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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Chester Graham – Frenzy Camp


Chester winced at Enma's less than kindly word choice concerning Ike's state. ”He's had a rough time, Enma.” He did not offer any chastisement beyond that, however. Doubtless the Oni did not mean to be callous; blunt was simply the mold into which his thoughts were poured. Chester suspected that commentary on Ike's body actually surmised legitimate concern on Enma's part, however inhospitably presented. Soon after, Ike went on to address his comrade's remark himself, and Chester considered what Enma said.

”Cat's not that bad. Kinda slick and cool, actually, in a old-fashioned and cheesy sense. Nolan's partner, did you say? He was the kid in green that had it in for Indigo during the treasure hunt today, right? We had a live feed in camp, but obviously I couldn't just sit there for an hour straight. I did get to see that final move, though. Ash God's Grand Cry versus Whitesky Eye, right? Very intense. To a guy like me, whose 'magic' is interchangeable for just being really good with animals, seeing stuff like that...well, it's like seeing a natural disaster. A volcano erupting with ash and soot into a thunderstorm. Makes me glad that Frenzy Plant is a force for good and order in the world.”

He settled in to watch the fight between Demetri and Deyja. When the crowd roared, he pitched in, especially for the final cheer to support the blazing brawler's victory. He winced at the wound sustained by the guild's rep, however. ”Yikes! Like a lance straight through the chest! If it hit his heart, he might be done for!” Chester rushed along with others, like Arivaderci, Kumbha, Bytan, and Xyster, to the railing that separated them from the arena. With unintentionally lovely acrobatics, the Dullahan vaulted the railing to land in the sand and rush to her comrade's side, holding her head by the ponytail all the while. As she knelt over him, Chester leaned over the rail and shouted, ”Need our help!?”

After a few seconds, Xyster's head shook, which looked comical without a neck or shoulders to contrast with. ”He's impaled, and with delightful internal bleeding I expect, but the medics will keep it from becoming deadly. I'll get him over there.” The Dullahan huffed and lugged the much larger figure onto her back before slowly plodding off. Unconvinced, Kumba jumped the rail as well and ran over to help her. Silently she accepted his aid, and the two ferried a protesting Demetri toward the infirmary.

Nero the Genie – Arena Stands


The grandiosity of the magical miracle performed by Nero seemed rather demeaned when half of the group to which he dedicated it flat-out ignored him. As much as that fact saddened his heart, the dark mage never lost his brilliant white smile. Even when Arthur assured him of his entire group's disinterest, he remained positively unperturbed. ”Not interested? Could it be I've stumbled upon the happiest man on earth—the man who wants for nothin'? Happy day! Not havin' anything about oneself one wishes to change, not having friends who selfishly desire gifts or basic needs, being bereft of sickness, worry, and doubt...that is true magic, if I've ever seen one!” His silver tongue span a web like a craftsman at the loom, calling everyone who heard it to think about their situation in life. Did they think themselves perfect? Beyond improvement? Was there nothing nice they could do for their friends?

Next in line with doubts and worries came Janna. Nero beamed at her as if her words held no venom or spite. ”Guards?” He looked left and right, exaggerating his motions like an actor in a play. ”They gonna throw me in the slammer for doin' my job? And innocent bystanders, simply for proximity? Woe for artistic expression! But indeed, I will grant your first wish.” A hint of smugness crept into his voice: without even realizing it, Janna had made a wish, and a very easy one at that.

The Genie snapped his fingers, canceling out the last spell he cast. Slowly and sadly, the color and vibrancy drained from the stadium, turning it into a drag yellowish-gray once more. He gave Janna a face of mock pout for advising Anya against him. ”Commotion? Would you hurt the feelings of a man walkin' the aisles, sellin' hot dogs? I'm doin' the same, just peddlin' my wares, though what I offer is much sweeter. Dearie, you wouldn't believe how much good I've done for people. You must have read the tales about the 'Jerkass Genies', who take wishes too literally and screw people over. Such slander! I grant precisely what is asked. Only a bad wish will get a bad result.” He gave a mournful look to Anya, but grinned still, to show her that a heroic spirit could never be beaten down by naysayers. ”Your friends sure think they know what's best for ya. Shame they gotta be sticks in the mud.”

Next he rounded on Arthur, his arms held up in surrender and his black eyes wide open behind his glasses. If he felt anything other than indignant, it lay beneath a flawless facade of innocence. He did sneak a wink at Angela, though. ”Cost? Sir, ya wound me. All I want is people to be happy. There's too much messed-up crap in the world for me to go 'round messin' it up more. Believe me. Joy is my sole payment—and no, not in some creepy, emotion-vampire way, heehee! I get that I'm kinda, y'know, weird lookin', but they always say: if you think you're weird, you're not actually weird, right?” He folded his hands behind his back and tilted his head.

”Now really, why all the sour grapes? I'm not kiddin' when I say that I'm a miracle worker. If ya really think ya got it all sorted out, I guess I'll mope on outta here. But now's your chance to make your dreams come true. Probably. I'm only human, after all.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Lmpkio@Silvan Haven

Jason Alexander

Even as she made her way as far from the mean and nasty questions as she could get, I stared her down the entire way. Even if she would just take her ball and go home, that meant I won by default. Not once had she spun an alibi that held up under more than a half-second of critical thought, anyway, and from the look of things, she'd resorted already to vague threats on what I could only assume was either my life or my balls.

Because it's always one of the two, with women.

If I didn't feel such a disdain on principle towards her, I'd almost liken it to taking candy from a toddler.

"Press could just be in their pocket." I countered, affixing his impassive expression with a plain frown. I could all but see the gears in his head working.

He wanted to do something about that. Put it on that big "Ways I Should Change the World" list he'd talked about every now and again.

Hey now, don't you know that's the kind of mentality that produces despots? Really, man, you'd better know how to keep that grand ambition in check.

In any case, I returned to my usual slouch, shoving my hands back into their cozy little pockets. If I was lucky, which I can be to a surprising degree at times, I'd never run into the bitch again anyway. Left a poor taste in my mouth.

I know there's probably a few people thinking to themselves that it takes one to know one right now, and to them, I'll ask if they had paid any fucking attention to me 'till now. I know full-well I'm a bottom-feeder. Hell, I kinda take pride in being a perfect example.

Still didn't mean bottom-feeders don't disgust me.

But now I've got myself rambling. Back to the story.

I tossed my head back out towards the street proper. "Musty in here." I mumbled, explaining my reasoning for turning back out and beginning to walk.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Lux Harken

And there was Jason with his normal glum words and expressions. Lux could not help but allow a small grin from breaking his frozen expression.

Pushing the recent confrontation to the back of his mind the mage followed his companion out onto the street.

"Think they have a park around here somewhere?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Silvan Haven

Jason Alexander

A park. An open expanse typically full of greenery and other such naturely things.

I preferred "inside at home" to everything, but I couldn't deny that it sounded like a step up from "wading through a sea of other tourists here for a Guild-scale dick-measuring contest".

But, on that line of thought:

"Probably. Good chance it's packed, though, with everyone coming here like we did."

I was ashamed to admit it, but he'd managed to talk me into travelling all the way here for the sake of spectator sports. Absolutely appalling, I know, but he made the atmosphere out to be a "once-in-a-lifetime" feeling.

Not that he was technically wrong...

"Better find a map, then."

May as well hope I'm proven wrong.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sayatachi Nijiko

As Sayatachi walks down the arena path, she couldn't help to notice Malice picking up a saddened girl against her own will.

"Wow you are kind of tiny aren't you? I bet you would just look adorable in dresses."

Now this sounds oddly suspicious doesn't it? Sure she had just done something suspicious just a minute ago, but now its time to get to her job. Her ACTUAL job that is. She follows the two out of the arena as she hides behind a building. Once they got close, she reveals herself from the building, blocking Malice's way.

"Where do you think your going?" Sayatachi asks curiously but with authority, "And it seems the girl doesn't seem to like where your taking her either..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Distracted as she was, Penny didn't notice someone heading towards her, until they slammed into her breasts and promptly feel onto their backside. It just seemed the day for Penny's breasts to be the victim of different types of assault. The girl seemed to get off worse for wear though.

Putting on hold, reluctantly, what she was going to do, Penny offered a hand to the girl, "I'm sorry, I was off in my own thoughts and didn't notice you. Are you alright?" She asked, "And may I ask, what you are doing in this hotel? It's a guild hotel for the duration of the games" She spoke politely, in case this girl was one of the new members penny had yet to meet. "I'm Penny, one of the S class mages of Phoenix Wing" She added, almost as an after thought.

@Jangel13@silver Fox

Michael watched the battles with interest, wincing as Jackie's battle progressed, until its end. The battles made him feel like he was way out of his league, and he decided to try his best in his training, but knew it probably never would reach that level.

After some time, he glanced about and noticed Jackie's opponent was nearby. Michael felt like the guy had gone a little bit too far, but supposed that Jackie had given her all as well. He actually found it surprising the guy was up. He hesitated, wondering if he should speak up, as if he was alright.

it was a dilemma, in one way, Michael was concerned for the guys safety and yet, he had been a guild members opponent. In the end Michael went with speaking up, deciding concern should always win over a competition. "Are you okay?"

Jane's reckoning battle

Amelia looked over at Rose and frowned.
"I'm not fighting but I'm not going to run away either. I will stay by their side. I know I lack the skill to fight myself, but I refuse to leave them while they get hurt." She said.

