Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 1 day ago


@my Lalia@Kingfisher@End Here

As Simon ran with the rest of the team, he subconsciously began a check of all his gear.

Rifle, in capsule mode.

Armour, scratched and dinged slightly, but okay.

Equipment, strapped tightly in place.

Systems at 100%.

He followed the beast man as he dove past a heap of rubble, running up and over the broken stones and refuse in his way, not bothering about the rest of the team for now until they were in safety. Finally, after a few more minutes of running, the beast man stopped and curtly responded to a very silly question asked by one of the team, an old man. The beast then motioned down to an old train track, hopped down to it and began walking towards a tunnel that led into darkness.

Behind them, the gunfire and shouting and swearing slowly ceased, indicative of their safety, which made Simon relax and finally take stock of the team's injuries. As they walked, he let them pass ahead of him and scanned each member individually with his optics, stopping on the lady, who was bleeding quite profusely, and the beastman that he'd given painkillers to earlier. He quickened his pace and cut ahead of the group, motioning for them to stop by raising his hand.

"We may be safe now but it is of the utmost importance that I treat the injured. Now, would the young lady and our guide please come to me? Don't worry, I'm a doctor."

He tapped his wrist and his helmet retracted back into his chest and black plating, revealing his face to the party again. As he waited for them to step forward and receive treatment, he panned his gaze out towards the rest of the team. One of them, a younger man, had also received an injury, but it was light. His concern was with his two charges, but it was the most beneficial to treat everyone before they moved on. With a free hand he waved towards the bleeding young man and motioned for him to step forward.

"You, you too. Come here. I'm a doctor, I'll help you."

He reached behind him to grab his laser cutter from his back rigging, holding the pen-sized device in his hand as he waited.

"If you are able, I would like you to remove your armour or clothing in the affected area so I can tend to you easier. I have painkillers and medigel to aid in your rapid healing."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The crackle of stone resounded down the train tunnel as Henry slid down the side of the wall enclosing the train tracks. His black vestments spread out giving an onlooker the impression of bat wings as before he landed. The C.P. glove disengaged as he absorbed the impact of the slide down the wall. Looking back up he dusted off his hat which is stuffed into the duffle bag slung from his shoulder. Backing from the wall while still watching his foot tapped the edge of the trail tracks and he looked back before throwing a final look at the wall. “I think we shook them but I’m not sure.”

Turing Henry walked towards the entrance to the tunnel taking in the group as a whole. “Damn, guess they got us worse than I thought.” Stretching his arms and popping his neck Henry massaged the bruise between his shoulders. It would be gone in a few days. Making sure that nothing was getting ready to rush out of the dark and kill them all; Henry returned to the opening of the tunnel. Hunkering down Henry reloaded his revolver and sat just in the shadow of the tunnel opening watching the far end of the train tracks carefully. “As soon as you’ve finished Doc we need to move it’s not safe here.”

Given all that had happened things were off to a very poor start for the group, that and they had yet to really gel as a group. If we don’t move we’re going to die but where we’re going..is it really safe?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"... Any possibility that the place we are heading now is compromised as well?”

The girl had taken the words right out of his mouth. The circumstances of their first leader demise was a bit suspect. They should have had a some sort of plan for this, they should’ve had something set up, at least a contingency. He shrugged off the ill planned meeting. he should’ve taken the transport and left this sorry lot. He scaled the rubble after the beast careful not to slip to his death, the pain in his stomach flared. Eventually when he navigated the rubble he took a break at the top. He sat down a minute, and took the time to catch his breath. He really smelt the city now that his environment suit was breached, it left something to desire. His hand rested on his stomach, eventually the large beast jumped down into the tunnel. He wasn’t very worried about a train

Roiger sighed softly, before standing back up. His armor had absorbed most of the damage from the bullet, but a shard maybe two of fragmentation had lodged into his stomach. "You, you too. Come here. I'm a doctor, I'll help you." he waved off the doc. “Lets keep moving doc at least until we get to where we’re headed.” He stepped towards the ledge, not waiting for a reply. He eased himself down,off the ledge landing with a thud, his took armor ate the impact. He righted himself and took a look around the tunnels, he waited for their “leader” to take them to their destination. “You know old man, that's a pretty serious revolver you got there.” He said towards the brim hatted man who happened to be at the exit to the tracks, the man sat in darkness, without night vision it was fairly hard to see him.

