Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mei listened to the Esyire's issue, but she had no idea how to help him. She had helped her fellow artist nurse concussions, hallucinations brought about from poisons, even did some remedial counseling before she needed it herself, but she has never dealt with something like this, and not with an Esyire. Mei had to think quickly, and as she looked around for someone to help, she noticed Aruna leaving. That's when Mei had an idea. "Come with me!"

Although Mei was likely not stronger than the Esyire, she was still fairly strong for a human her size, at least enough to get the esyire on his feet. Mei lead him outside to where she had been meditating previously. By not most of the others had left, leaving one or two pairs just sitting around. While Mei did not know the exact abilities of Psychomancer, if he was having "too many thoughts", she figured he should go somewhere where he can focus on just his own. Somewhere away from the eyes and presences of others. At least that's what she thought, because she had no idea what effects this would have on him. "Clear your mind now. Do not focus on anything, simply... Let it be." easier said than done of course. Mei could clear her mind and make space for a single thing to concentrate on due to past experience, but she can't expect him to do the same. But she can hope.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 25 min ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose
Ssarak could hardly concentrate due to the shouting in his head, so when the Human started to attempt to pull him to his feet, he gladly complied. She must have had some sort of plan that he was unable to form at the moment. She grabbed his arm and started to lead him away, out of the dining hall, and eventually outside. The farther they went from the mass of people in the dining hall, the weaker they voices in his mind became. They were close enough that they were still there, and still disruptive, but he was able to regain some measure of concentration. He still did not hear what the Human said, but he knew what he intended to do. Once they were outside, he took a few deep breaths and concentrated on reigning in control of his blood. With the voices weakened, he finally managed to stop himself from listening to them, allowing silence to once again return to his mind.

Now that the ordeal was over with, he looked down to the Human next to him and bowed gratefully. "Thank you. Now that my head is clear, I should probably give an explanation. As I believe I said, I am a psychomancer. I have the ability to read the thoughts and emotions of others, but like most novices of my blood, I cannot always control the ability. I accidentally began to read the minds of those around me, all of them. In such a crowded place, it was a...painful experience."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Rathel was late. His form rushed through the empty halls, not a student or creature in sight, and headed straight for the Dining Hall. It was his current destination after his patrolling of the College grounds. Mainly its Alchemy gardens as despite what Lucilia had often warned, there always seemed to be deaf student determined to seek some place to be alone. The demon would’ve rolled his eyes if that was possible at the nativity of youth.

His fingers felt the tiny vibrations of someone’s approach. Immediately his large, bulky form slowed and shortly stopped to determine where the vibrations came from. His mind ticked, calculated in its usual way to realize the source was ahead. The world was pure black and white in his eyes that now saw a female, her scent feminine and soft, seemed to exit the Dining Hall. The demon was rather taken back at the sight. Mainly because he thought the Feast had ended, his lateness far longer than he originally thought which meant he wouldn’t be needed. However, Khan would’ve notified him afterwards and Rathel hadn’t retrieved one yet.

Without considering he was about to be farther delayed, Rathel turned heel and followed the student. His fingers clicked loudly upon the smooth flooring as he drew closer, aware now about the added heat upon the youth’s cheeks and her body language. Something had happened that much he was sure but what, still remained a mystery. Once he caught up to the young Student, he noticed her more human traits. It seemed she, like a few of the others, was a hybrid. His judgment leaned to Esyire and human due to her wings and tail which stuck out rather well. The sounds of his steps were loud enough he knew she would hear him approach her and added his voice to hers.

“Excuse… you realize you’ll miss the magic demonstrations being out here, don’t you?” Rathel said in a polite voice for his kin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It seemed that Mei's plan worked, because the Esyire bowed to her and thanked her for her efforts. "I-it was nothing. I wasn't even sure if it would work... But I'm glad that it worked out." He than began to explain a bit about what happened, that he was able to read the others of others. Problem was, he began to read everyone's thoughts, and not always when he wanted to. He imagined that would be troublesome. "Oh my. That... I have no words for that. I hope that doesn't happen too often... Oh yes!" Mei bowed her head furiously towards the Esyire. "I apologize, in all the rush I haven't even introduced myself! My name is Meirin Kurenai. I noticed that you seemed in pain and wanted to help, though I never imagined it would be for something like this." Mei eventually stopped bowing but was not at a lost with words. She was glad that the esyire was no longer in pain, but would taking him back to the dinning hall be a good idea? What if he ended up reading everyone's thoughts again? Meirin had one idea how to possible stop it, but mostly because it was how she handled her nightmares. She can't be sure it'll work for him and his magic. Perhaps she'll be lucky again. "Um... I'm no psychomancer, but back where I grew up from, there was a method we used when we needed to clear our minds of all other thoughts, even our own. I do not know if it'll work for you, but I'm willing to try... If you are."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 25 min ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose
"Thank you, Meirin. My name is Ssarak Dyreackthanose, it is a pleasure to meet you. I believe I will be fine. I became distracted while observing all of the people in the dining hall, so I was not as careful as I should have been. It was my fault it happened. Normally, I only accidentally read minds when I actually attempt to use my abilities." Ssarak explained. He was appreciative of her aid, and of how willing she seemed to be to help a stranger. It was not often he encountered people such as that since leaving his homeland.

