Avatar of BlueSky44


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4 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
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Most Recent Posts

The Lab
There wasn't a response from Andrew at all. If the group looked around the room, they wouldn't be able to see any signs of him, he just disappeared. Though Watts would be able to figure out why that might be the case, as the same blast that had ended up causing the splicer to explode had also seemingly caused severe damage to Andrew's suit. It wasn't too hard to guess that the explosion from the splicer had caused a chain reaction of sorts that could have caused his already damaged suit to explode making the explosion bigger.

They'd be able to hear footsteps outside in the hallway coming towards them, and after another few moments, Gardner walked into the room and glanced around at the chaos that had ensued from the fighting. Not to mention the explosion that had occurred, the group was lucky they didn't have to deal with any other fires or something. "What happened here?" she asked, stepping over to a few pieces of metal that were on the ground. "...And what exactly exploded?" she added, before she picked up a few metal fragments that were on the ground near her.

That feeling Wesley had earlier about Gardner not telling everything she knew was still there, and now everyone else would get that same sort of feeling. As if the woman knew more about the entire situation, but no one would be able to tell what exactly it was that she wasn't really telling them, and who knew if she'd ever tell them.

Demetria Clarke

Location: Serval Industries - Gardner's Office

"Alright, I'll be along fairly soon, and I'll be dragging him along in order to ensure he won't get away... An explosion in a facility like this is never a good thing..." she said, nodding her head at Belladonna as she watched the girl leave the room. Sapphire was more then a little concerned as to what could have happened upstairs to cause the explosion, but she had a different job to do first, and that task was to deal with a certain annoying little speedster. The guy had taken a serious beating and was now out cold, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

Her hands started swirling with a sort of cold, frost colored air, and she pointed her hands at him. His legs instantly got encased in a block of ice, to stop him from moving, and to hopefully slow down his accelerated healing. Grabbing onto his arm, Sapphire started dragging him along out of the room which was still partially frozen over, and she knew that she'd have to see about fixing that later. Right now, she dragged Pietro along towards the elevator, figuring that she'd get to the lab more easily that way, since she wouldn't be dragging Quicksilver up and down stairs.


Location: Hellfire Club HQ F5 -> F2
Skills Ice Manipulation

Sapphire shook her head slightly, not too thrilled with what exactly just happened, especially considering the fact that Havok just blasted her backwards. She now was hoping that everyone would forget that it even had happened so that they could move on. Her hands swarmed with cold and a rush went out, as she simply put out the fire that was currently all over the room. Both sides in this fight were kind of being stupid and idiotic, even if she knew she'd have to explain why she attacked Frost and why the hell her mind decided she needed to kiss Havok. Hell she didn't even know the answer to that last one.

There was one thing that she did know, and that was that Anastasia probably was the most annoying brat of a person she had ever met or ever heard. Sapphire raced across the room, essentially ignoring Havok entirely now, until she was facing Ana. "You know, I hate little pests like you who think that they can do whatever they want without consequences," she said, before daggers appeared in her hands made of ice. Her first shot missed, however Ana wasn't so lucky with her next dagger. The shot slammed into Ana's stomach, running her through, and the clear ice started becoming stained red with blood.

Jack Theriot

Location: Morlock Tunnels -> Mutant Underground First Floor
Skills: N/A

"Rookie, we have to go... Who knows how long it'll take for them to send more Purifiers down here... Whose to say that we aren't going to be attacked again or something by them if we stay here... There isn't anything left of Erg..." Jack said to Sunshine, limping over slightly towards where she and Casper were. "Yeah, you are right about that Blink... Mind sending us over to the Mutant Underground or something? One of the newbies there had healing powers and they probably could help us out there since I'd say we definitely need some help..."

"We can't just leave him!!!!!" Sunshine screamed at Jack, tears pouring down her face.

"We don't have a choice Sunshine... It's okay..." he said softly as he picked Casper up off the ground, since he was unconscious after all, as Blink then nodded, tearing the fabric of reality as she opened up a portal that would take them onto the first floor of the Mutant Underground building. "You can come with us if you want to Blink you know..."