He changed his focus to the Brother of Mahl “How much further to we have before we reach wherever we’re going? I’m out of ammo in my rifle and I’ve got two clips for my pistol.” He waved his free hand about, before returning it to his gut shot. “Point is beastie, I’m short on ammo, being incarcerated for seven years, you don’t really get a chance to resupply.” his words were cool and collected. His HUD flashed a little adding the hidden man to his friendly roster. “You two seemed to have collected an interesting group here.” Again directing the statement to their guide.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Angel heard another woman's voice behind her and her remark. The mechanic turned around to look at the woman. She seemed quite wounded actually. Angel briefly thought about replying to that statement, but eventually decided that nothing was really” Seriously... 'Pixie'?” She asked, still having troubles believing it.” Well it certainly is better than 'white death', as they used to joke me on my last ship. My name is Angel, but call me Pixie if you really want. What's yours?” She asked the other woman as the doctor approached her. Well if nothing else she was going to get fixed now, which was good. Angel didn't want to be stuck as the only woman in the group. It was always a plus to have a female collegue to talk to at least.

She heard the soldier looking guy ask about how far they were from their destination. Judging from what she heard form their guide earlier, they were still a fair distance away, but the man had a point. She too was running low on ammo. She had a clip or two more, but she wasn't going to last in another firefight like the last one. She wasted a lot of ammo there. At least she still had a few shots for her plasma handcannon. Passing a hand by her belt, she quickly counted she had 3 more plasma clips, which meant 3 more shots with that gun. She was going to do a good thing, if she kept them in case they encountered an armored target of sorts. She had two clips for her main pistol which meant total of 30 shots.

“I was approached about this to serve as a main mechanic for a ship and what happens the moment I come? I get shot at from an ambush on solid ground.” The pale woman said, turning towards the present leader.” I'm getting the feeling my contract wasn't really completely honest about what I was being hired to do. I knew the pay was high and now I need to know the real reason for it...” She demanded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Brea Moirai

It was getting hard not to limp as she tried to keep up with the others. If they kept going she would surely would die of blood loss. Thankfully though Doc stopped them, and called her, Beasty and some other guy up to get treated. She smirked at Doc when he said "don't worry I'm a doctor", last time anyone said that to her they were trying to get into her pants. She clutched her side as she went up to Doc, she lifted an eyebrow when he said it would be better if they took off armour and clothes around the wounded area. Okay, so he wasn't far off the last guy that claimed to be a doctor, but she did what he asked.

She took her breast plate off and lifted her under armour shirt so that it was just below her breasts. She then took off her utility belt and the left thigh guard before pulling her left side under armour pants down so it was below the hip. The wound was where her under armour shirt and pants met the one place that was weak.

Anyone looking at her would of took notice just how many scars she had. She was sure that Doc maybe a little surprised as she wasn't that old and wasn't always in combat. She wondered if he would be a little horrified by some of the hack job fixes some of her scars looked to be.

She smirked at Pixie when she asked about the name. The girl then gave her, her name. Which Brea thought wasn't too far from Pixie, so she was going to keep calling her that. Once she got a nickname for someone it was hard for her not to call them that.

"Brea..... Brea Moirai." She answered Pixies question. She suddenly wandered if Beasty knew of Moirai, they were both in the Brotherhood and roughly the same age as far as she could tell.

She was pulled from her thoughts when the other that Doc called up said about continuing. "You maybe able to keep going but if you haven't noticed, some need medical attention." She said, her tone harsh and her intense green eyes showing that she wasn't impressed with the guy.

When both the guy and Pixie commented about ammo, she had to wonder if they wasted that much or if they were that unprepared. Either one was a worrisome thought. She wasn't too worried about her little stash, as her rifle could take three types of ammo and she didn't use her other weapons too often so she okay for ammo, plus she hated wasting ammo in a fight.

"I see most of your contacts weren't completely forthcoming with what you were getting into.... How unfortunate." She said coolly though it was rather unfortunate that they weren't told about this. Moirai at least told her enough for her to know that this was going to be a shit fight, but he never sugar coated anything. Which she was grateful for.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 1 day ago


@End Here@Kingfisher@my Lalia

Seeing the lady be the first to expose her wound, Simon immediately went to see her. He tapped his wrist and as his helmet folded up over his head, he vocalised commands to his armour systems.

