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@Eviledd1984 @Artemis Arts @Crimson Flame @Jove @BangoSkank @BenG85

In case you didn’t see on Discord, I’m putting this RP on hiatus for the foreseeable future. I’m not in a place right now where I can effectively run a RP. Thank you for your interest in Avengers Unlimited, and I will let you know when we are starting up again.
Sorry about the delay on the character sheet. Let me know if anything needs changing.

Roger Conti

Location: Eukary University, Mixed Species Dorm -> Open House Stalls
Interactions: Open

The alarm on Roger’s phone went off, but instead of an annoying repetitive sound, the phone started blaring a medley of music from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. The young Capybara always found familiar music as a better means of getting up than loud beeping. So it was to the sweet vocals of Tim Curry that Roger rolled out of bed. As he did so, Roger dropped his red comforter onto the floor of the dorm room.

Sighing, Roger picked it back up before looking across the room at his roommate, seeing that he was still asleep. Not wanting to wake him, Roger tiptoed his way out of the room, towel and toiletries in hand. As Roger made his way to the dorm showers, he passed by both herbivore and carnivore. While some people of species that were traditionally prey might have an issue with living with predators, Roger didn’t mind. He liked to see the best in people, not having any fear of being attacked. In fact he had specifically asked to be in a mixed species dorm.

While this dorm was usually packed, Roger lucked out and found the showers empty. Roger was still not fully used to showering around others, but he had no other choice while living on campus. As the water rushed down his golden fur, he realized that this was perhaps the only time he liked being in water, still disliking the ocean and pools.

Once he cleaned himself up, Roger headed back toward his dorm room. He found his roommate still sleeping, but that wasn’t odd as Roger had gotten up extra early. Today was a special day as the university was having an open house, trying to entice new students and show off the clubs on campus. As a part of the film department, Roger had volunteered to help run the film stall, so he had to get there early to help set up.

To help prepare for this event, Roger had picked out a set of clothing for himself the previous night. He had decided on all black, with a black Night of the Living Dead t-shirt, black jeans, and his custom black running shoes. Once he was fully dressed, Roger grabbed a backpack and threw in some items he thought he might need for the day. Roger then exited his room, and then the dorm entirely.

Roger made his way across the grass outside the dorms, a few people starting to make their way about campus. Roger cut through the middle of the campus to get to where the open house stalls were being set up. By the time he reached the alloted area of the campus, there were already many people working around there, most of the stalls already up.

“Yo, Roger,” someone shouted.

Roger turned to see Marco the Llama, a second year film student.

Roger knew him as a kind upperclassman who was always trying to help the first years. He was also one of the main people volunteering for this event. As part of this open house, the Eukary University film department was showing several student films as part of a makeshift outdoor theater.

While this was exciting for the film department, it was slightly less so for Roger as he was a first year, and all the first years had yet to make their own films. While Roger had made some films in high school, they were drastically amateurish compared to what he could make now. As such he didn’t even mention having them shown.

“Marco, hope I’m not too late,” said Roger as he walked over to the large stall next to the llama.

“Nah, you’re early compared to some,” Marco replied, “I haven’t even heard from Kristi or Niles yet.”

“Huh, you would think they would want to be here on time for like the biggest event of the year for us first years,” chuckled Roger.

Behind the film department stall, Roger could see some other film students setting up a large projector screen in the middle of the grass, as well as several rows of metal folding seats.

“Do you mind helping set up the projector?” asked Marco, “I still don’t know why Professor Harding wanted us to show the films on actual 16mm film.”

“I think it’s cool,” replied Roger as he helped move the actual film projector, “How often is it that most people watch a movie on actual film?”

“And did you guys forget the actual film?” asked a female badger.

As Roger put down the projector, he turned and saw Kristi the Badger, and her on again, off again boyfriend, Niles the Bear. The large brown bear had a large box in his arms, one filled with actual reels of film.

“You thought we forget? Didn’t you?” laughed Kristi, “We were with Professor Harding, making sure all the films were present.”

“Thank you,” replied Roger, “We should have had more faith in you.”

“It’s alright,” stated Niles as he put down the box of film reels, “I know we can we flaky.”

“Who you calling flaky?” asked Kristi as she punched her boyfriend in the arm.

Roger chuckled at the couple’s bickering. The film department were definitely a lively bunch. So the capybara was looking forward to this open house, getting to show some movies, talk film with guests, and maybe even convince someone to join the film department.

Reprise of Destruction

1.02: Out of the shadows, into the fire

As Bruce Banner made his way to the hangar of the S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, he became aware of just how large this complex was. Truth be told Bruce didn’t even know where this facility was located. As both Bruce and the Hulk, neither of them had the clearance to know the location of this base.