"Still, there is no harm in learning a potentially useful talent. I am not one to turn down knowledge in any case; I would be grateful for any advice you have to offer. I would like to make sure to be back in the dining hall in time for the magic demonstrations, however. I would not want to be responsible for you missing the show any more than I would want to miss it myself." Ssarak said with a friendly smile. Despite the embarrassment he experienced earlier, his first day at the college was shaping up to be a good one. He seemed to have a great deal of luck in finding friendly individuals. He did not doubt there were other, more malicious students at the college as well, but his appearance was usually enough to keep such people away. In his experience, those types of people usually only liked to bother people who they perceived as weak or vulnerable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mei silently nodded her head as the Esyire, Ssarak Dyreackthanose, accepted her help. It took her days to get this right, but for now she'll just show him what he needed to do for the moment. "Take a seat. Close your eyes, and first make a mental image of yourself..."

A few minutes passed as Mei explained the method to Ssarak as quickly as she could, and without all the philosophical ideals that came with it. Even that bored her. Looking back at the dinning hall, it was starting to become more quiet as she could hear the music from within, even from the outside. "I believe it's time for the demonstration. I hope that what I've taught you is helpful. If you ever need any help, please, come and find me." Mei stood up and dusted the dirt off her legs before waving goodbye to ssarak. Than she went back into the Dinning hall, feeling a accomplished for making at least one more friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aruna looked spun to look at the creature that had been following her. It was odd, to say the least, but she had seen many odd things in her life ( not small percentage had happened that very night) so the surprise was lessened greatly from what she supposed a normal person should feel. It asked, she didn't know how, if she knew she was going to miss the demonstration in the Dining Hall. It seemed polite enough, but had the look of a demon. She recalled that the head master was a Demonmancer, so she assumed he was with the headmaster, if not by obligation then by employment.
"Yes, I realize it's about to start I just... got a bit flustered. I needed some air..."
Aruna sat there for a moment before her curiosity got the better of her.
"I am sorry, but could you please tell me how it is you speak?"
She eyed the tentacle like appendages that seemed to make up it's mouth with curiosity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 25 min ago

Ssarak listened to Meirin intently, trying to understand everything she said, though it was a lot to take in at once. She seemed to have quite a bit of experience in her philosophy, while he was trying to understand it through just an explanation. Regardless, he took in as much as he could, though he would not know if it was effective until he encountered the same issue again, and he certainly did not intend on replicating that experience again, if he could help it. Once they started hearing what sounded like music from inside, Meirin suggested they head back to the dining hall in case it was the start of the demonstrations, to which Ssarak nodded in agreement.

Ssarak remained outside for a few minutes after Meirin left so he could get a few more breaths of fresh air before finally heading in himself. Once inside, it took him a few moments to remember where he had been seated, but he eventually found his chair, with his meal fortunately untouched by others while he was away. He was pretty sure it was considered rude in Human culture to disturb the meals of others, but there were many people from many places at the college, and that convention might not be the same for all of them. Aruna had not yet returned, which he found curious, though he was not worried quite yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Can't or won't? Aramir couldn't help but wondering, before shrugging. None of her business, really. Regardless, Lyris continued with hehr nervousness, finally climaxing in admitting that she was not that good at talking to new people. Aramir smiled up at her. "Oh, there's nothing to be excused. Easy talking with others will come with simply talking to new people more and more. But let's try something, shall we? Pick a subject. Any subject. From the College, to cooking, to the weather. Then ask a question about it or make a comment. I'll answer or reply to the best of my knowledge, and we'll keep it going until we've exhausted all avenues of conversation with that. Then a new subject will be chosen. Simple." While she waited for Lyris's response, or subject to be chosen, Aramir glanced around into the world of knee caps and shins.

Nothing much of note, sadly. Though, there did seem to be a commotion nearby, a sudden silence in an area, only broken by the jingling of coins and the frightened tones of someone. A fight? Worse? Given her height, Aramir couldn't tell what exactly was going on, and that was frustrating to put it mildly. Things were easier when I was amongst people who were my own size, and not having to look everyone in the knee or shin. She thought, slightly irritably. She didn't let that show one her face, of course. It wouldn't do anything to end the problem, and she might make Lyris even less likely to talk than she already was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Something to talk about?" Lyris had not talked to people about things before really. The demons told her things but she never really reciprocated. Even so, what was there for her to talk about. "Hmm, well. What can I say? I don't really have anything to talk about." She looked around and thought. Maybe I could think of something out of a book I read. There was a book on different minerals, pretty rocks and different gemstones. Another was something about war, tactics or something or another. Then there was one about flowers. Flowers were something she actually enjoyed. She had actually forgot flowers since coming here. Maybe that was something to talk about. "How about flowers? I understand you come from a frozen place, but since coming this way you must have found yourself flowers. They may not be something that is amazing, but flowers are pretty nonetheless. Your thoughts?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Rathel wasn’t afraid for his life when the Half Esyire turned and saw him, though most creatures had a tenancy to attack at first sight. Demons after all weren’t something anyone enjoyed to see stalking them. Not to mention the reputation most had stoked over the centuries and driven into hatred towards their kind in general was enough to merit hate from most creatures, something Rathel had come to expect. Even if she had, he would merely return to the Inferno and be summoned back out again.