"No, we always have a choice!" Sunshine snapped. "Erg died to save us and we're just - just leaving him behind!"

Blink nodded, but it was a strained smile. "Oh, they wouldn't like me...."

"I think they would, you could help out a lot of people there... and Rookie, not this time, don't make me drag you through that portal... We can't stay here, and there is nothing left of him, and we aren't leaving him behind. You think that, but you have to remember, those who survived this all have memories of Erg, so he's not exactly being left behind, since those memories are all that we have left of him."

"That's not good enough!" Sunshine wasn't moving towards the portal.

"Sunshine, he exploded, there is literally nothing left, so we have to take the one thing we do have and get going, alright?"

Sunshine shook her head, crying a lot. Jack just shook his head, still carrying Casper somewhat as he dragged her through the portal he looked back at Blink. "Well, if you aren't going to come with us, guess I'll see you around Blink..."

"....What the hell, I'll come and make sure you guys don't get hurt, at least for now," Blink said, before going through.

Jack chuckled slightly, before he coughed a little bit from his own injuries and he looked around the hideout they were in. "...Hello? Anyone here?" he called out somewhat, looking around for anyone he recognized.

Queen Valda

Location: On the Dragon Boat -> Palace Boat Launch
Skills: N/A

"That girl is more then a bit insulting!" Valda snapped slightly as they left the Port. She was not too thrilled at being called Princess. Sure, she was kind of a bit of a wild person, and she didn't care much for actually acting like a royal, but it was more then a bit insulting for Halley to just assume that out of the two of them that she was the Princess and not the Queen. If she ever ran into her again she'd set her straight and probably smack her in the head if she got the chance.

She was somewhat glad that they reached the Palace once again, glad that they were back where they belonged, and she was concerned as to what had happened to everyone else. Valda hoped that not too many people had ended up dying because of vampires. "Let's see about finding Myrus okay? Then we can see about figuring out what sort of damage was done here while we were gone..." she said softly, looking at the other two before she got off the boat.

Bruce Banner

Location: The Palace (present day) - Library Wing -> Ruins of the Palace (3 years in the Future)
Skills: Cosmic Manipulation

"Actually... There might be a simpler way to figure out at least where the Prince is. Since I am somewhat sure that he's not within the room anymore, I can see if I can try to pinpoint his location more exactly if you give me a moment... For the Queen and Princess, I think they likely got to safety, I'm more worried about the Prince's whereabouts since he essentially went off by himself," he said in response to the other two, before he stepped a little bit away from them. Fire flashed across his eyes as he started using his powers to scan across space and time in an effort to locate the prince. However, the place he ended up finding him in was not a place he expected.

"...I don't know how, but somehow the Prince has landed himself 3 years into the future... Simple solution really, all we have to do is just pop over there and bring him back, since I don't think he would know how to get himself back..." Bruce said to Myth and Lennox, before fire sort of swirled all around them. "Recommendation? Don't move until the fire disappears otherwise there is no way of knowing when you will land..." The fire swirled around them for a few moments, before they wound up in the ruins of the Palace, right by where Ahote and Myrus were. Bruce walked over to the pair.

"You two have gotten more then a little far from home..." he said to them, before he looked around the area. "This is not the sort of thing I expected, not too far into the future... This is more then a bit concerning..." This certainly was something that was a bit problematic.

Sylvi the Bard

Location: Makers' Mile -> The Ramblings
Skills: Bardic Magyk

That doesn't make any sense Tate... Why wouldn't you be in trouble because of that mark, she said, shaking her head slightly at him. Despite his words, she decided to try and get rid of the mark anyway. After a few moments, using her Magyk and focusing on the mark, this time she had managed to get rid of the mark that was on him. Well now you don't have to worry about the mark at all, since this time around I was able to get rid of it. So now hopefully we don't have any problems because of it or anything.

