Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

Most Recent Posts

Location: Hideout --> Underground Vault
Interacting with: @NobodiesHero @vancexentan @Saarebas @Lugubrious @Duoya

Ryuuji couldn't help but chuckle before he kicked his body away from the table, making the chair fall with a loud thud as he disappeared and then appeared beside Chika. He then ruffled her hair. If her One Pointer decided to attack to protect Kashikoi, Ryuuji would disappear from his position and then beside the fallen chair. If not, he would stay there as he began to speak. "Don't worry kiddo, some socialization won't kill you yeah?" He reasoned. "And I think it won't be that detrimental to your research, experimentation and creation." He continued. Honestly, he's more comfortable around the intelligent kid - as odd as that was. Perhaps it was because she regarded him as a 'senpai'. He wasn't sure. Oh well. In the end, they were just teammates with different goals in mind. There wasn't any real need for being completely comfortable with them.

Unlike what they thought in UA.

Ryuuji then turned towards Shade Walker when he had answered the phone before relaying that everything was ready. Captain East was the first to be dispatched at the decoy bank. Shortly after, they felt a tremor which riled Kane up - announcing his one-way rivalry with the former hero. Well, anything that riled up Kane before a mission was good. The big lug of muscle was a great distraction and an even greater opponent for any hero. He could count on the guy to cover for him, at the very least, especially on missions such as this.

The black haired male looked at the new girl who made her way close to Kane. "Kid. Impress him, you impress most of us." He said slowly and clearly in English while gesturing at Kane, hoping she at least knew those words. He cracked his knuckles as he placed the mask on his face. It wasn't as 'cool' or as 'threatening' as other villains' who liked showing off, but it was enough for him. He began to hum as he walked forward when the portal was ripped open. He studied the layout of the bank that was given to him in advance and he had a clear image of where he needed to be, at the very least. "I'll inform you guys once I've teleported the money out." He took out a photo of where the rendezvous point was for when he teleports the money and then nodded to himself, pocketing it just in case he forgets. "And just alert me when you need to get the hell out of dodge out there."

"Well then, if there's no further things to talk about, it's time for me to travel." Ryuuji exited through the portal and then nodded to the team.

He needn't worry about the police. The attackers could handle them well. Though, the problematic one was the SWAT team being present and how they may reach them before he could teleport all of the money, or if Kane goes wild and accidentally send a hero his way. Ryuuji groaned at that thought as he teleported towards the underground vault. Spotting one of the underlings, he called them over. "So, how much?" He needed to know how many trips he would make, so he had to know exactly how much in total he'd have to be transporting.

Interacting with: Felix @Heckno12

Lea nodded. She agreed that going to the main ship would be the best idea for now. Though, the only thing that would be problematic, as he said, was that everyone else would have the same plan. Even the more dangerous prisoners. She wondered which prisoners got out alive. Ah, she remembered that one of them would be very problematic - well, multiple were, but Pandora was one of her more... problematic patients. Moreso because she truly had no reason to team up with others because of her bloodthirsty nature. Though, hopefully, she would actually not try to kill everyone there. As Felix said, however, the creatures here might be a worse fate than dying to the prisoners - if what they saw earlier was the norm around here.

"Fair enough, Mr. Felix." She finally said. "Though, I worry that some of the prisoners might be more problematic now." Lea pointed out. She then drummed her fingers against her thigh as she contemplated how to prove her usefulness. She was aware that her life magic wouldn't exactly work perfectly on him - since he has prosthetics. It was most unfortunate, but she had another use. "Perhaps I could give you information about the prisoner we would meet. I know their attunements and their various enhancements and whatnot." Of course, she'd like to speak with them before they try to kill each other since she maintained a... good relationship with some of them. Even with the anti-aggression field, she does guess that they at least felt shared genuine interest in each other. Hm... perhaps that would be too optimistic.