That sadly didn’t help most people or demonomancer’s from seeing him as something more than a thing. He pushed the thoughts away when she didn’t seem alarmed, slightly surprised yet it hard to tell with his face. He listened to her acknowledge his question to be true and added the fact she was flustered. Rathel was more concerned about the later then her missing out on the demonstrations, positive she would likely seem more in the months to come. His head turned to her, her eyes seemed to study him and seemed rather confused something. Naturally one of the most asked question had spilled forth. His tentacles seemed wiggle followed by a hollow rattled from his back spines, the amused sound soon died down once Rathel started to answer her.

“Some things are best left a mystery but I believe it’s a mix of Psychomancy and altered sound. I have several different and small holes hidden among my tentacles, each time I speak, air from my lungs blow through them and the outside constrict or shift to make words. Think of it as many little vocal cords in a way. That’s at least what I think. Many other students have different theories ranging from pleasant to rather…morbid, sadly.” His voice took a slightly depressive tone upon noting how few show him. “Alas, some students, demonomancers or not, can’t seem beyond the surface. It’s pity really but comes with the territory of being a demon.”

Finished up his answer to her, he then turned another topic. “Though currently, I believe you ended up worrying my Demonomancer, Khan, with your little display back in the Dining Hall. Namely after you rushed outside and I think he might be concern you won’t return since the magical demonstrations well shortly be underway. ”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Auriel / Althalus

Taking Auriel's hand and shaking it, he snorted at her comment about her and Zaad's 'friendship'. "Poking a demon in the face with a candlestick. Can't say that I've ever felt the need to do that, personally. Getting you back, however, I suspect might involve a heavy degree of lethality." He liked this girl. Still grinning after shoving a candlestick in a rather angry demon's face. Not many could claim they would do that. Whether it was the act itself or the grinning afterwards, Althalus wasn't sure.

As she leaned down, Althalus took full advantage of the offered view, saying his usual response to anyone he didn't know recognizing the mask. "Have you? I took it from a corpse on the side of the road. Poor thing had gotten himself hung from a tree by the neck, somehow." She didn't seem like someone who would kill him because an enemy paid her too, but one could never be too careful, could they? Chuckling gently he added, "You could just ask and skip the games. But then again, the games are half of the fun, aren't they?"

Auriel laughed as she sat back up again, having noticed where Althalus' eyes went. "You've obviously never met him. Zaad really does deserve it. And his boss wont let him get away with anything that drastic." She took on a mocking skeptical look as he related the story of how he had come by the mask. If the reputation was anything to go by, it seemed very unlikely.

"Did you really? I heard the masked Assassin was a big, strong and handsome man. The stories say he would take three maidens after every kill, and once he was done with them several days later, he would rob a bank and give the money out to the poor and helpless. He sounded amazing." Her face suddenly changed to one of disappointment. "But if he's dead hanging from a tree, I guess I'm not interested." She turned sharply away from Althalus and pointedly focused on her food.

"I never said he didn't deserve it. And, even if his boss doesn't let him get away with it, if he suceeds you won't be in any position to benefit from that punishment will you?" Althalus pointed out. As she went on, he smirked. There had been many tales of his mask and the man behind it. Stretching from claims that he was actually a woman, to that he was seven feet tall and feasted upon Esyire flesh. Not a single one of them, however, had included any kind of generosity or charity. "Three maidens you say? From what I hear he was a very successful assassin. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the fathers of those Maidens finally caught up with him. A man can be the best warrior or assassin in the land, but if a mob gets their hands on him..." He drew a finger across his neck, following the path of the scar.

As she turned away, he shrugged. Not his problem that she was disappointed with the lie. "I apologize for not having known the man pre-death. It's disappointing that you lose interest so quickly. I had thought this was the beginning of an earnest and worthwile friendship. But, I suppose it was never meant to be." He let out a theatrical sigh, before resuming. "So, what mageblood got you into this College? The one that manipulates water? The one that sets things on fire? My own where you can manipulate shadows?" While waiting for her response, he reached into his armor to look for his old, faithful, never misplaced, coin.

It was gone. It has to be there. He thought, pulling out the contents of that pocket. Which consisted of: the Rune Mar requested(which he kept one finger protectively on), the note from his brother all those years ago with it's list of names, and a couple of loose change coins. For a moment, Althalus stared in disbelief. How had he lost it? Then, he remembered. Mar. She had stolen his coin during their conversation, and had never given it back. "Son of a bitch."

Auriel turned back to face Althalus as he asked about her mageblood. For a moment she considered lying, but there wasn't much point in it now. "Oh I burn things. Trees, Taverns, I even set someones cloak on fire once." She said fairly cheerfuly, telling the truth for once. She noticed quickly when Althalus failed to find what he was looking for in his pockets. She didn't care about precisely what he had lost, that was his problem, but when he pulled the contents of his pockets out there were some interesting things. A small rune he seemed to be trying keep a good hold of, some boring looking coins and a rolled up piece of paper.

As the man cursed about having lost what he was searching for there was a sudden commotion nearby, many students gonig quiet and standing quickly, the kind of reaction people generally had when a fight was about to start. Also the perfect distraction for Auriel to get up to some mischief. Althalus looked away for a moment, probably to search for the source of the sudden disruption, and while his focus was off her she quickly leapt up and snatched both the rune and the piece of paper from Althalus' hand.