In fact before today he had only been to the sleeping quarters, cafeteria and laboratory. From what Bruce could tell, it was a similar situation for Dr. Langkowski. In fact it was only the base commander and senior agents that had the clearance for knowing where the hell they were.

But Bruce was alright with that. He assumed that the facility was remote, meaning it was away from civilization, a good thing to have when the threat of a rampaging Hulk was possible. However, this was going to be Bruce’s first excursion from the S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, so he was anxious at the thought of being back in the open.

But the fellow scientists at S.H.I.E.L.D. had thought of this. They devised a device that wrapped around the wrist and monitored his vital signs. Thus they could remotely see if his blood pressure or breathing were at a level where the Hulk would be coming out.

“Nervous, huh,” came a voice from behind Bruce.

The gamma powered scientist turned to see the familiar face of Rick Jones. Bruce wondered if he was being that obvious with his body language. But then again Rick knew him very well, just as he knew the Hulk very well.

“It’s the first time I’ve been out of the base in months. I’ve almost forgot what direct sunlight is like,” chuckled Bruce, “So are you to see me off?”

“Nah. I’m coming along,” stated Rick, “All that time in the pilot simulator is about to pay off.”

“So you’re piloting the Quinjet?” asked Bruce.

“Well, I’m co-piloting it,” explained Rick, “I’ll be working with someone who has years of experience.”

“Would you two hurry it up!” shouted Walter Langkowski from the other side of the tunnel, “The trail is getting cold!”

Remembering the importance of locating this gamma radiation experiment Bruce ran toward the hangar, Rick Jones right on his heels. Soon both of them were within the hangar, in which sat several pristine Quinjets. While the public mostly recognized it as the choice vehicle of the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. had been using Quinjets for several years now.

Standing outside one of the Quinjets were two men, clad in S.H.I.E.L.D. uniforms. Rick immediately recognized one and headed over to shake his hand.

“Agent Klaus, good to see you again,” said Rick as he shook his hand, “And it’s good to actually be flying.”

“Actually, you’ll remain in the cargo hold until such time that I open the cockpit,” explained Agent Klaus, “While it’s not ideal, it is S.H.I.E.L.D. policy for junior agents and other support crew to not know the location of this base. But Agent Jones, I will let you into the co-pilots seat once we’re a lot closer to the destination.”

“And what is the destination?” asked Bruce. He had been told it was in California, but not given specifics.

“Just outside a small town called Ferndale, on the northern California coast,” explained the other agent as he extended a hand to Bruce, “Agent Payne. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“About me or the Hulk?” asked Bruce as he shook the man’s hand.

“Well, truthfully both,” Agent Payne replied, “But I have been told of what an asset you are for the S.H.I.E.L.D. science division.”

“Well, while these pleasantries are nice, we do have an incident to investigate,” stated Walter.

“Of course,” said Agent Klaus.

The five men then loaded into the Quinjet. True enough to his word, Agent Klaus alone went into the cockpit, leaving the others in the cargo hold. Once everyone was strapped in, the Quinjet began to rise off the ground. While there were no windows for him to look out, Bruce could hear the sound of the ceiling opening, allowing the vehicle to enter the sky.

“Man these things are really smooth to control,” said Rick to himself, “Can’t wait to actually control it myself.”

Bruce didn’t say anything for most of the trip, nor did Walter or Agent Payne. For Bruce at least it was because of a mix of exhilaration of freedom of being off base, and anxiety at this possible gamma radiation release. The mix caused his stomach to turn, almost as if the Hulk was punching his organs from within.

After a decent amount of time, the door to the cockpit opened, Agent Klaus poking his head out and saying, “Alright, you have clearance to leave the cargo hold.”

Rick literally jumped out of his seat and rushed to the cockpit, Bruce and Walter following after him a little bit more slowly. Looking out the front window of the Quinjet, Bruce could see they were above a vast desert.

“It’s Nevada,” stated Rick as he sat down in the co-pilot’s seat, “At least that’s what the computer says.”

The young agent proved himself to be a competent pilot, navigating the Quinjet to northern California. Once they were near the location, Agent Klaus took main control of the Quinjet. The senior pilot expertly placed the vehicle down near a forest.

“Alright, everybody out,” announced Agent Klaus.

The five men then exited the Quinjet, Walter saying, “According to our sensors, the gamma radiation was somewhere within ten miles of here. So maybe we should begin lookin-”

What Walter was saying was cut out by the sound of a single shot. Bruce’s head whipped around at the noise, just in time to see Agent Klaus collapse to the ground.

