Avatar of Nallore


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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Lauren Ridgeway

Location: Athribis (Underground)
Skills: N/A

Lauren watched on as Nora continued to try and work on finding a route to where Belladonna was, as she turned to face Gene as she answered her question raising an eyebrow towards her wondering what she meant. "So, you are saying you are some kind of ancient being?" Lauren asked since no one could live long lives at all. As she looked up at the ceiling as it continued to fade away as well, she was pretty sure that none of this was normal at all. Lauren then turned her attention back over towards her friend Nora, and started to notice her friend's hands starting to fade.

"Whats happening?!" Lauren said as she watched the Lord Major starting to fade as well, as she started to get scared that things were getting much worse. She had a daughter at home as well, and her husband back in the states, as she started to worry about them as well, biting her bottom lip. Lauren felt completely helpless as to what she could try and help them as well, and she was scared what it may be happening to everyone else in their little group as well who weren't with them right now either. Lauren wanted to try and get out of here as soon as possible and she wanted to get home and away from this place as soon as possible to.
Sophia Harris

Location: Babylon Fortress, Cairo, Egypt (underground/tunnels)

As Sophia stood here she looked around as everything started to break apart, the ceiling was fading and just as she looked at Peter again, she looked in shock as she watched Peter starting to fade as well. It looked like they were to late is everything started to be crashing and falling apart with this haze as well going on around them. She stopped as she could hear voices filling the hallway now as well looking around with her torch wondering where exactly the voices were all coming from. "We need to get out of here as soon as possible." Sophia said as she agreed with Gio.

She watched as he attempted to make a time portal down here wondering if it would even be successful here in the first place or not, she wanted to help Peter from fading, but she wasn't even sure what she could even do to try and help prevent it either. The barracks weren't there from what Gilbert had said which was also confusing to. "The sooner we leave the better." Sophia said as she looked at everyone else as well to see if they started fading or not. Sophia thought about using her ability to try and hear where the voices were coming from. But she wasn't sure if that would even give them answers on where the voices were even coming from in the first place either.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Outside of Grimm Asylum
Skills: N/A

Riley's hands were still shaking as she stared at the monster who was Chris, she wasn't sure why he was even her alive and kicking as she tried to fire off another shot. When she felt Pyria's hand on her and lowered her gun. Biting her bottom lip, but as she looked her shots didn't even hit at all. Riley was about to get herself into the car, only for a piece of debris from the explosion came and hit her in the side dropping her gun, causing her to groan out in pain as she held her side. Riley slowly tried to sit up, she wasn't sure how bad the injury was but Riley looked over towards Pyria as well as Chris.

She started to notice that they were starting to fade, like Thanos had suddenly did the snap and she wasn't even sure what she could do to help them. Riley then started to get worried about Cecily as well, slowly getting up Riley tried to make her way over towards her she noticed it was happening to Roy as well. "Whats happening?" Riley asked while looking over at Pyria as she tried to reach out for her as well, she wanted to try and help them from fading away but she didn't know what she could do to help at all either.

Carolina Reed

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked into October's eyes and smiled softly trying not to cry, she had been the happiest in a long time even if this reality was incredibly fake and made up. She gave October another loving kiss while holding her hand a little bit longer not wanting to let go, she would make the most of their time here and now anyway. Carolina knew that this all wasn't real and it could have long lasting damage to the others as well. "We will make the most of what time we have together then.." Carolina said softly and looked into October's eyes a bit more.

Turning her attention to her best friend Annie and hugged her as well while looking over at the others for a moment biting her bottom lip before turning her attention back to her friend. "I figured if I possessed her I could get some answers from her maybe and find out if she did change reality or no." Carolina answered since Wanda probably wouldn't have told them anything or just completely lied to them all as well.

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York
Skills: N/A

Cassandra walked over and found herself a spot to sit on while looking over at everyone who wasn't there and she started to worry about her sister, she saw her briefly but couldn't get to her quick enough either. She looked over towards Hawkeye when he asked Niah about the aborted Ultron Timeline, though she wasn't here and on the stealth team right now. "We would have to wait until Niah gets back, I know just as much as you from the briefings but nothing specific." Cass said looking over towards Novikova knowing that she probably hard the harshest punishment. Cassandra started to think a little bit Scarlet Witch had the power to change it, but on a global scale would need help of some kind. "The Scarlet Witch has the powerset to change reality, but on a global scale or even bigger she'd need some kind of help."

Cass was onboard with recruiting as much as possible from the other active super hero teams out there even if they wanted to be approached or not. "If we approach anyone we have to do it carefully as well." Cass said looking over at James for a moment, and gently gestured towards him. "Some maybe like James if they don't remember the real timeline." Cass said before getting up and making her way towards Max. "If you can, try and get my sister and her friends back here to if you are going out and recruiting, she was at the palace."

