Avatar of Sho Minazuki


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I do commissions, specializing in character design. Ask me for prices, or make an order on my Ko-fi.


I also play FF14 and PSO2 so yeah.

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It seems the princelings and royals and vagabonds and... Well whatever was gathered here, were on their own separate ways. This was indeed a curious turn of events, and he was really only here because his own camp was boring. He seemed to be right, this was far more interesting.

Still, as was expected of him, he should return to his own camp and confirm the situation and report what has occurred here. The paths these parties took was obvious, so catching up, especially alone versus a group, should be easy, should pursuing any of them be necessary, and no one seemed concerned about this swordsman from Tellius either, as much as it hurts to not be seen or recognized, he didn't quite mind as it suited his job nicely if that was the result. Disappearing like a shadow, he was off to check in on the Tellius camp and report to whatever other similar or higher ranking generals were present.
@Eisenhorn You kind of ignored the guy that set up your kill an update back, well a passing mention but not even addressing him?

I was gonna post but then another update popped up, so now I guess I sorta did something there. Oh well, time to get moving.
That's unusual, that also must've slipped by me.

Still if you're going to do that, please put them there sooner. I was going to look up people's characters for referencing while posting but no one was there.

Darrelea Port


As soon as they arrived to port, Vega out of habit was already marking down 'targets', eyeing individuals, the way they walk, how they handle themselves, where they kept their money, stuff like that, but this was simply out of habit. He knew why he was here, and he wasn't eager to go speak with the Mage Council. He knew some of them already disliked him a fair bit, and as much as he'd like to, going wild here was going to create... Complications. He'd just have to grin and bear it, for now. Adrien piped up on what to do next, yes they could go straight there... But he felt like a more scenic route.

"Right away? Sounds a bit boring don't you think? Take a look around, this is a port town with many merchants and travellers passing through. I'm sure this is a good chance to buy something nice and rare", like something unusual to eat maybe. In his mind though, this may be a good chance to find magical items... He was an avid craftsman himself, these knives he used were made by him alone, maybe he can 'borrow' something useful.

Before the group could protest he was already off, waving later.

"Oh yeah, wouldn't do to get separated. Mage Council in an hour, go eat or whatever you wanna do", and with that he disappeared into the crowd.

For now it seemed they could try and pick something up here, or maybe they could gather info in advance...? Either way, it didn't look like they were going to be going to the Mage Council right away.
No worries I still need to post.

Also I just realized no one's put their character in the Character tab yet.

Blood Ring >>>> Ravine

@Silvan Haven@Gardevoiran@Lmpkio@floodtalon

Accelerating----- Output at 50%

Keeping up with his opponent was child's play with the speed he possessed, but he was most certainly planning something, and that assumption was correct. As soon as the golden wall began to materialize, his eyes flared and so did some of the lights on him as his core began to put out more energy.

Shooting up to 120% output for a short moment, letting him pull his blade out of the golden wall despite the speed at which he executed this plan of his. The added strength and speed allowed him to free his blade by brute force, no level of planning can stop this type of solution to a problem, though it had it's limits it played it's part here. He seemed to retreat as he dashed backwards, his core calming down before disappearing once more, blending into the surroundings. So would he retreat and head for the objective...? Relieving pressure has been successfully achieved, allowing his ally to fight for a bit longer.

Well for now, he was disengaging this target, a defensive warrior of sorts would take too long to slay for a bonus, and so almost expecting him to return to strike, the warrior was left there as Muramasa disappeared into the scenery, heading for the Ravine.
Hm alrighty then. Well I'm opening applications again. Tell your friends.

It appears there were two fronts to this fight, a difficult situation regardless of strength. So it seems his priority would be to even the flow of battle first, and then he can think about going after victory conditions. Both fronts led by royalty, it appears that of the two, the fight against the Varjans was expectedly tough, the thick armor made it tricky for his Killing Edge to make a killing stroke, but against their footsoldiers his speed still made up for it, the problem was going to be their leader.

Breaking into a rapid sprint, he made his way to the Varjan leader, most of the soldiers he ran into maybe only saw the wind before being struck down, seeing him only for a mere moment. A few times his strike did not kill immediately, so he had to double up and swing twice, but these beefier Varjan warriors still fell to him from his sheer speed.

His aim was to make it to the Varjan leader quickly, before he can realize someone was coming, and immediately obtain an advantage in any ensuing duel by landing the first strike.