"Optics, analyse wound."

From his experience without implants he already knew the wound was a moderate one; he dropped to a knee, ignoring the more obvious parts of her body to focus solely on her wound. The coin sized hole on her front matched up with a fist sized exit on her back. Through and through, nothing inside her, a fact confirmed by his optics a second later; preliminary x-rays came back devoid of metal. No damage to ribs or spine, just loss of blood and tissue, an issue he could fix. There was a nick to her pancreas though, something he had to address first.

The lady was having a short conversation with the other younger lady present, a pilot or mechanic from what he gathered. Simon cleared his throat as he kept his eyes focused on her side.

"Well the good news, miss Brea, is that the bullet missed your insides. Mostly. Your pancreas took a minor hit but it'll survive. I'll patch you up with some staples and medigel, but you have to not overstrain the wounds while they heal."

As he said this he drew his rifle and racked the slide. The cartridge of numbing capsules ejected from the top of the rifle, which he caught and reattached to the side of the gun. Also clipped to the side was a small vial filled with a fluorescent green gel. Simon loaded this into the rifle, cocked the slide and pushed a button on the side. Immediately the whole rifle assembly shrank as it folded into itself, leaving the barrel elongated as the muzzle brake folded up and stowed itself within the metal tube, which shrank to half its size. He reached behind himself and grabbed a small spray canister next, shaking it vigorously before popping the top off.

"This may tingle. I assure you this will only numb your injured area and nothing else."

Simon depressed the top of the bottle and a light liquid film sprayed onto her side. He did this liberally both over the entrance and exit wounds before stowing the bottle onto his back rigging. Then he hefted up his rifle and aimed it at the entrance wound.

"Do not panic. I am only inserting this to administer medigel."

After waiting a few seconds for the numbing agents in the spray to take effect, he moved the barrel in, slowly pushing it deeper while monitoring its position on his optics. Once the tip of the barrel bumped against her internal wound, he depressed the trigger. The rifle's mechanism immediately pushed into the loaded vial, squeezing out a liberal amount of the green gel as he withdrew the barrel slowly, leaving a trail of it all the way out of the entrance wound. Without pause he stood, moved behind her and repeated the process with the exit wound, using the rest of the gel to cover the larger area of tissue damage on her back.

The gel would almost immediately take effect, warming up with her body heat as it melted and was absorbed into her flesh. The healing agents within sped up the healing process, and it would feel like her insides were swiftly knitting themselves together. Painless, of course.

He racked the slide to eject the empty vial and pulled a slate grey magazine from the other side of his rifle, loading that into the breech as he watched the healing process through his optics. He knelt again and, with a hand, held the exit wound closed whilst aiming his rifle against her with the other.

"These are staples, and these may sting."

Without pause, he pressed the barrel against the edges of the wound and pressed the trigger. With a snap and a soft hiss, a surgical staple punched into her side. He repeated this four more times, closing up the whole wound on her back. Simon stood, moved to her front, and repeated the process, only using two staples to close the smaller entry wound.

Finished with the procedure, which had only taken a few minutes, he stood and unloaded the magazine of staples while stowing his helmet. With a small smile he gave Brea a nod.

"Done. I advise you not to strain or stretch your side for the next few minutes while the gel takes effect. It'll feel like your insides are knitting themselves together, you see, entirely painless and bloodless. You'll be back to full strength in a jiffy, although it might take longer to replenish the blood you've lost. The staples are made of a biodegradable iron compound that will dissolve into your bloodstream once the healing is complete."

That said, he moved away from her and moved towards to the beast whose shoulder was bleeding, repeating the same procedure but using less resources as the wound was smaller. After everything was done, he'd expended another half a vial of gel and a few staples short of an empty magazine. Both Brea and the beast whose name he had not gotten were treated and healing.

That left the young man. He walked quickly towards him and gestured to his stomach, while scanning the area with his optics.

"Are you sure you don't want that looked at? There's a piece of shrapnel stuck there that could lead to complications I will not be able to treat later on."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"They knew where we were going to meet and set up an ambush, which means someone sold us in advance. Any possibility that the place we are heading now is compromised as well?”

