Avatar of Lugubrious


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Current Forgotten footfalls, engraved in ash
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Stalling falling blossoms in bloom
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Even if our words seem meaningless
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Time turning on us always
3 mos ago
Fusing into the unknown


Current GM of World of Light. When it comes to writing, there's nothing I love more than imagination, engagement, and commitment. I'm always open to talk, suggestion, criticism, and collaboration. While I try to be as obliging, helpful, and courteous as possible, I have very little sympathy for ghosts, and anyone who'd like to string me along. Straightforwardness is all I ask for.

Looking for more personal details? I'm just some dude from the American south; software development is my job but games, writing, and trying to help others enjoy life are my passions. Been RPing for over a decade, starting waaaay back with humble beginnings on the Spore forum, so I know a thing or two, though I won't pretend to be an expert. If you're down for some fun, let's make something spectacular together.

Most Recent Posts

We probably don't need to draw that part out. Supply gathering by itself is not very interesting, so those involved could breeze through parts (like hunting) and just write out a few moments here or there, like the first baurun takedown or attempts to grab a Tropius' bananas. Also, the pigs' pest problem is not a guild quest, so if the goal is progression that should be a low priority.
On another note, what's everyones opinions of each others stands so far?

Nightwish was good, nothing too strange or interesting, maybe a little on the edgy side with its appearance and theme given the only somewhat thuggish side of its owner.

Hollywood Knight is neat, though not what I would expect for Sia beyond its name, and its ability to alter properties seems very open-ended.

For the simplicity of its ability and the artsy, romantic, fairly harmless nature of it user, Unshaken is very menacing-looking. Does its ability to just absorb any energy (including kinetic) mean that it can stop attacks from working, I wonder? Does it have a range of effect or a condition? I feel like it could be played extremely powerfully.

For Nowhere Man, it's interesting and I like it, but if the rod isn't necessary to use the ability and doesn't deal damage, I struggle to see the point of including that as part of the power. If it's that the rod counts as a part of Ciaran that lets him banish someone, why go the extra step and not just touch the person? Unless the rod's big enough that the extra range is important.

Ten Thousand Fists is the weirdest stand here so far in terms of appearance, and its power is simple but clever. 'Glimmer' strikes me as a somewhat odd battle cry, but hey, whatever works.

Pitch Perfect I think suits the user better, with weaponizing sound for both mobility and offense striking me as a pretty quintessential stand ability.

I can lead, I'll hopefully have a post up later today. Did we have more quests that we needed to complete though?

In addition to the grocery quest mentioned by Gentleman, there's also the wiggler-catching quest, though its taskforce probably doesn't need any more help. Someone else could also fight Ryu; he has two more rewards to give out.
Here's what I've come up with.

I'd like to throw my hat in, if I may. I'll work on a sheet for your review.

Alymere Fort Exterior

The energy of the company, strident and assured given the relatively minor threat posed by their adversary, gave way to a potent silence as it began its approach. Toward its rear lagged Artemisia, indistinguishable from an ordinary army caster thanks to her borrowed robe, over whom the quiet hung heavier than for most. With its sizable opposing forces, strict organization, and proper chain of command, this would be her first real battle. Her status among her kin meant that by now she'd been in her fair share of fights, but this fight would be an altogether different beast. As the force neared the fort, she found the same old question ate at her stronger than ever: how exactly would she contribute to the fight without using her magic?

That question presented a difficult dilemma with no good answer. If she fought, she would be flaunting her malignant talents for all to see. She shivered just imaging the elders' reaction to a new Wayfarer acting so brazenly, and in such near proximity to the swamplands, no less. Yet, if she just stood by, the others would surely notice. Either path invited unwanted attention on her. Artemisia heaved a despondent breath, more of a strangled exhale than a melancholy sigh. She'd gotten herself into a rotten situation.

Her worries and doubts could not trouble her for long, however. Before she knew it, the bandits' watchmen spotted the battalion, and in reply prince leading the company began the assault. For many his outcry served as a spark on powder, causing tensed muscles to spring into action, but Artemisia wanted to shrink back. Yet, there was no running away now. The dark mage needed to get her head out of the clouds. After narrowing her eyes and gritting her teeth, she laid a palm against the side of her head and cast a tiny Flux. The sharp burst of gnawing, burning pain jolted her into alertness, awakening her battle instincts. Before her, the budding battlefield became clearer.

