped in and realised that there was no way such a beautiful man could cause any trouble." He grinned. Okay, maybe he had had a little too much to drink. But it was fine. He was only tipsy. It would wear off after a while. Hopefully it would let him sleep at night time when sleeping was actually supposed to take place. That would be good. A sudden torrential downpour began, rain lashing against the window of the room. Tony made a face. "Well, the weather has taken a turn for the worse."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki was glad Clint was gone. But he felt very unwell. Downright terrible really. He had been finding it hard to stay quiet. His body didn't want to let him. He was feeling rather miserable really. The god coughed and rolled on his side.
Feeling this unwell was making him annoyed. He knew that he was worse from when he had got there. But he knew he needed Thor and that wasn't helping. He didn't want to admit that. He wondered if he ever would stop needing his older brother.

He looked around when Tony entered the room. He was feeling rather weak and useless. "Thanks." He sits up. The god slowly drinks his tea. He finds it does infact taste good. He hadn't been sure if it would.
Loki was shivering and moaning a bit. He was still finding it hard to keep his body warm.
He was curled right up in his blankets. He coughed badly and maoned more.
The god had a feeling Thor would find him soon enough.

"SHEILD is a pain, I am surprised you got rid of them, Though heard Hawkeye, guessing he trusts you." He noticed the weather had gone bad as well. He didn;t like the look of it, he knew when there was thunder he hated it, because that sometimes singalled his brother.
Maybe not such a bad thing right now. But he didn't look excited knowing he didn;t want to admit he needed Thor.
"Yeah seems like."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"No problemo, Lokes," Tony grinned, sipping his own tea. Hey, tea wasn't too bad. He could get used to drinking this kind of stuff. It had taken a while to make though. And there was a weird after taste. Probably due to the fact he had drunk quite a bit of alcohol just before. Tea and what he had been drinking didn't go well together. Ah well. He didn't take long to finish the tea, taking Loki's cup off him before the god curled up again. His cough was sounding worse, and he just looked completely terrible. "Yeah, SHIELD are so annoying... It was mainly Clint, though. Said he trusted me... Made me feel all warm and gooey inside." Tony chuckled, shrugging. "It wasn't that hard, I just have to turn on the cute puppy dog face." He wasn't going to bother demonstrating. He bent over Loki slightly to get a better look at him. Checking up on him.

There was a sudden thunder clash, followed by the shattering of clash. Tony cursed, turning to look out the open door of the room. "What the hell, I just fixed that window!" At least it wasn't him being thrown out of it this time... That had hurt like hell. All the glass shards and the chance of falling to his death. Turning into a Tony pancake. That would not have been a very nice experience. There was a flash of lighting, illuminating the tall and muscular figure that had crashed through the window.

"Man of Iron, move away from my brother!" The voice practically boomed, hurrying into the room. Thor was, of course, unaffected by the rain that he himself had cause and as a result was perfectly dry. He had his hammer in one hand and seemed to be armoured as he practically rushed to his brother's side. He looked down at Loki and instantly worry shot through his gaze. "Loki, you are not well!" He narrowed his eyes slightly. His brother looked miserable. "It's okay, brother, I am here. Everything will be okay, I'll make you better." He spun around to face Tony, hammer pointed in his face. "What did you do to my brother, man of iron?!"

"Whoa, calm down there big guy, I didn't do anything to your brother, believe me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki was laying there feeling pretty weak. He didn't understand why Tony kept calling him Lokes. He knew Tony was one for nickanames and such. But Loki was already a short enough name that didn't need a nickname. At least in Loki's opinion. But he said nothing.
He listened to what Tony said without really answering, mainly because he didn't want to discuss SHIELD too much, he just knew that he was going to get neverous and worried about things. He knew that he would just get more stressed than he already was. He coughed a few more timed.
The god had been about to close his eyes until his brother came crashing through the window. He was feeling quite sick still.

"Brother what are you doing here?" Loki seemed annoyed. He was pretending he didn't need him. He knew Thor was used to him being nasty "Of course I am not well," He snapped "I'm not laying here for no reason,"
He was also getting a bit sharp because he felt so awful. He looked so sick "Tony did nothing, He just found me at his door ill, I needed help." he growled. The god seemed tense. He wasn't sure if he would ever be able to speak nicely with his brother at least not for awhile.
THe god was still annoyed at Thor for upseting him earlier that week.

He though soon just started sobbing loudly. He knew it was hard, he needed his brother and he wasn't sure he could hide that much longer. "T..Thor." he had a nasty high fever. He could see his brother was worried. He wished that Thor would drop his stupid hammer. Loki coughed badly again, to the point he gagged a bit. He luckily didn't throw up. He cried because of the misery and pain he was feeling.
He wondered if he would ever feel better.

"T...Thor... I'm sorry... I'm sorry." he was shaking and crying, His voice was so quiet and broken. He knew Thor would probably try comfort him, as much as he tried to be strong and act like he hated Thor. He just couldn't anymore at least not right now.
He groaned and held his head.
Loki knew he was not too well at all, and that it was worse. His head was pounding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"What he said, I've been helping," Tony folded his arms and gave Thor a 'you idiot' look. This was quite good, in a way. Tony wasn't going to ask how Thor had found Loki. Maybe through SHIELD or something. Thor would have been searching for Loki, and he probably would have checked earth... Or Midgard as they seemed to call it. It was good, probably, because now Loki had his brother and Tony wouldn't be needed much. It wasn't that Tony didn't like looking after Loki just that he wasn't very good at it at all and Loki obviously needed his brother, not him. So Tony would just take his leave and head down and work on something. Probably wouldn't be a good idea to drink anything else. Much more and he would end up with a hangover the next morning. Not really what he wanted. "I'll just leave you two." With that he practically shot out of the door. He did not want to be there when the brothers reconnected, or if fireworks flew as the case may be. Heaving a sigh to himself he returned to his lab. Continue making the next Iron Man suit. that was what he would do, and he would enjoy doing it.

"You disappeared. I was worried and looking for you, but I couldn't find you anywhere. But now I have found you, and I will look after you." He wasn't at all taken aback by the fact that Loki was talking to him in a sharp manner. It was just normal for his brother and after the past few years Thor was used to it. He was just glad to his brother was alive and well, partly thanks to Tony. He would have to make sure to thank him for looking after his little brother.

"Sh, Loki, it's okay," Thor practically dropped his hammer and knelt beside Loki's bed. He moved to put on hand on Loki's shoulder comfortingly but hesitated, remembering that the last time they had spoken they had fought. He didn't want to push Loki too much. "Don't worry," he murmured. He wished it was like it had been when they were younger, when Thor could just hug Loki and silently comfort him that way until he felt better. Or that... Their mother was still there to make them both feel better when both were upset. Thor missed their childhood. "What is wrong, brother?" He was not only talking about the illness. He was talking about everything. An open ended question so Loki could talk to him if he wanted.

Tony fiddled with the arm part, grinning. That was that done. One piece, quite a few more to go. He had put aside the suit that could travel into space for the moment to have another bash at one that would come to him mentally. He would make all the pieces first, making sure each was able to move or fly on its own so that it would come to him. He just worked away, trying not to think about the two brothers who were currently in the tower. He did have JARVIS watching, in a way, so that he could notify him if Loki took an extreme turn for the worse or if the two of them began fighting. He would just have to see whether he was needed again.
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