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Before Heracles' Party

Aphrodite sighed dreamily as she recounted the day she met the charming Neptune, the Roman god of the sea. He was oozing with so much manliness and confidence with every movement that he took, making the love goddess swoon like a damsel being offered a song by one of her suitors back in the day. She bit her bottom lip when she remembered the way the waters dripped down his muscular body, and she closed her eyes and sighed softly when she remembered how warm he was to the touch when she dried him up.

She snapped back into reality when the coordinator suddenly raised their voice when they realized one model was missing. Just as in cue, Aphrodite received a message from Comus, saying that she'll be late again and asking if Helen could keep the coordinator busy. Aphrodite smiled sweetly and approached the coordinator. She physically touched their arm and used a little bit of her power on him. Thankfully, it worked and the coordinator seemed more peaceful now more than ever.

The coordinator ushered her back to her seat before leaving with a spring in their step. Aphrodite sighed and went back to her chair, looking at the text Comus sent her. Even to this day, the love goddess would never imagine being friends with a child of Dionysus. Their spheres of influence were nothing alike so they rarely saw each other back at Mt. Olympus, yet now they grew closer together because of the Colossus stripping them of their godliness. Aphrodite was glad to have met Comus, she was a very interesting young woman who seemed to be very smart and thoughtful for being a goddess of revelries. She also felt guilt because of what happened at the last Conclave. She didn't know if her mist had a good or bad effect on Comus but she still can't help but feel bad to those who were affected by it. She would definitely find a way to say sorry to Comus but she couldn't think of anything at the moment.

Comus had easily crossed the studio towards the Grecian love goddess, passing her her specific drink of choice, a judging look as she did so. "Definitely not my preference but whatever…" a laugh danced in the air before they were called to attention and were pulled in varying directions. Makeup and hair and outfits perfectly coordinated in time with the bookings and scheduling, all to perfectly showcase Venus' very expensive fashion line.

She brightened up when she saw Comus arrive with her drink. "Hello, Coco. So lovely to see you again, my dear." She said to her, giving her a peck on her cheeks each before taking her drink. "What? I think it's really delicious!" She replied to Comus' comment about her drink before taking a sip, groaning a bit when they were now called to attention. "Oh well. I'll get back to you later." Aphrodite said to her drink, setting it to the side as she got ready along with the rest of the models.

The studio was thriving, bodies of half naked models traipsing atop stained concrete floors, their hair billowing behind them - some hairstyles completed, others not so much. A sigh escaped Comus at the thought of which piece of atrocious bunches of fabrics she was going to be stuffed into all for the sake of modeling. ’Designers are fucking weird…’ the thought crossed her mind more than once as she sat there next to Aphrodite.

"You seem a bit more… relaxed than usual~" the coyness of her tone was easily discernible as she raked her gaze towards her fellow Greek. A hand rested under her chin as she leaned into the questioning making her stylist pout and work twice as hard in the inconvenient position. "Do anyone particularly enjoyable recently?" It wasn't like she needed to be a fly on the wall to know that the love doctor was already over and done with the passing of her late husband. The annoyance at the memory of her antics the other day still resonated within her, and she did little to cover the annoyance even now. So the light teasing was doing wonders for her take on a more passive aggressive take. She honestly couldn't be bothered with her answer, though she would be lying if she said she didn't delight in a little bit of gossip and drama.

Comus was perceptive as usual and Aphrodite can’t help but blush and giggle a bit. ”Well, I did meet up with a guy a couple of days ago. Oh, that man, that big hunk of a man. We hit it off right away but we didn’t do anything yet, which was a bummer but oh well. It just makes me more excited for the next time we meet.” Aphrodite said with a smile as she couldn’t help but bite her bottom lip again after remembering Neptune. She knew she had to feel guilty when she was already seeing another man after her husband mysteriously died but on the other hand, she didn’t feel guilty cheating on Hephaestus while he was alive either.

Movement caught her attention, like a dog to a squirrel, though she slid a quick glance in the direction of one of the head photographers. A familiar face in this line of work. One of the few mortals that Coco enjoyed on a more strictly friend based relationship. Gods knew she had too many overly friendly relations of the mortal, and godly, variety. "Heyyy Juju Bee!" Coco never was one for subtlety, waving her arms around in a wide obnoxious motion.

Julie was talking to one of Aeon’s designers. The rack near them was filled with the newest dresses designed by none other than Leona herself. Going over the themes and colors and looks. Aeon’s dresses always felt like they were elevated above the other fashion brands. Leona’s talent could not be overstated. The designer was rolling away the rack right when Julie heard a familiar voice call her by a nickname only one person used. She hadn’t checked with which models she’d be working. Could it be? Julie turned around and instantly broke into a sprint, rushing over to the young rebel while yelling: “Coco!” She stopped near, noticing that Coley was sitting in the make-up chair. For now she’d hold the hug in so the stylist could do her work without any more inconveniences. “Oh my god, I didn’t know you were modeling today! How have you been?”

The high pitched squeal that left her at the approach of the mortal woman had her disregarding the stylist completely. "Oh! C'mere! Talia doesn't mind do you Talia?" "Well I need to-," "See, perfectly fine!" Comus completely disregarded the woman, who in turn just rolled her eyes and set off to find a different model to work on for the time being. Comus tossed her own eye roll before hopping down and throwing her arms around the blonde. It had been far too long since the last time they were together and Coco missed having someone so naive and innocent to play with. She could only stand to pick on Kore and Hypnos for so long before everyone else - Hermes - made her feel guilty. Rather, try to. It took quite a bit to get the chaos to feel something as base as guilt.

Pushing the thoughts of guilt or not guilt she returned her own dazzling smile towards the woman, answering in the only way Comus knew how - eccentrically, "Life has not been the same without your eye for detail~," she feigned a breathy performance, "It's been here and there. Not enough time to spend with family but sometimes that's a good thing." The comment was offhandedly thrown about, sure, yes technically she met up with family recently, but it wasn't like they hung out or anything. Other than Heebs. That thought alone brought back the giddiness in Coco.

Nonetheless the anarchist stood there nearly buzzing out of her skin with energy as she pulled away, steely greys traveling the expanse of the former model's figure, Aphrodite still ignored, "You are looking great! Lost some more weight, have you?" Coco smirked devilishly, wiggling her brows as if to drive a point home, "Or maybe it's just the glow of a morning after~. How is that wonderful boy toy of yours anyways," her shamefulness knew no bounds.

When Coco threw her arms around Julie, the mortal girl mouthed ‘I’m sorry.’ to the stylist with an apologetic face. Their job was already hard enough without models making it worse. But Coco was who she was. Fierce and independent. Somehow she managed to hold on to that rebelliousness. Julie admired that about her.

“Family’s important though.” Julie said as her friend talked about not having spent enough time with the family. “You never know. One day they’re here, the next they’re gone for good.” Sometimes she wished she had a family as big as Coco’s. The endless stories the model could tell about her cousins and siblings and aunts and what not. It felt amazing how so many stories could’ve occurred in just one lifetime.

“Hey!” Julie said, playfully hitting Coco’s arm with her fist. “I haven’t lost weight. I never had to lose weight!” Some could see what the model said as an insult, but not Julie. They were Coco’s jokes and they were always a little provocative. “And Alex is not my boy toy!” She then defended with only a small smirk on her lips as hitting Coco on her arm again, only a little harder this time around. “It’s the morning yoga you’re probably seeing.” And definitely not the glow of a morning after… Considering Alex hasn’t been back home for almost three days now.

In an effort to quickly turn around the subject Julie turned to the model beside her friend. One Julie had seen before, but couldn’t quite place. “I’m so sorry, I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Julie and I’ll be the photographer for today.” She said with a big smile as she offered Aphrodite a hand.

Aphrodite looked at the way Comus talked to a mortal as if she seemed to be the goddess’ close friend. Seeing them so close together made the love goddess think of the past, back when gods looked at mortals like mere small gnats or toys that were easily broken. Never in a million years would Aphrodite think that mortals could live together in harmony with the gods. It was something Aphrodite still couldn’t comprehend fully even after living in the mortal world for hundreds and hundreds of years.

There’s also something about this particular mortal, as if Aphrodite could swear she knew who she was yet she couldn’t put a finger on it. She must’ve seen this woman way back when she was a child or perhaps something entirely else too. Either way, Aphrodite smiled sweetly and shook Julie’s hand. ”A pleasure to meet you, Julie. My name’s Helen and I’m so excited to be working with you.” She said happily at the woman, though the name Alex did ring a bell. Where did she last hear that name again? ”I’m very interested in knowing how the two of you meet. Perhaps after this shoot, we can all hang out in a restaurant for lunch? Don’t worry, it’ll be my treat.” Aphrodite said to the two of them with a wink.

Comus wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about Aphrodite’s generous offer of paying for lunch for the three of them. There was something behind those sparkling eyes that screamed dangerous; Coco had witnessed it enough times to know when something felt off. Having someone like Aphrodite dissect and then potentially twist the story around was not something Comus was looking forward to. She was quite aware of how some of the Firsts viewed relationships with mortals and looked down on the union as a whole - not like Aphrodite was one to talk. That was theirs to deal with. Though, she figures she should be a bit more concerned about it when the time comes. For now she smiles back and rubs Julie’s shoulder affectionately, motioning for them to get the photo shoot started.

The shoot started and finished off great. Julie was really good in directing the models and all her photographs were amazing. She worked well with everybody and made sure the whole studio was in such a good mood. Aphrodite was very impressed on how Julie managed to make the goddess more beautiful and look sexier than she already was. Of course, Aphrodite gave it her best too. She found it really enjoyable to work with a photographer who was very professional and very talented in their craft. They were all having such a good time that they were finished before they even knew it.

After everyone was finished packing, Aphrodite did indeed invite Comus and Julie over to a French-themed restaurant not far from where they were shooting. She didn’t really have any ill-intentions in having a lunch date with the women, she just generally wanted to hang out with them. This was also Aphrodite’s way of saying sorry for Comus because of what happened at the last Conclave but of course she will have to personally apologize for it later after this.

Nevertheless, it was a very quaint yet beautiful restaurant that gave off positive and relaxing vibes. Aphrodite waved a waiter over to give the three of them menus. ”Get whatever you want, ladies. It’s all on me today.” She said to them with a wink.

The mortal among the two goddesses pursed her lips for a second, fighting the battle that always raged in her mind when she held a menu. Her eyes looked up for a second. Darting between one of her best friends and one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Who had just given her permission to get whatever they wanted. In her heart she just yearned for a big, juicy steak with French fries with a nice pepper sauce, but it was a pricey item so it would be rude. “I’ll… just have a salad, thank you.”