Alice, seeing an opening with Amelia's distraction, made several Lava-Make dogs to charge the girl. No sooner did they start moving then a loud 'SNAP' ring out and the ground between Amelia and Alice split open and sent both below the ground into the sewer below, though the ground under Amelia fell at a noticeably slower rate. The water in the sewer tunnel, which was much, much colder then it would usually be, caused the feet of the Lava Dogs to quickly turn to stone, obsidian to be exact, and they fell rather quickly, kicking up a lot of steam.

"You're not in a good place to fight now." Amelia noted.

Phlegethon meanwhile, looked over at Rose.
"If you wish to fight Miss Yashia, you may fight this man. But I will back you up, so that you don't get hurt too much." The armored spirit said.

Jamie shifted, looking down to make sure Amelia was okay, sighing softly when the girl appeared fine. Jamie supposed that that was that, and she stepped away from the girls, keeping them protected in a wind cube, fighting the time was over to merely stand and watch. "what say you Rose, shall we show the wrath of women when their children are threatened? Phelgethon, I'd much prefer if you'd watch the girls or help Amelia. Rose and I can handle a man" Jamie said, almost making a gesture that was generally considered rolling up ones sleeves. Instead, Jamie gripped her blade.

"As a spirit summoner, it is safer to stay behind those who aren't summoners like me." Rose answered gently to Amelia with a smile as she looked towards the spirit "I have been easily recognize as a S rank mage But I choose to stay A rank for my daughter...getting hurt makes me stronger but I will accept your help. However, I believe you would be better watching the children as I think Jamie is itching to fight" replied Rose to the spirit listening to Jamie's request as she nodded in agreement thinking the same thing as she looked towards the big guy as she smirked " you remind me of my father in size but he's a lot bigger and way stronger
..So you must learn your lesson."
Rose said to the bigger enemy as she backed up a few steps before she charged forward jumping into the air to be eye level with her enemy while she lifted a hand as her shadows formed a huge black hammer three times her size. "Shadow hammer!" she yelled swinging the hammer down using her momentum behind the attack as she twisted, landing on her feet only to dash forward right after her attack, sending another strike upward under the man's guard; using his stature and movement against him.

The man raised his hammer to block the attack as he was shoved back a few feet from her attack. He quickly recovered raising his hammer to attack only to get a firm strike to his torso. He dug his feet into the ground as he smirked managing to resist being taken back.

Rose moved away from her attack at a distance "He's a brick wall."she commented having her hammer retreat back in her shadows.

Phlegethon looked over at Rose and Jamie as the women approached. Sensing their want for a fight, the knight silently moved away as Rose attacked, stopping in front of Sam and Elyse, the latter of whom had her eyes closed and was obviously afraid.

Meanwhile, Joseph smiled at Rose's comment of him being a brick wall. Without saying a word, the man stomped his foot, causing the stone underneath Rose and Jamie to shot up and try and hit both women under the shin in an attempt for an easy knock out and an easier kill as a result of their defenselessness.

Down in the sewers, it was a battle of water and lava, as Alice sent wave after wave of Lava-Make constructs at Amelia, who was using her water spirit Undine to sent waves of frigid water at the constructs and turn them to stone while her earth elemental bombarded the maker mage with attacks from every angle using the stone around them.

Jamie chuckled, "Brick walls can tumble down, like anything else" she said, and with quick work, Jamie dashed towards the man. If magic wouldn't work, or rather work effectively, then Jamie would merely tire the man out.

At the attempt to knock them back, Jamie threw out her hands, property change causing a massive wind to crash down, preventing any large pieces from hitting them. And that was all the chance Jamie needed, directing the property change to slam the pieces of rock towards Hammer man.

And then she charged, darting forwards, hoping to get in with a quick injury with her blade.

Sam, seeing Elyse's distress, ,wrapped her arms around the younger girl, hugging her close. Sam herself wasn't really afraid, remembering the times before things like this had happened, watching her mother.

"Exactly...I can't stand brick walls."she replied following after Jamie as her shadow formed a few steps getting her above the giant as she reformed her huge hammer coming down at the man's head right after Jamie's attacks hoping to finish this quickly

Joseph growled as the wave of rocks hit him, raising him arms to block them. He counted Jamie's sword strike by slamming his foot on the ground and causing the earth underneath Jamie to flip around, slipping Jamie into the sewer water below just as one of Undine's waves passed by. He countered Rose's Shadow Hammer by swinging his hammer to intercept hers, grunting at the effort to keep hers in place.

Against Alice, Amelia was realizing she had made a mistake by summoning so many powerful spirits. Her magical energy was draining quickly to sustain Golem, Undine, and Phlegethon. It wasn't much longer before she completely ran out after she realized this fact and her opponent smiled with glee as Amelia fell to her knees and her spirits vanished.
"Seems like someone pushed themselves too far." Alice said before summoning a large lava-make dog, which quickly dashed towards the young girl. "Time to make you regret everything."

Amelia could do nothing but raised her arms, which the hound's jaws clamped down on, causing Amelia to let out a scream of pain. The hound quickly tossed Amelia out of the opening above them and followed after, stalking towards it's prey, intent to kill.

"And to think, everyone else is to busy to save you." Alice said, a viscious smile on her face as she got out of the sewer and waited for her hound to finish her opponent off.

"OI! Not everyone mate!" answers a voice with a cockney accent.

If Alice were to turn to her left, she would see a figure removing his hood, revealing to be the lizardman Dreadlin Nauss! After talking to Grane, he decided to head to the GMG to watch some of the games and maybe talk to the council member. However, he appeared to stumble across the fight between several mages, two good and two bad. While he was said to keep off of trouble by the other lizardman, Dreadlin couldn't let those friendly mages, Amelia and Jamie get killed by these savages. Already getting pissed off, he furiously points at the offending mages

"Pick on someone yer own size ya little tom tits! Don't make me come over and give ya'll a good scrappin'!"

Jamie twisted, slamming down onto stable ground now as she quickly adjust the environment with property change, taking out a lacrima, she threw it towards her opponent, lightening sparking as the lacrima broke. She only had a handful of lacrima on her, and wished for Jarvis.

She followed it up by slashing with her blade

"Come on big boy, Can't you do more to small me.."She said pushing against his hammer to flip back against a wall before she pushed off striking towards Joseph once more just using the momentum between her and his attacks to just make hers stronger without much effort. It has been ages since Rose actually had to fight against someone and put effort. She always tried avoiding conflict for many reasons but this moment, Elyse's and Sam's safety were first priority. If she had to venture back to her dark-self to protect the girls briefly, then that is just the way it has to be.

Alice looked over at Deadlin and was very unimpressed.
"Oh, an overgrown lizard. Shame, but you won't be saving any of these three." She said before snapping her fingers, causing two things to happen at the same time. The first was the lava-make hound snapping it jaws down to try and pierce Amelia's throat. The second, and the more obvious of the two, was the ground erupting from under Elyse and Sam as a giant lava-make serpent broke the surface and immediately went to eat the two children, getting a scream of absolute fear from Elyse.

Joseph smiled as he took Rose and Jamie's combined assault, being pushed back several feet. He then slammed his hammer down on the ground, sending shock waves through the street, causing buildings to collapse and forcing them to also begin falling towards all three of the children, endangering Elyse, Sam, and Amelia even more.

Rose watched his attack as she pushed off once again when the ground shaked and the buildings collasped"Elyse! Sam!"Called Rose landing next to them as she held up her hands "Shadow Dome...Rider... If your still here, take him down please..."She called over the crashing sounds as her bubble covered her and the two little girls as she grunted some from the weight of the buildings bearing down on her temporary dome trying to crush them as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

Dreadlin frowns when being called an overgrown lizard. Some humans these days just can't accept a lizardman like him. Hence why he and his kind live on a remote village far from these urban places. However, now was not the time to sulk. If he just stands around he'll just watch them die! Thankfully he was a superior fighter himself with some magic tricks up his scaly sleeve. He bolts towards Alice with his right arm glowing in magic power.


And with that his tail turns into what appears to be a blade, a crude-looking one to say the least, but quite organic and still very sharp. Not to mention it was glowing red-hot with fire. And with a powerful swipe, he attempts to slice Alice with this attack, causing at least some superior knock back and burns if not slicing her in two.

Fury rose in Jamie, a rapid wave of anger, horror and fear. She spun, dancing backwards as she quickly reassessed the situation. Rose had the children. And this time, Jamie wasn't hurt. She could protect Sam, and Elyse.

"use your teleportation lacrima! Get them to safety!" she said to Rose, and Jamie once more attacked the big man, fury fueling her attacks as she leaped forward, slashing, slicing, poking and skewering in rapid movements, going faster and faster as she sought to bring the big man down, "you will not harm my children!" she hissed out, shifting every time the man sought to unstable her balance, using property change the minute the hammer hit the ground.

Joseph grunted and he blocked and dodged Jamie's assaults as best as he could, though Jamie's sword was finding it's way to hit him several times. He was relying on the hammer purely for defense now and used his feet to send projectiles or shift the ground to disrupt Jamie's series of attacks.

