Avatar of Lugubrious


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Current Forgotten footfalls, engraved in ash
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Stalling falling blossoms in bloom
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Even if our words seem meaningless
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Time turning on us always
4 mos ago
Fusing into the unknown


Current GM of World of Light. When it comes to writing, there's nothing I love more than imagination, engagement, and commitment. I'm always open to talk, suggestion, criticism, and collaboration. While I try to be as obliging, helpful, and courteous as possible, I have very little sympathy for ghosts, and anyone who'd like to string me along. Straightforwardness is all I ask for.

Looking for more personal details? I'm just some dude from the American south; software development is my job but games, writing, and trying to help others enjoy life are my passions. Been RPing for over a decade, starting waaaay back with humble beginnings on the Spore forum, so I know a thing or two, though I won't pretend to be an expert. If you're down for some fun, let's make something spectacular together.

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Wound by wound Llexe fulfilled her promise, though when she calmed she would doubtless realize that she'd yet to lay a finger on the scum that actually stabbed her. The crimson dervish left her eyes as her assault wound down, their fury evaporating like puddles on a hot day. As the adrenaline left, the pain from her wounds rolled in, and its distraction left her totally oblivious to the appalled samurai blindsiding her with his glorified club. The impact stunned Llexe and knocked her right off her victim, rolling once before coming to a stop on her back, left arm and both shoulderblades scraped by the ground. While she did feel inclined to leap to her feet and rip her attacker a new one, she could not move until the stars in her vision cleared away, and the fog of pain and tiredness dulled her killer instinct.

After a moment, she found herself confronted by Kiyoshi, whom she treated to a blank stare. What was he asking? “Um.” Following his gesture she glanced at Cobra, her dispassionate gaze unaffected by the bloodcurdling sight. “Told 'er not to,” she muttered, as if that explained everything. If her response was somehow unsatisfactory, she did not get the chance to find out from her questioner. Soon after, another vehicle appeared, this one markedly different than the bikes of the snake sisters. From the jeep came two men, both rippling with muscle and bold in their choices of clothing, to greet the fresh meat personally. Llexe didn't bother paying attention to what the colorfully-tattooed one said, only rolling her now-white eyes and sighing when he -like her employer- made a corny show of strength by wrecking his own stuff. While she didn't remember Roulette saying anything about bozos like these, who obviously had nothing to do with the break-in, any chance to knock some skulls together was a chance to hone her craft.

Llexe made to rise and engage, but a jolt of pain stopped her. Her Rage had worn off completely, leaving her skull, jaw, and knife-wound hurting something fierce. She attempted to get up anyway, only to receive a worse throb and collapse to her knee. Try as she might, she couldn't get mad about old wounds, which meant just standing up was be a problem, let alone thrashing these deadbeats. While she struggled, gritting her teeth, Naja and Sam took the new arrivals up on their offer. A scrap would begin any second now, with Llexe languishing on the sidelines. The thought of being relegated to bystander pissed Llexe off, but not anywhere near enough. Annoying as it would be, she'd be sitting this one out.
Tora & Poppi

Location: Peach's Castle, Throne Room

Tora eyed the spirit of Megadragonbowser jealously, but also warily. His friend the Centurion made a good point. He definitely needed the power, and as a battle-hardened, experience adult, could probably be trusted with it. Making up his mind, Tora decided to give up on his fantasy of claiming the spirit for himself, and instead waddled forward to catch Agoston's attention. "Sort of," he said before placing a wingtip over his chest. Given his remarkable egg-shaped physiology it wasn't the easiest feat to tell what he was trying to signify, but two and two could be put together. "Take into heart. Then change happen. Good luck!"

Beside him, Poppi smiled and crossed her arms. "Chances of explosion minimal, even with tremendous boss firepower. Still, Poppi recommend that Masterpon cover eyes." If the Nopon wondered why, he would soon find out. The moment the Centurion complied with Tora's instruction, the blazing spirit of Megadragonbowser surged into his body. Even after it vanished, it left behind a fiery glow on the contact point, and after a moment it started to spread. Like a chunk of iron being superheated in a forge, Agoston's whole being began to glow. Rainbow energy surrounded him in a wild dance just as it had for Ratchet a few minutes before, but this time subject's body shone brighter still. Without warning he burst into near-blinding flame, the ensuing heatwave striking onlookers head-on and forcing them back in alarm. Agoston himself felt hot, hotter than he could ever have imagined, but he remained strong. In the middle of the prismatic firestorm, his body began to grow, taller and stronger than before. Horns sprouted from his head. When the fire vanished a few moments later, its fury remained, locked within the irises of the new Magnumus Agoston.