Thanks to her numerous melee allies, she could approach without fear of targeting from enemy swordsmen or axemen, but those were bows and hawk-eyed heads peering over the Alymere's battlements. Mages like her made a tempting target for archers, given their generally low defense and propensity for standing still while casting. Still, it was a risk she could take. The army tailors, clearly no fools, made their caster uniforms purposefully drab to avoid inviting attention. If the first push got through, which it surely would, there would be too much chaos for bowmen to take potshots. With that in mind, Artemisia took off running to join the charge.

Ahead, the force split. Some, including a cavalry archer ahead of the curve, went for the main gate. Among them Artemisia recognized Trace, but the sight elicited no reaction from the mage in fighting mode. The others, Artemisia knew, would be enacting a gambit made possible in part by her own work helping an alchemist the other day: a barrel packed with magical explosives would be used to breach part of the wall and open up a second line of attack. Opting for the latter group, Artemisia continued to sprint forward until with a start she found herself much farther forward than she would have liked. Nervous, she glanced backward. Where were all the melee fighters? In reply an arrow hit the ground nearby, narrowly missing her leg, and she jumped in fear. The shock transformed into a flood of indignant anger that drowned the dark mage's common sense. “You do NOT!” A purple spiral wreathed in black smoke sprung to life in her hand, and she thrust it at the battlements. In an instant they were consumed by a tenebrous Miasma. Artemisia realized what she'd done the next second and cursed her rashness. “Hell's teeth! The rush overcame me!” Well, it was out of her hands now. Hopefully the others would concentrate more on being thankful for the archers' disruption than on her playing her hand minute one, like an idiot.

Status: Overengaging
Class: Occultist
Inv: Vulnerary, Book of Secrets
I can respond to all possible parties some time this weekend, and not all characters need a big post or anything, so if it's been a while don't hesitate to get something out.
Announcing a new game mode, for your RPing pleasure...

Master Dreams

In the heroes most vulnerable moments, in the depths of sleep and senselessness, he reaches for them--Master Hand. Into the distant realm of fancy seep images delightful or disturbing, for one purpose only: to break down their resolve and make them stop trying, whichever form that takes. Yet perhaps there is meaning to be found in the madness; Master Hand will find no sleeping slaves.
The Deal: A limited time opt-in event involving writing short stories that take place in dreams, canonically to occur when next your selected character sleeps or is otherwise out of it.
The Details: Before the end of the day on the provided deadline, submit a short story of your character's dream that follows the related event prompt. The dream can be of anything, and does not need to be isolated to your own character and/or his or her past experiences. Using elements from multiple games is encouraged, given the nature of this RP. Other players' characters can appear in yours's dream, but while you can consult other players, you'll need to play those characters; they can be distorted by your character's perspectives or by the dream. If you like, you can bookend your dream in brief falling asleep / waking sequences, but since we don't know where, when, or how your character will sleep next, keeping it vague would be best, and such bookends won't supplement the word count.
The Rewards: For the dream, EXP is rewarded via the following scale, where n is the level of the character that's dreaming:
<1000 words = 3 * n ; 1000-2000 words = 5 * n ; 3000+ words = 9 * n
In addition, certain elements of the dream may bleed over to the real world somehow. These might take the form of items, additional kindred spirits, or other forms yet more mysterious.

Current Event: Halloween
Deadline: October 31st
Prompt: A tale of terror truly befitting the word 'nightmare'

Any questions? I'm here to help.
Tora & Poppi

Level 5 Tora - (17/50) EXP and Level 4 Poppi - (15/40) EXP
Location: Hamlet, the Land of Adventure
Word Count: 489

Instead of responding to the stranger's question verbally, Bowser started rooting around for the quest card and some valuables. It made for an awkward silence, and since the group was in fact intruding into someone's room, Tora rushed to pick up the slack. “Uh, hello! Sorry to barge in, meh. Is just, we have super-urgent problem and Tora hear you just the ticket. We need...”

At that point Bowser interjected, having produced payment he thought appropriate for the job, and in succinct if overbearing terms explained his proposal. The dubious expression on the woman's face said exactly what she was feeling, but after a moment, she seemed to change her mind. “Well...I guess you lot seem harmless enough.” Had the Centurion accompanied the others inside the inn, Tora ruminated, she might not be singing the same tune. Ever since his change, he'd been a lot more menacing and forceful, and not exactly conducive to negotiations. “I also need gold to buy my items,” she explained by way of justification, assuming the others knew what she referred to. “I'll join you for an hour or two. So long...” The Eagle leaped forward, snatched up Bowser's jewels, and returned to her. “As you pay in advance.”

Since the deal meant no skin off Tora's back, the Nopon was all smiles. “Yay! Good to work with you, miss!”