The exhaustion that typically occupies Comus' being after a tiresome shoot was quickly replaced with elation as they sat at the quaint little table within the French themed eatery. Julie's mouth watering at the steaks and their delicious sauces but ordering something as boring as a salad gave the goddess an idea. As the garçon stood there, a scowl settling on their face, waiting for the revelrous Grecian to settle on and choose her meal she instead ordered for some flank steak to be placed on Julie's salad before then placing her own order of the Boudin Noir Aux Pommes with a bottle of red Bordeaux on the side. Petty shock and awe crossed the waiter's features, a mask then sliding back into place as they then turned their attention towards Aphrodite, but Coco couldn't be bothered to pay attention. A side look from Julie and she shrugged, "She said it's on her," no remorse or regret. Purely, wholly Comus, "'Sides, you were eyeing the steak section like you were staring up at someone from their coc-,"

The second Julie realized her salad was replaced with a big, juicy, perfectly à point flank steak she threw her best friend a frown. She didn’t want to be rude and just order one of the most expensive meals on the menu! But her frown quickly changed into a smile and a soundless ‘thank you’. This was why she loved Coco so much. She did things Julie would never in her life dare to do, and it pushed her to be more adventurous as well. And luckily Coco hadn’t ordered any wine for her.

A very pointed cough and a clearing of someone's throat got Coco chuckling, entirely because of her previous train of thought, "Will that be all for you ladies?" Voice pitched up, nose stuffed high into the air, a strand of greased hair falling slightly out of place, most likely due to the tension in his body. Comus brought a delicate finger to her chin, feigning thought, though ultimately it was up to Aphrodite since she was the one footing the bill today. Didn't mean that she wasn't going to have some fun while they were there.

The love goddess smiled amusingly at her lovely friends and then at the waiter. ”I’ll have a Sole Meunière and a glass of 2017 Vins Auvigue Pouilly-Fuissé Solutré. I would also like to order one large plate of crinkle-cut fries as our appetizer. That is all.” She said to the waiter as he nodded. Before he could say anything, Aphrodite put her hand over his. ”Take it easy, handsome.” She said with a wink. The waiter audibly gulped and nodded. ”I-I will, m-ma’am. Thank… Thank you.” He stammered nervously, a bead of sweat dripping down his brow as he tripped while making his way back to the kitchen.

”Poor guy. So uptight.” Aphrodite sighed as she watched him trip before turning her attention back to the ladies. ”I’m so happy and thankful you girls are here with me. It’s so nice to finally be able to talk to friends instead of just clients. I just feel so relaxed when I’m in good company.” She said to the both of them with a sweet smile. ”Also, and this is embarrassing, I just don’t get to have a lot of girl time now. I mean, I know some people and they’re just minutes away from me if I want to hang out with them but I feel like there’s this vast ocean between us. No matter how much I swim towards them, they just keep swimming away from me. Almost as if… They’re afraid of me.” Aphrodite finished and glanced at Comus’ direction. ”I’m sorry, I must’ve rambled on, huh? Enough about me, I want to learn how the two of you girls meet!”

With pursed lips and tongue dancing behind her teeth Coco could only send a short glare towards the love goddess in response to her comment. It wasn’t like Julie would have picked up on the subtle nuance though how could she not with the blatant jab. In any normal situation the chaotic being wouldn't allow the words to fall into the air without some sort of retaliation. However, given the present company they kept she refrained. Besides, this was supposed to be a reformative lunch date, the least she could do is be somewhat civil. She closed her eyes and sat back, arms raised in a shrug, "Nah, don’t apologize, it has been much too long that we've been together and had a chat that wasn't model centric...” a sip from her presented wine had her pausing in reply, "Oh, yes. Our origin story is one befitting the two of us." Comus couldn't help but shoot Julie a knowing smirk.

The words Helen spoke felt almost melancholic to Julie. To her, the woman had clearly gone through something. Something that had brought her pain. The way she told them about how others seemed to swim away from her. Well, she wouldn’t swim away from her! Even if she barely knew her, she wanted to see her happy. But Coco’s rather casual demeanor towards her fellow model’s hardships caught Julie a bit off guard. For a second she wondered if something had happened between the two. But that thought was quickly shrugged off when Helen asked about how Coco and Julie met.

The memory alone made Julie turn beet red. “Well…” She tried to stall. Coco, obviously, was far more excited about the tale. Probably too excited. Julie would have to make sure the right facts were told. “We already kind of knew each other back when we were both models. One night some guy-“ Some asshole who couldn’t stop hitting on both of them. “-invited both of us to party in one of those big clubs with bottle service. The party...was a bit dull so me and Coco just said our goodbyes.”

Comus snapped to attention, setting her glass down gingerly and eyes finding Julie's, "Don't be so modest Juju!" it was like a whine being pulled from her as Coco picked up where she purposefully left off, "We stole a bottle of the fanciest champagne sitting on the table before bolting outta there!" The laugh that passed through wine kissed lips was mirthful at the memory, "Truth be told that malakas deserved much worse than that… here Juju, have a glass you'll love this one," Coco all but shoved a filled wine glass into Julie's hand.

The entire time Coco spoke Julie was looking down at her plate, red of shame. To grinning from ear to ear at the memory. She had never done that before. Then she got a glass shoved in her hand by her friend who told her she’d love it. “I-I… you know I shouldn’t.” She said, making a meager attempt at refusing Coco. She was a lightweight and Coco knew that! One glass was enough for her to get a second, and maybe a third then! Before she’d know it she would be loud and clumsy and she’d have to call Alex to pick her up.

“But to conclude that story-“ Or rather to end it as fast as possible before Coco could blab on even more about it. “-We just strolled a bit through Seattle while drinking the champagne and talking. It was a really nice night.” She said. Looking with almost pleading eyes at Coco. Hoping she would catch on and not tell the truth. She didn’t regret that night. Far from it. But Julie only just met Helen and she didn’t want to give a horrible first impression.

"Psht don't worry, I'll take you home if need be," Coco shushed her friend's anxiety about the one drink but plowed through the story making sure to patch up the holes so blatantly ignored. "You're forgetting the best part." Attention now placed towards Aphrodite, "We absconded to Discovery Park, Krug Vintage Brut in hand and sat on the beach in the dark," a wicked knowing smirk on her lips as her eyes slid back towards the mortal, a lick of her lips and she was exposing their late night dalliance for anyone who would be paying any attention to the trio.

"I can still remember the way your lips tasted of spiced dried figs and ripe quince, truly an adventure." Her tone took on a sultry spice, not unlike that of the champagne they shared nearly five years ago. The night was chilly, biting at their skins, but it was nothing as they sat in the light of the moon in the sand passing the emerald bottle between them both. It had surprised the goddess at the time, though she should have noticed the brazen twinkle in the mortal's eyes as she gripped Coco's face between both her hands and kissed her hard. Her lips tasting like salt and spice and who was Coco to pass up the opportunity to partake in one's experimental phase?

She was soon brought out from her memories, feeling a slight kick under the table only to catch the sight of a rosy cheeked Julie.

Aphrodite stayed silent and watched the two women as they both recounted the time they first crossed paths. She smiled the whole time and even giggled at some parts. Although she could tell that wasn't the whole story, Aphrodite didn't want to pry any further. Just as Comus and Julie were finished with their story, the waiters came along with their food. The aroma of their freshly-cooked meals wafted from their table. The waiters put everyone's order on their side of the table, including the wine they ordered, and they even apologized about serving the appetizer at the same time as the main course because there's been a problem at the kitchen. Aphrodite smiled sweetly at them to tell them it wasn't a big deal before they wished them to enjoy their meal and left. "That was equal parts exciting and wonderful, ladies. Quite the journey you both got into too. Now, let's all enjoy ourselves with our lovely food!"

Aphrodite raised her glass to the two ladies. "A toast. For old friends and new. For new beginnings and a flourishing life for all of us. Cheers!" She cheerfully said, glancing at Comus especially with a warm smile on her face.

A glance that did not go unnoticed by the only mortal at the table. Julie, once again, felt like there was an odd relationship between Coco and Helen. Perhaps Helen was her mentor in the modeling business? Still, beaming a bright smile at both old and new friends, Julie raised her own glass to join the toast. “To old friends and new ones!” She said while clinking her glass as she gingerly sipped the wine. Coco was right! She totally loved the wine!

There was something stirring within her at the entire theatrics of the midday get together. Julie being present offered Comus a well appreciated distraction from it all but it wasn't like she could completely disregard everything that's happened within the last few days. This is not the time it seems to bring up an issue that would darken the mood. Instead, Coco grabs her wine glass and toasted with the rest of them, trying her hardest to flash a warm smile towards Aphrodite. An unspoken agreement passing between them, a notion to be civil and leave previous offenses where they belong.

"To old friends and new, the ones we have and the ones we've lost and the ones we make along the way. Stin ygeiá sas!"

collab with: @baraquiel @Legion02

s p i l l

Tangled sheets of silk between smooth legs and limbs. A soft breeze blowing through the open high windows, the sounds of the bustling nightlife of the Big Apple filtering in, wrapping around the two of them as they lay bare. A giggle passing her lips, 'Time to cut it again...' as tawny hands come up to card through long sable tresses. Wait. No, that's not right... blonde, like the first rays of sunlight in the morning. Jazz tunes of saxophone, snares and high hats and trumpets mesh into hard bass and electronic beats. Blue eyes, like the clearest skies, fade into a deep chestnut, like that of the richest soil of earth. As the music refused to shift back to the jazz of the era, Tlazōlteōtl found herself no longer in the arms of the messenger but rather pushed up against the mirror residing in the bathrooms of the Jade Jaguar.

She waited, as if allowing more time to pass along in her subconscious was going to bring forth the memories of a much older time than just the other night. But she can’t escape it, especially tonight, with thoughts of him swimming around within that curly mess of a head of hers. At the time she didn't understand the second meaning caused by the infernal pink haze; a new scent taking over her senses, the scene that played out before her mind's eye... it was a mystery to her. None of it had anything to do with Hermes, though she shouldn't have been surprised. She was told by multiple others to let him go, that he wasn't worth her attention and effort and time. But, it wasn't like she could just forget the time they spent together. The way he looked at her, called to her. But, none of it was ever truly real. It wasn't until she had him there, between her legs, pressed against one another feeling the thrumming of his pulse beneath her fingers that it clicked in her head. The smell of musk that clung to him, the storm he brought with him in everything he did set her ablaze with a passion she was not accustomed to. Laz could have spent an eternity in that position, connected at the hips and mouth, tracing every single one of his veins beneath her fingertips. The heat radiating from him was enough to scorch, and she would have been content to burn alongside him, if it meant she could hold him close. If it meant that she was his and he was hers. The music was nothing more than white noise, something to fill in the gaps around them. Her lips melding perfectly with his, his hands trailing fire across her skin, setting ruin to everything before him; whispers of her name on his lips...

Vivid dream-like memories come flooding back to her as her eyes slide open catching the rays filtering through the windows, between the various plant leaves that hang around the panes of glass. Dust particles danced in the light, drifting slowly towards the apartment floor as if weighed down by the questions that plagued the furthest reaches of her mind. An audible groan is pulled from deep within her, sheets tangled around her naked frame, the fan spinning idly above her though it hardly cooled the heated skin below. So she tries to forget, push everything out of her mind and focus on the present. She wants to be numb, to feel nothing and everything at once, so devoid of thought that the body can’t help but be overstimulated. Which is where Tlazōlteōtl finds herself, lying awake in bed, overheated from a very... overstimulating dream. And she can't do anything short of screaming in frustration and disturbing her neighbors. 'Why did I have to meet her?' thoughts drifted towards the blonde, Julie, the love of his life. The one that makes him smile and laugh and do things that she couldn't ever imagine being blessed with causing, and her thoughts are a swirling mess of bitter jealousy and pity. 'If only if only...' Dangerous thoughts indeed.