Alice reacted quickly to Dreadlin's attack, summoning up a large lava-make hawk which grabbed his tail and began lifting him into the air, to take the interloper out of the fight. It didn't get far before something sliced it in half as well as the hound just before it could kill Amelia off.
"You know Jamie, you're really shit at protecting your older daughter." A voice called out, from above. Lucus was hovering in the air, looking more then a little piss off. Turning towards where Rose was, he held out a hand. "Susano'o's Wrath."

Two tornados formed on either side of Rose's barrier, around the buildings, the wind picking up to the point that it began destroying the stone and causing it to collapse on either side of said barrier without falling on top of it. Once it was safe, Lucus landed in front of Rose.
"It's safe now Rosey. Well, safer." He called out.

Rose opened her eyes seeing Jamie go after Joseph "We are not Leaving you and Amelia here Jamie...We have a wonderful day planned and I an not going to spend it running away with two small girls and leaving you and Amelia alone." She said before sensing a familiar source of magic soon seeing the source "Of course, Mr. Casanova appears out of the blue...Don't call me Rosey, Its Rose, Lucus." She said letting her dome down once the rubble was removed as she checked to make sure Sam and Elyse were safe. "You two stay near the silver haired man...he will protect you. Me and Jamie has a bone to pick with the big guy." She told the girls before she stood back up looking at Lucus "Watch them real quick, this will be over." She replied darting towards Joseph forming a black scythe from her shadows before she also struck in fury at Joseph, keeping up with Jamie's owns strikes as she was ready for this to end,

Jamie hadn't been worried about Amelia, the girl had been holding her own, and she had been sure that if anything went wrong, Ellis would be there to protect Amelia as well. Jamie supposed she had misjudged things, and really didn't need to be told off by someone who had treated his own daughters mother badly.

"I take my eye of her for one minute" she spat back at Lucas, shifting once again and using property change to smooth the street once more. It was clear the continual is if that magic was beginning to wear on Jamie, but she would not stop.

Finally, she hit the hammer hand, slashing deeply enough, she hoped, to do some serious damage, following it up with a quick slash towards the throat. She risked looking away for a moment to see that Amelia was safe, feeling guilty she hadn't been able to protect her, feeling like no matter what she did, she failed as a mother.

Somehow this lava hawk was able to grip onto Dreadlin's fire sword and was able to lift him up into the air! But before it could take him any farther, something else sliced it in half, which happens to be a new challenger within their midst. With that, he was released and with Alice seemingly distracted, he heads into melee hand-to-hand combat, pausing his sword and began to rapidly punch and kick the woman with superior force and speed. With one more punch, he would push her towards a wall with enough force to perhaps make a crater. The lizardman looks up at the newcomer nods as a signal of the man's gratitude. He looks at the other opponents and growls animalistically, ready to have at them at a moment's notice.

"Daddy!" Elyse shouted, hugging her father, who picked her up and held her close while moving over to Sam and placing a hand on her head. "Your a very brave girl, you know that."

Alice, infuriated at how things where going, could do little to stop Dreadlin's onslaught and was pushed against and into the building behind her. Coughing a bit, she looked at the lizardman and growled.
"Mythic Lava-Make: Dragon!" She said as her magical energy skyrocketed. Around her, lava began forming and taking the shape of the gigantic beast, Alice laughing manically the entire time. "Now, burn them. Burn them all!"

The dragon responded in the most appropriate manner, opening it's jaw and pouring a torrent of lava onto the street.

"Well, this is gonna be bad for magic's reputation." Lucus muttered, having to censor his words around his daughter. He quickly put up a barrier of wind around himself, Sam, and Elyse, as well as Amelia.

Joseph, having taken the brunt of Rose and Jamie's assault and now being heavily injured, quickly raised the ground under him to get to the roof of a nearby building, panting as he tried to assess the situation. Alice had lost it and was as much of a threat to him as she was everyone else there. It was probably best he retreat, especially given the skills and powers of his current opponents. Grunting to himself, he turned to try and leave, done with this battle.

Jamie took out a prison lacrima as the big man tried to run, taking precise aim, she threw it at the gaint, but didn't wait to see if he was encased within, as she spun about, using property change to essentially submerge the area around the dragon in water.

She stepped back, figuring that water damage was much easier to deal with then lava damage, she continued with the property change assault, leaving the girls, and Lucas free of the onslaught, taking Rose with her.

Jamie may have been a little pale, but she stood strong, watching to see if submerging the lava worked.

Sam looked up at Lucas and blinked. "It's easy to be brave when you know things will be okay" she seemed Unphased at what was going on, as she spoke

Rose stopped her onslaught when jospeh got out of range as she attention turned to the girl as she sighed "Dragon...really...why does everyone go for the dragon look, so overused." She complained feeling a headache starting as she watched Jamie submerge the dragon with water "If I remember right, you can harden the dragon with water since water cools lava which if memory serves correct, lava is a mixture of earth and fire...or something like that...land is made by mixture of lava and water over thousands of years." She said running towards the dragon "Shadow stairway." She said as her shadow formed a few stairs in front and behind her moving in the direction she did "This way Jamie." She commented making sure Jamie could follow as stairs disappeared after each past step and reformed for each step forward as she was just going to try to make her way to the girl to end this.

Joseph was no fool and raised a wall of earth to block off persuers, which in turn blacked Jamie's lacrima

"True, lava can be cooled by water, but you know something else?" Alice said "Lava evaporates water."

What she said was evident by the huge amount of steam coming from where the water touched the dragon. The lava-make construct roared while looking towards Jamie and Rose. In a split second, it's head would snap forward and attempt to bite the two but Lucus summoned a barrier of wind between the beast and the two woman, grunting at the effort it took to keep it at bay.
"Finish it quick before it starts actually melting the town." He suggested.

As Dreadlin watches as Alice begins to evaporate the water that was fired on it. With his sword still in tact and available to use, the lizardman wastes no time as he leaps towards Alice, bouncing off her head as he lunges towards the lava dragon.

"GO TO HELL YOU BLOODY DRAGON!" he roars as he swiftly swipes his sword at the creature's neck.

Weather it would decapitate it or do nothing, Dreadlin was already cooking another ability that he's been meaning to use for awhile. His eyes, already growing a venomous yellow, begin to hint at this...

Jamie followed Rose, but as the water started to evaporate, Jamie stopped. She created another property change, bringing forth more water, as she took out one last lacrima. "if you get me as close to the girl as possible, I can use the prison lacrima" She said softly to Rose

"That won't be a issue...Do you mind flying....Hey Lucas can you make multiple tornados near the pyromaniac lady." Called Rose after hearing Jamie as she continue to move forward hoping to give Jamie many possible options to getting to Alice to finish her off

"I could but not for very long. Especially if you expect me to keep protecting the kids." Lucus said

Alice smirked from her position, finding how her opponents were struggling to be very delightful. A little bit longer and she would win this fight. But she could afford to play a bit longer. Why miss out on a chance at some fun.

Jamie gave a sigh. She gripped the lacrima, and then took a few steps, running forward. "Don't worry, I'll be fine" Well, at least she hoped so. She leaped, pleased to have judged the distance right, crashing into Alice, she twisted and slammed the lacrima against the girl, "Game over"

Alice cursed, spotting Jamie a moment too late and being unable to dodge the resulting tackle. Preparing to crush the guild leader under her dragon's foot, even if she got hurt in the process. However, before she could, she began feeling the effects of the prison lacrima and began trying to fight it off. Realizing she wouldn't be able to succeed she decided to give Jamie something to think bout before leaving.
"Hope your little guild is ready for when the real threat arrives." She said before vanishing.

Jamie landed smoothly on the ground as Alice disppeared, and looked down at the lacrima in her hand. "Which one? There's several. But we shall be prepared. We always are" She let out a breath, and then looked over at the others, grimacing at the damage to the streets, before approaching Amelia, Sam and Elyse, wishing to assure herself they were okay.

"Everyone alright?"

Lucus set Sam down, letting the girl run over to her mother is she wished while she moved over to Rose so Elyse could be with both her parents and calm down a little faster.

Amelia stirred and sat up, groaning as she held her head. She looked exhausted and simply stayed where she was, too tired to even move right now.

Jamie gave Sam a hug, before approaching Amelia, as she hadn't responded, crouching by the girl when she got to her. With barely a grunt of Effort, Jamie scooped Amelia up into her arms. "You did well. I'm sorry, I should have helped you"

"Not your fault... I was too weak." Amelia said, resting her head against Jamie. She smelled slightly of sewer and her shirt was a bit singed but otherwise the young girl seemed to be unharmed.

"You are not weak. If I thought you were, I wouldn't have let you leave my sight." Jamie said, as she rose, intending to go back to the hotel so they could all clean up

Rose walked down to the ground from where she stood once Jamie had finished off the nut case that wanted to attack them out of the blue. She dusted off her dress before seeing lucas approach her as she smiled accepting elyse before hugging him and giving him a quick peak on the cheek. "Always like the wind, always popping up when help is needed...Thanks for helping us, we really didn't need it. Me and Jamie would have been fine defeating those two but I am happy you were near by to assist...just like the old times." She said to Lucas as she hugged Elyse. "Are you alright? Mommy, Daddy, and Jamie made the bad people go away."

"If I wasn't here, little Amelia might be dead though." Lucus said as Elyse hugged her mother with a virtual deathgrip and began crying, her fear finally catching up to her.

"But I wasn't able to finish off my opponent. You and Miss Rose had to do that." Amelia mumbled.