She skipped back a step, out of his reach and started to unroll the paper to see what was on it. She didn't believe that he had just found the mask, and if he was an assassin, this might be the order to kill she'd just found. She couldn't resist finding out what his orders were. Or maybe it was the promise of reward. Regardless a massive grin was plastered on her face as she did this. This was too much fun.

In hindsight, turning his head on someone willing to shove a candlestick in the face of a demon was a bad move. At the unnatural silence and scraping of chairs that took over an area, Althalus had glanced over to see what was the matter. Apparently, someone had drawn a knife on another student. An accident, maybe. The next thing he knew, the rune was being yanked from beneath his finger, and the paper was gone. Auriel was skipping backwards, a grin covering her face, unrolling the paper.

Althalus was less amused. Standing up, he held his hand out. "Come on now, give them back. There's nothing to be gained from a list of names and an old, broken rune is there? Just sentimental value to me. They're both really junk. Give them back, please." The rune bit was an obvious lie. He wasn't going to go to Mar and say he lost the damn Rune and listen to her remarks that would at least imply the words 'I knew it.' Nope. Not a chance. This was a matter of professional pride now, and he wasn't going to fail. Not when he was so close to sucess. But, he wasn't going to lunge for the paper. It was obviously old, and he didn't want to rip it in half. Or rip it at all for that matter.
And thus, stalemate. For him at any rate.

Auriel was both disappointed and happy to find a list of names written on the piece of paper. It was probably a target list. From the look of the paper though, it was probably also old. Really old. Everyone on it was probably dead. So no use to her. She rolled it up and again and threw it back to the man. It was boring, no fun at all.

The Rune though, she could use that. If it was really broken, she didn't have to worry about accidentally triggering it. She held it up teasingly, taking another step back, keeping light on her feet. "You want this?" She said, trying to keep a straight face. "Hopefully I wont drop it, i'm very clumsy sometimes you know." Her already jovial expression was becoming even more mirthful as she spoke. She threw it in the air and caught it once, then in the same motion dropped it down into her shirt, the cold rune slipping between her breasts. "Oh No!" She mockingly exclaimed. "I've lost it! You'll have to help me get it back!" she said, looking down as if to try and spot the rune.

Althalus snatched the paper out of the air as it was tossed to him, checking to make sure it was still relatively intact. Thus assured, he glanced back towards Auriel, seeing her teasing him with the Rune. As she stepped back, he stepped forward. The Rune was far sturdier than the paper, after all. Judging from her expression, she was going to plan on doing something, and somethign soon. If he could just get close enough before she..Althalus's planning was abruptly derailed as she tossed the Rune in the air and then dropped it down her shirt. For a moment, Althalus groaned. Then, as the full implications of what had just happened began to click, he began to smile. Which turned into a grin.

Walking towards her, he said, "I can either expansively search for the Rune myself, and eventually get it, or you can get it for me. Honestly, I would prefer the former. Far more interesting of the two options." He was within armsreach now, and fairly certain of which one she would pick. "But, it can never be said that Althalus Marik doesn't give people a chance." He raised one hand in preparation. "Well, which shall it be?"

Auriel didn't bother retreating anymore as the shorter man approached her. Everything was going perfectly. Auriel just looked at him and put on her best innocent face. "I don't think I can do it myself..." She said quietly, leaning forward just a little.

Taking the invitation, as it so clearly was one, Althalus reached up, and then down. It didn't take long to find the Rune, all things considered. But, when one is presented such an opportunity as this, one doesn't just make it go by as fast as possible. So he prolonged the operation of retrieving his rune by a few long moments. Long moments that were perhaps more than strictly necessary, but oh so worth it. When he had finally retrieved his Rune, he pulled it out and stuck it back in his pocket.

With an illustrious bow(still grinning), he said, "Thank you for your..cooperation. Let me know if I can help you with anything else."

Auriel was amused at Althalus' highly theatrical bow, but for the moment she couldn't think of any more ways to take advantage of him. At least none she could do publicly. Still, now he'd had a taste of her, she would have to make him work for the rest. After all, the games were half the fun. "No. Nothing else you can do for me here. I'll be seeing you another time though. I'm sure." She winked at him before turning and walking away to find something alcoholic to drink. It looked like there were barrels of something over by a strange winged girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

At Uicle’s comment, the Headmaster’s head raised from his fingers and tilted towards where the armor’s head seemed to look. He mildly chuckled before he spoke. “If she does, I’ll have Rathel interfere or another demon prevent the fight from starting. Even if I have involve myself.

Khan’s hand went for another vial and poured its contents into the goblet brought by Lidda as the teacher reached to place in front of him. In the other hand was her own filled tray, fruit and vegetables mostly, which almost seemed ready to spill over Uicle’s head if she turned too fast. Thankfully, she was very good at multitasking or any other time, Uicle’s head would’ve been a fruit salad. Again, the Vitamancer’s appearance changed, this time a female version of a Faun, her bottom half were elegant goat’s legs and curved horns spiraled around the sides of her now blond, curly hair. “There you go, nice hot Ember fresh from the Scorch Lands courtesy of Lucilia’s connections.”

“Thank you Lidda.”

She waved it off, her body turned and trotted to take her seat. Naturally her small tail jiggled in pleasure when her words spoke otherwise at his thanks. “Geeze, you say it’s like a chore or requirement and it’s not. Relax with the formal stuff, it doesn’t fit you well Khan!”