“Quinn.” The archeress pocketed the gems, then gave her bird a stroke. “This is Valor. We're warriors of Demacia now, rather than hunters, but its a good skill to keep sharp. And you are?”

“Am Tora!”

“Poppi is Poppi!”

Following the others' introductions, Quinn got straight to business. The no-nonsense woman took the lead with a fearsome powerwalk, forcing the stubby-legged Tora to hustle just to keep up. In a few moments, the party was bound northwest for the woods where Bowser's crew needed to hunt for ingredients. It promised to be a good walk, out of the Hamlet and across both plain and field, so Tora got tired of the silence quickly. “Miss Quinn mention Demacia. Sounds like place. If talk about it with no provocation, must be proud.”

The huntress nodded. “Indeed. We are honored to be of service.”

Her assurance hung in the air for a moment, quickly making it clear that she wasn't the talkative type. Instead, Poppi saved the day by addressing Bowser. “So, if Poppi remember right, Bowserypon says is big villain. But while you are kind of mean, and always act like boss when never do any leading, Bowser never actually do bad stuff. Only good. Seem more like villain from kids' story.”

Tora scratched his head. “Now that Poppi mention it, that true. Good thing, too,” he chuckled to himself, closing his eyes. “Tora and friends are big heroes. Always end up fighting baddypons.” While he couldn't see it, Quinn rolled her eyes.

Nodding, Poppi continued. “So Poppi wonders. What most villain thing Bowser has done?”

Pelagic Lake

Location: Land of Adventure
@Gentlemanvaultboy @Stern Algorithm @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN @TruthHurts22

Though exhausted, those present couldn't help but to feel elated. Gran and Euden shared in Linkle's joy of accomplishment, with the latter in particular chuckling when she declared the land saved. “Heh. We sure did.” Of course, he didn't know what she meant by 'Hyrule', but now wasn't the time for specifics. He found his happiness draining away when he turned his attention back to Gran, however. Everyone took a few hits from the vicious pelagics, but Gran -an ordinary young fighter by all accounts- got it the worst. It was hard to feel good with an ally so hurt. If only Cleo were here—the dutiful Sylvan would be able to patch him up in a second. None of these people, unfortunately, looking like healers.

As such, when Linkle came over with talk of aid on her lips, Euden found himself surprised. His confusion only increased when the girl revealed her healing tonic of choice: milk. Yet, as he watched an equally stupefied Gran begin to drink it, he saw it magicking his injuries away. “What? There's healing power in mere food?” He almost didn't notice as Linkle manifested a friend heart and delivered it to Gran before he fully recovered. Euden didn't notice any effects, so he could only assume the heart to be some sort of symbol of affection. Despite himself, the young hero couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. Though unusually short for her age, Linkle was pretty cute in a tomboyish sort of way. Shaking his head, Euden dismissed the thoughts as he extended a hand. “Wow. I can hardly thank you enough. All of you.” He echoed the gratitude offered by Fyer and Falbi. “Without your arrival, we would have been dead for sure.” Rubbing his neck in embarrassment, he smiled. “That Hilda girl made the right choice staying behind, I guess. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, the reward is yours. We should get back to town to get everyone fixed up.”

Once everyone was ready to go, the group began the return journey to Lumbridge. The ride operators waved farewell, one enthusiastic but both sincere. After a little hesitation, Euden headed over to walk by Linkle. “Er,” he began. “I've been looking for other people from my world for some time now, but found only a couple. I thought for sure you were a Sylvan,” he glanced at her ears. “But...after you mentioned 'Hyrule' I wasn't sure. You aren't from Alberia, are you?”

Coral Highlands

Location: Land of Adventure
@ProPro @Yankee

A quick, well-aimed cut to the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku's face from the Cadet's blade convinced it to let go, but it had no idea what was waiting for it. Having hypered himself up through the use of Rushing Water, the Courier emptied his revolver into the beast. Six blasts escaped its chambers in a few blinks of an eye, staggering the bird wyvern before it could jump at the Cadet again. For a brief moment there lay an opening for the monster hunter to sink his sword in deep, but the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku had other plans. It dismissively lashed out with a leg, sweeping backward to catch the Cadet's shield or ribcage with a talon and tumble him away. Then it rushed at 6, flashing teeth bound for his unprotected face, completely ignorant of the Pokemon careening his way.