"You might be right but I am sure even if she did not have the strength to summon a spirit, I am sure, her mother would have formed to protect her...those spirits are truely amazing things and how well she can summon and actually have them help...sometimes even I would feel scared to fight her if she was ticked.."Said rose holding elyse close letting her let her fear out as she watched jamie and Amelia.

Jamie stiffened as Lucas spoke. She let out a breath in a slow hiss, "might being the operative word." She looked back down at Amelia, "Yes, that's so. But we really didn't do much more the finish her off. And the fact is, we have had more time to gather power and to know how to use it. the fact that you withheld so long, survived, and did enough damage to hold her down, shows just how strong you are."

"Why do you have to make my mother feel bad?" Sam asked, looking up at Lucas, her eyes narrowed as if she wasn't 3 and a half feet tall, and could kick butt.

"I'm not trying to make your mother feel sad Sammy. I just state things based off what I see and hear. And in this case, your sister was nearly killed because she was out of magical energy and your mother's concentration was elsewhere at the time. I'm not lying, simply pointing out how things were." Lucus said.

Amelia simply groaned as she closed her eyes again, still exhausted and feeling like she had just ran a giant marathon.

"Just be nice Lucus...Jamie is only one person. Even you couldn't do all she does so be nice to my guild master." she said.

"She doesn't just worry about her children, but others as well! And she had to worry about rose too! You weren't here throughout the whole thing, so don't just assume! Don't make a judgement when you don't know everything!" Sam replied in an angry tone, before trotting of after Jamie, looking up as if to assure herself that Amelia was okay.

Lucus sighed, seeing that both Jamie and Sam were determined to paint him as a villain somehow. Seriously, that woman could hold a grudge and probably pursue it after the person was dead. Turning back to Rose, he shrugged and looked around.
"I will not deny she us extraordinarily talented, but she isn't flawless either. That just makes it harder for her when she screws up." He said
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 8 days ago

Jasmine looked up nervously towards the S-Class wizard. Guild hotel? Phoenix Wing?
"Umm...I'm not sure...I just woke up here." Jasmine muttered nervously as she took the offered hand up. She dusted herself off and looked down on the floor guiltily as she realised she might be in trouble...
"I was looking for the boy who brought me here....Cody I think it was." Jasmine added thoughtfully. Yes that's right, she had woken up briefly earlier and had talked with two boys. Cody and Jayce.
"Said that he saved me...I don't remember." Jasmine shook her head as she tried to remember what had happened before she had woken up in the hotel but nothing popped into her mind "I'm Jasmine...Jasmine Lockwood.." Jasmine introduced herself herself with a slight curtsy but she seemed uncertain about her own name.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Prince || Dragon Fang Stadium Stands


His eye hurt. Another one was gone. Running out of time the feline was, but at least he managed to somewhat give one more chance to his friend. Forcibly but his little buddy was pretty stubborn about the whole thing. The battles on the other hand were more or less entertaining, though simple fights were never up to Prince's tastes. They were quite dull really. No art or rhythm to them compared to other competitions. Though he supposed battle had it's own kind of unique art. Usually it was more barbaric, but in certain situations it can be awestrucking. Kind of like war he supposed.

Lost in his train of thought, he glanced toward Michael as the boy seemed to react to the more recent battle. It was a little overboard, most pretty were. But Guild Wizards did tend to be on the stubborn end of things. Didn't exactly want to give up until they are forcibly knocked out. Most of the Dragon Fang members were the same way. Prince was more or less happy to turn in the towel if things got to hairy in these kinds of situations. It was just a game. Then again, it is fun to mess around with opponents for awhile. Good thing he wasn't put up to competition this year. Most everyone put up were all the high magical ranking. Sure, Prince could increase his magical power that high, but for him it required feeding off a lot of magic. Compared to most of his kind, he was under nourished. Most just suck the very life out of a wizard or something, but he just took a little. There were other ways, but they were just a hassle and he wasn't really interested in becoming all and powerful like some of his rambunctious Guildmates.

Seeing Michael head over to that Phoenix Wing member that somehow was walking and made it around to the Dragon Fang stands, the tall feline smirked before following, happily wrapping his arms around Michael's shoulders from behind and practically leaning his taller body against the Celestial wizard. Like a cat that just decided to plop themselves against someone.

"Good battle out there Zappy! Figured you'd be out cold a little more though!" Prince cheered happily like normal. Seeming to be not bothered to be talking to a opponent of the Guild. It was just a tournament. Sportsmanship was still all and good. Plus, Prince was just friendly to just about everyone. And annoyingly chipper.

Karn || Grand Magic Games Stadium

Karn blankly watch the battle take place, humming a little in thought. Magic it seemed could do quite a bit it seemed. How annoying and interesting at the same time. Still, she'd imagine if this sort of power was displayed in Edolas, it would be a mix reaction from the citizens. One of which probably already happened thanks to this world's Phoenix Wing members. Some may refer them to the magic of old, some may revere them as Gods, others as sheer terrible monsters out to destroy them all. Such power that has been unknown for one hundred years tended to do that to simple everyday people. It seemed most people here were just used to these magical abilities in comparison.

"Such power! Yes! With this power I could do just about anything!" The imaginary Pen chirped as he leaned over the railing beside her.

"You won't be doing shit. Sorry but no." Karn thought back in return, emerald gaze narrowing in minor annoyance at the disturbance of her internal thoughts. This was going to be annoying. Nah, scratch that, it already was. How was she going to think with these idiotic symptoms?

"Hey, you think this magic stuff has like love magic? Like magic love making magic?! THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!" The imaginary Trinity of Edolas chirped excitedly as she bounced up and down as she skipped about as she thought about this world striking idea.

"How the fuck would that even work?" Karn thought the question, right eyebrow cocking upwards in confusion.

"Well maybe, theres this powerful love magic that can make everyone have a huge----" The imaginary Trinity started before Karn gave a groan and let her face fall into her hands that were resting on the railing.

"Nevermind. I don't want to know." she grumbled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Caits@Silver Fox

Angelo looked over to see someone from a different guild come over to ask if he was alright and in all honesty Angelo felt sore all over and he had some cuts that still need to heal but obviously he got out of it easier then his opponent did, he is pretty sure that he broke a few of her bones after that fight which he is starting to feel bad for. He turned and smiled oh yeah im alright I got out of it better then jack did so im really hoping she is okay. Then he looked over to see someone else come over to talk to him and from the same guild as the other guy who was asking if Angelo was alright. Its so nice that even opposing guilds like them can still talk normally honestly Angelo expected them to be hostile after beating up their cute companion My name is Angelo not zappy Angelo said laughing at the nickname which he thought was funny and yeah it was a tough fight but the effects of my armor wore off and I only got cuts around my body. Besides I cant sit someplace still for to long or ill go nuts. Angelo said with another laugh. It feels like forever since he has had just a normal conversation with someone like this but it could just be the fact that he was out for a while...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Hotel

James took the offered hand and shook it, his own armored gauntlet clanking slightly. "A pleasure. Cody, you look like you have a question."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Disclaimer: The following post contains a scene where rape has been implied, but not shown. I hope I have handled this matter tactfully, since it's a very serious one. If you would be made uncomfortable by such a scene, than please skip this post as I would hate to be the cause for unneeded discomfort.
Argus Leandros

As Argus lay unconscious in the detention tent and held by icy bindings, his eyes would began to move rapidly beneath his eyelids, his breathing beginning to quicken as the terrors of his mind set to work feeding on his fears and insecurities. Nearly invisible threads of black could barely be seen swirling their way around his head. Dark whispers could be heard, the words spoken in a language beyond comprehension on a conscious level, and yet set alight a dark passion and hatred within those who dared to listen to their unholy chorus of hidden voices.

Inside Argus' mind

"What do you want, Grim?" Argus asked in a cold tone, staring daggers at the figure in front of him. They were tall, dressed in all black, casual clothing as he walked up to Argus' kneeling form. He looked nearly identical to Argus, except that his eyes were completely black except for his pupils, which had changed to a menacing crimson that burned with all the intensity of a volcanic eruption, full of nothing but malicious insanity as he gazed at his young wielder with the same condescending grin he always wore.

[colro=Red]What, I can't just want to hang out with my favorite person in the world?[/color] Grim asked playfully, his voice seeming to calm from all directions, echoing within Argus head as he closed the gap between the to. They were currently situated with a decrepit looking arena, dried bloodstains running along the floors and walls, the oppressive darkness of the ceiling making it feel like the place would come crashing down any minute. Argus hated when Grim forced him to relive his memory of this place, but that's why the bastard did it.

"What. Do. You. Want."

My, my, you're sure cranky? Maybe it has something to do with you taking you're anger out on that girl like you did?

"Hey she wanted a fight, so I-"

Went all out on her like you wanted to beat her into the ground, like you were back here in the arena of your childhood, only without the killer instinct. You can try to deny it all you want, and I can't say that it isn't amusing to see you try, but the truth is that you needed an outlet and she was handing it to you on a silver platter. I mean think of the day you've had! Helping a girl only to find out she's a monster, try to cheer a kid up only for him to make you relive your worst memories and trivialize everything you went through, and then this big chested bimbo comes and tries to pick a fight with you. Grim walked around Argus as he spoke, reaching down to ruffle his hair, which brought nothing but an angered growl from the young mage, much to Grim's satisfaction. It truly was a pathetic attempt, as you probably could've have killed her easy if you wanted to. She was strong, but she wasn't a true fighter, probably never had to truly risk life and limb to survive in a fight. No, this fight should've been easy to draw out until she tired herself, and then all you had to do launch an attack to finish her . . . and yet, you went all out from the beginning, wasting her early rage just so you could relieve your own emotional baggage. And to make this even more pathetic, it didn't even work. You're still as angry as before, no matter how much you hide or deny it, if not more so, and that was probably your third strike with this new guild, huh. They're going to punish you, then throw you out like the troublesome piece of trash you are. Just like everyone else you've tried to stay with sine you're escape, you're nothing but a burden and an embarrassment, unable to keep yourself in check, lacking in discipline, and always trying to stop yourself from killing people.

