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What's poppin bitch bois, welcome to the fun-zone.

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Nicodemus Hathaway

"Who are you?"
Nicodemus paused at this, the rage in his eyes turning to a look that could only be described as deranged. Still having the upper hand in the situation, he spoke, his melodic voice becoming significantly harsher than one would expect him capable of.

"I am the one your monstrous friend imprisoned for six years within the confines of my own mind. I am the body it stole and the soul it was ripped from; and I will have my vengeance for you and your's aid in my imprisonment." At this point, his words were nearly dripping with poison, and he was caught entirely off-guard by the armed man that shoved him from his victim's form. As he fell into Johnny's arms, he was practically glowing with spite as the slaver attested to his surprise. As Johnny let him go, Nicodemus stood and spoke just loud enough for Johnny to hear;

"They don't deserve your kindness sir, they deserve stakes in their ankles and collars on their throats."
Already got this boi approved
Rikka Kishimoto & Alexander Breckenridge
@liferusher & Hagroden

Every spoon of curry that went into Rikka her mouth had to have a satisfied smile and sound with it. This was very good curry, it was mild flavored and perhaps one of the best curries she had ever gotten, that might have mostly had to with the fact that she came from a remote place instead of a city. They had two dinners in her town so she didn't even know what most of these dishes were suppose to be after having quickly scammed over them. Having chosen curry to not make it so difficult for herself she had not expected it to be better then her mom's curry. She would have cried about how good the curry was but decided not too seeing how many people were around her and didn't want to come off as a weirdo. Rikka suddenly thought back about one of the latest books she had read, it was about a food school where only the best of the bestest chefs could learn. Every dish was so good that it made them orgasm. This was one of these dishes, an explicit scene went by in her room seeing herself in one of these scenes. She blushed for a moment and shook her head not to think about it like that.

Speaking about it, Rikka turned her head a few times as she still had spoon in her mouth. Her mouth slowly opened as she timidly moved the spoon out of her mouth while it kept itself open. Everyone had left. There was no single soul left in the cafeteria. Rikka broke out a look of panic as she stood up and slammed her hands onto the table. Her head looked over twice more to see that really everyone had left. The cafeteria staff was cleaning up the food behind the counter but furthermore the cafeteria was empty. The cleaning crew had not entered yet so they couldn't be far.

Rikka hastily put her tray at the cleaning counter of the cafeteria and turned towards one of the two big doors of the cafeteria. It was one of the two she her chances were only half half. Rikka quickly stormed out of the room back into the hallway. After turning a corner she was met by the large back of one of the male characters of this roleplay. Rikka bumped against Alexander his back and was flung back onto her butt. She looked pained for a moment as she rubbed her butt but was quick to stand up on her own again and gave Alex a deep bow of apology. She gave a troubled look at Alex with her hands clasped together in front of her chest hoping that he was not hurt or the likes.

Alexander had lagged behind as the large group of students were escorted past him on the beginning of the Institute's tour. He was hoping to stay out of the way until he finished his cigarette, in an attempt to avoid the group of student's unintentional exposure to his second-hand smoke. Prior to this however, he had made momentary eye contact with the women who soon announced that breakfast was over, and the tour was beginning.

He had nearly extinguished and thrown away the butt of his cigarette when he heard quickly approaching footsteps, followed almost immediately by the form of a significantly shorter woman crashing into his back. Given how small she was comparatively, Alex barely stumbled as she recoiled off of him towards the ground. He attempted to swing around and catch her, but was far too slow and far too clumsy to do anything but fall himself. If it were not for how quickly his arms moved out below him, he likely would have fallen directly on top of her. As it were however, he had managed to brace himself, his arms planted on either side of her.

A blush nearly consumed his face as he recognized how particularly close together they had fallen, and the significantly uncouth pose they had accidentally created. He quickly righted himself and stood, offering a hand of assistance she clearly did not need, as she was already standing before him and bowing in apology. In his uncertainty of what to do, he decided it best to mimic the girl, and found himself bowing in response.

Then, as she clasped her hands in front of her chest and looked at him, Alex felt his blush pulse gently. "Are you alright?" He asked, taking precautions not to make any eye-contact. "It looked like you fell pretty hard."

