Avatar of Nallore


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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Bethany Bell

New York, Woods
Skills: Shadow Manipulation

Bethany watched as her counterpart and Mage were sent flying off into the distance like they were Team Rocket, she closed her eyes and let out a slight sigh every part of her body was hurting like hell. She was bruised, and her one arm was still bleeding pretty badly as well to, it looked like Klara was back to normal now which was a good thing then. She winced slightly when she felt Annie latching onto her arm for support. "Ow my arm.." Bethany said looking over at Annie, when she watched a sword flying by Klara nearly hitting her, only to be grabbed by it.

Then she saw the others all coming up, and assumed that they probably had found what they were looking for in the first place which was good then. "So we have two Klara's here now thats interesting." Bethany said looking between the two of them she wasnt sure really which one was theirs or not, but good thing was that Lance Hulk wasnt smashing anything at the moment which was good.

Rapunzel's Tower:

Merlin turned his attention over towards Maddie asking about what the plan was and why they needed the lamp, he smiled slightly towards him. "We need a little bit more magic on our side, we make the wishes that we need in order to type the battle into our favor, the forces that we have right now aren't enough so the other group that is out right now are trying to recruit Atlantis to help us out. We can't really defeat them with just Robin Hood's men right now at the moment. With their forces we'll have enough to go against Maleficent and her's." Merlin answered, he hoped that the others were still working to getting the Atlantians onto their side, and they would be able to return things to normal hopefully.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Sierra continued to eat the rest of the food that was on the plate as she watched the sun continue to set until it had gone down completely now. The only light coming from was the fire, she looked up at the sky seeing the stars were a lot brighter than they were back at home where she grew up due to the light pollution. Sierra set her plate down as she watched some of the men were starting to get ready to move out now. She turned to Megan and Jack knowing that the two of them would be separated from one another and that she would be working with Megan as she asked her brother if he was scared.

"Are you all ready to move out?" Eric asked as Arthur looked at him and nodded as he stood up grabbing some of the gear that they had brought with them. "As ready as i'll ever be." Sierra said giving her father a slight smile as she started to stand up, Arthur started to kick out the fire with the sand as the rest of the men quickly started to breakdown the rest of their little campsite. "Lets get going then." Arthur said as the men started to head out into the woods once more towards where they had been earlier scouting out the area.

Hook's men were on the shore near a few camp fires that they all had set up around the area enjoying the evening and drinking by the looks of it, there were a few men out patrolling the docks as well to. "You guys ready?" Eric asked them all as Sierra gave a slight nod she was more than ready to get this going as she went to stand next to King Arthur, while Bell and Eric were moving as well to.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Alright then lets get going." Robin said looking at his two daughters and Rose as well to, luckily Flynn had given him a map to where they needed to go and they would hopefully meet the two of them at the castle as well to. Layla looked over at Rose and Cassi and shook her head slightly at the two of them. "Well hopefully our father and his men aren't wanted anymore once we finish this and they could live in a city or something, and you two wouldnt have to have dates out in the woods." Layla said jokingly towards her sister and Rose, in the woods there werent any more of Maleficent's men in the area which was probably a good thing then as they made it towards the main road that would lead them to the castle. However Robin remained in the treeline and followed from there so that they wouldn't run into anymore of Maleficent's men.

Flynn closed his eyes for a moment as he could hear Rosalia's voice, though he couldn't see her from where he was at he didn't want to pressure her from coming out really. "Are you okay?" Flynn asked her, knowing that she had stormed off he didn't see her getting shot by an arrow or anything like that or being hunted by some men. "I just wanted to talk is all." Flynn told her hopefully she would at least talk.

Diana Novikova

Location: Avenger's Academy, Fairgrounds
First Day Fit
Skills: N/A

Diana had unpacked just about everything from her home and back into the dorm just the day before as she woke up that morning she made her way towards the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She closed her eyes and groaned seeing that her acne decided to flair up of all days it happened to be the first day of school. Luckily she had some makeup on her and quickly started to try and cover it all up as much as possible. She knew that makeup was probably the worse thing to do when you had bad acne, but she didn't really care as Diana left the bathroom after she had gotten changed. Diana decided to go with a green top, and a white t-shirt, along with a black belt, dark blue jeans and a pair of black leather boots. Then she heard a meow coming from her bed as her Tauriel perked up wanting some pets clearly, Diana smiled as she gently petted her on the head. "I'll see you later and i'll bring you some treats after the carnival." Diana said as she quickly headed out of her dorm, Zelda had gone off already to the carnival, Diana was excited to go and meet up with all of her friends she hadn't seen them really all summer.