"Go fuck yourself."

Grim let out a spiteful laugh at Argus' words, slamming his foot into the young man's face so hard that his skin split upon impact, spreading fresh bloodstains to join those of old. Letting out another laugh, he continued to rain down blow after blow upon Argus, who curled up as best as he could to defend himself from the attacks. As Grim reached out to grab him by the hair, a change came over them. Grim was now a intimidating guard dressed in armored robes, the symbol that encircled Argus' neck emblazoned in bright red upon his ebony breastplate. His face was an ugly mess, and his breath reeked of alcohol and poor hygiene.

"What the fuck did you say to me you piece of slave scum? We keep your pathetic hide breathing, and this is how you think you can treat us, you ungrateful shit." The man cursed as he brought up Argus by his pale blonde hair, yanking so hard it felt like his scalp was about to get ripped off. As the young boy, looking no more than 14 years old, looked up at his tormentor with haggard blue eyes, defiance could still be seen raging inside of him. In response to the man's tirade, he spit a glob of blood right into his face, earning him another knock upside the head, a kick in the gut, and the joy of getting slammed into the floor. Soon, he felt the icy edge of a dagger against his neck, the stench of the guard's terrible breath making his eyes water as fear crept into his heart. "I should kill you right here and now. No one would miss a worthless sack of hit like you, and while you're a good fighter, they'll always be more." As the dagger began to dig into his skin, drawing forth his crimson lifeblood as it went, a voice suddenly called out in distress, halting the blade and filling the young boy with dread.

"Stop Mr. Guard, sir, please." A young girl looking to be about 17 years old rushed forward, looking worriedly at Argus before turning her attention back to the guard. She had a petite figure, her emerald green eyes, flowing blonde hair, and delicate features would've been a blessing anywhere else. But in her position, these looks were not but a curse. The guard gave a smile as he rose from the ground, taking the dagger away he approached the girl.

"Oh, and why should I stop doing that, girlie? That brother of your gets away with far too much, and I should be sure to make an example out of so that the other fighters know that we mean business. But, I pride myself on being a man of mercy. If you would come to the guard room tonight, I'm sure I could be persuaded to change my mind."

Argus tried to yell more obscenities at the man, but his chest convulsed painfully with every attempt and the words just couldn't form. His sister only spared him a passing glance, her eyes telling him that it was all going to be fine. To the guard, she gave only a small nod of her head.

"Thank you for your understanding."

The guard merely gave a sickening grin before walking away, while Argus lay on the gorund, his hands clenched into fists as tears streamed down his face. Then the figures faded away, leaving only Argus and Grim to stand there alone, with one of them smiling like a mad man. The other had his fist clenched so tight that his fingernails had actually cut into his skin, causing blood to drip down to the floor.

Wow, you really are a plague to everyone who knows you, huh? Your sister had to give up her own body just to keep your worthless hide alive. Do you remember that, Argus, the nights where she came back from those 'persuasions' beaten and bruised, her clothes torn to shreds, yet still she gave you that sad smile that said everything was going to be all right. The nights were she cried herself to sleep when she though you weren't awake. Do you remember the helplessness you felt, the despair, the soul-crushing-WHOA. Grim dodged a wild swing aimed at his head, than another one as Argus launched a furious assault on him, only to get sent flying with a kick to the gut, slamming him into the far wall of the arena. Hey now, don't get mad at me because you couldn't protect you sister. If you didn't want to have these kinds of memories to look back on, you should've been stronger. But then again, if you weren't such a pathetic sack of nothing, then I wouldn't be around right now. You remember it, right? The day when you first asked for the power that the book refused to let you use.

Argus was silent from where he lay on the floor, saying nothing as Grim crossed the arena in a flash, crouching in front of him with a sly smile on his face. I do, it was truly a wondrous moment. You found that guard about a year later, broke both of his legs and his arms with your bare hands, and then proceeded to beat him as savagely as he did you, before finally choking him to death with a smile on your face. That was the first and, unfortunately, last time you'd ever murdered anyone, and you remember what you felt afterwards, didn't you? Euphoria of the highest order, a chill that sent shivers of excitement down your spine. It was such a beautifully bloody bot of revenge, wasn't it?
"I didn't."

Oh, you deny killing the guard in that fashion

"No, I killed that fucker. I murdered him in0 cold blood, and I'd do it again if given the chance, but I didn't enjoy it. It sickened me to my core, I know it. You're fucking twisting my memories so I'll give into to you, but I'll never give in so stop trying, Grim."

Ah, the lengths at which you lie to yourself is truly fascinating, yet vexing at the same time. But no matter, I should leave you to awake in your own time . . . but first, we have to end this like always, though this time, let's make sure you burn how pathetic, wothless, and powerless you are into your subconscious memory, before you wake up and forget. Grim clapped his hands, and a new figure appeared. Argus' sister stood there, held by two invisible figures, and stared at him, her eyes wide with horror, before a blade sprouted from her chest in a crimson geyser. The scene would replay over and over, and Argus was as helpless to stop it now, in his own mind, as he had been then. Grim forced him to watch it, no matter how hard he struggled to look awyay. Again and again he was forced to relive the moment that haunted his thoughts day and night. And her death wasn't even the worst part about it. It was the way she looked at him, her eyes filled with horror, disbelief. . . and disappointment. It struck with a pain that ached worse than anything else he could feel, and as his emotions began to rise, the mind-scape of the Arena faded into a void of black and crimson chaos, whirling around him as he let out a dreadful howl of despair.

In the Real World

While Argus had been tortured by Grim, his magic had responded in kind to his distress, coiling out from him in reaching tendrils, slowly deteriorating everything around him. As this happened, the whispering voices would increase in their multitude, spreading out throughout the camp with their hateful words, seeking to incite people to violence and rash action. He began to toss and turn in his sleep, trying fighting off the invasive presence in his head with mumbled words. His eyes would flicker rapidly beneath his eye lids, sometimes opening to show them switching between his normal eyes and the eyes of grim as the to wrestled for control of the body in their own way.

Near the end, once people would begin to notice the disturbances and head towards the detention tent, the outline of an open book would be seen floating above his head for a split second, a demonic figure of darkness and shadows reaching out, before he let out a sudden scream before a pulse of dark magic was ejected from his body, ripping the tent to shreds and filling the camp with a sense of wrongness and malicious intent. Meanwhile, Argus would be on the ground, trying to raise himself up with his good hand, the healing worms on his bad one having perished before they could do more than seal the wound. His breathing was ragged, his eyes dilated, and memories of what had happened in his mind already fading into the depths of his subconsciousness, leaving behind only a sense of dread,hatred, and intense self-deprecation. He looked around confused by what had just happened. He'd had night terrors before, but they'd never caused such an intense reaction from him before.

With nothing else to do, he looked up sheepishly at whoever might have arrived at the scene, feeling utterly terrible, confused, and wanting to crawl under a rock and hide.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


The girl seemed to be...scared, as if Penny was going to hurt her. Did she look fike she attacked people for fun? Penny blinked. Cody? Was that a new member, or just some random? She didn't know, with so many new members. Penny gave a soft sigh. The girl seemed confused, a little lost. "Are you okay? No offense, but you seem...uncertain about your own name"

@Jangel13@Silver Fox
Michael was perhaps...not use to Prince's lack of privacy, but no longer flustered by it. Mostly. He still blushed as Prince wrapped his arms around him, but didn't seem be anymore flustered then that. He decided to speak as if he wasn't wearing a catman about his shoulders, and act like normal. As normal as he was.

"still, not many people would walk away easily after using so much magic" He said, wondering if he should check on Jackie. Maybe Uriel could do something to help her, the god spirit being able to heal.

Lucas vs Soren battle part one
the final battle of the day was highly anticipated, drawing a close to the third day of the games, and following such lively and fantastic battles, the crowd clearly thought this one must be as well.

Games Master Sheldon lapped it up.

"AND it is Soren from Pirate Lord, and Lucus from Riders blade, get ready to rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Soren smiled as he was about to get his chance to battle. Before leaving he turned to Merlina and grabbed her hand absorbing some of her Phoenix Slayer magic just in case he either couldn't get close to the his opponent or couldn't use what he got for some reason. He came into the arena in his usual style of teleportation. After which he was ready to set up two Contain spheres with Phoenix fire. He was ready for his opponent to come in attacking.

Lucus smiled as he headed down to the arena and walked into it, his hands in his pockets and a calm smile on his face. He waved at the crowd and made it a point to wave to Phoenix Wing, particularly Rose and Elyse, before turning to face his opponent, who seemed more then eager to begin this fight.
"You know, if you don't relax you might end up pulling a muscle when you finally move from being so tense." He said with a laugh

Soren chuckled a little. "I have my ways. I don't suppose you can tell me which specific muscles do you? He said with a laugh as well. Soren was a chef his muscles where toned and they were no where near tense as his opponent thought. He was limber and agile as one had to be in a kitchen. "Now shall we get things started or shall we laugh and quip all day?" Soren adjusted himself accordingly to fit the person he was now up against.