Khan merely shook his head after her. Slowly he slipped it with caution, his face turned into a slightly less bitter expression then before now that he had experienced it once already. The Ember liquid was hot and warmed his gullet on its way down, settled within his stomach, while his eyes looked over the students mass. Their attention mostly on seeking someone they could rely on within the school and while most adapted well- he noted several promising interactions- there was some that had their difficulties. Being alone among strangers made it hard to adjust. The pain dulled by the combination of medicine and Zaad’s absence, inwardly grateful the demon won’t push his current luck, had caused the Esyire to relax again.

However Khan’s peace seemed far too shortly lived. The flicker of a blade caught his attention when the Half Eysire from earlier had drew her weapon and pressed it to a green Eysire’s throat. The young dragonoid seemed terrified as his hand reached for a coin purse, slowly edged towards her and pleaded her to take instead of his life. Khan’s body tensed. His breath held and fingers wringed his cup for an edgy moment, considering his options and edged to stand. He only stopped when she had released the student, noted how the motley gather crowd had started to pull slightly away. Fear that the half Eysire was crazy. They parted a path when she headed for her seat, then when it seemed her current friend was busy, she had left.

Khan’s eyes watched her departing figure for a moment, his mind debated on either sitting back down or going after her. Out of the corner of his eye, the Headmaster had finally noted Tryael’s arrival. The Fallen Orc seated at the table now officially surveying the new arrivals with idle interest.

It seemed it was about time to start the demonstrations and while he hated not being able to go after the young female, Khan had to consider his higher duties. One of the many pains of being a Headmaster, he couldn’t just do as he pleased anymore... Since Rathel hadn’t arrived, his mind reached for the demon’s and discovered a pleasant surprise. It seemed he already gotten in contact with the student on route during her exit. Which meant it was time to get this started and finish the night on a high note, namely with the highlight of the tonight’s events.

He looked at the teachers, both on his right and left, when he commented. “Well, I’ll get us started into the demonstrations then before the night draws to a close, shall I? “

Without waiting for an answer, the Headmaster’s chair made a loud squeal when he rose to his feet and the waited until the music fell silent. His hand tapped the Rune at his throat to activate it. His voice boomed over the Dining Hall walls enough to allow the rest to amplify it over the student’s chatter.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, future Students of Twilight College,” Khan began as everything fell into silence, his face display his pleasure about what was to come. “Now for the highlight of the Evening: a demonstration of Each Mage Blood from the many masters within the Twilight College and a show of what you will learn within these very walls. However, what you choose to do with that Knowledge you gain within Twilight is a decision only you can make and I only hope it is ones that better the future. It is with my deep regret that our current Hydromancer master, Joseph Windsor, is ill for the current Feast. So the Necromancy and Hydromancy demonstrations will be performed by Uicle this evening. As for Joseph’s students, both new and old, he tells me to inform you he hopes to be walking around and healthy come tomorrow morning for classes. To start off will be the Electromancy teacher Serge Sorrelwood and Pyromancy teacher Xeric Firestone.”

When their names were spoken, the two teachers rose from their seats while Khan once more sat down. It was one male Human and the other was a female Esyire, their figures quietly rose to step in front of the head table. The blond haired man had looked to be between his early thirties and late forties, his appearance rather clean and military kept despite his hair being set on end. His left eye green, the other covered by a leather patch, scanned over for a brief moment over the students. His fellow teacher, Xeric Firestones shortly followed to stand beside him. Her body was long and lithe, her scales an off white against the black formal dress she wore. Her feet bared and tail swished from underneath in her wake, she showed no nervousness when all eyes stared at them.

“For those who don’t know what their Bloods are or unsure what you will learn for them, allow these small displays to enlighten you with just a taste of the possibilities.” When his words died, the man’s hand at his side had started to crackle and spark with an electrical current.

He slowly raised the clawed hand while it charged and gathered strength then released it! A bolt flickered out and onto the Dining Hall’s roof. It boomed upon impact, the sound brief, harsh and deafening, but instead of sparks showing downwards, it stuck up there. Like liquid or a living thing, it seemed to lurk there in wait. The air seemed to be alive with some invisible energy that had surrounded the students. In moments anything metal within the Dining Hall started to float upwards. Objects made from pure metal, like steel blades to the more durable silverware, started to elevate upwards easily while objects like hair and decorative laced with small amounts were easily anchored in place yet still affected. Serge’s eyes had been set upon the place with intense focus easily kept the magnetic field in place until even the heaviest item had rose more then a foot off the ground at least then he snapped his fingers and broke his eye contact. Immediately everything dropped back down suddenly into place. The blades and weapons all seemed land with their points down and thumped into the nearest wooden surface, never once hit a student. Serge then stepped away back to his seat, allowing the next teacher to start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 2 days ago

Coco Bean

As soon as the Headmaster stood up with the loudest chair screech she had ever heard, Coco had made a bee-line straight for the front of the crowd, excited to listen for something good and interesting to happen, and also because in some part, she'd need to ask a couple of the Masters for help on her sunlight problem, as Mar had suggested to her before the huge elf had... Interrupted her path. She was still upset about that encounter, but she tried to ignore the underlying feelings as she listened to the words the Headmaster spoke.

And she couldn't believe her luck once he finished, introducing first the Electromancy teacher!

The master stood up and spoke some words, that although they weren't of much interest to Coco, as she knew that she had come to the College to learn how to shock things better, she still had to listen to them. The real deal was the demonstration, though.