The woman who spoke was black of hair and brown of eyes, with the tell-tale pale skin of one who had been born a member of the domain. All piercings and black leather, she had a certain dark grace to her lithe body. Zhaarus couldn't see any scars, but that didn't mean she didn't have them.

The warrior gave a light shrug "There's always the possibility that headquarters has been compromised," he admitted in his deep, gruff voice "but it bodes ill to assume as such. Approach the casino with caution, if you must, but right now its the only hope we have."

“How much further to we have before we reach wherever we’re going? I’m out of ammo in my rifle and I’ve got two clips for my pistol. “Point is beastie, I’m short on ammo, being incarcerated for seven years, you don’t really get a chance to resupply. You two seemed to have collected an interesting group here.” The one with greying hair nattered.

Beastie. Did he think he was smart? Not too long ago, Zhaarus would've broken a man's jaw for such a poor attempt at mockery, but he was old and tired and he had no intention of wasting his energy on such a petty individual.

"Maybe if you managed your ammo better you wouldn't have gotten caught in the first place." The warrior replied with a light scowl " This tunnel should lead us right out in front of the Casino, but we may have to deal with some under-dwellers first. And this isn't my group...Its Captain Horrigan's. Mahrl knows what he was thinking, but he saw something useful in each of you. Do the dead a service and prove him right."

With that Zharrus went stalking off into the darkened tunnel ahead, treading cautiously as he stepped over the rusty metal tracks. The way before them was dimly lit at the best of times, with the odd flickering light adorning a patch of wall, but usually there was simply a blanket of dark fog to greet them. Each step echoed through the tunnel, and whenever someone struck a rogue stone it seemed to bounce about and ring out for a small eternity.

They'd been walking for about twenty minutes when the sound of voices began to seep into Zharrus' ears. He signalled for quiet almost instantly.

"You said you'd have my money, Trex."

"Hey! Come on man, I just need one more surgery, then-"

"Times up, deadbeat. Shank this fucker."

"Fuck! No, plea-!"


Under-dwellers. When you had nowhere else to go in Armahford, you went skittering down into an old train tunnel or a leaky sewer. If you didn't keep your wits about you, then you didn't come back out.

Zhaarus poked his head around the corner.

Six under-dwellers, dressed in ripped jeans and hand-me-down jackets, skulked about in a beam of garish maintenance light. A dead body lay at their feet, which one of them was rummaging over.

Six thugs. Zhaarus signalled to the group.

"Make this swift." He whispered, giving the team a curt nod.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Make this swift

That order had been given before. Before He’d ever been assigned on his own. A room full of people, they had been looking for a Dark Father worshipper...or so he’d been told. There were many members of the Grand Sol Duchy with them that night. Too many. They’d cut off all the entrances and exits.

No way out for those inside.

They’d made the call to simply slaughter all of the people inside a “noble” sacrifice in defense of our way of life. The people should be happy to give their lives to send one more worshipper of the Dark Father back into the night. So we did it. We killed every single one of them. When the night was over the room had been painted in blood and we all smelled of gore, oil, and gunmetal. I’d run out of ammo and one of them had tried to fight back. A woman, no not a woman. A girl. Barely old enough to be called a woman and she’d died to the CP gloves. It had shattered her neck like a brittle piece of glass. The light died in her eyes as I squeezed the life from her

There was a click as he loaded one of his last few cylinders into the liberator. The rest were too dangerous for close quarters use underground. As the others waited for a moment. Henry didn’t hesitate for a second. Without even checking what was in the hallway he stepped around the corner and fired six shots.

Toeing the dead bodies Henry checked the revolver, two more shots. With a heavy sigh he checked the remaining corpses before shrugging. “Their dead.” Falling back to the end of the group again Henry re holstered his revolver after changing out the cylinder in it for a fresh one. No need to get caught without an effective number of bullets. Pulling his hat back out he pulled it down over sorrowful eyes. It was long past time to stop killing each other and start killing the Enemy
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Are you sure you don't want that looked at? There's a piece of shrapnel stuck there that could lead to complications I will not be able to treat later on."
He glanced over to the doctor before getting ready to set out. “We all die at some point doc, if we stay put too long we could get jumped again. I’d rather not have that happen. Even for only a minute or two.” He had a rough and deep voice. He wiped the trickle of blood oozing from the small hole in his armor. “And this? It's just a scratch. Maybe your medical scanner is wrong.”

