Avatar of Gardevoiran


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Who here likes cuddles?
5 yrs ago
If your girl can't crack your skull between her thighs then whats the point of even being a human being.
6 yrs ago
Identities are confusing to figure out.
6 yrs ago
How do wing.
6 yrs ago
Omae wa mou shindeiru.


Well hello.

I guess I should introduce myself, huh.

I'm Gardevoiran, just some schmuck going to college and working towards getting a degree in Fine Arts.

I do commissions and what-not, and you can ask me to do a commission for you through my Discord (Gardevoiran #1429) or up here through RPGuild PMs, and I receive donations and payment through my Ko-fi page. Clicking the box right below here will take you to it.

I'm a nerd. I play Pokemon religiously, I dabble in some anime, I write up here, and I love watching incredibly awful movies and just making fun of them. Specifically things like "Leo the Lion" and what not.

I don't have much else to say, so I guess I can leave you guys with a really bad joke.

"What do you call a cow with two legs?"
"Lean beef."

Most Recent Posts

"Well shoot, now I wanna go get a Drifloon, heh." Skylar scratched behind his head as he took the Heat Wave potion, curious as to how that'll work. Maybe it gives the Pokemon access to the move in battle? He wasn't exactly sure, but he wasn't afraid to test it out in a minute if he could.

Though, when the question of what the two boys were doing came up, Skylar thought for a moment before snapping. "Maybe if we battle we can bring out the Pokemon you want to see? A test of strength might be all that we need." Skylar raised his arm, elbow out, and fist against his chest, before thinking for a moment and realizing something. "Err... but let's let Seabreeze wake up first. I don't want him missing out on the battle."

Whilst the two boys talked, Celebrity looked at Venonat and had it up to here with the bug. Without so much as a warning (outside of the large breath the puffball took), Celebrity began to vocalize itself. As soon as the first word came out, Vivia and Venonat would know (Paradise would be just out of reach of the move's full effect, thankfully.)

Celebrity used Sing!

Oh dear. This would not bode well.

Another day, another reality with the beast of a bear monster Copper was with. He didn't mind, though. Papa Bear was being very well behaved during the whole time that the duo was out of commission, and now that they were back in action, he was still being well behaved, or he was being as well behaved as he could be, considering some unknown technician was busy prodding at the beast's sides with their new tech, trying to get it's vitals or something like that. Copper was busy distracting the beast with it's favorite game. Peekaboo.

"Aaaaa... PEEKABOO!" Copper pulled his arms away from his face as he made a silly face, Papa Bear softly laughing to himself as Copper smiled. He wasn't sure why the beast liked playing that game, all he knew was that he did, and that's what mattered. If Papa wasn't happy, then Copper wasn't going to be happy either. After another round of Peekaboo, one of the engineers running all of Papa Bear's vitals spoke up. "Uh... Ironsides? Got a question for ya!"

Copper hopped down from his post, sitting on top of a bunch of junk so Papa wouldn't have to crane his neck downwards uncomfortably. "What's up... uh... Johnson?" He had to check the nametag, he forgot these guys' names so much.

"We were running vitals, and... is this Dragon supposed to have been asleep for 12 hours earlier? Someone timed the beast." Copper shrugged it off and placed a hand on the engineer's shoulder.

"Yeah, that's pretty normal for Pops over here. He might be a massive powerhouse on the battlefield, but back here he loves napping. Don't worry if there's a hasty situation, too. He'll be ready to go." Copper smiled as he looked at Papa Bear one more time, extending his hand out towards the Dragon with his palm open towards the sky. "Pats?"

The Dragon complied, placing a single claw into Copper's palm gently before returning to his laying position. "Good boy! That deserves a treat!" As Copper reached into a nearby bag to grab a 'treat', the voice of a certain admiral came over the loudspeaker.

"Attention: all Pilots, proceed to Situation Room A for briefing. Briefing will start at 1900 hours. Thank you."