Rikka swiftly moved her hands in front of her face in reaction to defending herself from the boy that was gonna crush her in matter of seconds. She firmly closed her eyes as she expected a big hit but, there didn't seem to be anything happening. Rikka slowly moved her hands away from her face again and softly opened her eyes to take a peek. She was met by two greenish eyes rather close to hers. A warm pant left her lips in terror to what was happening, her eyes widening. Rikka felt her heart beat faster, they were so close. Rikka turned her head the other way to make herself more at ease for them being so close together and waited for him to stand up first. She was quick to follow.

Some awkwardness, a bow and troubled look later they were standing one over another both blushing to what had just happened. Rikka had her head lowered but her eyes clearly directed at his lips. She felt sorry for having troubled him so much, she should at least make that clear to him. His lips parted, she followed his every lip move until he was finished. Rikka shifted her joined hands towards her lap and gave a confirming nod at him that she was fine. He spoke once more telling her that he thought it looked quite painful. Rikka tilted her head up a little bit more as she poked her hands to the front and waved them both around while she also shook her head in denying manner.

Quickly her head turned toward a bag that was hanging from her neck leaning on her hip as her hands tried to open it as quickly as possible to jank a notebook out of her bag. She opened it to the first page and wrote in it in somewhat bigger letters.

'No, no, it doesn't hurt so much. I'm fine really :)'

Rikka held up the notebook with both hands towards his head and displayed an awkward smile out from behind the notebook.

Alex tried desperately to ignore it, but he could feel her eyes on his lips and it did little to help ease the reddening of his cheeks. His face had gone so red that even the bags under his eyes were beginning to blend with the rest of his facial features, and the focus she had on his lips only amplified the amount of blood that rushed to his cheeks.

At first, nothing seemed amiss. She had nodded to confirm that she was alright, which was a common enough response, but her response to his statement caused him to raise an eyebrow. It was as she wrote that he realized why she had been staring at his lips, and his face was reddened from the embarrassment of his stupidity, rather than the situation he was in. After patiently waiting for her to finish writing, and reading what she had to say, he brought his right hand up to his face.

He pointed to the girl in front of him, then raised his eyebrows to make it clear he was asking a question. He then tapped his chin, then cheekbone with his extended finger, then pointed back to her, signing "Are you deaf?" as he spoke the words slowly, making sure his lips could easily be read.

While he wasn't fluent, his mother had been a nurse, which required her to know sign-language well enough to discuss medical issues. In their time together, she had taught Alex a fairly significant amount of general sign-language. Enough to be able to hold a conversation, at the least.

After Rikka had held out her notebook to him she was met by a few signing gestures from the boy. He was asking her if she was deaf. Rikka looked a him a little baffled from the fact he actually knew sign language. This first person she had met on this school actually knew sign language, she could jump a hole in the sky right now. Rikka her mouth opened up to a big smile as she gave two big nods towards the guy as she hastily put away her notebook in her bag again not even giving it the time to close up her bag.

She pointed at him and moved her curled hand towards her forehead touching her forehead with the tips of her fingers then rotated her hands in windmill like fashion with her index fingers out. Shaped both hands like L's with her index fingers and thumbs firstly having both L's touch before moving them to both sides in waving manner. She seemed thrilled to speak with someone else in sign laungage seeing how she was moving her hands a bit fast.

'Do you know sign language?'

Alex was momentarily stunned at how quickly she signed, she was at least four times faster than his mother had ever been. He stuck out his left arm and touched his fingertips together, then he drug the fingertips of his right hand up the top of his forearm, "Slow Down."

Taking a moment to register her movements, he used his right hand to display a sort of elongated pinch with his index finger and thumb; "A little bit."

Oh yea he wasn't a fluent signer like she had expected. Rikka showed An awkward smile at him as she rubbed the back of her head in awkward manner. She had gotten a bit too excited with having someone to talk too without any tools. It was kind of fun seeing how he was still a slow poke in signing but atleast he had taken the time to learn at least something. Rikka flashed him a bright smile with another nod before signing back at him at a slower pace.

'I can read your lips. Follow my signing. I can write too?'

Seeing how he was still an apprentice she had chosen to do short signs and even asked him to take it easy by just talking and or go back to writing instead. Rikka waited a moment for his response as she thought of her next lines. Her eyebrows jumped up as she though about how they didn't know each other's names yet.

