Avatar of Almalthia


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Two more days to a year that I'm not supposed to be counting. The little Tom Hanks in my soul is marking days without you. Castaway on an island surrounded by an ocean of tears getting deeper daily.
6 yrs ago
Want a Slice of Life? Sol City is your ticket! Large, friendly group always room for more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
November 10th, 2017 4:30 pm CST. You let go and I wasn't ready. I'm still not ready. I miss you.
6 yrs ago
Two months and a week. I miss you. This sucks. Is it bad that I pretend that you PCS'd and will be back before long? Then I remember you're gone and won't be back even if I wished it. And I do. Daily.
6 yrs ago
Two months, four days. I miss you. Can't listen to Mike and the Mechanics "In The Living Years" anymore. It came on at work yesterday as the last song and I cried.


Ugh...I hate this part. So I'm super into Sailor Moon...which no one else is...and that's okay. I also really love Items, Escaflowne, Vampire Knight, Fushigi Yugi, Ah My Goddess, K Dramas, Chinese and Tiwanise Dramas as well. I torture people by making them read the TV.

Oh this is where I tell you I'm American...and I just lost a few people but oh well. Trust me if I could afford to live overseas I would. So yeah...that's me.

Most Recent Posts


1. GM Caveat.
2. No backseat driving. Don't play other people's characters.
3. The minimum of characters is two characters. You can, and are encouraged to play more than two.
4. At least one character will be human for every mythological creature that you play. This is non negotiable. Its suggested that you play both genders, male and female. Note this is a SUGGESTION.
5. Youngest age is 21 there is no limit on how old you want to make your character. Please keep in mind that your mythological character is most likely be very old but look very young.
6. You must wait to post till your character in the Character List.
Jocelyn Victoria Beatrice Harmon AKA Tonic

Location: Academy Front Courtyard

Interaction: Yellow Lab and Svanna

Tonic watched Eve walk off and looked around a bit. She knew she was going to have to talk to people and make friends, but this part was always awkward. She looked down at Duke and sighed then straightened up and squared her shoulders. Her hazel eyes drifted over every little thing. As the sky darkened and lightning flashed followed by an instantaneous thunderclap. The sky cleared and two figures appeared where the bolt had touched down. Interesting.

Looking around she saw plenty of people chatting and getting to know one another. She was here for a reason; and that reason had yet to show his face. Well that and she actually wanted to be social after all the years of being locked up and pretty much a Tonic-sicle. Most times it felt like she had nothing in common with people now a days. Which was depressing. She had a feeling that there were few that would understand.

This line of thinking evoked the thought of perhaps she was going about things the wrong way. Tonic grimaced at that thought. If my way isn’t the right way to go about my life what is? She sighed and snapped out of her head and looked around at others in the courtyard as a yellow lab went streaking past her. Dear Goddess...seriously?!? Tonic huffed and snapped to get Duke’s attention. ”Heel.” Duke snapped to attention and moved to Tonic’s left side as Tonic started walking toward the direction in which she saw the lab runoff in. Why can’t people train their animals to behave? That was rude of me to think. Maybe the person has only had the pup for a few months. Tonic shook her head and looked around at the crowd to make sure no one had been bowled over by the lab. So far so good. Walking through excusing herself as she passed by a couple of redheaded females and a dark haired familiar man.

Shocked inwardly at the recognition of Deon Howlette she made eye contact but kept silent she passed him by. Well well. This will be interesting. Wonder if Logan knew he was here. Moving on quickly she dodged people. She couldn’t help but notice the Asgardians they were after all very striking.

The girl looked like she was worried and Tonic saw that she was cradling her hand as if it hurt. All of Tonic’s instincts were to help the wounded. They’d been like that since...well she couldn’t remember at time that they were not as they were now. Driven by an inner force and ignoring all others, including getting the lab, Tonic walked with purpose toward the injured girl on horseback. Outwardly Tonic was intent on the girl but inwardly her memories haunted her.

