Avatar of Heartfillia


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Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...............I know what I need to do. But I’ve posted just before.... if no one has objections I would like to post again? (Mostly from the gms) @Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR
@pkken fiiiiiinaly XD course accepted
@TheMushroomLord sorry full
@TheMushroomLord possibly a villain but we are double checking. We will get back to you soon. Students are now full

When the students walked in they would have seen other teachers in there besides Ms.Martenell and Ms.Dunwich. While most were at attention ready to see if these kids could work well together, one of them looked like she couldn’t give one damn about it. Sitting backwards in one of the chairs that were there with her head down, with a large toothpick in her mouth. A mug of coffee barely hanging from the tips of her three fingers around the rim.

She didn’t even look up when Martenell was explaining what was happening. She did move her free hand to pinch her own temple’s with her ring finger and thumb in the hopes of suppressing a clear headache.

When Ms. Dunwich got all excited again and started yelling her cheer the woman visibly flinched in pain, She suddenly turned to Ms. Dunwich and yelled “God damnit Carmine! She’ JUST said No IDLE CHATTER. It’s too early to be so LOUD as well!” She growled as her eyes pointed daggers at the all too cheerful Dunwich before closing again as she took a long drink of a clearly hot drink with it’s steam rising. and didn’t even flinch.

Alex had been keeping to herself when everyone was chatting. Standing near Erika but lost in her own world. One hand crossed her chest and gripped her opposite bicep. She wasn’t used to wearing her outfit of course… she hoped it would hold up like she thought it would. She looked over to momo as she went over to class A again to chat with them. She had been spending more time With Gabriella...she didn’t know how she felt about that. But as she did her nails dug into her arm.

She didn’t think about it too much as the teachers suddenly came out and moved them to a new area. She followed silently next to Erika and looked at the other students from all the classes then listened to the teachers as they explained. Only to groan inwardly, she wasn’t on momo’s or Erika’s team. She lookedw to Erika as she just walked away without saying anything to them… Momo sounded sad about it as well. She raised a hand to say goodluck but momo was already skipping over to her team.

She scratched her cheek before looking around… she didn’t know Namie… She knew Melissa from class, though she really didn’t talk to her much. Raising her hand while her other balled up in a fist and covered her mouth. “Um…’scuse me Ms. Martenelle… Who is Namie Braggs?” she asked in a soft tone.


V@VitaVitaAR *currently me. about to get to level 4*

Hehe jk had to use this one
@Riegal I don’t see anything wrong with it at first glance. I approve of it. Now we wait for cat.
as long as I can say I did some preparation shopping beforehand I'm good for the skip

Finn looked back when he heard someone asking for the same job they just decided upon. But before he could act. Sieglinde was already heading over to speak with them. He followed silently and looked to the others. He knew of each of them save for one. He gave one of his charming smiles as he gave a half wave when Sieglinde briefly introduced him.

Jane, he constantly tried to be friendly with because of the rumors of her face. Which he didn’t believe. No one could be that ugly...maybe tristram. But that’s about it. But the girl was super shy and wouldn’t really open up to him. Perhaps that would change with this job!?

Leon was the other he knew of. Mostly in passing. Finn tended to want to work with women of course. So he knew more of the girl in the guild that way. Not that he wasn’t opposed to making friends with everyone in the guild. He just never worked with him personally.

The tall redhead though he never met. She must be new to the guild. The girl looked strong. Notwithstanding the heavy armor and mace at her side. He smiled brightly at her. About to introduce himself when Tristram suddenly spoke up with Leon. Calling Sieglinde and Cassia problem children, acting like the leader of the group. Cassia speaking up saying she’s not a problem child while introducing herself.

Finn chuckled ”Ha! You’re the leader of this group? Doubtful. A leader has class and is charismatic! Like Ms. Sieglinde. ' not one who is always grumpy and hides in trees all day." Sigi was clearly the key leader of the group in his eyes. How the other two gravitated to her. With her diplomatic skills it was hard NOT to see it.

Looking back to the others. Mostly at Maribel as Lean called her.”I’m Finn, If you need anything just let me know! I’m always looking to help out. Be it sparing, jobs or whatever. Especially someone who’s new to the guild!”

Looking to the rest. “I’ve never worked with so many at one time before. This is gonna be awesome!We can swap stories of our adventures around the fire. Then in the morning's I'm making pancakes!” He said as he could hardly contain himself. He began thinking in his head how much stuff he would need to buy for their breakfast...
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