The moment the human had started to channel electricity onto his arm, Coco felt a light shiver go down her spine, and she couldn't help but perk up greatly and pay her full undivided attention to the show- When the man shot the bolt onto the roof, and the sound nearly blew Coco's whole sense of hearing away, she couldn't help but flinch in pain for a slight second, but she was once more back to listening.

Not much happened for a brief moment, but then, things started... Levitating. She knew because of the lingering sound created by the shockwave, and she could just... Somehow, she could feel a change, as tiny as it was to her, in the Dining Hall's air. Her Artifact itself felt lighter, as if it would levitate too, but it didn't.

She couldn't believe that just a tiny bit of electromancy could do that! So when the time came for the demonstration to end, and the man sat down again, she couldn't help but feel giddy and excited, even when in her actual state of exhaustion!

Oh, the things she'd learn to do in this College...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aruna had grinned at the demon's response to her question. But he had been right about the demonstration. She was very curious about the demonstrations, so she let the demon lead her back to the Dinning hall with little conversation, mostly niceties, and when they arrived back in the hall they were just in time to see the lightning hit the ceiling. she felt her knife start to float out of it's sheath, but she simply closed her arm against her side and stopped it, then she said her goodbye to the demon politely as possible, and walked to the nearest wall, put her back against it and watched the rest of the display with wonder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 25 min ago

Ssarak's attention was drawn wholly to the Headmaster, Khan, when he began his announcement, in large part due to the sheer volume of his rune-amplified voice. He gave a brief explanation of the demonstrations that were about to occur, mentioning that the Hydromancy demonstration would not be given by the normal instructor. Ssarak did not care about this too greatly, though he supposed the hydromancers in the room might be a bit disappointed.

First up were the electromancy and pyromancy demonstrations. While these were not directly applicable to Ssarak's path of study, he did suppose they would at least be entertaining. He continued eating his meal, but the instructors still of course had the majority of his attention. The Electromancer appeared to be a middle-aged Human male whose appearance seemed clean and proper in every way except for his hair, which stood straight up on its ends .The Pyromancer was a formally dressed white-scaled female Esyire, the first he had seen since arriving at the college (unless he was counting Aruna).

The very first true example of the power mageblood could hold was quite a shocking one. The electromancer stood, then released a deafeningly loud lightning bolt at the ceiling. While Ssarak was staring up at the ceiling, he barely noticed his loosely-gripped knife levitate out of his hand. He was surprised and impressed at first, though he then became mildly annoyed, as he was still using it. He reached up to grab it out of the air, but it floated just out of his reach. He halfway stood up to get a bit more reach, only to have the knife drop suddenly, landing right between two of his fingers on his other hand. Ssarak quickly sat back down, pulling his hand away from the cutting utensil. Perhaps, he reasoned, it would be wise to pay a bit closer attention to the demonstrations, lest he accidentally impale himself...or worse. Besides, he was beyond anxious for the psychomancy demonstration, as he had indicated several times to others. Other magebloods could dominate battlefields, burn cities to the ground, or shape the ground itself to their will, but psychomancy was for those two wished to dominate others without ever even raising a hand in violence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Flowers were nice. Real flowers at any rate, not the ice manipulated ones Cyromancers in other tribes were so fond of making. Even if they had their own icy beauty. But real flowers..they were much better than the ice ones. She hadn't seen many on her trip from the Frozen Plains, but she enjoyed them when she did. "I like flowers. They're some of the more colorful results of this land, wonderful compared the unending whiteness of the Plains. While there are things I miss about my homeland, the flowers are one of the reasons I enjoy it here more." And, the fact that my homeland is the sight of death and murder and betrayal. "They're very pretty, and smell nice. Except when there's a bee in them, that is." That had happened once. Aramir had stopped to smell a flower, and there had been a bee in said flower. Naturally, the bee wasn't happy that there was a blue nose being shoved in it's personal space. For the next few weeks, the Snow Elf had had a large red nose. It was a highly uncomfortable experience, and one she didn't wish to repeat any time soon.

Out of the corner of her eye, Aramir saw movement heading towards her. Turning, she saw a Forest Elf with bright red hair making her way towards Lyris and Aramir. As Auriel drew closer, Aramir became increasingly aware of just where her height placed her in regards to the other Pyromancer. If she looked straight forward, she would be looking directly between Auriel's legs. As such, as the Forest Elf grew ever closer, Aramir grew ever redder. By the time Auriel was standing next to the Alanian and the Snow Elf, the latter was more red than blue. Thankfully though, before she had to make any awkward explanations, there was a loud screech and the head master was speaking. The announcement of how Hyrdromancy and Necromancy was going to be displayed by Uicle surprised her. As far as her limited knowledge knew, that was unusual. Highly unusual. As Serge rose and began to speak, she listened, in minor wonder. Before jumping about ten feet in the air as the lightning bolt boomed on the roof.

And then things began to float. It started with small things, her daggers, forks, knives. Her own daggers were pulled out of their sheaths and floated to the sky. Those Aramir didn't care about. They were easily replaced. However, when her bow began to float(the metal designs in it being attracted to the same force as the daggers were) she began resist. "Hey! No! I'm not letting you-whoa!" She had tried to keep the bow down through her weight. However, her weight was very small and soon she began to float into the air. Decision time. Stay with the bow, and possibly fall to her death, or let go and try to catch it. Aramir let go, her embarrassment at where her eyes could accidentally wander with Auriel forgotten in her anxiety over her bow. When things finally began to fall, her bow was included. She ran towards where it looked to be falling, a short distance away, intent on catching it. So intent that she didn't notice someone else was there until it was too late.