<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

Alright, thanks! And yeah, that sounds good. I'm trying to catch up on the IC right now so I have an idea as to what's happened, so it might be a bit before I get a post up.

You're welcome, and no problem. Would you like a link to our Discord server?
<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

Alright, thanks for the response! I got rid of the last paragraph of backstory, so he's still under Galeem's influence at the start. Switched God Hand to his Power, and put Ball Buster under a new strength that borrows from his home game. Also clarified how the Adaptive Difficulty weakness works a bit better. Hope it's good.

Not just good--great! Go ahead and put him over in the Characters tab. You good with Gene approaching Peach's Castle just after the recently-concluded boss battle wrapped up? Someone (or a few someones) can spot him and head out to say hello, which will likely end in a fight that ends up with Gene free from the influence.
No, actually. I have a different Capcom character in mind...

Do tell me if there's anything that needs changing.

EDIT 1: Added Johnny Cage as a Kindred Spirit. Got all three now.

A good sheet, but there are two things I should point out.

The first of them isn't in the way of his acceptance, so you don't need to change it, but I feel like you would benefit from it. Having single moves as Powers is very limiting because it is a single thing you can do instead of a suite and the rate at which you get new special moves is slow. Rather than have Ball Buster as his Power, I would instead make it 'The God Hand" and describe what it allows him to do, including super strength. Then, I would say replace the Strength "God Hand" with something like "Move Master" or "Quick Learner" and have it say something along the lines of 'Gene is always adding to his arsenal of techniques, picking up new ones or remembering ones forgotten. Every level-up, his style gains three new techniques. He begins with just Ball Buster, a groin shot that leaves foes stunned.' I think that would be a better way to go around it.

The more pivotal thing is the end of his backstory. In the New World, all characters (pretty much) start out under Galeem's influence, oblivious to Galeem's presence and with altered behavior. While he might still wander around in search of a fight, and that wandering could very well bring him to Peach's Castle and the rest of the group, he wouldn't be able to oppose Galeem in any way until freed.
Hey everyone. I'm interested in joining, if you'll have me. Got a CS whipped up and ready to go too.

I think I speak for all of us when I say I'd be ecstatic to have you. Looking forward to that sheet.
you guys think so? i was under the impression that it was off limits, and by "take care of it" @Lugubrious meant destroy it.

I mean if The Centurion was a flying fire person with dragon wins that would be great. But it might be too dangerous, right? or is it just Bowser who cannot excepet Evil Bowser's spirit because...well, then we would just get evil bowser again, lol. But if any of us could become evil I'm not sure. If anyone had the will to resist the allure of personal power it would be a borderline brainwashed egalitarian, honor-bound fascist.

but yeah mechanically it would be pretty neato. but also...potentially evil.

Am I just making this up, DM? OOC will any of us turn evil if we take the spirit of MDB? Or is it just a risk reward type thing

As it happens the spirit cannot be destroyed, but Bowser is the only one it would flat-out corrupt. The Centurion could very well take it; he may will be changed a little, but not turned evil. Plus, it would be just the sort of interesting power boost that could make combat as Agoston more dynamic for you. I'd say go for it, personally.

Location: Peach’s Castle – Throne Room

Eager to watch his foes go squish, Megadragonbowser watched his throne fly with bated breath. However, his breath caught in his throat as it was caught midair, not just by the real Bowser, but by a giant real Bowser. He must have used a super mushroom. Growling, he turned ahead once again to make himself feel better by scorching the incoming heroes alive, but they proved far more proactive in their assault.

When he let out his fireball at a strangely-elongated Ratchet, the Lombax vanished in the explosion. Megadragonbowser chuckled as he wiped one more off the ol' mental list, only to go slack-jawed in surprise when the fire subsided and Ratchet stood there still, swinging his wrench around until he vanished with an electronic static. By that time, the real Ratchet and his partner made their way around to the backside of the throne's plinth, below and a little behind where the tyrant hovered. There, the pair discovered an axe-shaped lever next to a crudely-drawn pictrograph depicting the ground in front of the throne opening up into a lava pit. Considering the position of his allies, pulling the lever might not be the greatest idea, but breaking it off to use it as an axe could work.

