Avatar of Nallore


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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Evelyn Holder
Casey Frazier

Location: Unknown
Skills: Rifles, Enhanced Condition, Knives, Martial Arts

Evelyn watched as Watts went in and took out six of the stormtroopers, and then Andrew stepping in and firing off the blaster rifle thing that the troopers were caring. Hearing him speak a bit more clearly was a good thing in her opinion and nodded towards him, feeling the cold going around her arm as Sapphire did her best to patch her up. "Thank you Sapphire." Evelyn said as she started to move forward down the hallway, when she heard some voices. Eventually spotting Madalyne Piror, the Mastermind Sisters as well as Lady Deathstrike again, they were all indeed alive and well here.

She was knocked away to the ground when Watts was flung down the hallway, letting out a slight groan and looked at Watts and helped him back up to his feet. She looked at all of them viewing Lady Deathstrike as a threat at the moment, grabbing on of the throwing knives that she had on her and ran forward. She managed to get in a few good strikes with her knife seeing that Deathstrike's healing factor was already kicking in as well.

Casey followed the others once the stormtrooper wannabes were dealt with, she looked at Andrew and nodded towards him as he managed to take out the remaining stormtrooper. Sapphire did her best to patch up everyone else as well, healing Arthur and Evelyn who managed to get hurt by them. She was more than eager to get out of here right now, and as soon as they could the sooner that they all could finally get home as well.

Casey was knocked out onto the ground letting out a slight groan as she slowly got up to her feet again, and cracked her neck slightly seeing the Sisterhood before her. She eyed all of them, but mostly targeted their former CEO Rae Garnder who went by Regan now, and fired off five shots with the blaster rifle that she had on her. Seeing that they all hit her, and the wounds looked pretty bad as well as she stared at the Mastermind sister.

Cassandra Reed

Location: - The Reception
Skills: N/A

Cassandra turned to look at Iris as she came over and shook her head slightly she wasn't really sure how they got her onto the team, but she didn't really say anything as she was about to charge forward to try and forcefully get Magneto off of the reception venue. She was suddenly stopped by the barrier that Miranda had made, she turned to look at her, remembering that she had been there in the whole House of M reality. Then Guin decided to go and attack Magneto again going around the barrier that she had made, and managed to get a few good hits on him.

She was proud of Guin, and wished that she was still with SHIELD she would have been great for the Secret Warriors as well, Cass tensed slightly as Magneto used his powers sending various shards and utensils that were made of metal around some of the members of the X-Men team. Things were getting really heated, she wasn't going to attack yet but she was going to if Magneto continued to fight however she saw Scarlet Witch displaying her own power now as well.

Carolina Reed

Location: - The Reception
Skills: N/A

Carolina watched as Magneto suddenly used his powers metal moving around the group, just as Miranda made a barrier between them and Magneto, she wished that Magneto would just leave them alone so they could enjoy the wedding. She clenched her fists slightly as some of the metal shards were really close to her friends, and glared at Magneto. Guin made her way around and started to attack Magneto again as well, Wanda showing her own display of power as well.

She had a feeling that they wouldn't really be seeing Wolverine anytime soon since his bones were all made of metal, she watched as her sister was about to attack as well but stopped, knowing that the metal floating near them could easily hurt some of them or worse as well. Carolina shook her head a little bit hearing Iris calling Magneto Metallica which was a little bit funny as well.

Bethany Bell

Location: - The Reception
Skills: Shadow Travel

Bethany flinched slightly just as the metal shards flew around some of them, some surrounded her just mere inches from her face, and glared at Magneto. She looked at Guin, and smirked a little bit even though it would have been really cool to send him out to the sun like that. But she had a feeling that it would be either really hard or really difficult to do, as she looked around for something and spotted a nearby lake. Bethany was about to move forward when Miranda made her little barrier between the two of them and then Guin going around it that wasn't really going to stop her.

Bethany closed her eyes as the shadows surrounded her and then the next moment she was behind Magneto, she wrapped her arms around him. "The bride said you needed to leave." Beth said, as she shadow traveled herself and Magneto, but he was either really heavy or he was resisting her, and only moved about two feet away closer towards the lake.