"Maybe if you managed your ammo better you wouldn't have gotten caught in the first place." The warrior replied with a light scowl " This tunnel should lead us right out in front of the Casino, but we may have to deal with some under-dwellers first. And this isn't my group...Its Captain Horrigan's. Mahrl knows what he was thinking, but he saw something useful in each of you. Do the dead a service and prove him right."

Roy gave a small shrug towards the ammo comment before replying. “Sometimes shit happens ya know?” giving a sideways glance to the Brother of Mahrl. “It's your group now, boss. You're the only one who knows whats truly going on.” Their current guide stalked off down the tracks. He drew his pistol and followed after. He was careful not to kick any debris. Someone in their group already had and it echoed for far too long. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the group some of them seemed green, others reckless. He had a bad feeling about this operation similar to his previous ops, and that ended with the death of his team and seven years prison time.

Eventually they came across a few men arguing, the first one who spoke killed the latter one. A few seconds later he gave the all clear to kill them. The hatted man stepped around the corner and delivered quick and efficient justice. He was one of the reckless ones. He continued down the path stepping over the bodies, he waited for the guide to hurry past him. His stomach was a dull throb and now just an annoyance, eventually when they made it to the “casino” they’d be able to resupply. He kept his pistol up in case they ran into more under-dwellers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

“Nice to meet you, Brea. I certainly hope we will get along.” Angel replied to the woman's introduction. She was quite the warrior type to have been moving with those wounds, the mechanic noted. Those were actually quite serious, good thing they had a doctor with them.

“Well, I make a note to move around always with a decent sized ammo supply. I still have 2 clips for the small and a couple shots for the big gun, but overall I wasn't prepared for a enemy wave of that number.” Angel admitted, doing a quick check on one of the plasma clips, she thought it may be damaged, but luckily that was not the case.” I'm an engineer, not a front line soldier. The guy that usually handles my work propositions died a sudden death a few days before I got this assignment, I was working through a new one.” She stated, placing her weapon back in her holster.

“Right, well I suppose there are worse places for a hideout to be.” Angel smiled as the new leader by circumstances explained the situation and their destination.” I suppose we shall have to pay for any drinks ourselves eh?” She asked jokingly. She knew full well they were definitely going to have to do so.” The jokes aside, we have black market access?”

As they continued onward and reached a couple of under-dwellers and a newly dead person. Such a surprise actually, on her home planet if you are to be killed in a place like this, it usually ends with your essence drained not with a shank. Angel shrugged at it, she herself wasn't much for draining essence from people. She HAD done it on a few occasions, but it was never just for the sake of it. Last guy she did in, was a fool who tried to force himself on her at night on a her last ship... the poor sod. Well in a way she supposed each time she did so, she rid the world of another bad guy. Still the even bigger lose was that the guy from deal with the rest of the under-dwellers killed all of them. If there was one barely alive, she could have gotten some essence from him to finish him of. 'It's been too long, I hope we get to that place sooner. I've starved myself for a long time already.' She thought as they continued walked towards their destination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

They walked further and further down the winding grey tunnel, moving in hushed footsteps over the twisted bodies of the Under-dwellers. It was not long before the floor became wet beneath them, and not with water.

It's Blood. Zhaarus realized We're wadding through blood.

The lingering scent hung in the air, reeking its noxious stench as the thick red tide ran between their feet, sticking like fresh tar to the warrior's boots.

A croaky moan slunk out of the darkness, echoing on a distant whisper.

"Hush now, my captain. Your worries are no more. Shut your eyes, bow your head. You're knocking on death's door."

Zharrus stopped in his tracks, gesturing for the group to do likewise.

"The tide of fate heaves through the night. A black lamb stumbles blindly. Although it might give you a fright, the grave will treat you kindly."

The Old Warrior's hand slipped carefully down to his holster, pulling free his revolver with calculated fingers.

"Tread carefully now, watch your step. You're crawling through the sod. On frozen ground you hiss and spit. You're abandoned by your God."

Zharrus looked up.

Rows of figures, whose bodies were woven together with vines of twisted metal, hung from the celling. Flashes of steel burst forth from their skin, and their open wounds were leaking down onto the rusty tracks bellow.

