Avatar of Kuro


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5 days ago
Will be probably MIA sometime the first few weeks of June, or not entirely present at least. Work is having me do two weeks of management training upstate.
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5 days ago
Y'know you don't have to flood the status bar, right?
17 days ago
Tomorrow is the final day of my current position before my promotion is in effect at work. Unfortunately, they're having me "clopen" by closing Friday and opening Saturday on my first actual day lol
27 days ago
When you're watching a show on a streaming service and the service decides to remove the first season you were watching but nothing else. Are you serious right now
1 mo ago
Trying to set up a new TV in the modern age is a slow process when it needs to update fifty times before you can even use it lmao


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

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New Pokemon Snap is happening Nintendo finally got everyone's letters

In Ask an Admin, v2. 4 yrs ago Forum: News
@LegendBegins I like the concept, but is there a chance for it to cause issues for BBCode-heavy RPs? I have a feeling it might throw in BBCode to fix one thing but ultimately mess up other BBCode. Maybe there's a way for it to highlight where the issues are, kind of like how spell check works or something of that nature.
Your header is ugly.

I know. It's just like me.
GM Reserved.
GM Announcements:

Deadline for sheets to be in is 6/21.

Current reservations:
Dakota Johnson

Welcome to Rushford, Ohio. Population: 1,357 and plummeting.

It has been roughly a week since the Michigan-Ohio border blockade imposed by the Ohio State Police to halt all travel between the states had collapsed, and only mere days since the village of Rushford had fallen to the walking dead.

In a desperate attempt to flee the pandemic, panicked civilians from Michigan and the nearby city of Toledo would ultimately bring forth Rushford's collapse into anarchy. The few roads in and out of the village were completely blocked off by an influx traffic whilst local mom and pop businesses were broke into and looted by those looking to survive the coming apocalypse. Completely Unprepared for the chaos, the three officer force of uthe local RPD was quickly overwhelmed with calls for help and, in turn, were unable to react in a timely manner as the outbreak reached critical mass within the small village.

No one knows who fired the first shot, but by then, the end of the world had truly begun.

Now, a week later into the apocalypse, a small group of survivors sheltered in a diner have been hearing strange broadcasts on the local radio about an old summer camp on the other side of the Maumee River that is said to be zombie-free. Eager to find shelter and safety from the dead, the group is ready to leave for greener pastures, but will they be able to escape Rushford and cross the river with their lives before then?

This roleplay is part of a shared universe created by @Inkarnate and I, taking place during a zombie outbreak in a fictional village inspired by Midwestern American influences some miles outside the city of Toledo, Ohio during the year 2019. Unlike most post-apocalyptic roleplays, the story itself will remain largely linear with accepted characters working their way out of Rushford and to the promised land of a zombie-free summer camp.

As the roleplay begins, the infected will be no more than the slow-moving, brainless dead that the characters might think of when they hear the word "zombie". However, as time progresses in-character, the dead will gradually mutate into special variations with their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

Though this roleplay is about a zombie virus spreading across the Midwest, it will remain semi-realistic and therefore some archetypes are outright banned or looked down upon. The characters are not hardened zombie killers; they're just everyday people trying to survive the apocalypse.

Current Hard Bans: Anything to do with military (active duty, reserve, military spouse, retired veteran, etc). Any "badasses" with souped up weapons or running around with katanas and similar "cool, fun" weapons.

Potentially Avoid: Anyone with a police, hunter archetype or general firearm-related background. These types of characters are allowed, but will be looked with more scrutiny than other sheets.

Additionally, given that this roleplay is based in a fictional village, here are some places of note in Rushford and the surrounding area. More will be added should they become relevant to the roleplay.

Finally, this roleplay will require at least a post roughly each week, give or take a few days for real life issues. These posts have no set minimum as to how many paragraphs you must write, although longer and higher quality posts are definitely preferred over short burst replies. Other than that, the only rules for this roleplay are the obvious: don't be a dick, have fun, etc. If you're interested, the character sheet is below, but if this isn't your cup of tea, then thanks for reading and have a good rest of your day.

In Ask an Admin, v2. 4 yrs ago Forum: News
<Snipped quote by Kuro>

Given that the Guild's architecture wasn't built to cater to live feeds, it might be a lot to reinvent Google Docs. But I can look to see if any open-source live text editors like Firepad would integrate cleanly into the Guild.

That's what I figured. If it doesn't work out then just expanding on the zeroth post system would be fine in itself and would probably the best next thing to this sort of suggestion.
In Ask an Admin, v2. 4 yrs ago Forum: News
The most robust solution, true access control, would involve the thread creator adding verified editors to a post/thread like Co-GMs. That feature would more than likely require a change to the database (unless I did a hacky solution that may or may not work), increasing the amount of time it would take to implement.

This would probably be the optimal solution, or at least closest to what the concept I have in my head. People still have to go out their way to link to/give access if they're using docs/one of the various pad websites/whatever to collaborate on OOCs, lore docs, posts, etc., and while I'm not one for coding so I don't truly know the process behind it, I figured this way we could eliminate the need for a middle man website and keep things centralized on the guild. Personally, I feel it'd be better if you could directly write the post with the people at the same time (similar to how google docs or X collaborative writing program works) and be able to see their writing/changes in real time, but given this is a forum, something tells me that might be a little bit of a stretch and not exactly possible to do.
Welcome to the guild, @Blushing Donkey.
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