The mingling of memories and daydreams and pining of the two very different men not only confuse her but piss her off. Frustration builds inside her like pressure in a valve waiting to be released. She's supposed to love Hermes, right? That's what the past and her stupid rapidly beating heart had told her, regardless of the fact that he doesn't seem to give her the time of day. Nor does he seem too bothered with the clipped tone she uses in his presence. "Not giving him too much to work with Laz..."

After an acceptable amount of time allowed for one to throw themselves a pity party had passed, the Aztec goddess flailed around for her phone while also detangling her limbs from the sheets. An email notification announcing an event to be held at Rome 1.5 hosted by Jupiter of all people was stashed away neatly in her inbox. Pursed lips and raised brows accentuated her features as she pretended to think on the idea of attending. It was a no brainer. She needed the distraction from all of this Ares and Julie business. Besides, it wasn't like she was going to run into him there and she needed a distraction. Perhaps Freya and Eros could help her with a little pampering and makeover before going? An excited giggle breached the quiet of the room and she was once again reminded of how alone she was.

A frown pulled at the corners of her lips as deft fingers traced along a familiar path atop the screen of her phone. Thankfully she was able to come back to her senses before hitting send, else she would be in a very tricky situation indeed.
To: Ares😈 Hath✨
heyy we need to chat about the other night | you wont believe | can you come over i really need you. something happened. i'll treat you to some lunch. please

Without so much as another glance the text was sent and the filth goddess flopped back onto the mess of pillows and sheets, arms thrown over her face, groaning aloud. 'This is a fucking disaster' words uttered into the relative silence that engulfed the space around her, the heater kicking on and the stalling of the ceiling fan, the cars honking and the mortals going about their daily routines outside; it's almost muffled by the static chaos running rampant in the space between her ears. A ding off to her left rouses her to a seated position before she convinces herself to start her late day, conflicting views of the two men clashing internally as she sets about preparing for Hathor to arrive.

Warmth and contentment filled her being, from the fragrant tea that made her think of autumn to the pleasant company of the man across from her. If there was ever a moment that Hathor could choose to make last, it would be this one but sadly, all good things eventually come to an end. This point being proven once again as her phone chimed, drawing her attention away from the current conversation.”Hold on, sorry, I thought I put that on silent.”, she said softly, pulling out her phone to do just that when she noticed exactly who the message was from. She tapped it open, the warmth she had felt just a few moments freezing in her veins and worry clawing at her chest to grasp her heart because of the simple message. Hathor was already standing, working on gathering her things as she spoke frantically, ”I hate to do this but an emergency came up and I have to go! I’d love to meet up again sometime soon, so don’t be a stranger.” She gave Hades a quick side hug before rushing out the door, swiftly pulling out her car keys and dumping everything onto the passenger seat.

Tires screeched to a halt as she pulled up to Tlaz apartment building, hurriedly jumping out and fumbling with her keys to lock the car. It was a miracle she hadn’t gotten in an accident or pulled over for speeding and or reckless driving. Once the car was locked up tight, Hathor made a mad dash across the complex, not stopping until she found herself at her best friend's door which she gave a few hard knocks. The worry was killing her and the wait for Tlaz to get to the door was insufferable. What could have happened to make her send that text? ’It doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, I’ll be there for her and we can sort it out.’, she thought, bouncing a bit in place before knocking on the door again. ”Tlaz, it’s Hath!”

Tea was sitting in the kettle on the stove about ready to boil over and scream into the silent apartment when the resounding smacks to her front door and Hath's concerned voice drove Laz to quickly unlock the latch, "I'm coming, I'm coming!" She wasted no time in throwing open the door and pulling a disheveled and shaken Hathor into a warm embrace. The site of one of her closest friends and confidants so visibly upset rattled within her and left her pondering more questions than producing answers.

"Hath? What's wrong?" Embracing her was something that wasn't foreign to the Aztec beauty. She and Hathor went way back, aside from snatching her up and employing her within the Jade Jag. Laz would do anything for her. So to see her so distraught shook her to her core. Laz was the first to pull away from the extended hug and usher the woman into her humble abode closing the door softly and leading her towards the tanned leather couch pushed against the wall. Yellow filtered light radiating around the room via lamps and other sources illusioned the room to be placed in a time much different than what the clocks read.

They sat there for what seemed like eons before realization dawned on her, "Hath! Oh gods! I'm a fucking aquimamatqui! The text," her hand came to smack against her forehead before sliding down her face and resting against her cheek. Gods, he was infecting every nook and cranny of her personal life where she forgets she intentionally asked for her to come over! What is wrong with her?! Tlazōlteōtl is known to bring mortals and gods alike to their knees before her. They answered her. She plagued their minds! Not the other way around… right? ’Obviously not,’ a sullen thought as Ares' disgusted face flashed before her. "It's not so life altering, er, well..." she trailed off trying to think of how best to approach the topic of conversation that prompted the club owner to seek her friend's company. There she sat, fiddling with her fingers tangling in her hair and tugging at the ends nervously, "It's got to do with Ares."

To say Hathor was confused would be a complete understatement as she found herself wrapped up in welcoming arms, worried about her instead of seeking comfort herself. She easily returned the hug, holding her close as she let her own nerves wind down from the panic that had been stirred up by the text and took notice if there was anything she should be concerned about with her closest friend. Tlaz seemed to be alright which just made her more confused on what could have happened or why she was needed. Had she misread? Was the text from someone else? Hath let herself be led inside, taking a seat on the plush tanned leather of the familiar couch that had been offered to her.

She looked to Tlaz expectedly, waiting for her to explain why she was here. Hathor had no problems with it, she always enjoyed her time with her but if something was wrong then she wouldn’t be able to help unless the two talked. It felt like an eternity had passed before the Aztec Goddess spoke up, obviously not remembering that she had practically given Hathor a heart attack but that wasn’t the major concern in her eyes. It meant something serious was on Tlaz mind which made Hath’s surprised expression twist into concern, her earlier panic trying to push its way back into place but she shoved it back. Tlaz needed her a pillar and support, panic had no place in that mix. She raised an eyebrow, keeping her mouth or comments to herself as she waited patiently for Tlaz to explain what was going on. The start wasn’t convincing that was for sure with the trail off of words, the suspense building because of the pause.

Ares being part of the mix was… well, it was not expected. The two always had something between each other but that was just their relationship in her eyes. They had an easy friendship and seemed to be able to talk, understand each other when they needed it. What had happened that was causing this flustered mess in her friend that was usually so confident? Well, she was determined to find out. ”Ares?...and what exactly happened involving Ares that has you so upset?”, Hathor asked cautiously, a sinking feeling in her gut that she wasn’t going to like that answer. Her mind tried to run through different scenarios but most didn’t see it ending happily for the God of War. She would wait though, give him the benefit of the doubt as he had done nothing to her personally that would make her think otherwise. He had always had her respect even if they stood on shaky ground because of their personalities.

"Well, you see…" the sheepishness of her nature was very unbecoming of the Filth Goddess, so unlike her usual confidence. Just a few days, a kiss and a stupid vision and she was reduced to a mess of emotions befitting even the most inept mortal. It was disgusting and very abnormal. Laz took in a deep breath and tried to figure out where to even begin, best just to rip the bandaid off quickly, "I kissed Ares. Well, he came onto me. The night of the Conclave and the fight in the club.” Words spilled from her mouth uninhibited now that she started, she confessed about everything that took place when they had retired to the bathroom. Her only intentions were to clean him up, not get swept up in new, blooming feelings, “I don’t know if I was feeling the side effects from Aphrodite’s stupid stunt from earlier and he just… Hath, I swear it was just to bandage and clean him up… but then he was so close and he looked at me like I’ve always wanted someone to see me. And, and he just kissed me.” She awaited her fate at the hands of her best friend, eyes closed with the rush of information just passed through the airwaves, head spinning at just his name. This was ridiculous.

Hearing about the kiss was surprising, mostly because as far back as she could remember, Tlaz had been hung up on another Greek entirely. Hathor didn’t see a problem with this new development, not by a long shot. She had tried to convince the goddess more than once that she shouldn’t waste her affections on someone who wasn’t interested. Of course, Hathor never listened to her own advice but it was still good advice! It was a positive thing that she was opening up to another possibility even though Tlaz couldn’t see it at this moment. It made her relieved that the situation wasn’t as dire as it first appeared when she had gotten the text message. Hath made sure to hold back an excited smile though, as her jumping on the subject before it being seen in a positive light wouldn’t be a good thing. Maybe she could set them up somehow? There were other people she could ask for help that cared about Tlaz as much as she did.

“But that’s not even the worse part,” she had to steel herself, this was the most devastating part of the entire incident, “He’s dating someone. A mortal. The blonde I was talking to… they’re in love Hath...” The words hung in the air, dripping with meanings unsaid. There was no place for her in Ares life like she wanted. He was in love with someone else. As Laz released the emotions she bottled, exposing a vulnerable side that truly only Hathor has been able to witness she felt lighter. Nothing was made clear, no revelations to be had, but there was a weight lifted from her chest. A veil from her eyes, as she looked across the cushions towards her friend.

Her plotting was cut short though at the mention there was something worse. Hathor was ready and prepared to hear some silly excuse but the next words that exited the goddess’s lips had her freezing. She felt like a bucket of frigid ice water had been dumped over her, freezing her in place as the words hit a little too close for comfort. It was a repeated loop she had experienced so many times, a wound would probably never heal. It was painful to have it happen to yourself but to see someone else you care about go through it was agony. Rage sliced through her, fast as a lightning bolt and boiled over like magma within her as she felt that familiar blood thirsty need to destroy and drown in the pleasure his pain would give her. Hathor wanted to stand, walk out of the apartment and hunt down that fucking piece of shit coward that dared to touch someone precious to her while he was “supposedly” in love with another. It was fair to neither woman but more so Tlaz who knew the truth. She doubted Ares gave his mortal the same courtesy. He would pay. He would regret. He would understand what true pain was.

Sadly, she would have to hold onto her rage, let it fester instead of acting on it because right now… Tlaz was more important. She scooted over, wrapping her into a tight hug and trying to find the words to say. None had ever made her feel better after all. Sorry made you feel pathetic and telling Tlaz she would make it right meant that she might stop her which is not an option. She tried to rack her brain on how to make her best friend feel better or distract her from the situation. That is when Hermes came back into her thoughts, not that she wanted either of them to see him right now but there were two things she thought would be helpful at this current moment.”Herm lives in this building, right? Want to break into his apartment and play with his puppies? I can also do a hostile takeover and kick him out if he is still there. What do you say?”

What could she say, sitting there still wrapped in the arms of her savior, other than a resounding, “Fuck yes.” And in a flurry of movements, quick as if to distract their minds of what just transpired, Tlazōlteōtl and Hathor were locking up the apartment and heading towards the Greek messenger’s home.