Sophia Harris

Location: Atrium
Skills: Engineering

Sophia winced slightly when Vinnie yelled out about her discovery, but she didnt really get angry at her, as the others started to gather around towards the grate in the atrium where the water was coming out of. She thought for a moment as she watched Zari trying to open up the grate and then Manny having a go at it. She had an idea and wanted to see if she could make a fiber optic camera, it would be safer having to use that instead of someone actually going through. She headed back into the galley area and made her way towards the fabricator thing and tried to see if she could make one. Sophia groaned a little bit as she couldn't really find out how to actually make one at all, and made her way back towards the others.

"If someone knows how to use the thing and make a fiber optic cable we could see about seeing how far that goes." Sophia said and looked over towards Zari, she was the smallest out of all of them but she didn't like the idea of sending her through at all. "Either that or, we have to send someone through that's small enough. But seeing that there is a lot of water coming through there now it wouldn't be a smart thing. Or if we Zarina here could reprogram the bot she has there to go through there and somehow make a tracker of some kind for it."

Argo III Upper Deck:

Alannah looked down at the little readouts that were in the wheelhouse they were pretty much safe for the time being as well, only seeing two blips that were a ways off and were flying off in the opposite direction. She shook her head slightly at the redhead comment, there were quiet a few of them on this little outing however. She looked at Demetri when he asked him what would happen if two demigods were to have a kid. She was about to answer before he decided to up and leave, Alannah gave a slight shrug as she made her way outside and caught up to Mary.

"Well at least he didn't say that gingers didn't have a soul or anything like that." Alannah said giving a slight shrug, she had seen South Park and saw the episode where they made fun of gingers. She watched Demetri shift and fly off to go on a little scouting run, he eventually came back down seeing him starting to vomit wondering why he was suddenly sick. "Soooo, are you sick now or something and need to go to sickbay?" Alannah asked him.

Argo III Crew Deck:

Lauryn came up from the engine room peering her head into the galley hearing Rebecca spouting off a weird fact about baby teeth, she wasn't sure if it freaked her out or not really. "That is a bit of a really weird fact." Lauryn finally said as she leaned herself up against the side of the wall. She heard Arthur laugh slightly she thought for a moment that it was a good thing then, as she ran a hand through her hair and looked at Andy who asked more about the world that they lived in right now.

"What would you like to know then?" Lauryn asked looking over at Jason figuring that it would be a good way for him to find out more as well, and help Arthur and Andy cope with what everything has happened after loosing two demigods that were friends of theirs not to far from each other either.

Kiera Donovan

Location: The Argo III, Third Deck Engineering.
Skills: Hydrokinesis, Swords

Keira laughed slightly at her comment as she twirled one of her swords in her hands looking at Leda, when she shot off a rainbow blast at her and missed. "I'm pretty sure that it wasn't a warning shot." She said with a slight laugh when she was knocked down with the second shot, her shirt getting wet from the water that was on the floor. Kiera then got up again, she used the water that was in the room and managed to hit Leda again.

She ran forward and swung her sword, but she missed looking over at the daughter of Iris and smiled at her. "Happy Pride Month to you as well." She said, taking a step back she did hear some of the stories of Hera back at camp and shuddered slightly wondering if she did ever have any mortal kids if they were anything like how her mother was. "So, doing anything later? And not talking about watch duty either later." Kiera asked as she hit her with some more water and smirked again, she did want to spend more time with Leda after all.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Jupiter: New Rome, Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

"Seems like it's been pretty busy here today." Madalyne said as she took a step and looked over at the menu and thought about it, her choice usually varied from tea, to coffee or just a simple hot chocolate. As she ran a hand through her hair and thought before finally deciding what she wanted. "I'll just have a hot chocolate if you don't mind." Madalyne said, and nodded towards Nancy grateful that she would be paying this time. Alexia looked between the two Praetors and then over towards Niah and nodded towards her, she didn't really like getting into the whole politics side of things. In her mind it sometimes felt a little bit to much like Game of Thrones, who would end up betraying who for political gain wasn't that fun for her.