Megadragonbowser did not catch wind of Ratchet's activities, his attention instead occupied by the sudden burning feeling hammering his chest. An unprecedented roar shook the castle as the painful acid melted armor and seared scaly flesh, sputtering and bubbling all the while. A second later, Michael's last sniper round hit home, blasting straight through his chest and lodging in his shell on the wrong side. Fiery ichor poured from the wound, and the shock caused the tyrant's wings to seize up. He landed with a crash on the plinth where his throne stood moments before, where the dark haze of Henry’s Nosferatu surrounded him and leeched his health into its caster, leaving him totally unprepared for Mario and Bowser's charge.

A huge fireball exploded in the boss's ruined face, blinding him to the threat that followed. A moment later the four legs of the throne impaled the tyrant, and the larger of the koopas pushed him back into the wall behind him, nearly trampling Ratchet on the way. Even if the throne legs could have penetrated the shell on Megadragonbowser's back, they were not long enough to do so; nevertheless, the real Bowser held him there until the heat inside the tyrant melted the legs and dropped him to the ground. Megadragonbowser landed feet-first, but his feet did not hold him; instead, he slumped forward and landed on his belly on the black-and-white tile. His bright orange ichor pooled around him, and his burning wings turned to ash.

He cracked open his mouth, but rather than cinders all that issued forth was a groan. ”Ohhhhh.....”. Somehow, his shell seemed to be burning up. His very body smoked, in fact, suggesting that it was burning away. Feebly, yet with some sense of urgency, the stupid overlord clutched at Bowser's foot. ”You...” he moaned. ”You...want this. I know it...'cause I'm you. Kingdom...power...fear...respect...loving wife and son...old rivals ruined, destroyed...” His gruesome features, twisted by so much punishment, manifested a ghastly smile. ”Fuse...with me. Take my...my spirit. It can all be yours...only yours...everything...as it should be...” He cracked his mouth open wider, and from between his fangs drifted a tiny mote. It was small, but it burned brilliantly. Purest, deepest, most wonderful orange...tantalizing in its incredible power. Megadragonbowser's body was burning away, but his pleading eyes locked with his other self's. The Koopa King had a choice to make.

Bowser reached down and took the sprite in one hand. He raised it up before him, the seductive flame reflected in his eyes as he beheld its power. He glanced between it and the rapidly fading form of his double. It seemed like they really had been him in the end, not some doppelganger or mimic. It was a sorry thing, watching yourself die while pleading that someone continue your legacy, and Bowser was definitely one of self pity.


A look came over the fallen tyrant’s face, one masked partially by the state of his features but otherwise very poorly disguised. It was one of unbridled, malicious glee. ”Put my spirit...into your heart,” he instructed, his mirth diluting his pain. Even if it did cost him the fight, the typical Bowser stupidity would be the real one’s undoing. In a few moments, the reign of the blazing tyrant would begin anew, rising from the ashes of the old. His flames would consume this oaf’s spirit, twisting it into a mirror image of his own. With his burning power plus the strength of this new Bowser, the so-called heroes would be crushed like gnats and his rightful kingdom restored.

“I KNOW HOW THIS WORKS” Bowser responded, his enrapturement with the sprite’s power blinding him to the poorly veiled deception. He moved to absorb the sprite.

“Bowsypon, noooooooooo…!” Tora cried as he rocketed upward toward the very tall Koopa’s head, carried by Poppi. The pair was aiming for the burning spirit in Bowser’s hand, but their terrible aim and slapdash flight mechanism carried them into their comrade’s head instead. A noise rang through the throne room, bi-doop-doop-doop, as Bowser shrank back to normal size, distracted from his fixation by the impact and sent off-balance. Tora plopped down flat on his face beside him, and Poppi landed on him a second later. The Nopon both cushioned her fall and bounced her back to her feet, but she didn’t have time to worry about her masterpon.

“OW. HAY WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA YOU OVERSIZED GERBIL!” Bowser complained while rubbing his bonked noggin.