“I want nothing to do with this witchcraft!!!!” Mother screamed at Father.
“Beatrix she is our daughter!!!” Father bellowed back. “I will not cast her out because
She is different!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“If you do not I will take our son, your heir, and I will leave you with the changeling!
That is no daughter of mine!! Demon spawn!!! Come to work the devil’s ways on our
Family!!!” Mother started crying and having hysterics.
Father sighed. “Fine. I shall arrange it.”
“No. I don’t trust you. I’ll take care of it.” Mother sounded calmer but it was that
Calm she got before she tore into a maid that did the slightest to displease her.
“I know that tone. Jocelyn had better be alive at the end of this. If not you will
Answer to me.”
“I give you my word...she will be alive.” Mother stated coldly.
The carriage interior in the dead of night with someone that paid to take her from
Her family...

Shaking off the old memories Tonic found herself standing near the girl in question. Tonic looked up at the girl and smiled. ”Hello. Are you hurt?”

Location: Milo's

Interaction: Milo (@RoccanIronclad), Paige (@Pilatus) and Victoria (@PrinceAlexus)

Siobhan was stepping back and just letting the whirlwind that is Paige take control. She convinced herself it was due being bored. She was afraid that it was due to not having enough adventure in her life. So here she was watching Milo and Paige aggravating each other and not knowing how to make it less tense in here.

Siobhan leaned against a table that looked sort of clean and made herself at home knowing that this was going to be a while. As there is a knock on the door Siobhan raises an eyebrow at Milo as if to say 'Company?'. She hears Victoria and looks shocked for a moment then covers her shock with a blank face with a slight smile as if to say that she found something slightly funny. When Milo opened the door Siobhan threw a look at Paige and shrugged. She whipped her head around to look at Milo and Victoria as Milo opened the door wider. Just What the hell does this idiot think he's doing? Shit!! Victoria's behavior the other night screamed insecure and now he's giving lame excuses to her now that he has to beautiful 'normal' girls here. I am most defiantly not here to follow up with anything. Giving Victoria a blank face she waited for the other woman to assume the worst.
Going to post for Uná, Tonic and Rembrandt on Sunday 2/25 I've got a pretty full weekend but I need to get something down. Hope y'all are doing good!!!!
Gonna post on Sunday 2/25; US about 2 pm CST. Gonna include Milo, Paige and Vic

Siobhan & Paige

Location: West Sol

Interaction: Each other@Almalthia
& @Pilatus

“I always get them,” Paige said with a stern confidence, “One way or another.” She continued around the lot. Her glance narrowed slightly when she spotted a lone car, a clean, but old Crown Victoria sitting in the shade, not too far to be out of the way and not too close to be conspicuous. The windows were tinted solid black. “And you don’t have to worry about that,” She said in response to Sio’s concern. “Just sit tight and enjoy the show.” Paige pulled up behind the car and flashed her lights: Two short flashes and two long. She quickly checked her phone and dropped her badge in the cup holder before taking her pistol out and tucking it behind her back. Paige flipped her sweater back down and hopped out of the car.

Two or more people standing by a car and talking in front of a Sears or a Barnes & Noble looked completely natural in broad daylight. What's going on? Looking at the car as Paige approached, it ironically appeared to be a long retired police cruiser with polished chrome wheels and what looked like a new pearl paint job. The window came down partially before she had a chance to knock. A male voice spoke from inside the car. The man’s eyes followed the top of the glass looking Paige over until the window disappeared into the track. His look wasn’t one of suspicion or apprehension. It was pure lust. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, lanky with short cut hair and a tattoo on his neck that looked like a kiss from heavy lipstick. He spoke again.

Paige smirked and leaned down, putting her hand on the window frame. The guy was angling for a look at Siobhan in the side mirror. Paige said drawing his attention back. Siobhan rolled the window down a bit of curiosity getting the better of her.

He turned away then back and his grin was wide, but sunk immediately when he turned back to find himself staring down the barrel of Paige’s pistol. “Ah, shit.” He spat.

“Get out.” Paige said flatly.

“Mine’s bigger,” He said nodding down at his left leg. “Big enough to put hole through this door and you with it.” Siobhan swallowed.Fuck. Guns.

Paige glanced down, “Think you can point that cannon before I put hole in your head?”

“You a cop, right?” He said, “I know you’re not gonna shoot me.”