Sylvi knew that people were watching them, it was kind of hard not to understand why. She at the least was covered in blood, even if Tate wasn't, so people likely were going to stare. Hearing his words about Violet, and her being someone else, it was a bit confusing to her. Wait, she was someone else before or something? Who was she before she became the person that she is now? Something tells me you wouldn't have mentioned that if you didn't already know who she is fully really... And how do you know her?

Hello there everyone! You might be wondering why I'm back here again, but I haven't gotten to narrate one of these things. Now, you might wonder how this is going to work, since there are a lot of people in one place. If one of the characters the GM controls talks it's going to shift to their boring color and not this awesome shade of pink. Separating to talk about the group in Baton Rouge will be a little line essentially and that's it. Clear? You got it? Good, I'm not explaining that again. So let's roll with it!

So, starting things off the guy who thought it was smart to bring a bow and arrow to a fight, I mean really, most people tend to use guns as they tend to work better. Hawkeye over there sends an arrow flying at Witchy, but the arrow doesn't even get close to her, as she uses her powers to block it and it just drops to the ground! Ha! Maybe you should stop using those things, since it is waaaaaay harder to dodge bullets.

Oh look over there! Seems like the Banner kid is awake now, hooray! But sucks for him, as green guy does not look like he's going to let go of him. Ooh, wonder if the Hulk is going to do what I think he's going to do... Wow, look at that! He's jumping out over the lake water, grabbing onto Magenta and bringing him back to land again. YES!!!!!!!!! Magenta totally deserves that! (as to what I'm talking about, figure it is better to show you lovely people a picture as opposed to describing it)

So looks like Magenta is out of the battle now!

Alright, whose next, let's see what else do we see. Ooh, looks like Witchy over there is not too happy, and she's looking at little Miss I'm Invisible since my body isn't actually here! "Now why would I tell you anything like that? Honestly, and a word of advice, don't you ever even think your little powers can work on me, you are pathetic and are lucky you weren't even wiped from existence," Wanda said to the invisible person, but hey at least... Wait not scratch that, she is totally tightening her grip on the person, might make it hard to breathe. Ooh, now she's turning her attention towards Mr. Fireball over there. "What mistake are you referring to? And warning shot? Ha! That was so pathetic I could have done that with my eyes shut and one hand behind my back!"

Ooooh, ouch, that looks like it has got to hurt! Damn, don't mess with Witch there clearly, as there is a great blast of red energy that slams into Fireball! Lifting him up 20 feet into the air and boom, slamming him down straight into the ground! Ouuuuch! Looks like a broken leg and bruised arm or something there!

Now over to other people hey wait, isn't that a DC character or something over there? Eh, whatever, he's hereby known as the Firestorm Wannabe. Oh hey it's Klara! Wondering what she's been up to, I mean it's been a while since I actually talked with her, or since she's asked for a hand in throwing people together, but that's always been fun! "Um... You know funny, you are not the only person to tell me that in the past 24 hours, like you are I think the 3rd or 4th person to tell me that," the Firestorm Wannabe said to not even sure what to call the person who was talking to her. Honestly calling people by their actual names is more then just a bit boring, so I try to come up with stuff, but I can't even think of what to refer to her as. So eh whatever.

"I need to get my sword back before I go off to do anything, so I'm going to go do that, not sure what the two of you want to end up doing or whatever," Klara said to the pair, before she ends up taking off for the Palace now. Well that either will end well or end horribly, we'll have to see.

And what does it look like the Queen person is going to do? Well, looks like she's going over to the girl who just had her powers go a little bit wacko! Her hand is glowing with a slight purple hue, and with a flash hey! Looks like she just restored the girl's memories!

Now over to the sneaky people! What's going on with them! "Mind control the guards," The Person who is a bit full of themselves agreed. "We'll be long gone before anyone starts poking at the security footage. They'll all be focusing on monitoring outside." She then considered what Niah was saying about Flynn, Wanda, and Pietro. "What about Princess Lorna?" she pointed out, raising a slight eyebrow as Niah had discounted her. "And hate to break it to ya, love, but anyone can be guilty of anything. Maybe Flynn isn't the person you thought he was."