"So, are we expecting some kind of trouble then?" Alexia asked, as she started to think about it, and decided that she was going to go ahead and just set up some traps around camp. "I can set up something around the perimeter of camp and New Rome." She said, Madalyne nodded even though the information was changed, she did want to make sure that things were still on the safe side. "That sounds good to me, and yes we are." Madalyne said, and Alexia nodded as she turned her attention over towards Emily and Marco and shrugged slightly. "The same old stuff really, though I did order Leandra to shut the hell up that was fun." Madalyne said with a slight shrug, and nodded towards Niah. "We can do this here if you guys want." Madalyne said, she didn't mind either way or just simply doing it in her or Nancy's villa's and plan from there.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: On the road again.
Skills: N/A

"Actually it was our second monster fight, you don't remember the Harpies back at the bus station back in New York?" Kristin pointed out towards Zeke and shook her head slightly, as she took back her bottle of nectar and stuffed it back into her pack again. She looked towards Janelle and smiled towards her and nodded. "It was pretty fun, at least we won which was a good thing." Kristin said as the bus started to move again and then it started to remind her of the quest that she and Zeke had gone on last summer as she looked over towards Janelle.

"The last quest that Zeke and I were on we got into a little bit of an accident and there was a cyclops that was driving a car. It tried to attack us but we ended up killing it and finding a baby cyclops in the back of the car." Kristin said remembering the baby Cyclops that Leda named Hercules and smiled. "He was kind of cute in a weird way though, we ended up giving him to a naiad but seeing it piss off Zeke was really funny."

Nadia Petrova

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Floor 21, Runa's Room -> Floor 5 Gift Shop
Skills: Alf Seidr, Vitakinesis

"Well, we certainly don't have to worry about Elizabeth's brain getting melted, it's certainly scrambled now." Nadia said with a slight laugh, seeing a little bit of blood starting to pool over Elizabeth's head. She made her way over towards Elizabeth and kneeled down just as she started to wake up. She closed her eyes a bit, as a light started to come from her hands, and the small gash on Elizabeth's head started to heal up and stood up whiping her hands off.

"Ya might have a bit of a headache though just so you know." Nadia said turning her attention back at Runa and smiled. "I've got some pennies I can pay for it for you, you basically just get money of your own from doing activities around the hotel, or gambling to." Nadia said, though she didn't mention the whole dying thing since she saw Runa was still new and it was still understandable to be freaked out over everything. "So, got you a weapon did you want anything else, armor a shield or anything like that?" Nadia asked Runa.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Floor 12
Skills: Boating,

Arnora shook her head slightly at Dailsy's comment as Lara got into the canoe with them and pushed off and continued to head down the rapids, the water was still calm for now as she turned her attention over towards Lara. "Yeah death by beheading isn't really all that fun and that has happened to me so many times it's not even funny." Arnora said as she moved the boat avoiding a sharp rock jutting out of the water with ease. She had been dead for centuries now at this point and had pretty much experienced all kinds of death while in the Hotel, while participating in games To the Death.

"I can steer the canoe easily if you two want to work together." Arnora said looking at Dailsy and Lara, knowing that the two of them hated each other's guts. It'll be a nice little training exercise with them to get them to work together as well as the water started to get rougher now, and then there were more low branches that were coming their way. "So you two be nice and start working together." Arnora said as she moved in between the rocks.
Kristin Reynolds

Location: Outside of Houston, Texas
Skills: N/A

Kristin groaned slightly as she felt Zeke starting to heal her and slowly got back up onto her feet looking down at her bloodied shirt she'd have to make a change now she hated it but she was glad Zeke was there to heal her. "Thank you Zeke." Kristin said, even though Zeke was a complete asshole a lot of the time actually he did come through whenever it was needed. She then watched as Leda came over towards them covered in monster dust.

[color=yellow["Oh yeah i'm just peachy."[/color] Kristin said shaking her head slightly as she looked around, they should be close now anyway as she cracked her neck slightly and took a sip from the nectar that Zeke had given her. The soreness was completely gone now as well she cracked her neck slightly feeling a lot better, she handed it back towards Zeke. "You still owe me money though." She told Zeke giving him a slight playful nudge. "Lets keep going."