“You sure I’m a cop?” Paige replied. Her hand didn’t move and she continued to look straight down the barrel of her gun into his eyes.

“Bitch, I been around, I know the game,” He smiled. “Besides, you think I never had a gun pointed at me?”

Paige tilted her head slightly, almost playfully, “No,” She said, “but this could be the last.”

“You not gonna do sh---“ He was cut off as Paige’s hand moved swiftly and fired a round directly into the steering wheel causing the airbag to deploy. The shock of the gunshot and instantaneous deployment of the bag caused him to let out an animal like yelp of surprise. Siobhan watched glad she had stayed in the car.

Paige flung the door open and threw the man on the ground. Completely disoriented, he hit the pavement without even an attempt to protect his face. His chrome plated revolver spilled out with him and she immediately kicked it away. Paige and Siobhan looked around making sure the noise hadn’t drawn any attention and Paige retrieved a small set of handcuffs from her back pocket. As the man groaned in pain and confusion Paige swiftly kicked him squarely between the legs with enough force to retract his manhood for more than a few weeks. He howled and began to go into dry-heaves as his body searched in futility for ways to deal with the myriad of pains inflicted upon it. “You…” He coughed, “crazy… bitch!”

Cuffing one hand and clipping the other to one of his car’s expensive wheels, Paige took out her phone and sent a quick text. She brushed her hair back and gave Sio a thumbs up and a smile. Siobhan stared back giving a thumbs up.

A black, unmarked van turned off and made its way down the street, entering the lot where they currently waited. Paige deftly busied herself with the guy's very large caliber revolver. Dumping the shells she twirled it in one hand wild-west style and visualized sliding it into a holster on her side.

"My... damn... gun... bitch" The man grumbled.

"Shut up or I'll put you in the trunk." Paige said rolling the gun in her hand with a bit of curiosity. Seeing the van approach, Paige flipped it over quickly scanning for any mark of modification while Siobhan rolled up the window some what hiding behind the tint. Her eyes widened slightly as Paige shot a glance of pure death over at the crumpled man chained to his car. Being doubled over on the ground, he never saw it. Paige put the gun on the hood as the brakes of the van squeaked lightly to a stop. A man and a woman got out.

The woman said something. Paige glanced at her wrist then the woman spoke again.

Paige said something and handed what looked like cuff keys to the other guy, who could have easily passed as a lineman for the Angels. The woman looked about eight years older than Paige had a slightly weathered look about her and was all business.

Siobhan watched the other two haul the guy into the back of the van before handing Paige a thick, white envelope saying something. Paige accepted the envelope with a light nod and watched them drive away. Her cordial smile faded as she went back and retrieved the revolver.

"We have another stop to make now," Paige said. Her tone was more grave than any other time the whole day. "If you think you're up for it."

Siobhan smirked and nodded.

@Dragonydas@CoolGoy02@Icepick@The1Rolling1Boy@Sola@Furiosa@ReusableSword@Silver Fox@Rabidporcupine@Robo27

Where you at?

I see since you know where I'm at my name was wasn't called. ^.^
Siobhan & Paige

Location: Gym and Asset Seizures…

Interaction: Each other@Almalthia
& @Pilatus

A smoothie, a shower and a change of clothes later and they were on their way. Paige had a few locations programmed into the GPS and the first stop was Asset Seizures in a secured lot downtown near the river. She waved her passkey at the gate and they proceeded to an underground parking garage where a myriad of vehicles were being stored, most of them on the higher end of the purchasing spectrum. Everything from tricked out Hummers to a slick orange Lamborghini were housed in the inconspicuous facility. All liberated from their former criminal owners. Most would be auctioned off and some, if needed would be used for Marshal business. In her standard issue white, Taurus, Paige perused the aisles as if she were in the grocery store, selecting a wine for the evening. She nibbled on her thumb. “I’m gonna upgrade our car…” She said looking across the way at an electric blue BMW four-door. She was hoping for another Audi, not that she was any sort of auto-aficionado, but the German brand had her hooked ever since she’d driven the R8. The thought made her think of the picture again and where she’d quietly stowed it away. “But it can’t be too over the top and needs to be four doors,” She continued with a sigh and turned back to Sio, “If you know what I mean.”