"[color=gray]I wouldn't mind quipping all day. Sounds like it'd be more fun, though it might bore the audience.[/color[" Lucus said, still remaining relaxed and with his hands in his pockets. Glancing up at the sky, he watched the clouds as they passed by before letting out a sigh and looking back at Soren while rolling his shoulders. He took his right hand out of his pocket and held his arm in front of him."So I suppose we should begin. I wonder what kind of interesting things you'll show me."

Soren wasn't sure what to think of this person in front of him. He seemed to just prefer not to fight. This could be a sign that either he is just lazy or he has reached a point in his magic where he wishes to advance no further in the current state so he conserves his energy instead of frittering it away. This was not go either way. Soren wasn't ready to start attacking on the man so all he did was twist his arms and summon a contain sphere around himself. "I also look forward to our battle and see your interesting flavor in battle." Soren couldn't help putting in the cooking reference as he bowed inside his sphere to his opponent.

"'flavor of battle'? Sounds like you're either a chef or you just really like food." Lucus said, observing the sphere around his opponent. If that thing was protective by nature, it was unlikely to let his attacks through. But he could have some fun with that. Summon up a strong enough wind, launch Soren out of the arena, win by default unless Soren somehow managed to stay in. He could do that anyway, but it was dangerous to his opponent and he didn't feel like being responsible for a friendly mages death. So instead, he stayed still and waited, studying his fingernails as a way to taunt Soren with his boredom thus far.

Soren was a bit disappointed. He never started battles so he wasn't sure where to begin. He started playing out strategies in his head to see what he might be able to do against his opponent. Though he didn't know what his opponent was wielding he had several plans. He wondered if he could through his opponent off by maneuvering behind him or surprising him another way but the guys calm demeanor didn't seem like it could be shaken.

Lucus sighed. His opponent seemed so unsure, so it seemed like he was winning the mental game. However, he knew they couldn't just stand there forever, so he decided me might as well act first and try to end this thing quickly.

Raising his hand, he channeled his magic and a few seconds later, a small tornado formed around Soren. The winds weren't going to hurt Soren though, only lift him up, with Lucus aiming to throw him out of the arena.

The winds would begin at him and try and lift him up. Magic unless it wasn't damaging bent around the sphere normally but this gave soren an idea. When the time the wind was supposed to pick him off the ground and lift him he moved the sphere up with the wind and acted as if he was being pushed out of the arena until he was just about there. He used the sphere and warped back to the ground. Except this time he was behind his opponent. Soren prepared three contains with Merlina's fire in them ready to explode behind him then warped back to his side of the arena. "Don't think so sir. Wind just isn't going to do the trick. However your about the fly shy high!." In that moment he snapped his fingers and the compressed fire in the contain spheres exploded out right behind his opponent aimed right at him.

"Teleporter eh? Should be fun." Lucus said before the explosion went off. While the flames went up and around him. the winds picked up and blew them away from him. Really, if his opponent hadn't given a seconds warning before the explosion, he might have succeeded in hitting him. Sighing, he took off his jacket and glanced over it. He frowned at the singes along it's back before shaking his head and tossing it aside. He let out another sigh before suddenly looking very serious."That was my favorite jacket. You just pissed me off big time."

Wind would have been fun to play with but he had a feeling that he wouldn't get close enough to the boy to touch him. Soren readied himself and then sent out a barrage of accelerated fire contain spheres out at his opponent. Soren then warped to another spot and did it again.

"Teleportation is such a pain. Sadly predictable at least. That's a plus." Lucus said to himself as the fire sphere's approached him. He waited about two seconds before pushing all of them away with a strong gust of wind in all directions."Geez, this is gonna take a while."

Soren paused for a moment, thinking on what he could do, as it seemed that Lucas would just push his attacks away as if they were nothing. Almost testing ly, Soren once more send a blast of fire at Lucas, teleporting again, and doing it. He did this two more times from different directions, seconds behind each other.

Jamie and Jack, when Guild Masters collide.

The moment the match finished and Jackie was taken off the field, Jack was already off to find Jamie, his rage barely contained. Small black flames licked at him as he walked, and when he found the Phoenix Wing guild master, he didn't hold back. "Is that the self control you teach your guild members?! To be far too willing to put their opponents on the edge of death, or even kill them, to win?! Do you even take the TIME to teach them self restraint, Jamie? Do you even know the meaning of the word?"

The day has been long, hard and frustrating. So when Jack came up, just about shouting, Jamie stood there, her face blank. "do you wish to take a few moments to reconsider your words, Jack?" she said in a cool voice. "as I recall, there have been other battles in these games that have no involved my members that have seen characters near death. Would you be coming to me now if it was Angelo who was in jackies position? I teach them restraint.you are stepping dangerously close to ticking me off, Jack. And we both know my anger is worse then yours.

Do you even know just what my members have gone through, the last several months? Do you know what I have gone through? Do you know that I'm still dealing with a million things at once? ahouod Angelo have stood there and taken a beating? Would you have?

Oh I could say that they should have given in, br really, I wouldn't have. And neither would you. Stop pushing your unrealistic expectations onto them, when you won't follow them.

And you should know by now Jack, I do not promote killing. But perhaps you have never know Jarvis or myself well enough to know that. But I know I know all my members well enough to say they wouldn't kill unless forced. Can you say you know all yours? Did you know one of your members struggles with their identity? Have you approached them? Did you know that your Prince has participated in something that has resulted in one of my members having what could only be considered two personalities, two souls?

You need to step up your own game, worry about your own members before you worry about mine. Now, will you continue this fight or have I mollified you enough to put this to an end? I have my daughters to check on. I need to make sure Anelia is okay after the battle we had today"

Jack's flames grew larger, but his voice grew deadly calm. "I am surprised you know anything about your own members, Jamie, with all the snooping you have time to do on others. My members have never killed, unlike many of your own, besides Jackie, who I'm fully aware of her identity crisis. Angelo need not have stood there and taken a beating, but an attack with the intention of sending your opponent beyond the point of recovery is reckless. The kind of reckless I've seen you use in your own battles in the time we've known each other. The other members of your guild showed restraint in their attacks, aiming to prevent death by whatever means necessary. I did not see that from him." Jack's voice remained calm, even as his flames grew larger and the temperature rose. If she was smart, she would begin to reconsider her words right then.

"My members have a right to their privacy, though they share what they feel comfortable with with myself. Prince has alluded to KNOWING of things beyond his control. Unlike you, however, I do not feel a need to PRY my way into what my guild members don't want me involved in. As for what your guild has gone through, each and every bit has been self wrought, because you think you can step in where you feel like. Do NOT presume to try and intimidate me again, Master of Phoenix Wing, or I will remind you why I am a Wizard Saint and you will not let go of that memory so easily this time." His rage did not subside, but it remained all the same.

"You have not seen the extent of my temper, Missus Beltras. You cannot comprehend what damage I could do if I were to loose it. So do not presume to think yourself beyond my ability to knock down a few rungs. As for the state of your daughters, I am aware of the attack by the Dark Guild on your members, another unconsidered ripple of deciding you're the only people who can take out corrupt officials as high ranking as the previous Council. The danger you find yourself, your family, and your guild in is wrought by YOUR decisions and choices. Before you try to have a high fucking horse, remember that." Turing, Jack walked away, the temperature falling rapidly as well as the flames licking at his back shrinking. However, the stones around where he and Jamie had argued were a glowing red. "If you wish to continue this, you can find me later at my hotel. I am done with you and your guild for the time being." His tone left no room for argument or debate and he vanished into the crowds.

"you're right, they do have a right to their privacy and it's not like I snoop on them, but all you have to do is watch. Is listen. Which you don't do. Everything I do is to keep my members safe. I know some of them have killed. I have killed myself-but only as a last resort. I know why my members have killed. Some, because they had no choice. Others because it was all they knew. More still because they were required to. That foes not mean they aren't good people. They have it their lives on the line not just for themselves but for the people of this world.

Do not presume that my guild members got their battle styles from me. I do not fight in front of them for just that reason. Do not presume that they do not know what they are doing. Angelo attacked, yes. Angelo defended. But so did Jackie. You aren't, and neither is your guild, Perfect. No one is.

You don't like how I run my guild, fine. But do not presume that I do not train my members right: do not presume that it is just my guild, or do I need to take you to show you the recording of Anelia, when she faced Iron onions? What about Shujin, he's in your guild. Sasha is still not fully recovered from that battle. He could have killed her. And the only reason he didn't was because Sasha managed to hold her own. Barely. But did I come to you all high and mighty and complain that Shujin beat the crap out of her, in a competition?

What about Zephyrs fight with Harry of tough love? That boy still has a headache from what his masters know of. Do not presume that your guild is truly holyZ

And interestingly enough, I wasn't talking about Jackies identity issues. Do you spend time with any of your members besides a handful? You have powerful wizards in your guild, but your negligence of them will lead to their own destruction.

Do not presume that I cannot beat your arse. I can. I do not need a fancy title to be able to do that, Jack. No, you are not leaving"
Jamie snatched Jack's arm, and pulled him back before he could vanish. "you started this. I'm not done with you.