At this, Alex shook his head no, before taking a moment to recall the signs he wished to perform. First he tapped his chest with his index finger, then he used his index finger to create a hooked shape (similar to the signed "X," although his thumb is not tucked into his palm), and bent his hand downwards at the wrist, twice. Finally, he held his left hand out with his palm facing upwards and his fingers extended, then used his right hand to mimic the action of picking something up, then, he touched the fingers of his right hand to his temple, signing; "I need to learn."

'My name is.''

She gently took his hand and wrote letters on it as she spoke them silently with her lips so that he could easily decipher what she was trying to say to him.


'What is your name?'

She let go of his hand again and asked for his name this time.

At being given her name, Alex nodded and repeated "Rikka" aloud. He then tapped his chest with an open palm, followed by making a fist with his palm facing Rikka. He then, nervously and gently, took her hand and attempted to spell his name without his fingers shaking too much. Effectively signing "My name is Alex."

His hands were incredibly soft, despite the thick calluses covering them from his work with both weapons and gardens, and noticeably warmer than most would expect. However, due to his nervousness, they were also a bit damp, which did little to help the embarrassed blush that was returning to his cheeks. After telling the girl his name, he stood there for a moment unsure of what to do, his eyes finally making contact with hers; intentionally, at least.

The boy repeated her name with her lips after she was done drawing, it was a success since he seemed to know her name now.

The boy did the same back to her, took her hand and wrote his name on her hand, it tickled an awful lot but she kept her serious attitude seeing how the boy was trembling a bit and seemed rather nervous about the whole situation, she didn't want to make him any more insecure than he already was. Rikka followed his lips while he was drawing on her hand and came to know that his name was Alex. Rikka gave a short nod that she got his name.

Rikka took his hand again that was hanging by his side and shook it while showing him a kind smile. She let go off it again a few seconds later and continued signing again.

'Are you a first year too?'

Her face showed a moment of shock when she seemed to suddenly recall something rather important, she looked further down the hallway past the boy in terror and turned her head to look behind her as well. She started signing at him rather swiftly again.

'Where did all the other students go?'

Alex was on the verge of signing back a response to her first question before he noticed the sudden look of panic on the girl's face. He watched as she looked around frantically, and a pang of anxiety rang out in his chest as he was faced with the same realization as her. There were no students anywhere to be seen, they must have gone along with the tour.

He watched her sign quickly, and although he missed at least one or two of the words, he got the general idea of what she was conveying. Looking around, he decided to use his abilities again; although this time, he doubted he would be caught.

He gestured for her to wait a moment, before closing his eyes and concentrating. The red bags under his eyes seemed to glow faintly, although it would be hard to notice given the current lighting. He reached outward, feeling around for a clusters of nerves. He felt a small cluster relatively close to him, which he assumed belonged to Rikka, as well as the occasional cluster of a worker or cleaner. Then, he found what he was looking for, an enormous sea of nerves and bodies, all packed close together. Opening his eyes, he made two fists with his thumbs pointing up, one behind the other. He moved both of his fists forward simultaneously, towards Rikka, as he spoke aloud.

"Follow me."

He waited for a moment, making sure she understood him, before him began walking towards the group of Students which were currently grouped before three buildings. He looked around for the speaker, and after locating her quickly noticed a chimera to her side, signing a translation of the speaker's monologue. Tapping Rikka's shoulder gently, he pointed the translator out; after all, he wasn't certain just how far she could accurately read lips.

With Rikka still in blind panic she almost wanted to run off to find the group of students on her own before Alex told her to give him a moment. The boy turned away from her and used some sort of magic that helped him find the group of students. Curiously Rikka tried peering at his face getting closer and closer to him. He turned back around with her being fairly close now where as she stumbled back a bit as her face showed a clear look of shock. She placed a hand on her chest and took a breath as she let out an awkward chuckle. Alex was already singing at her again and moved his lips to say that she had to follow him. Rikka seemed a little surprised at how he knew where the students were but didn't question it for now. They were back with the group again so she was happy enough that she didn't miss anything from the tour.