Siobhan raised an eyebrow at that comment. She tilted her head and her red hair pulled back off her face in a high ponytail that ran to the middle of her shoulder blades swung happily. She had thrown on black jeggings, black combat boots, a grey long sleeve under armor shirt and a jean vest that Siobhan left open over the skin tight under armor. “No I don't know what you mean. I'm staring at a freaking Lamborghini and wondering why we ain't taking it!!! Screw four doors!!!”

Paige grinned. "Later, I promise." She said looking back at the bright orange Lambo. Ton of fun that it would be they would stick out like black paint thrown on a white wall and she needed to be a little less conspicuous for some of her later stops. She made another pass thinking of how she was going to sweet talk the storage agent into letting her change out her newly issued Ford. "I think I'm gonna go for this blue Beamer." She said parking and hopping out, "I'll be right back. Stay right here."

A few moments later she reemerged dangling keys and wearing a triumphant smile. Looking at Sio's outfit in comparison with her own white zip-down sweater and jeans they blended in perfectly like a couple of spoiled rich girls in daddy's BMW. "Sometimes I just wake up and smile when I think about how many assholes whose day I get to ruin." She said tossing her bag over into the new car. "Come my dear, you have much to learn."

“Ugh tell me these rounds don't deal with them. Oh and why the Beamer? Besides the obvious that we look cool.” Siobhan got in the passenger seat and adjusted the chair to a comfortable position.

“I'm not a car person,” Paige shrugged, “I mostly just liked the color.” She started the engine and it came to life with a sporty rumble. “I wore a dress to prom that was almost this exact same color.” She moved the shifter and they started off, “And it fit me perfectly.” She said with a smile of reminiscence.

Siobhan nodded and rolled down the window so that the wind could play in her hair for a bit. She looked over at Paige and raised an eyebrow. “So you still haven’t really answered the question of where we’re going or what we’re doing…or who’s day we’re going to ruin.” This was turning out to be really fun. She wasn’t going to screw around her whole college career but ya had to take a break sometime.
@YoshiSkittlez@VicierThis made my day!!!!!!!!!!
Rembrandt Val-Jean LeBeau AKA Cupid

Location: Academy Courtyard

Interaction: Arlic (@dabombjk)

Rembrandt stepped off the bus after the dark haired boy who had been a pain in the drivers le cul. He smirked as he shifted the duffel that he pulled off the carry on. All his worldly possessions within it...meaning his two other pairs of cargo pants. His long sleeved shirts button down one in every color of the rainbow. His undershirts one of almost every color an a couple of extras in both white and black. A pair of black and white tank tops and a couple of sweaters. Plus the normal toiletries and whatnot. His duffel was pretty stuffed.

Rembrandt picked up his carrier for Jacques and nodded to the driver and grinned as he looked around the front courtyard. Now dis...dis is bien. All dem chers jus' waitin' for a good cajun. Well gotta give et to dem. Looking around he saw two redheads off the bat, a pretty little creole looking girl making him think of home, a platinum blonde a bit farther off with a massive dog, another with a couple of lions and seemingly like she was about plastered to a male that looked a lot like her but defiantly older. All in all a lot of pretty hot women.

Jacques poked his head out of the trench coat pocket that Rembrandt had put him in and squeaked at him. Rembrandt looked down at the pocket and grinned. "Eh mon amie? You come ou' now? You jus' kno' der is som' chers 'ere dat will love you. Dats why you wan's ou'." Rembrandt reaches into the pocket and gently takes out a sable ferret and places it on his shoulder. He gives the ferret a loving stroke and the ferret chitters happily and winds around Rembrandt's neck. Rembrandt chuckles as Jacques' fur tickles. He scratches behind Jacques' ears and along his neck.

Rembrandt walks around to face the dark haired boy who got off the bus before him and says jokingly in a thick cajun acccent. "So dem bus drivers ain't no joke? Dey sometin else, eh mon amie? Bu' who am I to judge? Rembrandt LeBeau all de wey fro' Loosiana." Rembrandt points to the ferret. "Dis is Jacques. He a troubl' maker. Wha' 'bou' you, mon amie? You no cajun bu' you sem' okay."

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