Diana thought about what to do herself as she thought about doing a little bit of archery, she always did have a friendly rivalry going with Kate over who was the best archer in the school. As Diana's eyes wondered around she paused for a moment seeing April and some of her friends were there as well she then saw her brother teleporting himself into Dorian, she made her way over towards them, when she noticed Percy's shirt was now suddenly on fire. "Are you trying to kill my little brother on his first day, really?" Diana asked as she caught up to them.

Luckily Danny had put out the fire on Percy's shirt, she was a little bit mad at Danny trying to set him on fire, but she knew that it was just an accident Diana then turned to her brother and offered a hand to help him back up, as she turned to look at Danny. "You should treat Percy to some food now after you tried to just kill him." Diana said teasingly towards him.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Fairgrounds
First Day Fit
Skills: N/A

Madalyne had woken up early that morning and taken a shower, she was excited to start another year and she was really happy to be rooming with April this year again to. She enjoyed spending late nights talking and studying and of course spending the time with Danny and Dorian as well to. Madalyne knew that April had already headed out, and she decided to go out as well to, after she had gotten changed, Madalyne decided to pick a dark gray jean jacket, and matching shirt as well as a pair of blue jeans and regular old sneakers. Madalyne started to look around the carnival grounds.

She couldn't really find April at the moment or any of her other friends, it was really huge but she figured that she would run into April or some of her other friends later. Madalyne thought about getting some food first but decided to get something to eat a bit later as Madalyne started to explore the carnival grounds a bit more and decided to make her way over towards the fortune teller's tent. Madalyne noticed a line was already there as she stood in line waiting for her turn next.

Amtrak Train:

The dining car was still very much in chaos right now as the Harpies continued to raid just about everything that wasnt tied down, opening and destroying cabinets that contained food and other condiments and random things they were squawking rather loud and annoyingly. "Take the food!" One of them yelled, three more Harpies came into the car, there were a lot of them they could continue to fight them all or leave the train car and lock it preventing them from following. The entire room was getting completely trashed now at this point, as the three hapries decided to attack the three demigods again hitting and clawing them all, leaving rather nasty looking claw marks over their arms

Kiera Donovan

Location: New York City
Skills: Hydrokinsis

'We are getting closer now.' The hippocampi said to Seraphina as the Sirens were left behind and their singing wasnt able to be heard which was probably a good thing now then. Kiera looked over her shoulder towards Leda and gently nudged her that she can take out the ear plugs now as Kiera started to do the same thing. "Well that was certainly interesting." Kiera said as she let the hippocampi lead them once more towards where they were needed to go now.

As they continued to move through the ocean the hippocampi moved quickly along the sea floor, until they went down a deep ravine and a few seconds later a few lights started to appear in the distance as rather massive looking underwater kingdom started to appear, as merpeople could be seen going on about their day, some of them were riding different sea creatures a few whales and dolphins could be seen as well as a number of sea nymphs as well to. Kiera looked in awe as she could see the underwater city was certainly a sight to behold as their horses moved towards a nearby stable. 'Head to the palace he'll be there.' The hippocampi told both Kiera and Seraphina as Kiera climbed off while still maintaining the bubble around the two of them. "I know where to go!" Hercules told them all as he started to get off of his hippocampi and headed for the palace.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Labyrinth
Skills: Greek Mythology, mystiokinesis

"Just go really slow i'd rather not fall down that, and go one at a time.." Madalyne said as she looked down, it looked like the pit was never ending, it most likely led straight down to Tartarus itself. She knew that she was bound to go there at some point as well whether it was during this quest or if she ended up dying. She shook her head trying not to think about it to much as Madalyne slowly started to make it across the bridge, which looked like it had seen better days.