As he wiggled around on the floor, Poppi straightened up, put a hand on her hip, and extended an accusatory index finger at Bowser with the other. Eyebrows furrowed, she declared, “Stop right there, biggypon! Has Bowser never heard famous idiom ‘power corrupts’? Not see very evil-looking grin on boss face? Is most obvious of obvious traps! Do not absorb!”


Poppi shook her head emphatically. “While Poppi has only been with Bowser for short time, is easy to see that is not really evil, just sort of mean and loud.” Her finger turned on Megadragonbowser, who looked awfully frustrated all of a sudden. “But that one real evil. He kill good people just like that!” She snapped her metal fingers. Ting.

Beside her, Tora finally got to his feet and piped up, “Think about what big baddy do! Subjects enslaved and forced to fight to death. Wife and son probably only obey because of Galeem trance! Nothing earned, all taken. But Bow-Bow can do better! Can earn respect of others by being good bad guy.” He waved his wings imploringly. “Then everyone happy to have Bowser king, no need for evil power!”

Nearby, Megadragonbowser groaned. While his enemies bickered, he was wasting away. He reached out a feeble claw, but nobody seemed to notice. Fists against her waist, Poppi nodded solemnly to what her Masterpon said. “Plus, if Bow-Bow fuse with spirit, probably go crazy and attack us. Would have to fight, maybe destroy. But Bow-Bow not so weak he need power of Galeem to be king, right?”

Bowser crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes as he stared down the pair “OK ONE:” The fingers on bowser’s free hand counted out his points as he talked “I AM TOTALLY EVIL. I’VE BEEN A BAD GUY SINCE BEFORE YOU WERE EVEN BORN. OR BUILT.”



“DON’T GO THINKING I DON’T SEE WHAT’S GOING ON HERE” Bowser said “I THINK YOU’RE JUST JEALOUS OF MY AWESOMENESS AND YOU WANT SOME OF IT FOR YOURSELF.” Bowser pinched the soul between his fingers and dangled it tauntingly just above and out of reach of the pair. “YOU WANT SOME OF THIS HUH? DO YA? WELL TOO BAD. IT’S MINE!”

A look of consternation took Tora’s face over--Bowser had hit the nail on the head. The Nopon’s partner, however, kept trying. “Wrong again! Poppi have plenty awesomeness, but now not time for that. Think with logic, Bow-Bow. Why would person who wanted kill you suddenly go and offer great power? Is all one big trick!” She fired her thrusters and hopped up to try and get at the boss spirit.

“WELL. UH. BECAUSE I WON AND PROVED I’M THE ONE TRUE KOOPA KING!” Bowser said as he pulled the sprite up and away from Poppi “SO I DESERVE THIS AND HE KNOWS IT.”

After corrected her course, Poppi made another futile grab at the spirit before she slowed down to hover. Frowning, she declared, “Despite age, Bow-Bow mindset very simple.”

Tora scratched his head. “That ironic coming from Poppi, but very true.”

Meanwhile, Megadragonbowser had been looking between the three in utter bewilderment, like a cat at a game of ping-pong. The argument was dragging on and on, with no end in sight, and finally the tyrant could take it no more. He unceremoniously gave up the ghost, slumping down and burning out. In only a few seconds the ruthless king was a pile of ash, upon which all eyes fell. Blinking twice, Tora asked, “Is over? Just like that?”

His question seemed to prompt a response. From the pile issued a great sigh that reverberated the air, and on its heels followed a wave of gentle darkness. It washed over Peach’s castle, putting out Galeem’s light wherever it shone.

The toads in the entry-way ceased their panic, eyes restored to normal. In her magnificent, immoderately-fancy bedroom on the second floor, Peach perked up from her sewing kit as though waking up from a dream. Bowser Jr. looked up from his toys in his great playroom, wondering where he was. Kamek, just now finishing off the last fire in his underground study, shook his head to clear his muddled thoughts and stared in wonderment as the burnt, useless artifacts littering his lab. Back in the throne room, the wave buffeted Bowser, Tora, Poppi, and the nearby Ratchet and Clank, not knocking them over but sending the spirit of Megadragonbowser skittering along the ground toward the rest of the group. Though mesmerizing in its power still, the spirit bore far less malevolence than it had when in Bowser’s grasp. To keep it out of the Koopa’s greedy hands, someone else would need to take care of it. Regardless, the battle with the incandescent tyrant had come to an end.