The Donphan hit like a truck, and the monster gave way. It bowled over with a loud, chicken-like squawk, allowing Ivories to roll right over it. As it sped on, the Pokemon's path carried it onto the spongy, tarplike top of a plate coral, into which it promptly stuck halfway in thanks to its speed and weight. Writhing where it fell on the ground, meanwhile, the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku looked rattled. Broken bones from the impact and white scars in its beautiful scales from bullets were telling it that these wouldn't be easy pickings.

The swarm of Rot Warts emerged to a slaughter. Several heroes worked to keep the organic gas bombs from sneaking up on anyone, detonating them before they could get into range. With half of the heroes in the air or on the move, they zeroed in on Jak and Daxter, Banjo and Kazooie, Gene, and the Engineer. Kamek and the sentry's combined bullets burst the Rot Warts one after another, but Blazermate could feel the exact moment feel when Dell -lazing in that recliner of his- disappeared, his time able to assist her at an end. Just a couple seconds later, the minigun attached to the Magikoopa's broomstick started giving out clicks instead of bullets, and soon the sentry gun followed suit. That left the wizard with just his wand. The supply of Rot Warts, however, remained plentiful. Those killed left behind thick clouds of Root Rot, infectious with just a single breath. The battlefield was quickly becoming a checkerboard of hazards for grounded fighters.

Meanwhile, Donnie and Gene visited Nero one after another, first cleansing him from the infection and then from Galeem's touch, before joining the assault on the Ent. Together the entire group hammered the Ent's weak point. Donnie delivered a rain of blows to the warmly glowing heartwood, and when Gene joined him a moment later, the two pummeled away together in a brutal flurry. Rosy miasma welled up from the wood, but while Donnie bailed Gene stuck around to keep the onslaught going. The God Hand let him press his advantage even while another salvo of rot rounds blasted up to fall like meteorites on the scattered heroes. From a distance, evading the organic mortar fire, Jak lent more than a hand with a yellow eco barrage. The Ent, hurting tremendously, let out another rumble. Banjo and Kazooie's Beak Barge, though not hitting a weak point, proved to be the final straw.


Just as Gene jumped away, the wood on the Ent's upper back closed like a vice to block the vulnerability, and the monster slammed itself into the from of the cathedral. A tremendous crash signaled the destruction of its whole facade, stone and glass alike, in the monster's bid to get the pests off. Leaning into the broken building, it remained still for a moment. It did not think, but it could feel. It was a Root, part of the inexorable eldritch race that brought entropy to worlds beyond measure. Its foes were many, small, hard to hit with waves or minions on the ground. The Ent could sense that this wasn't working, but more than that, it could sense its enemies. It had no eyes, but it could see them still, possessed of the stink of wholeness. Of complacence. Like fireflies they buzzed around, near its legs, in the air...


The Ent moved. It slammed its elbows into the building it had been appearing to slump against, propelling itself forward in a shower of dust and gas. Its right arm flew up and around in a colossal right hook, the momentum of its whole body behind the blow. Thousands and thousands of pounds of cursed wood hurtled into the way of Donnie's flight path to swat the annoying gnat from the sky. The force carried it forward, and a moment later its foot came down with an earth-shaking CRONCH on a group of Blazermate's undead. From the impact point rumbled a reddened shockwave, which sent ruptured shards of earth flying in every direction, including toward Banjo and Kazooie. It continued to expand outward, ultimately reaching and destroying the unattended sentry. The Ent's back, faced toward Jak, opened back up with a surge of Root Rot. Instead of shooting straight up to fall down, a number of rot-blobs cannoned straight toward Jak in quick succession. Finally, the treant clotheslined the remaining upper portion of the cathedral front, and a gigantic shower of rubble filled the sky.


A ways off, three pairs of eyes watched from the shelter of a side alley among the roots. Two of them watched the action with anticipation, but they looked to the owner of the third. For his part, the least of the three seemed more concerned with the book in his hand than the fight unfolding before him.

After the Ent's last attack sent debris flying, chunks of masonry were scattered across the plaza. One, the upper half of a statue depicting some saint, came a little too close; it blew straight through the storefront immediately to the trio's left, causing one of them to squawk in alarm. “Hey! Don'tcha think it's getting' a little heated in there champ? Wanna bail them out?”

The man whose shoulder the bird rested on gave a slight smile. “Great things are done when men and mountains meet.” A rogue hollow drew too close, and the man flicked his cane in its direction. His shadow moved, sliding across the ground like flowing black sand. It rose like a buzzsaw, neatly slicing the rotund plant in half, before returning in a flash. “Still, it would behoove us to show some consideration for our friends. Once I see how they answer this, we'll go.”
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