Breaking into Hermes' apartment was easy, especially since the conman used the simplest of mortal thoughts when it came to hiding his spare key; under the doormat. Soon enough, the two goddesses were standing in the foyer of the home, viciously being attacked by his precious pooches.

Too many jumbled emotions swirled within her, regardless of the well appreciated distraction the puppers provided. Laz just couldn’t get past it. “This is…helping. Yeah,” it was forced. More like she was trying to convince herself rather than the woman wrestling with the five pound dog as she went about the apartment watering his many pots of varying plants and flowers. “The Ares incident was a spur of the moment thing. Besides, there’s always Hermes.” That’s it. A mantra. Something repetitive. The average person has to repeat something over eight times in order for it to get stuck in their heads, and about twenty times for it to become a habit. So, where does that leave a goddess? A groan, deep from within her bones, wanted to crawl out of her chest but she kept it. If nothing else than to save face. It was a fool’s errand to continue to chase after the casino owner. What else was there for her?

Hathor frowned as she petted and played with one of the enthusiastic puppies. It seemed that this was not helping as much as she had hoped if the forced words were anything to go by. In all honesty, she thought cute puppy faces and loving licks would help her compress the rage rolling through her but was finding it difficult. She stood from her crouched position, heading towards the kitchen and filling a measuring cup full of water. If she couldn’t do something to distract herself then she should at least water the multitude of plants that were overflowing from all locations as payback for breaking in. At this point, she was starting to wonder if Hermes had a crush or a problem with the overwhelming amount of plants. A selfish part of her was hopeful that it was a crush and that maybe Kore would take up that offer if he got the courage to act on those feelings. Of course she wanted the two happy but it also made her feel like she might have more of a chance herself.

It was strange, knowing someone might relate to how she felt. She shook that thought way, almost wanting to groan in frustration at the denial she was hearing from her friend. She could try to fool herself but it would take a lot more than that to convince Hathor. She could say nothing, let her struggle with the hope that what she was saying was real or she could show her what she already knew. ”Do you really believe that? Or are you trying to stop the hopeless feeling that you might be falling hard and fast for someone that you think is an impossible option?” She asked with a sigh while pausing in her watering to look Tlaz straight in the eyes. ”If it is the first option, I have to ask why this is upsetting you as much as it is... if it is the second option, I can say I know exactly how that feels. That I have been in your shoes and still am in the same position in many ways. I would tell you it’s not easy but then again, when is love ever easy. I could try and rationalize why he did what he did, but only he will know that answer.”

The brutal veracity with which Hathor poured into her words jarred something within her to the same effect of grabbing her and shaking the sense into her. A heaviness encompassed the room. Senses on high alert, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end, flesh decorated with goosebumps. Hath was right, but it didn't make the situation any less terrifying for her.

Falling to her knees, prompting the canine companions to trot up to her and nuzzle her open palms with wet noses and equally damp tongues, a shaky breath passing her lips, "Gods, I’m just a tlasohtla kokoxki fool. First with Hermes and now with Ares… am I insane for feeling this way?” It was a rhetorical question, even as she looked up at Hathor for a brief moment turning her gaze back towards Ares and Zeus - of course one of the puppies is named after the object of her struggles in the house of the other struggle. Frustration bubbled forth and out into the expanse of the room.

“Envy grips at me, Hath,” she gripped at her chest and then her mess of tangled curls standing to her feet pacing the length of the den while Hathor continued to water plants. Patiently waiting and listening to the trivial issues plaguing the Aztec, “He is in love with someone else, he practically threw me off of him and hasn’t spoken to me since. Aphrodite and her visions ka tlatelchiualli, a curse on them both. This would have never been an issue had she not exposed everyone to visions of love and whatever okse aompaneualistli, other nonsense! He spoke the words to me ‘I didn’t see who I was supposed to see…’ then why did he kiss me? Why make the first move other than to torture me?” Her breathing was rapid as she sped through her diatribe. Envy wasn’t the only powerful emotion raging within her frame and she was slowly coming to terms with the boiling in her veins. In her mind she believed that Ares saw her as a second choice, a bad habit, a spur of the moment, a convenience. She was none of those things. Laz was a goddess in a situation where love did not come easy and taking Hathor’s wisdom and experience was the best solution to the problem.

Hathor continued to fill the measuring cup and water the various plants as Tlaz spoke and questioned her feelings. She found herself biting her bottom lip as she let Tlaz talk it out but it was hard to wait for her to finish what she had to say. She was literally holding her limitless rage in check by practically a single thread and the reflection of her own worries and envy didn’t help the issue. She took a deep breath, letting the monotonous task of caring for the foliage keep her grounded to the here and now, not the wishes she desperately wanted to fulfill. She needed to be present and stay calm for Tlaz sake is what she reminded herself and set the glass down next to a random potted plant, turning to face the Aztec goddess. She really didn’t want to admit this out loud, something she had feared doing since she first felt the telltale signs of love blossoming many many years ago without her desire for it to happen. If she could avoid actually saying the whole truth then she would try but if she was questioned, she wouldn’t lie.

”You aren’t insane. In fact, if you are then I am completely bonkers and spiraling with no hope of returning to sanity.”, Hathor sighed and dropped into one of the chairs Hermes had conveniently in her area before scrubbing her hand over her face. ”I know exactly what it is like to stew in envy, to be falling for someone that only has eyes for another, to feel helpless and insignificant in comparison, to feel like the second best and wonder what you could do to make them truly look at you or value you above everyone else. Tlaz, I know how it feels because I am in the same boat as you are in this moment, only I’ve been here longer. Now, I can’t speak for Ares because I can’t comprehend to know his mind or what he is thinking. He could have been caught up in the moment, he could have seen you instead of his mortal and been confused on what that meant, maybe he has been having doubts but in any case, the only way to get answers is to seek answers. You have to be willing to face the possibility this could be the start of something new whether it be positive or negative.”, Hathor said in a calm and serious tone, her heart aching as she spoke and not just for herself but for Tlaz as well. It was something she would have to do for herself and make a choice on how she wanted to move forward or if she wanted to move forward at all. Ares had not been kind. Neither way was fair to anyone in this situation. It felt like an awkward moment, the tension in the air so thick, that someone could probably cut it with a knife.

Hearing those words awoke something within the depths of her soul. The start of something, positive or negative. It was as it was. The best course of action would be to hold off on anything dealing with Ares privately. For now. There would come a time and a place where that could change, until then it was business as usual. As the haze in her eyes dimmed and the adrenaline calmed Tlaz quieted herself as best she could. There were many more questions raised towards the meanings behind the words spoken from the Egyptian goddess, and though she should have filed that away for another time her curious and meddlesome nature prevented her from doing so.

Hathor had spent a great deal of time and effort, too much in her opinion, doting and aiding her - it was time she returned the favor. “You’re absolutely right,” as calmly as she could, which she thought was pretty damn good all things considering, she pushed the ringlets from her eyes, wiping what amount of moisture had gathered at her lash line and stood to her full height. Only then did hooded eyes lower, confidence settling back in, she had to beat back a few palm leaves that nearly smacked her in the face, “Honestly, what is with all the fuckin’ greenry. It’s like Kore’s moved in…” she stopped herself from finishing the sentence but not the thought and froze. A deep breath and she pushed through, this was a new turn of the page in a very long life. No need to dwell on anything but the woman before her.

“Aside from previous experiences with He Who Will Not Be Named because he’s a piece of shit, who is it that has the wonderful, gorgeous Mistress of Heaven in the same predicament as the Patron of Adulterers?” The irony of one of her titles being thrown was not lost on the goddess that spoke the words into existence, but like the recent thoughts of Hermes and Kore, she pushed them down and back into the furthest reaches of her mind. To be dealt with at a later time. Perhaps. Hathor was the only one that mattered.

If she was ever going to admit the truth out loud, now would be it. There was no one else she would rather share her feelings with, save for the person that her heart currently belongs to. Just saying the actual words made it all the more real which is why she kept them to herself, never letting it pass from her lips. However, Tlaz had been vulnerable and open with her, it would be only fair that she placed the same trust in her. Hathor took a deep breath, her frayed emotions and nerves soothing as she thought about the same man she had been sitting with that morning. She looked to her friend, with a gentle smile and the softest of expressions as she finally spoke, ”I’ve fallen in love with Hades….or maybe I’m still falling and hoping I’ll be caught. Either way, talk about impossible hopes, right?”

Excitement buzzed through her as the words drifted to her ears. Hathor and Hades. Tlazōlteōtl had already begun to picture the two of them together. It wasn’t an impossible hope to have and she made sure to voice that to the woman sitting before her. Nothing was, especially with everything the gods have been through; before and after the Colossus. “Hades? That old stick in the mud,” she attempted humor to ease the apprehension that hung with those words, “It is not impossible mi amor. It is like you said, you have to be willing to seek answers to get answers. You should try your luck at the charity event. I happen to know he is going to be there, because I will personally see to it.” Laz could sense the trepidation before she spotted it behind those obsidian orbs framed by long curtains of lashes.

Moving to take a seat on the plush cushions, she grabbed a hold of both hands taking them in her own, warmth enveloping them both, as Ares and Zeus ran beneath their legs yapping for attention. “Hath, you cannot live a life as I have, as you have, any longer. You deserve all the happiness in the universe. In this life and the next. And I’m going to help you get it!” She punctuated the ending of her statement with a kiss to her cheek and gentle shake of the shoulder. ”Thank you, Tlaz.”, Hath replied with a bright smile, feeling more hopeful than she had in a long time. Laz began spouting off her master plan of having Hathor approach Hades at the ball, ask him to dance, and spend some quality time with him; alone. If things were to work out, as Laz would make sure, then there was nothing to fear, though if it were to go south the strength of the liquor, that would be provided, was a surefire escape route.”Have I ever mentioned that you are the best? I’m so lucky to have you as my friend.”, she spoke, taking her hands and grinning ear to ear. ”We should probably get out of here though before Hermes gets back and I don’t know about you but I’m starved. How about that lunch you promised?”

collab: @Akayaofthemoon mentions: @Legion02 | @Danvers | @sly13

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The sounds of static popping and cracking of a record spinning idly on the platter as the stylus skips along the surface smoothly filled in the small space of the otherwise calm apartment. Chaos enveloped the small, modern contemporary kitchen as dishes, caked in batter, sat soaking in the skin. Flour dusted the counter tops, clearly spilled from the mixing bowls and forgotten about. Syrup that missed the plates, or fell from the edges of the picture perfect breakfast, sat in multiple tiny pools upon the surface as well. The static of the white noise is drowned out only by the soft lull of ivory keys making way for the drop of a concealed bass and snare. Almost like a music box in it's tinkling. Thumping in time with an invisible metronome, and it's in this sort of stillness that the chaotic energy is subdued. For a time. For a moment.

With sunlight streaming in through the open window, sheer cream curtains drawn back, Comus finds herself sitting atop the counters of her freshly destroyed scullery, flour decorating the apples of her cheeks and forehead. "This looks good enough to eat~" she sings aloud, clapping her bands together and kicking out her feet in a happy little dance before opening up her phone to snap a picture worthy of social media.