Maria Smith

Location: New York City, New York, Human Resistance HQ.

Maria looked towards James a little bit longer while he went to go and heal Novikova, she still wasn't really sure if she liked the guy or not. She turned to look at the others who were there and ran a hand through her hair as she thought what else they should be doing while gently holding Novikova's hand. They would certainly need help recruiting just about anyone to try and fix things as well, she wanted to help out with the recruiting.

"Seeing as everyone we are trying to recruit are either in different parts of the city, or different parts of the country we should split up and try and convince everyone that way we can cover as much ground as possible with the recruitment." Maria suggested as she leaned herself back. "And we should get the stealth team back as soon as possible as well."

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York, Stark Tower
Skills: Enhanced Condition & Hand To Hand Combat

Cassandra entered the building and looked around at the barren lobby for a moment, she didn't like the idea of using the elevator or even the stairs either. "Well the stairs will be loads of fun going up." She said taking a moment as she looked at the snowstorm she and Maria had made, but then he sudden sound of glass shattering as thirty Ultron Drones came bursting into the lobby. Rolling her eyes slightly before running over to he closest drone.

The drone annoyingly moved to the side of her just as she attempted to punch it, before turning around and managing to land a good punch in the side of it's head denting it. Before Cassandra punched it again directly into the chest plate of the drone her fist coming out the other end before pulling her arm back out jus as the Ultron Drone fell down and then turned to make her way towards the stairs. "We cant stay down here for long." Cass said knowing that they would just send more drones after them.

Maria Smith

Location: New York, Stark Tower
Skills: Archery (Cass's Season Manipulation)

As Maria entered the lobby she took out her bow and switched to EMP tipped arrows, as she looked around she would rather use the elevators rather then going up a couple hundred flights of stairs to get to Ultron. Just as the glass in the lobby shattered Maria backed up somewhat as she notched an arrow as thirty drones came flying in. Hulk starting to take down several of them, as her attention turned towards a few targets.

Managing to fire off ten arrows, only for most of them to miss, and three of them were shot, and they suddenly shutdown the moment the EMP charge went off. Maria looked between both Vision and Wanda seeing that the two of them were having trouble smirking slightly before pointing out. "You guys make a cute couple, since you guys are having some trouble, even the cat is doing better right now." Maria pointed out as she watched Goose for a moment as the cat managed to take out two with no problem.

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground DC Station
Skills: Empathy

Callie looked over at Cayden and nodded towards him. "Take him down with us, I don't want him to suddenly wake up and go all trigger happy again." She said as she looked over towards Sunshine for a moment using her empathic power, to get a sense on what she was feeling angry, sad, and vulnerable. She didn't know the kid to well, but she would at least try and calm her down when things were much calmer, and maybe talk to her. Knowing that the Purifiers had taken the Morlock's home from them in the first place as well, once she was on the first floor again Callie set the walkie keycard and small bottle of almost empty pills on the table.

Callie looked towards Blink. "All I know is that they are kind of like the boogie men nothing else, but it's not a coincidence that they hit us just as the Purifiers hit you guys." She said with a slight shrug and stared at Casper who was both giving information but also sounded like he was talking to himself as well. And started to think a little bit since the Murlocks were pretty much harmless, looking over at Blink. "How big were the tunnels in the DC area anyway?" Callie wasn't really sure why they attacked them. "If the tunnels are big maybe they are planning on expanding?"

Evelyn Holder

Location: Serval Industries, Evelyn's Room -> R&D Lab
Skills: N/A

The month long forced vacation was nice but it didn't really feel the same with Andrew gone she would have liked to get to know him, but sadly that didn't happen. She had spent the time training mostly in the training room, but she did get the feeling something off was with their CEO. When she heard the radio going off Evelyn got up from her bed and grabbed the earpiece before putting it in, surprised that Watts wanted her in the lab. Since their first mission he didn't let anyone in there in the first place, taking a moment and looked at her weapons on the counter in her room deciding not to bring any of them with her.

"I'm on my way." Evelyn said to Watts as she got up and left her room making sure it was locked, and started to head down the hallway heading directly to the elevator. Getting in Eve pressed the floor button that went directly to the R&D level, eventually coming out of the elevator and entered the lab. "How are you doing?" Evelyn asked closing the door behind her.

Camp Half-Blood:

Annabelle seemed to start to come out of suddenly being love struck by Mona, though she was still confused at the moment, Leda would still feel a bit winded from having to baby carry Kiera all around the playing field, but she is (able to move 4 grids whichever way you want) before getting winded again. Tammy quickly followed after Mona seeing as they were about to win the game, she smiled and looked over towards her for a moment. "If ya want I can give you a ride back or something if you choose to." Tammy offered, there were two Ares kids though in the area. They looked at each other for a moment seeing they were outnumbered by two more, but they got ready to get into a fighting stance regardless.