A huge, lumbering figure came stomping out of the dark. Its pale, sunken face was a mess of pipes and tubes, which seems to erupt from its very flesh. Its likeness bore more resemblance to a skull than the face of any living creature, and it walked with an obvious stoop. Its form was covered in thick, dark metal, and its right arm had been sawed off at the stump and replaced with a long metal hook.

"Bring it down!" Zhaarus barked, firing off a three-shot burst from his revolver. The bullets slammed into the creature, but all they seemed to do was make it stumble backwards.

Hissing in frustration, the Warrior extended one hand, his mind seizing hold of the metal train tracks. Flex. Seemingly on its own accord, a chunk of the path tore free from the floor, floating up into the air as pure Essence coursed through it. Flex. The track shot forwards, tearing through the creature's shoulder.

Blood, painted black in the darkness, sprayed through the air, and the monster let out a throaty giggle , but otherwise seemed undeterred.

Zhaarus furrowed his brow. This would be a tough fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The sudden yell of “bring it down” immediately made Henry look up and notice the creature. Damn. Stepping out to the side Henry let essence radiate from his body and started dropping the temperature. If the creature was living this wasn’t going to work but if it wasn’t. It should start to slow. Switching his cylinder to the Armor piercing rounds Henry took aim at the center of mass of the creature and popped off two shots with the heavy duty rounds blood erupted in a fountain from where the jacketed rounds ripped gaping holes in its body. As the blood slid down its body Henry grinned with a thought. Plunging his hand into the thick blood he sent an arrow of essence through the blood and up the trail of blood on the creature's body and started to drop its internal body temperature. The focus required to do it meant he couldn’t keep shooting. “I’ll slow it down, kill this fucker”

The thick blood coated his glove as he focused on the creature trying to reduce the temperature in its limbs. The ultimate goal was to freeze the blood, so long as it kept bleeding he could keep it in place. Which meant the others needed to keep shooting until it was dead. Blood dripped from the ceiling onto the back of his neck and the edge of his hat. This was one of the strangest places he’d fought in. Looking up he squinted and noted the bodies. Holstering his gun he clicked on a flashlight and grimaced. “Damn, poor bastards”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Something about this place was giving Angel the creeps, she felt it sink down to her bones. A certain feeling of danger that she had felt before on number of near death occasions and her instincts were kicking in again, alerting her about danger. Soon she found out why that was as the grotesque creature appeared and Zhaarus ordered to take it down. A shiver ran down her spine as she studied the strange enemy. What the hell was that!? Why was it here!?” Why is such a thing here!?” Ashe asked in disbelieve as she quickly pulled out her main pistol, but took a few steps back from it. The way it reacted to the revolver shots made it pretty clear this was a tough thing to take down.

As the essence attack from their guide kicked in, Angel left the hunger, she needed her essence, but somehow managed to pull herself from it and focused on the fight. This thing was just about as much a machine as a living thing, maybe even more from the looks of it. If she managed to get a hold of it, she be able to drain something from it, but that hook was not something she wanted tearing through her flesh.

“Well then, I haven’t done this in a long time~” She said, taking her plasma cannon in her left hand. She had 3 shots, but each needed reloading. No matter this thing needed to die and the damage output of her plasma cannon was quite high especially against big targets like this. She released the safety on the plasma handcannon and it quickly began letting out a slight hum.” This will most likely end badly~ “ She whistled to herself as she began running to the side positioning herself at the opposite side of the hook and out of the firing solution of the other people in here. She used her main gun to fire at the face of the enemy, she wasn’t used to firing with one arm so her aim was shaky, but the point was to keep suppressing fire for now. Reaching just about the optimal distance to fire the plasma cannon, she aimed at the leg of the creature. A plasma bolt this powerful from this distance was going to surely do significant damage to it. She aimed with her left hand and fired. The plasma left the chamber of the gun with hissing sound.

Angel herself quickly jumped back, ejecting the empty plasma clip from the revolver. With a metal clank, it flew into the air, letting of steam as it quickly cooled down. Quickly then holstering her main pistol, she put a new plasma clip into the heated plasma gun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

His helmet was constricting him, he dropped pressed at the base of his neck and his helmet folded up and disappeared into the base of the armors neck. The neck guards were still in place which gave off the look of medieval plate armor.