Now onto the Thieves people! Let's see what we get to happen, starting with the two people on the west side of the facility! And what the hell is going on here? Uh... That's actually kind of convenient and the guards are idiotic. Because of the one guard going a bit crazy for whatever reason, knocking out someone, and taking off, the others seem to get it into their heads that something is going on and start fighting each other. What sort of idiots do that? And that's not all! One of them freaking shot out the security camera on that side of the base! Like what the hell!

"Let's get going then," the plant woman said, before leading the way to the door. Wow, at least she was smart enough to just figure out to pick the lock in order to get the door open. "After you..." she said, opening the door up and motioning to the kind of creepy weird girl.

Now over to the other side of the base to the team that only really seems to have one person who isn't incompetent in the group! And Pinocchio over there is taking the gun from the former drug addict while essentially ignoring the current drug addict! Now these people know that bows and arrows are horrible weapons and shouldn't be used in this day and age! Anyway, with that he aims a shot and fires the gun off, knocking out the camera. "Let's go..." he said simply, and hooray, they move on over to the door! Wait, why isn't that damn door lock? What idiot didn't lock the door? Well, whatever, they can get inside of the base now too, so fun!

We did a thing!

After over 2 years, 3 story arcs and part way through a 3 role-play crossover and X-Men: Darkness Rising (currently titled X-Men: House of M for the crossover that is going on) has hit 1000 posts!!!!!! It has been a bit of a roller coaster ride getting to this point, but to think that we are still going. Let's hope that we can get a thousand more! Thanks to @Morose@Nallore@FantasyChic@KazAlkemi@ColouredCyan@eclecticwitch@Kirah@Trainerblue192@Achronum@Framing A Moose for being a part of it!
Sister Penance
Location: Confinement (Attic) -> Next Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

"Wait, are you telling me you wanted to stay in that dreaded room longer then we already were? Is it just me or does that sound like one of the most ridiculous things ever. You can stay behind and come up with an idea of sorts all by yourself if you want to, I however am not going to stand around here much longer. You say that getting found out by the others in the manor is what will happen, but I honestly do not care about that anymore, as they are the ones who locked us in here in the first place for no real reason, so should we really care what they think?" Penance asked in response to Rave's words, glad that the darkness concealed the fact that she was rolling her eyes in the direction of Rave's voice.

With those last words, she turned back around towards the open door and made her way out of the confinement room completely. She didn't really care if the others went out of the room or stayed behind. However from the conversation she was fairly certain that she wasn't the only one who had wanted out of the room, based on the conversation that had taken place before everything. Penance made her way towards the other doors, heading towards the one on the left in order to see if maybe it was unlocked or something, and figuring that if anyone was going to tag along they'd follow behind her.

Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - 6E -> 5D
Skills: Chlorokinesis

Mary nodded her head in agreement with Eva. "Yeah, there isn't a need for anyone to try and lure anyone over here," she said simply to Andy. There wasn't a need to have anyone act as bait, it was more then a little bit pointless. Not to mention it would have put Andy in danger, and that wasn't a good idea. "Tripping them up a bit with our powers tends to be more of what we do, though we probably could do the hole thing if we really wanted to. That probably would be more then a little bit funny."

After a few moments, and watching Eva get herself up into the tree and pulling Andy up with her powers as well. Then it was her turn to use her powers to get herself up the tree. It took her a little longer to pull it off then she would have liked, but eventually she was up in the tree with the other two. Mary nodded her head at what Andy said, "So, sounds like our job can start then if the other team is already making their way over here, that certainly will make things way more interesting."

Frederick Flynn

Location: New York Sanctum
Skills: N/A

Flynn wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone. He was more then just a little bit pissed off, and the fact that they still wanted to trust Vision was not helping at all. At the moment he really really wanted to kill someone, but it didn't seem like that was going to happen at all anytime soon. Despite what was definitely running through his head, he essentially was ignoring everyone else's words, and sort of storming away from the others a little bit. Goose had been listening to Banner talk, every now and then he would nod his head almost like he could understand everything that he was saying. However, when he saw Bonnie's body turn up, he jumped down from his perch and went and laid down next to her.