The noises coming from the monsters werent that reassuring either as stumbled slightly as a floor board on the bridge broke and fell down into the endless abyss. She was about halfway across, Madalyne closed her eyes for a moment, she really hated heights now at this point, but a few seconds later Madalyne made it. She quickly turned her attention towards Andy and Mary. "Alright one of you guys come across next." Madalyne called out to both Mary and Andy then the sound from the monsters started to become much louder now as well to.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Amtrak Triain
Skills: N/A

Kristin turned her attention towards Janelle asking what it was that made the loud roaring sound. "That would be a minotaur, they are giant bull like people with a body of a man, basically really dangerous." Kristin said to Janelle, she really hated the fact that they were fighting one in such tight quarters, as the massive beast decided to suddenly charge forward directly at them, and the Minotaur suddenly grabbed a hold of Cassian. And like the scene from the first Avenger's movie where the Hulk swung Loki around a few times, the monster decided to swing Cassian like a ragdoll mashing Cassian against the ceiling and aisle of the train, leaving a few nasty bruises, as a snapping sound could be heard one of Cassian's arms was broken, as the Minotaur dropped Cassian onto the ground.

It then set it's sights on Janelle and Kristin, it was slightly tired now thanks to Janelle's attack as it swung it's massive axe at them slower than it should be Janelle, was lucky and missed, but Kristin was hit rather hard and sent flying back into the car where the others were. Kristin groaned slightly as she started to quickly get back up drawing out her spear managing to stab the beast in the side which only made it eve more mad.

Bethany Bell

New York, Woods
Skills: Shadow Manipulation

Bethany looked over at Annie for a moment and gave a slight shrug she really wasnt sure how to actually calm down Lance, other than just trying to knock him out. But none of them in the group were any heavy hitters which made things a lot harder for them to try and defeat their counterparts and Lance Hulk as well to. "Dunno how to even calm Mini Hulk down." Bethany said to Annie as she looked at Mage who made a shield for himself, and winced as Lance Hulk slammed into her counterpart into the ground.

Bethany's attention turned towards the portal that had opened up and Klara was talking to Runa, she had to assume that whatever Runa had done she was able to fix Klara. She was asking which ones were good and which ones were bad as Bethany gestured towards her counterpart. "Attack her, and Ed." Bethany said to Klara, hoping that she would be able to understand.


New York, Woods
Skills: N/A

Nightlocke was about to try and attack her counterpart when she heard a loud roar when she realized that she was in front of the Hulk and then a few seconds later she felt the wind getting knocked out of her as Bethany was slammed into the ground. She let out a slight groan as Nightlocke laid there dazed on the ground her attention turned towards Mage giving him a slightly annoyed look as he shielded himself.

"Could you give me a shield to?" Nightlocke asked as she quickly got up and tried to cover as much distance between herself and Mini Hulk as best she could. When the portal opened Klara and Runa came out. She then thought for a moment as she came up with some sort of plan, to try and defeat them all.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Odinskeep, New Asgard Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked at everyone who was in the room, she didn't know either of these people other than Bonnie, and knowing that Maria was a criminal as well to, Maria seemed to be holding Doom down trying to drain him of his life-force or powers. And Raynor tried tossing his knife at Doom, not even caring if Maria got hurt or not was kind of amusing. When she noticed that the girl's eyes on the other end of the room started to glow green. A few seconds later Cass' eyes started to do the same thing as well to, causing her to stumble backwards slightly getting a lot of flashes of her life back in Earth-666.

When everything stopped Cassandra shook her head slightly she was back to normal now it seems as she looked at Bonnie as she held out her shield and Maria quickly releasing Doom. Cass watched as Doom quickly turned to stone, which was a good thing then that they managed to defeat Doom. The room was a little bit quiet as she stared at the bodies of Sif and Luminous as well to, she wasn't sure what had happened to her, but at least Doom had been stopped. "Doom isn't dead right?" Cass asked looking over at Bonnie and then over at the petrified statue of Dr. Doom she remembered that they needed his help to get back home as well to. "Nice job there by the way Bonnie." Cassandra said giving her friend a smile.

Maria Novikova

Location: Odinskeep, New Asard, Earth 257
Skills: Power & Lifeforce Absorption (Oliver's Super-speed & Demonic Traits)

Maria winced as she held onto Doom as best as she could as he sent a blast of energy at her, but her grip remained on Doom as much as she could trying to drain as much out of him, while not killing him in the process. She winced again as Doom blasted her with some arcane energy as well, but she managed to shrug it off. Maria turned her attention towards Raynor who came into the room and started to throw his knife at Doom. "Hey you trying to kill me to?" Maria said to Raynor, as Raynor tried it a second time, when Bonnie took out her shield and she quickly remembered her times reading Percy Jackson & the Olympians growing up Athena's shield would turn anyone into stone, and she quickly let go and looked away from Doom.