“Take cover!” shouted Agent Payne as he pulled out his gun.

Rick dived on top of Bruce, making a shield with his body. The chaos of the situation began to affect Bruce, his blood pressure rising and his eyes gaining a green tinge.

“Now is probably not the time for the big guy,” Rick whispered into Bruce’s ear.

Bruce agreed, but didn’t think the Hulk thought the same way. So he began to practice the deep breathing that Dr. Samson had shown him. It seemed to help a little bit, that was until another shot rang out, a loud shout of pain becoming audible.
Posted as Chase. Also added a possible plot thread with Chase revealing that he had been attracted to the victim.
Chase Robinson

As Chase stood at the front of the line, the two police officers seemed to ignore his initial barrage of questions, stating that he should wait till the interview proper started. As Chase closed his mouth, the guy behind him in line made a joke about someone bringing a glock to a nerf fight. While Chase glanced back at him, he didn’t find the joke very funny and as such did not chuckle. This was probably the first time this student had ever talked to Chase, all the young writer knowing about him was that he seemed to attend class more often than a lot of other students.

But before Chase could muse too much on the bad joke, the police began to lead the mythology students out of the lecture hall. The line of students would follow the officers to the gymnasium, where cubicles seemed to have been put up in the last couple minutes. The officers then announced that they would be interviewing everyone one at a time. When asked if anyone had a question, one of the students asked if this was going to be on the final. This did make Chase chuckle as he recognized the student, a guy who sometimes came to class, but when he did he was visibly high.

However, the police didn’t seem to find him funny, instead waving over Chase to begin the interview. As he sat down on an uncomfortable plastic chair, the police immediately began asking him questions.

When they asked how well he knew the victim, Chase replied, “Kylie Griffin? I don’t recognize the name. Do you have a picture of her?”

The officer nodded and pulled up a photo on his phone, showing the girl in what looked like a Facebook photo, “Oh, her. I don’t think I’ve ever actually talked to her. But she was one of the few students who actually seemed to take this course seriously.”

The cops then asked if Chase had a positive or negative relationship with her, to which he replied, “I mean, I don’t really have a relationship. I thought she was cute and considered asking her out, but I’ve been too busy with studies to focus on dating.”

The officer seemed to take some notes at Chase’s answer. The young writer hoped that he didn’t just make himself a suspect by saying he had an attraction to the victim, but the police had said they wanted full cooperation and honesty. Chase thought that it would be better that he told the police directly, rather than them finding out some other way and make him look suspicious.

The officer then asked if Kylie had any enemies, Chase taking a moment before replying, “I don’t think so. Like I said I didn’t really know her. But she seemed nice enough and I couldn’t see anyone having a problem with her.”

The officer took a few more notes, before asking Chase some more questions. It was mostly routine stuff like where he was last night, to which he replied at home with a massive headache. They then took his contact information, before dismissing him from the cubicle. Chase made his way across the gymnasium to where Professor Abraham was.

As Chase stood next to his Professor, he asked him, “How are you holding up Professor? Did you know Kylie at all? I didn’t personally.”

Chase continued to look at the pair of officers as they talked to more of his classmates. They still hadn’t revealed what happened to Kylie last night. Chase’s mind immediately jumped to the worst scenario that she was dead, but he hoped that it wasn’t that serious.
Cool to see that this is going ahead. I'll start working on a character now.

The Pixie was surprised at the Princess and Alchemist’s objections of him going alone with the strangers. Of course it was risky, but Dumas had spent most of his life doing risky things. And speaking of risky decisions, Dumas saw Catherine approach Galmira the Dragon and complain. While Dumas himself had gotten confrontational with many different races in his travels, he could say that he had never got right up in the face of a Dragon.

But as that happened, Dumas focused on Princess Anki and her words. What most peoples didn’t know about Pixies was that they very much respected royalty. The Pixie colony of Oberia was no different. So Dumas took Anki’s words to heart as he decided not to go with the strangers, at least not alone.

Then the Princess spoke, stating that they could cremate the dead Dragon, seemingly meaning that Dumas would have to help with that process. Dumas didn’t mind though as it meant that he could brag about roasting a Dragon. He would just embellish some elements of the story when he told it.

But as Anki continued to speak, Dumas continued to agree with her. There was no trust between the people of Friestan and these newcomers, nor was there a reason for there to be. But Dumas was getting annoyed with the continued hitting of a wall, so he decided to speak up in Common, knowing that there tech could translate it.