"Bring it down!"
He felt a pang of shame, as point he’d missed the beast come out entirely until the guide shouted out. He unleashed a volley of rounds into the head of the beast, with a flash of sparks and blood it remained standing, he took a step back. At the same moment a part of the tracks flew past him. It seemed to do little but give the creature a laugh, then the plasma. He drew a grenade from his waist pressing, one of the buttons on it, the screen rotated from plasma, to frag, to HE, and finally landing on Phosphorus. His plan was simple, destroy the creatures hooked hand. It was already too close to him, though within its arms reach, it continued to lumber closer. He took a deep breath calming his nerves, his pistol in his dominant hand, he squeezed off a few more bullets testing its body. He ducked right, and under its grasp. It had lunged after his second volley. He activated the grenade and jammed it into its elbow joint. He dropped to a roll , his body now covered in the blood once to his feet, he found himself behind it. He turned and fired his rounds into the back of the creature. He had roughly five left in this clip. With a bright puff of smoke and a bright light. The white phosphorus melted the metal hook causing it to become severed and merely a stumped hand with a small twisted metal lump, the skin around the attachment was molten and blackened. Its side was heavily scarred by the quick flash burn. With unexpected quickness the beast twisted the opposite direction, his remaining arm coming in a back hand.

Roy had merely a split second to drop again, and into the muck. The liquid getting into his mouth. It made him want to retch, yet he held it together. He pushed himself back up, firing another two shots into its side. Its focus switched from the group as it turn its back. He took a step backwards and it took a step forwards. He fire the last four shots before dropping his clip. He slid his last one home and took aim. It swung on him again, though this time he couldn’t avoid it. The metal stub smashed into his shoulder, the weight of the hit pushed him off his feet and against the wall. He smashed into it with a thud. His armor though damaged, easily absorbed almost all of the blow. He did however lose his breath. As he struck his pistol became dislodged from his grasp and fell into the bloody waters. He drew the knife which was attached to the shoulder of his armor. Recovering he squared off with the beast, his knife drawn. His breathing was heavy, his shoulder armor had been crushed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Bring it down!"

Simon looked up and saw the huge beast that lumbered in from out of the darkness. It was huge, and it's mass suggested that it had more than enough bulk to sustain several heavy hits to its body without even breaking a sweat.

Immediately the team opened fire and he retreated several feet away, taking a knee as the beast roared and lumbered through the assembled men and women, taking swipes at people but generally being a big slow nuisance. He took aim with his rifle and sighted its legs, tiny as they were, supporting its mass with little difficulty.

"Structural weaknesses. Let's see how you fare against molten metal."

With a trigger squeeze, a bolt of red hot steel shot forth from his railgun and punched through its lower body, issuing a pained bellow from the creature as it slumped forward, one of its legs now useless from the thigh downward. Simon squeezed the trigger again and a second bolt punched through its other knee, severing the limb from its joint as it now roared in pain, swiping in fear at whatever was the closest. He kept up the fire, sending bolts of molten metal through its bulk now, suppressing it so that maybe one of his comrades could issue the killing blow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A volley of bullets slammed into the creature, erupting in a grisly explosion of dark blood as they barrelled into its flesh. A barrage of plasma roared through the air, smashing into its legs, and knocking it to the ground with a distinct ‘CRASH!’. A grenade wormed its way into it’s elbow joint, and the detonation which followed left only a withered stump, burning and leaking, in place of its hooked-hand. A burst of hot slag smashed into its crooked leg, slicing through steel and flesh like scissors through paper.

The creature let out a sharp wheeze, pulling its limp body across the tunnel floor, as a trail of hot blood seeped out of the fresh holes in its wound-ridden body.

Zharrus knew that a craving for essence could do horrendous things to a man, but he’d never seen anything like this before. His black eyes gazed down into the creature’s fiery pupils as it slid forwards, and he realized that whatever man had once lurked inside this steely husk was long gone.

Its limp jaw flopped open, and a raspy clicking noise slipped free from its throat.


It's laughing at us.

The creature’s single remaining arm slid down to its chest, tearing away one of the metal panels which was fused to its grey flesh.

The dim tunnel lights flickered, and Zharrus caught a brief glimpse of the belt of explosives which were woven into its skin.

GET BACK!” He roared, but it was too late.


Fire flooded the air, as the train tunnel shook and jolted. Huge lumps of debris fell free from the ceiling, barrelling down into the ground and burying themselves into the floor. The sheer force of the detonation sent Zhaarus flying back through the air, fire lapping at his flesh whilst the air around him crackled and burned. A wave of agonising heat drenched the tunnel, biting and gnawing at the group with searing gusto.