You don't get to come, to come and say I'm a crap guild master, that my members are unruly, and walk away. No, jack. You don't get to dump crap on me, and think you can get away. I've been a guild master longer then you.

What have you been doing, the last year? Nothing. You don't even know what's coming. I've been training my guild for that, and maybe if you didn't have a stick shoved so far up your arse, you might have noticed and wondered why. I don't give a damn what you think, but you are not going to take your members choice away. If they want to help me and mine, I will make sure of it. I don't expect your help, after all you don't particularly trust me it seems. But I will accept, and gladly your members help. You can either chose to fall behind, or help. Because what's coming is bigger then us, bigger then what happened 100 years ago"
Jamie was furious. Jamie was hurt. Jamie felt betrayed. But she didn't let any of that show. Perhaps just a little bit.

"I thought more of you Jack. I trusted you with just about everything. I made sure you were one of the first to know, asides from my members, who found out the same time as you, my gender. We helped you begin. We would give you everything we have. And this is how you treat me, after everything? Perhaps if you weren't blinded by love for that girl, you'd be able to see how unreasonable you are being.

I thought you were my friend: you came into our lives in such a tough time. Jarvis and I, we only had each other, after Sammy's death. You don't know how hard it is to lose a child. My guild members are, in one way or another, my children. And I would do anything for them.

Obviously you meant more to me, to us, then we meant to you.

Excuse me now, because I can't do this anymore. I can't pretend. I can't try, when you have already given up. Goodbye"
Jamie crushed a teleportation lacrima in her hands, and disappeared with a small Pop, back to the hotel, to Amelia and Sam.

Before Jamie teleported, Jack's flames rose and so did his voice, his hand shooting out and pulling the lacrima away before she can crush it. "We are not puppets in your little game, Jamie! We are people, I will not, in any way, put your excuses for the behavior of your members and say I'm sorry when all it takes is some time for each member of your guild in the week! To make sure you KNOW what they are intending to do!" Jack's voice lowered again, but his anger, rage and insult filled his voice as he spoke. "I speak to each member of my guild, spend time helping them get stronger, both in magic and as a person. As evidenced by Angelo's performance today, you have yet to teach him that there are other ways to reach your goals other than delivering a killing blow left and right. Your time as a guild master means nothing if you do not have the experience with more than a handful of people in this world. You forget that you told me what happened with Sam, with Jarvis' brother(Who's name escapes me), and what it resulted in. I do trust you Jamie, but I'm beginning to question how far ahead you are thinking."

Holding up the lacrima, he puts it back in Jamie's hand. "Do not presume that just because you have seen me fight means you have seen me at full strenght. Do not presume that I am beneath you because you have a year more experience leading a guild. We are friends Jamie, but I have my guild, my own family, to look out for as well, and it does not bode well that you simply shrug Angelo's attempt to kill my guild member off as doing what was necessary. These games are not gladiator matches, they are meant to show the public what magic can do in a safe environment. To call it controlled would be a lie, but it is safe for them. I ask you to stop, to look at your members, and ask yourself what you know about them. You clearly had no idea Angelo had a move that was DESIGNED to put an opponent on the edge of death. I know the limits of most of my members, what they intend to do when they move a certain way, I've trained with them myself. My newer members I am still learning, still getting to know. Many of them went off to do their own training, away from the guild hall, over the last two months. You are a friend, Jamie, a dear one at that, but," his eyes had grown softer, "you do not know everything, you can't prepare for every thing, and you can't protect everything. Perhaps it is best we continue this when we've both calmed down. I will be going to dinner later at a popular restaurant. You and Jarvis, and your daughters if you wish, are free to join me if you want to. I need to check on Jackie."

"Angelo will do what he wishes. I don't seek to control my members. I can ask them about their plans, but they can chose not to divulge everything. If I had been there, instead of fighting and protecting the city, something which seems you missed, I would have put a stop to it before it began. Something I thought you would have known, but obviously not. As fabulous as I am, even I cannot be in two places at once. I thought stopping the city from being buried in lava was something that needed my attention.

As for what I may or may not know, I would have thought you would know by now. I know everything. I can prepare for everything, and have been. And I will damn well try to protect everyone.

What I know about my members? I know that Damian struggles everyday with what his parents did to him, with every choice he makes, with the struggle not to kill. I know that, although she tries to hide it, Sasha struggles with literacy. I know that she is stronger then she thinks, that somewhere along the way her drawings fell into the hands of a powerful individual who will potentially save the world. I know that Angelo struggles with fearing he isn't strong enough, that he is inadequate and perhaps that's why he didn't tell me his plans. I know that Mayt once, and perhaps still does, have a crush on Sasha. I know that he doesn't think he is worthy of S class, and that he doesn't know what he can do. I know that Rose fears every waking moment and perhaps sleeping moment that she will fall again, and ruin her daughter. I know that Amaya just wants to be with her mother, but she came her on her request. I know that Lazarus struggles with the idea he can be good, he can stay in the light, that he would do anything for Sasha, that he will probably stumble a few more times before finding his feet. I know that Amelia fears she will never be happy. I know that trinity fears she will never live up to the expectations of the guild, but that she has done so over and over again. I know that penny agonizes every day over what she had to do, over the choice she had to make, to be where she is now. I now that she doesn't feel like she's worthy of love, but that, slowly, Damian is proving that she is. I know that Joshua pretends that he doesn't care, but that he does. That he wants to see that everyone becomes the best. I know that Nolan struggles with females, that he is often baffled by Karn. I know that Karn is tired, so very tired, if what life has thrown at him, but that he keeps on going, for the guild. I know that Karn is in a form of...limbo you could say. I know that...I know that Wes left because he changed, because...because I didn't trust my members. I know my members fears, their dreams.

So don't say I don't know my members, Jack. Don't ever say that. Because j know them, better then they know themselves

I don't train with them, because my magic is dangerous. I teach them, I give them advice. I do what I can. But I will never spar with them, because that would just be asking for trouble.

As for Dinner, that depends on Amelia. That depends"
and Jamie once more prepared to leave.

Jack turns to head back to the Stadium. Let me know what Miss Averyona decides. You know how to reach me." And with that, he vanishes into the crowds, bound for the stadium, thought he was still fuming slightly.

Jamie teleported back to the hotel, and leaned against the door to their rooms. She sought some stability, but didn't find any. She was angry, a terrible cold anger churning around her stomach. Jack saw wrong in what Angelo did, but did not see wrong in what Shujin had done. What Shujin would do, as Jamie had no doubt that grudge he had against Lazarus would continue to flare. Jamie had always thought of Jack as reasonable, yet the dragon Fang guild Master couldn't see fault with his own guild.

That wasn't even the point. The point was that someone she considered a friend thought she was teaching her members that killing was alright, when that went against everything Jamie believed in. The point was someone was judging her members on their past actions, like Jamie shouldn't have accepted them into the guild. Their pasts made them who they were, and people could change. You just had to want to.

The point was someone didn't think she was a good guild master. Sliding down the door, Jamie lowered her head to her knees, closing her eyes tight. Everything she did, it was for her guild, and for the best of Fiore. She would have attacked the council with or without the support of her guild, and the fact that she had had it meant more to her then anything. She would have done it, because the council needed to be taken down, corrupted and diseased like it was. If the guild had to carry around a black mark against then for that, that was something Jamie could live with, as it meant the people were safe from a corrupted council. But she didn't expect a friend to think her guild was reckless, her guild, herself, was...bad.

And that cut Jamie down to her very core.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Amaya Yashia

Amaya Yashia healer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

*~*Amaya VanIsis*~*

After a few hours of napping she woke up feeling better then she had the last few sleepless days. Quietly, she got up and left Joshua's room quietly. She went to hers to take a quick shower and to change her outfit. She spent a few minutes debating on which oversize scarf to wear. Once she decided she then had a debate on how her hair should be worn as she decided to have it brides with a fake vine of light blue roses weaved inside as she messed with her bangs till they were right and fit with her look. "there that is perfect...Why did I feel like dressing up..." She said to herself taking a few more minutes to examine herself in the mirror before heading out the door only to go back in to grab her light blue messenger bag that had a few things to help keep her occupied during the games.

She stretched as her bright ice blue eyes looked around the hallway as she listened to the various sounds and smells as she decided to head downstairs finding James and a few others. She took a seat in the lobby still trying to gather her thoughts of what happened last night.

*~*Rose Yashia *~*

Rose shakes her head "anyways, thank you for coming to our rescue. That I think helped Elyse really warm up to you...however, I need to get going to see if we are still going on our day out...which I don't think we are" She said giving Lucus another kiss on the cheeck "say bye bye to daddy let's go get Jamie and Sam." Rose said to elyse as she left . she followed Jamie only to stop to hear Angelo fought jack. She felt a spark of rage to see jack so hurt. Sure she was of dragonfang but She was a rider like rose once was. Sure rose should br mad about what jack did to her but she helped jack see change. In a way jack was kinda like a little sister. She quickly headed to the infirmary to check in on jack before she would plot her revenge on giving Angelo an earful along with Karn.