Lea sighed before tapping her backpack. "I have some food here. It should last us for quite a bit. We could ration it as well, and I could potentially collect some herbs to eat... that are safe." While she didn't major in botany, she had quite a good instinct for it. Besides, she could just heal herself, or Felix, if there are any lethal side effects. Hopefully. She then peeked out and notied that the creature was gone, so she turned back to him. "Might as well start now if it's going to take a while."

Same here. If you ever think about opening it up again, just tag me or something.

Still writing the collab, but still here.

Location: Chihaiten Academy - Classroom
Interacting with:Alekos @Saarebas Noah @AdmrlStalfos19 Zentaro @Bornlucky Isamu @Demon Shinobi

Rikuo continued listening with his arms crossed. So, pink-haired guy was named Zentaro, good to now. Hm... he looked to be the serious type so he'll wait a bit before calling him something shorter... like Zen! Yeah! That would be perfect. That is, if the guy would actually allow him to call him by a nickname. It looked like he was a bit competitive, or if not, he strayed away from normal social cues. It was mostly because how he treated the introductory phase of their relationship as some sort of competition where they all won. Nevertheless, Rikuo nodded. "Yep, guess we all won. Pretty hard to have a winner when it's introductions y'know?" He pointed out with a shrug.

He then looked at Noah, who seemed pleased with the compliment Zentaro gave to her. "So you have a translator and everything huh?" Rikuo observed as he saw Noah peek downwards, towards her phone he would assume. "That's... actually pretty cool." He then paused for a few moments. "If you'd like, I could copy down notes for you, have Al translate them and hand them to you. Y'know, if you're having trouble with keeping up." He offered. Rikuo did everything quickly after all, jotting down notes was easy for him to do, writing two was a challenge but something he did quite often just so he wouldn't fall out of focus form the class. One of his best friends, a sickly one, appreciated the arrival of notes whenever he was out for the day. Helping others and helping himself at the same time was always a win-win situation for him and it made him feel good.

Rikuo then looked back and forth between Noah and Alekos. "You two were born in Japan? Huh..." He was used to the story that foreigners moved from their home country to Japan, but rarely being born here already. Oh well, first time for everything he guessed. He looked at Noah, "Shame you didn't get to learn much Japanese though. Was your old school an international school then?" He questioned, curious as to why she never needed to learn conversational Japanese at the very least. It would be cool though, to hear stories about international schools. They speak in English there, he heard, or at least very little Japanese. Though, they were only rumors. Maybe it was different and Noah was just homeschooled or something.

"It'll be a big help Al!" He exclaimed with a thumbs up as he grinned at the big guy. They needed to overcome that nasty language barrier. Maybe he should take out those English textbooks from before and then some so he could learn more. If Noah can't learn Japanese quickly, then he'll just learn English. That way, they could converse with ease! Though, he doubted he could just learn English that quick, but it would help... he guessed. "I guess the thing that would really be bad is the lectures."

The doors slid open once more and then someone... tumbled in and rolled towards a nearby desk, hitting it and letting out a groan of pain. He then let out a meek greeting to all of them. Rikuo stood up from his seat and then weaved through the seats as he headed towards the guy and then helping him up. "Up you go man." The guy was pretty fat and relatively smaller than anyone he's seen from the class - even smaller than Yoshiba! Hell, he was pretty sure that he was a whole foot taller than the guy. But still, he was here and that meant he was in thie class. "Alrighty then, you good? Just grab a seat anywhere, Teach over there doesn't really mind where we sit." Now that he thought about it, he didn't see this guy in the ceremony. He must have been up front or something. "Rikuo Watanamiya by the way, pleasure to meet 'ya." He said with a grin and a nod before backing up a little bit to give the guy some leeway. He stayed for a moment just to see if he needed anything else before he would go back to his seat.
Happy New Year as well guys!

I'll probably post after a few more people since I just posted.