EXP gain is restored to normal.

Level 3 Tora: 40/30 EXP - Level up! Upgrade Points: 2
Level 2 Poppi: 20/20 EXP - Level up! Upgrade Points: 1

Zone Cleared:
Peach’s Castle

After a few moments, the clattering of heeled footsteps could be heard from one of the doorways adjacent to the throne room, leading to a stairwell. It grew louder and louder until the door burst open, and into the decimated throne room stepped the former monarch of the mushroom kingdom herself: Princess Peach. She cut a regal figure in her gown, but her face bore nothing but sadness. Yet, as her bright blue eyes swept over the scene, hope blossomed within them. She recognized that the Bowser still standing was not the one who lorded over her, and that the tyrant was no more.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, opened wide her eyes, and mustered a beautiful smile. “I can hardly express my gratitude. Even as I existed under the thumb of that monster, unable to object or disobey, I continued to believe that heroes would come. And here you are. Thank you.” She didn’t know about the fallen, yet tears sparkled in the corners of her eyes. She wiped them away and continued to smile. “Well then!” She clapped her hands. “You all must be hurt and exhausted. And hungry, I imagine. If everyone in this castle was freed along with me, then we’re well-equipped to cook up a grand feast worthy of heroes.” Without delay Peach began in the direction of the kitchen; she clearly intended to thank the heroes herself. Toads appeared, running into the room to crowd around their princess. A few stuck around her, babbling incoherently, but a number spread out to cheer for their saviors. In a couple moments their exultation filled the hall.

As Peach and her crowd disappeared into the kitchens, the wreckage of the throne room main doors pushed open to reveal the Master of Masters, Kirby, Linkle, Minako, and a freed Junpei. The cloaked man took in the whole scene at a glance and started to applaud. Kirby jumped from his head and started to dance, not quite as aware but even more overjoyed. “Bravo, bravo!” The Master of Masters declared. “That’s one boss down. Twelve more, and you can stick it to Galeem!” He took count of everyone here--and everyone not. A touch of sadness entered his voice. “Oh. I see. I figured that was why my eye never sees that girl, or why Zer0 doesn’t show up in the future. My sympathies.”

He sighed and let a few seconds pass, before composing himself again. “But hey, for us, life goes on. You bunch have more than earned some time to relax. Have some food, chat, explore, whatever you like. We’ll figure things out later, eh?”
There Souta stood, already breathing heavily, ready to wipe a bead of sweat of his forehead with a smirk and crack his first-ever demon-slaying one-liner, and the blasted thing started pulling itself together. The thought of swinging the really heavy Mountain Buster around a few more times, perhaps even more so than the peril of a regenerating demonic corpse-mass, forced a heavy sigh from his lungs. He went ahead and took care of that pesky sweat bead anyway as he stood up, his weapon de-summoning as he did. "Okay, time for something really cool." Either this would work and the threat would be over with, or it wouldn't and he'd have a pretty good excuse to let the actual superhuman warriors clean this mess up.

A Trawler appeared in his hand, and after swinging it a few times he let it fly. On a jet of water the hook sailed upward, flying higher and higher until it could securely lodge in the meat mountain's upper torso. After testing the line quickly -since the horrible thing would be yanking him off his feet any second now- the smith used another burst of water beneath him to burst him up as he yanked on the hook. A moment later Souta was flying upward, carefully watching to make sure a stray limb didn't make mincemeat of him as he ascended. With a final boost he shot up past the anchor point, and he sailed up until gravity started to work its magic. For a moment, he seemed to hang in midair, wind whipping around him. If he wasn't scared to death and regretting this decision immensely, he might have thought about how lovely the view was, but the fall a moment later pulled him back to reality. The Trawler vanished in a spray of water, and the Mountain Buster reappeared. "Rrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" he half-bellowed, half-shrieked as he came down atop the enemy's head with the pile hammer, and the impact drove its spike in with explosive force. The same explosion sent Souta flying backward, the noise from him now 100% shriek, to try and resummon his Trawlers and save himself a quick date with the earth by hooking onto a tree.
If you've yet to post, please do so soon! I'll be updating in reasonably short order.
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