As soon as he was a few blades within reach, his sprint turned into a dash as he went to sweep past, trying to strike his wrists or arm in order to make it more difficult for him to fight. A Varjan warrior was no concern to him as far as running and evading went, but their blows were nothing to scoff at.
Fading Lake Altar - The Third Seal


"Here it is...", before him was an altar of sorts, though it's design heralded Christianity, none of the surrounding symbolism suggested it. Yes, this was an artifact that predated traditional notions of religion. Sevrin drew the Yamato, throwing the sheath aside as he raised the blade, swinging once, causing a crack to occur, and as soon as it did, he felt power course through him... Yes, this power, this was some of his power that was sealed in the demon world... His theory may be correct, these seals were tied to his own seal somehow... Though there was a question of who broke the first one, it didn't matter to him at present, what mattered was getting his power back.

As soon as he went to swing a second time to try and seal the deal, he felt the blade violently wrested from him by a blue aetherial arm. It was Nero,

="Alright, now that I have my sword back, time to dish out your punishment", as confident as he sounded, it didn't seem to phase Sevrin, there was a difference in his aura since entering... His eyes now glowed and his presence alone seemed to command a great deal of power.

"That's if you can boy, come on, let's see you deal with me now".

TRACK: Nightmare Fiction

Sevrin clicked his fingers, causing his Devil Trigger to activate, but being near the broken altar like this as supernatural energies seeped out, he was basically being continually supplied with power. Nero charged in with his Red Queen first, a flaming slash cascaded along the ground and into the air as Sevrin followed, a flurry of silver flashes as he controlled the force with multiple strikes before kicking him mid-air. While travelling backwards in the air Nero pelted his arm forward, an aetherial arm reaching out for Sevrin, but his own jaw chain came flying out. The two grapples flung past each other heading for the user, but neither would find their mark as both their free hands wielded another weapon, warding it off as they landed back onto the ground.

Nero being the more aggressive type immediately went right back into charging with the Red Queen in one hand and the Yamato in the other. As soon as he reached Sevrin, he seemed to disappear into countless crows before he seemed to appear to his side. Nero's dual-wielding allowed him to easily catch it, but he found himself needing to catch several more of what he now realizes are after-images, before he would break free from this pressure with a swirling vortex of blue flashes and flame. At the slightest disturbance he whipped out the Blue Rose and fired, and it was a good guess of his instinct, the shot found itself striking Sevrin in the chest.

Turning to see his damage done, he watched as the bullet just drooped out of the hole it made in him, flesh being replaced by a purple-black phantasm, before it returned to being flesh.

"What... Are you?", this wasn't normal possession... The body of one possessed wouldn't heal like that of a demon's, but as the power began to well up in Sevrin...

"Heheheha, you like it? I'm getting some of my power back. All those years of torment... Yes I can see it... But this is still not enough, moreover, it seems this body is nearing the end of it's usefulness", he stated, raising his hand. The skin was continually flaying and healing like earlier... The raw power he had obtained seemed to be far more than a human body can handle.

"But I don't need it anymore, with this much power, I'll be able to maintain a form on this realm for quite some time", he boasted. In moments the body of Sevrin fell forward, heaping onto the ground.

"Alive or dead, doesn't matter to me", what stood in front of Nero was a phantasmal being, slowly the black and purple swirled and achieved a form, it looked a lot like Sevrin, but the long hooded seemingly formless coat...

"Ah, yeah this form does look like him doesn't it? But I'd long forgotten what I look like so I used what was convenient, but like this... I don't need that damn sword anymore to break these accursed seals!", he exclaimed. Before Nero could strike to stop him, a spectral wave shot up from Sevrin kicking his feet up, completely enveloping the seal, the black wave clearing after some moments, giving way to showing the seal just begin crumbling. The new being that emerged began to run off,

"I don't think calling me 'Sevrin' would be right from now on, after all the one there is 'Sevrin', for now I suppose... Call me Vega, but soon you will learn my true name", and with that, he was gone, his new and more corporeal form letting him move more quickly as he rapidly deformed and reformed as he sped past any obstacle, disappearing as the seal's destruction signalled imminent collapse.

Nero quickly retrieved the formerly possessed Sevrin and began to evacuate, the whole area began to shake, and everyone present knew what that meant.

The Third Seal has been Destroyed

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