Once it's posted with a cute little caption of "Pollo isn't the only chef in the squad ✌" she is digging in, scrolling through her feed and messages, eyes snagging on the last few texts from Hebe talking about a brunch with Ares for that morning. Unfortunately, she had to cancel on her bestest best friend and a brunch with her favorite cousin; even if Ares was rooting the bill, all due to a fitting, and now a photo shoot taking place at 10. Which prompted her to shift her gaze to the time at the top of her phone screen only to help in surprise and nearly drop the handheld. "Oh shit! I'm gonna be late! Fuck!"

For the next ten minutes Coco spent it scrambling down from her position in the kitchen and rushed about trying to look somewhat presentable for when she arrived at the photo shoot with Aphrodite. She knew there was no way in Hades that she was going to get there in time so she sent off a quick text to the Goddess of Love informing her, hoping that she could keep the fashion coordinators off her ass when did finally stroll into the studio.

To: aphro love 🌺💗
im running late! again 😫 please dont kill me. keep the coordinator busy while i sneak in? 🤧 ill get you your fav drink! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 thank you love youuuu

Pleased enough with the quick text, she took one last final look around her cozy apartment, frowning quite a bit at the mess still sitting in her sink, but brushed the wrinkles away with the back of her wrist. "I'll deal with it later..." she grumbles as she closes and locks the door, rushing to the steps; Coco did not have time to wait on that shitty lift. As soon as Comus stepped out of the threshold of her complex she was greeted with a pleasant breeze picking up around her, carrying her loose strands of hair to whip about her; effectively hitting her in the face more than once. It had been some time since the Conclave and her catch up date with Hebe; making a note to have her come over and have another movie night - sans the rom-coms. Maybe. There is a lot of shit Coco puts up with for the sake of Hebe's happiness. If rom-coms are the deciding factor, than, well, Coco was just gonna have to suck it up.

The trek to the studio was tedious at best, boring at the worst. However, today seemed to be looking up for her as she spotted her dear grandfather strutting his stuff down the sidewalk. His tailored suits doing wonders for his figure and she had to wonder, to whom his he trying to impress? Steely greys pierced the crowds around the god among men taking notice of how he slipped into the tea shop, a local favorite of both mortals and godly beings. Hades plopped right down into the seat across from Hathor, the beauty that works at the Jade. Which reminded her to stop by and visit more often. A sly smirk "Granddad, you devil you..."

After swinging by the nearest coffee shop along the way towards the studio she passed by a line of stores, selling a myriad of different items; jewelry, boutique like fabrics and clothes, bags and books. One store in particular caught the goddesses chaotic eye, a pleasant smile tugging the corners of her lips up. She was already late, what's the harm in a few more minutes? A few minutes spent inside granted Coco a reprieve from the hassle of rushing to the shoot and just took her time, perusing the isles. The store was practically empty, morning sun light coming in through the large double pane, floor to ceiling windows, bathing the shop in warmth. The materials bowed beneath her fingertips as she scanned the shelves. 'It needs to be perfect... which one, which one...' Each one seemed duller than the last and she was just about to give up when the last shelf, up at the very top and towards the back caught her eye. Comus didn't need to feel the fabric used to know that it was perfect. Without hesitation she snatched it up - utilizing the staff's help of course, a cute mortal male who gave her an award winning smile - and proceeded to pay. A smile on her lips, a new item in her bag on her hips and a number slipped into her front pocket; the morning was starting to look up.

Until she arrived into the studio. Immediately she was bombarded by the assistant coordinator; who might as well have been just as bad. Always talking to someone whether it was the person in her ear or the other models, no one was really sure. Spouting off how everyone, a pointed look at Coco informed her that this was directed to her, should be grateful to be selected to showcase the Aeon brand. This was Leona Faustus after all. Coco wondered if it was possible to go blind with how hard she rolled her eyes. As the models were dismissed to head off to the makeup bench and changing racks she caught sight of some familiar faces. "Helen!" Before heading back towards the therapist and model combo, she set her possessions down on the bench and taking a long, sweet look at the item poking out of her bag. She pat the top of it, fingers carding through the shag like fabric, "Oh, can't wait! Heebs is gonna love you~" With a swift turn she headed towards Aphrodite, her promised drink in hand.

mentions: @baraquiel @Danvers @Icy Hot
@BleedingLoveryou can post them here that would be perfect ✌🏻🙃
@BleedingLover Yes we are!

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So much time had passed since she had seen him. Heard from him. And the last thing she did hear from his kissed bruised lips was “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! That can’t bode well. An ominous sign indeed. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as Tlazōlteōtl sat there at the bar, head in her hand, the other lazily stirring her whiskey. The condensation racing down the sides of the glass towards the cocktail napkin just beneath it. ’What did that even mean. Was it a misunderstanding? He wasn't too drunk, was he? No. That wasn't it. It would take much, much more for mortal's liquor to affect even the youngest of the gods. Then what? It baffled her to no end. It wasn't her powers. She would never use them on Ares as such. She knew that much at least. A terrible thought cracked across the forefront of her mind, ’was it all a nasty trick?

That alone soured her mood and it seeped from her in droves. She hopped from her spot, downing her drink, and proceeded to walk around the floor between the number of women that had taken up residency at the bar. The Jaguar was packed once more, it was Ladies Night after all, and the throng of veteran and new guests alike were crowding the bar in search of refills and placing new drink orders before the next dancer arrived on the main stage. Quite a few bachelorettes with their bridal party and friends this evening, ’Expect large tips tonight boys…’

As they swarmed the bar, Tlazōlteōtl lightly gave them a pat on the shoulder or hand, asking how it was they were enjoying themselves, listening to their idle chit chat, work her magic and then move on to the next one. However, a voice stopped her in her tracks. It wasn't familiar by any means, but it wasn't unfamiliar either. Something about it gnawed at the back of her mind. ’Where did she know it from?’ A few seats down from where the goddess stood was a beautiful woman with hair like flaxen gold curled and tousled over her shoulders, her tone seemed anxious but her voice was feathery and light indicative to a warm natured soul. But it wasn’t just the sound of the mysterious woman’s voice that caused her bead to swivel, it was her words calling out for Alex to call her back.

It could have been because Ares was taking up all the available real estate in her mind, but there was something just tugging her to get closer. To determine if this was intertwined together or, like it would most likely be, a complete coincidence. A cruel joke by the fates, surely, but a coincidence nonetheless.

Approaching the blonde without being spotted was a simple enough task to complete, she seemed completely focused on whatever conversation she was having with the voicemail on the other end. She was setting the phone down by the time Tlazōlteōtl sidled up next to her, ”Trouble in paradise?” an alluring lilt to her voice so as not to come off as completely nosey, as she nodded towards the phone still clutched in the woman’s perfectly manicured hands. Upon closer inspection to the woman she realized that she was unfamiliar to her. Then what was it about her voice that pulled her this way? It couldn’t have simply been because of the mention of Alex… how many Alexes were there in the world? Too many that’s for damn sure…’

Tlazōlteōtl is nearly floored when she catches the home screen of the woman’s phone as she goes to set it down. There, lit up for all the world to see, had anyone decided to just look down for those last fifteen seconds or so, would bear witness to Ares in all his mortal glory. A picture of him like no one had ever seen, or rather not many have seen. A side of him that was so well guarded that it had even taken her, the Goddess of Filth and Purification, quite some time before being graced with seeing him so content and relaxed and just… happy. It would have caused jealousy and rage to brew deep within her belly, at seeing his picture on her phone - this random mortal - if she weren’t so curious and confused.

The girl had just released a worried sigh and lowered her phone when Tlaz – a stranger to her – had approached her. She was a little surprised at first, but then looked at the phone the stranger was pointing at. “Oh no, it’s just… he promised to call me back and he didn’t but it’s fine. It’s fine. It happens.” She dismissed it with casual ease. But her voice betrayed a little worry. Alex hadn’t been home yesterday. Or today. That wasn’t new, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t feeling worried about him. Her sweet Alex. Did something happen to him? Wait… someone was talking to her. She shook herself loose of the worry as she extended her hand. “I’m so sorry, I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Julie!” She said with a bright smile.

'A name to a face,’ Tlazōlteōtl was many things, impolite to patrons was not one of them. Well, not unless they demanded it. This young woman didn't deserve it and therefore Tlazōlteōtl was cordial enough with an exotic smile and offering her hand. "A pleasure, Julie, I am Lalli Teotl; owner of the Jade Jaguar. May I be the first to welcome you into my establishment with a refreshment. Yasmin is a mix master, on the house of course." The tawny skinned goddess noticed that her company was going to refuse when she punctuated her statement with an "I insist, that way you can tell me all about this... guy. I've been told I'm an excellent listener," her fingertips barely touched Julie's exposed shoulder, but that's all it took for a brilliant smile to grace her face, a nod and Tlazōlteōtl was ordering towards Hathor with just a glance.

This mortal held connections with Ares. Connections that he had neglected to mention and divulge any time he was in her presence. Granted, there were things that she kept from him but in all fairness, he never inquired about her sex life; not really... but she had questioned him about it before. Many a time in fact. He always managed to dodge the question, or brush off her words with a knowing smirk, a lick to his lips and a gaze that just traveled over her before he derailed the topic. The thought struck her, had he always held a sort of power over her? Without her realizing? All signs pointed to yes, if the other night was any indication. Those were questions for another time. For now, her attention was turned to the mortal beside her, drinks now placed before them, Tlazōlteōtl took her drink in hand sipping lightly a question danced past her lips, "So, tell me Julie, what troubles you? How are you enjoying yourself," and subtle nod back to the now black screen of her phone, "All things considered?"

“Oh nothing is troubling me, really.” She quickly said, as she took the tiniest sip of the drink she could. Only if you looked really closely could have seen the liquid sit lower in the glass now. It wasn’t because she disliked the drink. Quite the opposite, it was delicious! But Julie knew she was a lightweight. What she had said was a lie though. As she kept glancing at her phone, hoping for a message from Alex. “I’m just here with some friends.” She then continued, turning around to point at a table where a bunch of girls were sitting, cheering and laughing with drinks that various guys bought for them in their hands. All of them were models, colleagues (or ex-colleagues technically) of Julie. Though some had brought their boyfriends along. The sight made Julie ache. Alex never went out with her and her friends. They only went on dates alone. All her friends kept bugging her to introduce him but he was adamant about it. He was adamant about many things but they never constrained her. “I just… kind of wished Alex would’ve come out with me.” She muttered. But then turned to face Lalli again. She wasn’t sure why the proprietor of such a big club would talk to little old her. She wasn’t anything special. Half her friends were more beautiful than she was. And she was just a photographer. “The club is really beautiful though! This is the first time I’ve been inside. And the first time I’ve seen someone use teal instead of red!”

Tlazōlteōtl was no stranger to the longing, forlorn look in her eyes, the telltale sign of weariness creeping into her voice as she spoke the words, as if speaking them aloud would miraculously summon him to her side. Or at least ring her phone. All signs that she herself felt towards a certain conniving messenger god. Many thanks were ushered from her as she accepted the compliments from this mortal. She knew her club was unique, but it never hurt to hear more praise. Especially praise as genuine as the ones she was currently receiving.