Location: Hideout
Interacting with: @NobodiesHero @vancexentan @Saarebas @Lugubrious @Duoya

Ryuuji listened to Kazuma, or at least the part about where they would meet. While Ryuuji appreciates Kazuma's presence and his ability to teleport them anywhere, he had no control over the actions of his teammates. Piss them off enough, and even he can't assure one's survival. Anyhow, about the meeting place. Same place again huh? It should be easy enough. No one has managed to find where Kazuma was waiting in before, and no one was followed Ryuuji so it should be fine. "Alright got it." He said with a nod before leaning back onto the chair again. Unless someone had a quirk that could track down a teleporting guy, then he guessed that he shouldn't have a problem again. Unless they posted guards all over the place which would considerably be harder to shake off. Well, he could just count on their front liners to take care of them. He reached inside his jacket to make sure that his sash of knives were still there - and they were. They were also sharpened recently for optimal slicing and stabbing. He actually had to clean it up too, since the last mission he went to turned out to be rather bloody.

His eyes were drawn to one of the televisions that was showing Panopticon's figure. Ryuuji wasn't as bothered by him as the others. There was just something about that guy that set other people off - but it didn't seem to be working for the bespectacled male. Kane hated Panopticon with a passion, but the guy hated anyone who doesn't do physical work. Panopticon was useful when it came to spying on others, or manipulating others into doing what he wants them to do. Thankfully, the guy hasn't tried it on Ryuuji yet. He hated being manipulated. Give him orders, and it would be fine. But subtly changing what he thinks he wants? That's a big no-no. And Panopticon constantly appears in only one location, and with the visuals, Ryuuji felt confident that he could teleport there and stab a knife into that TV face of his. But... that wasn't exactly something he wanted to do. Yet.

Ryuuji was pleasantly shocked to see another redhead enter. Her disheveled figure and haphazard way of clothing gave off who she was. Their resident mad scientist, Kashikoi. "Well, look who's out of her cave. Welcome back to the surface, Kashikoi." He said with a light chuckle. He was never above teasing or joking around - though it was mostly done out of a need to understand emotions. In the time that he spent with these people, he's come to realize that joking is something done between peers, but teasing is also a form of this that may be directed to any person. Though, his teases are harmless as to not anger anyone. It was not a good idea to anger a villain. Then she gave the proposition of teaching the newcomer. "Oh, right. Kashikoi's a better candidate, that's for sure. She knows like... fifteen languages or something." Besides, it's been confirmed that they speak Russian, and he didn't know Russian. Therefore, the scientist might be their best bet. Whitesnake commented as to why a group of villains like them could be so helpful. Honestly though, only two of them were willing to help this much. Kashikoi because of her nature and him because he at least wanted to work well with his teammates to avoid failure. "You'd need to abandon your days hiding out in your room though, Kashikoi."

He heard the door to the bathroom open and saw the newcomer exit in her tactical suit. Ryuuji wondered what her quirk is since her outfit didn't give it away. Then again, only Kane gave away what her quirk is since he's a big hulking mass of flesh. She was also wearing a mask, though he guessed that it might be just to hide the identity - he used a mask as well after all. He shrugged to himself silently and then went back to listening to the others.

Then he heard a small thunk on the table and then he turned his head to Kishimoto who had finished the rubix cube - or at least, did something else to finish it. The satisfied look on her face made Ryuuji's mouth twitch into a smile as he grabbed the cube to examine it. Tiny colored flowers had bloomed on it - every face a different, united color. It was childish, but it was one way to complete it. "Thinking out of the box. Now that's a trait people would kill to have." He then placed the cube on the table and gave her a nod. "Good job." With nothing else to say, he stayed silent as he looked towards the group once more. They were all here now, he assumed. When was that call going to come through?

Eh it happens.

So you'll be the all-seeing, all-doing type of GM? Yeah sure, that's fine with me as long as you're still up for it that is.
Indeed they are.
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