"Oh, guess that's my cue to get a move on. Still gotta go unpack some boxes to find my jacket." Copper grabbed a slab of steak from inside his bag, took it out of it's protective plastic, and he lobbed the meat at his Dragon. Papa Bear caught the meat in his mouth, smiling graciously as he chewed slowly, savoring the taste.

"There we go... now, if you all need anything, don't be afraid to call." Copper said as he walked off towards his room, going to unpack the box with his jacket in it. It was just kinda cold on this station, like they kept the AC all the way up for some reason.


Copper stepped into Situation Room A just after Maye with a mug of coffee in his hand that had a cute little bear on it, standing up against the wall and sipping his drink slowly and quietly. There were already a few people in here, but he didn't care much for conversation with them. It wasn't anything against them, though. The Argolt was really physically imposing over him, and after making an attempt at joking with him, Copper didn't seem like it'd be wise to continue. King was just really unreceptive to everything, and that didn't sit right with Copper. Hopefully the kid would open up to the rest of the crew eventually. Maye was really preppy, and a bit too energetic for Copper's laid back style. She played good video games, though, so there wasn't much to complain about.

Regardless of anything, Copper simply stood back and kept sipping his coffee, waiting for actual orders.

Digbie walked back to his friends, now a bit more confident in himself after the Goblins showed signs of being fearful of the group. Okay, so maybe it was them being fearful of Digbie, but Digbie was the representation of the group at that point to the goblins, so it kind of worked? Regardless of anything, when the goblins were out of earshot, Digbie first double checked with {Tremor Sense II} to see if they were actually gone. When he was absolutely sure, he looked at the rest of his group and spoke.

"We have a day to decide what to do," Digbie said, looking back towards the path the mole tunnels made towards the mountains. "I think we really need to see what they're offerin' before we push them away. If we don't like it, we don't help them. If we like their jib, let's help them take over some other goblins. That way, we can ask them for help later if we need to." Digbie shrugged as he began walking back towards where he was before, using {Rock Spire} to leave small spikes in the ground behind him every couple of steps. "Something big happened back where I was, and I'm gonna check it out. I'll be back by nightfall, hopefully. If not, these spikes should be a good way to find me."

With that, Digbie returned to where the "moles" were, and followed their path, leaving breadcrumbs of {Rock Spire}s behind him so he didn't lose his way back.

There is a distinct lack of birds on this crew. What sort of blasphemy is this?

I just hope my application makes the cut.


Eve flew through the skies, carefree as always. In her room, she had constant reminders that she was at a dead end job, but here in the sky she could feel her true self basking in the wind. Hell, even her powers seemed to work better when she was this relaxed! They probably didn't, but it still felt fantastic. It was almost a euphoric sensation, driving through the clouds like you were a god amongst men... okay, maybe she kind of was with her flames, but that's not the point! A lot of people had powers, it was just up to them to figure out how they worked.

As Eve flew about the city on her way to the post office, she noticed one of her smaller booth roosts atop a smaller building. She used those as a way for her to get around the city quickly while not blowing her secret identity out of the water. They worked by just providing an easy place to change in and out of clothes, and making them wasn't too hard... after making a few arrangements with a friend, anyway. She coated herself in a fireball again before spinning herself about as she plummeted to the booth. The plummet created a smoke screen as she hit the ground, allowing her to slip inside the booth, throw her dress and hoodie on, and slip out before leaping off the building and sliding down a nearby pole. Once at the bottom, the harpy threw on some glasses and walked towards the post office.

Checking her phone, she saw it was only five minutes until the place opened. She wasn't too far from it, but still, she had made it with good timing.

"Oh jeez! Sorry about that, buddy!" Skylar apologized, patting Seabreeze on the head as the Wingull looked towards the pond, diving down into it to try and wash out the awful taste in his mouth. Skylar felt really bad for the bird, but there wasn't much he could do. He still had the herbs in his possession, though, and he was certainly keeping them in case of a pinch. They did heal up his Pokemon, but it didn't exactly work out as well as he had thought.