She decided to hit the stands first to see if Prince or anyone else knows could watch her so rose could hunt for Angelo. She sat elude besie her once she was in the stands as she soon heard the next match announcement. "Huh...this will be interesting...Elyse daddy is entertaining the crowd." Rose said waving back watching the fight
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Delsin Rhodes and Pyrrha Arvanitis

@Jangel13 @Silver Fox @Caits

"That's because it's usually stupid and a very bad idea." A voice said behind Angelo as something was put against the back of his head. "Give me one good reason not to blow you brains out you homicidal maniac."

Before either Michael or Prince could interfere, Pyrrha set up a wall of flame between them and Angelo, walking through it and partially drawing her sword.
"Interfere at your own risk." She said coldly, her expression furious.

Fraquar Alinstar


Fraquar was waiting at the entrance of the arena for Jack and started walking alongside the Dragon Fang guild master as he passed.
"I checked in with Jackie. She's stable but to say she's badly hurt would be an understatement. Most of the bones in her body are completely shattered and most of her organs damaged. Only the vital ones came out okay and her skull is intact. Knowing her magic like I do, she probably reflexively used Mist Body. Turned what she needed to live into mist and thus kept herself alive. But as it is, she won't be able to move for quite some time, even with magical healing." He said.

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia sat still for several seconds before getting up and moving over to Jamie, sitting beside her mother.
"I want to go." She said simply.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Caits@Joshua Tamashii

well I try, I am a lightning user after all Angelo said to Michael before he felt something get put against the back of his head and he was told to give the man one good reason not to kill him. Angelo's blood was pumping and his adrenaline was going through his veins as he started to feel that rush again just like how he felt during that fight. Angelo then started laughing at the mans request the kind of laugh you would expect of a madman as he stayed still regardless. well lets see you obviously take some issue with me with how I fought if you are the one calling me homicidal. So tell me how fast are you? Do you think you can pull your gun away before I can shock you into dust? or maybe faster then I can form a lightning blade in my hand? If you think you will kill me this easily then your the maniac so I suggest you walk away even injured as I am I still got enough magic to turn you into ash. Whats it going to be? Angelo said grinning half hoping he will hear the familiar click of a gun being loaded so he can get loose. He didn't attack jack with everything he had or otherwise she would be dead now but if he was going to fight in self defense after being threatened he had no trouble putting his enemy in his place....
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jane Addeson|Stands of the Stadium

Jane had awoken, still saddened by recent events, in time to watch the matches for the day. As the first one progressed, she realized that she was in the infirmary in the Stadium, which turns out to have been the closest medical facility for where she and Promised Butchers' guild master had fought. Not liking being confined to bed, and informed that her arm would need a little more time, but she could move around, she had headed to the stands and watched the fight between the Phoenix Wing Mage and Dragon Fang. And the willingness of the Phoenix Wing mage to kill his opponent made her sick.

As soon as the match had concluded, she'd set out to find the bastard and was successful in doing so near the Dragon Fang area, already being confronted by two people who must have known her well from Rider's Blade. She also caught his reply, further laced with killer intent. While her off arm, and the one she threw her ranged attacks with, was in a cast, she still had her right arm and it was usuable. Pushing the pair out of the way, she spun the cocky lightning mage around, grabbed him by his shirt collar and slammed him into the wall behind him. "I don't know who that girl was, but your willingness to kill is not becoming of a guild mage, you sorry excuse for a human being. I watched every second of the fight, and listened to EVERY word you said. Did it not click with you that just maybe a move like that is considered torture? Or did you just want something that could make you supposedly unbeatable? Or, even better, you wanted a move that reduced the amount of actual fighting you had to do?" Jane shook her head and locked eyes with him, nothing but a cold fury in them.

"Men who think that lives are so dismissable that they design attacks to mortally wound and kill are the kind of people my parents died trying to bring to justice. They also have a name in the magic world, one you're hopefully familiar with; Dark Wizard. Those who will do things no reasonable, sane, or good wizard will do, killing because someone's in their way among them. I may be beat to hell and back, buddy, but trust me when I say that you wouldn't be the first lightning mage I'd beat into the ground, and I'll still pull it off with one arm in a sling. So, before you utter anymore threats against someone's life, keep in mind that there are two very uninjured wizards right behind me who would still like a crack at your sorry ass." Jane didn't move, didn't flinch, didn't even register that the air around her was hot from the fire walls. "You casually say your move was designed to mortally wound an opponent. Then you casually threaten the lives of people who are probably her friends because you think you're tough. You make me sick."

Jack Goran|Grand Magic Games Stadium

Jack nods, still heading for Jackie's room. "I feared the injuries would be much worse, but I am glad to hear they aren't. Jamie is...I intend to speak with Jamie again after today's events, if they join me for dinner. You are also welcome to come, if you wish. I'm sure you've got some things to say since you've known Jackie longer than I have."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Angelo smiled as he was again threatened by someone else this time a woman taking about how horrid he was during the fight and how he was torturing the poor girl. Angelo stylishly needed to put them straight Angelo gently moved her hand off his collar what I did was fight to the best of my ability I don't believe that I was trying to kill the girl because I won't. I won't kill anyone but if someone threatens to vote my head off then I'm going to give the appropriate response. If they wanted to threaten me the last they could do was do so in a way that I could see their face. I'm not very tough at all in just very fast after all. Now if you still want to kill me take your shot but know that I will take it as a genuine that to my life and I will fight back. So which is it that the 3 of you want, to kill me or talk to me Angelo said saying it in a way that would portray them as the bad guys for trying to jump him after a fair fight that was decided in a draw...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jane Addeson|Dragon Fang Seating

Jane didn't move, but her grip on the shirt collar tightened and suddenly Angelo felt his back pressed harder against the wall behind him. "You're missing the point, Captain Zippy. You KNEW the move could have killed her, or anyone else that it ever hits, and didn't and don't care. You don't get to paint the people who care about that girl, or myself, as the bad guys here. You're the one who attacked with what essentially equals out to Intent to Kill. Or have you not figured out what mortally wound means yet? Let me help you, it means that the wound is one that you can't recover from and you will leave from this world. You. Will. DIE." Pulling him away from the wall, Jane hucks the guy by his shirt collar further down the walkway.

"You aren't with my time or the magic energy it would take to teach you the value of human life. And I won't let your poor judgement skills keep me from joining Phoenix Wing. But don't ever come with in ten feet of me, or I'll lay your ass out." Turning, Jane headed back down the stairs and into the stands, intent on finding the Phoenix Wing guild master and joining now that she was feeling better.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


A strange woman came up to the young girl and was complimenting on her idea of crying here in the corner. Isla stopped with pressing her hands against her ears and slowly let her hands drift downwards onto her bend knees. She looked up at the woman as tears sprung into her eyes "I-i-'m not c-crying!" She snapped at the woman. The woman thought that Ayame had a diffrent reason to be sad instead of her fear of crowds. The woman stated that she didn't like the color of the arena. Ayame had nothing of use to thia information but still kept it in the back of her mind.

The woman suddenly began about shopping. Ayame quivered back against the wall and retreated her arms close to her body. The woman still managed to pull her alongsides her into thr city to shop. It wasn't with much force but Ayame didn't like the idea of being treated like this when they had met a new stranger. The woman adored the girl and called her quite small. Ayame pouted lightly and averted her eyes while hopping after the woman while whispering something small to herself "I'm not small." But her expression stiffened as the word dress came to subject. It looked like medusa had passed by cause Ayame was as pale as a statue "D...d-d..." Ayame slid over the ground with her feet "Dresses..." She gulped and tugged on her own hand to come free from the woman.

They turned a few corners when a woman had stopped both of them from proceeding. She at least seemed to have some human simpaty. Ayame gave a shy nod towards the woman with one of her hands close to her face "W-why d-d-do you need m-me"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Jamie gave a heavy sigh. she didn't particularly feel like playing nice with Jack. Not right then and probably not for a while. But she'd go to the dinner. "we will see. Stay with your sister. I better find Angelo before someone gets it into their minds to hurt him, before I can" she rose smoothly, giving Amelia a hug.

It was easy enough to find Angelo. In seconds, Jamie had appeared using a lacrima, and said "Step down. All of you. Now" Jamie's tone was one that was not to be messed with, her expression blank. She turned to the riders blade members, narrowing her eyes. "our truce is tentative. Do you really wish to break it, and face my wrath? Trust me, you do not wish that. Leave my member alone."

This was probably best done in private, but Jamie knew that if this was to all go away, Angelo needed a public dressing down. So Jamie slid in between those wishing harm to him, who would find they were being pushed back by unseen wind, and turned to Angelo.

"I'd ask what the hell you were thinking, but you never do. This was not an enemy, but an opponent. It was a friendly battle, one that was to defeat, not death. You have potential, Angelo, but you are immature. Do you wonder why I have never picked you for S Class? It's because you can't see the impact your actions have.

You are reckless. Perhaps that is my fault, but I never promote such violence. I do not think Jackie blames you, but you sure as hell ticked off powerful people"
leaving Angeo for a moment, she turned to Phyrra and Delsin. "and you! Do you two see them?" Jamie pointed to Michael and Prince, "they are her fellow guild mates. Do you see them attacking Angelo for this? This is meant to promote guild relations, yes Angelo went overboard, but look deep in yourself a and try for understanding. In the heat of the moment anything could happen, and not too long ago, you sought to do serious damage to my guild.

Step down, or I will be forced to take you down. Angelo is my responsibility to punish, not yours"
turning her back on them again, she faced Angelo once more. "do you have anything to say?"

@Jangel13@Joshua Tamashii@Amaya Yashia
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