By the time the smoke cleared, Zhaarus was lying on his back, surrounded by rubble and limp corpses.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

He couldn't see what had happened after it fell. The only thing he felt was relief, he was about to fight a nigh indestructible being with a knife. Then heat, a blinding light and a deafening boom. It was so bright that everything faded to white, the heat was so hot he could feel his blood boil under his skin, the sound so loud that his bones rattled. Flames licking at his body. Toying with the idea of eating the tasty moral before them. Before the flames could consume him the shock wave hit, he was flung far and fast from the epicenter. He flew like a rag doll his body tumbling across the tunnel, he smashed against a wall. His world went black and his head fell forwards.

He blinked, awake. Dust was still settling, he hadn't been out long. Attempting to get to his feet was possible, his old friend had saved his life again. His armor was drained of power, a joint in the knee and shoulder seemed to have been fused. He attempted to move again it only gave out a soft groan. All of his gear was gone now, nothing of his old life remained except himself. His heart hammered in his chest, nearly nothing compared to the heart break he felt at this point. Memories flooded him, people he served with now gone. His only tie with his family had been crippled. He relaxed and looked into the darkness the pain wouldn't fade, it tore at him and devoured his soul. Thousands of things rushed through his mind yet he couldn't come to move his free hand and release himself from the armor. It was only the first few hours and things had already changed drastically for him. If the mission were to continue like this, they may never reach the end.

"I had thought that when the armor failed me that it would be the day I died." He thought painfully. After a moment he released himself and stood. His environment suit was burnt and torn, it was covered in blood. He stared in the gloom at the dark green armor, its dings and dents, the scorch marks. It all made up who he had been. His hand covered his stomach, he took a step away from it and his foot hit something metallic it skitted across the now dry ground. Reaching down his fingers wrapped around the grip of his pistol. "At least something remains." He spoke aloud. He had no clue if the others had survived, there was rubble almost sealing the tunnel. He had been across from the group and was now on the side with the exit. "Anyone alive over there?" he spoke into the blackness. The air smelled of singed flesh, mold, blood, dust and a particularly gnarly metallic smell. His mind rolled over to a new thought. This was a worthy end for his former self. And this mission was a worthy end for his life, he'd regroup with his men in hell it seemed.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

It was working, they were bringing this monster down! Angel even managed to fire another bolt of plasma, before the creature finally fell to the ground. She let a smile appear on her face, but in the next moment the creature tore off one of the metal panels on it's body to reveal the explosives underneath. Angel's eye twitched for a moment, she was too close! She had closed the distance so her plasma gun be more effective, but it turned out to be a bad idea after all.” Ohh bloody hells!” She she whispered, before managing to do a single jump backwards.


The explosion happened while she was in the air from the jump. The blast wave hit her hard and threw her backwards with great force. The next moment, she felt herself powerfully smashing against the tunnel walls. Then pieces of concrete and metal started hitting her. The heat was almost impossible to stand, it hurt to even breath! Then a few moments later she felt a piece of concrete fall on her leg. Every part of her body was already hurt to a degree from the slam into the wall, this surely broke her leg! She let out a painful scream through the dust cloud. Her ears were ringing, her head was spinning... she felt like she was going to die, but somehow that didn't happen yet. She laid on the ground among the pieces of metal, concrete and flesh. She had troubles staying awake...

She was painfully crying while the dust was settling, but she couldn't really move. It was painful to even try. She feared no one survived this explosion, as for a while there was no sound(probably from the explosion turning her nearly unable to hear). If no one was left alive to help her, then it meant this was going to be her end after all. Broken among the rubble, as she slowly died. Her mind wandered to that dream of hers. The small repair shop on a sunny planet. At least she was going to die with something beautiful in mind! Then as her hearing began returning, she heard a voice. At first she thought it was an illusion created by her mind, but no! There really was someone alive!

“Help!!! Please!!! I can't move!” She tried to shout, but the voice that left her mouth was a lot weaker than what she wanted. Using the fact her artificial arm was a lot more durable and survived the crash intact, she took a small piece of concrete and began hitting a big chuck of rubble next to her to give her position.” Here!” She let out another call of help.
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