When Maria looked back she saw that Doom had been turned to stone now, as Maria looked over at Bonnie and smiled towards her Doom had been defeated. "Can we go home now?" Maria asked looking at Sylvie who was there and made her way over towards her putting her gloves back on offering a hand to Sylvie. "Are you alright?" Maria asked her.

Rapunzel's Tower:

Rapunzel had just finished tending to the last injured soldier when her attention turned towards Maddie, Colby and Willow as the two boys approached her. "No my hair doesn, but that would be nice, it's just really long and really strong as well to." Rapunzel answered their question as Aurora looked towards her daughter as Rapunzel answered the two boys questions. "Like the others have said that would be Rapunzel." Aurora answered as she went to take a seat. "The others who are here should hopefully be back later." Merlin said as he set the genie lamp down onto the table, he hoped that the others were safe.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Eric thought for a moment as he looked between Megan and Jack as he thought about the group assignments. "Arthur, Megan and Sierra will be on dock sabotage while Jack, me and Belle will be the one to rig up the explosives." Eric suggested as he looked over towards Ariel for a moment. "Ariel, and the others will provide backup wherever it is needed does that sound like a good plan?" Eric asked as he looked at everyone within the group. Sierra looked at Megan for a moment and nodded towards her and Arthur giving them a slight smile. "Yep that works for me." Sierra answered her father.

Sierra started to dig into her food though she would have liked it better if it had some seasoning on it, but they didn't have anything like that on them sadly. She looked over at the sun as it started to slowly set down now giving the area a nice relaxing orangish red hue to everything making the view from the beach rather beautiful.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Robin Hood had finished burring the bodies hopefully no one else would find them for the time being, and that the wild animals in the area could do with the remains of the dead bodies to. He turned his attention over towards the three girls, he didn't want to push them to hard, but they did need to continue moving. "Are you guys ready to move out?" Robin asked looking at his two daughters and Rose as well to, he wanted to make sure that they were alright as well to. "Yeah i'm good." Layla answered her father as she gently rested a hand on Cassi's shoulder and nodded towards Rose. "You guys ready to get going?" She asked them.

It seemed that the group of men had lost Rosalia thanks to the quickly moving water now, the cave wasn't massive or anything like that really, it was large enough to hide in the dark. The arrow lodged in Rosalia's shoulder would hurt like hell as well to, she would then be able to hear Flynn's voice. "Rosalia are you there?" He called out as he looked around the area outside of the cave and by the sound of his voice he was concerned and worried about her.
In ---- 1 yr ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
@LilissenI'll have my character up either Thursday or Friday. :)

Cassandra Reed

Location: Odinskeep, New Asgard Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra watched as the Doom Bot she grabbed was thrown directly into the portal to wherever it had gone to, along with the other Doom Bots who decided to follow suit and into the portal. Her attention turned to face both Raynor and Flynn clenching her fists slightly as she thought about it, her skin did offer a lot of protection but she could still be killed regardless. Then there were all of these Doom Bots that they had to deal with, and their leader breaking into the palace as well to.

"Fine, but once this is all over i'll do whatever it takes to take you two in." Cass said deeming protecting the world to be more important now than having to deal with two genocidal maniacs she started to make her way over towards the palace quickly running towards it and making her way into the building just in time to see Doom firing off a death ray at the girl, only to be saved by Luminous herself who had taken the shot.

Maria Novikova

Location: Odinskeep, New Asard, Earth 257
Skills: Power & Lifeforce Absorption (Oliver's Super-speed & Demonic Traits)

Maria closed her eyes for a moment letting out a slight sigh that Luminous decided to work with them, as she felt that she could move again and looked at Matt. "Sorry didn't know what came over me." She said as Oliver decided to speed off towards Niah right now, her attention then turned towards the scream coming from inside of the palace. "C'mon you need to come and help me deal with Doom he is more of a serious threat then a psychotic speedster right now." Maria said to Matt hopefully he would follow her, as she quickly sped off into the room.

When she entered the room she saw Sif dead on the ground along with Luminous as well to, at least she died as the Avenger's version of herself rather than her crazy psychotic self that they knew. Maria quickly charged forward managing to catch Doom off guard ripping off his helmet looking at his face. "Eww you really need to get like some aloe." Maria said as she quickly touched his face draining some of his lifeforce from him.
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