"Men…" she began, tapping a nail against the thick of her glass, "they need us to grab them by the tie and force their attention back to us. They get so lost in their own little worlds that they tend to neglect their other duties," Tlazōlteōtl smirked as her eyes raked over Julie, a beautiful mortal indeed before taking a long sip of her drink.

The ice settled at the bottom of the glass making the smallest of twinkling sounds. "Let's see 'im," she gestured almost impatiently, "Who is this man who is distracting you from Ladies Night…"

“Oh Alex isn’t like that!” Julie quickly said as she quickly went through her phone to pull the right picture of him. “I mean I know he’s away for long and sometimes just can’t answer his phone. But he always comes back. And he always got flowers and chocolates and…” Her words trailed off, but only because she remembered all the good things he did. All the effort he made. “He’s always with me when I need him.” She found the picture she had taken. One of the few ones she was in, kissing a soaked looking Ares. Julie handed the phone to Lalli as she told the story behind it.

“Molly, my cat, died three years ago. I couldn’t do anything. I just cried the whole day. That night I just sent him a small message. We had just started dating back then. I didn’t want to weigh him down and I knew I was going to be a mess for weeks. It was better to.. you know.. finish it.” Even though she knew that wasn’t the end, even uttering those words made her heart break a little. “An hour later he stood at my door. Drenched from the storm. Just to be with me. He cooked for me. He cleaned the house. He made sure everything around me was taken care of. My grandma always told me: ‘Julie, find you a man who does things for you. That’s how men show affection.’” For a second she stopped to wipe away a tear, one clearly of happiness, away before she continued. “I later learned his car had broken down and that he ran for half an hour through that storm. Two months later he went with me to the animal shelter and we adopted Snowball.” She finished with a laugh.

She would have let her mind wander, and for a brief moment it did. But not willingly or to something pleasant. No, the thoughts that plagued the mind of the goddess were that of… well she couldn't discern. Being around for as long as she had one would have thought the words would be present for her use. Bitterness? Resentment? Contempt? None of them aptly captured her inner turmoil.

Not only was this woman someone who knew Ares, as Alex of course, but someone with whom he shared his softer side. A caring side, completely separate from who he was that she knew. Were they not as close as she once believed? Did he not care for her as he did for this mortal? The events from the previous evening crossing her mind. A kiss that shook her to her core, and him as well, though it seemed for very different reasons. He had someone to go home to. Someone to cherish and embrace. To share those kinds of intimate moments with someone who wasn't of Aztec descent. His words echoed within her, “I… didn’t see who I should’ve seen...” of course! How could she have been so blind. Such an idiot. He didn't see her, why would he? What was she to him but a spur of the moment. He was hot blooded and riled up from the aftermath of the Conclave and then with the fight earlier that night. Unshed tears pricked her eyes and she was skilled enough in love lost to blink them away before being noticed.

Taking one last look at the phone she smiled softly, melancholic even. "He's always been a great guy…" the words uttered under her breath were meant to go unheard, though with the way Julie's posture changed she knew it wasn't the case. Backtracking, Tlazōlteōtl cleared her throat before passing the phone back, "Alex Miknosos right? We've known each other for awhile now," she gave a slight chuckle, "We were colleagues for the longest time, way back when."

Upon passing the phone back to her she took note of the screen lighting up, much like the smile he wore in the photo. She wondered, somberly, did he ever feel that elated in her presence? Did he ever believe there could have been more between them?

Julie furrowed her brow a little as Lalli looked at the picture. For a split second she thought she saw recognition in her eyes. No, not just recognition. Something different. Something darker. No, no that was impossible. Why would anyone dislike Alex? He was such a sweet person. Sure he could look a little intimidating but he wouldn’t dare hurt a fly. But when the woman before her said something about how he had always been a great guy, her expression turned a little lighter. Hopeful. Did she know Alex!? Then the bombshell fell. “Oh my god! You worked for Aegis Capital!?” Julie exclaimed as she took back her phone. Missing the melancholy in Lalli’s smile entirely. She couldn’t believe it. Finally she met someone from his history! “How was he like back then? Like was he always so guarded about things?” She asked as her eyes were practically sparkling. Maybe she’d finally get some more answers about who Alex used to be.

Whatever Tlazōlteōtl was expecting to happen, this was not it. She was, once again, at a loss for words but managed all the same, "Alex, yeah, guarded is putting it mildly," she smiled, body language becoming more relaxed as she leaned in. Reminiscing on all memories shared between them. Ah, the stories she could tell. "He's always been a hardass. Always making sure that the job was done and done right. To the point where he would do it himself. Alex never believed he was above others and expected that if he can lower himself to do the task at hand so could you."

Memories of moments shared played behind her eyes like a movie, fast forwarding and pausing only slightly on certain instances. One in particular stood out; a night they shared at a seedy bar, smoke clouding the air - thick and heavy - patrons speaking in different languages all hushed as if fearful of whatever they discussed would be overheard and deciphered. Tlazōlteōtl having just lost her only son had been on a bender, far worse than she feared any mortal felt. Ares was there, bumping her shoulders, throwing back drinks with her, allowing her to use him as her own personal punching bag. In hindsight he didn't deserve to be on the receiving end of her grief, but he was there and he allowed it. Offered himself up. Tlazōlteōtl was at rock bottom and he knew it, could sense the sorrow radiating off of her and let her go off, staying with her the entire time. Afterwards he claimed it was because that's what she needed, who was he to stop her from that? And it just made their bond so much more than colleagues...

It was difficult to pull her from the fond memories of the past, but it was done nonetheless, and she was still seated there with Julie. This human that somehow garnered the attention of Ares and managed to keep it all to herself. A person in his life, regardless of who it was, that had been hidden from all aspects of his true nature. But the same could be said of the reverse, none of the gods knew she existed in such a way as to be this intimate with an immortal.

Tlazōlteōtl kept her mouth shut about any of the dealings that have taken place between the two of them for the sake of Hades and his organization. Even the ones that may or may not have been wholly sanctioned, but that wasn't any of her concern. Business was business after all. Probably why she chose to stay so close to this Julie character. Even though she ached from confusion and envy of knowing that Julie was connected to the source of her anguish, she was still a client, a guest, and therefore will be treated as such.

"Alex is many things, Julie, I have known him for quite some time," she went to fiddle with her glass, ice now melted down from the humidity of the bodies dancing around them really wishing she had something else to quench this dry mouth of hers, "but once he sets his mind to something it's nearly impossible to pull him away until it's resolved." There was no ill will towards this woman, why should there be. She wasn't the one who toyed with her emotions. Wasn't the one who kissed her and ignited unrequited feelings to bloom and burst forth between her ribs and take hold like strangle vines of smoke and musk. No. That was reserved for Ares and the next time she saw him. For now, she just offered a slow, firm pat to the top of Julie's hand and as warm of a smile as she could muster with the amount of conflicting emotions surging through her.

The way Lalli spoke of Alex, she definitely knew him. Maybe as deep as Julie thought she knew him. Maybe she knew him even better than she did. For all their years together, he has rarely shared anything about his own past. It was like he was a ghost that just appeared in her life. He met her parents, went to weddings with her, took her out on dates in the most beautiful restaurants. Meanwhile she didn’t even know the name of his mother. Only once did he slip up and basically revealed that he had siblings. But she never met one in her life. Sometimes, during boring family events, she found herself fantasizing about the people that raised the one she loved. What were they like? They must’ve been the best people on the earth to raise someone like Alex. At those family events though Alex seemed to enjoy himself immensely. Maybe he just never met often with his own family.

But still, the way Lalli spoke of Alex… she knew him well. Better than her, maybe. The way this woman spoke as she fiddled with her glass. Did she know him from more than work? Had they been… together? Of course Julie felt envious about that. For a second she kept silent, letting the music fill the quiet void between them. Then, when she had gathered enough courage, she bit down on her lip and asked: “Did you… I mean were you two… more than colleagues once?”

"There was a time," she began, her thoughts drifting to the number of times throughout history where the idea of a more intimate relationship could have sprung forth from their friendship. However at her words she could physically see Julie's posture contort and deflate before she continued, "Where I believed that we could have been." There was something within herself that she was sure even the densest of mortals could sense, something so dismal that swarmed the words that fell from her lips.

So, with a quick switch in gears she added with a subdued sigh and a comical shrug, trying to seem as nonchalant about it all as best as she could. But the words, and just the entire situation of it all. Being here where it happened, talking with her it made it all so surreal. "But it seemed the Fates had different plans for the two of us, he's found you and I've never seen him as lively and elated as he's been these last few years." The corners of her lips were pulled into a slight smile that didn't quite reach her eyes but Tlazōlteōtl had had many a year to perfect the imposter.

Julie blushed and pursed her lips a little when she heard Lalli had never seen Alex so lively and elated. It felt like a compliment that was far too generous. She had to admit, when Lalli said ‘There was a time’ she felt envious. Afraid even! Who was she compared to such a beautiful and confident woman? Someone who worked with Alex. Who knew him much longer than she did. Someone that owned a club as big as this one! But when she continued, her heart eased up. Nothing happened and all was good.

She was about to ask then, with a big smile on her face, about Ares’ family. About everything they did together. About how he was when he was maybe younger. About his siblings. But her barrage of questions was quickly halted by her phone vibrating. She quickly checked the caller ID, hoping not to appear rude. But when she saw the name of the one calling, her entire face lit up. “I’m so sorry I have to take this!” She almost squealed towards Lalli before picking up.

“Hey!” She said, elated, through the phone. “Guess where I am! No. Nope. Alex, I’m with Cynthia! Nope. Not even close.” She winked playfully at Lalli before her. Tlazōlteōtl had already stood from her long seated position, glancing around through the crowds of people culminating within the teal and green walls of the Jaguar. It had become even more busy in the time that she's spent with the mortal. As Julie continued with her call with Ares, Tlazōlteōtl made sure to keep her ears open, straining to hear anything of his from the other side of the phone; especially at the mention of her name. “The Jade Jaguar! And I’ve met someone. Lalli, the owner of the club! She told me a lot about you already! Oh, tomorrow? Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I can’t make it. No, no I have a shoot in the morning. No, no you go! And tell her I’m dying to meet her! Alright. Alright, I’ll do that. Okay and Alex… I love you.” With that she ended the phone call and looked at Lalli again. Tlazōlteōtl believed that with that one innocent look that she was trying, searching, for any signs or tells that the goddess would be affected by those three little words. Tlazōlteōtl had to sing her own praises as she kept a neutral, friendly appearance. Or so she hoped. Though she doubted that there was any malicious bone in this mortal's frame.