Unfortunately, Flynn was still not really calming down and eventually went to stand off by himself in a corner of the room, still a walking fireball. The others could trust the damn robot, but he wasn't going to, and he was looking for an excuse to completely destroy Vision at any moment. There wasn't much he could do right now, but he was not thrilled at the idea of being in the same room as everyone else, and he really hoped that the other group came back quickly. Then maybe he could get some answers as to what the hell happened.

Demetria Clarke

Location: Serval Industries - Gardner's Office (G4)

Sapphire nodded her head, before she waved her hand and the door opened up, allowing her to be able to get through and head off after the others. She then turned to look at the speedster, she herself was more then a little annoyed with Quicksilver. "Answer her question, got it?" she said, glaring at him.

"The splicer was just the beginning, you all think you have a bunch of people who know technology? We do too, the whole point was to get it, figure out how it worked and make it a whole lot bigger!"

"So what, you'd just make a big splicer or something, what is so great about that?"

"The whole point was to make it into some like ray thing or whatever, in order to effect a lot of people at the same time as opposed to just one person at a time."

"You do realize that odds are if you screwed up you'd kill a lot of people right? Instead of I'm guessing turn a bunch of humans into mutants like you wanted to."

"Yeah I know, but honestly is that such a bad thing really?"

"Well I've heard enough, we've caught him and he's not going anywhere, so let's head up to deal with that witch of sister," Sapphire said, nodding at the other two, before they'd hear something not too far above them it felt like, and the room shook slightly.

It sounded like a loud explosion.

Andrew Rossi

Location: Serval Industries - Engineering Lab (F3 -> G5)

Andrew was trying to think of what to do, considering the fact that no one was even really getting close to Wanda, and no one really was able to hurt her. She was going to get away with the splicer at this rate, so he instantly flew over and started blasting at her. However she was able to easily deflect the attacks, and she was smirking slightly. That's when he got a different idea, and he started messing with the blaster on his arm somewhat, and he pointed it at Wanda. Well, not really at Wanda, but at the splicer itself, before he fired it off. Wanda hadn't been expecting it as the splicer shrunk down to a smaller size, and he used that confusion to his benefit as he flew over and slammed into her, grabbing the splicer from her before flying backwards away from her again.

"You little bug!" she snapped, getting up off the ground.

"Whatever you say Maximoff," he said simply in response, before the device went back to normal size, seemed like it was only a temporary thing whatever he did. Wanda started sending blasts at him, but he sent blasts back deflecting most of them, and now it was clear that she was starting to get mad. That's when she sent a big blast flying at him, and since Bobbi was kind of standing inbetween her and Andrew, she would end up getting knocked to the ground. The blast slammed into him, causing him to stumble and his suit was starting to spark slightly, but that wasn't the big problem, that was a simple problem with a simple solution. What Wanda's attack did caused a major problem.

It caused the splicer in his hand to explode.

Wesley would get up to the room just in time to see the somewhat large explosion that destroying the splicer had caused. Bits of metal from the device as well as some of the objects nearby were sent flying. When the explosion subsided and the fire dimmed down, there was one major thing that was wrong. Andrew wasn't standing where he had been. He was completely gone.

"Damn, really needed that splicer... And I guess your threat there doesn't exactly hold up, since that was a pretty big explosion," Wanda said, almost mocking Watts in a way.

Jade was thinking it over, as Shelly asked what would they do at the next security checkpoint. She put a slight hand against her head, thinking through the various strategies they could enact. Would the Royal Guard have been alerted to the Red Guard agents that defected? Potentially. Most of them would be sent onto the grounds in order to subdue the Hulk and the other key figures. The ones left behind would be in charge of guarding main entrances, as well as rooms where the wealth was stored. "If we're interrogated, we're friends of Prince Pietro's fiancΓ©," Jade then decided. "Act dumb and cute. They'll buy it."