Madalyne Crane

Location: Fargo, North Dakota, Junkyard
Skills: Sword Fighting

Madalyne smiled as she heard Nancy starting to sing she watched as four of the cyclops heads exploded shortly after and then bursting into dust rather quickly as well. She nodded towards her friend as she drew out her imperial gold sword and charged forward, aiming at the closest Cyclops that was there and managed to hit it and burst into dust as well. She noticed that Niah was having some trouble as well and went forward and killed the second one giving Niah a nod.

"You are welcome." Madalyne said giving Niah a playful smile as she looked at the remaining two cyclops that were there eyeing the three demigods. Neither of them seemed to be really scared either after what had just happened to their friend and then Madalyne watched the Drakon illusion that she made quickly disappeared.

Wichita Kansas Maleficent's High Rise Apartment:

"You'd make a cute couple then and seeing you two bickering would be really entertaining to see as well." Isabella said jokingly towards Jack, though she was freaked out what was going on as well and she wanted to get back home, but apparently there was more to this whole thing as well. She followed Megan down the flight of stairs, just as the elevator doors opened, looking over her shoulder catching a glimpse of four people talking amongst themselves and making their way towards the apartment that they had just left. As much as Isabella wanted to get more information on.

She had been trapped there for the last several minutes which she didn't want to be held there anymore than necessary either. "I'll follow you guys then I guess." Isabella said as she made her way towards her car and Tinker Bell nodded as she made her way towards her car as well and climbed in, following behind Tinker's car back towards where Megan and Jack were going.

Sierra Finley

Location: Ranger Station

Sierra felt the wind getting knocked out of her as she was now pinned to the ground, and tried to get free from Pandora's grip feeling the heat from the nearby fire wasn't doing much help either. "Rose, go and get out of here and go get some help." Sierra told her friend looking over at her, seeing her friend falling onto the ground. Sierra continued to try and squirm around as she turned her head slightly looking over at Pandora who had pinned her down. "I'd trust you more if you'd let me go." Sierra said staring at the girl, she didn't trust her at all by any means right now.

Maleficent looked at Rose, and then lowered the flames seeing the girl panicking from the heat, but they were still there just less intensity. She didn't have any kind of intentions on letting these two get away at all either turning her attention towards Rose and gave her a slight smile. "Just help me overthrow Merlin, he was the one who kidnapped you all from your parents all of those years ago." She said, hoping that Rose would believe her, she didn't want to use to much force then she already had been now, after all she was trying to get allies to help her.

Layla Hood

Location: Merlin's Warehouse

Taylor remained fairly quiet for the most part at the moment remaining close to Rosalia out of everyone there right now she trusted Rosa the most right now since the girl did offer her a place to crash. Before it was attacked by the Three Stooges Guy as she now called him mentally. She couldn't help but snicker slightly to herself as Rosalia dug a little bit into the redhead. She looked at the two boy couple holding their hands and shuddered slightly seeing the romance which she thought was really weird.

Merlin turned his attention over towards Colby when he asked another question and gave him a slight smile. "We will reunite you with your parents, and if you are willing help retake what is actually yours from Maleficent and her allies." Merlin simply answered when Willow said that two of their own were in some kind of trouble, most likely with Maleficent. "If you are willing to help, save them please pick up a weapon in that chest. Once they are saved then we can start getting back to Arcadia." He told them all as he started to wave his hands around doing what looked like a complex spell.

Layla looked at her sister and nodded towards her, as she started to leave and head outside back to where their car was, seeing that it was still there just as they had left it. Layla went to grab her things from the jeep strapping her pack over her back and looked over at her sister. "So what do you think of all of this?" She asked her, as she grabbed her cat's crate and started to make her way back inside.