Earl explained why he had been in the woods, and told about his plight to find the horned Pokemon of the woods. Skylar admired that, and rightfully responded. "I feel that. I'm trying to become the best flying type trainer in the region myself. Hopefully I can get the attention of one of the legendary flying-type Pokemon in the region." Skylar placed a hand on his hip as Seabreeze came flying back up, landing in Skylar's hair and... making the boy wet. He didn't mind that, though.

Earl asked about Vivia next. "Oh, Vivia? She's new to this too, heck, she was even my first battle! She lost, but she still gave it her all with her team. She's really cool. We're traveling together for right now, since we're both kinda new."

Skylar smiled and waved at Vivia before turning back to Earl. "So what is the mystical Pokemon you're speaking of? I've just looked for a lot of flying Pokemon since I've been in this forest, but a mystical Pokemon like that would be super cool to see."

Celebrity was busy looking at Venonat while all of this was going on, and was upset at the jealous poison type, especially since it made the pats stop! Celebrity was not having that, and simply frowned at the bug-eyed brat.

Digbie tilted his head with a smile as he saw the Rubber Frog. "Well, aren't you kinda cute..." He was excited to try and tame this beast, but then something else caught his eye. As if on cue when he prayed, moles from under the Earth thought it'd be cool to guide him towards the mountains. Clearly, something out there wanted to show him something, and from the looks of things, it was something rather important.

But then, he heard the horn, and his focus was shifted to the goblins that approached him.

They stated who they were, part of the... Broke Tower Tribe? Gods, sometimes the intellect of these goblins made him sick. Regardless, they seemed pretty threatening to the lone Demiblin until they got down on their knees and started bowing to him. They said something about how they needed- no, wanted- him to join their ranks and become a member of their tribe, going on about how he was the "Great Demi-blin". On one hand, the feeling of being superior to some people was nice, but on the other, this seemed really sketchy.

Oh well, time to try some of that social engineering his friend from Old Earth told him about.

"Rags Nar," Digbie began. To clear some things up, those 'pets' are my friends, and you guys gots some nerve, showin' up here without so much as an offerin' for my friendship!" Digbie's voice shifted to a more barbaric style. He didn't want to confuse these goblins with his big words., plus he needed to make himself sound convincing. "Still, you guys have my attention! If you want me to come and help, you'll abide by MY two demands! First, you tell me why you have come to receive my aid, and second, you come back here tomorrow, and bring one of these 'perty wimmin' with you, along with some clothing, so I may have someone to raise under my wing and something to cover myself with!"

"Do these two things, and I'll come and see if you truly need my aid tomorrow!"

While he was speaking to the goblins, Digbie was sizing up Rags Nar with {Analysis}, seeing if he was a real threat or a dog with more bark than bite.

Aw jeez, I guess I should get in on this train. I got a lot of love to share, though, so prepare for a wall.

@Old Amsterdam You rock. Seriously. I'd go through a list but I'm pretty sure I'd hit the character limit for this post. Thanks for the help with my personal issues and stuff, you're probably my best friend, and I'm sorry that I'm not the best at reading crucial details.

@ProPro You're a fantastic GM and I seriously love being in your games. Don't change, and keep being awesome.

@BCTheEntity Your posts are awesome, you're pretty reasonable and analytical about situations, and I think you're super dope in the settings that we have characters in. Also keep being awesome.

@floodtalon Past aside, your characters are all a different brand of entertaining and chaotic, but incredibly fun to interact with and watch for their antics. You're dope as hell.

@LemonZest1337 ˙ʎʇsoɹɟ ʎɐʇS ˙sɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ ɹno ɥʇᴉʍ uo ƃuᴉoƃ ǝɹ,ǝʍ ʇɐɥʇ ǝpᴉɹ ǝɥʇ ƃuᴉʎoɾuǝ ɐllǝɥ ɯ,I puɐ 'ɥʇᴉʍ punoɹɐ ssǝɯ oʇ unɟ ʇɐǝɹƃ llɐ ǝɹɐ sɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ ɹnoʎ 'ǝᴉssnɐ ʎllᴉs noʎ ǝɹǝɥ ʞoo˥
(god that's super hard to read)
@POOHEAD189 I'm having tons of fun in Maroleth, even if my posts aren't the greatest up there (thats probably a tie between TFF and BC). Thanks for being a great GM.