Once arriving they had been going at it for a bit now already, everyone was full fixated on the two at the front who seemed to be speaking about the buildings and stuff. Rikka squinted for a moment while she pushed herself up with her toes so she could look above the others but discovered that she was still way too short. It was even hard to see the face of the person talking from all the way back here. Rikka dropped down onto both feet again as she looked around for a way around the large group blocking a large portion of the area. A light tapping was annoying her shoulder. She made a swift turn looking at Alex again with a questioning look. He made her look at the person that was a bit smaller then the speaker that was obviously frantically moving their hands around to keep up with the speaking of the teacher. Rikka took a moment before a smile was put on her face. They got someone to translate for them. Fixated fully on the translator she walked around the group a bit till she could see the translator a bit better and finally could see what was being explained. Rikka turned back at Alex for a moment and displayed her gratitude.

'Thank you!'

What's the deal here guys? It's been nearly a month and the IC isn't even up. Can we not let this one die the same way as the last one? Do we know how many of the rpers still plan on playing this? Who all ia atill around??

@Illiren@liferusher@ghastlyInc@Kaesus@Jay Kalton@Queentze@pkken@HokumPocus@LordofthePies@Rekaigan@FlitterFaux

Role call guys; It's been a week since a post went up. I need to know who's still here, and who's planning on getting something posted?
Nicodemus Hathaway

So much smoke.

That was all that Nicodemus could focus on, at the very least for the time being. The last few minutes of his recently acquired control of his mind and body had been hectic, to say the least. He had broken free from the beast containing him, imprisoning him in a state of lucidity so weakened he could remember only these things; the time he had lost, and the name and face of his captor, Eld Fen. He had been released in a manner quite similar to the one he was contained in, a flash of pain so intense that the simple act of reminiscing upon it sent shivers up his spine. However this time, It wasn't the Eldritch monster that had taken control of their shared form, it was Nicodemus, and he would do whatever it took to prevent the old demon from surfacing again.

Having been lifted up by his "captor," or more aptly, savior; John Bellataire, he had stood proudly at the man's sides for several moments before multiple things began happening within moments of each other. The first in the chain of events was John giving an impromptu speech, detailing the nature of the offer the man had presented the filthy collaboration of Ashlanders. It was... a fair monologue, if one assumed it had been created on the spot, perhaps the extravagant gentlemen would allow Nicodemus to write his future speeches, after all, Nicodemus does have quite a way with words. His speech was of course accompanied by a most impressive show of force, one taking the form of a Nuclear Bomb being detonated a fair distance from the motley crew. This caused Nicodemus to feel a twinge of pride in his gut, he had clearly chosen the right person to align himself with.

Then, as he stood practically basking in the glory that was his freedom from the accursed Eld Fen, things took a turn he wasn't all too surprised about.

The Ashlanders retaliated.

First, a young girl stabbed a length of wood through the arm of one of Mr. Bellataire's employees. Then, one of the Ashlanders that had idiotically raised a gun to Johnny himself muttered a name Nicodemus hoped never to hear again, and a grave scowl crossed his face. He began to approach with a rage in his eyes that didn't match the countenance he often displayed, but then a masked man threw two grenades.

Nicodemus turned to get away from where it seemed they would land, but he was significantly slower than a thrown grenade. As such, when the flash-grenade went off, he stumbled to the ground disoriented. He looked around, his vision blurred and his balance nearly non-existent, after he began to see doubles, rather than dozens, he stood up slowly and attempted to gauge his surroundings. This however, was prevented by the smoke the second grenade had begun producing. So, terrified as he was, he stood still, not wanting to risk separating himself further from Mr. Bellataire.

Suddenly, he felt the ash-rat that had previously referred to him by the name of his demented warden collide with him, and with rage in his eyes, he used the ashlanders momentum to shove him to the ground. Within moments, Nicodemus had mounted the man, sitting on his waist and grabbing his wrists, effectively holding him down.

"Sir, I seem to have caught a rat." He shouted to Mr. Bellataire, a slight smirk on his face as he continued to hold the man down.
Alexander Breckenridge
Interacting with: @Azereiah @FlitterFaux

Alexander felt him before any of his senses picked up on the impossibly old professor's approach, the aura cast forth by Mr. Brovak was just as encapsulated in legend as his own family name. Should one have heard any of the numerous tales surrounding Brovak prior to meeting him, they would likely be able to recognize who the aura belonged to long before actually seeing the man. Not even a moment after Alexander became aware of Brovak's presence, he heard the distant, warped voice of the Professor as well as the cold, skeletal fingers of the man on his shoulder.