For the second time that day, Aramir crashed into someone. When she looked up from her sitting position on the ground(eyes still intent upon the bow), all she noticed was that it was in Naga hands.


He went the opposite way of Auriel, both because it seemed most likely that Mar was at an exit(he still needed to find her and locate their room, after all) and he had had enough fun for the night. On his way, he passed close by the albino man who had waved at him and the other strange Naga that Mar had gotten into a severe argument with. With a small nod of greeting his continued on his way, looking for the female Naga that was to be his roommate. "Shouldn't have left and gone in the Hall. Now I've lost her." Her muttered under his breath, before pausing. "Then again, things did work out rather favorably, didn't they?" He grinned to himself, before looking around for Mar once more. However, given the sheer amount of people in the Hall, he failed in locating her by the time Khan had spoken up. Turning around, he listened intently to the Headmaster's announcement. A display of the master magebloods? That should certainly be interesting.

He stopped in his search of the Naga to watch the Electromancy teacher go first, and was suitably impressed. It's not everyday you see someone cast a lightning bolt and then freeze it in place above you. His impressed state turned to more than minor concern when he felt the pull. It started on his mask, pulling against his hip. Placing a cautionary hand on it, he noticed that all metal was floating into the air. And then suddenly became acutely aware of his chainmail armor. Which was made of metal. "I think I should be-" He began, making his way towards the exit as he felt an increasing pressure on his mask, daggers at his hips, and hidden throwing knives. Then, of course, his armor began to float with him in it. For a moment, as he began steadily rising to the roof, he was scared. Flying unwillingly higher and higher from the unforgiving ground wasn't an appealing prospect. But then, he began to get caught up in the novelty of it. He was flying, technically at least. A series of chuckles went through him as his armor was pulled towards the roof.

With his new found vantage point, Althalus spotted Mar in the distance. "Aha! That's where you've been hiding!" And then the pull stopped. "Oh shi-Ahh!" Althalus had just enough presence of mind to curl in a ball before he hit the floor on his side. A loud thump could be heard throughout the hall, followed by a quiet groaning. "I knew coming her was a bad idea..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Tyrael Marchosias

Tyrael didn't do much as the demonstrations went underway. This wasn't his first time doing this act, and honestly the day has been quite long enough for him. Granted, nothing bad has happened, but he'd like nothing more than to go back to his forge and finish some requests he was commissioned to fill out. Not to mention preparing his future new students for their classes, though that's not something he felt like he'd enjoy too much. The first ones up were Serge and Xeric, Electromancy and Pyromancy respectively. Serge stepped up first, causing a thundering crack of lighting that began to magnetize nearly all the mental utensils in the. Tyrael used this opportunity to pick up a knife and carve himself a slice of cheese on bread, warming it with the Inferno so that the cheese melted and the bread was crispy. A mass thud of all the metal items falling alerted Tyrael that Serge's demonstration was over, and not Xeric was up. It wouldn't be long before it would be his turn. He just sat back and waited, munching on his dinner.

Lucilia Riovas

It wasn't long before Khan stood and gathered everyone's attention. It was time for the main event, the magical demonstrations. She had rehearsed many times with the others to ensure that her demonstration with Herbamancy was impressive this year; she bemoans the fact that just about every student she's taken always ended up just being gardeners, or joining her lumber union and working in the forestry industry. It's not that they skills wouldn't be put to good use there, it was just that they seemed to shoe horn themselves into supportive roles like that much too often. A quick scan across the dinning hall and she made a note that everything was still in place. As soon as her time was up, she'd begin her demonstration with a bang.

Annabeth Gulch

"My brother? Well, he-" But before Annabeth could answer, the headmaster called them all to attention. They were about to have their demonstration, which captured Annabeth's focus. She had seen many performers at the old inn, but what would the masters show her, she wondered? What caught her attention the most, however was that the Hydromancy would not make it. Instead, the Necromancy teacher, Uicle, would showcase in his stead. This confused Annabeth; she was not very educated, but she was almost certain that necromancy and hydromancy had no relationship with each other. Could Uicle possibly be someone with fabled Archanite Mageblood? She's only heard those types of people in children's tales. She suppose it shouldn't be that much of a surprise for the college to have one or two, but a master Archanite teacher... That was someone to take interest in, surely.

Soon the demonstrations went under way, first with the Electromancy teacher. A loud thunderous boom occurred, and suddenly many of the metal things began to float. Annabeth's dagger was nearly lifted out of her skirt, but she managed to hold it down before it would get out of the sheath. "Oh, I did not expect the teacher of electricity to do something with metal. Interesting. Now who's next...?"