@The Fated Fallen Thanks for the shoutout, and thanks for being an amazing mage in Maroleth. You make good posts, and I'm enjoying the shit out of them.

@Guy0fV4lor You're a fokkin' memester and I love it. Jason and Digbie should've totally just grouped up and worked towards being Earth Gods or something in Demon King's True Heroes. Stay spicy.

@Rune_Alchemist Your characters are incredibly charming, whether it's Ash being a crotchety old lizard or Claire being a fiery diva. Super great, and you should stay that way, too.

@PlatinumSkink You're cool, a good GM, a great player, and a nice friend. What more could I deserve? Thank ye.

@Eklispe You're sarcastic as hell and that's something that I admire, even if it makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes. Don't stop being yourself, my guy.

@solokolos You know loads more about Discord, Worm, League, and like 5 other things than me, and even without that, your jokes bring a smile to my face when it's been a blue day.

@Crossfire Even though a setting might've been kinda bad, thanks for giving me a second chance as a Co-GM and being a generally cool dude as we gush about things in our Discord PMs. I'm havin' a ton of fun.

@iTem Matija is indescribable with how you play her, and she's such a colorful character I could probably write a small paper about her. Thanks for being a great dude and better player.

@yoshua171 You and Cel are super amazing, and I'd mention her here too if I could remember how to spell her name (whoops). Keep being knowledgeable on Worm, good luck on future endeavors, and thanks for putting up with my crap.

@Lucius Cypher So maybe we haven't interacted a ton, but you're still cool as hell and please stay cool as hell.

@Crusader Lord You might be a faulty cruise missile, but you still got that Lordship for a reason. Keep up the good posts.

@Skinner35@Turbowraith I don't even know if you guys'll be able to see this, but you're dope and I want you to stay dope, so stay dope.

[@anyone i forgot in the process of making this post] Thank you for putting up with my idiocy throughout my time on the guild, and I'm sorry I'm a pain in the ass and forgot you while making this post.

Alright I'm gonna go watch something to turn back into my standard mentality. Thanks everyone, and I'll see ya around.

EDIT : @Belladonna I guess it's fitting to say that I'm sorry I forgot you especially. You're great, and I didn't want you to be left out. My Discord DMs are always open for a nice chat with you. :)
The Wards


Mastar felt her body get flung back by the force of Protean's punch, her legs failing to keep her on the ground as she actually picked up a bit of air time. As her body reconnected with the floor, however, it quickly became more elastic as Mastar liquefied herself, forming back into the familiar body when there was a safe chance to do so. This guy was a pretty tough customer, that was sure. One of those punches could easily spell total disaster for her. She felt the heat, no doubt if a punch connected she'd catch on fire.

At least until Tulpa's projection managed to pull out something to get the nasty blasts out of the picture, Mastar stood back up and dusted herself off in her standard fashion. She was thinking about what she could do. Lobbing shots wasn't much of an option, considering that he could probably easily dodge around the shots... wait a tick, maybe it was a good idea to lob some shots. Maybe she could turn the tide of the battle into the Ward's favor and render the thing she was afraid of useless...

"Here's hoping, lovelies. Cover me!" Mastar smiled and prepared some shots in her hand, Just in case shit hit the fan, she was prepared to turn around. She took a deep breath, and darted forward, chucking two blobs of her sticky and flammable tar at Protean, but not at his mouth. She was aiming for something that was a bit more problematic for the ex-hero, and with her practice as a vigilante, she was confident in her aim.

His claws.

If he tried to punch with tarry claws, he'd set himself on fire, not to mention have a harder time actually winding up for the punch. The biggest risk here was that Mastar was getting a little close, but with the projection defending her as best as it could to Mastar being ready to flee from a blast, she wasn't too terribly worried.

Too, terribly worried. She was still absolutely fucking scared.
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