As Brovak's fingers fell on his shoulder, Alexander was forced to resist instinctive retaliation in the form of nerve manipulation. In situations that caused as much stress as Brovak's mere presence, Alexander had often used his magic, and it took an active amount of concentration not to do so here. After all, this predicament had been caused by Alex's instinctive use of magic, and it was doubtful that it'd help anything or anyone at this point.

After he was certain he wouldn't accidentally numb out one of the Proffesor's limbs, he turned slowly to face the man speaking to both himself, and the girl next to him, whose name was apparently Yrhen Oharra. Alexander listened silently, his expression changing once again from the kind and gentle boy his mother had fostered to the cold and harsh man his father had carved. His eyes made unyielding contact with the professor's as he spoke, and despite the growing sense of Nausea in his gut, Alexander stood straight.

Alexander listened closely as the bandaged being before him spoke, and the tightened grip Brovak gave him was met by a steely gaze as the Professor explained that Yrhen would have been within her rights to attack in a lethal retaliation, and Alexander nearly chuckled at this. He was well aware of the repercussions his actions could have incited, but he was also aware that no such repercussion would stop him from doing what he knew needed to be done, even if it could result in his death. One of his father's favorite lessons was instilling an apathy towards death in his son, and he had done a damn good job at that.

After Brovak seemed to have finished talking, Alexander took the card and placed it into the pocket of his jacket. He then turned and followed Yrhen out of the cafeteria, but he stood still just outside the door as Yrhen continued to walk away. Reaching into the "Gun-Pocket" of his jacket, he produced a soft-pack of unfiltered cigarettes, and brought one to his mouth. Returning the pack to his pocket, he retrieved an old Zippo-Style lighter from the same pocket, one that was engraved with his family crest and last name. With a gentle sigh, he lit the cigarette and began smoking the aromatic tobacco it held.
@Silvan Haven
Feel free.
Thank you
Alexander Breckenridge
Interacting with: @FlitterFaux, @ghastlyInc, and @pkken

Alex turned to face the the second individual that seemed interested in harming the small chimera, a young man who seemed to be almost equal in height and form to Alexander himself. A noticeable difference however, was that this individual seemed to be a chimera as well, evident by the slight stump of horns on his head and the tail behind him. Surprisingly, Alexander's eyes remained soft and welcoming as he listened to the boy's words.

He took a step forward, standing so close to the devil before him that he could have smelled the slight whiff of mint in Alex's breath as he spoke; words that contrasted starkly with the young man's expression.

"Lay a hand on him, and you'll forget what it feels like to have use." He stated simply, in a tone that did not match the words he had used. He had spoken as if it were nothing but an observation of the weather, rather than threaten to permanently numb someone's limbs. Alexander has a tendency to read people, whether it be their eyes or something else entirely, but he knew when intimidation would work, and when it wouldn't. So it was this way that he knew channeling the strength and intimidation that was his Father would have little effect on the Devil standing mere centimeters away from him.

Having spoke the only words he intended, and seeing the headmaster's approach, he turned from the pair of chimera's instead turning his attention to the girl that had walked away. He followed her at a pace he was familiar with, but his long strides lead to him quickly gaining on her; and before long he was practically walking next to her. He didn't speak for a few moments, instead contemplating his words. He wished this girl no Ill will, as he understood her outrage towards the smaller chimera behind him, but he also didn't wish for her to have ill intent towards himself.

"I understand why you attacked him, but I hope you can understand why I could not allow you to continue." He said, finally. He believed the statement encapsulated his current sentiment, but he did not give her time to respond before speaking again.

"He believes himself and his kin inferior, that is apparent; but lesser so is his craving to have this ideal reinforced. What use is theology without impact, after all?" He said, before pausing momentarily. "I am, truly sorry for my use of magic. If it's any sort of consolation, I would not have done it if it would have hurt you." He concluded, finally finished speaking. He had talked to more people and more frequently just in this morning than he normally did in a day, as such, insecurity began to sweep over him. But, this was not made apparent by anything more than an increasing look of exhaustion in his eyes.
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