“Perhaps we should call it a day. You return to your ship, and we make camp and deal with the Dragon’s remains,” said Dumas as a possible solution, “Then we take the night to address how we want to proceed before meeting back here tomorrow.

Dumas hoped that he didn’t speak out of turn as he had spoke his mind without asking the Princess. While his plan wasn’t ideal, Dumas did fear a cold night on the mountain less than the mystery of these strangers.

@Kumbaris @13org @Medili

The half-elf was glad that Madeleine agreed with him. It only made sense to him to track down the feral spirit that was somewhere in the city running amok. So the demoness entrusted him with the duty of casting a tracking spell, Avi being in charge of finding the Roggenwolf. Madeleine also said that she would take Morgana back to the office to sign that form, also grabbing Friedrich’s computer.

“You can count on me,” stated Avi, “I’ll perform the ritual here, while you guys head to the office. I’ll phone you if I get something.”

Avi then sat down on the floor in the middle of the penthouse, making sure not to step in the blood. Positioning himself in a meditative pose, Avi took out his wand and held it in front of his chest. His gaze was locked on the wand, all his mental intent focused on it as well. Within a few seconds, all that existed to Avi was the wand.

As Avi looked at the wand, he telepathically told it what he wanted. He wanted the sight, the ability to follow a spiritual trail. And after a minute the wand responded. Leaving Avi’s hands, the wand began to float in front of him, spinning ever so slightly. Then everything went dark for Avi as his eyes glowed a bright purple.

Avi’s vision was now in a dark abyss, the occasional blob of color floating by. He was unsure of how long he stood there before he was able to move his feet. The black ground rippled slightly as Avi walked, almost as if he was walking on water. Avi took a few exploratory steps before breaking into a jog.

But the abyss around him didn’t change as he continued to move through it. This perplexed Avi, who decided to stop moving. Seeing that this was getting him nowhere, Avi took a moment to think. He knew that right now his consciousness was within the spell, his wand connecting him to the spirit layer that existed just beneath the physical one. Truth be told Avi had only ever been here once before, on a different assignment involving hunting a spirit.

But that time the spirit’s tracks were more fresh, meaning he could find it immediately. However with the Roggenwolf, he had waited too long and now he couldn’t see any tracks. But Avi wouldn’t accept that, so, figuring that since he was in a spell, he tried to control the spell.

Focusing his mental intent on finding the path, Avi stood still, staring into the abyss. He lost track of time again as he focused on the darkness, but his effort was worth it as wisps of a golden trail appeared. Smiling, Avi ran toward the golden wisps, as he did so more revealed themselves.

Avi quickly found himself in front of a golden mirror. Within it he could see the Roggenwolf. The spirit appeared to be in some kind of greenhouse, filled with both domestic and exotic plants. Avi did his best to memorize all he saw as the Roggenwolf moved around whatever this place was. In the distance Avi could see a large communications tower.

Knowing that he shouldn’t linger in the spirit realm for too long, Avi decided that he had seen enough. Once again he focused his intent, this time on returning to the material plane. And after a few seconds, Avi found himself back in the bloody apartment, his wand lying on the ground in front of him.

Checking his watch, Avi saw that nearly an hour had elapsed since he started the spell. Wanting to figure out where the Roggenwolf was while his memories were still fresh, Avi pulled a cellular phone out of his pocket, a Motorola 8200. Avi immediately dialed the OMR office.

“Hello, this is the OMR office Frankfurt. How may I help you?” asked the receptionist. It sounded like the same Dwarf in the turtleneck that Avi kept running into.

“This is Agent Mosley,” replied Avi, “And was wondering if you could help decipher a location.”

Avi then began to explain what he had seen in the spirit realm. He mentioned the exotic greenhouses, the wide fields, and the gigantic tower. After about a minute of explaining, the receptionist cut the half-elf.

“Was the tower gigantic? Because it’s probably the Europaturm. Some people call it the Tower of Europe,” explained the receptionist, “It’s not too far from Frankfurt, and there is a large botanical garden nearby, the Palm Garden, which could explain the greenhouses.”

“So the Palm Garden, huh,” responded Avi, “I’ll head over there now. If you could direct Agents Disir and Faith to meet me there that would be great.”

Avi then hung up the phone and exited the apartment crime scene. The police standing out in the hallway gave Avi a strange look, probably wondering why he was alone in there for so long by himself. But Avi didn’t notice as he was singularly focused on finding the Roggenwolf. To that end, Avi hailed a cab outside, telling the Orc driver in German to take him to the Palm Garden.

@Kumbaris @King Cosmos
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