"They say my eyes glow green and this green mist surrounds me whenever I spout out a prophecy, but no it's mostly for quests and stuff nothing like tests or any other mundane things." Rosie said as she looked up at the little screen of the game seeing that the Athena kids were about to win pretty soon. "It looks like the Ares kids are losing again." Theresa said with a slight shrug she always knew that the Athena kids were a lot more smarter. "I think you will like it here though." Rosie said as she took another bite out of her dinner and leaned back.

Alannah looked towards Ash and nodded at her slightly. "Yeah it's pretty much where Hollywood is and all the big stars are pretty much. Just a few hours drive from San Francisco where we have the Roman camp to." Alannah said as she stopped for a moment and looked over towards the trees. She spotted the three Ares kids and Jace there who seemed to have been coming out of a daze as well, looking over towards Ash. "I see three Ares kids close by." She said softly towards her.

Bryan ran over and helped Zeke out and knocked down the Athena kid and continued to move forward, but Zeke would be face to face with another Athena camper, who was there scouting out around. They both could see the flag was pretty close now as well. Bryan quickly took out his bow and fired an arrow at the Athena kid's feet, which would let out a nasty stench, quickly pulling Zeke away as the Athena kid would pass out from the smell. "There you go bro." Bryan said gesturing to the flag that was just a couple yards away now.

Somewhere Just Outside of Kansas City: 6:50PM

Jackson just rolled his eyes a bit towards Aster crossing his arms over his chest and muttered something under his breath about being attached to him for this quest. Angie seemed to perk up a little bit at the sparing match looking over at Jackson for a moment and gave him a slight nudge. "It would be fun to see." Angie said while staring at Aster for a moment and stretched out slightly as she finished up eating her fish.

"Sure why not, grab your weapon then." Jackson said as he got up and grabbed his weapon and then walked a little bit away from the camp, while looking over at Demetri. "You can do the first attack if you want." Jackson said as he got into a fighing stance and smirked a little bit he did really enjoy sparing as well to. "Aster why not join in since it was your suggestion to, unless you are chicken." Jackson taunted.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, E,6 -> D,5

Kiera started to follow the others now as well, though she was pretty far from the water now and she couldn't really get a good control over it right now. She got into a fighting stance as she pulled out her two swords again from her necklace she was still really enjoying the two weapons right now. As she spotted the one next to Theresa and then the one further down from her as well and decided to go for the closest one. She managed to stumble the guy and then looked over at Thresa, she smirked a little bit as she decided to Charmspeak the guy. "Drop your weapon and go check on Annabelle there." She said, as she watched the Ares camper going back over towards the flag.

"That's really cool." Kiera said with a smile as she watched the ares kid that was there, then suddenly drop his weapon seeing that he was really outnumbered now. Thresa gave Kiera a slight smile and patted Kiera on the back. "Thanks." She said as she started to walk over towards Mona and Tammy. "I would take the offer, though you may get a bit dizzy from the speed." Kiera said as she walked over to them as well.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, E,4

While Eva was more concentrating on Kristin she was hacking away at the vines that were being wrapped around her legs, groaning in frustration. Kristin watched Arthur as he started to try and climb the tree, though the first one made him fall on his ass, the second attempt was more successful though. Kristin eventually made it free now and ran over towards her fellow camper and started to hack away at the vines wrapping around him. "Almost there." Kristin said as she was doing her best to get him free,

Eva jumped slightly as she turned to see Arthur right there close to Andy surprised that he had even climbed up there in the first place, quickly holding out her arms. Vines quickly shot out from the tree and wrapped around Arthur and pulled him away from Andy, smirking slightly looking at him for a moment as he was dangled upside down line a piñata. "Nice try." Eva said smiling towards Arthur.
1. What A Shame - Shinedown - The Sound of Madness
2. The Sky Is A Neighborhood - Foo Fighters - Concrete and Gold
3. Blood Rose - Birthday - Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments (Original Television Soundtrack) EP
4. Believe - Orianthi - Believe (II)
5. Firefly - Breaking Benjamin - We Are Not Alone
6. Flight - Lifehouse - Out of the Wasteland (Bonus Track Version)
7. From Out of Nowhere - Five Finger Death Punch - Avengers Assemble (Music Inspired By the Motion Picture)
8. Sweet Things - The Pretty Reckless - Going to Hell
9. Feel the Silence (Remix) - The Goo Goo Dolls - Greatest Hits, Vol 1: The Singles
10. Unspoken Words - Temperance - The Earth Embraces Us All
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