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Friendly Clinic
Skills: N/A

Callie leaned forward slightly holding her head as her head felt really dizzy as the others continued to speak, and groaned a little bit louder as she looked at everyone. Right now she was really irritable as well, her stomach started to feel a lot worse she brought her knees up to her chest in an attempt to stop the stomach pains feeling like she could vomit at any moment. She looked at the others, hearing Sunshine's comment towards Max, and shook her head slightly it really wasn't a smart thing right now to piss off anyone really. "Everyone stop pissing each other off, or i'll make you all calm down." Callie said a little bit more than annoyed as she rested her head up against the wall.

Then Doctor Chan coming into the room, she wasn't sure how much she was willing to give them they weren't really swimming with money either. "Thank you Doctor." Callie said as she turned away seeing Magik vomiting onto the ground, which made her stomach churn even more she closed her eyes and swallowed a bit. She just hoped that Dr. Chan would be able to get the meds that they needed and then just leave she didn't like staying here for to long.

Kristina Smith

Location: George Washington University, Outside Lisner Auditorium
Skills: Laser Vision

Kristina quickly made her way out of the Auditorium as soon as she did everything started to go into pure chaos, as both police and Purifiers started to show up. And then the gun fire suddenly started as well, Kris started to panic slightly she really wanted to go back to her dorm where it was safer for her there. Seeing the mutants starting to attack the Purifers as well in self defense, one of them ended up getting shot the rainbow girl fell down to the ground. And Purifers started to zip tie her, but was saved by some of the mutants that were in the auditorium apparently.

She wasn't going to be defenseless in the crossfire, as she focused on the closest Purifier only for her hair to suddenly get in her way, and suddenly she started to smell something burning and quickly closed her eyes and started to pat down the little bits of fire as best she could. Kristina quickly looked around for someplace that would protect her and went to hide behind a nearby car.

Cassandra Reed

Location: - San Francisco California, The HUB, Hangar
Skills: Mission Strategy

Cassandra mentally hit herself, she had forgotten that Sparky was good with anything mechanical, and nodded towards Bonnie. "You are right, Sparky your on the LMD team." She told her, and looked at Maria, Flynn and Tinley as Tinley asked what she should do biting her bottom lip for a moment. The only thing that she could think of at the moment for the three of them was to prep the Quinjet as soon as possible. "I need you, Flynn, Maria and Matt whenever he gets back to prep the Quinjet as well for another Attilan trip." She said looking at Strange and nodded towards him, whether Medusa and Crystal were willing to help was ultimately up to the two of them whenever they arrive.

She looked at Oliver when he gave his concerns on a secondary exposure to Terrigen Mists that were on the Moon which were understandable, but as far as she knew the Terrigen Mists weren't deadly to those with Inhuman DNA. Though there was a chance like Matt that Oliver could get a secondary exposure to them. Unlike her and the other members on the team who were Mutants they ran the greater risk of contracting M-Pox. "We'll put one on the jet, just in case you do need it Thanos is after you personally it could be helpful." She said and nodded towards Novi. "Thank you Novi." Cass told her, and looked at Oliver and nodded towards him. "Send it out now, I'm going to go and contact Director Hill on what our next move is now meet back up here once everyone is finished with their tasks." Cass told them as she started to head out of the Hangar to look for Director Hill.

Maria Novikova

Location: - San Francisco California, The HUB, Hangar

"Yeah I wouldn't want to cramp his style or something like that." Maria said with a slight laugh feeling her wife's arm over her and returned the gesture, as she stood up next to Novi watching her sending out a text to the West Coast Avengers. She did enjoy visiting them all whenever she could with Novi. "So, when this is all said and done what do you want to do for dinner my treat? Since I did ignore all your texts earlier today." Maria asked, since it was Valentines Day after all she wanted to do something romantic for dinner.

"That's if the city isn't nuked from orbit or anything by the giant purple guy." Maria said shrugging slightly, she knew that their mission was going to be really hard and Thanos was probably going to be really hard battle. She listened to Cass as she gave orders and nodded, she didn't mind stocking up the Quinjet for another trip to Attilan she wasn't to thrilled really to see Medusa or Crystal either again. She also did want to stock up on some arrows as well, they were pretty effective against Black Dwarf when she fought against him.
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