“Sorry… I hadn’t heard of him in almost two days. I really wanted to take that.” She apologized, looking both extremely excited and just a little bit sad as well. Tlazōlteōtl only nodded, not really knowing what to say in this sort of situation. Well, she knew what she could say, but that would serve her no purpose other than trouble. So, she stood there, empty glasses in hand as she was about to take her leave letting Julie get back to her evening out with friends just as those words left her mouth, Oh and you have Alex’s regards.”
collab: @Legion02 mentions: @Akayaofthemoon @Danvers i think hermes is mentioned 🤔

𝓑𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓡𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼
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ᴄᴏᴄᴏ's ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ | ʜᴇʙᴇ's ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ

Comus was anything but surprised to find that Aphrodite had once again turned the situation to center around her. It wasn’t like Coco had any issues with the goddess of love, on the contrary, she adored her - she was fun to work with, good spirited and has helped the chaos wielder in many situations. However, after the stunt she pulled with her mist really put a damper on Comus’ already sour mood. 'And after the mention of her husband’s murder no less… what was she tryna accomplish...' the sour thoughts only seemed to increase the more she dwelled on them.

What did surprise her however, was the embrace and words of her grandfather as Hades crouched down to her level. She wholeheartedly believed that he was only there to comfort his son, as Dio had more of a relationship with both Hephaestus and Hades… that did not seem to be the case. At least not in this instance. Speaking words in whispered tones, words of support and threats of violence against any and all those who would seek to do them harm. A grip tight on her shoulder was so foreign but it was warm, despite the cold words falling from Hades’ lips, and she found herself leaning into the touch. Seeking more.

It was then that the mist of Aphrodite encroached upon their little huddled formation. Comus, through bleary eyes, looked around to those in the room still. Aphrodite’s little parlor trick seemed to have been working wonders on those trapped in the room, though she couldn’t discern what exactly that entailed. Comus just saw… them. Those in the room. A far away look in their eyes as they relished in the visions that plagued their minds, or of contempt and sorrow. 'What exactly is going on…’ The only thing to pull her from her internal deductions was the iron claw like vice that was applying more pressure to her shoulder via Hades.

“Hades… Hades… that hurts,” she tried to get his attention, the pressure building, the fabric of the mess top draping her shoulders now digging into her flesh. When the pain got to be too much, even by her standards, she released a squawk of agony, jolting the perpetrator from his revere. Before she knew it she was ripping his touch from her body and with an abrupt motion she was up on her feet and headed out of the room, slamming the door in the process.

The biting chill of the October wind would have caused Comus to hiss in retaliation, though the coolness of it all was a welcomed reprieve to the hot skin where Hades had bruised. And as luck would have it, as she examined it she noticed the skin there was beginning to change its color. “Great,” a huff passed her lips as she wandered the quad in search of a place to just plop down. The grass beneath her jean clad legs was no longer damp from the early morning dew, instead favoring a chilly, crispness that crunched when she spread out. Leaning over just slightly in order to pull the crumbled pack of smokes from her back pocket, she pulled a spliff out, placing it precariously between her painted lips before shielding it from the soft breeze and lighting it. A trail of mixed smoke dancing from the tip.

Hephaestus is gone. Aphrodite has made it about her… somehow. Rome has now entered the playing field after being gone for who the hell knows how long. What in the fuck is even going on anymore?! Coco pulled another long drag, deep in thought with her fucked up family tree, before exhaling upwards towards the sky. ’We should have another party tonight… maybe Tlaz will host at the club… don't think Pol and Herc want their ‘rents at the Casa?’

Lost in her own little world, eyes trained on the clouds passing overhead, the birds chirping annoyingly to the students rushing across campus. There was a tinkling voice that floated through the air and it reminded the anarchic goddess of a certain youthful someone. Of days spent serving the others among the clouds of Olympus, sneaking sips without the other gods knowing. Running through the fields at the base of the mountain in the dead of night, only to cause some trouble for the mortals they found along the way. Comus sighed at the memories. She misses Hebe much too much and was in the process of making a mental note to seek her out when she felt something collide into her lounging frame and topple onto her.

Said something let out a loud squeak, breaking the peaceful to-and-fro of the quad and causing several bemused students to turn their heads, some snickering at the sight in front of them. No-one would be able to miss the tangled mess of limbs, hair and headphones that was Hebe, who had abruptly tripped over the stretched out goddess. One second she had been happily making her way across the grassy lawn and the next, the ground had slipped from underneath her, world tilting sideways as she fell. Of course, any normal person probably would not have closed their eyes whilst running but she’d been so caught up in the soothing flow of the lyrics, soft lips mouthing in time with the foreign words, which she only knew by way of incessant repetition.

After a couple of bemused seconds, Hebe sat up, rubbing at where she had landed, rather roughly, on her arm. Luckily her topple had been cushioned by the relatively soft ground so she didn’t think it would bruise, although she could see the mess of grass & dirt that had been scraped against her skin. It wouldn’t be anything new anyway; she usually had at least a couple of them on her body from where she’d either tripped over her own feet or walked into some unsuspecting object. “Oh my god! I’m so so sor-” Looking immensely apologetic, Hebe turned to see who she had tripped over, letting out her second squeak of the morning as her gaze landed on the one and only Comus.

Large brown eyes widening in excitement, any pain that she may have been in was instantly forgotten. None of that mattered when Coco was here. Scrambling up from her fallen position, Hebe lunged across to her friend, reaching to pull her into an affectionately tight hug. As she wrapped her arms around the goddess, she couldn’t help but cling on just a little too tightly. If there was any moment, any time, in which she needed her bestest friend in all the worlds...it was now.

The ringing in her ears subsided some as Coco was once more embraced this day. ’How many more times was this going to happen?’ Though this time was more welcomed than all the others. What distant memory she thought was playing tricks on her mind earlier was made flesh and bone in the death grip that found itself around Comus’ neck.

Amber pools starred up into her own as the goddess of youth clung to her. It took her only a split second before it was all clicking into place and she was embracing the smaller girl in her own affection. Face lighting up in the midday sun, or what little had decided to breach through the clouds ’Apollo’s doing?’ She wondered briefly before all attention was brought back down to the woman in her grasp.

“HEEBS!? I have missed you so~” If they had been in a standing position Comus would have most definitely spun the two of them around. ”It’s been ages since I’ve seen your beautiful face. How have you been? Where have you been?” Coco pulled away slightly only after placing a plethora of quick kisses to Hebe’s hairline and temples, scanning the beauty before her, a giddy laugh on her lips. Spliff all but forgotten on the grass between them, the tumble having knocked it to smoldering, she made sure to grab it. ”Best not to start a campus fire just yet, hm?”

”You’ve done worse.” Nose crinkling as she smiled at her friend, Hebe was unable to contain the childlike giggle that escaped from her lips. For a moment her gaze lingered on the thin tube of rolling paper, tobacco and cannabis. It wasn’t something that she often did of her own volition, but the gentle prod of a friend was usually more than enough to get her to join in almost anything. Yet this moment of temptation was interrupted by the feel of her heart quickening at what should have been an otherwise lighthearted question from an old friend. Where has she been? That was something she wasn't sure if she could answer. At least not completely or truly honestly.

“Oh, well...nowhere really! Just trying to stay out of mothers way y’know…” A hesitant smile lit up her face as she caught her earlier emotions, pushing them down into a place where they wouldn’t threaten to overspill. Instead, she replaced them with an eagerness to share with someone she had once shared everything with. During those initial decades after their fall, when she had been too scared to do anything but dutifully follow her parents around, Coco had been the one giving her a nudge in the right...or wrong, as it may have been, direction. Her fun-loving, chaotic, rebellious attitude was something that Hebe had always looked up to, and which she still admired even to this day. “I’m living on campus now - with Alpha Delta Pi! You should totally come over some time. We can have a-“ Her words had been tripping over one another as they left her mouth, unbridled excitement etched across her face. Yet Hebe, now sat crossed legged on the grassy lawn, took pause. She was close enough to Coco to notice the slight redness around her eyes and the puffiness that came with unchecked tears.

“Coco? Are you okay?” All of the eagerness instantly fell away as she realised that her friend was definitely not her usual self, and she felt her stomach drop in concern. She hated seeing anyone upset but especially her friends...especially Coco. “You look like you’ve been crying...did someone upset you?! Do you want to come back to mine? I have hot coco! Oh, and you can hug Stampy if you want! Or we can go out if you’d rather do that…” Trailing off, Hebe leaned back towards her friend, hands reaching to clasp one between her own. “You can tell me anything you know...”

As the words left Hebe's mouth, her eyes searching her face, Comus could swear that her breath audibly hitched and there wasn't much she could do to take it back. Other than play it off as she had done since the beginning of time. "Psht, its nothing Heebs," and as if to drive the notion home she waved the spliff in front of the young woman's eyes. But Hebe didn't seem convinced in the slightest, the lie she spoke didn’t even convince herself, why did she think it would work.

A long, heavy sigh breached her lips as she sat there in the grass, the campus bustling around them, a breeze picking up. Comus, if she allowed her mind to wander long enough, she could trick herself into thinking they were back at the base of Olympus with the sun beating down on them, their linen peplos billowing about them as they chased one another before crashing down in the fields… Coco allowed herself a moment’s beat as her eyes closed, hand running through the tangles of her hair before releasing the breath she didn’t realize she was holding.

”It’s, uh,” she was able to steal a glance towards her dearest friend, who looked at her with concern, clutching one of her hands within her own. Hebe has always been too good of a soul. More than what Comus ever deserved. With another shaky breath she pushed through, she was an agent of chaos for crying out loud! She can open up and be vulnerable for Hebe. At the very least. ”I’ve missed you so much, Heebs… and, and it’s been a wild ride. I’m talking with dad and Hades more... and the lot of them really, but it’s not like the past is gonna be erased with just a few drinks and conversations, ya know? And then the stupid fucking conclave with everyone shoved into this small ass room where the Morrigan, ughh, she thinks she speaks on behalf of everyone and drops the bombshell that is Hephaestus. Oh, don’t get me started on the appearance of fucking Rome 2.0, though he did bring his cute pupper - not the point -,” the amount of air within Comus lungs could rival that of Aeolus himself as she spouted off all that had been weighing on her as of late. She refused to dig any deeper than the last 24 hours.

As Coco’s words spilled out, Hebe listened in quiet consternation, eyes blinking slowly as she tried to comprehend what her friend was saying. She could sense the worry… the doubt...the frustration that Comus was feeling. Reaching up a hand, she lightly dabbed at a tear that had slid down the goddess’ cheek, wishing she could somehow make her feel better.

“I’ve missed you too. I’m so sorry I haven’t been around! It’s just-” Hebe suddenly paused at mention of the conclave, teeth moving to nervously bite at her bottom lip. She remembered getting the text but she hadn’t attended any conclaves in a long time. The idea of there being so many gods…so many of her family in one room, was too much. Especially now. And none of these reasons had mattered anyway, for when she had woken up this morning, she had been far too preoccupied by that overwhelming and all consuming panic. All thoughts of the meeting had left her in that moment, and if she were honest, she had totally forgotten about it until now.

Shaking herself out of her reverie, Hebe realized that she had been squeezing Cocos hands tightly. Letting go, she instead brought them back to herself, a palm reaching to idly rub at where the dirt had been smeared haphazardly across her arm.