The pinked-haired woman sat near the end of the teacher's table, chatting with Dervis Hearth about the affairs of his office and what he had planned for the demonstration. He kept the majority of the details to himself, not that it helped against Satori, who quickly picked apart his plans despite the heavy wards he placed. She had picked up e just about everyone's plans for tonight, and wanted to do her best not to show them up... Directly. Her presentation was for the students, not the teachers. And those students would be in for quite a surprise once it's her turn to show her powers and abilities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Mar had settled herself near the exit, still attempted to bend into the background and didn’t draw any attention to herself despite her present appearance. Not an easy feat for a Naga within this setting. Her tail had been pressed against the wall and prevented anyone from tripping over it, her eyes panned across the room. Several events had played out but none she aimed to be part, her eyes made a mental note of who was ideal to avoid. Mar’s head turned to when the Headmaster rose. Her attention ripped towards the loud screech of his table, his figure stood and raised to his feet while announcing the magical displays were about to begin. The first to step up was a middle aged man with an eye patch and erect hair despite his well-kept appearance, and then followed by a lithe white Esyire in a black dress who stepped with prim sharpness.

Her eyes narrowed when the Electromancer started off. Unfortunately her preparation for the display was foiled when movement from her eye’s corner had drawn her attention, a strange creature with wings and scaly tail had entered the room again. Mar knew it was the same student that had fled earlier yet now seemed to have come for the demonstrations, a demon, her tongue flickered out to catch the sulfur missed with heavy earth scent, bow politely. The plant like creature started to move towards one of the staff at the head table, his path followed the outer wall towards the head table where he stopped near the Headmaster himself. The Demonomancer seemed to smile at seeing the Demon which surprised Mar.


Mar couldn’t help herself, her body tensed and curled at the loudness, missed when the Electromancy master had shot his lightening into the roof. It flickered and rushed at the top, a seemingly live animal of shapeless and raw energy. In a few short moments the metal within the room had started to rise. Daggers, weapons, and metal items of all shapes and sizes started to float and pulled upwards to the room’s top. Luckily Desert Naga used no such material, even in their weapons so it was of little concern to her. At least until she noted a few distressed bipeds refused to release their items. They rose with them, feet slowly edged from the ground as some smartly released and others still fool hardy cling onto the objects.

Within a few moments, the master snapped his fingers and the invisible force ceased. Everything dropped quickly. Utensils, weapons, and more clattered to the floor but Mar’s eyes spotted something distressing. A hunting bow had been floating towards her and likely far from its owner. Unlike the other items- each at worse would’ve suffered a minor dent if that- this small weapon would likely be smashed in its plight downwards. Immediately she reacted in haste. Her hand shot out and fingers wrapped about the small arch the moment it smacked into her palm. The action left her hand stinging for a moment, her jaw tensed to bite back the hiss.

That was when something had decided to plow right into her. Instinctively Mar’s eyes jerked downwards to see a small, blue Elf now landed upon her rear. Her head fixed upon the bow within the Naga’s hand and seemed frozen in place. It was pretty clear who the weapon belonged to. However, before Mar gave it back, her hand pulled it closer to her eyes than examined it. Her eyes flickered over the detail and silently admired the craftsmanship in its creation, a skill learned during her time among the Crafter class. Sadly it was nowhere near Tyrael’s skill. Once content there wasn’t any damage, Mar spoke to the Snow Elf.

“You have to stand before I can give you back your bow. It will do very little good for you while on the floor.” She said and once the student rose, Mar’s body lowered slightly. Leaned over, she passed off the delicate weapon. “It would be unwise to lose it again.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Leith was excited for the demonstrations. The bet between him and Xyden only increased his excitement. Who was the Hydromancy demonstrator? The excitement seemed to be getting to the buzzing in his head. It felt like there was a swarm of angry bees inside of his head. He put a hand up to his head and gave a small groan. He saw the man dressed in black walk past the table, and for a moment, the buzzing in his head stopped.

A moment later, a piercing, screeching noise ran through Leith's head. His vision blurred and he lost all sense of hearing. He grabbed the sides of his head as he tried to somehow force out the terrible noise. It felt like his head was going to split in two. The screeching was relentless, but before it got to the point where Leith thought he was going to go crazy from the sound, the screeching stopped, and the sound quickly returned to the room, along with the buzzing.

Leith was panting. He could feel sweat running down his face, and he wasn't sure when he grabbed the edge of the table. He let go and shook some feeling back into his hands. Whatever that was, it had come as quickly as it had left. He had no clue what had caused the screeching noise, but he was going to find out what did, and it seemed that the man dressed in black had something to do with it. Deciding to wait until another time to approach the man. He turned his attention back to the head table, waiting for the demonstrations to start.

Even though he watched him stand up, Leith flinched at the screeching noise caused by Khan's chair sliding backwards. It seemed that the demonstrations had begun. Leith frowned when Khan said that Uicle would do both the Necromancy and Hydromancy demonstration. That doesn't sound right, he thought to himself. He shrugged the thought away and started watching the Electromancy teacher.

Leith watched as Serge shot a bolt of lightning at the ceiling and waited for it to do something. Leith was starting to feel a bit disappointed at the thing on the ceiling not doing anything when he heard the gasps of people around him. Looking back at the floor, Leith was surprised when he saw a lot of metal being lifted towards the ceiling. He noted in amusement that the man in black had been picked up and was levitating above the crowd. When Serge ended his demonstration, Leith winced as the man fell to the ground. His wince was interrupted by something wet hitting his head. He looked up in time to see his once-full cup falling down towards him. The cup hit him in the forehead before he had a chance to react. With a sigh and while rubbing his forehead, Leith looked at the Pyromancey teacher and hoped that nothing would happen to him during this demonstration.
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