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11 mos ago
Current Catching up today. Yippee!!
12 mos ago
Shaping up to have one of the worst weeks of my life so that's fun
12 mos ago
Pop an interest check up! Plenty of people not interested in that kind of thing. It's less visible because 1x1 discussion happens mostly over PMs
12 mos ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
1 like
1 yr ago
TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

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Fascinated by the first option

You spawned a Slime!

Oh my. A bit of a drab little creature though. Well, the Slime Pool has seen better days after all. Nevermind - I'm sure it's still a very nifty little monster.

Slimes can:
  • Be Reborn at the Slime Pool if it dies
  • Absorb things it comes into contact with
  • ??? ... I forget. Anyway. Would you like to name your little guy?

<Unnamed Slime> tentatively explores the area around the Slime Pool.

It finds some sort of Magic Gateway and something a little further off in the distance.
Welcome to Slime World!

(oh dear, was it always so bleak? Well - nevermind. We'll just have to fix it.)

>Spawn Hero


Well, of course that's not going to work. We don't have any heroes around here anymore. Besides, they'd probably suffocate in the inhospitable atmosphere. No, we're starting from the bottom of the barrel here. The only thing that's going to survive here right now is Slimes!

Why don't you try:
>Spawn Slime

You can even pick one of these colours like this, to get special abilities!
>Spawn [Grey | Aqua | Deep Blue | Gold] Slime
>Name Slime "Slime"

Make sure to give it an action. We've got alot of work ahead of us if we're going to whip this place into shape.

>Spawn [Grey | Aqua | Deep Blue | Gold] Slime
>Name Slime "Slime"
>Lick Dirt


...Maybe pick something more helpful then that, though, heh heh. That's why I'm just a sentient tutorial, though. Well, best of luck!


Thanks to some adventurous slimes, the Slime Pool has been upgraded!

The Slime Pool can currently spawn:
• Sickly Grey Slimes
• Aqua Dancing Slimes
• Deep Blue Magic Slimes
• Golden Curious Slimes
• Neon Green Nimble Slimes

@Dynamo Frokane good ta! How ya been?

Hello, no updates but still around.
Hi guys. I am going to be closing this thread soon.

I'm sorry. Due to my ongoing inactivity we have lost a few active players. These things makes it difficult to push on at a nice pace. I take full responsibility for that and I'd like to rectify it moving forward.

Posse sizes will be reduced to the remaining players who have been present in the past few updates. Anyone who wishes to jump back involved can if they wish to, but there is no pressure. Full disclosure: i will be influencing map tiles and exploration tokens to speed things up. As in - if it looks like you're going to draw another ten rooms before reaching your goal, I won't be allowing that to happen. Expect to find clue tokens quicker, but whether that clue token is a good one or bad will still be random. Loot, rolls and gear will still be random, ect.

After these missions wrap up I will be closing this thread. I really enjoy CRAWL. I have wanted to do a total visual and system rework of CRAWL for a long time. I want to do a reboot that's all snazzy looking. A reboot where I'm more on the ball so that when you guys post, the turnaround time is quick and fun, that you feel excited stuff is happening rather than frustrated things are taking too long. But to be honest a reboot isn't a guarentee. It may not happen. And even if it did happen, it might take me a long, long time to do. That's why I don't want to promise you anything. None of my projects in rpguild in the last few years have reached satisfying conclusions. I've likely disappointed a lot of people including you guys. Let's be honest, if I'd got my butt in order, we'd have a bunch of max level characters by now, beating up the lords of hell and travelling into the void on derelict ships. I am sorry for that. So even though I want to do a reboot and I have files to that effect, this project might end when this thread closes, if it doesn't die before then.

Even so, I've had a lot of fun and I hope you guys have too, [s]despite the flailing wildly on my part.[/i]

If there is a visual/structural reboot, there's be some things to keep in mind. I'd like to talk more when this thread is finished. But the gist of it is - firstly - if anyone is actually interested in going forward with this project in its next iteration or if I'm beating a dead horse. Secondly, if anyone is interested in co-GMing with me to keep things more ordered (which sounds glamourous, but it would mostly be keeping tabs on the rules, helping with inventories, possibly updates ect. Honestly there are already a few people who have gone above and beyond with this in the past, like @CollectorofMyst) Thirdly, the visual update will change how characters look. potentially alot, as I've said before. The plan is, for the better, but it might be jarring and while I will be aiming for recognisable I might miss the mark.

Anyway. Thanks again for joining me in this adventure up to now, folks. Have this hat for making it through this rambly post. Your character can wear it, if they were born with questionable fashion sense.
:::harvest some grasses with gusto, possibly while humming aimlessly
I missed this sort of thing.

:::spawn farmer

And possibly,

:::hunt for seeds
@Briza @Eklispe Ditto <3!

Late to the party but sending some love over to @ScreenAcne, @duskshine749, @Majoras End @Shylarah @CollectorofMyst @Light the Dark and @DeadBeatWalking. And also @Poohead189, low-key think you're pretty snazzy.

...and @Kore. Not sure if you'll see but you were one of my first rp friends and Ily even if we don't see much of each other <3.

@Duthguy@Majoras End@CollectorofMyst@rocketrobie2
Round 7

The Darkness sleeps...

Movement: Reminder: You may spend a DT to gain bonus movement.
Dan has 4 movement this turn.
Jamie has 1 movement this turn. She regains a DT but takes 1 Damage from the cold!
Father C has 1 movement left this turn. He regains a DT but takes 1 Damage from the cold!
Dahlia Willows has 6 movement left this turn.

P O S S E L E V E L 2


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