She then nodded approvingly at Niah's helpful find. "Brilliant," she praised. "Once inside , we're going to their bedrooms. I'll point out the relevant details, you lot will overlook them doubtlessly, and then I will wow you all with my detective skills as I figure out who changed the world just by the state of their bed sheets. I'd like to start with the princes and princesses - King Erik is too obvious to be the culprit. I'd be annoyed if it was him."

"Oh, this is delightful! Definitely my favorite execution to date!" October squealed, enjoying the pure chaos and destruction going on. She wasn't about to be left out though and she started to throw fireballs up at the drones, hovering over the crowds.

Barton spotted the drones as well, loading EMP arrows in his bow and he drew back, aiming at the targets. "I've got a clear shot," he said, though he realized that likely no one was listening and even if they were, they probably wouldn't really care. He then took the shot and the blast managed to completely destroy the drones. Waverly would instantly lose all sight on the grounds and the chaos that was going on outside.

"Well this'll be fun," Sapphire commented, before the entire area around the King (E5) started to freeze over, however she was able to keep bubbles of warm air around Magneto, Miranda and Flynn. Everyone else would instantly start to feel the chill as the area started to get covered in ice.

"Hey Flame boy, you were hesitant to try and kill me, so... Mind cutting me loose or something? I would really prefer not to die because of a rampaging Hulk or something stupid like that," Klara asked Flynn, looking over at him. He looked at her in response, glancing over at Magneto who seemed to be more concerned with Novikova and Maria then anything. Letting out a slight sigh, he instantly went over to Klara and managed to break the chains on her. "Thank you for that."

"Yeah, well, I have heard someone say this world is all screwy or something along those lines..."

"Oh, it is, you wouldn't by chance know where my sword is would you?"

"Inside the Palace somewhere, not sure exactly where."

"Of course, well, it might take a little while to get there then considering this chaos."


Magneto glared at Maria and Novikova, before he sent metal shards flying at the pair. They moved so fast, that they wouldn't have time to react before Novikova and Maria were hit by the shards. One of the shards ran straight through Novikova's leg. Another shard slammed into Maria's right shoulder with enough force to knock her backwards, but not enough to cause her to fall to the ground or anything. Metal was whirling around him, creating a shield of sorts around him.

"HULK SMASH!" the Hulk shouted, picking up one of the statues of King Erik as he threw it into the fray, aiming for Magneto. The beast then let out a roar of pure rage, shoving through the individuals as he went to his son. Many people were under the misconception that the Hulk was a mindless beast - he wasn't. He also happened to view Lance as really his son and not Banner's. "SON!" he roared, scooping up Lance as he threw another obelisk over his shoulder.

Wanda had gone over to Max, shorten the distance rather quickly as she expertly took off into the air and landed right in front of him. "So, mind telling me what it is that you think you are doing?" she asked him, before she flicked her hand, sending him flying backwards and he'd land on the ground hard.

The East Side Red Guard Base

Jack rolled his eyes at Casper and Bobbi. "The two of you need to stop being ridiculous and get your head together, we can't screw this up you know..." he said, shaking his head at the pair of them. In his mind he was basically with the two people who probably would get all three of them killed fairly quickly. The door wasn't really guarded, so Jack made his way over towards the door, staying fairly well hidden from the entrance.

Once closer, he was able to see that there was a security camera located by the door, which would help explain why there wasn't really any sort of security at the door. "Hey Bobbi, you wouldn't by chance be able to grab something that could potentially be useful for taking out a security camera would you?" he asked her, looking over at Bobbi now.

The West Side Red Guard Base

Mary led the way to the west side of the compound, and unlike the relatively unguarded side that Bobbi, Jack and Casper were going towards, this side had quite a few SHIELD agents at it. There was about 10 guards outside of the entrance into the facility, meaning they'd likely have to take out the guards in order to get inside. There was a security camera at this door as well, so they'd need to be extra careful.

"Hey Anastasia, think you can get the guards to potentially fight each other and potentially knock each other out so that we can get through to the door? It would make it a bit easier and draw less attention then fighting our way in ourselves..." Mary asked her. Their first problem was the guards, they could deal with the security camera afterwards if they needed to.
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