“Wait...Hephaestus?” Her soft voice broke the momentary silence that had landed between them, confusion etched across her features. “Did he do something? Is he okay?” Hebe couldn’t help but feel a pit of guilt sink into her stomach. It had been a long time since she had talked to her older brother. Months…years maybe, she couldn’t really remember. At one point in time they had been close. He had always been a stable rock, someone you could rely on to at least be there…even if he simply sat and let you speak. But that had been a long time ago and she realized sadly that she couldn’t remember the last time she had spoken to him.

Comus steely greys misted over once more. The tight grip Hebe once had on her hands she returned with vigor as she gripped onto the youthful beauty before her. "Hebe, he's gone." Coco wondered quickly if she should even spare her the finer detail that he was not just gone but murdered no less. Hebe was intelligent; she would either figure it out on her own or she would press Coco for the truth. She opted just to rip the bandage off and dive head first into the turmoil, "He was murdered. That's what the meeting was about… mostly. No one knows who or why. Heebs, love, I am so sorry…" It still felt insincere, those words spilling forth from her. She hoped that the warmth and physical touch she offered her was enough to convey her sorrowful sympathy. There wasn't anything else for her to offer. Not at this time at least. Not unless Hebe asked for chaos to rain down upon the perpetrators, which she would of course gladly partake in.

Without another moment’s thought she pulled the girl into her arms, cradling her to her chest and placing well deserved and shaky kisses to her temple. They were silent for a moment as Comus tried to think of what else she could do to help. Something. Anything. But there weren't a lot of helpful things that Coco prided herself in. She was excellent at causing mayhem and chaos and just overall revelries! Not consoling and comfort. Comus was the worst person to seek those from. Yet, she needed to try for Hebe’s sake.

“...Oh.” The word slipped quietly from her mouth, a mere whisper of a sound. Hebe tried to say something else but instead her mind just went into shutdown, trying and failing to process all that Coco had said. Her lovely, strong, diligent brother was gone. Dead. Hebe, even more than most, shuddered at the thought of that word. It, in many ways, was the opposite of who she was. Her whole purpose, her whole life, had always been dedicated to immortality, to the everlasting, and the idea that someone could just simply exist to be was almost incomprehensible. She’d never see Hephaestus again.

As the words sunk in, Hebe suddenly realized that she had started crying. Silent tears flowed uninterrupted down her cheeks, the odd one falling softly onto the exposed skin of her legs. She could feel her heart begin to race again, her vision beginning to blur, but this time she wasn’t alone. This time Comus was here and she clung onto the girl as she was pulled into her embrace. They were both wearing far too little clothing for the weather and she could feel the cold on their bodies, but that didn’t matter. She was just glad she was here.

"Are...are you okay?" After what seemed like an eternity, Hebe’s voice returned to her, the sound coming out as a dry croak. "The conclave must've been horrible...is mother..." She glanced up at the nearest building, wondering where the meeting was taking place. Was it over already? Or were they all still on campus? Part of her wanted to run and find her mother, to try and comfort her. They may have had their differences over the last few centuries but she still knew how much Hera would be aching. She couldn't though. Like always, it was just too much. Instead, she used both palms of her hands to wipe at the tears, thankful that she wasn’t wearing any makeup, for it would've been smeared spectacularly across her face.

"Um, can we go do something...anything?" Looking earnestly up at Comus, Hebe kept brushing away the tears as she tried her hardest to be brave. Her instinct was to run home, to hole up until this was all over. But she knew that wouldn't help and she knew that Coco needed her as well. They needed each other.

A crooked smile broke across her face, albeit wobbly. A distraction. Yes. That is exactly what they needed. Comus stood up slowly, the new position allowing for regular blood flow to pick up again, her legs prickly from their sleep. She gracefully, as best she could, helped the other girl up to her own feet, brushing off the little bits of grass and dirt that clung to either of them. The soreness of her shoulder throbbing slightly but was still not worth the space in the forefront of her mind. Instead she turned her gaze towards the smaller frame beside her, made even shorter with the heels Coco wore.

In a last ditch attempt to be as comforting as she could, she lightly wiped the last of a stray tear from Hebe’s cheek before booping her nose, goofy smile still in place, “So,” an arm slung over Hebe’s shoulder, hoping that she would take lead, she had no idea where she was going. She didn’t really care, being in Hebe’s presence like she was, was among the few things that could calm the chaos within her, “How do you feel about clubbing?”

Smiling gently at Comus as she tidied the pair of them up, a small strained laugh escaped from her throat. Just seeing Coco perk up made her feel better...even if a small part of her did know that they were both acting the part. It was the best they could do in the moment and she appreciated it nonetheless. “Clubbing?” Hebe paused at the suggestion, tilting her head as she considered it. She’d need to change before they headed out...unless workout attire had suddenly become fashionable among night owls and heavy drinkers. But she knew how much Coco loved any form of partying, and if that’s what she wanted to do, then so be it. “Sure, why not. It’ll be fun!”

Grabbing a hold of her friends hand, she began to pull Coco in the direction of her sorority house. “But let’s go back to mine first.” Hebe tried her best to remain chirpy, although the lingering thought of 'Hephaestus is gone' remained persistently in the back of her mind. “We can pick out some cute outfits…I think Sally might have some things you’d like if you wanna get changed. Though I love what you’re already wearing!” She couldn’t help but tease the goddess lightly, sticking her tongue out at her before continuing to haul the pair across the quad.

The trek towards Alpha Delta Pi, where Hebe lived, wasn’t too terrible. Every now and again the sun would break through the clouds before dipping back behind. Almost coy like. As if they were being controlled by someone’s emotions. Comus laughed heartily at the notion and couldn’t not divulge the thought to her traveling companion as well. When they had entered into the abode it screamed with the essence of Hebe. It was painfully obvious that the prime of life was a staple in the aesthetics around the place. Upon walking into Hebe's room she immediately headed for the closet and began throwing out articles of clothing.

"We're going to need to dress the part for Topan~” she cheered, trying her hardest to move past the, well past, and enjoy the reunion of her best friend. If not for her sake than for Hebe. Time flew out the window as they sat and goofed off in her dorm like room. Hours wasted lounging on her bed, her floor, the plush chair in the corner; gossiping about everything and nothing. A pillow fight may have ensued at one point resulting in the both of them tumbling atop her bed and staring at the ceiling. Time wasters indeed. When the sun began to set it was deemed appropriate to head out, Comus thought more and more about it. Opting instead to order take out and bundle together in that mess of room. Thanks to her chaotic nature, no doubt. “Heeb c’mon, we gotta watch something other than ‘When Harry Met Sally’,” a common argument throughout the night. The somber moments of earlier were easily replaced with merriment and laughter, secrets told like they were young girls once again with hushed whispers as if Hera were going to come around the corner any moment to reprimand them.

Wiping a tear from her eye, Coco was able to wheeze out a laugh, ”I missed this…” and without asking she searched for Hebe’s phone and snatched it up in one fluid motion. Tapping it open she then began typing, “Here! Now you have no reason not to bug me. Next time you’re free, you should swing by the Acropolis. Got some hunky hunks there who would be dying to see you~”

At mention of hunky hunks, Hebes head peeped out from where she was snugly wrapped in an overly fluffy blanket, only her face visible amidst the soft pile of fabric. “The Acropolis?” She may have known a little about the abode — social media being what it was — but she didn’t want to admit to Coco that she’d been paying attention. With her mind still preoccupied by thoughts of this, the goddess took her phone in her hands again, making sure to add some extra hearts and other cute emojis next to Comus’ name.

After she’d triple checked it had saved, Hebe reached over to where they had acquired an assortment of snacks, grabbing a marshmallow and popping it into her mouth. “Ilumushmallo…” Trying to speak with the sticky treat in her mouth clearly didn’t work, her words being instantly inaudible. “I mean, I love marshmallows!” She laughed when she was finally able to pipe up again, shuffling closer to her friend and opening up the blanket to invite her into what she definitely deemed a mini blanket fort…even if the structural integrity of the fort relied solely on her head. “So…” She paused for a moment, unsure how to ask what she really wanted to ask. “How is everyone…the guys…the other people that you know…the guy people…” Hebe frowned at herself as she realised that she sounded like an absolute idiot, sinking deeper into her not quite blanket fort.

A full belly laugh escaped the model as she watched her friend stuff marshmallows into her mouth, the epitome of a chubby bunny face. A face she couldn’t pass up on snapping a picture of and quickly sending it to the squad’s snapchat group. Oh, Comus knew exactly what Hebe was trying to hint at, it was obvious, and she refused to look at her with anything other than a shit eating grin, Hmm~? she feigned ignorance for the sake of making her little Heebs sweat it out. “The guy people… mmm, no. I have no idea who it is you’re talking about!” Regardless she climbed into the blanket fort, basking in the warmth it provided. The movie still played in the background, reaching the point where they’ve decided to visit the museum and Billy Crystal decided to adopt some wacked out European accent and no matter how much she was opposed to watching the movie once again, Coco found herself mimicking along with the actors on screen.

After settling beside the brunette, aptly stealing a few marshmallows herself, she conceded. One look from those innocent doe eyes and she was putty. “Ugh, yeah, yeah. They’re all good. ‘Pollo is the residential chef since the rest of us burn water… Hermes, well, he’s technically got his own place but dude is so whipped for Kore,” she paused just long enough to finish the puff in her mouth, “Oh, that guy is so fucking clueless to just about everything. Someone in particular, but that’s a different story. Herc is, well… here, see for yourself.” Instead of just showing Hebe the Snapchat history and stories updating every few minutes, Coco added her to the group list.

With a shrug she simply replied, “What?” Though a knowing grin was etched into her face. “Oh, c’mon, like you don’t already follow him. If you waaaant, we can swing by the Acropolis later this week and ya know. Hang out with him. I mean them…”

At Coco’s suggestion —as well as the rather embarrassing picture of her with a mouthful of mallows — Hebes hands reached up to cover her cheeks, where the faint beginnings of a blush had begun to appear. “I-, I dunno…” Hebe couldn’t help but feel a tinge of sadness as her gaze passed over the words and photos that made up the groups Snapchat story. Coco fit in so well with them and she could see that they were practically a family unit…a drunkenly adorable one, but one nonetheless. She was virtually an outsider now and she found that her heart had begun to race, for more than one reason, at the idea of seeing them…him, again. The mere thought of it sent her into a flustery panic.

Yet as she looked up at her friend, she was unable to deny the eager look on her face. Hebe desperately wanted to keep Coco close to her this time, even if that meant doing something that sent butterflies racing around her stomach. “Well, I guess...maybe. But only as long as you’re there!” She finally concluded, hands idly picking at the edge of the blanket. Gaze trailing back to the movie, her expression softened at the two fictional lovebirds. She may have watched them fall in love dozens of times but Hebe would never get fed up of it. And as one particularly cute scene finished, she turned back to her friend, nudging her shoulder lightly against hers. “Thanks for this Coco. Did I tell you how much I’ve missed you?”
collab: @Danvers mentions: @metanoia @smarty0114 @pandapolio @sly13 @Icy Hot @Mao Mao if you squint really hard
Oh boss, the Blacksmith role is taken yeah? It's not crossed out on the list.

Its an NPC but if you wanna play 'em then by all means fill him out! I will take down the blacksmith CS from the character tab ✌️

F A I R E & F O L L Y
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